SM Sbe13e Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Sample Survey

Learning Objectives

1. Learn what a sample survey is and how it differs from an experiment as a method of collecting data.

2. Know about the methods of data collection for a survey.

3. Know the difference between sampling and nonsampling error.

4. Learn about four sample designs: (1) simple random sampling, (2) stratified simple random
sampling, (3) cluster sampling, and (4) systematic sampling.

5. Lean how to estimate a population mean, a population total, and a population proportion using the
above sample designs.

6. Understand the relationship between sample size and precision.

7. Learn how to choose the appropriate sample size using stratified and simple random sampling.

8. Learn how to allocate the total sample to the various strata using stratified simple random sampling.

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1. a. x = 215 is an estimate of the population mean.

20 800  50
b. sx   2.7386
50 800

c. 215  2(2.7386) or 209.5228 to 220.4772

2. a. Estimate of population total = N x = 400(75) = 30,000

b. Estimate of Standard Error = Nsx

 8  400  80
Nsx  400    320
 80  400

c. 30,000  2(320) or 29,360 to 30,640

3. a. p = .30 is an estimate of the population proportion

 1000  100   (.3)(.7) 

b. sp      .0437
 1000   99 

c. .30  2(.0437) or .2126 to .3874

4. B = 15

(70) 2 4900
n   72.9830
(15) 2 (70) 2 67.1389

4 450

A sample size of 73 will provide an approximate 95% confidence interval of width 30.

5. a. x = 5,125,000 and s = 1,950,420

750  65  1,950, 240 

sx     231,177.75
750  65 

approximate 95% confidence interval

5,125,000  2(231,177.75)
$4,662,644.50 to $5,587,355.50

b. x̂ = N x = 750(5,125,000) = 3,843,750,000

s x = N s x = 750(231,177.75) = 173,383,312.50

approximate 95% confidence interval

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Sample Survey

3,843,750,000  2(173,383,312.50)
$3,496,983,375 to $4,190,516,625

 750  65   (.20)(.80) 
c. p = 13/65 = 0.20 and s p      .0478
 750   64 
approximate 95% confidence interval

0.20  2(0.0478)
0.1044 to 0.2956

This is a rather large interval; sample sizes must be rather large to obtain tight confidence intervals
on a population proportion.

6. B = 5000/2 = 2500. Use the value of s for the previous year in the formula to determine the necessary
sample size.

(31.3) 2 979.69
n 2 2
  336.0051
(2.5) (31.3) 2.9157

4 724

A sample size of 337 will provide an approximate 95% confidence interval of width no larger than

7. a. Stratum 1: x1 = 138

Stratum 2: x2 = 103

Stratum 3: x3 = 210

b. Stratum 1

x1 = 138

 30  200  20
sx1     6.3640
 20  200

138  2(6.3640)
125.272 to 150.728

Stratum 2

x2 = 103

 25  250  30
sx2     4.2817
 30  250

103  2(4.2817)

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94.4366 to 111.5634

Stratum 3

x3 = 210

 50  100  25
sx3     8.6603
 25  100

210  2(8.6603)
192.6794 to 227.3206

 200   250   100 

c. xst    138    103    210
 550   550   550 

= 50.1818 + 46.8182 + 38.1818

= 135.1818

 1  (30) 2 (25) 2 (50) 2 

sxst   2   200(180)  250(220)  100(75) 
 (550)   20 30 25 

 1 
  2 
3,515,833.3  3.4092
 (550) 

approximate 95% confidence interval

135.1818  2(3.4092)
128.3634 to 142.0002

8. a. Stratum 1: N1 x1 = 200(138) = 27,600

Stratum 2: N 2 x2 = 250(103) = 25,750

Stratum 3: N 3 x3 = 100(210) = 21,000

b. N xst = 27,600 + 25,750 + 21,000 = 74,350

Note: The sum of the estimate for each stratum total equals N xst

c. s xst = 550(3.4092) = 1875.06 (see 7c)

approximate 95% confidence interval

74,350  2(1875.06)
70,599.88 to 78,100.12

9. a. Stratum 1

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Sample Survey

p1 = .50

 200  20   (.50)(.50) 
s p1      .1088
 200   19 

.50  2(.1088)
.2824 to .7176

Stratum 2

p2 = .78

 250  30   (.78)(.22) 
s p2      .0722
 250   29 

.78  2(.0722)
.6356 to .9244

Stratum 3

p3 = .21

 100  25   (.21)(.79) 
s p3      .0720
 100   24 

.21  2(.0720)
.066 to .354

200 250 100

b. pst  (.50)  (.78)  (.21)  .5745
550 550 550

 1  (.5)(.5) (.78)(.22) (.21)(.79) 

c. s pst     200(180)  250(220)  100(75) 
 
