The Eye
The Eye
The Eye
Rosen Educational Services materials copyright © 2011 Rosen Educational Services, LLC.
All rights reserved.
First Edition
The eye : the physiology of human perception / edited by Kara Rogers. — 1st ed.
p. cm. — (The human body)
“In association with Britannica Educational Publishing, Rosen Educational Services.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-61530-255-0 (eBook)
1. Eye—Popular works. 2. Perception—Physiological aspects—Popular works. I. Rogers,
QP475.5.E94 2010
On the cover: The adult human eye is only 24 mm (1 inch) high and slightly wider. This organ
receives an astonishing amount of information and conveys it to the brain for processing. © www. / Mads Abildgaard (head), Nurbek Sagynbaev (eye)
72 Abnormalities of Focus 68
Accommodation 69
Pupil Response 71
90 Flicker 87
Visual Acuity 88
Chapter 4: Electrophysiology
of the Retina 95
Neurological Basis 95
The Electroretinogram 98
Resolving Power 99
Colour Vision 100
Spectral Sensitivity 102
Wavelength Discrimination 103
Colour Mixing 105
Young-Helmholtz Theory 107
Neuron Response to Colour 109
Cells of the Receptive Field 112
The Photochemical Process 113
Rhodopsin 113
Transduction 114
Conclusion 227
Glossary 229
Bibliography 232
Index 233
7 Introduction 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Introduction 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Introduction 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The eye
The eyeball can be viewed as the fusing together of a small
portion of a small, strongly curved sphere with a large por-
tion of a large, not so strongly curved sphere. The small
piece, occupying about one-sixth of the whole, has a radius
of 8 mm (0.3 inch); it is transparent and is called the cor-
nea; the remainder, called the scleral segment, is opaque
and has a radius of 12 mm (0.5 inch). The ring where the
two areas join is called the limbus. Thus, on looking
directly into the eye from in front one sees the white sclera
surrounding the cornea; because the latter is transparent
one sees, instead of the cornea, a ring of tissue lying within
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
the eye, the iris. The iris is the structure that deter-
mines the colour of the eye. The centre of this ring is
called the pupil. It appears dark because the light passing
into the eye is not reflected back to any great extent. By
use of an ophthalmoscope, an instrument that permits
the observer to illuminate the interior of the eyeball while
observing through the pupil, the appearance of the inte-
rior lining of the globe can be made out. The lining, called
the fundus oculi, is characterized by the large blood ves-
sels that supply blood to the retina; these are especially
distinct as they cross over the pale optic disk, or papilla,
the region where the optic nerve fibres leave the globe.
The dimensions of the eye are reasonably constant,
varying among healthy individuals by only a millimetre or
two; the sagittal (vertical) diameter is about 24 mm (about
1 inch) and is usually less than the transverse (horizontal)
diameter. At birth the sagittal diameter is about 16 to 17
mm (about 0.65 inch); it increases rapidly to about 22.5 to
23 mm (about 0.89 inch) by age 3; between ages 3 and 13 the
globe attains its full size. The weight is about 7.5 grams
(0.25 ounce), and its volume 6.5 mm (0.4 cubic inch).
The eye is made up of three coats, which enclose the
optically clear aqueous humour, lens, and vitreous body.
The outermost coat consists of the cornea and the sclera;
the middle coat, or uvea, contains the main blood supply
to the eye and consists, from the back forward, of the cho-
roid, the ciliary body, and the iris. The innermost layer is
the retina, lying on the choroid and receiving most of its
nourishment from the vessels within the choroid, the
remainder of its nourishment being derived from the reti-
nal vessels that lie on its surface and are visible in the
ophthalmoscope. The ciliary body and iris have a very thin
covering, the ciliary epithelium and posterior epithelium
of the iris, which is continuous with the retina.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Horizontal cross section of the human eye, showing the structures of the eye,
the visual axis (the central point of image focusing in the retina), and the opti-
cal axis (the axis about which the eye is rotated by the eye muscles).
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
the iris and lens, while the posterior chamber is the much
smaller space between the rear surface of the iris and the
ciliary body, zonule, and lens; the two chambers both con-
tain aqueous humour and are in connection through the
pupil. This connection allows the aqueous humour to flow
through the pupil from the posterior chamber to the ante-
rior chamber. From there, the fluid flows out of the eye
through the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm’s canal,
which encircles the peripheral iris. Some aqueous humour
also exits the eye directly through the ciliary body. The
ciliary muscle attachments and the lens separate the aque-
ous humour in front from the vitreous humour behind.
The eye also contains special light receptors, called
photoreceptors, and its construction is much like that of a
simple camera. The retina, an extremely metabolically
active layer of nerve tissue, is made up of millions of pho-
toreceptors. Various structures of the eye function to
focus light onto the retina, with the cornea providing the
greatest focusing power of the eye. The cornea is curved
to a much greater extent than the rest of the eyeball.
However, the shape and focusing power of the cornea are
not adjustable. This is in contrast to the lens, the shape of
which is adjustable and is controlled by the action of the
ciliary body, altering the focusing power of the lens as
needed. The cornea and lens focus an image onto the ret-
ina at the back of the eye. If the image is projected too far
in front of the retina, it causes the visual defect called
myopia, or nearsightedness. If the image is theoretically
focused “behind” the retina, the result is hyperopia, or far-
sightedness. If no deformation of the lens is present,
the image is projected onto the fovea, a structure near the
centre of the retina that contains a large number of cone
photoreceptors and that provides the sharpest vision.
When stimulated by light, retinal photoreceptor cells
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The cornea is the transparent window of the eye. It is
about 12 mm (0.5 inch) in diameter and, except at its mar-
gins, contains no blood vessels. However, it does contain
many nerves and is very sensitive to pain or touch. It is
nourished and provided with oxygen anteriorly by tears
and is bathed posteriorly by aqueous humour. It protects
the pupil, the iris, and the inside of the eye from penetra-
tion by foreign bodies and is the first and most powerful
element in the eye’s focusing system. As light passes
through the cornea, it is partially refracted before reach-
ing the lens. The curvature of the cornea, which is spherical
in infancy but changes with age, gives it its focusing power;
when the curve becomes irregular, it causes a focusing
defect called astigmatism, in which images appear elon-
gated or distorted.
The cornea contains five distinguishable layers: the
epithelium, or outer covering; Bowman’s membrane;
the stroma, or supporting structure; Descemet’s mem-
brane; and the endothelium, or inner lining. Up to 90
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Uveal Tract
The middle coat of the eye is called the uvea (from the
Latin for “grape”) because the eye looks like a reddish-blue
grape when the outer coat has been dissected away. The
posterior part of the uvea, the choroid, is essentially a
layer of blood vessels and connective tissue sandwiched
between the sclera and the retina. The forward portion of
the uvea, the ciliary body and iris, is more complex, con-
taining as it does the ciliary muscle and the sphincter and
dilator of the pupil.
The blood supply responsible for nourishing the retina
consists of the retinal and uveal circulations, both of which
derive from branches of the ophthalmic artery. The two
systems of blood vessels differ in that the retinal vessels,
which supply nutrition to the innermost layers of the ret-
ina, derive from a branch of the ophthalmic artery, called
the central artery of the retina, that enters the eye
with the optic nerve, while the uveal circulation, which
supplies the middle and outer layers of the retina as well as
the uvea, is derived from branches of the ophthalmic artery
that penetrate the globe independently of the optic nerve.
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. This is
the only portion that is visible to superficial inspection,
appearing as a perforated disc, the central perforation, or
pupil, varying in size according to the surrounding illumi-
nation and other factors. A prominent feature is the
collarette at the inner edge, representing the place of
attachment of the embryonic pupillary membrane that, in
embryonic life, covers the pupil. As with the ciliary body,
with which it is anatomically continuous, the iris consists
of several layers: namely, an anterior layer of endothelium,
the stroma; and the posterior iris epithelium. The stroma
contains the blood vessels and the two sheets of smooth
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
Light must pass through the pupil before it can reach
the lens and be focused onto the retina. Parasympathetic
nerve fibres from the third (oculomotor) cranial nerve
innervate the muscle of the iris that causes constriction
of the pupil, whereas sympathetic nerve fibres control
dilation. The pupillary aperture also narrows when
focusing on close objects and dilates for more distant
viewing. At its maximum contraction, the adult pupil
may be less than 1 mm (0.04 inch) in diameter, and
it may increase up to 10 times to its maximum diameter.
The size of the human pupil may also vary as a result of
age, disease, trauma, or other abnormalities within the
visual system, including dysfunction of the pathways
controlling pupillary movement. Thus, careful evalua-
tion of the pupils is an important part of both eye and
neurologic exams.
Dilator Muscle
The dilator muscle of the iris involuntarily contracts as
available light decreases, thus dilating the pupil. Pupillary
dilation is controlled primarily by the sympathetic ner-
vous system. Interruption of the innervation of the dilator
muscle can cause an abnormally small pupil, a condition
seen as part of Horner syndrome. Traumatic rupture of
iris muscles can cause an irregularly shaped pupil. Dilator
muscles can also be found in other parts of the body such
as the nose, where the dilator naris muscle aids in widen-
ing the nostrils.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Pigmented Epithelium
Separating the choroid (the middle tunic of the globe, or
eyeball) from the retina proper is a layer of pigmented
cells, known as the pigment epithelium. This layer of the
retina acts as a restraining barrier to the indiscriminate
diffusion of material from the blood in the choroid to the
retina. The retina ends at the ora serrata, where the ciliary
body begins. The pigment epithelium continues forward
as a pigmented layer of cells covering the ciliary body; far-
ther forward still, the epithelium covers the posterior
surface of the iris and provides the cells that constitute
the dilator muscle of this diaphragm. Next to the pigment
epithelium of the retina is the neuroepithelium, or rods
and cones. Their continuation forward is represented by a
second layer of epithelial cells covering the ciliary body;
the term ciliary epithelium is used to describe the two lay-
ers of cells that are the embryological equivalent of the
retinal pigment epithelium and the receptor layer (rods
and cones) of the retina. The unpigmented layer of the
ciliary epithelium is continued forward over the back of
the iris, where it acquires pigment and is called the poste-
rior iris epithelium.
The Retina
The retina is a layer of nervous tissue that covers the inside
of the back two-thirds of the eyeball, in which stimulation
by light occurs, initiating the sensation of vision. The ret-
ina is actually an extension of the brain, formed
embryonically from neural tissue and connected to the
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
Rod cells are photoreceptors that function as specialized
neurons. They convert visual stimuli in the form of pho-
tons (particles of light) into chemical and electrical stimuli
that can be processed by the central nervous system. Rod
cells are stimulated by light over a wide range of intensi-
ties and are responsible for perceiving the size, shape, and
brightness of visual images. They do not perceive colour
and fine detail, tasks performed by the other major type of
light-sensitive cell, the cone. Rod cells are much more sen-
sitive to light than cones.
Rod cells have an elongated structure and consist of
four distinct regions: an outer segment, an inner segment,
the cell body, and the synaptic region. The outer segment
contains the phototransduction apparatus. It is composed
of a series of closely packed membrane disks that contain
the photoreceptor molecule rhodopsin. Genetic muta-
tions in the rhodopsin molecule have been shown to
produce certain forms of retinitis pigmentosa, an inher-
ited degenerative disease of the retinal pigments. The
synaptic region is the site where the rod cell relays its
information to intermediate neurons in the retina. These
neurons connect with ganglion neurons whose axons form
the approximately one million fibres of the optic nerve.
Rhodopsin is made up of a protein called opsin and a
photosensitive chemical derived from vitamin A, 11-cis-
retinaldehyde. Photons of light entering the eye cause the
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Cones are the second type of photoreceptor occurring in
the retina of the human eye. They are conical in shape and
are associated with colour vision and perception of fine
detail. Shorter and far fewer than the eye’s rods, cones are
less sensitive to low illumination levels and are mediators
of photopic rather than scotopic (Greek skotos, “dark”)
vision. Cones are mostly concentrated within the central
retina (macula), which contains the fovea (depression in
the retina), where no rods are present. In contrast, the
outer edges of the retina contain few cones and many rods.
