Monsterhearts 2 Angel Skin
Monsterhearts 2 Angel Skin
Monsterhearts 2 Angel Skin
Divine, powerful, conflicted, and falling. The Angel is a divine being walking
amongst the lowly mortals of the earth, sent here with a holy purpose. As they
walk the earth in a human form, the Angel is subject to all the wonders and
heartbreaks of growing up, and must choose whether they will stay on the path
laid out for them or stray as they discover what it means to be human. The
Angel plays with themes of choice, freedom, and power dynamics.
The two stat options for the angel lean towards being either a vengeful warrior
(Volatile 2 & Cold 1) or a distant and otherworldly bystander (Cold 2 & Dark 1).
The Angel is not here to seek out pleasure, and their consistently low Hot stat
reflects that.
The Angel’s Divine Mission is to be determined before the game. Are you a
guardian angel, sent here to protect someone, or are you a soldier, fighting off
the creatures of darkness and shadow that threaten the light of this world?
Whatever you choose, the Divine Mission is meant to challenge the Angel’s faith
as the game goes on and they become more entrenched in the messiness of
At the start of the game, the Angel starts with an empty Fall meter. Though they
may be beginning to have doubts, the Angel has yet to begin their true descent
from Heaven. As the Angel spends time on earth, they will face Temptation from
the characters and the world around them. Temptation manifests as anything
that would distract the Angel and lead them away from their Divine Mission.
Maybe the Angel’s mission is to find and destroy a demonic presence at their
school, but a cute classmate wants to spend time with them when they should
be investigating. Talk with your MC ahead of time to create a basic idea of what
(or who) would Tempt your character and cause them to stray from their Divine
As your character begins to encounter Temptation and fill in points of Fall, think
The Angel
about how your character’s relationship with their divine authority and how
that might change as they begin to experience freedom and make their own
choices. Does angering their authority figure cause your character to get their
act together and try harder to be perfect, or do they throw caution to the wind
and leap into their Fall? You came here with a mission, a purpose, and you will do whatever is required
of you to accomplish it. And maybe you might offer redemption to the lowly
humans surrounding you, but only if it does not interfere with your duty. Failure
is unacceptable.
Except, there is something beautiful and wondrous about the way they grow
and change and make mistakes and love. A part of you admires, and is even
jealous of their freedom. Every choice you make, every stray step comes with a
This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by @Magicatherine consequence, but maybe there’s something, someone, worth being cast out of
Check out the game at Heaven.
Identity Angel Moves Blessings
You get Soldier of Heaven, and choose one more: Choose three Blessings that have been bestowed on you
by Heaven:
Name: Daniel, Raphael, Anna, Eyes: brilliant eyes, piercing eyes,
Gabriel, Naomi, Michael, Angela, forgiving eyes, burning eyes, cold Soldier of Heaven
Dina, Evangeline, Sophia eyes You have been given a mission, a divine purpose that Halo
guides your every step on this earth. Name your Others are struck by your radiance, and you can use
Divine Mission, and choose three blessings. When you this to your advantage. You can mark a point of Fall to
Look: radiant, proud, stoic, distant, Origin: guardian angel, punisher of act to further your Divine Mission, you can erase a add 2 to Turn Someone On.
otherworldly the wicked, missionary, soul saver, point of Fall.
vessel Divine Smite
Whenever you face Temptation, roll with Cold.
You are filled with divine fury. You can add 1 to your
On a 10 and up, your will is strong and you resist
They know you suffer a weakness and gain a
String on you. Grace
Someone has tempted you before and You lose a String on them. When you help someone else Heal, you can roll with
stretched your devotion to its limits. If someone targets your character with Turn Cold. On a 10 and up, you can remove one of their
They gain 2 Strings on you. Someone On, roll to resist Temptation before they Conditions or 1 additional Harm and take a String
make their roll. If you successfully resist Temptation, on them. On a 7-9, you can remove one of their
the other person uses Shut Someone Down instead, Conditions or 1 additional Harm and you mark a point
and rolls with Hot. of Fall.
Darkest Self Harm Gates of Heaven Guardian Angel
You’ve tried and tried to do the right Experience
You can contact your divine superior to ask for
assistance. To contact Heaven, Gaze Into the Abyss.
You can add 1 to your roll when you Lash Out Physically
to protect someone else. If protecting them goes
thing and you’ve been punished for it On a 10 and up, you may ask your divine superior a against your divine mission, mark a point of Fall. If
every step of the way. But it’s not your Add +1 to one of your stats. question and receive an answer. On a 7-9, you must it is in accordance with your divine mission, erase a
fault, how could it be your fault when Take another Angel move. fulfill a task from your divine superior before you can point of Fall.
your creator wrote your doom before Take another Angel move. receive an answer.
you ever thought of straying? And now Take the remaining Blessings Be Not Afraid
you have no choice but to fall to it. You Light in the Dark
Take a move from any Skin. Choose someone to protect. When you are with them,
suffered for others’ salvation, and while When you roll a 10 or higher against being tempted, they can add 1 to all rolls to Keep Their Cool. You can
it’s too late to save yourself, there’s still
Take a move from any Skin.
mark experience. change your protected at any point, as long as only
time to make them hurt, to make them
You belong to an Angel
one person receives the benefit at a time.
suffer as you have. You escape your Vessel
Darkest Self when someone redeems This is not your own body, but a vessel keeping your Fervent Prayer
you, or you erase all points of Fall. In
true form contained. When you die, only your vessel
your Darkest Self, you can erase a point
is destroyed, and your true form may find another
You can sacrifice a part of your divinity to answer
someone’s prayer. The MC will determine what
of Fall everytime you hurt someone vessel to inhabit. you sacrifice (Fall, strings, your angel blade, etc.) in
who you tried to save. exchange for the prayer to be answered, and if you
pay the price the wish will be fulfilled.