NCM 119 Notes Endterm
NCM 119 Notes Endterm
NCM 119 Notes Endterm
Formula for Staffing
Maslow (1970), people are motivated to
satisfy certain needs, from basic survival to
complex psychological needs, and people
seek a higher need only when the lower
needs have been met
Professionals – 60%
Non-Professionals – 40%
Percentage of Distribution per Shift
Morning – 45%
Afternoon – 37%
Night – 18% Operant Conditioning and Behavior Modification
Motivation is the force within the individual Frederick Herzberg (1977), believed that
that influences or directs behavior. employees can be motivated by the work
Leaders should apply techniques, skills and itself and that there is an internal or personal
knowledge of motivational theory to help need to meet organizational goals
workers achieve what they want out of work
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Comes from within Comes from outside
the individual the individual
Often influenced by Rewards and
family unit and reinforcements are
cultural values given to encourage
certain behaviors
and/or levels of
Motivational Theories Vroom’s Expectancy Model
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Theory of
Human Motivation
Victor Vroom (1964), looks at motivation in
term of the person’s valence, or preferences
based on social values
A person’s expectations about his/her
environment or a certain event will influence
Achievement-Oriented People actively focus Includes external factors such as the weather,
on improving what is; they transform ideas temperature, timing, status, power, authority
into action, judiciously and wisely, taking and the organizational climate itself
risks when necessary
Communication Process
Affiliation-Oriented People focus their
energies on families and friends; their overt
productivity is less because they view their
contribution to society in a different light
form those who are achievement oriented
Power-Oriented People are motivated by the
power that can be gained as a result of a
specific action. They want to command
attention, get recognition and control others
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Upward Communication
o The manager is a subordinate to higher
Downward Communication
o The manager relays information to
Horizontal Communication
o Managers interact with others on the
same hierarchal level as themselves who
are managing different segments of the Listening Skills
The leader who actively listens gives genuine
Diagonal Communication
time and attention to the sender, focusing on
o The manager interacts with personnel
verbal and nonverbal communication
and managers of other departments and
The leader must continually work to improve
groups who are not on the same level of
listening skills by giving time and attention to
the organizational hierarchy
the message sender
Grapevine Communication
o Flows quickly and haphazardly among “The biggest communication problem is we do not
people at all hierarchal levels and usually listen to understand, we listen to reply”
involves three or four people at a time
Communication Skills
Assessment Delegation
Summarize the patient’s condition and state Delegation is getting work done through
what you think the problem is others or as directing the performance of one
or more people to accomplish organizational
Recommendation goals
Identify any new treatments or changes The mark of a great leader is when he/she
ordered and provide opinions or can recognize the excellent performance of
recommendations for further action someone else and allow others to shine for
their accomplishments
5 Rights of Delegation Happens between two or more people with
differing values, goals, beliefs and may be
Right task
closely linked with bullying, incivility and
Right circumstances mobbing
Right person Bullying
Right direction/communication o is repeated, offensive, abusive,
Right level or supervision intimidating or insulting behaviors; abuse
Criteria for Delegation to an Unlicensed of power; or unfair sanctions that make
Personnel recipients feel humiliated, vulnerable or
threatened, thus creating stress and
1. Frequently recur in the daily care of a client undermining their self-confidence
or group of clients (Townsend, 2012)
2. Are performed according to an established Incivility
(stabilized) sequence of steps o is behavior that lacks authentic respect
3. Involve little or no modification from one for others that requires time, presence,
client-care situation to another willingness to engage in genuine
4. May be performed with a predictable discourse and intention to seek common
outcome ground (Clark, 2010)
5. Do not inherently involve ongoing Mobbing
assessment, interpretation or decision o occurs when employees “gang up” on an
making which cannot be logically separated
from the procedure(s) itself
When bullying, incivility and mobbing occur
6. Do not endanger the health or well-being of
in the workplace, this known as workplace
7. Are allowed by agency policy/procedures
Conflict Resolution