The Following Are Components of A Database Except
The Following Are Components of A Database Except
The Following Are Components of A Database Except
A. user data
B. metadata
C. reports
D. indexes
Answer: Option C
SELECT emp_name
FROM department
WHERE dept_name LIKE ’ _____ Computer Science’;
Which one of the following has to be added into the blank to select the dept_name which
has Computer Science as its ending string?
a) %
b) _
c) ||
d) $
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Answer: a
Explanation: The % character matches any substring.
FROM instructor
WHERE dept name = ’Physics’
ORDER BY name;
FROM instructor
ORDER BY salary ____, name ___;
To display the salary from greater to smaller and name in ascending order which of the
following options should be used?
a) Ascending, Descending
b) Asc, Desc
c) Desc, Asc
d) Descending, Ascending
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Answer: c
a) All
b) From
c) Distinct
d) Name
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Answer: c
Explanation: Distinct keyword selects only the entries that are unique.
The ________ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query.
a) Where
b) Select
c) From
d) Distinct
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Answer: b
INSERT INTO employee _____ (1002,Joey,2000);
a) Table
b) Values
c) Relation
d) Field
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Answer: b
Explanation: Value keyword has to be used to insert the values into the table.