Gaurav Malik Section A, PSDA 1
Gaurav Malik Section A, PSDA 1
Gaurav Malik Section A, PSDA 1
The data that I have taken in the study is the students study hours how the study
hours affect the grade points or result of the students. This portion of my study will
cover the basic facts of the study. As we know that study time is positively associ -
ated with grades. In my study the present research sought to better understand the
nature of the study-time and the grades that they get, and the study time and grades
association. In my study I perform the Regression analysis that indicate the how
study time predicts the grades of the students. A s we know that Academic is broad
concept that includes study time, study habits and academic orientation. Grades may
reflects the study time ,but study time may reflects the grades. For example- Mini-
mal study time met with relatively low grades would suggest that study efforts need
to be increased. Conversely, Minimal study met with relatively high grades would
suggest that there is little need to increased efforts. It is also possible that study time
and grades may be function of the other variables. As research suggests that stu-
dents study more in difficult classes than in the easy classes, and in the classes where
the teachers are demanding as opposed to lenient. The students may seek a satisfac-
tory balance between study time and the grades that they get, whereby study time
and grades may be influenced not only by the students characteristics like cognitive
ability but also the difficulty of the course and teachers characteristics like grade in-
flation and teachers effectiveness. In short, students and teachers characteristics are
expected to be predicted of the study time and grades and also the moderate the
study time – grades association. Moderator in the study defines as the term that is
quantitative and qualitative variable that affects the directions and the strength of
an association between an dependent and independent variable.
Problem statement
The problem of this study to test the how study time affects the grades of the stu -
dents and how students can be more serious towards their studies. And the aca-
demics measures taken by the academics board proper to ensure that it the students
will be more serious toward their study and career. And 90% of the parents and stu -
dents are satisfied with the measures.
1. How much you are satisfied by the facility provided by the academic board to
your child in study ?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
d) Dissatisfied
2. How often do you think your child worries about their academic future ?
a) Always
b) Very often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) Never
3. Do you think your child can focus entirely on academic work when they are doing
it at home?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
4. We Given a chance, what is the one change thats you would like to see?
a) Teaching method
b) Time taken to complete a chapter
c) Extracurricular activities
d) Other
5. What the things in school that motivates you to learn more ?
a) Asking a lot of questions to the teachers
b) Completing various assignments
c) Sports and other extracurricular activities
d) Other
Data is analysis by using regression analysis and correlation analysis of sample from
excel software application.
The data of students study hours and grades is shown below and I am performing n
regression analysis for the data. And interpretation of the data that I taken in my
study and tell how study hours affects the grades of the students and how their iq
level play a significant role in their study.
So we take sample of 10 students and their study hours how much hours they study
and how the grades they get from the hours that they study and their iq level.
Study hours and IQ is our independent variable that is (X)variable , and grades are
our dependent variable which is directly dependent upon the study hours that is our
(Y) variable in the study.
The Y hat is = b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x2
In this equation , Y hat is the predicted grade. In The study the independent vari-
ables are IQ and and study hours which are denoted by by x1 and x2 respectively. In
The regression coefficients that are the b0, b1 and b2 .
Here, we can see that in the regression intercept the ( b0 ) is the 23.156 , or in the
regression coefficient for the IQ ( b1 ) is the 0.509, and in the regression coefficient for the
study hours of ( b2 ) is the 0.467. so in the least squares of regression equation that can
be re-written as the : -
Y^ = 23.156 + 0.505 * IQ + 0.467 * study hours
This is only linear equation that satisfies a least – squares criterion.
That means in this equation it fits the best in the data from which it was created the bet-
ter than the any of other linear equation.
Another way to evaluate the regression equation would be to assess the statistical signifi-
cance of regression sum of squares . For that we examine the ANNOVA table produced in
The table in the tests that statistical significance of the independent variables are as predic-
tors of the dependent of variable. The last column the table shows the result of overall F
test. The F statistical (33.4) is big, and the p value ( 0.0026 ) is small. This can be indicates
that the one or the both independent variables has the explanatory power that is beyond
what would be the expected by the chance.
Like in the coefficient of multiple of correlation , In The overall F test we found in the AN-
NOVA table it suggests that in the regression equation it fits the data well.
As we seen in the regression analysis or in the annova table we see the P value is less than
0.05 it is 0.00026 so we accept the alternate hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis in
our study that is at least 90% of the parents and students should not satisfied with the aca-
demic measures that are taken by the academic board to tackle the problem of students se-
riousness toward their grade.
This lesson was all about multiple regression analysis. In this study we are used Excel soft-
ware , but in the analysis that would be the much in the same with other the software
packages. All the major in the software packages (SAS, SPSS, Minitab, etc.) produce three
key of the outputs:
Regression coefficients, based on a least-squares criterion.
The Measures of the goodness of the fit, like that the a coefficient of the multiple of de -
termination and/or the an overall in the F test.
Significance tests for individual regression coefficients.
In the study If you can be the interpret in these regression of outputs from the Excel, you
should have no trouble in the interpreting in the same of outputs from the other pack-
The objective of this study is to identify the how study hours affects the grades of the stu-
dents. According to the findings, time spends for studying influence on Grades
In the Traditionally way , it has been the they assumed that in the study time is the pre -
dictive of the grades; that can be in the study time it is the primary determinant of the aca -
demic success. The study time is a central variable of the interest. Further, in study time is a
behaviour from which motivation can be inferred; that is, study time can be considered a
motivational variable.
➢ Effective time spends for the studying that enables the students to work in their way, sys -
tematically, and through in their studies – breaking the tasks into the smaller, more in
quickly they achievable the sub-tasks. In this way students can score high Grades in their
academic performance. .The Students who can study for the long hours in the tend to the
perform the better than those who are study for the short study time.
➢ Students that should be note that the one hour, in the thirty minutes and in the fifteen
minutes the study time that could be only be the effective during the time of revision,
therefore in the students should be the study at least they should study three hours in
daily because of the diffnerent in the intellectual in capabilities.
➢ The Students should have the set of the tudy time table and the stick to it.
➢ They should have a conducive study place. They Utilize the chair that you may easily lay on
the for hours and that make sure that the location should must be the away from the dis-
➢ Students should get the assistance from the instructors, the classmates and the friends
whenever they are have difficulties in their studies.
➢ Students’ should develop good study habit in order to understand how long he/she can
study for effective outcome.