 (550) 19 29 24

 1 
  2 
(473.6842  325.4483  51.8438)  .0530
 (550) 

d. approximate 95% confidence interval

.5745  2(.0530)
.4685 to .6805

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300(150)  600(75)  500(100)

(140, 000) 2
10. a. n   92.8359
 (20) 2  196, 000, 000  15,125, 000
(1400) 2    300(150)  600(75)  500(100) 
2 2 2

 2 

Rounding up we choose a total sample of 93.

 300(150) 
n1  93    30
 140, 000 

 600(75) 
n2  93    30
 140, 000 

 500(100) 
n3  93    33
 140, 000 

b. With B = 10, the first term in the denominator in the formula for n changes.

(140, 000) 2 (140, 000) 2

n   305.6530
2  (10) 
49, 000, 000  15,125, 000
(1400)    15,125, 000
 4 

Rounding up, we see that a sample size of 306 is needed to provide this level of precision.

 300(150) 
n1  306    98
 140, 000 

 600(75) 
n2  306    98
 140, 000 

 500(100) 
n3  306    109
 140, 000 

Due to rounding, the total of the allocations to each strata only add to 305. Note that even though the
sample size is larger, the proportion allocated to each stratum has not changed.

(140, 000) 2 (140, 000) 2

c. n   274.6060
(15, 000) 2 56, 250, 000  15,125, 000
 15,125, 000

Rounding up, we see that a sample size of 275 will provide the desired level of precision.

The allocations to the strata are in the same proportion as for parts a and b.

 300(150) 
n1  275    98
 140, 000 

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Sample Survey

 600(75) 
n2  275    88
 140, 000 

 500(100) 
n3  275    98
 140, 000 

Again, due to rounding, the stratum allocations do not add to the total sample size. Another item
could be sampled from, say, stratum 3 if desired.

11. a. x1 = 29.5333 x2 = 64.775

x3 = 45.2125 x4 = 53.0300

b. Indianapolis

 13.3603  38  6
29.533  2  
 6  38

29.533  10.9086(.9177)
19.5222 to 39.5438


 25.0666  45  8
64.775  2  
 8  45

64.775  17.7248(.9068)
48.7022 to 80.8478

St. Louis

 19.4084  80  8
45.2125  2  
 8  80

45.2125  (13.7238)(.9487)
32.1927 to 58.2323


 29.6810  70  10
53.0300  2  
 10  70

53.0300  18.7719(.9258)
35.6510 to 70.4090

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 38   1   45   5   80   3   70   5 
c. pst                   .4269
 233   6   233   8   233   8   233   10 

 1  5 
p1 (1  p1 )  6  6 
d. N1 ( N1  n1 )  38(32)      33.7778
n1  1 5

 5  3 
p2 (1  p2 )  8  8 
N 2 ( N 2  n2 )  45(37)      55.7478
n2  1 7

 3  5 
p (1  p3 )  8  8 
N 3 ( N 3  n3 ) 3  80(72)      192.8571
n3  1 7

 5  5 
p4 (1  p4 )  10   10 
N 4 ( N 4  n4 )  70(60)      116.6667
n4  1 9

 1  1
2 
s pst   33.7778  55.7478  192.8571  116.6667   (399.0494)  .0857
 (233)  (233) 2

approximate 95% confidence interval

.4269  2(.0857)
.2555 to .5983

12. a. St. Louis total = N1 x1 = 80 (45.2125) = 3617

In dollars: $3,617,000

b. Indianapolis total = N1 x1 = 38 (29.5333) = 1122.2654

In dollars: $1,122,265

 38   45   80   70 
c. xst    29.5333    64.775    45.2125    53.0300  48.7821
 233   233   233   233 

s12 (13.3603) 2
N1 ( N1  n1 )  38(32)  36,175.517
n1 6

s22 (25.0666) 2
N 2 ( N 2  n2 )  45(37)  130, 772.1
n2 8

s32 (19.4084) 2
N 3 ( N 3  n3 )  80(72)  271, 213.91
n3 8

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s42 (29.6810) 2
N 4 ( N 4  n4 )  70(60)  370, 003.94
n4 10

