Is 1893 Pt3 - F Commented

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Doc : CED 39(7739)

IS: 1893 (Part 3)

Draft Indian Standard

(Not to be reproduced without the permission of BIS or used as an Indian Standard)



Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39


(Formal clause shall be added latter on)

Himalayan-Nagalushai region, Indo-Gangetic Plain, Western India, Kutch and

Kathiawar regions are geologically unstable parts of the country, and some
devastating earthquakes of the world have occurred there. A major part of the
peninsular India has also been visited by strong earthquakes, but these were
relatively few in number occurring at much larger time intervals at any site, and had
considerably lesser intensity. The earthquake resistant design of structures taking
into account seismic data from studies of these Indian earthquakes has become very
essential, particularly in view of the intense construction activity all over the country. It
is to serve this purpose that IS 1893:1962 “Recommendations for Earthquake-
Resistant Design of Structures” was published and subsequently revised in 1966,
1975 and 1984.

In the fifth revision of IS 1893, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant
Design of Structures, with a view to keep abreast with the rapid development and
extensive research that has been carried out in the field of earthquake-resistant
design of various structures, the sectional committee has decided to cover the
provisions for different types of structures in separate parts. Hence IS 1893 has been
split into the following five parts:

Part 1: General Provisions and Buildings

Part 2: Liquid Retaining Tanks - Elevated and Ground Supported
Part 3: Bridges and Retaining Walls
Part 4: Industrial Structures including Stack like Structures
Part 5: Dams and Embankments

IS 1893 (Part 3) contains provisions for the design of new bridges and for seismic
evaluation of existing bridges in the process of their seismic upgradation and
retrofitting. Unless otherwise stated, this standard shall be read necessarily in

conjunction with IS 1893 (Part 1), which contains provisions that are general in nature
and applicable to all types of structures.

For the purpose of determining design seismic forces, the country is classified into
four seismic zones as per Fig 1 of IS 1893 (Part 1).

This standard has been formulated to ensure that bridges possess at least a
minimum strength to withstand earthquakes. The intention is not to prevent damage
to them due to the most severe shaking that they may be subjected to during their
lifetime. Actual forces that appear on different portions of bridge during earthquakes
may be greater than the design seismic forces specified in this standard. However,
ductility arising from material behavior, detailing and over strength arising from the
additional reserve strength in them over and above the design force are relied upon
to account for this difference in actual and design lateral loads.

The reinforced and prestressed concrete components shall be designed to be under

reinforced so as to cause a tensile failure. Further, they should be suitably designed
to ensure that premature failure due to shear or bond does not occur. Ductility
demand under seismic shaking is usually not a major concern in bridge
superstructures. However, the seismic response of bridges is critically dependent on
the ductile characteristics of the substructures, foundations and connections.
Provisions for appropriate ductile detailing of reinforced concrete members applicable
to substructures and foundations and connections for bridges are given
in Annexure A.

Some of the major and important modifications made in this draft revision as
compared to IS: 1893:1984 are as follows:

a) Seismic zone factors are the same as included in IS 1893(Part 1):2002. Four
methods, namely seismic coefficient method, response spectrum method,
time history method and push over analysis are given for estimating design
forces which recognizes the flexibility of bridges.

b) The concept of ductility and over-strength is brought in the draft explicitly, by

introducing the response reduction factors.

c) Different response reduction factors have been proposed for the different
components of the bridge, depending on the redundancy, expected ductility
and over-strength in them.

d) The design force level for bridge has been raised from the existing level and
brought in line with IS1893(Part1):2002.

e) The concept of capacity design is introduced in the design of connections,

substructures and foundations.

f) The soil-foundation factor is dropped. The effect of soil on response is
represented in the response spectrum.

g) Provision for dislodging of girders in the bearings is introduced.

h) Use of vertical hold-down devices, stoppers, restrainers and horizontal

linkage elements to account for the large displacements generated during
seismic shaking is recommended for preventing falling of spans.

j) A minimum width of seating of superstructure over substructures to avoid

dislodging of spans from atop the substructure is required for all bridges.

k) The method of computing earth pressures for c- Φ soil is included in the

section on Retaining Walls

In the formulation of this standard, due weightage has been given to international
coordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in
addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country.

The units used with the items covered by the symbols shall be consistent throughout
this standard, unless specifically noted otherwise.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is

complied with the final value observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or
analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 Rules for rounding off
numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

Doc : CED 39(7739)
IS: 1893 (Part 3)

Draft Indian Standard

(Not to be reproduced without the permission of BIS or used as an Indian Standard)




1.1 The standard (Part 3) deals with the assessment of earthquake forces and design
of new bridges on highways, railways, flyover bridges, pedestrian bridges,
submersible bridges, utility bridges and aqueducts. The earthquake effect on
retaining walls and bridge abutments are covered. The hydrodynamic effect of water
on submerged substructure and method of assessment of liquefaction potential of
soil is also included. The methodology of estimation of seismic forces given in the
code may be employed for seismic evaluation of the existing bridges and retrofitting
of such structures.

1.2 This standard deals with the earthquake resistant design of regular bridges in
which the seismic actions are mainly resisted at abutments or through flexure of
piers, that is, bridges composed of vertical pier-foundation system supporting the
deck structure with/without bearings. However for all special and major bridges,
detailed dynamic studies shall be undertaken.

1.3 This standard does not deal with the construction features relating to earthquake
resistant design of bridges.


The standards contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the standards indicated Annex D.


The definitions given in 3 of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 shall be applicable to this
standard also.


For the purpose of earthquake resistant design of bridges, the following definitions
shall apply:

4.1 Active Tectonic Fault — A seismotectonic fault is considered to be active

when there is an average slip rate of at least 1 mm/year and topographic evidence of
seismic activity with in Holocene times (past 11000 years).

4.2 Asynchronous Motion — Spatial variability of the seismic action means that
the motion at different supports of the bridge is assumed to be different and as a
result, the definition of the seismic action shall not be based on the characterization
of motion at a single point, as is usually the case.

4.3 Base — It shall be the base of pier or top of well in case of well foundation,
base of pier or top of pile cap in case of pile foundation and base of pier in case of
open foundation.

4.4 Capacity Design ― The design procedure used in structures of ductile

behavior to secure the hierarchy of strengths of the various structural components
necessary for leading to the intended configuration of plastic hinges and for avoiding
brittle failure modes.

4.5 Dynamic Analysis Method ― A seismic analysis method in which the

dynamic behavior of a structure during an earthquake is obtained considering
dynamic characteristics of the structure and characteristics of the ground motion by
solving the equations of motion of the structure.

4.6 Design Seismic Displacement ― The displacement induced by design

seismic actions.

4.7 Effects of Earthquake ― The effects of earthquake motion that shall be

considered in seismic design of bridge include inertial force, displacements, earth
pressure, hydrodynamic pressure and liquefaction of soil.

4.8 Isolation Bearing ― A bearing support used for a bridge with seismic
isolation device having a function to appropriately increase the natural period of the
bridge with the controlled damping and a function to decrease forces in the structure
and displacements in the bearing for better overall performance.

4.9 Special Regular Bridge ― The bridges specified under regular bridges but
single span more than 120 m or pier height measured from founding level to the top
of pier cap to be more than 30 m. In case of pile foundation pier height shall be
considered from the point of fixity.

4.10 Modal Analysis ― A dynamic analysis method in which response is
calculated by combination of response in various modes of vibration.

4.11 Retrofitting ― It is upgrading the strength of existing structure in order to

increase its capacity to withstand effect of future earthquakes by addition of structural
elements, dampers or similar devices. The retrofitting may be required for (a)
seismically deficient structure (b) earthquake damaged structure (c) due to
modifications made to increase live load capacity of structure

4.12 Regular Bridge ― A regular bridge has no abrupt or unusual changes in

mass, stiffness or geometry along its span and has no large differences in these
parameters between adjacent supports (abutments excluded). A bridge shall be
considered regular for the purposes of this standard, if

a) It is straight or it describes a sector of an arch which subtends an angle less

than 900 at the center of the arch,

b) The adjacent piers do not differ in stiffness by more than 25 percent

(Percentage difference shall be calculated based on the lesser of the two
stiffness), and

c) Girder bridges, T-beam bridges, truss bridges, hammer head bridges, bridges
having single or multiple simply supported spans with each span less than 120
m and pier height above foundation level less than 30 m.

