CAN Communication Specification For FMS: 22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

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CAN Communication Specification for FMS

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
2 (86)

Contents Page

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
2 Communication specification...................................................................................... 4
2.1 Name extensions ....................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Message summary .................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Denominations .......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Network: ExtFMS ....................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Received messages: PDU1, Destination Address; 0xFF / Global / FF ............ 9 TP_CM (Transport Protocol - Connection Mgmt) - FMS -> FF .......................... 9 TP_DT (Transport Protocol - Data Transfer) - FMS -> FF ............................... 11
2.4.2 Received messages: PDU2 ............................................................................... 12 AIR1 (Air Supply Pressure) - APS .................................................................... 12 AIR1 (Air Supply Pressure) - FMS .................................................................... 13 AlternatorSpeed (Alternator Speed) - FMS ...................................................... 14 AmbientConditions (Ambient Conditions) - FMS .............................................. 15 AmbientConditions (Ambient Conditions) - K ................................................... 16 ASC4 (Air Suspension Control 4) - F ................................................................ 17 ASC4 (Air Suspension Control 4) - FMS .......................................................... 18 AT1T1I (Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank 1 Information) - FMS ..... 19 CruiseControlVehSpeed (Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - E .......................... 22 CruiseControlVehSpeed (Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - FMS ..................... 25 CVW (Combination Vehicle Weight) - FMS ...................................................... 28 DashDisplay (Dash Display) - CMS .................................................................. 29 DashDisplay (Dash Display) - FMS .................................................................. 30 DI_cyclic (Driver's Identification) - FMS ............................................................ 31 DoorControl1 (Door Control 1) - FMS ............................................................... 32 DoorControl1 (Door Control 1) - Unknown ....................................................... 34 DoorControl2 (Door Control 2) - FMS ............................................................... 36 DoorControl2 (Door Control 2) - Unknown ....................................................... 40 EEC1 (Electronic Engine Controller 1) - E ........................................................ 44 EEC1 (Electronic Engine Controller 1) - FMS .................................................. 46 EEC2 (Electronic Engine Controller 2) - E ........................................................ 48 EEC2 (Electronic Engine Controller 2) - FMS .................................................. 50 EngineHoursRevolutions (Engine Hours, Revolutions) - E .............................. 52 EngineHoursRevolutions (Engine Hours, Revolutions) - FMS ......................... 53 EngineTemp (Engine Temperature 1) - E......................................................... 54 EngineTemp (Engine Temperature 1) - FMS ................................................... 55 ERC1 (Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - FMS ............................................... 56 ERC1 (Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - RD .................................................. 58 ETC2 (Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - FMS ........................................ 60 ETC2 (Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - T .............................................. 61 FMSStandardInterface (FMS-standard Interface Identity/Capabilities) - FMS . 62 FuelConsumption (Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - E .......................................... 63 FuelConsumption (Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS ..................................... 64 FuelEconomy (Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - E ....................................................... 65 FuelEconomy (Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - FMS ................................................. 66 HiResVehicleDist (High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - FMS .......................... 67 HiResVehicleDist (High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - TCO .......................... 68
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CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
3 (86) HRLFC (High Resolution Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS ........................... 69 ServiceInformation (Service Information) - FMS .............................................. 70 TCO1 (Tachograph) - FMS ............................................................................... 71 TCO1 (Tachograph) - TCO ............................................................................... 74 TelltaleStatus (Telltale Status) - FMS ............................................................... 77 TelltaleStatus (Telltale Status) - ICL ................................................................. 80 TimeDate (Time/Date) - FMS ........................................................................... 83 TimeDate (Time/Date) - ICL ............................................................................. 84 VehicleId_10000 (Vehicle Identification 10000ms) - FMS ................................ 85 VehicleWeight_1000 (Vehicle Weight 1000ms) - FMS..................................... 86

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1 Introduction

2 Communication specification

Protocol used:
SAE J1939, ISO 11898 on network "ExtFMS".

Data length code and unspecified bits in the PGN data field
All transmitted CAN messages shall have the data length code (DLC) set to
8 bytes, unless other specified.

This CAN specification only lists the data field bits and bytes that have parameter assignments. Any bits of the
PGN data field that are not assigned to a parameter are not shown, but shall be accounted for as unspecified. All
unspecified bits within the transmitted message data length must be filled with a value of one (1). The unspecified
bits are available for assignment to parameters at some future time.

CAN message priority bits

The three CAN message priority bits are used to optimize message latency for transmission onto the bus only.
They should be globally masked off by the receiver (ignored). The priority of any received message can be from
highest, 0 (0002), to lowest, 7 (1112). The priority used for transmit messages should at all times be as specified in
this document.
For signals which have ranges for the parameter value Error, this range is represented with the first valid value in
the range (i.e. for a 2 byte signal the Error range 0xFExx (65024 – 65279) the Error value would be 0xFE00). This
corresponds to current implementation practices.
For signals which have ranges for the parameter value Not Available/Not Requested, this is represented with the
last valid value in the range (i.e. for a 2 byte signal the Not Available range 0xFFxx (65280 – 65535) the Not
Available value would be 0xFFFF). This thus corresponds to a not implemented signal.
If not specified the ranges staring at 2 byte values FB00 and FC00 and corresponding, are assumed not to be used
and ranges to follow J1939 standard definitions

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2.1 Name extensions

Extensions for messages sent to/from more than one device:

Extension From To
APS 0x30 (Air Processing System)
CMS 0x47 (Chassis management
E 0x00 (Engine)
F 0x2F (Suspension
FMS 0x25 (Fleet Management
FMS -> FF 0x25 (Fleet Management 0xFF (Global)
ICL 0x17 (Instrument Cluster)
K 0x27 (Coordinator)
RD 0x10 (Retarder)
T 0x03 (Gearbox)
TCO 0xEE (Tachograph)
Unknown 0xFE (Unknown port)

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2.2 Message summary

Message Send Receive

Messages on network "ExtFMS"

Received messages: PDU1, Destination Address; 0xFF / Global / FF

TP_CM(Transport Protocol - Connection Mgmt) - FMS -> FF 18ECFF25

TP_DT(Transport Protocol - Data Transfer) - FMS -> FF 18EBFF25
Received messages: PDU2

AIR1(Air Supply Pressure) - APS 18FEAE30

AIR1(Air Supply Pressure) - FMS 18FEAE25
AlternatorSpeed(Alternator Speed) - FMS 18FED525
AmbientConditions(Ambient Conditions) - FMS 18FEF525
AmbientConditions(Ambient Conditions) - K 18FEF527
ASC4(Air Suspension Control 4) - F 18FE582F
ASC4(Air Suspension Control 4) - FMS 18FE5825
AT1T1I(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank 1 18FE5625
Information) - FMS
CruiseControlVehSpeed(Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - E 18FEF100
CruiseControlVehSpeed(Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - FMS 18FEF125
CVW(Combination Vehicle Weight) - FMS 18FE7025
DashDisplay(Dash Display) - CMS 18FEFC47
DashDisplay(Dash Display) - FMS 18FEFC25
DI_cyclic(Driver's Identification) - FMS 18ECFF25
DoorControl1(Door Control 1) - FMS 18FE4E25
DoorControl1(Door Control 1) - Unknown 18FE4EFE
DoorControl2(Door Control 2) - FMS 18FDA525
DoorControl2(Door Control 2) - Unknown 18FDA5FE
EEC1(Electronic Engine Controller 1) - E 0CF00400
EEC1(Electronic Engine Controller 1) - FMS 0CF00425
EEC2(Electronic Engine Controller 2) - E 0CF00300
EEC2(Electronic Engine Controller 2) - FMS 0CF00325
EngineHoursRevolutions(Engine Hours, Revolutions) - E 18FEE500
EngineHoursRevolutions(Engine Hours, Revolutions) - FMS 18FEE525
EngineTemp(Engine Temperature 1) - E 18FEEE00
EngineTemp(Engine Temperature 1) - FMS 18FEEE25
ERC1(Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - FMS 18F00025
ERC1(Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - RD 18F00010
ETC2(Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - FMS 18F00525
ETC2(Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - T 18F00503
FMSStandardInterface(FMS-standard Interface 1CFDD125
Identity/Capabilities) - FMS
FuelConsumption(Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - E 18FEE900
FuelConsumption(Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS 18FEE925

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Message Send Receive

FuelEconomy(Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - E 18FEF200

FuelEconomy(Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - FMS 18FEF225
HiResVehicleDist(High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - FMS 18FEC125
HiResVehicleDist(High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - TCO 18FEC1EE
HRLFC(High Resolution Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS 18FD0925
ServiceInformation(Service Information) - FMS 18FEC025
TCO1(Tachograph) - FMS 0CFE6C25
TCO1(Tachograph) - TCO 0CFE6CEE
TelltaleStatus(Telltale Status) - FMS 18FD7D25
TelltaleStatus(Telltale Status) - ICL 18FD7D17
TimeDate(Time/Date) - FMS 18FEE625
TimeDate(Time/Date) - ICL 18FEE617
VehicleId_10000(Vehicle Identification 10000ms) - FMS 18ECFF25
VehicleWeight_1000(Vehicle Weight 1000ms) - FMS 18FEEA25

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2.3 Denominations

Tmin - Minimum period between two messages [ms]

Tmax - Maximum period between two messages [ms]
Byte - Parameter starts from this byte.
Bit - Parameter starts from this bit (byte = 1-8) in the given byte.
Length - Length of the parameter in bits.