 1 
2 
sxst   36,175.517  130, 772.1  271, 213.91  370, 003.94
 (233) 

 (808,165.47)  3.8583
(233) 2

approximate 95% confidence interval

xst  2 s xst

48.7821  2(3.8583)
41.0655 to 56.4987

In dollars: $41,066 to $56,499

d. approximate 95% confidence interval

Nxst  2 Ns xst

233(48.7821)  2(233)(3.8583)

11,366.229  1797.9678
9,568.2612 to 13,164.197

In dollars: $9,568,261 to $13,164,197

50(80)  38(150)  35(45)

(11, 275) 2
13. n   27.3394
 (30) 
3, 404, 025  1, 245,875
(123) 2    50(80)  38(150)  35(45) 
2 2 2

 4 

Rounding up we see that a sample size of 28 is necessary to obtain the desired precision.

 50(80) 
n1  28    10
 11, 275 

 38(150) 
n2  28    14
 11, 275 

 35(45) 
n3  28  4
 11, 275 

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50(100)  38(100)  35(100) 123(100)

2 2

b. n   33
 (30) 2  3, 404, 025  123(100) 2
(123) 2    50(100)  38(100)  35(100) 
2 2 2

 4 

 50(100) 
n1  33    13
 12, 300 

 38(100) 
n2  33    10
 12,300 

 35(100) 
n3  33  9
 12, 300 

This is the same as proportional allocation. Note that for each stratum

N 
nh  n  h 
 N 

 xi 750
14. a. xc    15
 Mi 50

Xˆ  M xc = 300(15) = 4500

 ai 15
pc    .30
 M i 50

2 2 2 2
b.  ( xi  xc M i ) 2 = [ 95 – 15 (7) ] + [ 325 – 15 (18) ] + [ 190 – 15 (15) ] + [ 140 – 15 (10)]
2 2 2
= (–10)2 + (55) + (–35) + (–10)
= 4450

 25  4   4450 
sxc      1.4708
 3 
 (25)(4)(12)

sXˆ  Msxc = 300(1.4708) = 441.24

2 2 2 2
 ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [ 1 – .3 (7) ] + [ 6 – .3 (18) ] + [ 6 – .3 (15) ] + [2 – .3 (10) ]
2 2 2
= (–1.1) + (.6)2 + (1.5) + (–1)
= 4.82

 25  4   4.82 
s pc      .0484
 3 
 (25)(4)(12)

c. approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Mean:

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15  2(1.4708)
12.0584 to 17.9416

d. approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Total:

4500  2(441.24)
3617.52 to 5382.48

e. approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Proportion:

.30  2(.0484)
.2032 to .3968

10, 400
15. a. xc   80

Xˆ  M xc = 600(80) = 48,000

pc   .10
2 2
 ( xi  xc M i ) 2 = [ 3500 – 80 (35) ] + [ 965 – 80 (15) ] + [ 960 – 80 (12) ]
2 2 2
+ [ 2070 – 80 (23) ] + [ 1100 – 80 (20) ] + [ 1805 – 80 (25) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2
= (700) + (–235) + (0) + (230) + (–500) + (–195)
= 886,150

 30  6   886,150 
s xc   2    7.6861
 (30)(6)(20)  5 

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Mean:

80  2(7.6861)
64.6278 to 95.3722

c. s X̂ = 600(7.6861) = 4611.66

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Total:

48,000  2(4611.66)

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38,776.68 to 57,223.32
2 2 2 2
d.  ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [ 3 – .1 (35) ] + [ 0 – .1 (15) ] + [ 1 – .1 (12) ] + [4 – .1 (23) ]
2 2
+ [ 3 – .1 (20) ] + [ 2 – .1 (25) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2
= (–.5) + (–1.5) + (–.2) + (1.7) + (1) + (–.5)
= 6.68

 30  6   6.68 
s pc      .0211
 5 
 (30)(6)(20)

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Population Proportion:

