Monolithic Digital UHF-band Transmitter Wireless-Mic-on-a-Chip™

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Monolithic Digital UHF-band Transmitter



 Features
Single-chip Wireless Mic solution
Built-in MCU
Support up to 16 preset channels
Fully integration
Low noise Microphone interface
High fidelity digital audio processing
Ultra Low noise frequency synthesizer
High power output PA
Worldwide full band support
UHF: 470MHz~960MHz
Professional Grade Performance: KT0603 System Diagram
Audio Dynamic Range ≥ 100 dB
Flat audio response: 20Hz~18KHz
Low Distortion: <0.5%
Low Spurious Emissions: <-60dBc  Description
High transmit power: ≥10mW
Ultra-Low Power Consumption: The KT0603 is a UHF band chip of our full suite of the
< 80 mA operation current revolutionary wireless microphone chips, KT06xx, which
< 10 µA standby current replace hundreds of discrete components in a wireless
Advanced Features: microphone system while keeping the high standard of
Configurable Microphone sensitivity sound quality and functionality.
Configurable Transmit Power
Configurable Compandor Time-Constant The KT0603 is a UHF band transmitter that includes audio
Optional pilot amplifier, pre-emphasis, compressor, PLL and configurable
Built-in 75us pre-emphasis power amplifier. It is designed to process microphone
Built-in Low-Battery Detector audio signal and transmit modulated FM signal in UHF
No on/off noise band.
No disturbing noise
Small Form Factor: The KT0603 only requires a single low-voltage supply
QFN24 package thanks to a built-in regulator. For a microphone built with a
Simple Interface: KT0603, no external tuning is required, which makes
Single power supply (2.2V- 3.6V) design-in effort minimum.
2-wire I C master interface
Pb-free and RoHS Compliant The KT0603 provides direct and simple interface to support
mechanical tuning. A pre-programmed low cost EEPROM
 Applications can be used to configure the radio settings to differentiate
Wireless Microphone product designs and accommodate standards in various
Wireless Speaker regions. No external MCU is required. It is packaged in
generic QFN24.