Chemical changes that occur when light strikes the cones
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
Macula Lutea
The macula lutea is the small yellowish area of the retina
near the optic disk that provides central vision. When the
gaze is fixed on any object, the centre of the macula,
the centre of the lens, and the object are in a straight
line. In the centre of the macula is the cone-containing
fovea. Toward the centre of the macula there are no
blood vessels to interfere with vision; thus, in this area of
the retina, vision in bright light and colour perception
are keenest.
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a rela-
tively common condition in people over age 50. There are
two forms of ARMD, known as wet and dry. In wet ARMD
new blood vessels form beneath the retina that are very
fragile and prone to breakage and bleeding, thereby com-
promising central vision acuity. As a result, wet ARMD
advances more quickly and is more severe than dry
ARMD, which is characterized by the presence of drusen
(tiny yellow deposits on the retina) and the loss of retinal
pigment and may progress so slowly that it goes unno-
ticed. Both conditions reduce central vision but do not
interfere with peripheral vision.
Optic Disk
The optic disk (also known as the optic nerve head) is a
small region within the retina in which there are no pho-
toreceptors (i.e., rods or cones); thus there is no image
detection in this area. The optic disk corresponds to the
blind spot in the visual field of each eye. The blind spot of
the right eye is located to the right of the centre of vision
and vice versa in the left eye. With both eyes open, the
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Optic Nerve
The optic nerve is the second cranial nerve, which carries
sensory nerve impulses from the more than one million
ganglion cells of the retina toward the visual centres in the
brain. The vast majority of optic nerve fibres convey infor-
mation regarding central vision.
The optic nerve begins at the optic disk at the back
of the eye. The optic disk forms from the convergence of
ganglion cell output fibres (called axons) as they pass out
of the eye. When the nerve emerges from the back of the
eye, it passes through the remainder of the posterior orbit
(eye socket) and through the bony optic canal to emerge
intracranially on the underside of the front of the brain.
At this point the optic nerve from each eye comes together
and forms an X-shaped structure called the optic chiasm.
Here, approximately one-half of the nerve fibres from
each eye continue on the same side of the brain, and the
remaining nerve fibres cross over at the chiasm to join
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
fibres from the opposite eye on the other side of the brain.
This arrangement is essential for producing binocular
vision. Posterior to the optic chiasm, the nerve fibres
travel in optic tracts to various portions of the brain—pre-
dominantly the lateral geniculate nuclei. Fibres from the
lateral geniculate nuclei form the optic radiations that
course toward the visual cortex located in the occipital
lobes in the back of the brain. Some nerve fibres leave the
optic tract without entering the lateral geniculate nuclei
and instead enter the brain stem to provide information
that ultimately determines pupil size.
The retina, optic disk, optic nerve, optic chiasm,
optic tracts, optic radiations, and visual centres of the
brain are topographically organized to correspond to par-
ticular areas of the visual field. Therefore, damage to, or
pressure on, particular portions of these structures can
produce characteristic deficits in a person’s visual field.
The affected person may or may not notice these visual
field defects.
The Aqueous Humour
The aqueous humour is an optically clear, slightly alkaline
liquid that occupies the anterior and posterior chambers
of the eye. The aqueous humour resembles blood plasma
in composition but contains less protein and glucose and
more lactic acid and ascorbic acid. It provides these
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
Vitreous Body
The vitreous body is a semisolid gel structure that is
remarkable for the small amount of solid matter that it
contains. The solid material is made up of a form of colla-
gen, vitrosin, and hyaluronic acid (a mucopolysaccharide).
Thus, its composition is rather similar to that of the cor-
nea, but the proportion of water is much greater, about 98
percent or more, compared with about 75 percent for the
cornea. The jelly is probably secreted by certain cells of the
retina. In general, the vitreous body is devoid of cells, in
contrast with the lens, which is packed tight with cells.
Embedded in the surface of the vitreous body, however,
there is a population of specialized cells, the hyalocytes of
Balazs, which may contribute to the breakdown and
renewal of the hyaluronic acid. The vitreous body serves to
keep the underlying retina pressed against the choroid.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Crystalline Lens
Supporting structures
The eye is protected from mechanical injury by being
enclosed in a socket, or orbit, which is made up of por-
tions of several of the bones of the skull to form a four-sided
pyramid the apex of which points back into the head.
Thus, the floor of the orbit is made up of parts of the max-
illa, zygomatic, and palatine bones, while the roof is made
up of the orbital plate of the frontal bone and, behind this,
by the lesser wing of the sphenoid. The optic foramen, the
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
opening through which the optic nerve runs back into the
brain and the large ophthalmic artery enters the orbit, is
at the nasal side of the apex; the superior orbital fissure is
a larger hole through which pass large veins and nerves.
These nerves may carry nonvisual sensory messages—e.g.,
pain—or they may be motor nerves controlling the mus-
cles of the eye. There are other fissures and canals
transmitting nerves and blood vessels. The eyeball and its
functional muscles are surrounded by a layer of orbital fat
that acts much like a cushion, permitting a smooth rota-
tion of the eyeball about a virtually fixed point, the centre
of rotation. The protrusion of the eyeballs—proptosis—
in exophthalmic goitre is caused by the collection of
fluid in the orbital fatty tissue.
It is vitally important that the front surface of the eyeball,
the cornea, remain moist. This is achieved by the eyelids,
which during waking hours sweep the secretions of the
lacrimal apparatus and other glands over the surface at
regular intervals and which during sleep cover the eyes
and prevent evaporation. Maintaining moisture levels is
vital for the normal functioning of the conjunctiva and
cornea. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that
lines the eyelid and covers the visible portion of the eye-
ball except the cornea.
The lids are essentially folds of tissue covering the
front of the orbit and, when the eye is open, leaving an
almond-shaped aperture. The points of the almond are
called canthi; that nearest the nose is the inner canthus,
and the other is the outer canthus. The lid may be divided
into four layers: (1) the skin, containing glands that open
onto the surface of the lid margin, and the eyelashes; (2) a
muscular layer containing principally the orbicularis oculi
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Eyelids and eyelashes help to keep foreign substances from entering the eye.
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
The conjunctiva lines the eyelids and then bends back over
the surface of the eyeball, constituting an outer covering
to the forward part of this and terminating at the transpar-
ent region of the eye, the cornea. The portion that lines
the lids is called the palpebral portion of the conjunctiva;
the portion covering the white of the eyeball is called the
bulbar conjunctiva. Between the bulbar and the palpebral
conjunctiva there are two loose, redundant portions form-
ing recesses that project back toward the equator of the
globe. These recesses are called the upper and lower forni-
ces, or conjunctival sacs; it is the looseness of the
conjunctiva at these points that makes movements of lids
and eyeball possible.
Fibrous Layer
The fibrous layer, which gives the lid its mechanical stabil-
ity, is made up of the thick, and relatively rigid, tarsal
plates, bordering directly on the palpebral aperture, and
the much thinner palpebral fascia, or sheet of connec-
tive tissue; the two together are called the septum
orbitale. When the lids are closed, the whole opening of
the orbit is covered by this septum. Two ligaments,
the medial and lateral palpebral ligaments, attached to the
orbit and to the septum orbitale, stabilize the position of
the lids in relation to the globe. The medial ligament is by
far the stronger.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
the lid, that causes lid closure. The palpebral portion passes
across the lids from a ligament called the medial palpebral
ligament and from the neighbouring bone of the orbit in a
series of half ellipses that meet outside the outer corner
of the eye, the lateral canthus, to form a band of fibres
called the lateral palpebral raphe. Additional parts of the
orbicularis have been given separate names—namely,
Horner’s muscle and the muscle of Riolan; they come into
close relation with the lacrimal apparatus and assist in
drainage of the tears. The muscle of Riolan, lying close to
the lid margins, contributes to keeping the lids in close
apposition. The orbital portion of the orbicularis is not
normally concerned with blinking, which may be carried
out entirely by the palpebral portion; however, it is con-
cerned with closing the eyes tightly. The skin of the
forehead, temple, and cheek is then drawn toward the
medial (nose) side of the orbit, and the radiating furrows,
formed by this action of the orbital portion, eventually
lead to the so-called crow’s feet of elderly persons. It
must be appreciated that the two portions can be activated
independently; thus, the orbital portion may contract,
causing a furrowing of the brows that reduces the amount
of light entering from above, while the palpebral portion
remains relaxed and allows the eyes to remain open.
Opening of the eye is not just the result of passive
relaxation of the orbicularis muscle but also is the effect of
the contraction of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle
of the upper lid. This muscle takes origin with the extra-
ocular muscles at the apex of the orbit as a narrow tendon
and runs forward into the upper lid as a broad tendon, the
levator aponeurosis, which is attached to the forward sur-
face of the tarsus and the skin covering the upper lid.
Contraction of the muscle causes elevation of the upper
eyelid. The nervous connections of this muscle are closely
related to those of the extraocular muscle required to
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
elevate the eye, so that when the eye looks upward the
upper eyelid tends to move up in unison.
The orbicularis and levator are striated muscles under
voluntary control. The eyelids also contain smooth (invol-
untary) muscle fibres that are activated by the sympathetic
division of the autonomic system and tend to widen
the palpebral fissure (the eye opening) by elevation of the
upper, and depression of the lower, lid.
In addition to the muscles already described, other
facial muscles often cooperate in the act of lid closure or
opening. Thus, the corrugator supercilii muscles pull the
eyebrows toward the bridge of the nose, making a project-
ing “roof ” over the medial angle of the eye and producing
characteristic furrows in the forehead; the roof is used pri-
marily to protect the eye from the glare of the sun. The
pyramidalis, or procerus, muscles occupy the bridge of
the nose; they arise from the lower portion of the nasal
bones and are attached to the skin of the lower part of the
forehead on either side of the midline; they pull the skin
into transverse furrows. In lid opening, the frontalis mus-
cle, arising high on the forehead, midway between the
coronal suture, a seam across the top of the skull, and the
orbital margin, is attached to the skin of the eyebrows.
Contraction therefore causes the eyebrows to rise and
opposes the action of the orbital portion of the orbicu-
laris; the muscle is especially used when one gazes upward.
It is also brought into action when vision is rendered dif-
ficult either by distance or the absence of sufficient light.
The outermost layer of the eyelid is the skin, with features
not greatly different from skin on the rest of the body,
with the possible exception of large pigment cells, which,
although found elsewhere, are much more numerous in
the skin of the lids. The cells may wander, and it is these
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Anatomy of the Eye 7
Extraocular Muscles
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The muscles outside the eye help them to move. De Agostini Picture Library/
Getty Images
prOTecTive mechanisms
The first line of protection of the eyes is provided by the
eyelids, which prevent access of foreign bodies and assist
in the lubrication of the corneal surface. Lid closure
and opening are accomplished by the orbicularis oculi and
levator palpebri muscles; the orbicularis oculi operates on
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The seventh cranial nerve—the facial nerve—supplies the
motor fibres for the orbicularis muscle. The levator, is
innervated, or stimulated into action, by the third cranial
nerve—the oculomotor nerve. This nerve also innervates
some of the extraocular muscles concerned with rotation
of the eyeball, including the superior rectus. The smooth
muscle of the eyelids and orbit is activated by the sympa-
thetic division of the autonomic system. The secretion of
adrenaline during such states of excitement as fear would
also presumably cause contraction of the smooth muscle,
but it seems unlikely that this would lead to the protru-
sion of the eyes traditionally associated with extreme fear.
It is possible that the widening of the lid aperture occur-
ring in this excited state, and dilation of the pupil, create
the illusion of eye protrusion.
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
Blink Reflexes
Reflex blinking may be caused by practically any periph-
eral stimulus, but the two functionally significant
reflexes are (1) that resulting from stimulation of the
endings of the fifth cranial nerve in the cornea, lid, or
conjunctiva—the sensory blink reflex, or corneal reflex—
and (2) that caused by bright light—the optical blink
reflex. The corneal reflex is rapid (0.1 second reflex time)
and is the last to disappear in deepening anesthesia,
impulses being relayed from the nucleus of the fifth nerve
to the seventh cranial nerve, which transmits the motor
impulses. The reflex is said to be under the control of a
medullary centre. The optical reflex is slower; in humans,
the nervous pathway includes the visual cortex (the outer
substance of the brain; the visual centre is located in the
occipital—rear—lobe). The reflex is absent in children of
less than nine months.
