CBAR Grade 2-A
CBAR Grade 2-A
CBAR Grade 2-A
BEED – 4
BEED – 4
BEED - 4
Table of Content
d. Ethical Issues 7
VIII. References 10
I. Context and Rationale
Distance learning has been prevalent since the beginning of the current pandemic.
As a result, educational stakeholders had to adjust to its demands, altering the usual
routine of these individuals. However, the adjustments did not guarantee overall positive
results towards the stakeholders themselves. For students, mainly, there are multiple
trends and challenges, which includes but not limited to: distance cheating, burnout, and
On a related note, reading ability is one of the necessary building blocks towards
the academic journey of every learner. As is with every academic necessity, reading
ability is essential in the daily and mundane life of an individual as he or she operates as
reading one's own language. As one grows up to be proficient in learning, which also
involves reading his or her own language, a certain sense of patriotism can be fostered.
However basic it may seem, this event can actually contribute to one's appreciation of his
or her country. Hence, it is obvious to note that challenges in terms of reading one's own
language can be detrimental. When left unpresented and unsolved, these can actually
pose a barrier towards learning, maturity, and even the growing love of the individual to
reading ability is the main concern. Recently, said pupils have been experiencing
continuance. To elaborate, these pupils are having a hard time dictating words, let alone
develop the rhythm to continuously mention words that build sentences. In layman's
terms, their reading ability is far from developed. In connection to and result of the current
modality, these pupils are said to encounter the absence of personal guides. This is
possible as teachers are physically separated from their students in distance learning and
parents are daily occupied with making a living. True enough, the learners are being
deprived of the substance and quality of learning that is crucial for them to have at this
stage. Therefore, as these pupils are in the early stage of their learning journey, which
also necessarily means that they are still highly moldable and teachable, it is important to
years, so they can have a robust foundation for the years to come.
The researchers are aware that the gist of this study has similarity with previous
research. However, the researchers hinge upon the fact that this study will be first
amongst the field Vis a Vis its context. As every context is considered significant, this
research can give voice to the grade 2 pupils of the University of Cagayan Valley-
● How effective is the innovation, intervention, and strategy in enhancing the
According to Savchenko (2021), there are advantages that audio visual aids can
bring to the table. This involves the stimulation of students’ imagination, encouragement
Fundamentally, audio visual aids are known as the type of supplemental materials that
boost learning through the utilization of sound and vision. Although there are many forms
of audio visual aids, this study will focus on educational cartoon videos as its proposed
innovation. The researcher will be keen upon choosing videos that are appropriate to the
learning journey of the pupils. Furthermore, as an intervention, the video will be presented
after the pupils’ modular session. This is to stay true to the video’s label as a supplemental
aid. Also, the reasoning behind this strategy involves the power of reinforcement towards
the pupils. As they get reviewed through the aids, their capacity towards reading the
IV. Action Research Methods
The primary source of data will be the grade 2 pupils of the University of
Cagayan Valley-Elementary. They will take part in the data gathering method of
this study. Furthermore, the study will also utilize secondary data sources,
specifically related literature and studies from the field. This is in order to secure
and refer to relevant criteria that can be used in scrutinizing the innovation that will
This study will be hinged upon the qualitative research design. It is a design
that focuses upon the collation and examination of non-numerical data. The
qualitative research design is popular for giving reverence to the lived experience
advantage of this research design is that it is keen upon giving voice towards the
sample, validating the subjective factor of the data. However, it is also in this
subjective nature of the qualitative data, the design cannot pave way towards the
For the data gathering itself, the researcher will conduct interviews. Prior to
the data gathering method, the researcher will ask for verbal and written consent
from the guardians of the pupils. After the introduction of the innovation and the
agreement between parties, the researcher will start the interview with the aid of
the interview guide. The interview guide will be a list of open-ended questions that
are fitting for the semi-structured format of the interview. This is to ensure that the
The data analysis plan for this study involves the use of thematic analysis.
2021). This form of analysis is appropriate to this study as this study aims to
As the data gathering method will produce interview transcripts, the analysis can
be done to them. In this process, the researcher will scrutinize the data in order to
recognize specific themes that would come up. There are six common steps in
conducting thematic analysis, namely: being familiarized with the data, coding,
D. Ethical Issues
There are possible ethical issues concerning the study, namely with regards
addressed by the authoring of consent forms for the guardians with the note
ensuring the confidentiality of the data gathered. The researchers can also allocate
copies of the respective response of the participant for whatever relevant purpose
it may serve. Meanwhile, the authenticity of the data gathered can also be
guaranteed through the documentation of the data gathering itself as well as the
written confirmation of the guardian, stating that the data is truly genuine.
and finish the
1. Expenditure for Internet Bill (An estimate of 4000) Maintenance for AR writing
and Electricity
The data gathered from this research will mainly be disseminated online through
both formal (academic) and informal platforms. As is fitting considering the current
the researcher can post snippets of the study on social media platforms, such as
Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, for the general public. Since information dissemination
can be done in many ways, the researchers have decided to utilize both formal and
Furthermore, as limited by the research design, the utilization of this research can
only be for grade 2 pupils of the University of Cagayan Valley-Elementary and similar
contexts. Upon the study's stabilization and proven efficacy, the research can continually
VII. References