Digital Locker Authorized Partner API Specification v1.11
Digital Locker Authorized Partner API Specification v1.11
Digital Locker Authorized Partner API Specification v1.11
Version 1.11
February 2021
Revision History
Version Date Comments
0.1 03/03/2017 Released draft version.
0.2 29/03/2017 Changed Upload File API parameters.
0.3 18/04/2017 Removed Content-Length parameter from Upload File API.
0.4 19/05/2017 Added error codes for APIs.
0.5 07/07/2017 Added support for signup flow and invalidate token APIs.
0.6 17/08/2017 Added APIs for limited input devices.
0.7 15/01/2018 Internal Release for UMANG
0.8 27/06/2018 Refresh Token for limited input devices.
0.9 20/08/2018 Updated Get Device Code API for Limited Input Devices to
accept mobile number.
1.0 25/09/2018 Added Pull Document APIs
1.1 12/10/2018 Added Verify Account API
1.2 16/10/2018 Updated Pull Document API to return URI.
Change authentication of Issuer, Document and Parameter APIs.
1.3 07/12/2018 Added provision to accept trusted mobile number in Get
Authorization Code sign up flow. Added provision to skip
demographic authentication in demographic authentication sign
up API
1.4 12/04/2019 Added API to provide DigiLocker Id and user details.
Added provision to provide certificate data in machine readable
1.5 17/06/2019 Updated Verify Account API to return digilockerid.
1.6 14/07/2019 Added DigiLocker Id and user details in Get Access Token
Added Get Statistics API to get general DigiLocker statistics.
Added doctype in Get List of Issued Documents API response.
Added issuerid in the response of Get List of Issued Documents
API and Get List of Issuers API.
1.7 12/03/2020 Added eaadhaar indicator in token and Get User Detail API.
Added Get e-Aadhaar Data in XML Format API.
Updated Sign Up API to provide access token if account already
exists. The API will not throw any error if account already exists
for a give Aadhaar.
1.8 25/03/2020 Updated Get Authorization Code and Get Access Token APIs to
support Proof Key for Code Exchange protocol for better
1.9 01/09/2020 Added new version of Get e-Aadhaar Data in XML Format API.
The format of e-Aadhaar XML has been updated in this version.
1.10 10/12/2020 Added reference_key in token and Get User Detail API response.
Added new_account field in Get Access Token response.
1.11 16/02/2021 Updated Get e-Aadhaar Data in XML Format API to version 3.
Authorized Partner API Specification
Table of Contents
Revision History....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Authorization APIs (For Server Side Web Applications)......................................................................... 3
Get Authorization Code .................................................................................................................................... 3
Get Access Token ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Refresh Access Token ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Authorization APIs (For Limited Input Devices) ........................................................................................ 9
Get Device Code ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Get Access Token ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Token Revocation API ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Revoke Token .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Account Detail API ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Get User Details ................................................................................................................................................ 13
File APIs.................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Get List of Self Uploaded Documents ....................................................................................................... 14
Get List of Issued Documents ...................................................................................................................... 16
Get File from URI .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Get Certificate Data in XML Format from URI ...................................................................................... 20
Get e-Aadhaar Data in XML Format .......................................................................................................... 21
Upload File to Locker ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Pull Document ................................................................................................................................................... 24
DigiLocker Sign up APIs using Aadhaar Demographic Authentication .......................................... 26
SIGN UP ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Verify OTP ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
DigiLocker Meta APIs.......................................................................................................................................... 31
Get List of Issuers............................................................................................................................................. 31
Get List of Documents Provided by an Issuer....................................................................................... 34
Get Search Parameters for a Document .................................................................................................. 35
Verify Account ................................................................................................................................................... 37
Push URI to Account ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Get Statistics....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
response_type (required) Provide the grant type requested, either token or code
Authorized Partner API Specification
client_id (required) Provide the app id/client id that was created during the
application registration process.
redirect_uri (required ) The URI to redirect the user after authorization has
completed. This must be the exact URI registered in the DigiLoker Partner Portal. A
redirect URI is required for the token flow, but optional for the code flow.
state (required ) This is your application specific data that will be passed back
to your application through redirect_uri.
code_challenge (optional but recommended for server based client applications,
required for mobile client applications) A unique random string called code
verifier (code_verifier) is created by the client application for every authorization
request. A code_verifier is a high-entropy cryptographic random string created using
the unreserved characters [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~", with a minimum
length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters. The code_verifier
should have enough entropy to make it impractical to guess the value.