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2.4 Network: ExtFMS

2.4.1 Received messages: PDU1, Destination Address; 0xFF / Global /

FF TP_CM (Transport Protocol - Connection Mgmt) - FMS -> FF
Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18ECFF25 1000 10000 00EC00 6 When 0 0 25 FF Std
See J1939-21 for details. Transmission repetition rate: Per the Parameter Group Number to be transferred.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 ControlByteTP_CM (Control Byte, 1 0 0 - 255
Transport Protocol)
X Destination Specific Request_To_Send (RTS) 0x10
X Destination Specific Clear_To_Send (CTS) 0x11
X End_of_Message Acknowledge(END) 0x13
X BroadcastAnnounceMessage(BAM) 0x20
X ConnectionAbort(ABO) 0xFF
X 2 1 8 TPCM_ABO_ConnectionAbortReason 1 0 0 - 250 1)
(Connection Abort Reason)
X Already in one or more connection managed 0x01
sessions and cannot support another.
X System resources were needed for another 0x02
task so this connection managed session was
X A timeout occurred and this is the connection 0x03
abort to close the session.
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 16 TPCM_BAM_TotalMessageSize (Total 1 0 0 - 64255 byte 2)
Message Size)
X 2 1 8 TPCM_CTS_NumberOfPackets (Number 1 0 0 - 255 3)
Of Packets that can be sent)
X 2 1 16 TPCM_END_TotalMessageSize (Total 1 0 0 - 64255 byte 4)
Message Size)
X 2 1 16 TPCM_RTS_TotalMessageSize (Total 1 0 0 - 64255 byte 5)
Message Size)
X 3 1 8 TPCM_CTS_NextPacket (Next packet 1 0 0 - 255 6)
number to be sent)
X 4 1 8 TPCM_BAM_TotalNumberOfPackets 1 0 0 - 255 counts 7)
(Total Number Of Packets)
X 4 1 8 TPCM_END_TotalNumberOfPackets 1 0 0 - 255 counts 8)
(Total Number Of Packets)
X 4 1 8 TPCM_RTS_TotalNumberOfPackets 1 0 0 - 255 counts 9)
(Total Number Of Packets)
X 5 1 8 TPCM_RTS_MaximumNumberOfPackets 1 0 0 - 255 counts 10)
(Maximum Number Of Packets)

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X 6 1 24 TPCM_ABO_PGNumber (Parameter 1 0 0 - 16777215 PGN 11)

Group Number Of The Packeted Message)
X 6 1 24 TPCM_BAM_PGNumber (Parameter 1 0 0 - 16777215 PGN 12)
Group Number Of The Packeted Message)
X 6 1 24 TPCM_CTS_PGNumber (Parameter 1 0 0 - 16777215 PGN 13)
Group Number Of The Packeted Message)
X 6 1 24 TPCM_END_PGNumber (Parameter 1 0 0 - 16777215 PGN 14)
Group Number Of The Packeted Message)
X 6 1 24 TPCM_RTS_PGNumber (Parameter 1 0 0 - 16777215 PGN 15)
Group Number Of The Packeted Message)
Note 1) (If multiplexor = 0xFF)
Note 2) 9 to 1785 (2 bytes), zero to 8 and 1786 to 65535 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x20)
Note 3) 2 to 255 (1 byte), zero and 1 not allowed. This value shall be no larger than the value in byte 5 of the RTS
message. (If multiplexor = 0x11)
Note 4) 9 to 1785 (2 bytes), zero to 8 and 1786 to 65535 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x13)
Note 5) 9 to 1785 (2 bytes), zero to 8 and 1786 to 65535 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x10)
Note 6) 1 to 255 (1 byte), zero not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x11)
Note 7) 2 to 255 (1 byte), zero and 1 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x20)
Note 8) 2 to 255 (1 byte), zero and 1 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x13)
Note 9) 2 to 255 (1 byte), zero and 1 not allowed. (If multiplexor = 0x10)
Note 10) 2 to 255 (1byte), zero through 1 are not allowed. 0xFF no limits exists. (If multiplexor = 0x10)
Note 11) Byte 6=LSB, Byte 7= Mid, Byte 8=MSB. (If multiplexor = 0xFF)
Note 12) Byte 6=LSB, Byte 7= Mid, Byte 8=MSB. (If multiplexor = 0x20)
Note 13) Byte 6=LSB, Byte 7= Mid, Byte 8=MSB. (If multiplexor = 0x11)
Note 14) Byte 6=LSB, Byte 7= Mid, Byte 8=MSB. (If multiplexor = 0x13)
Note 15) Byte 6=LSB, Byte 7= Mid, Byte 8=MSB. (If multiplexor = 0x10)

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CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
11 (86) TP_DT (Transport Protocol - Data Transfer) - FMS -> FF

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18EBFF25 50 200 00EB00 6 On 0 0 25 FF Std
See J1939-21 for details.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 SequenceNumber (Sequence Number) 1 0 0 - 255 count

X 2 1 8 Byte1 (Data Transfer Byte1) 1 0 0 - 255

X 3 1 8 Byte2 (Data Transfer Byte2) 1 0 0 - 255

X 4 1 8 Byte3 (Data Transfer Byte3) 1 0 0 - 255

X 5 1 8 Byte4 (Data Transfer Byte3) 1 0 0 - 255

X 6 1 8 Byte5 (Data Transfer Byte5) 1 0 0 - 255

X 7 1 8 Byte6 (Data Transfer Byte6) 1 0 0 - 255

X 8 1 8 Byte7 (Data Transfer Byte3) 1 0 0 - 255

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2.4.2 Received messages: PDU2 AIR1 (Air Supply Pressure) - APS
Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEAE30 1000 1000 00FEAE 6 Cyclic 0 0 AE 30 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 PneumaticSupplyPress (Pneumatic Supply 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 8 ParkingTrailerAirPressure (Parking 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
and/or Trailer Air Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 ServiceBrakeAirPressure1 (Service Brake 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Air Pressure, Circuit1)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 4 1 8 ServiceBrakeAirPressure2 (Service Brake 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa 1)
Air Pressure, Circuit2)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 8 AuxilarySupplyPressure (Auxiliary 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Equipment Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
6 1 8 AirSuspensionSupplyPress (Air Suspension 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 2 AirCompressorStatus (Air Compressor 1 0 0-3
CompressorNotActive 0x00
CompressorActive 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 1 8 PowertrainCircuitSupplyPressure 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
(Powertrain Circuit Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
Note 1) Rear Circuit

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13 (86) AIR1 (Air Supply Pressure) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEAE25 1000 1000 00FEAE 6 Cyclic 0 0 AE 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 PneumaticSupplyPress (Pneumatic Supply 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 8 ParkingTrailerAirPressure (Parking 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
and/or Trailer Air Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 ServiceBrakeAirPressure1 (Service Brake 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Air Pressure, Circuit1)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 8 ServiceBrakeAirPressure2 (Service Brake 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa 1)
Air Pressure, Circuit2)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 8 AuxilarySupplyPressure (Auxiliary 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Equipment Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
6 1 8 AirSuspensionSupplyPress (Air Suspension 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 2 AirCompressorStatus (Air Compressor 1 0 0-3
CompressorNotActive 0x00
CompressorActive 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 1 8 PowertrainCircuitSupplyPressure 8 0 0 - 2000 kPa
(Powertrain Circuit Supply Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
Note 1) Rear Circuit

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14 (86) AlternatorSpeed (Alternator Speed) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FED525 1000 1000 00FED5 6 Cyclic 0 0 D5 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 16 AlternatorSpeed (AltSpeed) 0.5 0 0 - 32127.5 rpm

X 3 1 2 Alternator1Status (Alternator 1 Status) 1 0 0-3

AlternatorNotCharging 0x00
AlternatorCharging 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 3 2 Alternator2Status (Alternator 2 Status) 1 0 0-3

AlternatorNotCharging 0x00
AlternatorCharging 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 5 2 Alternator3Status (Alternator 3 Status) 1 0 0-3

AlternatorNotCharging 0x00
AlternatorCharging 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 7 2 Alternator4Status (Alternator 4 Status) 1 0 0-3

AlternatorNotCharging 0x00
AlternatorCharging 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03

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15 (86) AmbientConditions (Ambient Conditions) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF525 1000 1000 00FEF5 6 Cyclic 0 0 F5 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 BarometricPressure (Barometric Pressure) 0.5 0 0 - 125 kPa

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 16 CabInteriorTemperature (Cab Interior 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1734.96875 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 4 1 16 AmbientAirTemperature (Ambient Air 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1734.96875 deg
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
6 1 8 AirInletTemperature (Air Inlet 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 16 RoadSurfaceTemperature (Road Surface 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00

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16 (86) AmbientConditions (Ambient Conditions) - K

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF527 1000 1000 00FEF5 6 Cyclic 0 0 F5 27 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 BarometricPressure (Barometric Pressure) 0.5 0 0 - 125 kPa

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 16 CabInteriorTemperature (Cab Interior 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1734.96875 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 4 1 16 AmbientAirTemperature (Ambient Air 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1734.96875 deg
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
6 1 8 AirInletTemperature (Air Inlet 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 16 RoadSurfaceTemperature (Road Surface 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00

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17 (86) ASC4 (Air Suspension Control 4) - F

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE582F 100 100 00FE58 6 Cyclic 0 0 58 2F Std
Should only be sent if the Pressure Values on CAN parameter has been activated.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 16 BellowPressFrontAxleLeft 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 1)
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 3 1 16 BellowPressFrontAxleRight 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 2)
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 5 1 16 BellowPressRearAxleLeft 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 3)
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 7 1 16 BellowPressRearAxleRight 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 4)
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 2 Left' when sent from auxiliary ELC system.
Note 2) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 2 Right' when sent from auxiliary ELC system.
Note 3) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 1 Left' OR 'Bellow Pressure Dolly Left' when sent from auxiliary ELC
Note 4) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 1 Right' OR 'Bellow Pressure Dolly Right' when sent from auxiliary
ELC system.