4.13 Seismic Coefficient Method ― A seismic analysis method in which seismic

force equal to the weight of the structure/component multiplied by design acceleration
coefficient is applied statically at the centre of mass of the structure/component.

4.14 Seating Width ― The distance between the end of the girder to the top edge
of a substructure to prevent the girder from being dislocated in the event of an
unexpectedly large relative displacement between super and substructure.

4.15 Seismic Links ― Restrainers through which part or all of the seismic action
may be transmitted. Used in combination with bearings and they are usually provided
with appropriate slack so as to be activated only in case when the design seismic
displacements is exceeded.

4.16 Special and Irregular Types of Bridges ― The bridges with innovative
designs and bridges such as suspension bridge, cable stayed bridge, arch bridge,
bascule bridge and irregular bridges such as skew bridge of angle 300 and above
with span more than 60 m shall be categorized under these types.

4.17 Unseating Prevention System ― A structure installed to prevent a

superstructure from unseating due to an earthquake. It may comprise of an adequate
seat length, devices to prevent excessive displacement, jumping and preventing

structure from dislodging from supports. It may be in various forms such as; stopper,
cable restrainer, bolts, clamps, etc.


5.1 General principles

5.1.1 All components of the bridge, that is, superstructure, substructure, bearing,
foundation and soil are susceptible to damage in the event of strong ground shaking.
The earthquake resistant design shall consider the effect of earthquake motions on
each component of the bridge following the provisions of this standard.

5.1.2 The design shall ensure that seismic resistance of the bridge and its
components is adequate to meet the specified design requirement so that emergency
communication after an earthquake shall be maintained for the design basis

5.1.3 Masonry and plain concrete arch bridges with spans more than 10 m shall not
be built in the seismic zones IV and V.

5.1.4 Box, pipe and slab culverts need not be designed for earthquake forces.
Bridges of total length not more than 60 m and individual span not more than 15 m
need not be designed for earthquake forces other than in Zones IV and V.

5.1.5 Seismic forces on aqueduct structures and flyover bridges shall be calculated
as for any other bridge. The effect of inertia force of flowing water mass in aqueduct
shall be calculated on the basis of assumptions in 7.5.

5.1.6 Hydrodynamic pressure on walls of water trough in case of aqueduct shall be

considered on the basis of provision of IS 1893 (Pt 2).

5.1.7 The liquefaction potential of foundation soil shall be investigated where

necessary according to 22.

5.1.8 When relative movement between two adjacent units of a bridge are designed
to occur at a separation/expansion joint, sufficient clearance shall be provided
between them, to permit the calculated relative movement under design earthquake
conditions to freely occur without inducing damage. Where the two units may be out
of phase, the clearance to be provided may be estimated as the square root of the
sum of squares of the calculated displacements of the two units under maximum
elastic seismic forces.

5.1.9 Special design studies shall be called for the following cases:

a) Consideration of asynchronous ground motion when, (1) geological

discontinuities or marked topographical features are present (2) single span is
greater than 600 m, even if there are no geological discontinuities.

b) In case of bridges over potentially active tectonic faults, the probable

discontinuity of the ground displacement shall be estimated and
accommodated either by adequate flexibility of the structure or by provision of
suitable movement joints.

c) Bridge located in near field that is, within 10 km near fault area of known active
tectonic fault

5.2 Design Criteria

5.2.1 Site Specific Spectrum

For special bridges as defined in 4.9 and 4.16 in seismic zones IV and V where soil
conditions are poor consisting of marine clay or loose fine sand and silt (e.g. where
the soil up to 30 m depth has SPT (N values- uncorrected) equal to or less than 20
and for bridges located near a known fault (near-field) or the area is known for
complex seismotectonic geological setting, detailed investigations shall be carried out
to obtain the site specific spectrum. Site specific spectrum is also required for bridges
with spans greater than 150 m. Such a spectrum shall be used for design in place of
code spectrum subject to minimum requirements specified in this standard.

5.2.2 Seismic Safety of Bridge in Longitudinal and Transverse Directions

The design of the bridge shall be made for the effect of earthquake motions occurring
in the traffic direction (longitudinal direction), in the direction of water current
(transverse direction) and vertical direction. The simultaneous action of the motions
shall be considered where necessary according to provisions of this standard.
5.2.3 Elastomeric Bearing

Elastomeric bearings shall generally be used to transmit vertical loads, rotations and
horizontal forces other than those due to seismic. In case, in-plane horizontal seismic
forces are to be transmitted using thesethrough such bearings, they shall also be
checked using minimum dynamic frictional value and minimum vertical load, including
combined effects of horizontal and vertical components of earthquake. The bearings
shall should preferably be suitably anchored in the substructure and superstructure.
Suitable devices for dislodgement of superstructure need to be incorporated. In such
cases, for For design of substructure and foundation value of Response Reduction
Factor, R, defined in clause 10.4.1.(d) is to be taken as 1 when the superstructure is
free to respond to earthquake without restraint by the shear deformation of the

bearings. Bearings should be tested for cyclic loadings in such cases for which
specialist literature should be consulted.

5.2.4 Effect of Soil-Structure-Interaction

This standard specifies design of bridges founded on rock and medium soil, which do
not liquefy or slide during the ground shaking. For bridges founded on soft soils and
in cases where deep foundations are used, detailed studies of soil structure
interaction are required. The soil structure interaction may not be considered for open
foundations on rocky strata.

Soil flexibilities included in modeling substructure and foundation of the bridge for soil
structure interaction, generally lead to longer natural period and hence lower seismic
forces. However on the other hand, consideration of soil flexibilities will result in
larger lateral deflections. Soil parameters, like, elastic properties and spring
constants shall be properly estimated. In many cases one obtains a range of values
of soil properties. In such cases, the highest values of soil stiffness shall be used for
calculating natural period and lowest value shall be used for calculating deflection.

5.2.5 Design for Strength and Ductility

The earthquake resistant design of bridge shall be based both on strength and
ductility. Reinforced and prestressed concrete members shall be suitably designed to
ensure that premature failure due to shear or bond does not occur, subject to the
provisions of IS 456 and IS 1343 and as per relevant codes of Indian Road Congress
or Indian Railways Code (see Annex D).

5.2.6 Inter Linking of Spans

The interlinking of spans to prevent it from being dislodged off its bearings is
desirable. alternatively Alternatively continuous construction should be encouraged.
The greater redundancy and energy dissipation capacity in the structure are
desirable features for better performance in earthquake.

5.2.7 Capacity Design

The design seismic force in the code for bridges is lower than the maximum expected
seismic force on them. However, to ensure good performance at low cost, the
difference in the design seismic force and the maximum expected seismic force shall
be accounted for through additional safety provisions. The capacity design provisions
shall be applicable to important bridges in seismic zone III and to all bridges in
seismic zones IV and V. These provisions are meant for bridges having reinforced
concrete substructures; however, if steel substructures are used in high seismic
zones, reference should be made to specialist literature. Annex A describes the
detailing procedure for Reinforced Concrete Structures.

superstructure due to earthquake induced ground motion are usually quite nominal.
Therefore, ductility demand under seismic shaking has not been a major concern in
bridge superstructures during past earthquakes. However, the seismic response of
bridges is critically dependent on the ductile characteristics of the substructures.
Provisions for appropriate ductile detailing of reinforced concrete members given in
Annexure A shall be applicable to substructures. Bridges shall be designed such that
under severe seismic shaking plastic hinges form in the substructure, rather than in
the deck or foundation.

NOTE – Specialist literature to be consulted for asynchronous ground motion.


