Time Management of Casey

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Time Management and Academical Performance During

Modular Distance Learning of Senior High School Learner's


Throughout the history, there has been great emphasis on the effective and efficient management of
time, which has also been considered the key to success. According to Frederick Winslow Taylor "The
concept to use time management for analyzing time and motion studies of employees with aim to
decrease time wasting and unproductive work". Time management problems are the challenges
individuals encounter when trying to maximize their studies. For students to better manage their
curriculum and achieve learning objectives, these time management behaviors or skills are argued to
improve the positive academic output (Razali et al., 2018). This year they'll be more need to have time
management and academic performance to have an upgraded level of their study. Self management can
be their positive ways to achieve their studies.

Doing a research study can experience different issues which needed to be solve. In this study about
time management and academic performance during modular distance learning, the researchers found
out that one of the issue about time management and academic performance is having low motivation
of the student's to overcome their problems. Different tasks need to meet the deadline at the same time
is also issues of different students. Effective time management is associated with greater acedemic
performance and lower levels anxiety in students: however many students find it hard to find a balance
between their studies and their day-to-day lives. As a student's they can adopt different time
management skill. You must keep yourself motivated to achieve time management goals. The
accomplishment of various goals of time management itself acts as the main source of motivation.

This research guide a lot specially to the Senior High School Learner's. Student's should know what kind
of time management and academic performance they need to do. Time management can be very useful
in a student's hectic schedule. It ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to
manage their daily lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved success,
however, this is a skill that students have to learn and practice. During Modular distance learner has to
be disciplined so as to use the time wisely.

General Problem
The objectives of this research study is to know the ways on how to achieve their time management and
academical performance during modular distance learning of senior high school learner's. And to know
the effectiveness of having time management in their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher's aimed to assess the ways on how the student's achieve their time management in their
academic performance during modular distance learning of Senior High Students.

Specially, the study right to answers the following question:

1. How does senior high students overcome their time management in their academic performance?

2. What plan may be proposed to Senior High School Learner's to have an effective and achieved
academic performance and successfully manage their time?

Research Instrument

Survey Questionnaire

In order to get the result from the respondents, the researcher's used recognition method but because
of the pandemic, researcher's used online platforms to get the information needed or to gathered data.
There are five(5) questions that the researcher's prepared , to know the time management and
academical performance of Senior High School Learner's during Modular Distance Learning.

Background of the Study

Time management is the process of organising and planning how to divide your time between specific
activities and priorities. Improved time management increases your focus, builds confidence, and allows
you to plan your time more effectively. This study focus to the senior high students that is not easy to
manage their time because of having lot of task that have the same time of deadline. Time management
is important to help you maximise your strengths and plan your day efficiently. Having these skills gives
students the ability to plan ahead and prioritize upcoming assignments and events. This is an important
factor in keeping students organized and avoiding procrastination, and ultimately leads to academic
success. Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule.

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