Twenty Boy Summer, Newsletter
Twenty Boy Summer, Newsletter
Twenty Boy Summer, Newsletter
May 5, 2011
By Renee
The book Twenty Boy best friends, the romance, serious and Anna learns
Summer, by Sarah Ockler, and life is all changed. that she will always love
is a romance, tragedy, and " Matt passes away, Matt, but will still love other
a little bit of mystery. It tells leaving Frankie alone and people. When Frankie finds
a story about three best rebelling, and Anna heart out about Matt and Annaʼs
friends, Anna, Matt, and broken. Frankieʼs family relationship, their friendship
Frankie. Frankie and Matt and Anna decide to take a is challenged, and the
are brother and sister, but summer trip for a month to reader is wondering what
together theyʼre three best Zanzibar Bay, trying to all will happen.
friends for life. Anna and get away from the grief of
Matt in the beginning of the Mattʼs death. Frankie thinks
book, start to show each its time for Anna to meet a
other that they have boy, because she doesʼt
feelings for one another, know about Matt and
and the romance begins, Annaʼs relationship. Both
but as the book progresses girls meet boys, Anna
Matt, Anna, and Frankie all learns that life goes on, and
get into a car accident. meets a new boy Jake.
From there on, the three Their relationship gets
" I really liked this book because Its not always romance, because there
the plot wasnʼt always perfect; I liked are different things going on while the
the fact that it wasnʼt such a happy romance happens, but it is mostly
ending, and that it showed readers that based around how life will put amazing
no matter how horrible life seems at people in your life, and then sometimes
times, it still goes on. I disliked how in take them away.
the ending of the book the two girls are
fighting and it seems like they wonʼt
work it out. With Mattʼs death, I would
have thought that the friends would
have been closer, but it just pushed
them farther away from each other. As
it says on the front cover, “Breaks your
heart and puts it back together again.” I
think that is exactly what this book does
because its constantly changing.
" I think this book is very similar to
Sarah Dessan books. It starts great,
then throws a challenging conflict, and
then sort of works itself out again. I
think this book would only really be
read by girls that like romance novels.
Sarah Ockler is a YA
writer, who believes
that creating new
things is better than
going to therapy.
She loves writing
heart breaking, and
intense romances.
She believes that
even though she’s a
young Adult writer,
that many adults
still love to read her
books because its
like going back to
high school.