The following assumptions shall be made in the earthquake analysis of bridges:

7.1 The seismic forces due to design basis earthquake (DBE) should not be
combined with design wind forces

7. 2 The scour to be considered for design shall be based on mean design flood. In
the absence of detailed data, the scour to be considered for design shall be 0.9 times
the maximum design scour depth.
NOTE - The designer is cautioned that the maximum seismic scour case may not
always govern in design condition.

7.3 The earthquake accelerations should be applied to full mass in case of

submerged structures and not on buoyant mass

7.4 The seismic force on live load in bridges should not be considered in
longitudinal direction. The seismic force on live load should be considered in
transverse direction as explained in the 8.1.

7.5 The seismic force on flowing mass of water in the longitudinal direction in case
of aqueducts should not be considered, however seismic force on this water mass be
considered in transverse direction. The hydrodynamic action of water on the walls of
water carrying trough shall be considered according to the provisions of code on
liquid retaining structures.

7.6 The earthquake accelerations on embedded portion of bridges foundation

should be reduced as explained in the 10.3.

7.7 The value of elastic modulus of material, where required, may be taken as for
static analysis unless a more definite value is available for use in seismic condition.


When earthquake forces are combined with other forces such as dead load and live
load, the load factor for plastic design of steel structures and partial safety factors for

5.2.8 Earthquake Damaged Bridges

For seismic retrofitting of earthquake damaged bridges, seismic evaluation should be

carried out following the methods of seismic analysis recommended in this standard
taking into consideration the reduced stiffness and capacity due to cracking and

5.2.9 Retrofitting of Existing Bridges

Seismically deficient bridges should be evaluated using the provisions of this

standard to determine the need of retrofitting. The prioritization of bridges for
retrofitting should be based upon seismicity, age, deterioration and importance of the
bridge. The retrofitting of bridges will consist in upgrading the strength to meet the
requirement of current code.


6. 1 Serviceability Limit State

The design of bridge should meet the serviceability limit state under design basis
earthquake (DBE). The parts of the bridge intended to contribute to energy
dissipation shall are permitted to undergo minor damage without giving rise to need
for reduction of traffic or immediate repair. Specialist literature to be consulted for
limit state analysis using MCE (involving nonlinear analysis and time history method)
where specifically called for.

6. 2. Ultimate Limit State

The design of bridge should meet non-collapse requirement that is, ultimate limit
state under maximum considered earthquake (MCE). While designing as per IS 456
IRC/IRS Codes only, DBE may be considered. The bridge shall retain its structural
integrity and adequate residual resistance, although considerable damage may occur
in some portions of the bridge. The structure should be able to sustain emergency
traffic, inspections and repair could be performed easily after the earthquake.

The bridge superstructure however shall in general be protected from the formation
of plastic hinges and from unseating under extreme seismic displacements under

6.3. Ductile Behavior

The reinforced and prestressed concrete components shall be under-reinforced so as

to cause a tensile failure. Further, they should be suitably designed to ensure that
premature failure due to shear or bond does not occur. Stresses induced in the

limit state design of reinforceds concrete structures and prestressed concrete
structures shall be considered. Load factors may be used as in IRC/IRS codes with
the provision that when earthquake load (EL) and dead load (DL) are combined, load
factor shall be minimum 1.5; and when seismic load is combined with all other loads,
load factor shall be minimum 1.2.

8.1 Seismic Force on Live Load

The seismic force due to live load shall not be considered when acting in the direction
of traffic, but shall be considered in the direction perpendicular to traffic.

The live load on the bridges for highways to be considered present during
earthquake shall be 20 percent of design live load for highway bridges, 0 percent
for bridges on rural roads and 3050 percent of design live load for railway bridges
without impact.

Note - The bridge owner authorities can modify these percentages on the basis of location of
bridge and intensity of traffic.

8.2 Seismic Load Combinations

8.2.1 The seismic forces shall be assumed to come from any horizontal direction.
For this purpose, two separate analyses shall be performed for design seismic forces
acting along two orthogonal horizontal directions. The design seismic force resultants
(i.e. axial force, bending moments, shear forces, and torsion) at any cross-section of
a bridge component resulting from the analyses in the two orthogonal horizontal
directions shall be combined as shown in the expressions below.

a) ± r1 ± 0.3r2
b) ± 0.3r1 ± r2

r1 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along x direction,
r2 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along z direction.

When vertical seismic forces are also considered, the design seismic force resultants
at any cross-section of a bridge component shall be combined as below:

i) ± r1 ± 0.3r2 ± 0.3r3
ii) ± 0.3 r1 ± r2 ± 0.3r3
iii) ± 0.3r1 ± 0.3r2 ± r3

When r1 and r2 are as defined in (a) and r3 is the force resultant due to full design
seismic force along the vertical direction.

As an alternative to the procedure given in (a) and (b) above, the forces due to the
combined effect of two or three components can be obtained on the basis of square
root of sum of square (SRSS), that is

r21 + r22 or r12 + r22 + r32

Where r1, r2 and r3 are as defined in (a) or (b)

8.3 Vertical Component of Seismic Action

8.3.1 The effect of the vertical seismic component on substructure and foundation
may, as a rule, be omitted in zones II and III. The vertical accelerations should be
specially considered in bridges with large spans, those in which stability is the criteria
of design and in situations where bridges are located in near field. However the effect
of vertical seismic component is particularly important in the following
components/situations and needs to be investigated:

a) Prestressed concrete decks,

b) Bearings and linkages,
c) Horizontal cantilever structural elements, and

8.3.2 The seismic zone factor for vertical ground motions, when required may be
taken as two-thirds of that for horizontal motions given in Table 2 of IS 1893 (Pt. 1).
However, the time period for the superstructure has to be worked out separately
using the characteristic of the superstructure for vertical motion, in order to estimate
Sa/g for vertical acceleration. The natural time period of superstructure can be
estimated using appropriate modeling and free vibration analysis using computer.
However, for simply supported superstructure with uniform flexural rigidity, the
fundamental time period Tv, for vertical motion can be estimated using the
2 m
expression Tv = l 2 , where l is the span, m is the mass per unit length and EI is
π EI
the flexural rigidity of the superstructure.


9.1 Simply Supported Bridges

Where the vibration unit of substructure can be idealized as a single cantilever pier
carrying the superstructure mass, resting on well, pile or open foundation, the
fundamental period shall be calculated from the following equation:

T = 2π

δ = horizontal displacement at the top of pier due to horizontal force equal to mg, m is
equal to lumped mass at the top of pier. In general pier shall be considered fixed at
the foundation level. However, in case of soft soil or deep foundations, soil flexibility
may be considered in the calculation of natural period as per 5.2.4.

9.2 Other Types of Bridges

Where idealization by a single cantilever pier model is not possible, the natural
periods of vibration may be calculated by free vibration analysis of an appropriate
mathematical model of bridge superstructure, bearing, substructure, foundation and


10.1 The following methods of seismic analysis can be employed for calculation of
seismic forces in bridges

a) Seismic Coefficient Method (SCM),

b) Response Spectrum Method (RSM)
c) Time History Method (THM), and
d) Push Over Analysis (PA)

The recommended method of analysis for different category of bridges and

earthquake level is given in Table 1. The linear analysis considering elastic behavior
is required for DBE.

10.2 Seismic Coefficient Method

The seismic force to be resisted by bridge component shall be computed as follows:

F = Ah W


F = Horizontal seismic force to be resisted

W = Weight of mass under consideration ignoring reduction due to buoyancy
or uplift
Ah = Design horizontal seismic coefficient as determined from 10.4.1(d)

10.3 For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below scour

level, the seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed using design
seismic coefficient equal to 0.5 Ah.

For portion of foundation between the scour level and 30 m below, the seismic force
due to that portion of foundation mass may be computed using seismic coefficient

obtained by linearly interpolating between Ah at scour level and 0.5 Ah at a depth 30
m below scour level.

Table 1- Method of Seismic Analysis of Bridges

Earthquake Category of Bridge Type

Level Regular Special Special
Regular Irregular

NOTE – In case of MCE, non-linear analysis and Time History Method shall be adopted.

