Standard Prestasi Bahasa Inggeris SK Tahun 1 KSSR (Terbaru)
Standard Prestasi Bahasa Inggeris SK Tahun 1 KSSR (Terbaru)
Standard Prestasi Bahasa Inggeris SK Tahun 1 KSSR (Terbaru)
2 Know and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written.
3 Know, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good
4 manners.
Demonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing for various purposes
5 using admirable manners.
6 Appreciate literary works by performing and presenting ideas using exemplary manners.
B1D2 B1D2E1 Alphabet cards / posters
Identify and distinguish the Able to recognize and identify
letters of the alphabet. the letters A to Z.
B1D3 B1D3E1
Recognize and articulate Able to pronounce and TB5
initial, medial and the final articulate the phonemes TB15 AB18
sounds in single syllable correctly. TB11, AB13
words. (a) /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ TB29
(b) /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/
(c) /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/
(d) /ck/ /e/ /u/ /r/
(e) /h/ /b/ /f,ff/ /l,ll/ /ss/
(f ) /j/ /v/ /w/ /x/
B1D4 B1D4E1
Blend phonemes into Able to form single syllable TB11, AB12,18
recognizable words and words by blending phonemes. TB74, AB79
read them aloud. TB83, AB89
B1D5 B1D5E1
Segment words into Able to spell single syllable TB39, AB41
phonemes to spell. words correctly. TB87, AB95
B2 D1 B2D1E1
Participate in daily Able to use the language -Dialogue
conversation. function below correctly TB10 (a)
a. exchange greetings. TB6 ( b)
b. introduce oneself. TB18( c )
c. make polite requests. TB64 (d, e )
d. thank someone.
e. express a simple
B2 D3 B2D3E1
Read and recognize words Able to match spoken word s AB29
and apply word attack skills with word cards.
by matching words with
spoken words.
B2 D4 B2D4E1
Copy and write in neat Able to copy and write : Configuration clues –
legible print. a. small letters (low case) AB117
b. capital letters(upper case) a.& b. AB36, 58
c. numerals c. AB35, 45
d. words d. AB18,37,38,39,41
e. phrases e. AB60, 124, 125
f. simple sentences f. AB59,63,66
B3 D3 B3D3E1
Read and understand Able to recognize, read and -Word cards
phrases in linear and non- match pictures with words -Sentence cards
linear texts. and phrases.
B3 D4 B3D4E1
Read and understand Able to rearrange words to TB96, AB104
sentences in linear and form correct sentences
non-linear texts with
guidance. B3D4E2
Able to sequence sentences TB40, 41 AB43
B3 D5 B3D5E1
Apply basic dictionary skills Able to arrange words in TB112 AB122
using picture dictionaries. alphabetical order.
B3D6 B3D6E1
Spell common sight words Able to write words with AB67, 135
and seen words. correct spelling.
B4D1 B4D1E1
Listen to and demonstrate Able to answer ‘Wh’ ‘Wh’-questions.
understanding of oral texts. questions. TB102,103 AB112
Punctuate correctly. B4D4E1
Able to use correctly: AB20, 57, 81
a. Capital letters
b. Full stops
c. Question marks
B5D1 B5D1E1
Talk about a picture with Able to talk using simple Any suitable picture
guidance. sentence structure correctly in related to the theme
a given stimulus.
B5 D3 B5D3E1
Write simple sentences Able to write a short AB 70,103
with guidance. sentences .
B5 D4 B5D4E1
Complete forms with Able to complete forms with AB111, 150
guidance. personal details.
B5 D5 B5D5E1
Make a list. Making a list AB56, 71
B6D1 B6D1E1
Talk about a short story Able to respond and TB102
with guidance. demonstrate understanding of TB116
short stories by talking about
(i) the characters
(ii) the events
B6D3 B6D3E1
Choose and read simple Able to choose and record Fiction and non-fiction
fiction and non-fiction texts the number of texts read. texts
for personal enjoyment.