11i How To Setup Amex Credit Cards For Use in Oracle Internet Expenses
11i How To Setup Amex Credit Cards For Use in Oracle Internet Expenses
11i How To Setup Amex Credit Cards For Use in Oracle Internet Expenses
Please note for testing purposes you can download the actual file that was used in this example. You can obtain the
file at http://metalink.oracle.com (navigate to Top Tech Docs/Financials/Internet Expenses/Functional
Information/Credit Card).
6. Assign the credit card number (in this example the credit card number is 373300000000003) and credit card
program to this employee, Michael Cassidy.
7. Setup OIE Profile Options as follows. In this example all profiles are defined at the site level.
OIE: Allow Credit Lines = Yes
OIE: Allow non Base pay = Yes
OIE: Approver required = No
OIE: CC Overrider req = yes
OIE: Payment Due From = Both
OIE: Payment Notify = No
OIE: Enable Approver = Yes
OIE: Enable Credit Card = Yes
OIE: Enable DescFlex = Yes
OIE: Enable Projects = Yes
OIE: Enable tax = Yes
OIE: Max Days to show trx = 2500
OIE: Purpose Req. = Yes
OIE: Report Number Prefix = W
8. Receive a credit card transaction file from American Express that is in the KR1025 format. American Express
must provide you with a file in this format. Upload this file to APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin. You can upload the file
via ftp. You will need to sign into the ftp session as the applmgr account as you will need write access to the
directory APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin . In this example the test file is KR1025_Test.txt. The file KR1025_Test.txt is in
the correct KR1025 format and the file KR1025_Test.txt has transactions for the credit card number
373300000000003. This credit card number, 373300000000003, is assigned to the employee Michael Cassidy. You
can download the file KR1025_Test.txt from: http://metalink.oracle.com (navigate to Top Tech
Docs/Financials/Internet Expenses/Functional Information/Credit Card).
9. You need to modify the file apxamex.ctl with your card_program_id. The file apxamex.ctl is located in
APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin. Make a backup copy of apxamex.ctl and copy the backup into a safe directory. To
modify the file apxamex.ctl, you can either use a Unix file editor (ie. vi) or download the file to your local PC via ftp
and modify the file with a windows file editor (ie.notepad). Remember, in this example, the card_program_id is
10062. Open the file apxamex.ctl in your editor and change every occurrence of the CARD_PROGRAM_ID with
10062. For example, this is one line of the file apxamex.ctl before modification and after modification. The line
(card_program_id constant CARD_PROGRAM_ID) will become (card_program_id constant '10062'). Save the
modified apxamex.ctl to APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin.
10. Run concurrent request 'American Express Transaction Loader' for the file KR1025_Test.txt. Check the report
output to make sure the transactions were uploaded.
Alternately, instead of using the concurrent request 'American Express Transaction Loader', you could load the
KR1025_Test.txt via the sql loader utility. Sql Loader is a utility provided with the Oracle database for loading files
into tables. Run sql loader using the following syntax (without the double quotes):
"sqlldr apps/apps control=apxamex.ctl data=KR1025_Test.txt log=data.log bad=data.bad"
11. Run the Credit Card Validation report via SRS. Check the report output to make sure there are no errors. For the
KR1025_Test.tx file you should have 17 Valid transactions.
12. Login to Oracle Internet Expenses with the account 'mfc'. Click the responsibility 'Internet Expenses -Vision
Operations'. Note, this responsibility uses the blue/gray interface for OIE as opposed to the new 2nd generation
interface for OIE. Click Create New Expense report.
KR015_test.txt. The transactions in the file KR1025_Test.txt are in Canadian currency
and require that reimbursement currency be CAD.
13. Click the 'Corporate Credit Card' tab. Click on the button Get Credit Card Transactions.
You should see the credit card transactions.
14. Alternately, login to Oracle Internet Expenses with the account 'mfc'. Click the responsibility 'Internet
Expenses'. Note, this responsibility uses the new 2nd generation interface for OIE. Click Create New Expense
KR015_test.txt. The transactions in the file KR1025_Test.txt are in Canadian currency and require that
reimbursement currency be CAD.
Click the GO button beside Reimbursement Currency to Update the value to CAD.
Deselect 'Proceed to Cash and Other Expenses'.