10.4 Response Spectrum Method (RSM)

10.4.1 Steps of RSM

The following steps are required in RSM:

a) Formulation of an appropriate mathematical model consisting of lumped mass

system using 2D/3D beam elements. The mathematical model should suitably
represent dynamic characteristics of superstructure, bearings, substructure,
foundation and soil/rock springs. In rock and very stiff soil fixed base can be

b) Determination of natural frequency and mode shapes following a standard

stiffness matrix, transfer matrix or other standard approach.

c) Determine total response by combining responses in various modes by (i) by

mode combination procedure such as SRSS, CQC, etc. or (ii) time-wise
superposition of responses using ground motion time history(s). In method (i),
Ah shall be computed as explained in (d) below.

Fig. 1 Response Spectra for Rock and Soil Sites for 5
Percent Damping

d) Horizontal Seismic Coefficient Ah

The design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah shall be determined from

following expression of 6.4.2 of IS1893 (Part 1) : 2002.

Ah = Z I Sa
. .
2 R g

Provided that for any structure with T< 0.1 sec, the value of Ah will not be
taken less than Z/2 whatever be the value of I/R


Z = Zone factor
I = Importance factor, Table 2
R = Response reduction factor, Table 3

Sa = Average Acceleration coefficient for rock or soil sites as
given in Fig.1.

10.4.2 Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient Av

The design vertical seismic coefficient may be adopted as in 8.3.2.

10.4.3 Design seismic coefficient for different soils and damping

Mathematical expressions of 6.4.2 of IS 1893 (Part 1) can be used to compute Sa/g

for different soil/rock types. Table 3 of IS 1893(Part1) can be used for damping other
than 5%.

10.4.4 Importance Factor, I

Bridges are designed to resist design basis earthquake (DBE) level, or other higher
or lower magnitude of forces, depending on the consequences of their partial or
complete non-availability, due to damage or failure from seismic event. The level of
design force is obtained by multiplying (Z/2) by factor ‘I’, which represents seismic
importance of the structure. Combination of factors considered in assessing the
consequences of failure, and hence choice of factor ‘I’, include inter alia.

a) Extent of disturbance to traffic and possibility of providing temporary


b) Availability of alternative routes,

c) Cost of repairs and time involved, which depend on the extent of damages,
- minor or major,

d) Cost of replacement, and time involved in reconstruction in case of failure,

e) Indirect economic loss due to its partial or full non-availability,

Importance factors are given in Table 2 for different types of bridges.


Seismic Class Illustrative Examples Importance

Factor ‘I’

Normal bridges All bridges except those 1

mentioned in other classes
Important bridges a) River bridges and flyovers 1.2
inside cities
b) Bridges on National and State
c) Bridges serving traffic near
ports and other centers of
economic activities
d) Bridges crossing railway
Large critical bridges a) Long bridges more than 1.5
in all Seismic Zones 1km length across perennial
rivers and creeks
b) Bridges for which
alternative routes are not

Railway bridges i) All important bridges 1.5

irrespective of route.

ii) Major bridges on group A, B

and C routes
(Route classification as per
IRP Way Manual)

i) Major bridges on all other 1.25


ii) All other bridges on group

A,B and C routes

All other bridges 1.0

Note: While checking for seismic effects during construction, the importance factor of
1 shall be considered for all bridges in all zones.

10.4.5 Response Reduction Factor, R

The Response Reduction Factor for different components is given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Response Reduction factor R for Bridge Components

Sl. Structure, Component or Connection R

i) Superstructure 1.0

ii) Substructure

a) Reinforced concrete piers with ductile detailing cantilever 3.0

type, wall type
b) Reinforced concrete piers without ductile detailing*, 2.5
cantilever type, wall type
c) Masonry piers (un reinforced) cantilever type, wall type 1.5
d) Reinforced concrete, framed construction in piers, with
ductile detailing, columns of RCC bents, RCC single
column piers 4.0
e) Steel framed construction 2.5
f) Steel cantilever piers 1.0
g) Steel trussed arch 1.5
h) Reinforced concrete arch 3.5
k) Abutments of mass concrete and masonry 1.0
m) R.C.C. abutment 2.5
n) Integral frame with ductile detailing, and 4.0
p) Integral frame without ductile detailing 3.3

iii) Bearings (Elastomeric, pot, knuckle, roller-rocker) 0.8

iv) Expansion joints and connections within a span of structure, hinge 1.0
v) Stoppers in bearings 1.0
vi) Foundations (well, piles or open). 1.0

Note - (1) Response reduction factor, R should be taken as 1.0 for calculating
(2) When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal seismic forces
R value shall be as per clause 5.2.3.

10.5 Time History Method (THM)

The dynamic analysis of a bridge by time history method can be carried out using
direct step-by-step method of integration of equations of motion. At least three
spectrum compatible time histories shall be used, when site-specific time histories
are not available. The spectrum used to generate these time histories shall be the
same as used for the modal analysis. Their duration shall be consistent with their
magnitude and source characteristics of design basis earthquake. The total duration
of time history shall be about 30s of which the strong motion part shall be not less
than 6s.This analysis can be carried out using a standard software package.

10.6 Pushover Analysis (PA)

It is a static nonlinear analysis carried out to determine lateral load vs. displacement
at control point in the structure for the purpose of determining capacity of the
structure. The analysis can be performed using a standard software package. The
method can be employed for design of special bridges and to determine capacity of
existing structures for the purpose of retrofitting.


11.1 The hydrodynamic force on submerged portion of pier shall be assumed to act
in a horizontal direction corresponding to that of earthquake motion. The total
horizontal force is given by the following formula:

F = Ce Ah We
Ce = a coefficient (Table 4)
Ah = design horizontal seismic coefficient
We = weight of the water in the enveloping cylinder, = ρ wπa 2 H , see 11.3
ρ w = Unit weight of water
H = Height of submerged portion of pier
a = radius of enveloping cylinder

Table 4 - Values of Ce

H/a Ce
1.0 0.390
2.0 0.575
3.0 0.675
4.0 0.730

11.2 Hydrodynamic Pressure Distribution

Fig. 2 Hydrodynamic Pressure Distribution on

Submerged Bridge Pier

The hydrodynamic pressure distribution on submerged portion of bridge pier is given

in Fig. 2. The coefficients C1, C2, C3 and C4 are given in Table 5. The pressure
distribution, Figure 2, along the height of pier is drawn by assuming the value of C1
from 0.1 to 1.0 in Table 5; this implies selecting a point on the vertical axis with origin
at top, then other coefficients are read horizontally from the table to generate the
pressure curve and determine other coefficients mentioned on the curve.

Table 5 - Coefficients C1, C2, C3 and C4

C1 C2 C3 C4
0.1 0.410 0.026 0.934 5

0.2 0.673 0.093 0.871 2
0.3 0.832 0.184 0.810 3
0.4 0.922 0.289 0.751 5
0.5 0.970 0.403 0.694 5
0.6 0.990 0.521 0.639 0
0.8 0.999 0.760 0.532 0
1.0 1.000 1.000 0.428 6

11.3 Typical cases of submerged portions of piers and the enveloping cylinders are
shown in Fig 3.

Fig. 3 Cases of Enveloping Cylinder

11.4 The earth pressure on the back of abutments, wing walls and return walls of
Bridge shall be calculated as given in 23 (see note)

NOTE - The hydrodynamic suction from the water side and dynamic increment in earth
pressures from the earth side shall not be considered simultaneously. The water level on earth
side may be treated as the same as on the river side.


12.1 The superstructure shall be designed for the design seismic forces as
specified in 10 plus other loads required in design load combinations.

12.2 Under simultaneous action of horizontal and vertical accelerations, the

superstructure shall have a factor of safety of at least 1.5 against overturning under
DBE condition

12.3 The superstructure shall be secured, when necessary to the substructure in all
zones through bearings possessing adequate vertical holding down devices and/or
unseating prevention system for superstructure. These devices should be used for
suspended spans also with the restrained portion of the superstructure. However,
frictional forces in the devices should not be relied upon for preventing dislodging and
jumping of superstructure.