In the waking hours the eyes blink fairly regularly at
intervals of two to 10 seconds, the actual rate being a char-
acteristic of the individual. The function of this is to
spread the lacrimal secretions over the cornea. It might be
thought that each blink would be reflexly determined by a
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Secretion of Tears
The exposed surface of the globe (eyeball) is kept moist
by the tears secreted by the lacrimal apparatus, together
with the mucous and oily secretions of the other secretory
organs and cells of the lids and conjunctiva. The secretion
produces what has been called the precorneal film, which
consists of an inner layer of mucus, a middle layer of lacri-
mal secretion, and an outer oily film that reduces the rate
of evaporation of the underlying watery layer. The normal
daily (24-hour) rate of secretion has been estimated at
about 0.75 to 1.1 grams (0.03 to 0.04 ounce); secretion
tends to decrease with age. Chemical analysis of the tears
reveals a typical body fluid with a salt concentration simi-
lar to that of blood plasma. An interesting component is
lysozyme, an enzyme that has bactericidal action by virtue
of its power of dissolving away the outer coats of many
Tears are secreted reflexly in response to a variety of
stimuli—e.g., irritative stimuli to the cornea, conjunctiva,
nasal mucosa; hot or peppery stimuli applied to the mouth
and tongue; or bright lights. In addition, tear flow occurs
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Binocular Movements
The binocular movements (the movements of the two
eyes) fall into two classes, the conjugate movements, when
both eyes move in the same direction, as in a change in
the direction of gaze, and disjunctive movements,
when the eyes move in opposite directions. Thus, during
convergence onto a near object both eyes move toward
the nose; the movement is horizontal, but disjunctive, by
contrast with the conjugate movement when both eyes
move, say, to the right. The disjunctive movement of con-
vergence can be carried out voluntarily, but the act is
usually brought about reflexly in response to the changed
optical situation—i.e., the nearness of the object of gaze.
A seesaw movement of the eyes, whereby one eye looks
upward and the other downward, is possible, but not vol-
untarily; to achieve this a prism is placed in front on one
eye so that the object seen through it appears displaced
upward or downward; the other eye sees the object where
it is. The result of such an arrangement is that, unless the
eye with the prism in front makes an upward or downward
movement, independent of the other, the images will not
fall on corresponding parts of the retinas in the two eyes.
Such a noncorrespondence of the retinal images causes
double vision; to avoid this, there is an adjustment in the
alignment of the eyes so that a seesaw movement is actu-
ally executed.
In a similar way, the eyes may be made to undergo tor-
sion, or rolling. A conjugate torsion, in which both eyes
rotate about their anteroposterior (fore-and-aft) axes in
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Nervous Control
The nerves controlling the actions of the muscles are the
third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves, with their bodies
(nuclei) in the brainstem; the third, or oculomotor nerve,
controls the superior and inferior recti, the medial rectus,
and inferior oblique; the fourth cranial nerve, the troch-
lear nerve, controls the superior oblique; and the sixth,
the abducens nerve, controls the lateral rectus. The nuclei
of these nerves are closely associated; especially, there are
connections between the nuclei of the sixth cranial nerve,
controlling the lateral rectus, and the nucleus of the
third, controlling the medial rectus; it is through this close
relationship that the linking of the lateral rectus of one
eye and the medial rectus of the other is achieved.
Another type of linking is concerned with reciprocal
inhibition; that is, when there are two antagonistic mus-
cles, such as the medial and the lateral rectus, contraction
of one is accompanied by a simultaneous inhibition of the
other. Muscles show a continuous slight activity even
when at rest; this keeps them taut; this action, called tonic
activity, is brought about by discharges in the motor nerve
to the muscle. Hence, when the agonist muscle contracts
its antagonist must be inhibited.
Reflex Pathways
In examining any reflex movement one must look for the
sensory input—i.e., the way in which messages in sensory
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
Voluntary Centre
The eyes are under voluntary control, and it is thought
that the cortical area subserving voluntary eye movements
is in the frontal cortex. Stimulation of this in primates
causes movements of the eyes that are well coordinated,
and a movement induced by this region prevails over one
induced by stimulation of the occipital cortex. The exis-
tence of a separate centre in humans is revealed by certain
neurological disorders in which the subject is unable to
fixate voluntarily but can do so reflexly.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The optical system of the eye is such as to produce a
reduced inverted image of the visual field on the retina;
the system behaves as a convex lens but is, in fact, much
more complex, refraction taking place not at two surfaces,
as in a lens, but at four separate surfaces—at the anterior
and the posterior surfaces of the cornea and of the crys-
talline lens. Each of these surfaces is approximately
spherical, and at each optical interface—e.g., between air
and the anterior surface of the cornea—the bending of a
ray of light is toward the axis, so that, in effect, there are
four surfaces tending to make rays of light converge on
each other. If the rays of light falling on the cornea are
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Abnormalities of Focus
In contrast to the focussing of the normal eye, in which
the image of the visual field is focussed on the
retina, the image may be focussed in front of the retina
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
The image of an object brought close to the eye would be
formed behind the retina if there were no change in the
focal length of the eye. This change to bring the image of
an object upon the retina is called accommodation. The
point nearer than which accommodation is no longer
effective is called the near point of accommodation. In
very young people, the near point of accommodation is
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Mechanism of Accommodation
It is essentially an increase in curvature of the anterior
surface of the lens that is responsible for the increase in
power involved in the process of accommodation. A clue
to the way in which this change in shape takes place is
given by the observation that a lens that has been taken
out of the eye is much rounder and fatter than one within
the eye; thus, its attachments by the zonular fibres to the
ciliary muscle within the eye preserve the unaccommo-
dated or flattened state of the lens; and modern
investigations leave little doubt that it is the pull of the
zonular fibres on the elastic capsule of the lens that holds
the anterior surface relatively flat. When these zonular
fibres are loosened, the elastic tension in the capsule
comes into play and remolds the lens, making it smaller
and thicker. Thus, the physiological problem is to find
what loosens the zonular fibres during accommodation.
The contraction of the fibres of the ciliary muscle
function to pull the whole ciliary body forward and to
move the anterior region toward the axis of the eye by vir-
tue of the sphincter action of the circular fibres. Both of
these actions will slacken the zonular fibres and therefore
allow the change in shape. As to why it is the anterior sur-
face that changes most is not absolutely clear, but it is
probably a characteristic of the capsule rather than of the
underlying lens tissue.
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
Pupil Response
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
This diagram shows pupils before and after they are dilated. National Eye
Institute, National Institutes of Health
7 Protection and Movements of the Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
T he retina is fundamental to vision. It contains mil-
lions of light-sensitive photoreceptors that are
essential to the perception of visual information. The
photoreceptors of the human eye are assembled into com-
plex networks of neurons that serve to organize incoming
visual information into messages that can be interpreted
by the brain.
In the retina, as in other parts of the nervous system,
the messages initiated in one element are transmitted, or
relayed, to others. The regions of transmission from one
cell to another are areas of intimate contact known as syn-
apses. An impulse conveyed from one cell to another
travels from the first cell body along a projection called an
axon, to a synapse, where the impulse is received by a pro-
jection, called a dendrite, of the second cell. The impulse
is then conveyed to the second cell body, to be transmitted
further, along the second cell’s axon. Impulses are eventu-
ally transmitted to the optic nerve, which in turn carries
the impulses to the visual centres of the brain. In this way,
through the systematic transmission of electrical impulses
along neurons, the information received by the retina is
converted into a meaningful image.
neurOn neTWOrks
Of The reTina
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
A diagram of the structure of the retina. Conditions affecting the retina can
impair both central visual acuity and peripheral vision as well as alter light
detection and image perception. Copyright Encyclopaedia Britannica;
rendering for this edition by Rosen Educational Services.
7 Vision and the Retina 7
of which form the optic nerve; and cells that act in a vari-
ety of ways as intermediaries between the receptors and
the ganglion cells. These intermediaries are named bipolar
cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells.
The synapses between these cells occur in definite lay-
ers, the outer and inner plexiform layers. In the outer
plexiform layer the bipolar cells make their contacts, by
way of their dendrites, with the rods and cones, specifi-
cally the spherules of the rods and the pedicles of the
cones. In this layer, too, the projections from horizontal
cells make contacts with rods, cones, and bipolar cells, giv-
ing rise to a horizontal transmission and thereby allowing
activity in one part of the retina to influence the behav-
iour of a neighbouring part. In the inner plexiform layer,
the axons of the bipolar cells make connection with the
dendrites of ganglion cells, once again at special synaptic
regions. (The dendrites of a nerve cell carry impulses to
the nerve cell body; its axon, away from the cell body.)
Here, too, a horizontal interconnection between bipolar
cells is brought about, in this case by way of the axons and
dendrites of amacrine cells.
The bipolar cells are of two main types: namely, those
that apparently make connection with only one recep-
tor—a cone—and those that connect to several receptors.
The type of bipolar cell that connects to a single cone is
called the midget bipolar. The other type of bipolar cell
is called diffuse; varieties of these include the rod bipo-
lar, the dendritic projections of which spread over an
area wide enough to allow contacts with as many as 50
rods; and the flat cone bipolar, which collects messages
from up to seven cones. Ganglion cells are of two main
types: namely, the midget ganglion cell, which apparently
makes a unique connection with a midget bipolar cell,
which in turn is directly connected to a single cone; and
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Dark Adaptation
The threshold for light detection falls progressively over
the course of minutes when a person keeps his or her eyes
open in a dark room. This is not due to dilation of the
pupil because the same phenomenon occurs if the person
is made to look through an artificial pupil of fixed diame-
ter. The eye, after about 30 minutes in the dark, may
become about 10,000 times more sensitive to light. Vision
under these conditions is, moreover, characteristically dif-
ferent from what it is under ordinary daylight conditions.
Thus, in studies in which a subject is placed in a dark room
in front of a screen illuminated by flashes, the eye obtains
its best vision when looking away from the screen so that
the image of the screen does not fall on the fovea; if the
screen is continuously illuminated at around this
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
It may be assumed that a receptor is sensitive to light
because it contains a substance that absorbs light and con-
verts this vibrational type of energy into some other form
that is eventually transmuted into electrical changes,
and that these may be transmitted from the receptor to
the bipolar cell with which it is immediately connected.
When the retina of a dark-adapted animal is removed and
submitted to extraction procedures, a pigment, originally
called visual purple but now called rhodopsin, may be
obtained. If the eye is exposed to a bright light for some
time before extraction, little or no rhodopsin is obtained.
When retinas from animals that had been progres-
sively dark-adapted were studied, a gradual increase in the
amount of rhodopsin that could be extracted was observed.
Thus, rhodopsin, on absorption of light energy, is changed
to some other compound, but new rhodopsin is formed,
or rhodopsin is regenerated, during dark adaptation. The
obvious inference is that rhodopsin is the visual pigment
of the rods, and that when it is exposed to relatively intense
lights it becomes useless for vision. When the eye is
allowed to remain in the dark the rhodopsin regenerates
and thus becomes available for vision. There is conclusive
proof that rhodopsin is, indeed, the visual pigment for the
rods; it is obtained from retinas that have only rods and no
cones—e.g., the retinas of the rat or guinea pig, and it is
not obtained from the pure cone retina of the chicken.
When the absorption spectrum is measured, it is found
that its maximum absorption occurs at the point of
maximum sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye. Similar
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Quantum Fluctuations
With such small amounts of energy as those involved in
the threshold stimulus, the uncertainty principle becomes
important; according to this, there is no certainty that a
given flash will have the expected number of quanta in it,
but only a probability. Thus, one may speak of a certain
average number of quanta and the actual number in any
given flash, and one may compute on statistical grounds
the shape of curve that is obtained by plotting frequency
with which a flash contains, say, four quanta or more
against the average number in the flash. One may also
plot the frequency with which a flash is seen against the
average number of quanta in the flash, and this frequency-
of-seeing curve turns out to be similar to the
frequency-of-containing-quanta curve when the number
of quanta chosen is five to seven, depending on the
observer. This congruence strongly suggests that the fluc-
tuations in response to a flash of the same average
intensity are caused by fluctuations in the energy con-
tent of the stimulus, and not by fluctuations in the
sensitivity of the retina.
