A Study For An Ideal Password Management System

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10 I January 2022

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

A Study for an Ideal Password Management

Shivam K. Shinde1, Mohit V. Deshpande2
1, 2
Department of Computer Engineering, Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research, Nashik, India

Abstract: The growing number of online services needs users to have control over their password management system
(generation, storage, recall). But the demand for total randomness and exclusivity of passwords is impractical in day-to-day life.
Each component of a password management system comes with its cognitive burden on a user. There are many password
management solutions available for users but every one of them has some drawbacks. Password managers have the ability to
help users manage their passwords more successfully while also addressing many of the problems about password-based
authentication. In this study, We're analyzing various previous studies regarding the effectiveness, usability, and security of
password managers of all categories. Also, we're trying to come up with an ideal set of parameters to build the best possible
password management system in 2022. This study will help to understand the key parameters and algorithms that we can use
while building the ideal password generation, storage, and recall system for the user.

A. Why Password Managers?
Entropy-based exclusive passwords from the point of security are a valid demand from many online services. But passwords that are
difficult for an attacker to guess are also hard for users to remember, users often create weaker passwords to avoid the cognitive
burden of recalling them. Unfortunately, the number of passwords a user must remember is growing, with the average Internet user
having 25 different online accounts [6]. The fact that various sites have varying complexity rules frequently mitigates exact
password repetition. Users, on the other hand, frequently employ easy tactics to get around these regulations, such as making minor
changes to a popular password (e.g., adding a 1 to the end of a password used on another site). Users often make these adjustments
using a limited set of simple guidelines, which can greatly increase an attacker's ability to guess passwords on other sites [6].
Password managers seek to tackle this problem by generating & storing passwords on a computer device rather than the user having
to do that work and then delivering(recalling) them to the user as needed [9]. Many password managers are available; some are built
into browsers, others are offered by third parties, and many are network-based, such as 1password, where credentials are backed up
to the cloud and synchronized across the user's devices [10].
When it comes to password formation, human memory focuses on familiarity and repetition, putting us open to assault. People
prefer to use the same password with personal information tacked on, according to research on building secure passwords done by
Lo (2016). When requested to change a password, for example, adding a birthdate after the original password or adding the current
month. Our minds can only carry around seven characters, so we can't store the long sequences of random characters required to be
deemed safe in our internet world (Lo, 2016). Yan, Blackwell, Anderson, and Grant (2004) found that personal features such as a
birthdate or pet's name are worthless against specific hacks in a survey of 288 college students[2]. For example, if a hacker uses a
dictionary attack to generate potential passwords using the same phrase, then variants of a password are just as simple to crack (Yan
et al., 2004)[2].

B. What is a Password Manager?

A password manager, in the most basic sense, is a tool that saves a user's credentials (i.e., username and password) to reduce the
cognitive load involved with remembering many unique login credentials. A password vault is a name given to this collection of
passwords. The vault should ideally be stored encrypted, with the encryption key most typically generated from the master
password, which is a user-chosen password. The password vault can be kept online if desired, allowing for synchronization across
several devices[1]. Most current password managers can assist users to create passwords in addition to storing user-selected
passwords. The length of the intended password, the desired character set, and any particular attributes the password should have
(e.g., at least one number and one symbol, no difficult to identify characters) are all inputs into the password generator. The
password generator generates a password at random that fits the supplied criteria.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 976
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

Many password managers additionally assist users in logging into websites by automatically picking and filling in the necessary
username and password (i.e., autofill). If a user has numerous accounts on the site, the password manager will let them choose
which account to use for autofill [1].

General working of a password manager

The inclination to utilize password managers has a mixed connection with trust. When other characteristics (such as perceived
severity, vulnerability, and so on) are taken into consideration, trust in general technology has little effect, and faith in password
managers has no impact. Individuals' threat assessments of password loss are a more major motivator of password manager adoption
than faith in technology, according to the findings. When comparing technology vs. non-technology solutions, trust is likely to play
a larger role. Password managers are used because of the perceived vulnerability and severity of password loss[3].

