Get Free Domains Black Hat Method
Get Free Domains Black Hat Method
Get Free Domains Black Hat Method
You want a domain, but it costs 15$ a year? Well you no longer have to pay for a domain ever again! You
can get the following domains in this guide for free (and the hosting is powerful!):
.to .tv .vu .hn .sc .vc .as .mobi
.info .biz .name .co .us .ag .ws .be .cc .ch .li .lt .lv .nu .ph
.de .at .com .net .org .eu
I. Finding a proxy
Cool, now you’re at the proxy(if you use a vpn, skip this step) webpage type in and
click “GO”
Great you’re at the site! Click this where it says Domain-Angebote on the website (should contain domains and
prices) Now click where it says this: > Weitere Domainendungen And check all the boxes
Great! You have all the information you need now go back to 1und1 and check the domain you want. Or if
you want all or multiple check them as well. Click Prufen. Now see which domains are available if their status
is "Ist frei" they are available check mark the ones you want. Click ‘weiter’. You have to choose which pack you
want. The third pack comes with a host and domain name. Click ‘weiter’ on the package you want.
Scroll the page down and press ‘weiter’ Now in the next page give the info you saved from FakeNameGenerator,
and your gmail email address(the confirmation goes there (a gmail address because it doesnt support hotmail)
Now we have to find the Blz konto. Go back to the google search and go to page 10-15 and find a Blz konto. If the
blz konto is in this form 123 445-65 , you need to post it like this 12344565. Once you put in the Blz konto click
‘weiter’. Now enter a password for your domain(s). Enter the password again.
Accept the TOS and press Bestellen.