13.1 The fixed bearings should be designed to withstand the seismic forces,
horizontal and vertical which these are expected to transmit in the event of ground

13.2 In the case of movable bearings, the bearings shall be able to accommodate
designed displacements. The displacements beyond design values shall be
restrained by stoppers.

13.3 Any out of phase motion of piers, if envisaged, shall be considered in working
out design seismic displacement in bearings.

13.4 The bearings that are permitted to move in longitudinal direction but restrained
in transverse direction shall be designed for suitably estimates of design seismic
force in transverse directions.

13.5 Special provisions for elastomeric bearings are included in 5.2.3.


14.1 Vertical hold-down devices shall be provided at all supports (or hinges in
continuous structures), where resulting vertical force U due to the maximum elastic
horizontal and vertical seismic forces (combined as per clause 8) opposes and
exceeds 50% of the dead load reaction D.

14.2 Where vertical force U, due to the combined effect of maximum elastic
horizontal and vertical seismic forces, opposes and exceeds 50%, but is less than
100%, of the dead load reaction D, the vertical hold-down device shall be designed
for a minimum net upward force of 10% of the downward dead load reaction that
would be exerted if the span were simply supported.

14.3 If the vertical force U, due to the combined effect of maximum horizontal and
vertical seismic forces, opposes and exceeds 100% of the dead load reaction D, then
the device shall be designed for a net upward force of 1.2 (U-D); however, it shall not
be less than 10% of the downward dead load reaction that would be exerted if the
span were simply supported


Fig. 4 Bridge Seats on Pier Top or at Suspended Joint

15.1 The bearing seat width SE in mm between the end of girder and edge of
substructure, Fig. 4 and minimum SE between the ends of girder at suspended joint
should be not less that the following values:

SE = 203 +1.67L+6.66H for seismic zones II and III

SE = 305 +2.50L+10.0H for seismic zones IV and V

L = Length (in meters) of the superstructure to the adjacent expansion joints or to the
end of superstructure. In case of bearings under suspended spans, it is the sum of
the lengths of two adjacent portions of the superstructure. In case of single span
bridges, it is equal to the length of the superstructure.

H = the average height (in meters) of all columns supporting the superstructure to the
next expansion joint, for bearings at abutments. It is equal to zero for single span
bridges. For bearings at column or piers, it is the height of column or pier. For
bearings under suspended spans, it is the average height of two adjacent columns or


16.1 Anti-dislodgement elements shall be provided between adjacent sections of

the superstructure at supports and at expansion joints. Anti-dislodgement elements
like reaction blocks and seismic arrestors shall be designed for, at least twice the
seismic force.

The linkages, if provided, shall be designed for at least, elastic seismic acceleration
coefficient Ah times the weight of the lighter of the two adjoining spans or parts of the
structure as in the case of suspended spans.

If the linkage is at locations where relative deformations are designed to occur, then
sufficient slack must be allowed in the linkage so that linkages start functioning only
when the design relative displacement at the linkage is exceeded and linkage
becomes effective, after overcoming the designed slack in the linkage.

When linkages are provided at columns or piers, the linkage of each span may be
connected to the column or pier instead of to the adjacent span.


For submerged superstructure of submersible bridges, the hydrodynamic pressure
shall be determined by the following equation

p = 8.75 Ah Hy
p = hydrodynamic pressure in KPa
Ah = design horizontal seismic coefficient as given in 10.4.1(d)
H = height of water surface from the level of deepest scour (see 5.5.2)
in m; and
y = depth of the section below the water surface in m

The total horizontal shear and moment per meter width about the center of gravity of
the base at any depth y, due to hydrodynamic pressure are given by the following

Vy = 2/3 py
My = 4/15 py2

Vy = hydrodynamic shear in KPa and

My = hydrodynamic moment in KPa-m


18.1 General Requirement

18.1.1 The Bridge shall be designed so that its behaviour under design seismic action
is ductile. The capacity design provisions shall be applicable to special and irregular
types of bridges in zone III, IV and V.

The intended plastic hinges shall be provided with adequate ductility measures to
ensure the required overall structure ductility.

18.2 Detailing for Ductility

18.2.1 The compliance with provisions of Annex A should be made in general to

ensure the availability of adequate local and overall structure ductility.


19.1 In addition to ensure overall ductility, structural and non-structural detailing

must ensure satisfactory behaviour of the bridge under design seismic displacement.

The design value of the displacement d ED under seismic condition for providing
clearances in critical components shall be determined as follows:

d ED = dE + dG ± d TS


dE = design seismic displacement determined from linear analysis considering

dG = displacement due to permanent and quasi-permanent action measured in
long term such as shrinkage, creep and post-tensioning

dTS = displacement due to thermal movements = 0.4 dT,

dT = design displacement due to thermal movement.


20.1 General Provision

20.1.1 The decision to retrofit shall be based on the overall consideration of

seismicity, vulnerability and importance of the bridge.

The need to retrofit shall be determined on the basis of one of the standard
procedures such as capacity-demand ratio method, pushover analysis and time
history method.

The objective of retrofitting should be to at least meet the requirement of present

seismic code considering residual life of the structure.

20.2 Retrofit Techniques

20.2.1 On the basis of deficiency observed after seismic evaluation, suitable retrofit
techniques should be selected. Some retrofit techniques for various portions are
given below:

20.2.2 Superstructure ― Horizontal or vertical motion restrainers, inter linking of

spans, prestressing, using dampers

20.2.3 Substructure ― Concrete jacketing, steel jacketing, carbon fiber winding,

composite jacket of fiber glass and other composites

20.2.4 Bearings ― Replacement of bearings by new bearings that could

accommodate displacements, provision of stoppers, clamps/vertical holding down
devices, replacement of bearings by isolation devices

20.2.5 Foundation ― Strengthening of existing foundation by enlargement of size,

increasing number of piles, jacketing.

20.3 Effectiveness of Retrofit Techniques

20.3.1 The retrofit structure should be analyzed and redesigned to check its
effectiveness following standard procedures. The experimental methods of testing
effectiveness of techniques may be carried out on components/models by quasi-
static testing or on shaking table.


21.1 Seismic Base Isolation

Seismic base isolation devices can be designed and introduced on the top of piers to
increase fundamental period of bridge and thus reduce the seismic forces in
substructure. Seismic base isolation devices can be used in place of traditional
bearings. The devices may comprise of elastomeric bearings, high damping rubber
bearing, lead rubber bearing and friction-pendulum system. In addition to isolation
bearing a damping device in form of a damper is also provided. The isolation device
will be useful when natural period of bridge is less than 2.0 seconds.

21.1.1 The isolation system should be designed following the standard procedure.
The choice of characteristics of future ground motion is important in this design

21.2 Shock Transmission Units (STU)

In the case of bridge spans with continuous superstructure, the seismic force
developed at deck level can be distributed uniformly to various piers by providing
special devices such as STUs. The design is made such that these units permit slow
movements, while under severe shaking these devices restrain the movement and
engage various piers in sharing the shear forces. The STUs may consist of viscous
dampers or such similar devices installed between substructure and superstructure.
The STUs should be designed following a standard literature.

21.3 Earthquake Resistant Design with Special Features

The bridges with typical site conditions can be designed with special earthquake
resistant features. The earthquake force generated in the superstructure can be
resisted by one or more specially made abutments, the earthquake force in
superstructure can be resisted by one or more piers with fixed bearings, while other
supports may be provided with movable bearings. A balance should be maintained
between the strength and the flexibility requirements of the horizontal supports. High
flexibility reduces the level of design force but increases movement at the joints and
moveable bearings and may lead to high second order effects.


22.1 Liquefaction can occur in the case of saturated cohesion-less soil during
earthquake vibrations. The liquefaction potential of sites liable to liquefy should be
estimated by specialist literature.

