18CSC364J - Information Security Without Answer
18CSC364J - Information Security Without Answer
18CSC364J - Information Security Without Answer
3. According to the CIA Triad, which of the below-mentioned element is not considered in the
A. Confidentiality
B. Integrity
C. Authenticity
D. Availability
4. This is the model designed for guiding the policies of Information security within a company,
firm, or organization. What is “this” referred to here?
A. Confidentiality
B. Non-repudiation
C. CIA Triad
D. Authenticity
9. To control access by a subject (an active entity such as individual or process) to an object (a
passive entity such as a file) involves setting up:
A. Access Rules
B. Access Matrix
C. Identification controls
D. Access terminal
10. Rule-Based Access Control (RuBAC) access is determined by rules. Such rules would fit within
what category of access control ?
A. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
B. Mandatory Access control (MAC)
C. Non-Discretionary Access Control (NDAC)
D. Lattice-based Access control
11. The type of discretionary access control (DAC) that is based on an individual's identity is also
A. Identity-based Access control
B. Rule-based Access control
C. Non-Discretionary Access Control
D. Lattice-based Access control
12. Which access control type has a central authority that determine to what objects the subjects
have access to and it is based on role or on the organizational security policy?
A. Mandatory Access Control
B. Discretionary Access Control
C. Non-Discretionary Access Control
D. Rule-based Access control
13. What is called the type of access control where there are pairs of elements that have the least
upper bound of values and greatest lower bound of values?
A. Mandatory model
B. Discretionary model
C. Lattice model
D. Rule model
14. What is called the act of a user professing an identity to a system, usually in the form of a log-on
A. Authentication
B. Identification
C. Authorization
D. Confidentiality
15. Which form of access control enables data owners to extend access rights to other logons?
A. Mandatory Access Control
B. Discretionary Access Control
C. Role-based Access Control
D. Rule-based Access Control
1. Write the four important functions performed by information security for an organization
2. What is meant by balancing Security and Access?
3. List the legal, ethical and professional issues related to information security
4. What are the approaches used in information security?
5. If the C.I.A Triangle is incomplete why is it so commonly used in security?
6. Differentiate between a policy, a standard and a practice
7. Differentiate between attack and threat
8. What are the various threats to information?
9. What is meant by attack? How does it differ from vulnerability?
10. Differentiate DOS and DDOS
11. What are the various types of malware? How does it differ from viruses?
12. What are the Implementation Issues present in Computer Security
13. What is meant by Discretionary Access Control?
14. What is meant by Mandatory Access Control?
15. What is meant by Access Control Algebra
16. What is meant by Unified Models
17. What is meant by Temporal model and Spatio-temporal Model
1. Briefly Explain the Components of an information System and their Security
2. Discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with the information security.
3. How to operate an information system that satisfies the user and the security professional by
Balancing Information Security and Access
4. Information security is a major concern for the software industry today as the number of
internal threats is nearly 80% - Discuss on the statement highlighting the various attacks.
5. Identify the six components of an information system. Which are mostly directly affected by the
study of Computer Security? Illustrate with an Example
6. Explain different phases of Security Systems Development Life Cycle (SSDLC).
7. List the Different types of security policies? Explain in detail with an example.
8. Explain in detail about Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Analysis
9. Discuss in detail about Roll-based model and Task-based model
10. Explain in detail about Access Control Algebra
11. Discuss in detail about Unified Models with suitable examples
12. How Temporal model and Spatio-temporal Model can be implement in information security,
Explain in Detail.