C. Pros & Cons of Password Manager

A password manager may provide a number of concrete benefits to the user if it is correctly configured and used.
1) It eases the load of memorizing usernames and passwords on the brain.
2) It is simple to set a unique password to each website, preventing password repetition.
3) Creating passwords that are resistant to both online and offline guessing assaults is simple.[1]
Password managers may become a single point of failure if done poorly, putting all of a user's credentials at risk. To keep passwords
safe, password managers should only fill credentials when the user has explicitly allowed the operation, the credential is mapped to
the web domain or app to be filled, and the filled credential is only visible to the mapped app or web domain [5].

D. Objectives of this Study

The primary objective of this study is to figure out what the most important components of a password management system are, and
how we can integrate the findings of other researchers' studies and methodologies to create an ideal password management system.
1) Acknowledge the importance of finding a balance between usability and security.
2) Analyze how the components of generation, storage, and recall might be strengthened.
3) Describe the best set of approaches to utilize in the generation, storage, and recall of information.


The usage of truly random password strings in existing password managers provides strong authentication. Most existing systems
provide users the choice of keeping pre-existing, non-random credentials or creating fresh random passwords at registration. If
previous passwords are saved, the method offers no additional security, just the ease of quick password retrieval[9]. While all
password managers support the same set of characters and numbers, their symbol sets were all distinct.
KeePassXC featured the most extensive symbol set, including all ordinary ASCII symbols (excluding space) as well as the extended
ASCII symbol set. Other than space, KeePassX and Dashlane support the regular ASCII symbol set, but not the expanded ASCII
symbol set. Only 19 ASCII symbols are supported by 1Password, whereas the other systems only accept 8 or fewer symbols. The
strength of created passwords is significantly reduced when the symbol set is limited. Almost all passwords with a length of 12 or
more were determined to be sufficiently secure to survive both online and offline guessing attempts[1].

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 977
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

Password Supported Default Symbol Set

Manager Lengths Length

KeePassX 3-64 16 !"#$%&'()*


KeePassX 1-128 16 !"#$%&'()*

C +,-

1Password 8-50 20 !#%)*+,-


Bitwarden 5-128 14 !#$%&*@


Dashlane 4-28 12 !"#$%&'()*


LastPass 4-100 12 !#$%&*@


The significance of these password generator functions in terms of maximizing the security of their passwords and so assisting them
in remaining secure on the internet by generating 'lengthy and complicated' passwords[4]. We looked at unpredictability and
guessability as indicators of its quality. There is no method to verify that a pseudorandom generator is indistinguishable from
random, as far as we know.


The second step of the password manager's lifecycle is password storage.AES-256 is used to encrypt the databases of both app-
based and extension-based password managers. App-based and extension-based password managers have greatly improved their
ability to secure metadata. All metadata is encrypted in both KeePassX and KeePassXC. Most metadata is encrypted by extension-
based password managers, but at least one component is not. An attacker might view or modify extension settings in 1Password X
since they are stored in plaintext. Security-related options include whether auto-lock is enabled, the default password generating
settings, and whether or not to display notifications. While Dashlane encrypts website URLs, it does not encrypt the website icons it
connects with those URLs, making it possible for an attacker to deduce which websites a user has accounts. The email address used
to log in to the password manager is leaked by all extension-based password managers[1].

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 978
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

Password Location of Encryption

Manager Storage

1Password Local Device AES 256-bit


Lastpass Own Cloud AES 256-bit


Dashlane Local & Cloud AES 256-bit


The encryption key is referred to as the user's master key if the password manager enables credential encryption. LastPass, for
example, use JavaScript to decrypt and encrypt the user's credential database with a key obtained from the user's master username
and password[7]. By combining a master secret with domain names to dynamically create per-domain passwords, several systems
exist for strengthening user passwords (and eliminating direct password reuse)[8].