Spatial Summation
In spatial summation two stimuli falling on nearby areas
of the retina add their effects so that either alone may be
7 Vision and the Retina 7
Temporal Summation
In temporal summation, two stimuli, each being too weak
to excite, cause a sensation of light if presented in rapid
succession on the same spot of the retina; thus, over a cer-
tain range of times, up to 0.1 second, the Bunsen-Roscoe
law holds: namely, that the intensity of light multiplied by
the time of exposure equals a constant. Thus it was found
that within this time interval (up to 0.1 second), the total
number of quanta required to excite vision was 130, irre-
spective of the manner in which these were supplied.
Beyond this time, summation was still evident, but it was
not perfect, so that if the duration was increased to one
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
In the central nervous system generally, the relay of
impulses from one nerve cell or neuron to excite another
is only one aspect of neuronal interaction. Just as impor-
tant, if not more so, is the inhibition of one neuron by the
discharge in another. So it is in the retina. Subjectively,
the inhibitory activity is reflected in many of the phe-
nomena associated with adaptation to light or its reverse.
Thus, the decrease in sensitivity of the retina to light dur-
ing exposure to light is only partially accounted for by
bleaching of visual pigment, be it the pigment in rod or
cone; an important factor is the onset of inhibitory pro-
cesses that reduce the convergence of receptors on
ganglion cells. Some of the rapidly occurring changes in
sensitivity described as alpha adaptation are doubtless
purely neural in origin.
Many so-called inductive phenomena indicate inhibi-
tory processes; thus, the phenomenon of simultaneous
contrast, whereby a patch of light appears much darker if
surrounded by a bright background than by a black, is due
to the inhibitory effect of the surrounding retina on the
central region, induced by the bright surrounding. Many
colour-contrast phenomena are similarly caused; thus, if a
blue light is projected onto a large white screen, the white
screen rapidly appears yellow; the blue stimulus falling on
the central retina causes inhibition of blue sensitivity in
7 Vision and the Retina 7
Another visual phenomenon that brings out the impor-
tance of inhibition is the sensation evoked when a visual
stimulus is repeated rapidly; for example, one may view a
screen that is illuminated by a source of light the rays from
which may be intercepted at regular intervals by rotating
a sector of a circular screen in front of it. If the sector
rotates slowly, a sensation of black followed by white is
aroused; as the speed increases the sensation becomes
one of flicker—i.e., rapid fluctuations in brightness; finally,
at a certain speed, called the critical fusion frequency, the
sensation becomes continuous and the subject is unaware
of the alterations in the illumination of the screen.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Visual Acuity
The ability to perceive detail is restricted in the dark-
adapted retina when the illumination is such as to
excite only the scotopic type of vision; this is in spite of
the high sensitivity of the retina to light under the same
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
neurOlOgical basis
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The electroretinogram
If an electrode is placed on the cornea and another, indif-
ferent electrode, placed, for example, in the mouth,
illumination of the retina is followed by a succession of
electrical changes; the record of these is the electroretino-
gram, or ERG. Analysis has shown that the electrode on
the cornea picks up changes in potential occurring succes-
sively at different levels of the retina, so that it is possible
to recognize, for example, the electrical changes occurring
in the rods and cones—the receptor potentials—those
occurring in the horizontal cells, and so on. In general, the
electrical changes caused by the different types of cell
tend to overlap in time, so that the record in the electro-
retinogram is only a faint and attenuated index to the
actual changes; nevertheless, it has, in the past, been a
valuable tool for the analysis of retinal mechanisms. Thus,
the most prominent wave—called the b- wave—is closely
associated with discharge in the optic nerve, so that in
animals, including humans, the height of the b- wave can
be used as an objective measure of the response to light.
Hence, the sensitivity of the dark-adapted frog’s retina to
different wavelengths, as indicated by the heights of the
b- waves, can be plotted against wavelength to give a typi-
cal scotopic sensitivity curve with a maximum at 5000
angstroms (one angstrom = 1 × 10−4 micrometre) corre-
sponding to the maximum for absorption of rhodopsin.
Electrophysiology has been used as a tool for the
examination of the basic mechanism of flicker and fusion.
The classical studies based on the electroretinogram indi-
cated that the important feature that determines fusion in
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
Resolving power
Although the resolving power of the retina depends on the
size and density of packing of the receptors in the retina,
it is the neural organization of the receptors that deter-
mines whether the brain will be able to make use of this
theoretical resolving power. It is therefore of interest to
examine the responses of retinal ganglion cells to gratings,
either projected as stationary images on to the receptive
field or moved slowly across it. One group of investigators
showed that ganglion cells of the cat differed in sensitivity
to a given grating when the sensitivity was measured by
the degree of contrast between the black and white lines
of the grating necessary to evoke a measurable response
in the ganglion cell. When the lines were made very fine
(i.e., the “grating-frequency” was high), a point was reached
at which the ganglion cell failed to respond, however great
the contrast; this measured the resolving power of the
particular cell being investigated. The interesting feature
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Colour vision
The ability to distinguish among various wavelengths of
light waves and to perceive the differences as differences
in hue defines colour vision. The normal human eye can
discriminate among hundreds of such bands of wave-
lengths as they are received by the colour-sensing cells
(cones) of the retina. There are three types of cones, each
of which contains a distinctive type of pigment; one cone
absorbs longer wavelengths (red light), another middle
wavelengths (green light), and the third type shorter wave-
lengths (blue-violet light). A given colour stimulates all
three types of receptors with varying effectiveness, and
the pattern of these responses determines the colour per-
ceived. In 1986 researchers identified the genes that
correspond to the red, green, and blue pigments.
The spectrum, obtained by refracting light through a
prism, shows a number of characteristic regions of
colour—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
These regions represent large numbers of individual wave-
lengths; thus, the red extends roughly from 7600
angstrom units to 6500; the yellow from 6300 to 5600;
green from 5400 to 5000; blue from 5000 to 4200; and
violet from 4200 to 4000. Thus, the limits of the visual
spectrum are commonly given as 7600 to 4000 angstroms.
In fact, however, the retina is sensitive to ultraviolet light
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Spectral Sensitivity
At extremely low intensities of stimuli, when only rods are
stimulated, the retina shows a variable sensitivity to light
according to its wavelength, being most sensitive at about
5000 angstroms, the absorption maximum of the rod
visual pigment, rhodopsin. In the light-adapted retina one
may plot a sensitivity curve, obtained by measuring the
relative amounts of light energy of different wavelengths
required to produce the same sensation of brightness; the
different stimuli appear coloured, but the subject is asked
to ignore the colours and match them on the basis of their
luminosity (brightness). This is carried out with a special
instrument called the flicker-photometer. There is a char-
acteristic shift in the maximum sensitivity from 5000
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
Wavelength Discrimination
The night visual system, mediated by rods, is unable to
discriminate between different wavelengths; thus, a
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
Colour Mixing
The fundamental principle of colour mixing was discov-
ered by English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac
Newton when he found that white light separates spa-
tially into its different component colours on passing
through a prism. When the same light is passed through
another prism, so that the individual bands of the spec-
trum are superimposed on each other, the sensation
becomes one of white light. Thus, the retina, when white
light falls on it, is really being exposed to all the wave-
lengths that make up the spectrum. Because these
wavelengths fall simultaneously on the same receptors,
the evoked sensation is one of white. If the wavelengths
are spread out spatially, they evoke separate sensations,
such as red or yellow, according to which receptors receive
which bands of wavelengths. In fact, the sensation of
white may be evoked by employing much fewer wave-
lengths than those in the spectrum: namely, by mixing
three primary hues—red, green, and blue.
Furthermore, any colour, be it a spectral hue or not,
may be matched by a mixture of these three primaries,
red, green, and blue, if their relative intensities are varied.
Many of the colours of the spectrum can be matched by
mixtures of only two of the primary colours, red and
green; thus the sensations of red, orange, yellow, and green
may be obtained by adding more and more green light to
a red one.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
Young-Helmholtz Theory
It was the phenomena of colour mixing that led English
physician and physicist Thomas Young in 1802 to postu-
late that there are three colour receptors, each one
especially sensitive to one part of the spectrum; these
receptors were thought to convey messages to the brain,
and, depending on how strongly they were stimulated by
the coloured light, the combined message would be inter-
preted as that due to the actual colour. The theory was
developed by German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz
and is called the Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory.
As expressed in modern terms, the Young-Helmholtz
theory postulates that there are three types of cone in the
retina, characterized by the presence of one of three dif-
ferent pigments, one absorbing preferentially in the red
part of the spectrum, another in the green, and another in
the blue. A coloured stimulus—e.g., a yellow light—would
stimulate the red and green receptors, but would have lit-
tle effect on the blue; the combined sensation would be
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The cells at the next stage, the ganglion cells, give a fairly
precisely coded set of messages indicating the chromatic
(colour) quality and the luminosity (brightness) of the
stimulus, organized in such a way, however, as to facilitate
the discrimination of contrast. At higher stages—e.g.,
in the cells of the lateral geniculate body—this emphasis
on opponence, or contrast, is maintained and extended;
thus, several types of cell have been described that differ
in accordance with the organization of their receptive
fields from the colour aspect; some were very similar to
ganglion cells, whereas others differed in certain
respects. Some showed no opponence between colours
when centre and periphery were compared, so that if a red
light on the periphery caused inhibition, green and
blue light would also do so. Others had no centre-periph-
ery organization, the receptive field consisting of only a
central spot; different colours had different effects on this
spot; and so on.
In the cerebral cortex there is the same type of oppo-
nence with many units, but because cortical cells require
stimuli of definite shape and often are not activated by
simple spot stimuli, early studies carried out before these
requirements were known probably failed to elucidate the
true chromatic requirements of these high-order neurons.
In general, the responses are what might be predicted on
the basis of connections made to lateral geniculate neu-
rons having the chromatic responses already known. Thus
the final awareness of colour probably depends on the
bombardment of certain higher-order cortical neurons by
groups of primary cortical neurons, each group sending a
different message by virtue of the connections it makes to
groups of cones, connections mediated, of course, through
the neurons of the retina and lateral geniculate body.
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
Visual purple, or rhodopsin, is a chromoprotein, a protein,
opsin, with an attached chromatophore (“pigment-
bearing”) molecule that gives it its colour—i.e., that allows
it to absorb light in the visible part of the spectrum. In the
absence of such a chromatophore, the protein would only
absorb in the ultraviolet and so would appear colourless to
the eye. The chromatophore group was identified as reti-
nal, which is the substance formed by oxidation of vitamin
A; on prolonged exposure of the eye to light, retinal can be
found, free from the protein opsin, in the retina. When
the eye is allowed to remain in the dark, the rhodopsin is
regenerated by the joining up of retinal with opsin. Thus
one may write:
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Immediately after absorption of a quantum, the rhodopsin
molecule is changed into a substance called prelumirho-
dopsin, recognized by its different colour from that of
rhodopsin; this product is so highly unstable that at body
temperature it is converted, without further absorption of
light, into a series of products. These changes may be
arrested by cooling the solution to −195 °C (−319 °F), at
which temperature prelumirhodopsin remains stable; on
warming to −140 °C (−220 °F) prelumirhodopsin becomes
lumirhodopsin, with a slightly different colour; on warm-
ing further, successive changes are permitted until finally
7 Electrophysiology of the Retina 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
V ision is a type of sensory perception, and as such the
brain plays a crucial role in the interpretation of
information transmitted from the retina. There are sev-
eral areas of the brain that are involved in this process.
Information about an object in the visual field travels to
the visual centres in the brain in the form of electrical
impulses. These impulses, which originate in the cells of
the retina, are sent along neuronal tracts that define the
visual pathway in the brain.
One example of how the brain interprets visual infor-
mation is provided by stereoscopy. In binocular vision,
each eye forms an image of an object on its retina, and as a
result information about two images, in the form of
impulses from both retinas, are sent to the optic nerve in
the brain and are ultimately received by the visual centres
at the back of the brain. There, the impulses from the two
views of the same object are unified, resulting in a stereo-
scopic image. The brain uses information obtained from
stereoscopic vision to judge the distance to an object,
thereby providing perspective.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
Integration of retinal
The two halves of the retina, and thus of the visual field,
are represented on opposite cerebral hemispheres, but the
visual field is perceived as a unity and hence one would
expect an intimate connection between the two visual
cortical areas.