Rev. 1.1
Information furnished by KT Micro is believed to be accurate and reliable. Beijing KT Micro, Ltd.
However, no responsibility is assumed by KT Micro for its use, nor for any BeiWu New Technology Park, Building #4, 23 BeiWuCun
infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its Road,Haidian District, Beijing, China.
use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent
rights of Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. Tel: +86-10-88891955
Fax: +86-10-88891977
Copyright  2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd.
Table of Content
1.  Electrical Specification .......................................................................................................................... 4 
2.  Pin List.................................................................................................................................................... 5 
3.  Function Description ............................................................................................................................. 6 
3.1.  Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 6 
3.2.  Power-up ............................................................................................................................................. 6 
3.3.  Crystal ................................................................................................................................................. 6 
3.4.  Microphone Interface ........................................................................................................................ 6 
3.5.  Compandor ......................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.6.  Pre-emphasis....................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.7.  Mute .................................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.8.  Pilot generator .................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.9.  Channel selection ................................................................................................................................ 7 
3.10.  Transmission Power ........................................................................................................................... 8 
3.11.  Low Battery Indicator ....................................................................................................................... 9 
3.12.  Chip Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 9 
3.13.  Register Bank ................................................................................................................................... 10 
3.13.1.  SYS_CFG (Address 0x03) ........................................................................................................... 11 
3.13.2.  MUTE_CFG (Address 0x18) ....................................................................................................... 11 
3.13.3.  LOWBAT_CFG (Address 0x19) ................................................................................................. 11 
3.13.4.  AUDIO_CFG (Address 0x1C) ..................................................................................................... 12 
3.13.5.  PILOT_CFG (Address 0x1F) ....................................................................................................... 12 
3.13.6.  GPIO_CFG (Address 0x24) ......................................................................................................... 13 
3.13.7.  DSP_CFG (Address 0x2B) .......................................................................................................... 13 
3.13.8.  CHAN_REGA_0 (Address 0x40) ................................................................................................ 13 
3.13.9.  CHAN_REGB_0 (Address 0x41) ................................................................................................ 13 
3.13.10. CHAN_REGA_1 (Address 0x42) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.11. CHAN_REGB_1 (Address 0x43) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.12. CHAN_REGA_2 (Address 0x44) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.13. CHAN_REGB_2 (Address 0x45) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.14. CHAN_REGA_3 (Address 0x46) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.15. CHAN_REGB_3 (Address 0x47) ................................................................................................ 14 
3.13.16. CHAN_REGA_4 (Address 0x48) ................................................................................................ 15 
3.13.17. CHAN_REGB_4 (Address 0x49) ................................................................................................ 15 
3.13.18. CHAN_REGA_5 (Address 0x4A) ............................................................................................... 15 
3.13.19. CHAN_REGB_5 (Address 0x4B) ................................................................................................ 15 
3.13.20. CHAN_REGA_6 (Address 0x4C) ............................................................................................... 15 
3.13.21. CHAN_REGB_6 (Address 0x4D) ............................................................................................... 16 
3.13.22. CHAN_REGA_7 (Address 0x4E) ................................................................................................ 16 
3.13.23. CHAN_REGB_7 (Address 0x4F) ................................................................................................ 16 
3.13.24. CHAN_REGA_8 (Address 0x50) ................................................................................................ 16 
3.13.25. CHAN_REGB_8 (Address 0x51) ................................................................................................ 16 
3.13.26. CHAN_REGA_9 (Address 0x52) ................................................................................................ 16 
3.13.27. CHAN_REGB_9 (Address 0x53) ................................................................................................ 17 
3.13.28. CHAN_REGA_10 (Address 0x54) .............................................................................................. 17 
3.13.29. CHAN_REGB_10 (Address 0x55) .............................................................................................. 17 
3.13.30. CHAN_REGA_11 (Address 0x56) .............................................................................................. 17 
3.13.31. CHAN_REGB_11 (Address 0x57) .............................................................................................. 17 
3.13.32. CHAN_REGA_12 (Address 0x58) .............................................................................................. 18 
3.13.33. CHAN_REGB_12 (Address 0x59) .............................................................................................. 18 
3.13.34. CHAN_REGA_13 (Address 0x5A) ............................................................................................. 18 
3.13.35. CHAN_REGB_13 (Address 0x5B) .............................................................................................. 18 
3.13.36. CHAN_REGA_14 (Address 0x5C) ............................................................................................. 18 

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 2

3.13.37. CHAN_REGB_14 (Address 0x5D) ............................................................................................. 18 
3.13.38. CHAN_REGA_15 (Address 0x5E) .............................................................................................. 19 
3.13.39. CHAN_REGB_15 (Address 0x5F) .............................................................................................. 19 
4.  Typical Application Circuit ................................................................................................................ 20 
5.  Package Outline ................................................................................................................................... 22 
6.  PCB Land Pattern ............................................................................................................................... 23 
7.  Recommended Reflow Profile ............................................................................................................ 24 
8.  Order Information............................................................................................................................... 25 
9.  Revision History................................................................................................................................... 25 
10.  Contact Information ............................................................................................................................ 26 

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 3


1. Electrical Specification
Table 1: Operation Condition
Parameter Symbol Operating Condition Min Typ Max Units
Analog Power Supply AVDD Relative to GND 2.2 3.6 V
Digital Power Supply DVDD 2.2 3.6 V
Ambient Temperature TA -30 25 70 ℃
Electrostatic discharge Vmax 2000 V
maximum to MIL-
Standard 883 C method

Table 2: DC Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Test/Operating
Min Typ Max Units
Current POUT=10dBm IVDD - 80 - mA
Consumption POUT=0dBm IVDD 60 mA
Standby Current IAPD 5 10 μA

Table 3: FM Receiver Characteristics

(Unless otherwise noted Ta = -30~70℃, AVDD= 2.2V to 3.6V)
Parameter Symbol Test/Operating
Min Typ Max Units
RF Frequency Range Ftx 470 960 MHz
Audio Dynamic Range1,2,3 DR A-weighted 100 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion1,2,3 THD Vin = 1 Vp-p - 0.3 0.5 %
Audio Input Swing Vin - 0.5 VRMS
Audio Input Resistance Rin 5 kΩ
Audio Frequency Response Fin Within 3dB 20 - 18k Hz
Maximum Transmit Power Pout 10 dBm
Spurious Emission Pout -60 dBc
Channel Step Resolution STEP - 25 KHz
Pilot frequency 24MHz crystal - 30 - KHz
24.576MHz crystal - 30.72 - KHz
Pilot Deviation 2.5 10 KHz
Maximum Frequency Deviation 75 KHz
Pre-emphasis Time Constant Tpre PHTCNST = 1 - 75 - µs
Crystal CLK Input clock 24/
2-wire I2C Clock SCL 50 KHz
1. FMOD=1KHz
2. △F=50KHz
3. VEMF=1mV, Frequency=470MHz~960MHz