.10  2(.0211)
.0578 to .1422

16. a. xc   40

Estimate of mean age of mechanical engineers: 40 years

b. pc   .70

Estimate of proportion attending local university: .70

2 2
c.  ( xi  xc M i ) 2 = [ 520 – 40 (12) ] + · · · + [ 462 – 40 (13) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
= (40) + (–7) + (–10) + (–11) + (30) + (9) + (22) + (8) + (–23)
+ (–58)
= 7292

 120  10   7292 
sxc   2    2.0683
 (120)(10)(50 /12)   9 

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Mean age:

40  2(2.0683)
35.8634 to 44.1366
2 2
d.  ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [ 8 – .7 (12) ] + · · · + [ 12 – .7 (13) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
= (–.4) + (–.7) + (–.4) + (.3) + (–1.2) + (–.1) + (–1.4) + (.3)
2 2
+ (.7) + (2.9)
= 13.3

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Sample Survey

 120  10   13.3 
s pc   2    .0883
 (120)(10)(50 /12)   9 

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Proportion Attending Local University:

.70  2(.0883)
.5234 to .8766

17(37)  35(32)    57(44) 11, 240

17. a. xc    36.9737
17  35    57 304

Estimate of mean age: 36.9737 years

b. Proportion of College Graduates: 128 / 304 = .4211

Proportion of Males: 112 / 304 = .3684

2 2
c.  ( xi  xc M i ) 2 = [ 17 (37) – (36.9737) (17) ] + · · · + [ 57 (44) – (36.9737) (44) ]
2 2 2 2 2
= (.4471) + (–174.0795) + (–25.3162) + (–460.2642) + (173.1309)
2 2 2
+ (180.3156) + (–94.7376) + (400.4991)
= 474,650.68

 150  8   474, 650.68 

sxc   2    2.2394
 (150)(8)(40)   7 

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Mean Age of Agents:

36.9737  2(2.2394)
32.4949 to 41.4525
2 2
d.  ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [ 3 – .4211 (17) ] + · · · + [ 25 – .4211 (57) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2
= (–4.1587) + (–.7385) + (–2.9486) + (10.2074) + (–.1073) + (–3.0532)
2 2
+ (–.2128) + (.9973)
= 141.0989

 150  8   141.0989 
s pc   2    .0386
 (150)(8)(40)   7 

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Proportion of Agents that are College Graduates:

.4211  2(.0386)
.3439 to .4983

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Chapter 22

2 2
e.  ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [ 4 – .3684 (17) ] + · · · + [ 26 – .3684 (57) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2
= (–2.2628) + (–.8940) + (–2.5784) + (3.6856) + (–3.8412) + (1.5792)
2 2
+ (–.6832) + (5.0012)
= 68.8787

 150  8   68.8787 
s pc      .0270
 
 (150)(8)(40) 7

approximate 95% confidence

Interval for Proportion of Agents that are Male:

.3684  2(.0270)
.3144 to .4224

18. a. p = 0.19

sp   0.0206

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

0.19  2(0.0206)
0.1488 to 0.2312

b. p = 0.31

sp   0.0243

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

0.31  2(0.0243)
0.2615 to 0.3585

c. p = 0.17

sp   0.0197

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

0.17  2(0.0197)
0.1306 to 0.2094

d. The largest standard error is when p = .50.

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Sample Survey

At p = .50, we get

sp   0.0262

Multiplying by 2, we get a bound of B = 2(.0262) = 0.0525

For a sample of 363, then, they know that in the worst case ( p = 0.50), the bound will be
approximately 5%.

e. If the poll was conducted by calling people at home during the day the sample results would only be
representative of adults not working outside the home. It is likely that the Louis Harris organization
took precautions against this and other possible sources of bias.

19. a. Assume (N – n) / N  1

p = 0.70

sp   0.0245

b. p = 0.63

sp   0.0258

c. The estimate of the standard error in part (b) is larger because p is closer to .50 in part (b).

d. Approximate 95% Confidence interval:

0.55 ± 2(.0245)
0.6510 to 0.7490

e. Approximate 95% Confidence interval:

0.31 ± 2(.0258)
0.5784 to 0.6816

3000  200 3000

20. a. sx   204.9390
3000 200

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Annual Salary:

23,200  2(204.9390)
$22,790 to $23,610

b. N x = 3000 (23,200) = 69,600,000

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Chapter 22

s x̂ = 3000 (204.9390) = 614,817

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval for Population Total Salary:

69,600,000  2(614,817)
$68,370,366 to $70,829,634

c. p = .73

 3000  200   (.73)(.27) 

sp      .0304
 3000   199 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval for Proportion that are Generally Satisfied:

.73  2(.0304)
.6692 to .7908

d. If management administered the questionnaire and anonymity was not guaranteed we would expect a
definite upward bias in the percent reporting they were “generally satisfied” with their job. A
procedure for guaranteeing anonymity should reduce the bias.