The great bulk of the connections between the two
sides of the cerebral mantle are made by the interhemi-
spheric commissure (the point of union between the two
hemispheres of the cerebrum) called the corpus callo-
sum, which is made up of neurons and their axons and
dendrites that make synapses with cortical neurons on
symmetrically related points of the hemispheres. Thus,
electrical stimulation of a point on one hemisphere usu-
ally gives rise to a response on a symmetrically related
point on the other, by virtue of these callosal connec-
tions. The striate area is an exception, however, and it is
by virtue of the connections of the striate neurons with
the area 18 neurons that this integration occurs, the two
areas 18 on opposite hemispheres being linked by the
corpus callosum.
Usually stereopsis, or perception of depth, is possible
by the use of a single hemisphere because the images of
the same object formed by right and left eyes are pro-
jected to the same hemisphere; however, if the gaze is
fixed on a distant point and a pin is placed in line with
this but closer to the observer, a stereoscopic perception
of the distant point and the pin can be achieved by the
fusion of disparate images of the pin, but the images of
the pin actually fall on opposite retinal halves, so that this
fusion must be brought about by way of the corpus
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
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7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
Depth Perception
The image of the external world on the retina is essentially
flat or two-dimensional, and yet it is possible to appreciate
its three-dimensional character with remarkable preci-
sion; to a great extent this is by virtue of the simultaneous
presentation of different aspects of the world to the two
eyes, but even when the subject views the world with a
single eye it does not appear flat and he or she can, in fact,
make reasonable estimates of the relative positions of
objects in all three dimensions. Examples of monocular
cues are the apparent movements of objects in relation to
each other when the head is moved. Objects nearer the
observer move in relation to more distant points in
the opposite direction to the movement of the head.
Perspective, by which is meant the changed appearance of
an object when it is viewed from different angles, is
another important clue to depth. Thus the projected reti-
nal image of an object in space may be represented as a
series of lines on a plane—e.g., a box—these lines, how-
ever, are not a unique representation of the box because
the same lines could be used to convey the impression of a
perfectly flat object with the lines drawn on it, or of a rect-
angular, but not cubical, box viewed at a different angle. In
order that a three-dimensional object be correctly repre-
sented to the subject on a two-dimensional surface, he or
she must know what the object is; i.e., it must be familiar.
Thus a bicycle is a familiar object. If it is viewed at an angle
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Binocular Vision
The cues to depth are essentially uniocular; they would
permit the appreciation of three-dimensional space with a
single eye. When two eyes are employed, two additional
factors play a role, the one not very important—namely,
the act of convergence or divergence of the eyes—and the
other very important—namely, the stereoscopic percep-
tion of depth by virtue of the dissimilarity of the images
presented by a three-dimensional object, or array of
objects, to the separate eyes.
When a three-dimensional object or array is exam-
ined binocularly, the nearer points or objects require
greater convergence for fixation than the more distant
points or objects, so that this provides a cue to the three-
dimensional character of the presentation. It is by no
means a necessary cue, since presentation of the array for
such a short time that movements of the eyes cannot
occur still permits the three-dimensional perception,
which is achieved under these conditions by virtue of the
dissimilar images received by the two retinas.
A stereogram contains two drawings of a three-
dimensional object taken from different angles, chosen
such that the pictures are right- and left-eyed views of the
object. When the stereogram is placed in a stereoscope, an
7 Vision and the Brain 7
The images of the points F, A, and B on the two retinas are transposed
to the retina of a hypothetical eye midway between the two. The pairs of
images aL and aR, bL and bR, and so on, coincide on the cyclopean retina
indicating that the stimulated retina points are projected to a common
direction (see text).
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
point will be seen single, and this single point will appear
to be in a different frontal plane from that containing the
fixation point.
To appreciate the nature of this stereoscopic percep-
tion one must examine what is meant by corresponding
points in a little more detail. In general, it seems that the
two retinas are, indeed, organized in such a way that pairs
of points are projected innately to the same point in space,
and the horopter is defined as the outward projection of
these pairs.
One may represent this approximately by a sphere
passing through the fixation point, or, if one confines
attention to the fixation plane, it may be represented by
the so-called Vieth-Müller horopter circle. On this
basis, the corresponding points are arranged with strict
symmetry, and each pair projects to a single point in space
on the horopter circle. Experimentally the horopter turns
out to have different shapes according to how close the
fixation point is to the observer. The point to appreciate,
however, is that the experimentally determined line, be it
circular or straight or elliptical, is such that when points
are placed on it they all appear to be in the same frontal
plane—i.e., there is no stereoscopic perception of depth
when one views these points—and one may say that this is
because the images of points on the horopter fall on cor-
responding points of the two retinas.
If the two eyes are viewing an arrow lying in the frontal
plane—i.e., with no stereopsis—and to the right the arrow
is inclined into the third dimension—i.e., it tends to point
toward the observer—all points on the arrow are, in fact,
seen single under both conditions. Yet it is clear that there
are noncorresponding, or disparate, points on the retinas,
which can be projected to a single point. It is essentially
this fusion of disparate images by the brain that creates
the impression of depth. Furthermore, there is a certain
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
print was not printed from the same type as the same line
in the other book. If the two lines in question are placed in
the stereoscope, it is found that some letters appear to
float in space, a stereoscopic impression created by the
minute differences in size, shape, and relative position of
the letters in the two lines. The stereoscope may thus be
used to detect whether a bank note has been forged,
whether two coins have been stamped by the same die,
and so on.
The stereoscopic appearance obtained by regarding
two differently coloured, but otherwise identical, plane
pictures with the two eyes separately, is probably due to
chromatic differences of magnification. If the left eye, for
example, views a plane picture through a red glass and the
right eye views the same picture through a blue glass, an
illusion of solidity results. Chromatic difference in magni-
fication causes the images on the two retinas to be slightly
different in size, so that the images of any point on the
picture do not fall on corresponding points; the condi-
tions for a stereoscopic illusion are thus present.
Retinal rivalry
Stereoscopic perception results from the presentation to
the two eyes of different images of the same object; if two
pictures that cannot possibly be related as two aspects of
the same three-dimensional object are presented to the
two eyes, single vision may, under some conditions, be
obtained, but the phenomenon of retinal rivalry enters.
Thus, if the letter F occupies one side of a stereogram, and
L the other, the two letters can be fused by the eyes to give
the letter E; the letters F and L cannot, however, by any
stretch of the imagination be regarded as left and right
aspects of a real object in space, so that the final percept is
not three-dimensional, and, moreover, it is not a unitary
7 Vision and the Brain 7
Ocular Dominance
Retinal rivalry may be viewed as the competition of the
retinal fields for attention; such a notion leads to the con-
cept of ocular dominance—the condition when one retinal
image habitually compels attention at the expense of the
other. While there seems little doubt that a person may
use one eye in preference to the other in acts requiring
monocular vision—e.g., in aiming a rifle—it seems doubt-
ful whether, in the normal individual, ocular dominance is
really an important factor in the final awareness of the two
retinal images.
Where the retinal images overlap, stereoscopic per-
ception is possible and the two fields, in this region, are
combined into a single three-dimensional percept. In the
extreme temporal fields (i.e., at the outside of the fields of
vision), entirely different objects are seen by the two eyes,
and the selection of what is to dominate the awareness at
any moment depends largely on the interest it arouses; as
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Ganglion Cells
Ganglion cells have receptive fields that indicate a dual
type of connection with the rods and cones, as indicated
by the centre-periphery organization. A spot of light fall-
ing on receptors in the centre of this field may provoke a
discharge in the ganglion cell or its optic nerve fibre; it is
called an on-response and consists usually in an increase in
the background discharge occurring in darkness. If a spot
of light falls on a ring of retina surrounding this central
region, the effect is one of inhibition of the background
while the light is on, and as soon as it is switched off there
is a pronounced discharge, the off-response. Other gan-
glion cells have been shown to have a directional sensitivity,
responding to a moving spot of light only if this moves in
a preferred direction and showing inhibition of back-
ground discharge if movement is in the null direction.
Geniculate Neurons
In general, the lateral geniculate neuron is characterized
by an accentuation of the centre-periphery arrangement,
so that the two parts of the receptive field tend to cancel
each other out completely when stimulated together, by
contrast with the ganglion cell in which one or another
would predominate. Thus, when the retina is illuminated
uniformly there is little response in the geniculate cells
because of this cancellation. This represents a useful
7 Vision and the Brain 7
Cortical Neurons
When investigators made records of responses from neu-
rons in area 17 there was an interesting change in the
nature of the receptive fields; there was still the organiza-
tion into excitatory (on) and inhibitory (off) zones, but
these were linearly arranged, so that the best stimulus for
evoking a response was a line, either white on black or
black on white. When this line fell on the retina in a defi-
nite direction, and on a definite part of the retina, there
was, say, an on-response, while if it fell on adjacent areas
there was an off-response. Changing the orientation of
the line by as little as 15° could completely abolish the
responses. The simplest interpretation of this type of
receptive field is based on the connection of the cortical
cell with a set of geniculate cells with their receptive fields
arranged linearly.
Eye Dominance
Most of these units (i.e., cortical cells plus connections)
can be excited by a light stimulus falling on either eye,
although there is usually dominance of one eye, in the
sense that its response is greater; when both eyes are stim-
ulated together, the effects summate. In general, then,
when a large number of units are studied, a certain propor-
tion are fired by one eye alone, others by the opposite eye
alone, others by both eyes with dominance of one or other
eye, while still others respond only when both eyes are
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Vision and the Brain 7
Complex Neurons
The cortical units (cells), with receptive fields organized
on a linear basis, have been called simple units in contrast
to complex and hypercomplex units. Four types of com-
plex units have been described; as with the simple units,
the orientation of a slit stimulus (that is, a line) is of the
utmost importance for obtaining maximal response, but
unlike the situation with the simple unit, the position on
the retina is unimportant. This type of unit makes abstrac-
tions of a higher order, responding to direction of
orientation but not to position. It is this type of neuron
that would be concerned, for example, with determining
the verticality or horizontality of lines in space. Space
does not permit a description of the receptive field of a
hypercomplex cell, but in general its features could be
explained on the basis of connections with complex cells.
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
spreads from the nasal sinuses into the orbit, causing the
orbital tissue to swell and the eye to protrude. This condi-
tion, called orbital cellulitis, is serious because of the
possibility that the infection may spread into the cranial
cavity via the pathways of the cranial nerves that reach the
eye through the posterior orbit. Infections can also spread
to the cranial cavity by way of the blood vessels that lie
within the orbit. Prompt administration of appropriate
antibiotics in most cases eliminates such infections.
However, surgical drainage of orbital abscesses (pockets
of pus surrounded by areas of tissue inflammation) may be
required. Sterile (noninfectious) inflammatory conditions
such as Graves ophthalmopathy (eye disease caused by
thyroid dysfunction) also affect the orbit.
The lacrimal glands, the small glands that secrete
the watery component of tears and are located behind the
outer part of each upper lid, are rarely inflamed but may
become so as a complication of viral infection, such as in
mumps or mononucleosis (caused by Epstein-Barr virus).
Inflammations of the lacrimal sac are much more com-
mon. The lacrimal, or tear, sac lies in a hollow at the inner
corner of the eye in the front part of the nasal wall of the
orbit; under normal conditions, tears run along the mar-
gins of the eyelids toward the nose and are drained through
two tiny holes (called puncta) connected by small tubes to
the upper part of the lacrimal sac. The lower part of the
sac is connected to the nose by the nasolacrimal duct, and
infection may ascend this passage from the nose and cause
an acute painful swelling at the inner corner of the eye
(called dacryocystitis). Blockage of the nasolacrimal duct
prevents the passage of tears into the nose and results in a
watery eye. Such a blockage, which is often accompanied
by chronic inflammation in the lacrimal sac, is usually
treated in infancy with a simple massaging technique.
