Work Health and Safety Management System Evaluation Report Background
Work Health and Safety Management System Evaluation Report Background
Work Health and Safety Management System Evaluation Report Background
The Australian Hardware National Work Health and Safety data shows information
regarding incidents happened at the workplace from July 2012 to May 2013. Based on data,
it can be concluded that the new Customer Service Staff is on the top list that have more
incidents, at least one incident per month. This confirmed that the Work Health and Safety
management has failed and needed to be reviewed. The Lost Time Injury shows around
50% of incidents and has happened every month since August which impacts on the
productivity of the company. First Aid incidents, Medical Treatment Injury and Near Miss
Incident shows 15% of incidents for each category which is significant considering that the
case has been happening at least every two months. A few incidents of falling down and
slipping were also recorded at Australian Hardware store.
Recommendation to Address Identified Issues
To address the issues identified, the company should consider to:
- Develop, review and monitor the effectiveness of a training program for new employees
and make sure everyone starts working after they received trainings.
- Purchase trolleys to carry boxes and create policy and procedure regarding the matters.
- Ensure all shoes of staff members are appropriate, and provide extra anti-slip layer for
the floor.
Improvements to Recordkeeping Practice
The recordkeeping should be implemented by everyone in the company. Customers
are also welcome to register themselves. In recordkeeping form, some details such as date,
time, name of the register, name of people involved, location and description of situation
should be included. This will help the process of analysing the incident accurately with the
additional resource of stores’ video recording.
Induction and Training Requirements
Identified Gap Objectives Details Timeframe Cost
Effectiveness of Review and Ensure all new Provide training for new 2 months $500
new employees develop training employees are employees. Ensure they
training programs. trained, start working only after they
understand, have been trained, monitor,
Monitor and
and follow the and review their
control the
policies and performance.
effectiveness of
the training.
Following of Review the policy Minimize the Develop the lifting policy 2 months $300
lifting policies and procedure incidents with and procedure.
and procedures for lifting. lifting.
Ensure everyone
understand the policy and
procedures and
demonstrate the practical
Awareness of Develop regular Ensure all Use regular check-list to 1 month $600
workplace check-list for employees are remind employees on their
employees and a aware of their action and activity.
regular training responsibilities
Create short video with
or short at the
incidents to be shown
sessions. workplace.
around the workplace.
Date Actions Description Resources Responsible
5/10/2021 Review and develop Provide training for new Training WHS Manager 5/12/2021
training programs. employees. Ensure they program
start working only after they
Monitor and control WHS
have been trained, monitor,
the effectiveness of consultant
and review their
the training.
5/10/2021 Review the policy Develop the lifting policy Lifting Policy WHS Manager 5/12/2021
and procedure for and procedure. and Procedure
Ensure everyone
understand the policy and
procedures and
demonstrate the practical
5/10/2021 Develop regular Use regular check-list to Check-list WHS Manager 5/11/2021
check-list for remind employees on their
Short Video
employees and a action and activity.
regular training or
Create short video with
short sessions.
incidents to be shown
around the workplace.
Target Training
Session Duration Topic Outcome
Audience Method
3 Forklift Driver 40 min Safety driving policy Driver can perform safe Theorical and
and procedure driving ability and drive practical
following safety policy assessment
and procedures
4 Manager 60 min Promote and review Managers could Work Health and
Work Health and promote Work Health Safety Training
Safety System and Safety System
within the company
and know when and
how to review it