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 4


2. Pin List
Table 4: Pin list
Pin Index Name I/O Type Function
1 XI Analog I/O Crystal input.
2 XO Analog I/O Crystal output.
3 VREF Analog Output VREF output. Should be decoupled by a 1uF cap.
4 MICIN Analog Input Microphone signal input.
5 VCM Analog Output Common-mode Reference. Should be decoupled by a 10uF cap.
6 BAT_IN Analog Input Battery meter input.
7 CH Analog Input Channel adjustment signal input.
8 SDA/LOW Digital I/O Function1: Serial data I/O.
_BAT Function2: Low voltage indicator output. Low active.
9 SCL Digital I/O Serial clock output.
10 DVDD Power Digital power supply.
11 CHIP_EN Digital Input Chip enable pin. 0 means power off. 1means power on.
12 MUTE Digital Input Mute signal input. High active.
13 AVSS Ground Analog ground.
14 OUTP Analog Output RF positive output.
15 OUTN Analog Output RF negative output.
16 AVSS Ground Analog ground.
17 AVDD Power Analog power supply.
18 VREF Analog Output VREF output. Should be decoupled by a 1uF cap.
19 AVSS Ground Analog ground.
20 INDN Analog IO Inductor connection for VCO.
21 INDP Analog IO Inductor connection for VCO.
22 AVSS Ground Analog ground.
23 AVSS Ground Analog ground.
24 AVDD Power Analog power supply.

Figure 1: KT0603 Pin assignment (Top view)

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 5


3. Function Description

3.1. Overview
KT0603 offers a true single-chip, UHF-band wireless-microphone transmitter solution by
minimizing the external components and offering the compatibility with state-of-art
receiver solutions. It integrates a low-noise microphone pre-amplifier, a high fidelity
audio frontend together with patent pending compandor technology to provide an audio
dynamic range as high as 100dB. The fully integrated PLL modulates compressed audio
signal to carrier frequency directly. The excellent PLL with ultra low level phase noise
and spur emissions, reduces interference of other stations and ensure that more
transmitters can operate simultaneously. A pilot signal of 32.768KHz could also be added
to transmitted signal concurrently, which makes KT0603 compatible with current squelch
technique used by high-end receivers.

3.2. Power-up
KT0603 enters normal operation mode about 100ms after power-supply is added to
AVDD and DVDD pins and the working clock is stable and the CHIP_EN pin is pulled
up to DVDD.

3.3. Crystal
KT0603 supports 24MHz/24.576MHz crystal to providing the working clock of the chip.

3.4. Microphone Interface

KT0603 integrates a low-noise microphone interface as shown in Figure 2. The audio
signal from microphone enters KT0603 through the pin MICIN. An AC-coupling cap Cc
is needed in series of MICIN when the DC bias of microphone does not equal the internal
VCM, about 0.9V. The value of the coupling cap should be chosen properly to guarantee
a good enough frequency response at the low end of audio band. A decoupling cap with
the same value should be placed outside VCM pin. The sensitivity of microphone can be
adjusted within a wide range by setting register MIC_SENS.

Figure 2: Audio Interface

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 6

3.5. Compandor
KT0603 compresses audio signal by a patent pending compandor circuit, which
guarantees perfectly consistent performance compared with discrete solutions, whose
performance is determined by the variant values of off-chip capacitors and resistors. The
dynamic of audio signal is compressed by compandor at a precise 2 to 1 ratio. The time-
constant of rectifier is set by register COMP_TC<2:0>. Setting COMP_DIS to 1 will
disable the compandor.