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18 (86) ASC4 (Air Suspension Control 4) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE5825 100 100 00FE58 6 Cyclic 0 0 58 25 Std
Should only be sent if the Pressure Values on CAN parameter has been activated.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 16 BellowPressFrontAxleLeft 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 1)
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 3 1 16 BellowPressFrontAxleRight 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 2)
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 5 1 16 BellowPressRearAxleLeft 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 3)
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 7 1 16 BellowPressRearAxleRight 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 kPa 4)
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 2 Left' when sent from auxiliary ELC system.
Note 2) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 2 Right' when sent from auxiliary ELC system.
Note 3) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 1 Left' OR 'Bellow Pressure Dolly Left' when sent from auxiliary ELC
Note 4) Indicates 'Bellow Pressure Tag Axle 1 Right' OR 'Bellow Pressure Dolly Right' when sent from auxiliary
ELC system.

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CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
19 (86) AT1T1I (Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank 1 Information) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE5625 1000 1000 00FE56 6 Cyclic 0 0 56 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 Aftertr1DieselExhtFluidTankLevel 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank Level)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 8 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTankTemp 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank Temperature)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 16 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTankLevel2 0.1 0 0 - 6425.5 mm
(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank Level 2)
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
5 1 5 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTankLevelPrelFMI 1 0 0 - 31
(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank Level Preliminary FMI)
Above normal (most severe) 0x00
Below normal (most severe) 0x01
Data erratic 0x02
Voltage above normal 0x03
Voltage below normal 0x04
Current below normal 0x05
Current above normal 0x06
Mechanical system not responding 0x07
Abnormal frequency 0x08
Abnormal update rate 0x09
Abnormal rate of change 0x0A
Root cause not known 0x0B
Bad intelligent device 0x0C
Out of calibration 0x0D
Special intstructions 0x0E
Above normal (least severe) 0x0F
Above normal (moderately severe) 0x10
Below normal (least severe) 0x11
Below normal (moderatels severe) 0x12
Received network data in error 0x13
Data Drifted High 0x14
Data Drifted Low 0x15
NotAvailable 0x1F

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
20 (86)

5 6 3 AftertrSelectCatReductionOperatorInduce 1 0 0-7
mentAct (Aftertreatment Selective
Catalytic Reduction Operator Inducement
Off 0x00
OnSolid 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Reserved 0x03
OnFastBlink 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
NotAvailable 0x07
6 1 5 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTank1TempPrelF 1 0 0 - 31
MI (Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank 1 Temperature Preliminary FMI)
Above normal (most severe) 0x00
Below normal (most severe) 0x01
Data erratic 0x02
Voltage above normal 0x03
Voltage below normal 0x04
Current below normal 0x05
Current above normal 0x06
Mechanical system not responding 0x07
Abnormal frequency 0x08
Abnormal update rate 0x09
Abnormal rate of change 0x0A
Root cause not known 0x0B
Bad intelligent device 0x0C
Out of calibration 0x0D
Special intstructions 0x0E
Above normal (least severe) 0x0F
Above normal (moderately severe) 0x10
Below normal (least severe) 0x11
Below normal (moderatels severe) 0x12
Received network data in error 0x13
Data Drifted High 0x14
Data Drifted Low 0x15
NotAvailable 0x1F
6 6 3 AftertrSCROperatorInducementSeverity 1 0 0-7
(Aftertreatment SCR Operator
Inducement Severity)
DriverWarning 0x00
InducementLevel1 0x01
InducementLevel2 0x02
InducementLevel3 0x03
InducementLevel4 0x04
InducementLevel5 0x05
TemporaryOverrideOfInducement 0x06
NotAvailable 0x07
7 1 8 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTankHeater 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
(Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank Heater)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 5 Aftertr1DieselExhFluidTank1HeaterPrelF 1 0 0 - 31
MI (Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tank 1 Heater Preliminary FMI)
Above normal (most severe) 0x00
Below normal (most severe) 0x01

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
21 (86)

Data erratic 0x02

Voltage above normal 0x03
Voltage below normal 0x04
Current below normal 0x05
Current above normal 0x06
Mechanical system not responding 0x07
Abnormal frequency 0x08
Abnormal update rate 0x09
Abnormal rate of change 0x0A
Root cause not known 0x0B
Bad intelligent device 0x0C
Out of calibration 0x0D
Special intstructions 0x0E
Above normal (least severe) 0x0F
Above normal (moderately severe) 0x10
Below normal (least severe) 0x11
Below normal (moderatels severe) 0x12
Received network data in error 0x13
Data Drifted High 0x14
Data Drifted Low 0x15
NotAvailable 0x1F

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
22 (86) CruiseControlVehSpeed (Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF100 100 100 00FEF1 6 Cyclic 0 0 F1 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 2 TwoSpeedAxleSwitch (Two Speed Axle 1 0 0-3
LowSpeedRange 0x00
HighSpeedRange 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 3 2 ParkingBrakeSwitch (Parking Brake 1 0 0-3 1)
X ParkingBrakeNotSet 0x00
X ParkingBrakeSet 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
1 5 2 CruiseCtrlPauseSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Pause Switch)
Off 0x00
On 0x01
ErrorIndicator 0x02
TakeNoAction 0x03
1 7 2 ParkBrakeReleaseInhibitRequest () 1.0 0 0-3

ParkBrakeReleaseIsNotInhibited 0x00
ParkBrakeReleaseIsInhibited 0x01
Error 0x02
Unavailable 0x03
X 2 1 16 WheelBasedVehicleSpeed (Wheel Based 0.0039062 0 0 - 250.99609375 km/h
Vehicle Speed) 5
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFFFF
X 4 1 2 CruiseCtrlActive (Cruise Control Active) 1 0 0-3

X CruiseControlSwitchedOff 0x00
X CruiseControlSwitchedOn 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
4 3 2 CruiseCtrlEnableSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Enable Switch)
CruiseControlDisabled 0x00
CruiseControlEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 5 2 BrakeSwitch (Brake Switch) 1 0 0-3

X BrakePedalReleased 0x00

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
23 (86)

X BrakePedalDepressed 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 7 2 ClutchSwitch (Clutch Switch) 1 0 0-3

X ClutchPedalReleased 0x00
X ClutchPedalDepressed 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 2 CruiseCtrlSetSwitch (Cruise Control Set 1 0 0-3
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition-Set 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Set 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 3 2 CruiseCtrlCoastSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Coast (Decelerate) Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition-Coast 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Coast 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 5 2 CruiseCtrlResumeSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Resume Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition- 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Resume 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 7 2 CruiseCtrlAccelerateSwitch (Cruise 1 0 0-3
Control Accelerate Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition- 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Accelerate 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
6 1 8 CruiseCtrlSetSpeed (Cruise Control Set 1 0 0 - 250 km/h
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 7 1 5 PTOState (PTO State) 1 0 0 - 31

X Off/Disabled 0x00
X Hold 0x01
X RemoteHold 0x02
X Standby 0x03
X RemoteStandby 0x04
X Set 0x05
X Decelerate/Coast 0x06
X Resume 0x07
X Accelerate 0x08
X AccelerateOverride 0x09
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed1 0x0A
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed2 0x0B
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed3 0x0C
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed4 0x0D
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed5 0x0E
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed6 0x0F
X PreprogrammedSetSpeed7 0x10

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
24 (86)

X PreprogrammedSetSpeed8 0x11
X NotAvailable 0x1F
7 6 3 CruiseCtrlState (Cruise Control States) 1 0 0-7

Off/Disabled 0x00
Hold 0x01
Accelerate 0x02
Decelerate/Coast 0x03
Resume 0x04
Set 0x05
AcceleratorOverride 0x06
NotAvailable 0x07
8 1 2 IdleIncrementSwitch (Idle Increment 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 3 2 IdleDecrementSwitch (Idle Decrement 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 5 2 EngineTestModeSwitch (Engine Test Mode 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 7 2 EngineShutdownOverrideSwitch (Engine 1 0 0-3
Shutdown Override Switch)
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
Note 1) Information from a pressure switch in the parking brake lever. 'Parking brake not set' send with pressure
over 6 bar. Values 2 or 3 disables the VDC function.