21. a. p = 1/3

 380  30   (1/ 3)(2 / 3) 

sp      .0840
 380   29 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.3333  2(.0840)
.1653 to .5013

b. X̂ 2 = 760 (19 / 45) = 320.8889

c. p = 19 / 45 = .4222

 760  45   (19 / 45)(26 / 45) 

sp      .0722
 760   44 
Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.4222  2(.0722)
.2778 to .5666

 380   10   760   19   260   7 

d. pst               .3717
 1400   30   1400   45   1400   25 

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 p (1  ph )  (1/ 3)(2 / 3)
 N h ( N h  nh )  h   380(350)
 nh  1  29

(19 / 45)(26 / 45) (7 / 25)(18 / 25)

760(715)  260(235)
44 24

= 1019.1571 + 3012.7901 + 513.2400 = 4545.1892

 1 
s pst   2  4545.1892  .0482
 (1400) 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.3717  2(.0482)
.2753 to .4681

22. a. X̂ = 380 (9 / 30) + 760 (12 / 45) + 260 (11 / 25) = 431.0667

Estimate approximately 431 deaths due to beating.

 380   9   760   12   260   11 

b. pst               .3079
 1400   30   1400   45   1400   25 

 N h ( N h  nh )
 ph (1  ph )
nh  1

= (380) (380 – 30) (9 / 30) (21 / 30) / 29 + (760) (760 – 45) (12 / 45) (33 / 45) / 44 +
(260) (260 – 25) (11 / 25) (14 / 25) / 24

= 4005.5079

 1 
s pst   2 
4005.5079  .0452
 (1400) 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.3079  2(.0452)
.2175 to .3983

 380   21   760   34   260   15 

c. pst               .7116
 1400   30   1400   45   1400   25 

 N h ( N h  nh )
 ph (1  ph )
nh  1

= (380) (380 – 30) (21 / 30) (9 / 30) / 29 + (760) (760 – 45) (34 / 45) (11 / 45) / 44 +
(260) (260 – 25) (15 / 25) (10 / 25) / 24

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Chapter 22

= 3855.0417

 1 
s pst   2  3855.0417  .0443
 (1400) 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.7116  2(.0443)
.6230 to .8002

d. X̂ = 1400 (.7116) = 996.24

Estimate of total number of victims is 996.

3000(80)  600(150)  250(220)  100(700)  50(3000)


23. a. n
 (20) 2 
(4000) 2    3000(80)  600(150)  250(220)  100(700)  50(3000)
2 2 2 2 2

 4 

366, 025, 000, 000

  170.7365
1, 600, 000, 000  543,800, 000

Rounding up, we need a sample size of 171 for the desired precision.

 3000(80) 
b. n1  171   68
 605, 000 

 600(150) 
n2  171   25
 605, 000 

 250(220) 
n3  171   16
 605, 000 

 100(700) 
n4  171   20
 605, 000 

 50(3000) 
n5  171   42
 605, 000 

14(61)  7(74)  96(78)  23(69)  71(73)  29(84) 18, 066

24. a. xc    75.275
14  7  96  23  71  29 240

Estimate of mean age is approximately 75 years old.

12  2  30  8  10  22 84
b. pc    .35
14  7  96  23  71  29 240

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Sample Survey

2 2 2
 ( ai  pc M i ) 2 = [12 – .35 (14) ] + [ 2 – .35 (7) ] + [30 – .35 (96) ]
2 2 2
+ [ 8 – .35 (23) ] + [ 10 – .35 (71) ] + [ 22 – .35 (29) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2
= (7.1) + (–.45) + (–3.6) + (–.05) + (–14.85) + (11.85)
= 424.52

 100  6   424.52 
s pc   2    .0760
 (100)(6)(48)  5 

Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:

.35  2(.0760)
.198 to .502

X̂ = 4800 (.35) = 1680

Estimate of total number of Disabled Persons is 1680.

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