3.6. Pre-emphasis
KT0603 supports 75us of pre-emphasis time constant. Pre-emphasis can be disabled by
register PRE_DIS. The sequence of pre-emphasis and compandor is determined by
register PRE_FIRST.

3.7. Mute
KT0603 could be mute by MUTE pin is pulled up to DVDD. An example of mute circuit
is shown in Figure 3. When register MUTE_PILOT_EN is set to 1, pilot will be disabled
when the MUTE pin is pulled up.

Figure 3: Mute Interface

3.8. Pilot generator

KT0603 provides a feature of adding a pilot to the transmitted audio signal to be
compatible with the squelch algorithm widely used by high-end receivers. The pilot can
be enabled by setting register PILOT_EN to 1 and the frequency deviation of the pilot is
determined by register PILOT_FDEV<1:0>.

3.9. Channel selection

KT0603 supports a unique Potentiometer-Mode whose application circuit is shown in
Figure 4.
The potentiometer is implemented by a variable resistor with the center tap connected to
the chip. KT0603 measures the ratio of two parts of the variable resistor and maps the
result to the real control channel. KT0603 can be configured 16 carrier frequencies by
register CHAN_REGA_x<15:0> and CHAN_REGB_x<15:0>.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 7

If the center tap of the variable resistor is located in one of 16 areas, the tuned channel
could be determined by register CHAN_REGA_x<15:0> and CHAN_REGB_x<15:0>.

Figure 4: CH pin connection in potentiometer-mode

KT0603 supports UHF 470MHz~960MHz operating frequency range. An off-chip

inductor, connected to pins INDN and INDP, determines the center frequency of band
specified by manufacturer. The actual carrier frequency can be configured by CH pin
within the range of ±24MHz from center frequency after the inductor is fixed. To
guarantee noise performance, high-Q multi-layer chip inductor is recommended.
The actual transmitted carrier frequency is configured by register CHAN_REGA_x<15:0>
and CHAN_REGB_x<15:0>, whose values could be obtained from the configuration
software provided by KT Micro. Once CH pin is changed by a different value from the
previous one, the PLL starts to lock to the new carrier frequency.
For more information about off-chip inductor and channel configuration, please refer to
application notes.

3.10.Transmission Power
The transmission power can be adjusted by register PA_GAIN<3:0> in 3dB steps.
The PA of KT0603 outputs signal through two differential pins, OUTP and OUTN. To
transfer RF power via a mono-pole antenna, a LC balun should be added to convert
differential ports to a single-ended port. If the antenna is dipole type, the balun could be
eliminated. For more information about LC balun and impedance matching circuits,
please refer to application notes.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 8

3.11.Low Battery Indicator
KT0603 integrates a low-battery indicator, which is enabled by register BATT_EN and
LOWBAT_EN. When the voltage of BAT_IN is below the threshold of comparator,
which is set by register LOWBAT_TH<7:0>, the SDA/LOW_BAT pin will pull down to
0, otherwise SDA/LOW_BAT pin will remain open-drain output. An example of
interface circuit for batter meter is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Battery Meter Interface

3.12.Chip Configuration
An I2C master interface is integrated in KT0603 and can be used to initialize and operate
the chip together with an external EEPROM (e.g. 24C02). The initialization information
is written into the EEPROM beforehand. When powered on, KT0603 will readout all the
data stored in the EEPROM and write them into internal register bank. The mapping
relationship of the register bit between KT0603 internal register bank and 24C02 can be
found in Table 5. The effective device address for EEPROM is from 000(A2:A0) to 110.

Table 5: Register Bits Mapping Relationship between 24C02 and KT0603

24C02 KT0603
address bits address bits
0x00 D7:D0 D15:D8
0x01 D7:D0 D7:D0
0x02 D7:D0 D15:D8
0x03 D7:D0 D7:D0
… … …