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
25 (86) CruiseControlVehSpeed (Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF125 100 100 00FEF1 6 Cyclic 0 0 F1 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 2 TwoSpeedAxleSwitch (Two Speed Axle 1 0 0-3
LowSpeedRange 0x00
HighSpeedRange 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 3 2 ParkingBrakeSwitch (Parking Brake 1 0 0-3 1)
ParkingBrakeNotSet 0x00
ParkingBrakeSet 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
1 5 2 CruiseCtrlPauseSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Pause Switch)
Off 0x00
On 0x01
ErrorIndicator 0x02
TakeNoAction 0x03
1 7 2 ParkBrakeReleaseInhibitRequest () 1.0 0 0-3

ParkBrakeReleaseIsNotInhibited 0x00
ParkBrakeReleaseIsInhibited 0x01
Error 0x02
Unavailable 0x03
X 2 1 16 WheelBasedVehicleSpeed (Wheel Based 0.0039062 0 0 - 250.99609375 km/h
Vehicle Speed) 5
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFFFF
4 1 2 CruiseCtrlActive (Cruise Control Active) 1 0 0-3

CruiseControlSwitchedOff 0x00
CruiseControlSwitchedOn 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
4 3 2 CruiseCtrlEnableSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Enable Switch)
CruiseControlDisabled 0x00
CruiseControlEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
4 5 2 BrakeSwitch (Brake Switch) 1 0 0-3

BrakePedalReleased 0x00

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
26 (86)

BrakePedalDepressed 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
4 7 2 ClutchSwitch (Clutch Switch) 1 0 0-3

ClutchPedalReleased 0x00
ClutchPedalDepressed 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 2 CruiseCtrlSetSwitch (Cruise Control Set 1 0 0-3
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition-Set 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Set 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 3 2 CruiseCtrlCoastSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Coast (Decelerate) Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition-Coast 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Coast 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 5 2 CruiseCtrlResumeSwitch (Cruise Control 1 0 0-3
Resume Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition- 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Resume 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 7 2 CruiseCtrlAccelerateSwitch (Cruise 1 0 0-3
Control Accelerate Switch)
CruiseControlActivatorNotInPosition- 0x00
CruiseControlActivatorInPosition-Accelerate 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
6 1 8 CruiseCtrlSetSpeed (Cruise Control Set 1 0 0 - 250 km/h
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 5 PTOState (PTO State) 1 0 0 - 31

Off/Disabled 0x00
Hold 0x01
RemoteHold 0x02
Standby 0x03
RemoteStandby 0x04
Set 0x05
Decelerate/Coast 0x06
Resume 0x07
Accelerate 0x08
AccelerateOverride 0x09
PreprogrammedSetSpeed1 0x0A
PreprogrammedSetSpeed2 0x0B
PreprogrammedSetSpeed3 0x0C
PreprogrammedSetSpeed4 0x0D
PreprogrammedSetSpeed5 0x0E
PreprogrammedSetSpeed6 0x0F
PreprogrammedSetSpeed7 0x10

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
27 (86)

PreprogrammedSetSpeed8 0x11
X NotAvailable 0x1F
7 6 3 CruiseCtrlState (Cruise Control States) 1 0 0-7

Off/Disabled 0x00
Hold 0x01
Accelerate 0x02
Decelerate/Coast 0x03
Resume 0x04
Set 0x05
AcceleratorOverride 0x06
NotAvailable 0x07
8 1 2 IdleIncrementSwitch (Idle Increment 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 3 2 IdleDecrementSwitch (Idle Decrement 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 5 2 EngineTestModeSwitch (Engine Test Mode 1 0 0-3
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
8 7 2 EngineShutdownOverrideSwitch (Engine 1 0 0-3
Shutdown Override Switch)
Off 0x00
On 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
Note 1) Information from a pressure switch in the parking brake lever. 'Parking brake not set' send with pressure
over 6 bar. Values 2 or 3 disables the VDC function.

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
28 (86) CVW (Combination Vehicle Weight) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE7025 10000 10000 00FE70 6 Cyclic 0 0 70 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 16 PoweredVehicleWeight 10 0 0 - 642550 kg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
X 3 1 16 GrossCombinationVehicleWeight 10 0 0 - 642550 kg
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFFFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
29 (86) DashDisplay (Dash Display) - CMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEFC47 1000 1000 00FEFC 6 Cyclic 0 0 FC 47 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 WasherFluidLevel (Washer Fluid Level) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 8 FuelLevel (Fuel Level) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 FuelFilterDiffPressure (Fuel Filter 2 0 0 - 500 kPa
Differential Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 8 EngineOilFilterDiffPressure (Engine Oil 0.5 0 0 - 125 kPa
Filter Differential Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 16 CargoAmbientTemperature (Cargo 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Ambient Temperature)
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 FuelLevel_2 (Fuel Level 2) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
30 (86) DashDisplay (Dash Display) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEFC25 1000 1000 00FEFC 6 Cyclic 0 0 FC 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 WasherFluidLevel (Washer Fluid Level) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 8 FuelLevel (Fuel Level) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 FuelFilterDiffPressure (Fuel Filter 2 0 0 - 500 kPa
Differential Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 8 EngineOilFilterDiffPressure (Engine Oil 0.5 0 0 - 125 kPa
Filter Differential Pressure)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 16 CargoAmbientTemperature (Cargo 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Ambient Temperature)
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 FuelLevel_2 (Fuel Level 2) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
31 (86) DI_cyclic (Driver's Identification) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18ECFF25 10000 10000 00FE6B 6 Cyclic 0 0 6B 25 FF Std
When no driver card is inserted in the tachograph, it is transmitted with ID 18FE6BEE, when one or more cards are
inserted the message is transmitted using BAM and TP.DT. This message will not be sent by any paper disc
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 Driver1Identifier (Driver 1 Identifier) 1 0 0-0 ASCII 1)

X 2 1 8 Delimiter1 (Delimiter) 1 0 0-0 ASCII 2)

X 3 1 8 Driver2Identifier (Driver 2 Identifier) 1 0 0-0 ASCII 3)

X 4 1 8 Delimiter2 (Delimiter) 1 0 0-0 ASCII 4)

Note 1) Length m
Note 2) Start at byte m
Note 3) Length n, start at byte m+1
Note 4) Start at byte m+1+n

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
32 (86) DoorControl1 (Door Control 1) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE4E25 100 100 00FE4E 6 Cyclic 0 0 4E 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 PositionOfDoors (Position of Doors) 1 0 0 - 15

AtLeast1DoorIsOpen 0x00
ClosingLastDoor 0x01
AllDoorsClosed 0x02
Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F
X 1 5 2 Ramp_WheelchairLiftStatus (Ramp/Wheel 1 0 0-3
Chair Lift Status)
InsideBus 0x00
OutsideBus 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 7 2 Status2OfDoors (Status 2 of Doors) 1 0 0-3

AllBusDoorsAreDisabled 0x00
AtLeast1BusDoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
2 1 2 DoorMalfunction (Door Malfunction) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 3 2 DoorOpen (Door Open) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 5 2 DoorPressureLow (Door Pressure Low) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 7 2 SensingStripInDoorTriggered (Sensing 1.0 0.0 0-3
Strip In Door Triggered)
False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
33 (86)

3 1 2 EmergencyExitOpen (Emergency Exit 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
3 3 2 DriverGateOpen (Driver Gate Open) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
34 (86) DoorControl1 (Door Control 1) - Unknown

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FE4EFE 100 100 00FE4E 6 Cyclic 0 0 4E FE Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 PositionOfDoors (Position of Doors) 1 0 0 - 15

X AtLeast1DoorIsOpen 0x00
X ClosingLastDoor 0x01
X AllDoorsClosed 0x02
X Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F
X 1 5 2 Ramp_WheelchairLiftStatus (Ramp/Wheel 1 0 0-3
Chair Lift Status)
X InsideBus 0x00
X OutsideBus 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 7 2 Status2OfDoors (Status 2 of Doors) 1 0 0-3

X AllBusDoorsAreDisabled 0x00
X AtLeast1BusDoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
2 1 2 DoorMalfunction (Door Malfunction) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 3 2 DoorOpen (Door Open) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 5 2 DoorPressureLow (Door Pressure Low) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
2 7 2 SensingStripInDoorTriggered (Sensing 1.0 0.0 0-3
Strip In Door Triggered)
False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
35 (86)

3 1 2 EmergencyExitOpen (Emergency Exit 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
3 3 2 DriverGateOpen (Driver Gate Open) 1.0 0.0 0-3

False 0x00
True 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
36 (86) DoorControl2 (Door Control 2) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FDA525 100 100 00FDA5 6 Cyclic 0 0 A5 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor1 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor1 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor1 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 1)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor2 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor2 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor2 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 2)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 5 2 LockStatusOfDoor3 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
37 (86)

X 2 7 2 OpenStatusOfDoor3 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3

DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 1 2 EnableStatusOfDoor3 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 3)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 3 2 LockStatusOfDoor4 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 5 2 OpenStatusOfDoor4 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 7 2 EnableStatusOfDoor4 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 4)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor5 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor5 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor5 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 5)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor6 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor6 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
38 (86)

Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor6 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 6)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 5 2 LockStatusOfDoor7 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 7 2 OpenStatusOfDoor7 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 1 2 EnableStatusOfDoor7 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 7)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 3 2 LockStatusOfDoor8 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 5 2 OpenStatusOfDoor8 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 7 2 EnableStatusOfDoor8 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 8)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor9 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor9 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor9 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 9)

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
39 (86)

DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor10 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
Unlocked 0x00
Locked 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 8 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor10 (Open Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 10)
DoorClosed 0x00
DoorOpened 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 8 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor10 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 10)
DoorDisabled 0x00
DoorEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
40 (86) DoorControl2 (Door Control 2) - Unknown

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FDA5FE 100 100 00FDA5 6 Cyclic 0 0 A5 FE Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor1 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor1 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor1 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 1)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 1 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor2 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor2 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor2 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 2)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 5 2 LockStatusOfDoor3 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
41 (86)

X 2 7 2 OpenStatusOfDoor3 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3

X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 1 2 EnableStatusOfDoor3 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 3)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 3 2 LockStatusOfDoor4 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 5 2 OpenStatusOfDoor4 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 7 2 EnableStatusOfDoor4 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 4)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor5 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor5 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor5 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 5)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor6 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor6 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
42 (86)