Password managers utilize a variety of approaches to recall and autofill passwords, such as app-based password managers that
generate a local duplicate of cloud data and encrypt it with a master password. Extension-based databases also create a local copy
that is password-protected. When the device or autofill service manager generates an autofill request after the local database has
been populated. The password manager decrypts the vault locally before decrypting the relevant autofill password. On both iOS and
Android, autofill frameworks are available. The app extensions framework and the Password AutoFill framework are both available
on iOS. The autofill service is available on Android. Autofill frameworks for browsers and other apps loaded on mobile devices are
provided by smartphone operating systems. These frameworks are meant to interface with password managers to enable safe and
useful autofill for browsers and other apps installed on mobile devices[5].
If a password manager autofill passwords without prompting the user, the user's password can be stolen without them even knowing
it by visiting a hacked website. As a result, user engagement should be necessary before autofill takes place. User participation is
required by default in KeePassXC, Bitwarden, and RoboForm, although it may be deactivated. Dashlane, Lastpass, and Firefox all
default to auto-filling passwords without user input, however, there is an option to force user input. User credentials are always
auto-filled in Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Opera. While having the option to demand user interaction[1]. Several autofill
rules can have devastating implications, allowing a remote network attacker to retrieve several passwords from a user's password
manager without requiring the user's participation[10].
Regardless of user participation, auto-filling passwords within iframes are extremely risky. Clickjacking, for instance, can be used to
deceive users into giving the required user input for auto-filling their credentials, allowing an attacker to obtain passwords for
susceptible websites loaded in an iframe (same-origin or cross-origin). Worse than that, if autofill is enabled for cross-domain
iframes and no user involvement is necessary, the attacker may automatically collect the user's credentials for any website where a
network injection or XSS attack can be performed (by loading hacked webpages into iframes)[1].

When it comes to password generation, storage, and recall, there are a variety of approaches. Even randomly weak passwords are
likely to be immune to online and offline assaults, therefore choosing passwords of adequate length is still desirable. According to
our study, the length of resistance to online assaults is 10 and the length of resilience to offline attacks is 18. When it comes to
storing local databases and information, AES-256 is the industry standard. For recalling data security and accessibility are provided
by OS-based mobile autofill frameworks, and all frameworks need user engagement prior to autofill. Furthermore, iOS password
autofill encrypts the autofill process for native UI components in apps completely. Localstorage with master password encryption is
considered the best approach in web extensions.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 979
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at www.ijraset.com

[1] Oesch, Sean, and Scott Ruoti. "That Was Then, This Is Now: A Security Evaluation of Password Generation, Storage, and Autofill in Browser-Based Password
Managers." USENIX Security Symposium. 2020
[2] Gallagher, Elizabeth A. "Choosing the Right Password Manager." Serials Review 45.1-2 (2019): 84-87
[3] Ayyagari, Ramakrishna, Jaejoo Lim, and Olger Hoxha. "Why Do Not We Use Password Managers? A Study on the Intention to Use Password Managers."
Contemporary Management Research 15.4 (2019): 227-245
[4] Alkaldi, Nora, and Karen Renaud. "Why do people adopt, or reject, smartphone password managers?." (2016)
[5] Oesch, Sean, Anuj Gautam, and Scott Ruoti. "The Emperor's New Autofill Framework: A Security Analysis of Autofill on iOS and Android." arXiv preprint
arXiv:2104.10017 (2021)
[6] Das, Anupam, et al. "The tangled web of password reuse." NDSS. Vol. 14. No. 2014. 2014
[7] Chiasson, Sonia, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Robert Biddle. "A Usability Study and Critique of Two Password Managers." USENIX Security Symposium. Vol.
15. 200
[8] Chatterjee, Rahul, et al. "Cracking-resistant password vaults using natural language encoders." 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. IEEE, 2015
[9] Karole, Ambarish, Nitesh Saxena, and Nicolas Christin. "A comparative usability evaluation of traditional password managers." International Conference on
Information Security and Cryptology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010
[10] Silver, David, et al. "Password managers: Attacks and defenses." 23rd {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 14). 2014

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 980

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