22.2 The remedial measures for liquefaction should be undertaken if necessary.

The structural design of bridge may be modified if required to account for such

22.3 Safety against overturning/sliding shall be checked as per relevant IRC/IRS


23 Retaining Walls

23.1 This clause is applicable to φ soil only. The reference may be made to 26 for
soil with cohesion.

23.1.1 Dynamic Active Earth Pressure Due to Backfill – Figure 5 shows a wall of
height h, inclined with an angle α with vertical, retaining dry/moist cohesionless earth
fill. The dynamic active earth pressure exerted against the wall shall be,
(PAγ )dyn = 1 γh 2 Ca

(P )
Aγ dyn = dynamic total active earth pressure in kN/m length of wall,
γ = unit weight of soil in kN/m3,
h = height of wall in m, and
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
(1 ± A v ) cos 2 (φ − λ − α ) ⎢ 1 ⎥
Ca = x
cos λ cos α cos (δ + α + λ )
2 ⎢ 1⎥
⎢ ⎧ sin (φ + δ )sin (φ − i − λ ) ⎫ ⎥
⎢1 + ⎨ ⎬2 ⎥
⎣ ⎩ cos (α − i ) cos (δ + α + λ ) ⎭ ⎦

Av = vertical seismic coefficient – its direction being taken consistently throughout the
Stability analysis of wall and equal to A h ,
φ = angle of internal friction of soil,
λ = tan-1 ,
1± Av
α = angle which earth face of the wall makes with the vertical,
i = slope of earthfill,
δ = angle of friction between the wall and earthfill and
Ah = horizontal seismic coefficient.

The expression of (K A )dyn gives two values depending on the sign of A v . For design
purpose higher of the two values shall be taken.


Cohesion less
Backfill γ , φ

Fig. 5 Cross Section of Retaining Wall The active pressure may be determined graphically by means of the

method described in ANNEX B. Point of application – From the total earth pressure computed as above
subtract the static active pressure obtained by putting Ah = Av = λ = 0 in the
expression given in 23.1.1. The remainder is the dynamic increment. The static
component of the total pressure shall be applied at an elevation h/3 above the base
of the wall. The point of application of the dynamic increment shall be assumed to be
at mid-height of the wall.

23.1.2 Dynamic Passive Earth Pressure Due to Backfill – The dynamic passive earth
pressure against the walls shall be given by the following formula :
(Ppγ )dyn = 1 γh 2 C p

(P )
pγ dyn = dynamic passive earth pressure in kg/m length of wall and

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
(1 ± A v ) cos 2 (φ + α − λ ) x ⎢ 1 ⎥
Cp = ⎢ ⎥
cos λ cos 2 α cos (δ − α + λ ) ⎢ ⎧ sin (φ + δ )sin (φ + i − λ ) ⎫ 1 ⎥
⎢1 − ⎨ ⎬ ⎥

⎢⎣ ⎩ cos (α − i ) cos (δ − α + λ ) ⎭ ⎥⎦

For design purposes, the lesser value of C p shall be taken out of its two values
corresponding to ± Av . The passive pressure may be determined graphically by means of the

method described in ANNEX C. Point of application – From the total passive earth pressure computed as
above subtract the static earth pressure obtained by putting Ah = Av = λ= 0 in the
expression given in 23.1.2. The remainder is the dynamic decrement. The static
component of the total pressure shall be applied at an elevation h/3 above the base
of the wall. The point of application of the dynamic decrement shall be assumed to be
at an elevation 0.5 h above the base of the wall.

23.1.3 Active Pressure Due to Uniform Surcharge – The active pressure against the
wall due to a uniform surcharge of intensity q, kN per unit area of the inclined earthfill
surface shall be
(Paq )dyn = qh cos α Ca
cos (α − i ) Point of application– The dynamic increment in active pressure due to

uniform surcharge shall be applied at an elevation of 0.66 h above the base of the
wall, while the static component shall be applied at mid-height of the wall.

23.1.4 Passive Pressure Due to Uniform Surcharge –

The passive pressure against the wall due to a uniform surcharge of intensity q per
unit area of the inclined earthfill shall be
(Ppq )dyn = qh cos α C p
cos (α − i ) Point of application – The dynamic decrement in passive pressure due to

uniform surcharge shall be applied at an elevation of 0.66 h above the base of the
wall while the static component shall be applied at mid-height of the wall.


24.1 For saturated earthfill, the saturated unit weight of the soil shall be adopted as
in the formulae described in 23.1.

24.2 For submerged earthfill, the dynamic increment (or decrement) in active and
passive earth pressure during earthquakes shall be found from expressions given in

23.1.1 and 23.1.2 with the following modifications

a) The value of δ shall be taken as ½ the value of δ for dry/moist backfill.

b) The value of λ shall be taken as follows:

γs Ah
λ = tan −1 ×
γ s − 10 1 ± A v
γ s = saturated unit weight of soil in kN/m3,
Ah = horizontal seismic coefficient [see 11.4.1(d)] and
Av = vertical seismic coefficient which is 2 Ah.

c) Buoyant unit weight shall be adopted.

d) From the value of earth pressure found out as above, subtract the value of
earth pressure determined by putting Ah = Av = λ = 0. The remainder shall be
dynamic increment.

24.3 Hydrodynamic pressure on account of water contained in earth fill shall not be
considered separately as the effect of acceleration of water has been considered


25.1 The ratio of the lateral dynamic increment in active pressure due to backfill to
the vertical pressures at various depths along the height of wall may be taken as
shown in Fig. 6a

The pressure distribution of dynamic increment in active pressures due to backfill

may be obtained by multiplying the vertical effective pressures by the coefficients in
Fig 6a at corresponding depths.

3(C a − K a )

3(C 'a − K 'a )

Lateral Dynamic Increment due to Backfill

Fig.6a. Distribution of the Ratio with height of wall
Vertical Effective Pressure


Ca is computed as in 23.1.1 for dry, moist and saturated backfills

C’a is computed as in 23.1.1 and 24.2 for submerged backfills
Ka is the value of Ca when Ah = Av = λ = 0
K’a is the value of C’a when Ah = Av = λ = 0

h' is the height of submergence above the basic of the wall

Lateral dynamic increment due to surcharge multiplying with q is shown in Fig. 6b

Lateral Dynamic Incrementdue to Surcharge
Fig.6b. Distribution of the Ratio with height of wall
Surchage Intensity

25.2 Concrete or masonry inertia forces due to horizontal and vertical earthquake
accelerations are the products of the weight of wall and the horizontal and vertical
seismic coefficients respectively.


26.1 Active earth pressure due to c- Φ soil as backfill. Figure 7 shows a section of
retaining wall retaining c- Φ soil as backfill which also carries a uniform surcharge of
intensity q.

Fig. 7 Forces Acting on Failure wedge in Active State for Seismic Condition in c-φ Soil

26.2 AFCD is cracked zone in c- Φ soil, CD being ‘Hc’ given by following expression:

Hc = N φ = nH
NΦ = tan2 (450 + Φ /2)
n = Non dimensional factor describing the depth of tension crack
γ = Dry or moist unit weight of soil

26.3 The general expression of computing dynamic active earth pressure is given
as below.
(PA)dyn = γH 2 ( N aγm ) dyn + qH (N aqm )dyn − cH ( N acm ) dyn
where (Na γ m)dyn, (Naqm)dyn, and (Nacm)dyn, are dynamic earth coefficients which
depend on Φ,α,i,δ,Ah,Av and n

26.4 For static case (Ah = Av = 0), earth pressure coefficients are designated as
(Na γ m)st, (Naqm)st and (Nacm)st. For various values of parameters Φ, α, i and n, these
earth pressure coefficients are shown in Figs. 8 to 12. It may be noted that

φ (Deg )
Fig. 8 (Nacm)st versus φ for n = 0, i = 00

φ (Deg )
Fig. 9a (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0, i = 00

φ (Deg )
Fig. 9b (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0.2, i = 00

φ (Deg )
Fig. 9c (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0.4, i = 00

φ (Deg )
Fig. 10a (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0, i = 100

φ (Deg )
Fig. 10b (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0.2, i = 100

φ (Deg )
Fig. 10c (Naqm)st versus φ for n = 0.4, i = 100

φ (Deg )
Fig. 11a (Naγm)st versus φ for n = 0.2, i = 00

φ (Deg )

Fig. 11b (Naγm)st versus φ for n = 0.4, i = 00

φ (Deg )

Fig. 12a (Naγm)st versus φ for n = 0, i = 100

φ (Deg )
Fig. 12 b (Naγm)st versus φ for n = 0.2, i = 100

φ (Deg )
Fig. 12 c (Naγm)st versus φ for n = 0.4, i = 100

is given in Fig. 8 for i = 0 and n = 0 case. For other values of i and n, these
curves can be used by multiplying the obtained values of (Nacm)st by the

⎡ n cos i cos α ⎤
factor ⎢1 − ⎥
⎣ cos (α − i ) ⎦

For i = 0 and n = 0 values of (Naqm)st and (Naym)st are same and shown in Fig 9 a.
For intermediate value of Φ, α, i and n linear interpolation may be done.