X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor6 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 6)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 5 2 LockStatusOfDoor7 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 5 7 2 OpenStatusOfDoor7 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 1 2 EnableStatusOfDoor7 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 7)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 3 2 LockStatusOfDoor8 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 5 2 OpenStatusOfDoor8 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 6 7 2 EnableStatusOfDoor8 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 8)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 1 2 LockStatusOfDoor9 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 3 2 OpenStatusOfDoor9 (Open Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 5 2 EnableStatusOfDoor9 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 9)

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
43 (86)

X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 7 7 2 LockStatusOfDoor10 (Lock Status Of Door 1 0 0-3
X Unlocked 0x00
X Locked 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 8 1 2 OpenStatusOfDoor10 (Open Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 10)
X DoorClosed 0x00
X DoorOpened 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 8 3 2 EnableStatusOfDoor10 (Enable Status Of 1 0 0-3
Door 10)
X DoorDisabled 0x00
X DoorEnabled 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
44 (86) EEC1 (Electronic Engine Controller 1) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CF00400 20 20 00F004 3 Cyclic 0 0 04 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 4 EngineRetarderTorqueMode (Engine and 1 0 0 - 15
Retarder Torque Mode)
LowIdleGovernor (default mode) 0x00
AcceleratorPedal 0x01
CruiseControl 0x02
PTOGovernor 0x03
RoadSpeedGoverning 0x04
ASRControl 0x05
TransmissionControl 0x06
ABSControl 0x07
TorqueLimiting 0x08
HighSpeedGovernor 0x09
BrakeSystem 0x0A
RemoteAccelerator 0x0B
ServiceProcedure 0x0C
NotDefined 0x0D
Other 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
1 5 4 ActualEngine_PercTorqueHighRes (Actual 0.125 0 0 - 0.875 % 1)
Engine - Percent Torque High Resolution)
NotAvailable 0x08
NotAvailable 0x09
NotAvailable 0x0A
NotAvailable 0x0B
NotAvailable 0x0C
NotAvailable 0x0D
NotAvailable 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
2 1 8 DriversDemandEngine_PercTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Drivers Demand Engine - Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 ActualEngine_PercTorque (Actual Engine 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
- Percent Torque)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 4 1 16 EngineSpeed (Engine Speed) 0.125 0 0 - 8031.88 rpm

X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
6 1 8 SAofCntrlDevForEngControl (Source 1 0 0 - 255
Address Of Controlling Device For Engine

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
45 (86)

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 4 EngineStarterMode (Engine Starter Mode) 1 0 0 - 15

startNotRqed 0x00
starterActiveGearNotEngaged 0x01
starterActiveGearEngaged 0x02
strtFnshdStrtrNtActvAftrHvngBnA 0x03
strtrInhbtdDToEngAlreadyRunning 0x04
strtrInhbtdDTEngNtReadyForStart 0x05
strtrInhbtdDTDrvlnEnggdOthrTrns 0x06
strtrInhbtdDToActiveImmobilizer 0x07
strtrInhbtdDueToStarterOvertemp 0x08
1011Reserved 0x09
starterInhibitedReasonUnknown 0x0C
error 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
8 1 8 EngineDemandPercentTorque (Engine 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Demand - PercentTorque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
Note 1) Bit pattern 1000-1111 = NotAvailable

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
46 (86) EEC1 (Electronic Engine Controller 1) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CF00425 20 20 00F004 3 Cyclic 0 0 04 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 4 EngineRetarderTorqueMode (Engine and 1 0 0 - 15
Retarder Torque Mode)
LowIdleGovernor (default mode) 0x00
AcceleratorPedal 0x01
CruiseControl 0x02
PTOGovernor 0x03
RoadSpeedGoverning 0x04
ASRControl 0x05
TransmissionControl 0x06
ABSControl 0x07
TorqueLimiting 0x08
HighSpeedGovernor 0x09
BrakeSystem 0x0A
RemoteAccelerator 0x0B
ServiceProcedure 0x0C
NotDefined 0x0D
Other 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
1 5 4 ActualEngine_PercTorqueHighRes (Actual 0.125 0 0 - 0.875 % 1)
Engine - Percent Torque High Resolution)
NotAvailable 0x08
NotAvailable 0x09
NotAvailable 0x0A
NotAvailable 0x0B
NotAvailable 0x0C
NotAvailable 0x0D
NotAvailable 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
2 1 8 DriversDemandEngine_PercTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Drivers Demand Engine - Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 ActualEngine_PercTorque (Actual Engine 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
- Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 4 1 16 EngineSpeed (Engine Speed) 0.125 0 0 - 8031.88 rpm

Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
6 1 8 SAofCntrlDevForEngControl (Source 1 0 0 - 255
Address Of Controlling Device For Engine

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
47 (86)

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 4 EngineStarterMode (Engine Starter Mode) 1 0 0 - 15

startNotRqed 0x00
starterActiveGearNotEngaged 0x01
starterActiveGearEngaged 0x02
strtFnshdStrtrNtActvAftrHvngBnA 0x03
strtrInhbtdDToEngAlreadyRunning 0x04
strtrInhbtdDTEngNtReadyForStart 0x05
strtrInhbtdDTDrvlnEnggdOthrTrns 0x06
strtrInhbtdDToActiveImmobilizer 0x07
strtrInhbtdDueToStarterOvertemp 0x08
1011Reserved 0x09
starterInhibitedReasonUnknown 0x0C
error 0x0E
NotAvailable 0x0F
8 1 8 EngineDemandPercentTorque (Engine 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Demand - PercentTorque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
Note 1) Bit pattern 1000-1111 = NotAvailable

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
48 (86) EEC2 (Electronic Engine Controller 2) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CF00300 50 50 00F003 3 Cyclic 0 0 03 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 2 APLowIdleSwitch (Accelerator Pedal Low 1 0 0-3
Idle Switch)
AcclPedalNotInLowIdleCondition 0x00
AccelPedalInLowIdleCondition 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 3 2 APKickdownSwitch (Accelerator Pedal 1 0 0-3
Kickdown Switch)
KickdownPassive 0x00
KickdownActive 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 5 2 RoadSpeedLimitStatus (Road Speed Limit 1 0 0-3
Active 0x00
NotActive 0x01
1 7 2 AccelPedal2LowIdleSwitch (Accelerator 1 0 0-3
Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch)
AcclPedalNotInLowIdleCondition 0x00
AccelPedalInLowIdleCondition 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 8 AcceleratorPedalPosition (Accelerator 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Pedal Position)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 PercentLoadAtCurrentSpeed (Percent 1 0 0 - 250 %
Load At Current Speed)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 8 RemoteAccelerator (Remote Accelerator 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Pedal Position)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 8 AccelPedalPos2 (Accelerator Pedal 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Position 2)
6 1 2 VhclAccelerationRateLimitStatus (Vehicle 1 0 0-3
Acceleration Rate Limit Status)
LimitNotActive 0x00
LimitActive 0x01
Reserved 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
49 (86)

6 3 2 MomEngMaxPowEnableFeedb 1 0 0-3
(Momentary Engine Maximum Power
Enable Feedback)
Disabled 0x00
Supported 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don'tCare 0x03
6 5 2 DPFThermalManagementActive (DPF 1 0 0-3
Thermal Management Active)
DPF Thermal Management is not ac 0x00
DPF Thermal Management is active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don't care 0x03
6 7 2 SCRThermalManagementActive (SCR 1 0 0-3
Thermal Management Active)
SCR Thermal Management is not ac 0x00
SCR Thermal Management is active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don't care 0x03
7 1 8 ActMaxAvailEngPercTorq (Actual 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Maximum Available Engine - Percent
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 EstPumpingPercTorque (Estimated 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Pumping - Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
50 (86) EEC2 (Electronic Engine Controller 2) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CF00325 50 50 00F003 3 Cyclic 0 0 03 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 2 APLowIdleSwitch (Accelerator Pedal Low 1 0 0-3
Idle Switch)
AcclPedalNotInLowIdleCondition 0x00
AccelPedalInLowIdleCondition 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 3 2 APKickdownSwitch (Accelerator Pedal 1 0 0-3
Kickdown Switch)
KickdownPassive 0x00
KickdownActive 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 5 2 RoadSpeedLimitStatus (Road Speed Limit 1 0 0-3
Active 0x00
NotActive 0x01
1 7 2 AccelPedal2LowIdleSwitch (Accelerator 1 0 0-3
Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch)
AcclPedalNotInLowIdleCondition 0x00
AccelPedalInLowIdleCondition 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 8 AcceleratorPedalPosition (Accelerator 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Pedal Position)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 PercentLoadAtCurrentSpeed (Percent 1 0 0 - 250 %
Load At Current Speed)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 8 RemoteAccelerator (Remote Accelerator 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Pedal Position)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 8 AccelPedalPos2 (Accelerator Pedal 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Position 2)
6 1 2 VhclAccelerationRateLimitStatus (Vehicle 1 0 0-3
Acceleration Rate Limit Status)
LimitNotActive 0x00
LimitActive 0x01
Reserved 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
51 (86)

6 3 2 MomEngMaxPowEnableFeedb 1 0 0-3
(Momentary Engine Maximum Power
Enable Feedback)
Disabled 0x00
Supported 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don'tCare 0x03
6 5 2 DPFThermalManagementActive (DPF 1 0 0-3
Thermal Management Active)
DPF Thermal Management is not ac 0x00
DPF Thermal Management is active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don't care 0x03
6 7 2 SCRThermalManagementActive (SCR 1 0 0-3
Thermal Management Active)
SCR Thermal Management is not ac 0x00
SCR Thermal Management is active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
Don't care 0x03
7 1 8 ActMaxAvailEngPercTorq (Actual 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Maximum Available Engine - Percent
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 EstPumpingPercTorque (Estimated 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Pumping - Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
52 (86) EngineHoursRevolutions (Engine Hours, Revolutions) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE500 1000 1000 00FEE5 6 Cyclic 0 0 E5 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 32 TotalEngineHours (Total Engine Hours) 0.05 0 0 - 210554060.75 hr

X Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
5 1 32 TotalEngineRevolutions (Total Engine 1000 0 0 - 4211081215000 r
Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
53 (86) EngineHoursRevolutions (Engine Hours, Revolutions) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE525 1000 1000 00FEE5 6 Cyclic 0 0 E5 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 32 TotalEngineHours (Total Engine Hours) 0.05 0 0 - 210554060.75 hr

Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
5 1 32 TotalEngineRevolutions (Total Engine 1000 0 0 - 4211081215000 r
Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
54 (86) EngineTemp (Engine Temperature 1) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEEE00 1000 1000 00FEEE 6 Cyclic 0 0 EE 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 EngineCoolantTemperature (Engine 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Coolant Temperature)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 8 FuelTemperature (Fuel Temperature) 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 16 EngineOilTemperature (Engine Oil 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
5 1 16 TurboOilTemperature (Turbo Oil 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 EngineIntercoolerTemperature (Engine 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Intercooler Temp)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 EngineIntercoolerThermOpening (Engine 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Intercooler Thermostat Opening)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
55 (86) EngineTemp (Engine Temperature 1) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEEE25 1000 1000 00FEEE 6 Cyclic 0 0 EE 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 EngineCoolantTemperature (Engine 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Coolant Temperature)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 8 FuelTemperature (Fuel Temperature) 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 16 EngineOilTemperature (Engine Oil 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
5 1 16 TurboOilTemperature (Turbo Oil 0.03125 -273 -273 - 1735 deg
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 EngineIntercoolerTemperature (Engine 1 -40 -40 - 210 deg
Intercooler Temp)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 EngineIntercoolerThermOpening (Engine 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Intercooler Thermostat Opening)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
56 (86) ERC1 (Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18F00025 100 100 00F000 6 Cyclic 0 0 00 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 EngineRetarderTorqueMode (Engine and 1 0 0 - 15
Retarder Torque Mode)
No request (default mode) 0x00
Operator selection 0x01
Cruise Control 0x02
PTO Governor 0x03
Road Speed Governing 0x04
ASR Control 0x05
Transmission Control 0x06
ABS Control 0x07
Torque Limiting 0x08
High Speed Governor 0x09
Brake System 0x0A
Remote accelerator 0x0B
NotDefined 0x0C
White smoke limiting 0x0D
Other 0x0E
X TakeNoAction 0x0F
1 5 2 RetarderEnableBrakeAssistSwtch 1 0 0-3
(Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch)
RetarderBrakeAssistDisabled 0x00
RetarderBrakeAssistEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 7 2 RetarderEnableShiftAssistSwtch (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Enable - Shift Assist Switch)
RetarderShiftAssistDisabled 0x00
RetarderShiftAssistEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 8 ActualRetarderPercentTorque (Actual 1 -125 -125 - 125 % 1)
Retarder Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 IntendedRetarderPercentTorque (Intended 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Retarder Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 2 EngineCoolantLoadIncrease (Engine 1 0 0-3
Coolant Load Increase)
NoEngineCoolantLoadIncrease 0x00
EngineCoolantLoadIncrease 0x01
Reserved 0x02

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
57 (86)

TakeNoAction 0x03
4 3 2 RetarderRqingBrakeLight (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Requesting Brake Light)
NotActive 0x00
Active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
TakeNoAction 0x03
4 5 2 RetarderRoadSpeedLimitSwitch (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Road Speed Limit Switch)
Road speed limiting by retarder is disabled 0x00
Road speed limiting by retarder is enabled. 0x01
The road speed that the retarder will limit will
be determined when the switch transitions
from 00 to 01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
4 7 2 RetarderRoadSpeedExceededStatus 1 0 0-3
(Retarder Road Speed Exceeded Status)
Road speed limiting by retarder is disabled 0x00
Road speed limiting by retarder is enabled. 0x01
The road speed that the retarder will limit will
be determined when the switch transitions
from 00 to 01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 8 SAofControllingDevice (Source Address Of 1 0 0 - 253
Controlling Device For Retarder Control)
Error 0xFE
TakeNoAction 0xFF
6 1 8 DrvrsDmandRetarderPercentTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Drivers Demand Retarder Percent
X 7 1 8 RetarderSelectionNonEng (Retarder 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Selection Non Engine)
8 1 8 ActlMxAvlblRtarderPercentTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Actual Max Available Retarder Percent
Note 1) 0%=> retarder not braking, <0%=>retarder braking

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
58 (86) ERC1 (Electronic Retarder Controller 1) - RD

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18F00010 100 100 00F000 6 Cyclic 0 0 00 10 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 EngineRetarderTorqueMode (Engine and 1 0 0 - 15
Retarder Torque Mode)
X No request (default mode) 0x00
X Operator selection 0x01
X Cruise Control 0x02
X PTO Governor 0x03
X Road Speed Governing 0x04
X ASR Control 0x05
X Transmission Control 0x06
X ABS Control 0x07
X Torque Limiting 0x08
X High Speed Governor 0x09
X Brake System 0x0A
X Remote accelerator 0x0B
X NotDefined 0x0C
X White smoke limiting 0x0D
X Other 0x0E
X TakeNoAction 0x0F
1 5 2 RetarderEnableBrakeAssistSwtch 1 0 0-3
(Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch)
RetarderBrakeAssistDisabled 0x00
RetarderBrakeAssistEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
1 7 2 RetarderEnableShiftAssistSwtch (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Enable - Shift Assist Switch)
RetarderShiftAssistDisabled 0x00
RetarderShiftAssistEnabled 0x01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 8 ActualRetarderPercentTorque (Actual 1 -125 -125 - 125 % 1)
Retarder Percent Torque)
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
3 1 8 IntendedRetarderPercentTorque (Intended 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
Retarder Percent Torque)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
4 1 2 EngineCoolantLoadIncrease (Engine 1 0 0-3
Coolant Load Increase)
NoEngineCoolantLoadIncrease 0x00
EngineCoolantLoadIncrease 0x01
Reserved 0x02

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
59 (86)

TakeNoAction 0x03
4 3 2 RetarderRqingBrakeLight (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Requesting Brake Light)
NotActive 0x00
Active 0x01
Reserved 0x02
TakeNoAction 0x03
4 5 2 RetarderRoadSpeedLimitSwitch (Retarder 1 0 0-3
Road Speed Limit Switch)
Road speed limiting by retarder is disabled 0x00
Road speed limiting by retarder is enabled. 0x01
The road speed that the retarder will limit will
be determined when the switch transitions
from 00 to 01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
4 7 2 RetarderRoadSpeedExceededStatus 1 0 0-3
(Retarder Road Speed Exceeded Status)
Road speed limiting by retarder is disabled 0x00
Road speed limiting by retarder is enabled. 0x01
The road speed that the retarder will limit will
be determined when the switch transitions
from 00 to 01
Error 0x02
NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 8 SAofControllingDevice (Source Address Of 1 0 0 - 253
Controlling Device For Retarder Control)
Error 0xFE
TakeNoAction 0xFF
6 1 8 DrvrsDmandRetarderPercentTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Drivers Demand Retarder Percent
7 1 8 RetarderSelectionNonEng (Retarder 0.4 0 0 - 100 %
Selection Non Engine)
8 1 8 ActlMxAvlblRtarderPercentTorque 1 -125 -125 - 125 %
(Actual Max Available Retarder Percent
Note 1) 0%=> retarder not braking, <0%=>retarder braking

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
60 (86) ETC2 (Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18F00525 100 100 00F005 6 Cyclic 0 0 05 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 SelectedGear (Selected Gear, - rev, + forw, 1 -125 -125 - 125
0 neut, 126 park)
Park 0xFB
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 16 ActualGearRatio (Actual Gear Ratio) 0.001 0 0 - 64.255

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
4 1 8 CurrentGear (Current Gear, - rev, + forw, 1 -125 -125 - 125 Gear
0 neut, 126 park)
Park 0xFB
Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 16 TransmissionRqstedRange (Transmission 1 0 0 - 255 Ascii 1)
Requested Range)
Error 0x00
D 0x2044
N 0x204E
R 0x2052
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
7 1 16 TransmissionCurrentRange (Transmission 1 0 0 - 255 Ascii 2)
Current Range)
Error 0x00
D 0x2044
N 0x204E
R 0x2052
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
Note 1) Signal contains two ascii signs (0-255 per byte).
Note 2) Signal contains two ascii signs (0-255 per byte).

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
61 (86) ETC2 (Electronic Transmission Controller 2) - T

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18F00503 100 100 00F005 6 Cyclic 0 0 05 03 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 SelectedGear (Selected Gear, - rev, + forw, 1 -125 -125 - 125
0 neut, 126 park)
X Park 0xFB
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
2 1 16 ActualGearRatio (Actual Gear Ratio) 0.001 0 0 - 64.255

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 4 1 8 CurrentGear (Current Gear, - rev, + forw, 1 -125 -125 - 125 Gear
0 neut, 126 park)
X Park 0xFB
X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 16 TransmissionRqstedRange (Transmission 1 0 0 - 255 Ascii 1)
Requested Range)
Error 0x00
D 0x2044
N 0x204E
R 0x2052
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
7 1 16 TransmissionCurrentRange (Transmission 1 0 0 - 255 Ascii 2)
Current Range)
Error 0x00
D 0x2044
N 0x204E
R 0x2052
NotAvailable 0xFFFF
Note 1) Signal contains two ascii signs (0-255 per byte).
Note 2) Signal contains two ascii signs (0-255 per byte).