15. Click Next and you should see the credit card transactions.
For the responsibility Internet Expenses, the profile option MO: Operating Unit is set to Vision Operations at the
responsibility level. For the responsibility Internet Expenses Operations, the profile option MO: Operating Unit is
set to Vision Operations at the responsibility level. This profile option is not set at the user level.
1. Define a Credit Card Supplier: AmexMFC.
2. Define a Credit Card Program: AmexMFCCardProgram.
Use the Supplier (AmexMFC) and Supplier Site (AMEXMFCSITE1) you defined for step 1.
The Card Program Currency for this example is CAD. The credit card transactions are in Canadian
Funds and will therefore require that the Card Program Currency is CAD. The card type is Travel.
3. Obtain the card_program_id value for the Card Program.
Write this number down as this number will be used when you modify the file apxamex.ctl.
In this example the card_program_id value is 10062.
4. In HRMS (or Employee form if not using HRMS) create an employee: Michael Cassidy.
Setup the employee with a Set of Books, default expense account and a Supervisor.
5. Login to the applications as System Administrator.
Create a user account called 'mfc'. Assign mfc the Responsibilities 'Internet Expense' and 'Internet Expenses Vision
Operations'. Assign the icx_hr_person_id to the user account.
6. Assign the credit card number (in this example the credit card number is 373300000000003 ) and credit card
program to this employee, Michael Cassidy.
7. Setup the OIE Profile Options as follows. In this example all OIE profiles are defined at the site level.
Note, the profile option OIE: Maximum Days to Show Credit Card Transactions is set to 2500. The test file
Used in this example has transactions dated June 1998. These transactions are approximately 3.5 years old or 1277
days old as the current date is Nov.2001. Therefore, the profile option must be greater than 1277.
8. Receive a credit card transaction file from American Express that is in the KR1025 format. American Express
must provide you with a file in this format. Upload this file to APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin. You can upload the file
via ftp. You will need to sign into the ftp session as the applmgr account as you will need write access to the
directory APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin . In this example the test file is KR1025_Test.txt. The file KR1025_Test.txt is in
the correct KR1025 format and the file KR1025_Test.txt has transactions for the credit card number
373300000000003. This credit card number, 373300000000003, is assigned to the employee Michael Cassidy. You
can download the file KR1025_Test.txt from: http://metalink.oracle.com (navigate to Top Tech
Docs/Financials/Internet Expenses/Functional Information/Credit Card).
9. You need to modify the file apxamex.ctl with your card_program_id. The file apxamex.ctl is located in
APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin. Make a backup copy of apxamex.ctl and copy the backup into a safe directory. To
modify the file apxamex.ctl, you can either use a Unix file editor (ie. vi) or download the file to your local PC via ftp
and modify the file with a windows file editor (ie.notepad). Remember, in this example, the card_program_id is
10062. Open the file apxamex.ctl in your editor and change every occurrence of the CARD_PROGRAM_ID with
10062. For example, this is one line of the file apxamex.ctl before modification and after modification. The line
(card_program_id constant CARD_PROGRAM_ID) will become (card_program_id constant '10062'). Save
the modified apxamex.ctl to APPL_TOP/ap/11.5.0/bin.
10. Run concurrent request ‘American Express Transaction Loader’ for the file KR1025_Test.txt. Check the report
output to make sure the transactions were uploaded.
11. Run the Credit Card Validation report via SRS. Check the report output to make sure there are no errors. For the
KR1025_Test.tx file you should have 17 Valid transactions.
12. Login to Oracle Internet Expenses with the account 'mfc'. Click the responsibility 'Internet Expenses -Vision
Operations'. Note, this responsibility uses the blue/gray interface for OIE as opposed to the new 2nd generation
interface for OIE. Click Create New Expense report.
KR015_test.txt. The transactions in the file KR1025_Test.txt are in Canadian currency and require that
reimbursement currency be CAD.
KR015_test.txt. The transactions in the file KR1025_Test.txt are in Canadian currency and require that
reimbursement currency be CAD.
Click the GO button beside Reimbursement Currency to Update the value to CAD.
Deselect ‘Proceed to Cash and Other Expenses’.
15. Click Next and you should see the following:
December 2001
Author: Michael Cassidy
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