However, if the problem persists, a procedure to open or
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Blepharitis is a common inflammation of the eyelids that
is marked by red, scaly, crusting eyelids and a burning,
itching, grainy feeling in the eye. The eye itself often has
some redness as well. Blepharitis can result from either an
infectious or a noninfectious process. Infectious blephari-
tis is more common in young people; the usual cause is
colonization by Staphylococcus bacteria along the margins
of the eyelids or, less commonly, an infection with herpes-
virus that involves the eyelids.
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
A sty is an acute, painful, modular infection of one or
more glands of the eyelid. Two types are distinguished,
the external and the internal sty. The external sty is an
infection, usually with Staphylococcus bacteria, of a seba-
ceous gland in the margin of the eyelid. The eye becomes
sensitive to light, tears flow copiously, and there is a sen-
sation of a foreign body in the eye. The area of infection is
first reddened and then swollen like a pimple or small
boil. The breaking of the sty and the discharge of its con-
tents are hastened by application of warm compresses.
Sties originating in the lash follicles are usually infectious
and start as a painful swelling of the lid. At first it may be
difficult to find a localized lesion, but soon one area
becomes more swollen, and, as pus forms, a yellow point
may be seen near the lid margin.
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
Herpes zoster (shingles) may affect the skin of the eyelids
and is of particular importance because the cornea (the
transparent covering of the front of the eyeball) and inner
eye may also be affected. The condition often starts with
pain and redness of the forehead and the eyelids of the
same side. Vesicles, or small blisters, form later in
the affected area. The pain may be severe, and some
constitutional disturbance is common.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Dermatochalasis is defined as a sagging of the eyelid skin
and underlying muscle. It occurs commonly during the
aging process. Symptoms may be absent or include brow
ache, reduction of superior peripheral vision, sensation
of the lid skin resting on the eyelashes, and interference of
vision by the eyelashes. Forward displacement of orbital
fat may exacerbate this condition. Treatment is predomi-
nantly surgical.
Blepharochalasis, a condition distinct from dermato-
chalasis, is a rare inherited disorder characterized by
recurrent episodes of inflammatory lid swelling. This con-
dition typically afflicts young individuals.
Ectropion is the outward turning of the border (or mar-
gin) of the eyelid that commonly arises when the lower lid
curls away from the globe. The condition most often
occurs in elderly persons as a result of age-related relax-
ation of the eyelid’s supporting structures. Other causes
include congenital malformation of the lid, paralysis of
the muscles that control eyelid movement, excessive scar-
ring and contraction of the eyelid, or mechanical pulling
on the eyelid by tumours or improperly fitting eyeglasses.
In the lower lid, this may cause the punctum (the opening
into the channel that carries tears from the eye into the
nasal cavity) to move away from the eyeball. As a result,
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
Entropion is the opposite condition of ectropion, and
thus it is defined as an inward turning of the border (or
margin) of the eyelid (usually the lower eyelids). It occurs
most often in elderly persons. It is commonly caused by
age-related alterations in the fibrous and muscular sup-
port of the eyelids. The turning in of the lid margin allows
the eyelashes to rub against the cornea, with resultant irri-
tation, a condition known as trichiasis. Ulceration of the
cornea may be a serious complication. Entropion may also
be due to congenital eyelid malformations, spasms of the
muscle involved in lid closure (orbicularis oculi), or scar-
ring and contracture from underlying eye disease or
trauma. Symptoms from mild cases of entropion can be
controlled with artificial eye lubrication and removal of
any offending eyelashes. More serious or stubborn cases
require surgical correction.
Ptosis, also called blepharoptosis, is a drooping of the
upper eyelid. The condition may be congenital or
acquired and can cause significant obscuration of vision.
In congenital ptosis the muscle that elevates the lid,
called the levator palpebrae superioris, is usually absent
or imperfectly developed. If severe and not corrected in a
timely manner, congenital ptosis can lead to amblyopia
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
Conjunctivitis, also called pinkeye, is an inflammation of
the conjunctiva, the delicate mucous membrane that
lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the
front part of the white of the eye. The inflammation may
be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It can also be
caused by a chemical burn or mechanical injury, or it may
be part of an allergic reaction. Often both the conjunctiva
and the cornea are involved, a condition called keratocon-
junctivitis. The symptoms of conjunctivitis vary, but they
include light sensitivity, redness, itching, a sensation of
sand in the eye, and eye discharge (which can be either
watery or thick and coloured).
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
Trachoma, although rare in more-developed countries, is a
significant cause of preventable blindness in the world.
Widespread in some Middle Eastern countries, it has
remained common in Asia, India, Central and South
America, and Africa and occurs sporadically in southern
and eastern Europe. The agent responsible is an intracel-
lular bacterial organism known as Chlamydia trachomatis.
The disease is contagious and thrives where populations
are crowded together in poor hygienic surroundings.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
Trachoma can cause trichiasis, a condition in which the eyelid turns inward
and eyelashes rub against the eye, resulting in corneal scarring and loss of
vision. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health. STAR
Study Team
A pterygium is an abnormal wing-shaped fold of the con-
junctiva that invades the surface of the cornea. Often
preceded or accompanied by a pinguecula (yellowish
growth in the conjunctiva), pterygia arise from the inner
(nasal) or outer (temporal) aspects of the eye. The growth
can obscure vision if it encroaches upon the centre of the
cornea and thus covers the pupil. Pterygia can contract,
altering the shape of the corneal surface and causing
astigmatism and blurred vision. Pterygia result from expo-
sure to bright sunlight, wind, and dust, as well as from
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
A pinguecula is a very common yellow-white nodule in the
conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid
and extends over part of the surface of the eyeball at the
front of the eye. Pingueculae are usually found on the side
of the cornea near the nose, although it can form on either
side of the cornea. Pingueculae occur in elderly persons
and are thought to represent degeneration in the conjunc-
tiva as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light. The
condition does not usually require medical or surgical
treatment, although rare cases of irritation caused by pin-
gueculae can be treated with lubricants.
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
the common “cold sore” of the lips and skin and the vene-
real form of herpes, are a frequent cause of corneal
ulceration. Infection is most often spread by personal
contact. The herpesvirus causes a typical ulcer of the cor-
nea called, from the pattern of the lesion, a dendritic
(branching) ulcer. The disease starts with an acutely pain-
ful eye, with tearing and sensitivity to light. The ulcer may
heal spontaneously or after medical treatment, but the
virus often lies dormant in the tissues. Recurrences are
common, and with each recurrence there is danger that
the virus will extend deeper into the cornea and cause fur-
ther inflammation and scarring, with eventual vision
impairment. Oral antiviral medications or application of
antiviral eye drops to the cornea usually cause the ulcer to
heal more rapidly. The action of these drugs limits the
multiplication of the virus by interfering with the forma-
tion of virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the host cell.
Bacterial infections of the cornea usually occur after
injury to, or breakdown of, the corneal surface, as few bac-
teria have the power to penetrate the intact surface layers
of the cornea. Such ulcers may be extremely severe, and
there is always a danger of perforation of the eye, particu-
larly in debilitated patients.
Spores of fungi are present in the atmosphere, and the
normal cornea is resistant to infection by these organisms.
However, a fungal infection of the cornea can develop
after a corneal injury or other lesion, particularly if corti-
costeroid drugs have been used in the treatment of these
conditions. Intensive treatment with antifungal drugs is
usually effective in killing the organisms, but a dense scar
may be left.
A corneal inflammation may start in the deeper layers
of the tissue, either by direct infection or from immune-
related processes. One type is seen in adolescents who
have congenital syphilis. Both eyes are usually attacked,
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Keratitis is a type of inflammation of the cornea. There
are several varieties of keratitis, which can be caused by
either infectious or noninfectious processes. In many
cases, however, changes in the cornea induced by nonin-
fectious keratitis predispose it to secondary infections.
Often there is inflammation of both the cornea and the
conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the inside
of the eyelid and covers the white of the eye (the sclera). In
this case, the condition is called keratoconjunctivitis.
Infectious causes of keratitis include bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and protozoans. Symptoms vary but may include
redness, pain, decreased vision, light sensitivity, discharge,
or a frank opacity within the cornea. Treatment often
requires culturing the infected corneal tissue and dis-
charge in order to identify the causative organism so as to
tailor antimicrobial therapy appropriately. The concur-
rent use of contact lenses increases the likelihood of
serious infection in these cases and raises special consider-
ations for the eye care specialist.
Interstitial keratitis, an inflammation deep in the cor-
nea, may be caused by congenital syphilis, tuberculosis,
herpesvirus infection, or even physical injury to the eye.
Affected persons may note that their eyes are painful,
tend to water, and are sensitive to light. Treatment is
directed at eliminating the underlying disease. As with any
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The sclera is the fibrous covering of the eye that shows
up as a dense white layer beneath the transparent
7 Diseases of the Outer Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea (or uveal tract), the
middle layer of tissue surrounding the eye that consists of
the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Uveitis can affect people
at any age, but onset usually occurs in the third and fourth
decades of life.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
Cataracts cause opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye.
They occur in 50 percent of people between ages 65 and 74
and in 70 percent of people over age 75. Typical age-related
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Lens Dislocation
Lens dislocation occurs when the lens assumes an abnor-
mal position within the eye. The dislocation, which may
be congenital, developmental, or acquired (typically via
trauma), is usually caused by abnormalities of or injury to
a portion of the zonular fibres that anchor the lens to the
ciliary muscle. Problems associated with lens dislocation
include monocular double vision, decreased vision, and
Lens dislocation is a feature of a number of congenital
and hereditary disorders, including Marfan syndrome and
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Marfan syndrome is associated
with cardiac and skeletal abnormalities, whereas Ehlers-
Danlos is a condition marked by great elasticity of the
skin and double-jointedness. The usual management of
the lens dislocation is improvement of vision by means
of eyeglasses or rigid contact lenses, although surgical
lens removal may eventually be necessary.
Detached Retina
Retinal detachment occurs when the retina becomes sep-
arated from the underlying layer of supporting cells known
as the retinal pigment epithelium. Most commonly, reti-
nal detachments are caused by the passage of fluid through
a break, or tear, in the retina, a situation called rhegmatog-
enous retinal detachment. The fluid is derived from the
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
aging vitreous gel that fills the central eyeball space. The
retinal break can result from a number of different mecha-
nisms, including trauma or degenerative changes in the
peripheral retina.
Most retinal breaks or tears, however, are the result of
the natural changes of the vitreous gel that are often expe-
rienced with aging. The vitreous gel is physically attached
to the retina, but, if the gel pulls away, the gel’s surface usu-
ally releases its hold, creating a benign posterior vitreal
detachment without a retinal tear. If, however, a portion
of the retina is torn during this process, the likelihood
that a retinal detachment will soon follow is high.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of a benign posterior vitre-
ous detachment and a serious retinal tear are similar.
These symptoms include the onset of many “floaters”
(deposits in the eye that cause visual spots or shadows), as
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration refers to any of several blinding dis-
orders that are characterized by the gradual deterioration
of the retina. The central region of the retina contains the
macula lutea, which receives focused incoming light and is
responsible for providing acute vision. The loss of neurons
in the macula causes decreased sensitivity in the centre of
the visual field; peripheral vision is usually retained.
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Retinopathy of Prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity is a disease in which retinal
blood vessels develop abnormally in the eyes of premature
infants. In mild forms of retinopathy of prematurity,
developing blood vessels within the retina, which origi-
nate at the optic disk, stop growing toward the periphery
of the retina for a period of time. Thereafter, the vessels
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
This photo shows what someone with normal vision might see if looking at
these two boys. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
This photo shows how someone with macular degeneration may view the
same scene. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The failure of one or more structures in the eye to fuse
during embryonic life, creating a congenital fissure in that
eye, is known as coloboma. Frequently several structures
are fissured: the choroid, the retina, the ciliary body, and
the iris. The fissure may extend to the head of the optic
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Optic Neuritis
Swelling of the optic nerve may be caused by inflamma-
tory changes in the nerve, a condition known as optic
neuritis. The inflammation causes a fairly rapid loss of
vision in the affected eye, a new blind spot (a scotoma,
usually in or near the centre of the visual field), pain in the
eyeball (often occurring with eye movement), abnormal
colour vision, and unusual flashes of light. The condition
affects young to middle-aged people and affects women
more often than men.