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
62 (86) FMSStandardInterface (FMS-standard Interface Identity/Capabilities) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
1CFDD125 10000 10000 00FDD1 7 Cyclic 0 0 D1 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 2 FMSStandardDiagnosticsSupported (FMS- 1 0 0-3
standard Diagnostics Supported)
X DiagnosticsIsNotSupported 0x00
X DiagnosticsIsSupported 0x01
X Reserved 0x02
X TakeNoAction 0x03
X 1 3 2 FMSStandardRequestsSupported (FMS- 1 0 0-3
standard Requests Supported)
X OnRequestModeIsNotSupported 0x00
X OnRequestModeIsSupported 0x01
X Reserved 0x02
X TakeNoAction 0x03
X 2 1 32 FMSStandardSWVersionSupported (FMS 1 0 0 - 4211081215 ASCII
standard SW Version Supported)
X Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
63 (86) FuelConsumption (Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE900 1000 1000 00FEE9 6 Cyclic 0 0 E9 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 32 TripFuel (Trip Fuel) 0.5 0 0 - 2.10554e+009 L

Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000
X 5 1 32 TotalFuelUsed (Total Fuel Used) 0.5 0 0 - 2105540607.5 L 1)

X Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
Note 1) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
64 (86) FuelConsumption (Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE925 1000 1000 00FEE9 6 Cyclic 0 0 E9 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 32 TripFuel (Trip Fuel) 0.5 0 0 - 2.10554e+009 L

Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000
X 5 1 32 TotalFuelUsed (Total Fuel Used) 0.5 0 0 - 2105540607.5 L 1)

Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
Note 1) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
65 (86) FuelEconomy (Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - E

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF200 100 100 00FEF2 6 Cyclic 0 0 F2 00 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 16 FuelRate (Fuel Rate) 0.05 0 0 - 3212.75 L/h 1)

X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 3 1 16 InstantaneousFuelEconomy (Instantaneous 0.0019531 0 0 - 125.5 km/L 2)
Fuel Economy) 3
X Infinite (e.g. during engine motoring). NOTE! 0xFAFF
Scania deviation from J1939
X Infinite (e.g. during engine motoring) 0xFB00
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
5 1 16 AverageFuelEconomy (Average Fuel 0.0019531 0 0 - 125.5 km/L
Economy) 3
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 ThrottlePosition (Throttle Position) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used
Note 2) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
66 (86) FuelEconomy (Fuel Economy (Liquid)) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEF225 100 100 00FEF2 6 Cyclic 0 0 F2 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 16 FuelRate (Fuel Rate) 0.05 0 0 - 3212.75 L/h 1)

Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 3 1 16 InstantaneousFuelEconomy (Instantaneous 0.0019531 0 0 - 125.5 km/L 2)
Fuel Economy) 3
X Infinite (e.g. during engine motoring). NOTE! 0xFAFF
Scania deviation from J1939
X Infinite (e.g. during engine motoring) 0xFB00
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
5 1 16 AverageFuelEconomy (Average Fuel 0.0019531 0 0 - 125.5 km/L
Economy) 3
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 8 ThrottlePosition (Throttle Position) 0.4 0 0 - 100 %

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used
Note 2) This signal may not be available if a gas engine is used

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
67 (86) HiResVehicleDist (High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEC125 1000 1000 00FEC1 6 Cyclic 0 0 C1 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 32 HighResolTotalVehicleDistance (High 0.005 0 0 - 21055406.075 km
Resolution Vehicle Distance)
Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
5 1 32 HighResolTripDistance (High Resolution 0.005 0 0 - 21055406.075 km
Trip Distance)
Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
68 (86) HiResVehicleDist (High Resolution Vehicle Distance) - TCO

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEC1EE 1000 1000 00FEC1 6 Cyclic 0 0 C1 EE Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 32 HighResolTotalVehicleDistance (High 0.005 0 0 - 21055406.075 km
Resolution Vehicle Distance)
X Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFF0000
5 1 32 HighResolTripDistance (High Resolution 0.005 0 0 - 21055406.075 km
Trip Distance)
Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFF0000

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
69 (86) HRLFC (High Resolution Fuel Consumption (Liquid)) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FD0925 1000 1000 00FD09 6 Cyclic 0 0 09 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 32 EngineTripFuel (Engine Trip Fuel) 0.001 0 0 - 4211081.215 L/bit

Error 0xFE0000
NotAvailable 0xFFFFFF
X 5 1 32 HighResEngineTotalFuelUsed (High 0.001 0 0 - 4211081.215 L/bit
Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used)
X Error 0xFE0000
X NotAvailable 0xFFFFFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
70 (86) ServiceInformation (Service Information) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEC025 1000 1000 00FEC0 6 Cyclic 0 0 C0 25 Std
If the message is missing on the Vehicle CAN-bus it's created and sent on the FMS-bus with SA = 25h.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
1 1 8 ServiceComponentIdentificationA 1 0 0 - 250 ID
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 16 ServiceDistance (ServiceDistance) 5 -160635 -160635 - 160640 km

X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
4 1 8 ServiceComponentIdentificationB 1 0 0 - 250 ID
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
5 1 8 ServiceDelay_CalendarTimeBased 1 -125 -125 - 125 weeks
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
6 1 8 ServiceComponentIdentificationC (Service 1 0 0 - 250 ID
Component Identification C)
Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 16 SrvceDelay_OperationalTimeBased 1 -32127 -32127 - 32128 hr
(Service Delay/Operational Time Based)
Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
71 (86) TCO1 (Tachograph) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CFE6C25 20 20 00FE6C 3 Cyclic 0 0 6C 25 Std
Se ISO16844 for information about TCO1. ISO16844-4 for CAN interface, ISO16844-7 for parameter specification.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 3 Driver1WorkingState (Driver 1 Working 1 0 0-7
Rest 0x00
Availability 0x01
Work 0x02
Drive 0x03
101Reserved 0x04
Error 0x06
X NotAvailable 0x07
X 1 4 3 Driver2WorkingState (Driver 2 Working 1 0 0-7
Rest 0x00
Availability 0x01
Work 0x02
Drive 0x03
101Reserved 0x04
Error 0x06
X NotAvailable 0x07
X 1 7 2 VehicleMotion (Vehicle Motion) 1 0 0-3

VehicleNotInMotion 0x00
VehicleInMotion 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 4 Driver1TimeRelatedStates (Driver 1 Time 1 0 0 - 15
Related States)
Normal/NoLimitsReached 0x00
Limit1: 15MinBefore4.5H 0x01
Limit2: 4.5HReached 0x02
Limit3: 15MinBefore9H 0x03
Limit4: 9HReached 0x04
Limit5: 15MinBefore16H 0x05
Limit6: 16HReached 0x06
WeeklyDrivingTimePreWarningActive 0x07
X WeeklyDrivingTimeWarningActive 0x08
X 2WeeksDrivingTimePreWarningActive 0x09
X 2WeeksDrivingTimeWarningActive 0x0A
X Driver1CardExpiryWarningActive 0x0B
X NextMandatoryDriver1CardDownloadWarnin 0x0C
Other 0x0D
Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
72 (86)

X 2 5 2 DriverCardDriver1 (Driver Card, Driver 1 0 0-3

DriverCardNotPresent 0x00
DriverCardPresent 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 7 2 Overspeed (Overspeed) 1 0 0-3

NoOverspeed 0x00
Overspeed 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 1 4 Driver2TimeRelatedStates (Driver 2 Time 1 0 0 - 15
Related States)
Normal/NoLimitsReached 0x00
Limit1: 15MinBefore4.5H 0x01
Limit2: 4.5HReached 0x02
Limit3: 15MinBefore9H 0x03
Limit4: 9HReached 0x04
Limit5: 15MinBefore16H 0x05
Limit6: 16HReached 0x06
1100Reserved 0x07
Other 0x0D
Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F
X 3 5 2 DriverCardDriver2 (Driver Card, Driver 1 0 0-3
DriverCardNotPresent 0x00
DriverCardPresent 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 1 2 SystemEvent (System Event) 1 0 0-3

NoSystemEvent 0x00
SystemEvent 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 3 2 HandlingInformation (Handling 1 0 0-3
NoHandlingInformation 0x00
HandlingInformation 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 5 2 SystemPerformance (Tachograph 1 0 0-3
NoSystemPerformance 0x00
SystemPerformance 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 7 2 DirectionIndicator (Direction Indicator) 1 0 0-3

Forward 0x00
Reverse 0x01
Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 16 TachoOutputShaftSpeed (Tachograph 0.125 0 0 - 8031.88 rpm
Output Shaft Speed)
Error 0xFE00

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
73 (86)

NotAvailable 0xFF00
7 1 16 TCOVehSpeed (Tachograph Vehicle 0.0039062 0 0 - 250.99609375 km/h 1)
Speed) 5
Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) This signal is the primary source of vehicle speed.