… … …
0xFE D7:D0 D15:D8
0xFF D7:D0 D7:D0

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 9


3.13.Register Bank
Table 6: Configuration Registers Overview
Address Register Description
0x03 SYS_CFG System Configuration Register
0x18 MUTE_CFG Mute Configuration Register
0x19 LOWBAT_CFG Low Battery Indicator Configuration Register
0x1C AUDIO_CFG Audio Configuration Register
0x1F PILOT_CFG Pilot Configuration Register
0x24 GPIO_CFG GPIO Configuration Register
0x2B DSP_CFG DSP Configuration Register
0x40 CHAN_REGA_0 Channel 0 Configuration Register A
0x41 CHAN_REGB_0 Channel 0 Configuration Register B
0x42 CHAN_REGA_1 Channel 1 Configuration Register A
0x43 CHAN_REGB_1 Channel 1 Configuration Register B
0x44 CHAN_REGA_2 Channel 2 Configuration Register A
0x45 CHAN_REGB_2 Channel 2 Configuration Register B
0x46 CHAN_REGA_3 Channel 3 Configuration Register A
0x47 CHAN_REGB_3 Channel 3 Configuration Register B
0x48 CHAN_REGA_4 Channel 4 Configuration Register A
0x49 CHAN_REGB_4 Channel 4 Configuration Register B
0x4A CHAN_REGA_5 Channel 5 Configuration Register A
0x4B CHAN_REGB_5 Channel 5 Configuration Register B
0x4C CHAN_REGA_6 Channel 6 Configuration Register A
0x4D CHAN_REGB_6 Channel 6 Configuration Register B
0x4E CHAN_REGA_7 Channel 7 Configuration Register A
0x4F CHAN_REGB_7 Channel 7 Configuration Register B
0x50 CHAN_REGA_8 Channel 8 Configuration Register A
0x51 CHAN_REGB_8 Channel 8 Configuration Register B
0x52 CHAN_REGA_9 Channel 9 Configuration Register A
0x53 CHAN_REGB_9 Channel 9 Configuration Register B
0x54 CHAN_REGA_10 Channel 10 Configuration Register A
0x55 CHAN_REGB_10 Channel 10 Configuration Register B
0x56 CHAN_REGA_11 Channel 11 Configuration Register A
0x57 CHAN_REGB_11 Channel 11 Configuration Register B
0x58 CHAN_REGA_12 Channel 12 Configuration Register A
0x59 CHAN_REGB_12 Channel 12 Configuration Register B
0x5A CHAN_REGA_13 Channel 13 Configuration Register A
0x5B CHAN_REGB_13 Channel 13 Configuration Register B
0x5C CHAN_REGA_14 Channel 14 Configuration Register A
0x5D CHAN_REGB_14 Channel 14 Configuration Register B
0x5E CHAN_REGA_15 Channel 15 Configuration Register A
0x5F CHAN_REGB_15 Channel 15 Configuration Register B

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 10

3.13.1. SYS_CFG (Address 0x03)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:5 Reserved 0000_0000_000 Reserved.
4:1 PA_GAIN<3:0> 0_000 Output Power Control.
0000: Minimum power
1100: Maximum power
1101: Reserved
1111: Reserved
0 PA_SEL 0 PA Power control selection Must be
set to 1 after power-on.
0: PA is un-controlled.
1: PA is controlled by PA_GAIN<3:0>.

3.13.2. MUTE_CFG (Address 0x18)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:12 Reserved 0000 Reserved.
11 MUTE_PILOT_EN 0 Pilot Disable Control
0: Do not disable pilot.
1: Disable pilot when mute is enabled.
10 MUTE_PIN_EN 1 Mute Enable Input.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
9:0 Reserved 00_0000_0000 Reserved.

3.13.3. LOWBAT_CFG (Address 0x19)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:9 Reserved 0000 000 Reserved.
8 LOWBAT_EN 0 Low Battery Indicator Enable.
0: Low Battery Indicator is disabled.
1: Low Battery Indicator is enabled.
SDA pin will output 0 when battery
voltage is below LOWBAT_TH.
7 Reserved 0 Reserved.
6:0 LOWBAT_TH<6:0> 000 0000 Low Battery Indicator Threshold.
000 0000: 0/128 * 1.2V
000 0001: 1/128 * 1.2V
111 1111: 127/128 * 1.2V