It was further found that (Nacm)dyn is independent to Ah and Av . Therefore the value
given in Fig. 8 may be adopted as (Nacm)dyn.

27 Values of (Naqm)dyn and (Naγm)dyn may be obtained by multiplying the values of

(Naqm)st and (Naγm)st by non-dimensional factors λ1 and λ2 respectively. Their values
are given in Table 5 for some selected values of Φ, α n, i and Ah. For intermediate
values of these parameters, linear interpolation may be done.

Table 5 - Values of λ1 and λ2

n = 0, i = 00, λ1 = λ 2
Φ  Ah= 0.05 Ah= 0.10 Ah= 0.15
α = -200 α = 00 α = 200 α = -200  α= 00  α = 200 α = -200 α = 00 α= 200

200 1.153 1.117 1.098 1.327 1.247 1.208 1.520 1.393 1.333
300 1.187 1.133 1.108 1.392 1.278 1.228 1.620 1.438 1.360
400 1.241 1.156 1.123 1.510 1.327 1.258 1.807 1.513 1.407

n = 0, i = 100, λ1 = λ2
Ah= 0.05 Ah= 0.10 Ah= 0.15
Φ α = -200 α = 00 α = 200 α = -200 α = 00 α = 200 α = -200 α = 00 α = 200

200 1.193 1.153 1.136 1.435 1.345 1.313 1.773 1.618 1.574
300 1.206 1.151 1.128 1.441 1.323 1.276 1.712 1.520 1.449
400 1.254 1.168 1.137 1.542 1.356 1.292 1.869 1.566 1.466

n = 0.4, i = 00, λ1
Φ  Ah= 0.05 Ah= 0.10 Ah= 0.15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
α = -20 α=0 α = 20 α = -20 α=0  α = 20 α = -20 α = 00 α = 200

200 1.206 1.117 1.073 1.440 1.247 1.154 1.709 1.393 1.246
300 1.259 1.133 1.086 1.554 1.279 1.182 1.887 1.438 1.286
40 1.382 1.155 1.101 1.827 1.327 1.210 2.336 1.513 1.330

n = 0.4, i = 100, λ1
Φ Ah= 0.05  Ah= 0.10 Ah= 0.15
α = -200 α = 00 α =200 α = -200 α = 00 α = 200 α = -200 α = 00 α =200

200 1.254 1.153 1.104 1.582 1.345 1.239 2.055 1.618 1.436
300 1.281 1.151 1.105 1.616 1.323 1.225 2.009 1.520 1.364
400 1.394 1.168 1.114 1.868 1.357 1.242 2.424 1.566 1.384

n = 0.4, i = 00, λ2
Φ Ah= 0.05 Ah=0.10 Ah= 0.15
α= -200 α = 00 α = 200 α = -200  α= 00 α = 200 α = -200 α = 00 α = 200

200 1.169 1.117 1.090 1.356 1.247 1.192 1.570 1.393 1.307
300 1.205 1.133 1.102 1.433 1.279 1.214 1.684 1.438 1.337
400 1.270 1.156 1.116 1.575 1.327 1.243 1.917 1.513 1.382

n = 0.4, i = 100, λ2
Φ Ah= 0.05 Ah= 0.10 Ah= 0.15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
α = -20 α=0 α = 20 α = -20 α=0 α = 20 α = -20 α = 00 α = 200

200 1.211 1.153 1.127 1.478 1.345 1.292 1.854 1.618 1.536
300 1.226 1.151 1.122 1.488 1.323 1.262 1.790 1.520 1.425
40 1.287 1.168 1.130 1.619 1.357 1.277 1.997 1.566 1.442


( Clause 5.2.7 and 18.2.1)



The detailing rules given have been chosen with the intention that reliable plastic
hinges should form at the top and bottom of each pier column, or at the bottom only
of a single stem pier under horizontal loading and that the bridge should remain
elastic between the hinges (Fig. A-1). The aim is to achieve a reliable ductile
structure. Repair of plastic hinges is relatively easy.

Design strategy to be used is based on assumption that the plastic response will
occur in the substructure.


A-1.1 Minimum grade of concrete should be M25 (fck = 25 MPa).

A-1.1 Steel reinforcement having elongation more than 14.5 percent and conforming
to other requirements of IS 1786 shall be used.


a) The use of circular column is preferred for better plastic hinge performance
and ease of construction.

b) The bridge must be proportioned and detailed by the designer so that plastic
hinges occur only at the controlled locations (e.g., pier column ends) and not
in other uncontrolled places.


The area of the longitudinal reinforcement shall not be less than 0.8 percent nor more
than 6 percent of the gross cross section area Ag. Splicing of flexural region is not
permitted in the plastic hinge region. Lap shall not be located within a distance of
2 times the maximum column cross-sectional dimension from the end at which
hinging can occur. The splices should be proportioned as a tension splice.

A-3.1 Curtailment of longitudinal reinforcement in piers due to reduction in seismic

bending moment towards top.

A-3.1.1 The reduction of longitudinal reinforcement at mid-height in piers should not

be carried out except in tall pier.

A-3.1.2 In case of high bridge piers such as of height equal to 30 m or more, the
reduction of reinforcement at mid height may be done. In such case the following
method should be adopted:

a) The curtailment of longitudinal reinforcement shall not be carried out in the

section six times the least lateral column dimension from the location where
plastic hinge in likely to occur.

b) The interval between hoop ties is specified to be less than 150 mm in a

reinforcement position. The interval between hoops ties shall not change
abruptly the change must be gradual.


The transverse reinforcement for circular columns shall consist of spiral or circular
hoops. Continuity of these reinforcements should be provided by either (Fig. A-2 (a)
or A-2 (b)):

Welding - the minimum length of weld should be 12 bar diameter, and the minimum
weld throat thickness should be 0.4 times the bar diameter.

Lapping - the minimum length of lap should be 30 bar diameters and each end of the
bar anchored with 1350 hooks with a 10 diameter extension into the confined core.
Splicing of the spiral reinforcement in the plastic hinge region should be avoided.

In rectangular columns, rectangular hoops may be used. A rectangular hoop is a

closed stirrup, having a 1350 hook with a 10 diameter extension at each end that is
embedded in the confined core (Figure A.2.c). When hoop ties are joined in any
place other than a corner the hoop ties shall overlap each other by a length 40 bar
diameter of the reinforcing bar which makes the hoop ties with hooks as specified

Joint portion of hoop ties for both circular and rectangular hoops should be


A-5.1 Seismic Design Force for Substructure & Foundations

Provisions given for the ductile detailing of RC members subjected to seismic forces
shall be adopted for supporting components of the bridge. Further, the design shear
force at the critical section (s) of substructures shall be the lower of the following:

Maximum elastic shear force at the critical section of the bridge component divided
by the response reduction factor for the components as per Table 4, and

Maximum shear force that develops when the substructure has maximum moment
that it can sustain (i.e., the over strength plastic moment capacity as per Clause
A-5.2) in single column or single-pier type substructure, or maximum shear force that
is developed when plastic moment hinges are formed in the substructure so as to
form a collapse mechanism in multiple column frame type or multiple-pier type
substructures, in which the plastic moment capacity shall be the over strength plastic
moment capacity as per Clause A-5.2.