The code_challenge sent as this parameter is the Base64URL (
encoded SHA256 hash of the code verifier.
code_challenge = base64_url_encode_without_padding(sha256(code_verifier))
Authorized Partner API Specification
Since /oauth2/1/authorize is a website, there is no direct return value. However, once a
user successfully authorizes your app, the DigiLocker application will forward the flow to
your redirect URI. The type of response varies based on the response_type.
If the response_type parameter is passed as code then the following parameters are
returned in the query string:
code The authorization code, which can be used to attain a bearer token by
calling the Get Access Token API.
state This is application specific data, if any, originally passed
to /oauth2/1/authorize
If the response_type parameter is passed as token then the following parameters are
returned in the query string:
access_token The access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
scope Scope of the token.
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching redirection URI, or if the client
identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response.
If the resource owner denies the access request or if the request fails for reasons other than
a missing or invalid redirection URI, the following parameters will be included in the
redirect URI:
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
code(required) The code acquired by directing users
to /oauth2/1/authorize?response_type=code.
grant_type(required) The grant type, which must be authorization_code.
client_id (required) If credentials are passed in POST parameters, this parameter
should be present and should be the app key/client id.
client_secret (required) If credentials are passed in POST parameters, this
parameter should be present and should be the app's secret.
redirect_uri(required) Only used to validate that it matches the
original /oauth2/authorize, not used to redirect again.
code_verifier(required if code_challenge parameter is passed in authorization
request) The code_verifier created during authorization request. This parameter is
mandatory for mobile client applications.
A JSON string containing following fields will be returned in response:
access_token The access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
scope Scope of the token.
refresh_token The refresh token used to refresh the above access token when it
expires. Please refer to Refresh Access Token API for more details.
digilockerid A unique 36 character DigiLocker Id of the user account.
name The name of the user as registered with DigiLocker.
dob This is date of birth of the user as registered with DigiLocker in DDMMYYYY
gender This is gender of the user as registered with DigiLocker. The possible
values are M, F, T for male, female and transgender respectively.
eaadhaar This indicates whether eAadhaar data is available for this account.
Possible values are Y and N.
new_account This indicates whether the user’s account existed earlier or the user
signed up on DigiLocker during the authorization code flow. Possible values are Y
and N.
reference_key This is DigiLocker account reference key. This is used only as a
transient reference for tracing.
Sample Response:
"access_token": "bc125c212a4b03a9a188a858be5a163f379e878a",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "a47ab18c593703e4f83a274694db7422a8cfcb8f",
Authorized Partner API Specification
"digilockerid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "Sunil Kumar",
"dob": "31121970",
"gender": "M",
"eaadhaar": "Y",
"new_account": "Y",
The authorization server responds with an HTTP status code as follows:
Code Description
400 Bad request.
401 If the access token is expired or has been revoked by DigiLocker user.
Production Environment:
access_token The new access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
"access_token": "11d539dafa5e6b11fe39a5ec266f32c902895485",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "780506388c6425e551520316bfee16139c200103",
"digilockerid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "Sunil Kumar",
"dob": "31121970",
"gender": "M",
"eaadhaar": "Y",
If the request fails due to missing, invalid, or mismatching parameters, the flow will result in
error response. The following parameters will be included in the redirect URI:
"error_description":"The grant_type parameter is invalid"
Authorized Partner API Specification
When a user decides to use the DigiLocker application from a limited input device that
supports DigiLocker APIs, the device first accepts the DigiLocker username of the user. The
device calls the DigiLocker API to get the device code for by providing the client_id provided
to the device OEM and the username of the user. DigiLocker responds with a device code
and then sends an OTP on the mobile number and email address associated with the user’s
account. The user enters the OTP on the device. The device then sends the device code and
OTP to DigiLocker. DigiLocker validates the device code and the OTP and responds with the
access token that can be used to access DigiLocker APIs.
The client device calls the DigiLocker API to get the device code by providing the client_id
issued to the device OEM and either the username or the mobile number of the user.
DigiLocker responds with a device code and then sends an OTP on the mobile number and
email address associated with the user’s account. The masked mobile number and email
address is also sent in response. The device should use these values to notify the users
about the mobile and email address on which the OTP has been sent.