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
74 (86) TCO1 (Tachograph) - TCO

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
0CFE6CEE 20 20 00FE6C 3 Cyclic 0 0 6C EE Std
Se ISO16844 for information about TCO1. ISO16844-4 for CAN interface, ISO16844-7 for parameter specification.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 3 Driver1WorkingState (Driver 1 Working 1 0 0-7
X Rest 0x00
X Availability 0x01
X Work 0x02
X Drive 0x03
X 101Reserved 0x04
X Error 0x06
X NotAvailable 0x07
X 1 4 3 Driver2WorkingState (Driver 2 Working 1 0 0-7
X Rest 0x00
X Availability 0x01
X Work 0x02
X Drive 0x03
X 101Reserved 0x04
X Error 0x06
X NotAvailable 0x07
X 1 7 2 VehicleMotion (Vehicle Motion) 1 0 0-3

X VehicleNotInMotion 0x00
X VehicleInMotion 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 1 4 Driver1TimeRelatedStates (Driver 1 Time 1 0 0 - 15
Related States)
X Normal/NoLimitsReached 0x00
X Limit1: 15MinBefore4.5H 0x01
X Limit2: 4.5HReached 0x02
X Limit3: 15MinBefore9H 0x03
X Limit4: 9HReached 0x04
X Limit5: 15MinBefore16H 0x05
X Limit6: 16HReached 0x06
X WeeklyDrivingTimePreWarningActive 0x07
X WeeklyDrivingTimeWarningActive 0x08
X 2WeeksDrivingTimePreWarningActive 0x09
X 2WeeksDrivingTimeWarningActive 0x0A
X Driver1CardExpiryWarningActive 0x0B
X NextMandatoryDriver1CardDownloadWarnin 0x0C
X Other 0x0D
X Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
75 (86)

X 2 5 2 DriverCardDriver1 (Driver Card, Driver 1 0 0-3

X DriverCardNotPresent 0x00
X DriverCardPresent 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 2 7 2 Overspeed (Overspeed) 1 0 0-3

X NoOverspeed 0x00
X Overspeed 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 3 1 4 Driver2TimeRelatedStates (Driver 2 Time 1 0 0 - 15
Related States)
X Normal/NoLimitsReached 0x00
X Limit1: 15MinBefore4.5H 0x01
X Limit2: 4.5HReached 0x02
X Limit3: 15MinBefore9H 0x03
X Limit4: 9HReached 0x04
X Limit5: 15MinBefore16H 0x05
X Limit6: 16HReached 0x06
X 1100Reserved 0x07
X Other 0x0D
X Error 0x0E
X NotAvailable 0x0F
X 3 5 2 DriverCardDriver2 (Driver Card, Driver 1 0 0-3
X DriverCardNotPresent 0x00
X DriverCardPresent 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 1 2 SystemEvent (System Event) 1 0 0-3

X NoSystemEvent 0x00
X SystemEvent 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 3 2 HandlingInformation (Handling 1 0 0-3
X NoHandlingInformation 0x00
X HandlingInformation 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 5 2 SystemPerformance (Tachograph 1 0 0-3
X NoSystemPerformance 0x00
X SystemPerformance 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
X 4 7 2 DirectionIndicator (Direction Indicator) 1 0 0-3

X Forward 0x00
X Reverse 0x01
X Error 0x02
X NotAvailable 0x03
5 1 16 TachoOutputShaftSpeed (Tachograph 0.125 0 0 - 8031.88 rpm
Output Shaft Speed)
Error 0xFE00

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
76 (86)

NotAvailable 0xFF00
X 7 1 16 TCOVehSpeed (Tachograph Vehicle 0.0039062 0 0 - 250.99609375 km/h 1)
Speed) 5
X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) This signal is the primary source of vehicle speed.

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
77 (86) TelltaleStatus (Telltale Status) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FD7D25 1000 1000 00FD7D 6 Cyclic 0 0 7D 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 TelltaleBlockID (Telltale Block Identifier) 1 0 0-0

X Don'tCare 0x0F
X 1 5 3 TelltaleStatus1 (Telltale Status 1) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 2 1 3 TelltaleStatus2 (Telltale Status 2) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 2 5 3 TelltaleStatus3 (Telltale Status 3) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 3 1 3 TelltaleStatus4 (Telltale Status 4) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
78 (86)

X 3 5 3 TelltaleStatus5 (Telltale Status 5) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 4 1 3 TelltaleStatus6 (Telltale Status 6) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 4 5 3 TelltaleStatus7 (Telltale Status 7) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 5 1 3 TelltaleStatus8 (Telltale Status 8) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 5 5 3 TelltaleStatus9 (Telltale Status 9) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 6 1 3 TelltaleStatus10 (Telltale Status 10) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
79 (86)

Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 6 5 3 TelltaleStatus11 (Telltale Status 11) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 7 1 3 TelltaleStatus12 (Telltale Status 12) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 7 5 3 TelltaleStatus13 (Telltale Status 13) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 8 1 3 TelltaleStatus14 (Telltale Status 14) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 8 5 3 TelltaleStatus15 (Telltale Status 15) 1 0 0-0

Off 0x00
Condition Red 0x01
Condition Yellow 0x02
Condition Info 0x03
Reserved 0x04
Reserved 0x05
Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
80 (86) TelltaleStatus (Telltale Status) - ICL

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FD7D17 1000 1000 00FD7D 6 Cyclic 0 0 7D 17 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 4 TelltaleBlockID (Telltale Block Identifier) 1 0 0-0

X Don'tCare 0x0F
X 1 5 3 TelltaleStatus1 (Telltale Status 1) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 2 1 3 TelltaleStatus2 (Telltale Status 2) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 2 5 3 TelltaleStatus3 (Telltale Status 3) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 3 1 3 TelltaleStatus4 (Telltale Status 4) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
81 (86)

X 3 5 3 TelltaleStatus5 (Telltale Status 5) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 4 1 3 TelltaleStatus6 (Telltale Status 6) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 4 5 3 TelltaleStatus7 (Telltale Status 7) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 5 1 3 TelltaleStatus8 (Telltale Status 8) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 5 5 3 TelltaleStatus9 (Telltale Status 9) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 6 1 3 TelltaleStatus10 (Telltale Status 10) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
82 (86)

X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 6 5 3 TelltaleStatus11 (Telltale Status 11) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 7 1 3 TelltaleStatus12 (Telltale Status 12) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 7 5 3 TelltaleStatus13 (Telltale Status 13) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 8 1 3 TelltaleStatus14 (Telltale Status 14) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07
X 8 5 3 TelltaleStatus15 (Telltale Status 15) 1 0 0-0

X Off 0x00
X Condition Red 0x01
X Condition Yellow 0x02
X Condition Info 0x03
X Reserved 0x04
X Reserved 0x05
X Reserved 0x06
X NotAvaliable 0x07

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
83 (86) TimeDate (Time/Date) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE625 1000 1000 00FEE6 6 Cyclic 0 0 E6 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 Seconds (Seconds) 0.25 0 0 - 62.5 s

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 8 Minutes (Minutes) 1 0 0 - 250 mins

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 Hours (Hours) 1 0 0 - 250 hr

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 4 1 8 Month (Month) 1 0 0 - 250 months

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 5 1 8 Day (Day) 0.25 0 0 - 62.5 days

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 6 1 8 Year (Year) 1 1985 1985 - 2235 years

Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 8 LocalMinuteOffset (Local Minute Offset) 1 -125 -125 - 125 mins

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 LocalHourOffset (Local Hour Offset) 1 -125 -125 - 125 hr

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
84 (86) TimeDate (Time/Date) - ICL

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEE617 1000 1000 00FEE6 6 Cyclic 0 0 E6 17 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 Seconds (Seconds) 0.25 0 0 - 62.5 s

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 8 Minutes (Minutes) 1 0 0 - 250 mins

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 3 1 8 Hours (Hours) 1 0 0 - 250 hr

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 4 1 8 Month (Month) 1 0 0 - 250 months

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 5 1 8 Day (Day) 0.25 0 0 - 62.5 days

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 6 1 8 Year (Year) 1 1985 1985 - 2235 years

X Error 0xFE
X NotAvailable 0xFF
7 1 8 LocalMinuteOffset (Local Minute Offset) 1 -125 -125 - 125 mins

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF
8 1 8 LocalHourOffset (Local Hour Offset) 1 -125 -125 - 125 hr

Error 0xFE
NotAvailable 0xFF

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
85 (86) VehicleId_10000 (Vehicle Identification 10000ms) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18ECFF25 10000 10000 00FEEC 6 Cyclic 0 0 EC 25 FF Std
Message it is transmitted using BAM and TP.DT.
S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N
e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 VehicleIdentification (Vehicle 1 0 0-0 ASCII 1)
X 2 1 8 Delimiter (Delimiter) 1 0 0-0 ASCII 2)
Note 1) Length m bytes
Note 2) Start at byte m

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

CAN Communication Specification for FMS Page
86 (86) VehicleWeight_1000 (Vehicle Weight 1000ms) - FMS

Identifier Tmin Tmax PGN Default Message DPext DP Group Source Destination Standard/
Priority Type Extension proprietary
18FEEA25 1000 1000 00FEEA 6 Cyclic 0 0 EA 25 Std

S R B B L Explanation S Resolution Offset Operating range Unit N

e e y i e t Data range o
n c t t n a t
d e e g t e
e i t e
r v h
X 1 1 8 AxleLocation (Axle Location) 1 0 0 - 255 1)

X NotAvailable 0xFF
X 2 1 16 AxleWeight (Axle Weight) 0.5 0 0 - 32127.5 kg

X Error 0xFE00
X NotAvailable 0xFF00
4 1 16 TrailerWeight (Trailer Weight) 2 0 0 - 128510 kg

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
6 1 16 CargoWeight (Cargo Weight) 2 0 0 - 128510 kg

Error 0xFE00
NotAvailable 0xFF00
Note 1) The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of
normal vehicle travel (forward). The high order 4 bits represent a position number, counting front to back on the

22:10-632 Edition 2016-10-25

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