The optic nerve carries visual data from the retina of
the eye to a relay station in the centre of the brain (the
lateral geniculate nucleus) for transmission to a cortical
area at the back of the brain (occipital lobes). Some
instances of optic neuritis occur as a result of multiple
sclerosis, a disease of unclear etiology that affects the
optic nerve, brain, and spinal cord.
Such individuals may or may not have a previous his-
tory of neurologic problems, and further testing is often
performed to investigate the potential diagnosis of multi-
ple sclerosis. However, other manifestations of multiple
sclerosis may not be fully evident until years after the
onset of optic neuritis, if they occur at all. Other causes of
optic neuritis include infections, such as Lyme disease or
syphilis, as well as unknown causes, in which case the optic
neuritis is termed idiopathic.
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
Optic Atrophy
Optic atrophy is the degeneration of the optic nerve due
to direct or indirect damage to retinal ganglion cells,
whose axonal projections collectively make up the optic
nerve. Common causes of optic atrophy include glaucoma,
tumours that press on the optic nerve, vascular (blood ves-
sel) diseases, optic neuritis, trauma, and exposure to
various drugs and toxins. The atrophy may be a hereditary
defect, such as in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
(LHON), which predominantly affects males between the
ages of 15 and 25. There is sometimes recovery of vision in
LHON, but it is rarely complete. Treatment of optic atro-
phy is aimed at correcting the underlying condition to
prevent further optic nerve damage.
The thin coats of the eye are not sufficiently rigid in them-
selves to withstand distortion following the pull of the
extraocular muscles when the eye is rotated. The eyeball
is kept rigid by the action of the ciliary body, which
secretes sufficient amounts of aqueous humour fluid to
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diseases of the Inner Eye 7
visual disOrders
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Nystagmus is characterized by involuntary back and forth,
up and down, or circular movements of the eyes that are
often described by observers as “jumping” or “dancing”
eye movements. One type of nystagmus, called pendular
nystagmus, is characterized by even, smooth eye move-
ments, whereas in the type referred to as jerk nystagmus
the movements are sharper and quicker in one direction
than in the other. Jerk nystagmus can occur normally, such
as when one is dizzy (e.g., from spinning around in circles)
or is watching objects pass by quickly from the window of
a moving vehicle. Pathologic nystagmus may be present at
or shortly after birth because of retinal or optic nerve
abnormalities, cataracts, albinism, or a host of other con-
ditions (sensory nystagmus). Alternatively, people can be
born with nystagmus and no associated abnormalities of
the eye (congenital motor nystagmus). Often there is a
gaze or a head position that the affected individual adopts
in which the nystagmus is least severe and visual acuity is
optimized (called the null point).
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of hereditary eye dis-
eases in which progressive degeneration of the retina
leads to severe impairment of vision. In the usual course
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Night Blindness
Night blindness, also called nyctalopia, results from the
failure of the eye to adapt promptly from light to darkness
and is characterized by a reduced ability to see in dim light
or at night. It occurs as a symptom of numerous
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Colour Blindness
The inability to distinguish one or more of the three
colours red, green, and blue is known as colour blindness.
Most people with colour-vision problems have a weak
colour-sensing system rather than a frank loss of colour
sensation. In the retina, humans have three types of cones.
One type absorbs light best in wavelengths of blue-violet
and another in the wavelengths of green. The third type is
most sensitive to longer wavelengths—more sensitive to
red. Colour-blind persons may be blind to one, two, or all
of the colours red, green, and blue. (Blindness to red is
called protanopia; to green, deuteranopia; and to blue,
tritanopia.) Red-blind persons are ordinarily unable to dis-
tinguish between red and green, while blue-blind persons
cannot distinguish between blue and yellow. Green-blind
persons are unable to see the green part of the spectrum.
Hereditary red-green colour blindness, which affects
about 20 times as many males as females, is a sex-linked
recessive characteristic. A woman must inherit the trait
from both parents to be red-green colour-blind. A red-
green colour-blind man and a woman of normal colour
vision have daughters who have normal colour vision but
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Eyestrain, or asthenopia, is the term used to describe sub-
jective symptoms of fatigue, discomfort, lacrimation
(tearing), and headache following the use of the eyes. Such
symptoms may result from intensive, prolonged close
work. In people with perfectly normal eyes, eyestrain may
indicate abnormalities of muscle balance or refractive
errors. Eyestrain is more likely to be manifest during peri-
ods of fatigue or stress and is common among students
studying for examinations. Refractive errors require cor-
rection, and muscle imbalance may require treatment.
Psychological factors can be more important to address
than physical factors.
Refractive Errors
In a normal eye, rays of light from distant objects come to
a focus on the retina. In near vision the refractive power of
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
The loss of ability to focus the eye sharply on near objects
as a result of the decreasing elasticity of the lens of the eye
is known as presbyopia. The eye’s ability to focus on near
and far objects—the power of accommodation—depends
upon two forces, the elasticity of the lens of the eye and
the action of the ciliary muscle (a roughly ring-shaped
muscle that encircles the lens and is attached to it by sus-
pensory ligaments). When the ciliary muscle is relaxed,
the ring enlarges away from the lens and the suspensory
ligaments are tautened, flattening the lens into a shape
suitable for viewing distant objects. When the muscle
contracts, the ligaments are loosened, and, because of the
elasticity of the lens, the surface of the lens—particularly
the front surface—becomes more curved, in keeping with
viewing near objects. Ordinarily the lens gradually
becomes less elastic (it hardens) with age, so the power of
accommodation is lost progressively. The loss is most
rapid after age 40, when most people become aware of dif-
ficulty in performing a task, such as reading, that requires
near focusing; this can be helped with corrective lenses.
Accommodation may also be lost temporarily as a
result of paralysis of the ciliary muscle. With this paraly-
sis, which can occur from the action of certain toxins and
medications, the muscle cannot contract, and the surface
of the lens is prevented from becoming more convex.
Myopia, also called nearsightedness, is a visual abnormality
in which the resting eye focuses the image of a distant object
at a point in front of the retina, resulting in a blurred image.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Hyperopia, also called farsightedness, is a refractive error
or abnormality in which the cornea and lens of the eye
focus the image of the visual field at an imaginary point
behind the retina. The retina thus receives an unfocused
image of near objects, though distant objects may be in
focus. Hyperopia frequently occurs when an eye is shorter
than normal from front to rear; the lens is then unable to
increase its convexity sufficiently to focus the images of
close objects onto the retina. Corrective lenses for hyper-
opia are designed to supply the additional convexity
needed for focusing. Hyperopic laser in situ keratomileu-
sis (H-LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy for
hyperopia (H-PRK) are common surgical methods that
reshape the cornea to improve vision in hyperopic
Astigmatism is a nonuniform curvature of the cornea that
causes the eye to focus images at different distances,
depending on the orientation of light as it strikes the cor-
nea. The effect of astigmatism can also be produced by
abnormalities or misalignment of the crystalline lens
(sometimes called lenticular astigmatism), although this
is rare. The portions of the image that are not focused
on the retina (the light-sensitive tissue lining the inside of
the eyeball) appear blurred. Astigmatism occurs indepen-
dent of the existence of nearsightedness or farsightedness.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Blindness is a transient or permanent inability to see any
light at all (total blindness) or to retain any useful vision
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Double Vision
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Ophthalmoplegia, also called extraocular muscle palsy,
occurs as a result of paralysis of the extraocular muscles
that control the movements of the eye. Ophthalmoplegia
usually involves the third (oculomotor), fourth (trochlear),
or sixth (abducens) cranial nerves. Double vision is the
characteristic symptom in all three cases. In oculomotor
paralysis the muscles controlling the eye are affected in
such a way that the eye drifts outward and slightly down-
ward and has difficulty turning inward and upward. In
addition, the upper eyelid of the affected eye usually
droops, a condition called ptosis, and the pupil may be
enlarged. If the pupil is abnormally large, the possibility of
a cerebral aneurysm arises. This can be associated with
pain. Trochlear paralysis, involving another muscle, the
superior oblique, causes a vertical deviation of the affected
eye. Abducens nerve paralysis affects still another ocular
muscle, the lateral rectus, such that the affected eye turns
inward toward the nose and cannot fully turn outward.
Ophthalmoplegia can be caused by congenital abnor-
malities, trauma, complications of viral infections, or
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that function to control the muscles
and sense organs of the head and thoracic region. Several of these, includ-
ing the third, fourth, and sixth nerves, control muscles that move the eye.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Misalignment of the eyes is called strabismus, or squint.
The deviant eye may be directed inward toward the other
eye (cross-eye, or esotropia), outward, away from the
other eye (exotropia), upward (hypertropia), or downward
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Ocular injuries
The bony orbit provides excellent protection for the eye,
especially from blunt injuries. A blow to the front of the
orbit with a rounded instrument such as a fist or a tennis
ball, however, can cause a shock wave to travel through
the eye, damaging many structures along the way, includ-
ing the retina. Central vision may be reduced after such
injuries without any obvious changes in the appearance of
the eye. In severe cases the bones of the orbit may be frac-
tured. Perforating wounds from glass, sharp metal
fragments, and so on are always serious. Injuries to the
lens can result in the formation of a cataract, and often
after penetrating injuries the eye remains inflamed for a
considerable time.
One rare type of inflammation following injury,
called sympathetic ophthalmia, is of particular impor-
tance. In this condition an injured eye causes the other,
previously normal eye to take part in the inflammation,
with resulting impairment of vision. Sympathetic oph-
thalmia can occur weeks, months, or years after the
initial injury. The cause of sympathetic ophthalmia is not
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Foreign bodies
Most foreign bodies that contact the eye remain on or
near the surface. When they touch the cornea, they cause
intense pain and a flow of tears. The tears may be suffi-
cient to wash the foreign body out of the eye, but, if it
becomes embedded in the cornea, it may have to be
removed surgically. Many small foreign bodies lodge in the
undersurface of the upper lid in such a way that every time
the eye blinks, the foreign body rubs on the cornea, caus-
ing pain and irritation. Metallic foreign bodies embedded
in the cornea often leave rust rings, which should be
removed to aid in proper healing.
Small foreign bodies traveling at high speeds may pen-
etrate into the interior of the eye with remarkably few
symptoms, and their presence may not be recognized
until weeks or months later when inflammatory changes
occur. The most common foreign bodies to enter the eye
in this way are fragments of metal from hammer-and-
chisel accidents or from moving parts of machinery.
Whenever such injuries are suspected, it is important to
locate the position of the fragment as carefully as possible
and to remove it by surgery. If the foreign body is mag-
netic, a magnet can be used to attract the foreign body to
the site of entry into the eye, permitting extraction. Safety
goggles or glasses equipped with safety lenses are of
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Complications of systemic
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Visual Disorders and Eye Injuries 7
Thyroid Disease
Graves ophthalmopathy (an eye disease related to thyroid
dysfunction) usually occurs in people with hyperthyroid-
ism, although it can occur in people with normal or even
reduced thyroid function. It is characterized by swelling
and inflammation of the orbital tissues, including the
extraocular muscles, that may lead to retraction of the
eyelids, restriction of eye movement (causing double
vision), and bulging forward of the eyeball (called exoph-
thalmos, or proptosis). Although exophthalmos arises
primarily from inflammation, the associated processes of
cellular proliferation and accumulation of fluid in the tis-
sues that surround the eyeball in its socket, or orbit, also
are important pathological processes underlying its devel-
opment. The swelling of tissues in Graves ophthalmopathy
can also cause pressure on the optic nerve behind the eye-
ball, leading to vision loss. In most uncomplicated
situations treatment is conservative, relying only on artifi-
cial lubrication, but in severe cases the lids may need to be
partially sutured together or surgery may be required to
relieve pressure in the orbit. Further eye muscle and lid
surgeries may also be needed to correct persistent eye
problems related to Graves ophthalmopathy.
In addition to Graves ophthalmopathy, other causes of
exophthalmos include other orbital inflammatory
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The ocular complications of rheumatoid arthritis
involve the sclera and cornea and can cause dry eye.