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 11

3.13.4. AUDIO_CFG (Address 0x1C)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:10 Reserved 0000_00 Reserved.
9 PRE_DIS 0 Pre-Emphasis Disable.
0: Enable pre-emphasis
1: Disable pre-emphasis
8:5 MIC_SENS<3:0> 0000 Microphone Sensitivity Adjust.
0000: 0dB
0001: 4dB
0010: 7dB
0011: 10dB
0100: 12dB
0101: 16dB
0110: 19dB
0111: 22dB
1000: 24dB
1001: 28dB
1010: 31dB
1011: 34dB
1100: 36dB
1101: 40dB
1110: 43dB1111: 46dB
4 COMP_DIS 0 Compandor Disable.
0: Enable compressor
1: Disable compressor
3:1 COMP_TC<2:0> 000 Time-Constant of Compandor Rectifier.
000: 6ms
001: 12ms
010: 24ms
011: 48ms
100: 93ms
101: 199ms
110: 398ms
111: 796ms
0 Reserved 0 Reserved.

3.13.5. PILOT_CFG (Address 0x1F)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15 PILOT_EN 1 Pilot Enable.
0: Disable pilot
1: Enable pilot
14:9 Reserved 000_000 Reserved.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 12

8:7 PILOT_FDEV<1:0> 0_0 Frequency Deviation of
00: 2.5KHz
01: 5KHz
10: 7.5KHz
11: 10KHz
6:0 Reserved 000_0000 Reserved.

3.13.6. GPIO_CFG (Address 0x24)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:13 Reserved 001 Reserved.
12 BATT_EN 0 Battery Meter Enable
0: Disable battery meter
1: Enable battery meter
11:0 Reserved 0000_0000_0000 Reserved.

3.13.7. DSP_CFG (Address 0x2B)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:1 Reserved 0000_0000_0000_000 Reserved.
0 PRE_FIRST 1 Sequence of pre-emphasis and
0: Compandor→pre-emphasis
1: Pre-emphasis→compandor

3.13.8. CHAN_REGA_0 (Address 0x40)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_0<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.9. CHAN_REGB_0 (Address 0x41)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_0<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 13

3.13.10. CHAN_REGA_1 (Address 0x42)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_1<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software..

3.13.11. CHAN_REGB_1 (Address 0x43)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_1<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.12. CHAN_REGA_2 (Address 0x44)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_2<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.13. CHAN_REGB_2 (Address 0x45)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_2<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.14. CHAN_REGA_3 (Address 0x46)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_3<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.15. CHAN_REGB_3 (Address 0x47)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_3<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 14

Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.16. CHAN_REGA_4 (Address 0x48)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_4<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.17. CHAN_REGB_4 (Address 0x49)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_4<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.18. CHAN_REGA_5 (Address 0x4A)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_5<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.19. CHAN_REGB_5 (Address 0x4B)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_5<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.20. CHAN_REGA_6 (Address 0x4C)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_6<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 15

3.13.21. CHAN_REGB_6 (Address 0x4D)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_6<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.22. CHAN_REGA_7 (Address 0x4E)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_7<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.23. CHAN_REGB_7 (Address 0x4F)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_7<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.24. CHAN_REGA_8 (Address 0x50)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_8<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.25. CHAN_REGB_8 (Address 0x51)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_8<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.26. CHAN_REGA_9 (Address 0x52)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_9<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for Channel

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 16

Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.27. CHAN_REGB_9 (Address 0x53)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_9<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for Channel
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.28. CHAN_REGA_10 (Address 0x54)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_10<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 10.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.29. CHAN_REGB_10 (Address 0x55)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_10<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 10.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.30. CHAN_REGA_11 (Address 0x56)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_11<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 11.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.31. CHAN_REGB_11 (Address 0x57)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_11<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 11.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 17

3.13.32. CHAN_REGA_12 (Address 0x58)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_12<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 12.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.33. CHAN_REGB_12 (Address 0x59)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_12<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 12.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.34. CHAN_REGA_13 (Address 0x5A)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_13<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 13
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.35. CHAN_REGB_13 (Address 0x5B)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_13<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 13.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.36. CHAN_REGA_14 (Address 0x5C)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_14<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 14.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.37. CHAN_REGB_14 (Address 0x5D)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_14<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 14.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 18

Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.38. CHAN_REGA_15 (Address 0x5E)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGA_15<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg A for
Channel 15.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software.