Production Environment:
response_type (required) The parameter must be set to device_code.
client_id (required) Provide the app id/client id that was created during the
application registration process.
dl_username (optional) DigiLocker username of the user. The client device
accepts the username on the device from user and sends the username in this
parameter. Either the username or the mobile number must be provided.
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
"device_code": "74tq5miHKB",
"dl_masked_mobile": "XXXX XXX 1234",
"dl_masked_email": "",
"expires_in": 600
If the request fails due to missing, invalid, or mismatching parameters, the flow will result in
error response. The following parameters will be included in the redirect URI:
"error_description":"The dl_username parameter is invalid"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
A JSON string containing following fields will be returned in reponse:
access_token The access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
scope Scope of the token.
refresh_token The refresh token used to refresh the above access token when it
expires. This will value will be returned only in case of web applications and not be
returned for limited input devices. Please refer to Refresh Access Token API for
more details.
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
"access_token": "bc125c212a4b03a9a188a858be5a163f379e878a",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "ad6f4004cc3e53f56bda391fe485fc4d32928061"
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
The authorization server responds with HTTP status code 200 if the token has been
revoked successfully or if the client submitted an invalid token. Invalid tokens do not cause
an error response. An invalid token type hint value is ignored by the authorization server
and does not influence the revocation response.
Production Environment:
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authorized Partner API Specification
"digilockerid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "Sunil Kumar",
"dob": "31121970",
"gender": "M",
"eaadhaar": "Y",
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"
File APIs
File APIs allow your application to get the meta-data about issued and uploaded documents
in user’s DigiLocker. It allows downloading of a file from issued and uploaded documents. It
also allows uploading of a file in uploaded document section of user’s account.
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
"name":"My Documents",
"date":" 2015-05-12T15:50:38Z",
"uri": "",
"description": "",
Authorized Partner API Specification
"issuer": ""
"date":" 2015-05-12T15:50:38Z",
"uri": "",
"description": "Income Certificate",
"issuer": ""
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching redirection URI, or if the client
identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response.
If the request fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
"error_description":"The folder does not exist"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
Sample Response:
"name":"Class XII Marksheet",
"date":" 2015-05-12T15:50:38Z",
"uri": "",
"doctype": "HSCER",
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching redirection URI, or if the client
identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response.
If the request fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
"error":" partner_service_unresponsive ",
"error_description":"Internal server error"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching redirection URI, or if the client
identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response.
If the request fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
Returns XML file containing certificate data in the response body.
If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching redirection URI, or if the client
identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response.
If the request fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
"error_description":"URI parameter missing"
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the client identifier is missing or invalid, the flow will result in error response with
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
"error_description":"URI parameter missing"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
Returns meta-data about the uploaded document in JSON format containing following fields
in response:
If the request fails for reasons other than a missing or invalid redirection URI,
corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the following parameters in
the response:
Authorized Partner API Specification
"error_description":"Content-Type parameter is missing"
Pull Document
This API allows a client application to search a document/certificate from issuer’s
repository using the parameters provided by a user. The searched document is saved in
user’s issued document section of DigiLocker if the search is successful.
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
consent The consent indicator from the user for sharing his Aadhaar details with
the issuer for pulling the document into his/her DigiLocker. The Partner Application
must capture the consent from the user. The possible values are “Y” and “N”. The
pull request will be processed only when this indicator is “Y”. The client application
must display following consent text to the user and capture user’s consent:
I provide my consent to share my Aadhaar Number, Date of Birth and Name from my
Aadhaar eKYC information with the <Issuer Name> for the purpose of fetching my <
Certificate Name> into DigiLocker.
The <Issuer Name> in above text will be replaced by the name of the issuer as
returned in Get List of Issuers API. The <Certificate Name> will be replaced by the
description returned in Get List of Documents API.
Sample Response:
"uri": ""
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"
Authorized Partner API Specification
The sign up process in scenario one is a two step process and requires two API calls. The
first API accepts user’s mobile number, Aadhaar number, name as in Aadhaar, date of birth
as in Aadhaar and gender. It first validates the Aadhaar details using demographic
Authorized Partner API Specification
authentication provided by UIDAI. If the validation succeeds, it sends an OTP on the mobile
number provided by the user. The second API is to verify the OTP. Once the OTP verification
is successful, user account is created. The user can subsequently login to DigiLocker using
the mobile number provided and OTP verification.