Inflammation of the sclera, called scleritis, can cause
intense, boring pain and, if severe, could be associated
with life-threatening systemic disease. Treatment varies,
depending on the disease severity, but generally includes
anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating agents.
Ophthalmology is the medical specialty dealing with the
diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
Optometry is a health-care profession concerned with
examining the eyes for defects of vision and diagnosing
and treating such conditions. Optometrists prescribe and
supply eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical aids
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
The ophthalmoscope is an instrument for inspecting the
interior of the eye. It was invented in 1850 by German sci-
entist and philosopher Hermann von Helmholtz. The
ophthalmoscope became a model for later forms of endos-
copy. The device consists of a strong light that can be
directed into the eye by a small mirror or prism. The light
reflects off the retina and back through a small hole in the
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
Ophthalmological Examination
An ophthalmological examination includes a thorough
history, with a particular focus on a patient’s symptoms.
The ophthalmologist physically examines the eyes with
special devices and does various tests to determine visual
function. The most important subjective test is for
visual acuity. This is usually performed by having the
patient read, from a set distance, an eye chart with a series
of letters of graded sizes, which become increasingly
smaller as the chart is read from top to bottom. The
person is asked to read the lowest line legible, and visual
acuity is then expressed in terms of the size of the letter
and the distance at which it is read, relative to a person
with normal vision.
The visual field can be assessed by many methods. The
confrontation visual field exam is the most basic test and
involves a simple assessment of peripheral vision. In this
test one eye of the patient is covered, the ophthalmologist
presents one or more fingers in the peripheral visual field,
and the patient indicates the number of fingers displayed.
The Goldmann visual field exam is another manual test, in
which the patient focuses straight ahead on a central point
while an object is moved inward from the periphery. The
ophthalmologist performs this several times, testing dif-
ferent areas of the visual field and drawing a map of the
visual field for each eye. Another technique, called
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
This eye care professional uses the high magnification of a slit lamp to examine
a patient’s eyes. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Optical aids
The most widely used optical aids are eyeglasses (specta-
cles), and the technical design of eyeglass lenses has
advanced considerably. A simple biconcave or biconvex
lens causes considerable vision distortion if objects are
viewed through the periphery of the lens, but, if the back
surface of the lens is made concave and the required power
is attained by altering the curvature of the front surface,
improvement in peripheral vision results. Modern eye-
glass lenses are of this form.
Most older people require an additional lens for read-
ing, which can be incorporated with the distance
correction in the form of a bifocal lens. In some occupa-
tions an intermediate distance is also required, and a third
segment can be added, forming a trifocal lens. The com-
plete range of correction from distance to near can be
achieved by means of a progressive lens, in which lens
power increases as the eye moves downward, with the
upper segment of the lens providing the correction for
distance and the lowest segment of the lens representing
the reading correction. By slightly tilting the head, it is
possible to find the optimum correction for intermediate
The distortion of peripheral view when using conven-
tional eyeglasses occurs because the correcting lens does
not move when the eye moves. This problem can be com-
pletely overcome by the use of contact lenses, which fit
the anterior surface of the cornea and thus move with the
eye. The earliest types were larger than the cornea and
were uncomfortable to wear, but the development of
smaller “hard” lenses greatly increased the scope and use-
fulness of contact lenses. Even so, the length of time for
which they could be worn was limited until rigid gas
(oxygen)-permeable lenses were introduced, which allow
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
Eyeglasses are lenses set in frames for wearing in front of
the eyes to aid vision or to correct such defects of vision as
myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. In 1268 English phi-
losopher and scientist Roger Bacon made the earliest
recorded comment on the use of lenses for optical pur-
poses, but magnifying lenses inserted in frames were used
for reading both in Europe and China at this time, and it is
a matter of controversy whether the West learned from
the East or vice versa. In Europe eyeglasses first appeared
in Italy, their introduction being attributed to Alessandro
di Spina of Florence. The first portrait to show eyeglasses
is that of Hugh of Provence by Tommaso da Modena,
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
Contact Lenses
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
Corrective surgery
LASIK, or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is a laser-
based eye surgery commonly used to correct nearsighted-
ness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK eye surgery
was developed in the early 1990s, when ophthalmologists
combined the technique of keratomileusis, in which the
cornea is removed, frozen, reshaped, and replaced, with
the technique of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), in
7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases 7
Photorefractive Keratectomy
Photorefractive keratectomy, or PRK, is a common surgi-
cal method that reshapes the cornea to improve vision in
patients affected by farsightedness or nearsightedness.
In this procedure a local anesthetic is applied to the eye
and a laser beam is used to sculpt the cornea. Reshaping
enables the cornea to focus light on the retina, which it
cannot do in hyperopic or myopic eyes.
PRK differs from other laser-based eye surgeries such
as LASIK in that it is not an invasive surgery; no incisions
are made in the cornea during PRK. However, because a
significant amount of corneal tissue is damaged during the
reshaping process, the amount of time needed for recov-
ery following PRK is longer relative to LASIK. In addition,
patients often experience some discomfort during the
healing process. Improvement in vision is often notice-
able within several days after surgery, although optimal
vision may not occur for several months.
Radial Keratotomy
Radial keratotomy, or RK, is a surgical procedure to cor-
rect nearsightedness. The technique was first developed
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
asthenopia Eyestrain often caused by psychological fac-
tors, the symptoms of which include fatigue,
headache, tearing, and discomfort.
axon Part of a neuron that connects to other neurons or
cells and transports impulses away from the cell body.
bipolar cell A type of neuron in the retina that is
connected to ganglions on one end and either one
cone cell or multiple rod cells on the other end.
concave lens A lens that curves inward, like a bowl.
cone Cone-shaped light-sensing cell in the
retinas of vertebrates that processes colour
and detail and converts light into impulses
to the optic nerve fibre.
convex lens A rounded lens that curves outward,
like a sphere.
dendrite Part of a neuron that typically transports
impulses toward a cell body.
diplopia Double vision, or perceiving two images of a
single object, resulting from the projection of an
object’s image onto non-corresponding locations
on the retina of each eye.
emmetropia Condition in which light rays focus
directly on the retina, resulting in normal vision.
ganglion cell A type of neuron in the retina that
receives input from both rods and cones.
hyperopia Farsightedness resulting from the
image of a visual field focusing behind
the retina.
innervate To provide an organ with nerves.
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Glossary 7
Detailed information about the human eye, eye diseases,
and the field of ophthalmology can be found in Gary H.
Cassel, Michael D. Billig, and Harry G. Randall, The Eye
Book: A Complete Guide to Eye Disorders and Health (1998);
Daniel M. Albert and Frederick A. Jakobiec (eds.), Prin-
ciples and Practice of Ophthalmology, 2nd ed., 6 vol. (2000);
and Daniel M. Albert and Diane D. Edwards, The History
of Ophthalmology (1996). A monumental ongoing series
covering all aspects of sensory reception in organisms
is Hansjochem Autrum (ed.), Handbook of Sensory
Physiology (1971–). An introductory work pertaining
specifically to photoreception is Robert W. Rodieck, The
First Steps in Seeing (1998). The optical systems of eyes
are discussed in relation to their role in vision in a wide
range of organisms in Jerome J. Wolken, Light Detectors,
Photoreceptors, and Imaging Systems in Nature (1995);
and Michael F. Land and Dan-Eric Nilsson, Animal Eyes
(2002). The types and functions of eye movements are
covered in Roger H.S. Carpenter, Movements of the
Eyes, 2nd ed. (1988). An appealing work on the basic
aspects of the different eye structures and the mecha-
nisms of photoreception specific to invertebrates is Eric
Warrant and Dan-Eric Nilsson, Invertebrate Vision
(2006). Information on the structure and photoreception
mechanisms of the human eye is provided in Clyde W.
Oyster, The Human Eye: Structure and Function (1999).
An excellent general text is Robert Sekuler and Randolph
Blake, Perception, 5th ed. (2005), focusing on percep-
tion through the senses. Irvin Rock, An Introduction to
Perception (1975), is an introductory text in experimental
A antiviral medications, 154, 159
aphakia, 223
Abbe, Ernst, 222 aqueous humour, 19, 20, 21, 22,
abducens nerve, 60, 201 24, 27, 39–41, 42, 67, 167,
abscesses, orbital, 145 181–182, 183–184
absorption spectrum, 82 arc eye, 207
accommodation (focusing), 21, ARMD (age-related macular
22, 27, 68–74, 135, 194, 195, degeneration), 37, 174–175, 176
225, 226 arteriosclerosis, 152, 199, 209
achromatic vision, 80 ascorbic acid, 39–40
achromatopsia, 193 asthenopia, 186, 193, 194
action-spectrum, 113 astigmatism, 22, 157, 164, 172,
active transport of solutes, 24–25 194, 197–198, 205, 214, 221,
adenoviruses, 154 223, 224
adrenaline, 52, 73 atherosclerosis, 152, 199
afterimages, 126–127 atropine, 55, 74
age-related cataracts, 170 autoimmune diseases, 163,
age-related macular degeneration 166, 212
(ARMD), 37, 174–175, 176 automated visual field testing, 218
albinism, 28, 189 a-wave, 99
Alessandro di Spina, 221 axes of eye, 32, 57, 63, 66,
alpha adaptation, 86 69, 70, 127
amacrine cells, 32, 34, 77, 92, 97 axons, 31, 32, 35, 38, 75, 77, 109,
amblyopia, 151–152, 171, 178, 194, 117, 120, 123
201, 203, 204
amino acids, 41, 116
aneurysms, 201, 210
angle closure glaucoma, 182,
183–184 Bacon, Roger, 221
anterior chamber, 20, 39, 41, balance, organs of, 62
165–166, 219 Bartisch, Georg, 214
anterior ciliary veins, 40 basal cell carcinoma, 153
anterior uveitis, 28–29, 165–166 benign posterior vitreal
antibiotic treatments, 145, 147, detachment, 173
157, 162 Best disease, 175–176
antioxidant bifocal lenses, 220, 222
supplementation, 175 binasal hemianopia, 188
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7
7 Index 7
T trichiasis, 151
trifocal lenses, 220, 222
Talbot-Plateau law, 88
tarsal glands, 44, 48–49, 147, 149 trigeminal (fifth cranial) nerve,
tarsal plates, 44, 45, 49, 149 25, 53, 55, 162
tear ducts and glands, 43, 48–49, tritanopes/tritanopia, 102, 192
54, 56, 145–146, 161 trochlea, 49
tear film, 44, 48–49, 54, 223 trochlear nerve, 60, 201
tearing (lacrimation), 48, 56, 158, Troxler phenomenon, 94
159, 185, 193, 206, 207 tuberculosis, 160, 163
tears, 22, 44, 48–49, 53, 54–56 tumours
temporal summation, 85–86 and blindness, 199
three-dimensional object/space as cause of glaucoma, 185
perception, 129–136, 137 and double vision, 200
threshold stimulus for vision, 78, of the eyelids, 152–153
79–81, 83–86 intracranial, 190, 208
thyroid eye disease, 145, 200, and ophthalmoplegia, 202
211, 212 and optic atrophy, 179, 181
Tommaso da Modena, 221–222 of the orbit, 146, 212
tonic activity, 60 of the uveal tract, 168
tonometer, 219 and visual field defects,
torsion of eye, 50, 58 188, 189
torticollis and spasmus tunnel vision, 191
nutans, 190
total blindness, 198–199
trabecular meshwork, 21, 40, U
41, 183
ulcerations of cornea, 147, 151,
trabeculectomy, 41
159, 162
trabeculoplasty, 40–41
ultrasound, 219
trachoma, 155–157
ultraviolet (UV) light
tracking movement, 66
tractional retinal damage, 207
detachments, 174 uncertainty principle, 84
transducin, 36 uniocular visual field, 120
transduction, 114–116 University of Göttingen, 214
transparent media of eye, 39–42 Usher syndrome, 191
transplanting of corneas, 164, utricle, 62–63
198, 213, 215 uvea (uveal tract), 19, 26–29,
trauma effects on eyes, 25, 29, 165–168
151, 152, 166, 170, 172, 173, 181, uveitis, 163, 165–168, 170
199, 200, 201, 204, 212 UV light damage, 207
7 The Eye: The Physiology of Human Perception 7