In a single-column type or pier type substructure, the critical section is at the bottom
of the column or pier as shown in Figure A-1(a). And, in multi-column frame-type
substructures or multi-pier substructures, the critical sections are at the bottom and/or
top of the columns/piers as shown in Figure A-1 (b).

A-5.2 Over strength Plastic Moment Capacity

The over strength plastic moment capacity at the reinforced concrete section shall be
taken as 1.3 times the ultimate moment capacity based on the usual partial safety
factors recommended by relevant design codes for materials and loads, and on the
actual dimensions of members and the actual reinforcement detailing adopted.

A-5.3 Special Confining Reinforcement:

Special confining reinforcement shall be provided at the ends of pier columns here
plastic hinge can occur. This transverse reinforcement should extend for a distance
from the point of maximum moment over the plastic hinge region over a length lo. The
length lo shall not be less than, 1.5 times the column diameter or 1.5 times the large
cross sectional dimension where yielding occurs 1/6 of clear height of the column for
frame pier (i.e. when hinging can occur at both ends of the column) 1/4 of clear
height of the column for cantilever pier (i.e. when hinging can occur at only one end
of the column) or 600 mm.

A-5.4 Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement

The spacing of hoops used as special confining reinforcement shall not exceed
1/5 times the least lateral dimension of the cross section of column or 6 times the
diameter of the longitudinal bar or 150 mm

The parallel legs of rectangular stirrups shall be spaced not more than 1/3 of the
smallest dimension of the concrete core or more than 300 mm centre to centre. If the
length of any side of the stirrups exceeds 300 mm, a cross tie shall be provided.
Alternatively, overlapping stirrups may be provided within the column.

A-5.5 Amount of Transverse Steel to Be Provided

A-5.5.1 The area of cross section, Ash, of the bar forming circular hoops or spiral, to
be used as special confining reinforcement, shall not be less than

⎡Ag ⎤f
A sh = 0.09SD k ⎢ − 1.0⎥ ck
⎣ Ac ⎦ fy
or, A sh = 0.024SD k ck
Whichever is the greater


Ash = area of cross-section of circular hoop

S = pitch of spiral or spacing of hoops in mm
Dk = Diameter of core measured to the outside of the spiral or hoops in mm
fck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete
fy = yield stress of steel (of circular hoops or spiral)
Ag = gross area of the column cross section
Ac = Area of the concrete core = D 2k

A-5.5.2 The total area of cross-section of the bar forming rectangular hoop and cross
ties, Ash to be used as special confining reinforcement shall not be less than

⎡ Ag ⎤f
A sw = 0.24Sh ⎢ − 1.0⎥ ck
⎣Ak ⎦ fy
or, A sw = 0.096Sh ck

h = longer dimension of the rectangular confining hoop measured to its outer

Ak = Area of confined core concrete in the rectangular hoop measured to its
outer side dimensions.

NOTE - Crossties where used should be of the same diameter as a peripheral hoop
bar and Ak shall be measured as the overall core area, regardless the hoop area. The
hooks of crossties shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.

A- Unsupported length of rectangular hoops shall not exceed 300 mm.

A-5.5.3 For ductile detailing of hollow cross-section of pier special literature may be


Once the position of the plastic hinges has been determined and these regions
detailed to ensure a ductile performance, the structure between the plastic hinges is
designed considering the capacity of the plastic hinges. The intention here is:

a) To reliably protect the bridge against collapse so that it will available for
service after a major shaking.

b) To localize structural damage to the plastic hinge regions where it can be

controlled and repaired.

The process of designing the structure between the plastic hinges is known as
“capacity design”.

A-6.1 Column Shear and Transverse Reinforcement

To avoid a brittle shear failure design shear force for pier shall be based on over
strength moment capacities of the plastic hinges and given by
Vu =

ΣM O = The sum of the over strength moment capacities of the hinges

resisting lateral loads, as detailed. In case of twin pier this would be the
sum of the over strength moment capacities at the top and bottom of
the column. For single stem piers the over strength moment
capacity at the bottom only should be used.

h = clear height of the column in the case of a column in double curvature;

height to be calculated from point of contra-flexure in the case of a column
in single curvature.

Outside the hinge regions, the spacing of hoops shall not exceed half the least lateral
dimension of the column or 300 mm.


Beam-column joints should be designed properly to resist the forces caused by axial
load, bending and shear forces in the joining members. Forces in the joint should be
determined by considering a free body of the joint with the forces on the joint member
boundaries properly represented.

The joint shear strength should be entirely provided by transverse reinforcement.
Where the joint is not confined adequately (i.e. where minimum pier and pile cap
width is less than three column diameters) the special confinement requirement
should be satisfied.

( Clause



Fig. B-1 Modified Culmann’a construction for dynamic active earth pressure

Different steps in modified construction for determining dynamic active earth pressure
are as follows:

(i) Draw the wall section along with backfill surface on a suitable scale.
(ii) Draw BS at an angle (φ − ψ ) with the horizontal.
(iii) Draw BL at an angle of (90 − α − δ − ψ ) below BS.
(iv) Intercept BD1 equal to the resultant of the weight W1 of first wedge ABC1 and
inertial forces (± W1 α v and W1 α h ) . The magnitude of this resultant is W 1 .
W1 = W1 (1 m α v ) + α h2

(v) Through D1 draw D1 E1 parallel to BL intersecting BC1 at E1.

(vi) Measure D1 E1 to the same force scale as BD1. The D1 E1 is the dynamic
earth pressure for trial wedge.
(vii) Repeat steps (iv) to (vi) with BC2, BC3 etc. as trial wedges.
(viii) Draw a smooth curve through BE1 E2 E3. This is the modified Culmann’s line.
(ix) Draw a line parallel to BS and tangential to this curve. The maximum
coordinate in the direction of BL is obtained from the point of tangency and is the
dynamic active earth pressure, (PA )dyn .


( Clause



For determining the passive earth pressure draw BS at (φ − ψ ) below horizontal.

Next draw BL at (90 − α − δ − ψ ) below BS. The other steps for construction remain
unaltered (Fig. C -1)

Fig. C.1 Modified Culmann’a construction for dynamic passive earth pressure

Effect of uniformly distributed load and line load on the back fill surface may be
handled in the similar way as for the static case.

Annex D
( Clause 2.1)


IS No. Title
456: 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
800: 1984 Code of practice for general construction in steel (second revision)
IS 875 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures:
(Part 1): 1987 Dead loads – Unit weights of building material and stored materials
(second revision)
(Part 2): 1987 Imposed load (second revision)
(Part 3): 1987 Wind loads (second revision)
(Part 4): 1987 Snow loads (second revision)
(Part 5): 1987 Special loads and load combinations (second revision)
1343: 1980 Code of practice for pre-stressed concrete (first revision)
1498: 1970 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering
purposes (first revision)
1786:2008 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
reinforcement− Specification
1888: 1982 Method of load test on soils (second revision)
1893 (Part 4) : Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 4
2005 Industrial structures including stack like structures
2131: 1981 Method of standard penetration test for soils (first revision)
2809: 1972 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering
(first revision)
2810: 1979 Glossary of terms symbols relating to Soil Dynamics (first revision)
4326: 1993 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings – Code
of practice (second revision)
6403: 1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow
foundations (first revision)
13827: 1993 Improving earthquake resistance of earthen buildings-Guidelines
13828: 1993 Improving earthquake resistances of low strength masonry
13920: 1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces-Code of practice
13935: 1993 Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings-Guidelines

Indian Roads Congress Codes

IRC: 6-2010 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges
Section :II Loads and Stresses (Fifth Revision)”

Indian Railways Codes

“Bridge Rules (in SI Units) Rules Specifying the Loads for Design of Super-structure
and Sub-structure of Bridges and for Assessment of the Strength of Existing Bridges”


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