The sign up process in scenario two in one step process and requires call to only the first
API. Once the validations are successful, user account is created in DigiLocker. The user can
subsequently login to DigiLocker using the mobile number provided and OTP verification.
These APIs do not require user’s authorization using OAuth flow as they do not access
information from user’s account. These APIs can be accessed using the Client Secret Key
provided to your application from the DigiLocker Partner’s Portal.
This API is used to validate Aadhaar details and verify the mobile number by generating an
OTP. This API call, if successful, will be followed by verify OTP call by the partner
application if the user is online or available to perform OTP validation as indicated in
verification parameter.
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
uid This is the Aadhaar number of the user to sign up for DigiLocker account.
name This is name of the user as mentioned in Aadhaar.
dob This is date of birth of the user as mentioned in Aadhaar in DDMMYYYY
gender This is gender of the user as mentioned in Aadhaar. The possible
values are M, F, T for male, female and transgender respectively.
mobile This is mobile number of the user.
verification The parameter indicates whether the mobile number provided above
should be validated by DigiLocker. If this parameter is ‘Y’, the DigiLocker sends an
OTP to verify the mobile number. In this case the client application will call the
second API to validate the OTP. The user will be signed on only after successful OTP
validation. This flow should be used when the user account is created by user
himself/herself or the user is present to provide the OTP. If this parameter is ‘N’, the
user account will be created without OTP validation. The OTP validation will be
performed when the user signs in for the first time in DigiLocker. This flow should
be used when the user account needs to be created in the absence of the user.
demoauth The parameter indicates whether Aadhaar demographic authentication
must be successful for creating DigiLocker account. The possible values are ‘Y’ and
‘N’. The value of ‘Y’ will perform Aadhaar demographic authentication and will
Authorized Partner API Specification
return errors if any in response. The value of ‘N’ will also perform Aadhaar
demographic authentication but will return any error in case of authentication
failure. It will create a basic mobile based account for the user. Value ‘N’ should be
used when the user account needs to be created in the absence of the user.
consent The consent indicator from the user for performing demographic
authentication using Aadhaar details. This Partner Application must capture the
user consent for performing the Aadhaar demographic authentication. The possible
values are ‘Y’ and ‘N’. The sign up request will be processed only when this indicator
is ‘Y’.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, uid, name, dob,
gender, mobile, verification, demoauth, consent and ts parameters above
concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, uid, name, dob, gender, mobile,
verification, demoauth, consent, ts). The hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to
ensure the data integrity and authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key
generated during the application registration process on Partners Portal as the
client secret.
If verification parameter is ‘N’ and the all validations are successful, user account will be
created and HTTP status code 200 will be returned along with a JSON string containing
following fields in response:
access_token The access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
scope Scope of the token.
refresh_token The refresh token used to refresh the above access token when it
expires. Please refer to Refresh Access Token API for more details.
Sample Response:
"access_token": "bc125c212a4b03a9a188a858be5a163f379e878a",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "a47ab18c593703e4f83a274694db7422a8cfcb8f"
If verification parameter is ‘Y’, a JSON string containing following fields will be returned in
mobile The masked mobile number of the user on which the OTP has been
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
"mobile": "******3712"
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Aadhaar number missing"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Verify OTP
This API is used to verify the OTP sent by DigiLocker during the sign up API call above.
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
mobile This is the mobile number of the user provided in the sign up API.
otp The OTP provided by the user.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, mobile, otp and
ts parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, mobile,
otp, ts). The hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity and
authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated during the
application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
If the OTP validation succeeds, HTTP status code 200 will be returned along with a JSON
string containing following fields in response:
access_token The access token that can be used to call the DigiLocker APIs.
expires_in The duration in seconds for which the access token is valid.
token_type The type of token which will always be Bearer.
scope Scope of the token.
refresh_token The refresh token used to refresh the above access token when it
expires. Please refer to Refresh Access Token API for more details.
Sample Response:
Authorized Partner API Specification
"access_token": "bc125c212a4b03a9a188a858be5a163f379e878a",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "a47ab18c593703e4f83a274694db7422a8cfcb8f"
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"The OTP is invalid."