3.13.39. CHAN_REGB_15 (Address 0x5F)

Bit Symbol Default Functional Description

15:0 CHAN_REGB_15<15:0> 0x0000 Channel Configuration Reg B for
Channel 15.
Calculated by Config-Gen Software

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 19


4. Typical Application Circuit

C2 L1
331@100MHz 33pF
AVDD 0.1uF
FB2 24MHz











FB3 33pF

C6 0.1uF
331@100MHz XI 1 18
XO 2 17
1uF C4 3 16
C7 4 KT0603 15
10uF C8 5 14 OUTP

6 13










TBD 0.1uF R3

L2 L3 L4
1 5
2 A0 SDA
C15 C16 SCL



Figure 6: Typical application circuits

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 20


Components Description Value Suppliers

C1,C5,C9,C19 Supply decoupling capacitor 0.1uF
C2,C3 Crystal load capacitor 33pF
C4 Decoupling capacitor 1uF
C6 Decoupling capacitor 0.1uF
C10 Decoupling capacitor TBD
C7,C8 Decoupling capacitor 10uF
C11 Capacitor TBD
C12,C14,C17 Capacitor TBD
C13,C18 Capacitor TBD
C15 Capacitor TBD
C16 Capacitor TBD
E1 Antenna
FB1,FB2,FB3 Ferrite bead 331@100MHz
L1 Inductance TBD Murata LQG series
L2,L3 Inductance TBD Murata LQG series
L4,L7 Inductance TBD Murata LQG series
L5,L6 Inductance TBD Murata LQG series
R1,R2 Resistor TBD
R3 Resistor 1K
RV1 Variable resistor 10K
SW1 Switch
U1 KT0603
U2 AT24C02
Y1 Crystal 24MHz

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 21


5. Package Outline

Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches

Min. Max. Min. Max.
A 0.700/0.800 0.800/0.900 0.028/0.031 0.031/0.035
A1 0.000 0.050 0.000 0.002
A3 0.203REF. 0.008REF.
D 3.900 4.100 0.154 0.161
E 3.900 4.100 0.154 0.161
D1 2.600 2.800 0.102 0.110
E1 2.600 2.800 0.102 0.110
k 0.200MIN. 0.008MIN.
b 0.180 0.300 0.007 0.012
e 0.500TYP. 0.020TYP.
L 0.300 0.500 0.012 0.020

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 22


6. PCB Land Pattern

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 23


7. Recommended Reflow Profile

The solder reflow profile should follow the paste manufacturer recommendation and the
general JEDEC/IPC standard J-STD-20 guidelines. SnAgCu eutectic solder paste with
melting temperature of 217℃ commonly used for lead-free solder reflow application.
Figure 7 shows the range of temperature profiles of the J-STD-20 specification. The
profile parameters and component peak temperature guidelines are listed in Table 7. Note
all specified temperatures in Table 7 refer to the temperatures measured on the top
surface of the package.
It is very important to control the peak reflow temperature below the maximum
temperatures specified in Table 7 to prevent thermal damage to the package.

Figure 7: Typical reflow profile

Table 7: Reflow profile parameters

Profile Parameter Pb-FREE
Average Ramp-Up Rate (TsMAX to Tp) 3℃/second maximum
-Temperature Min (TsMIN) +150℃
-Temperature Max (TsMAX) +200℃
-Time (tsMIN to tsMAX) 60 to 180 seconds
Time maintained above:
-Temperature (TL) +217℃
-Time (tL) 60 to 150 seconds
-Peak/Classification Temperature (Tp) +260℃
Time within +5℃ of Actual Peak Temperature (tp) 20 to 40 seconds
Ramp-Down Rate +6℃/second maximum
Time +25℃ to Peak Temperature 8 minutes maximum

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 24


8. Order Information

Part number Description Package

KT0603 Monolithic Digital UHF-band Transmitter QFN24, Pb free

9. Revision History
V1. 0 Official Releases.
V1. 1 Modified register bank, application circuit and table 3.

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 25


10. Contact Information

Beijing KT Micro, Ltd.
BeiWu New Technology Park, Building #4, 23 BeiWuCun Road,Haidian District,
Beijing, China
Zip Code: 100195
Tel: +86-10-88891955
Fax: +86-10-88891977

Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. (US Office)

999 Corporate Drive, Suite 170
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
Tel: 949-713-4000
Fax: 949-713-4004

Copyright 2012, Beijing KT Micro, Ltd. 26

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