Smoking Cheat Sheet
Smoking Cheat Sheet
Smoking Cheat Sheet
Thank you so much for downloading this cheat sheet. This one is all about smoking cessation and how to properly
instruct your patients about quitting. Below, I’ve written out some of the most important information that you’ll
need to know for when you starting practicing as a Respiratory Therapist, and it’s also important to learn now
because you may see some of this information on the TMC Exam as well. So thanks again and I hope cheat sheet
is helpful for you. J
As a Respiratory Therapist, you are going to deal with smokers on a daily basis. That is why it’s so important to
have an understanding of all the causes and symptoms, as well as how to properly instruct the patient (and their
family) on how to stop. You’re going to need to be able to interview the patient to get a full assessment of their
smoking history and make every effort to help the patient to quit.
COPD is caused by smoking tobacco and asthma can be irritated by tobacco smoke (as well as other pollutants, of
course). So when you interview the patient, you must get a good understanding of the smoke exposure and home
environment in order to educate them on the matter.
To help the patient stop smoking, as we already noted, it’s important to assess their pulmonary health. A good
way to achieve this is by calculating their pack-years.
For example, if the patient has smoked 2 packs per day for 15 years, they would have a 30 pack-year smoking
Many patients will be unable to stop smoking because of withdrawal symptoms. In this case, it is likely the they
have a nicotine addiction. So for these patients, you can treat them with nicotine replacement therapy.
Although it doesn’t work 100% of the time, in most cases, nicotine replacement therapy combined with
psychological support will help the patient quit smoking.
What are the types of nicotine replacement therapy?
• Nicorette gum
• Nicotrol inhaler
• Nicotine transdermal patches
• Nicotine nasal spray
By using these types of therapy, the patient, over time, the patient will be able to wean themselves away from
craving nicotine and stop smoking.
Another alternative is to use prescription medications that will alter the brain’s chemistry so that it no longer
craves nicotine. These include:
• Zyban
• Chantix
TMC Exam Hint: You will likely have one question about when to recommend nicotine replacement therapy
for a patient who want to stop smoking.*
*This is one of the great things about our TMC Study Guide. We include these “Exam Hints” all throughout
the study guide just to help you and give you some insider secrets about what to expect and what you’ll see
on the actual exam so that you can focus on studying the most important information.
2. In a smoking cessation program, how can the Respiratory Therapist physically assist?
Ask the patient about their smoking history. Advise the patient about the benefits of quitting smoking. Asses their
willingness to attempt to quit. Assist the patient by discussing helpful medications and counseling. Arrange a
follow-up meeting to begin the quitting process.
It has slow delivery and must maintain a certain blood level in order to be effective. You can titrate the doses with
different strengths for each patch.
7. How does the nicotine nasal spray work?
It’s a medicine that helps to reduce nicotine craving when a measured dose of nicotine solution is sprayed into
the nose through the mucous membrane and is absorbed into the bloodstream. It has a very fast deliver and is
portable to use on the go. Also, the patient should be careful when administering the spray because it can irritate
the nose and eyes. The patient will need a prescription in order to obtain nicotine nasal spray.
8. After a person quits smoking, shortness of breath gets better and coughing decreases in this time frame?
Usually within 1 to 9 months
9. After a person quits smoking, heart attack risk begins to drop, lung function begins to improve, and ciliary
begins to work in this time period?
Usually within 2 weeks to 3 months
10. How long does it take for carbon monoxide levels to return to normal after a person quits smoking?
Usually within 12 hours
11. One of the almost immediate benefits of smoking cessation is that the heart rate drops in approximately
how many minutes?
20 minutes
12. What are two helpful things to know about cigarette smoke?
(1) It has over 1000 agents that damage tissue and (2) It causes short and long term health problems.
13. The 1964 Surgeon General’s Report of the advisory committee of smoking and health concluded that
smoking can cause these four illnesses:
(1) Lung cancer, (2) Laryngeal cancer, (3) Emphysema, and (4) Cardiovascular disease
14. What did Mark Twain say that can be applied to smoking?
"Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times."
17. What percentage of smokers have called a quit line in an attempt to quit?
Final Thoughts
So there you have it! That’s wraps up this little cheat sheet about Smoking Cessation and I hope it was able to
teach you a thing or two. Having a good knowledge and understanding about smoking and all the harmful side
effects is very important for Respiratory Therapists because we deal with these patients on a daily basis. And
what a better time to learn and understand it than now? Have a great day, and as always, breathe easy! J
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Here to check it out. J