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid and ts
parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, ts). The
hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity and
authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated during the
application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
Returns HTTP status code 200 along with a JSON list of issuers containing following fields:
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"name":"Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi",
"category":"Education,Central Government",
"description":"CBSE ( is issuing
marksheets, passing certificates, migration
certificates etc. through DigiLocker. These are either
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
orgid The organization id of the issuer in DigiLocker. The API will return the list of
document types issued by this issuer. This organization id can be found in the issuer
information returned in Get List of Issuers API mentioned earlier. This parameter is
sent as a part of the url.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, orgid and ts
parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, orgid, ts).
The hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity and
authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated during the
application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
Returns HTTP status code 200 along with a JSON list of document types in the response. The
JSON containing following fields:
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"description":"Income Certificate"
"description":"Birth Certificate"
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
orgid The organization id for the issuer in DigiLocker. This organization id is
returned in Get List of Issuers API mentioned earlier.
doctype A 5 character unique document type provided by DigiLocker. The doctype
is returned in Get List of Documents API mentioned earlier.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, orgid, doctype
and ts parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, orgid,
doctype, ts). The hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity
and authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated during the
application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
Returns HTTP status code 200 along with a JSON list of parameters in the response. The
parameter list contains following fields:
label The text label of the parameter. This can be used by the calling application as
a label for the input field that accepts the parameter from the user.
paramname The name of the parameter. This field will be used as the parameter
name while calling the Pull Document API.
valuelist If the parameter takes a value from a set of possible values
(dropdown) then this field will provide a comma separated list of values. Otherwise
this field will be null.
example An example of the input value. This can be used by the calling
application to show an example of the input value to the user.
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"label":"Roll Number",
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"
Verify Account
This API can be used to verify whether a mobile number or Aadhaar number is already
registered with DigiLocker.
Production Environment:
Authorized Partner API Specification
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
uid This is the Aadhaar number of the user. DigiLocker will check whether an
account exists for this Aadhaar number. Either uid or mobile is required to verify
whether an account exists.
mobile This is the mobile number of the user. DigiLocker will check whether
an account exists for this mobile number. Either uid or mobile is required to verify
whether an account exists.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, uid/mobile and
ts parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid,
uid/mobile, ts). The hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data
integrity and authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated
during the application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
The API returns following fields in response:
Sample Response:
"registered": "true",
"digilockerid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error":"invalid_parameter ",
"error_description":"Timestamp parameter is missing or invalid"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
digilockerid This is the DigiLocker Id of the user that was acquired using Get User
Details API.
uri This is the unique identifier of the document.
doctype A 5 character unique document type provided by DigiLocker.
description The descriptive name of the document type.
docid A unique number of the document. This id will be unique within the document
type issued by the issuer.
issuedate The issue date of the document in DDMMYYYY format.
validfrom(optional) The date from which the document is valid in DDMMYYYY
format. This may be same as the issue date.
validto(optional) The expiry date of the document in DDMMYYYY format.
Authorized Partner API Specification
action Action that needs to be taken for the Aadhaar number and URI
combination. Possible values are A for adding a new URI, U for updating an already
added URI details or D for deleting the URI.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid, digilockerid,
uri, doctype, description, docid, issuedate, validfrom, validto, action and ts parameters
above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, digilockerid, uri, doctype,
description, docid, issuedate, validfrom, validto, action, ts). The hmac parameter is
used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity and authentication of the request.
Use the Client Secret Key generated during the application registration process on
Partners Portal as the client secret.
If the API call succeeds, HTTP status code 200 will be returned. This API does not return any
specific values.
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error":"invalid_parameter ",
"error_description":"Timestamp parameter is missing or invalid"
Authorized Partner API Specification
Get Statistics
Returns DigiLocker statistics such as the count of users, authentic documents, issuers and
requesters as on a specific date.
Production Environment:
clientid Provide the client id that was created during the application
registration process on Partners Portal.
ts Provide a timestamp value in UNIX (or POSIX) format in IST time zone in
seconds. This timestamp value must not be older than 30 minutes.
hmac Provide SHA-256 encrypted value of the client secret, clientid and ts
parameters above concatenated in this sequence (client secret, clientid, ts). The
hmac parameter is used by DigiLocker to ensure the data integrity and
authentication of the request. Use the Client Secret Key generated during the
application registration process on Partners Portal as the client secret.
Returns HTTP status code 200 along with a count of various parameters in JSON format as
Authorized Partner API Specification
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authorized Partner API Specification
If the request fails, corresponding HTTP status code will be returned along with the
following parameters in the response:
"error_description":"Internal server error"