The Electronic Adiabatic-To-Diabatic Transformation Matrix and The Wigner Rotation Matrix
The Electronic Adiabatic-To-Diabatic Transformation Matrix and The Wigner Rotation Matrix
The Electronic Adiabatic-To-Diabatic Transformation Matrix and The Wigner Rotation Matrix
In this publication we consider electronically multi-fold degeneracy with the aim of revealing the connection between
the adiabatic-to-diabatic transformation (ADT) matrices and Wigner's irreducible representation of the rotation group.
To form the connection we constructed simpli®ed models of two-, three- and four-states all (electronically) degenerate
at a single point and employed the relevant non-adiabatic coupling matrices (NACMs). We found that once these
matrices were properly quantized [Chem. Phys. 259, (2000) 123] the ADT matrices and Wigner's d j -rotation matrices are
related via a similarity transformation. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
For this matrix we get the corresponding eigen- The conditions for the D-matrix to become diag-
values: onal is that p and q ful®l the following conditions:
k1;2 ip;
34a and
k3;4 iq;
where p and q are:
where n (>1) and `, de®ned in the range n > ` P 0,
1 are allowed to be either integers or half integers
p p x2 x4 4
g1 g3 2 ;
2 but m n ` can only attain integer values. The
35 dierence between the case where n and ` are in-
1 2 tegers and the case where both are half integers is
q p x2 x4 4
g1 g3 ;
2 as follows: Going through the expressions in Eq.
154 M. Baer / Chemical Physics Letters 347 (2001) 149±156
(38) it is noticed that in the ®rst case all diagonal i
m0 amc j
Djm0 m
h e dm0 m
elements of D are
1 (so that, D is, in fact, the
unit matrix) and in the second case we get that all It is noticed that if we are interested in ®nding a
four diagonal elements are ( 1) (so that, D is, in relation between the ADT matrix and Wigner's
fact, the minus unit matrix). rotation matrices we should concentrate on the d j -
Since p and q are directly related to the matrix. However before going into a detailed
gj ; j 1; 2; 3 (see Eqs. (35) and (36)) the two comparison between the two types of matrices it
conditions in Eqs. (40a) and (40b) imply `quanti- could be of interest to consider the Jy -matrix which
zation' conditions for the values of the g-matrix is responsible for the formation of the d j -matrix.
elements. Employing Eqs (2.18) and (2.28) of Ref. [27] it can
It is interesting to note that this is the ®rst time be shown that:
that in the present framework the quantization is 1 p
formed by two quantum numbers: a quantum hjmjJy jjm ki d1k
j m 1
j m;
number n to be termed the principal quantum
number and a quantum number ` to be termed the
1 p
secondary quantum number. This case is reminis- hjm kjJy jjmi d1k
j m 1
j m:
cent of the two quantum numbers that character- 2i
ize the hydrogen atom or the three-dimensional
harmonic oscillator. De®ning now J~y as:
To obtain the ADT we employ again Eqs. (38)
where p and q are replaced by n and `, respectively, J~y iJy
and Cp ; Sp ; Cq and Sq in Eqs. (40a) and (40b) are it is seen that the J~y -matrix is an anti-symmetric
replaced by: matrix just like the g-NACM (compare Eq. (20)
Cp cos
cp; Sp sin
41a with those of Eqs. (44a),(44b) and (45)). Moreover
Cq cos
cq; Sq sin
41b since the d j -matrix can be de®ned as:
respectively. Here, as in the previous cases, c is d j
b exp
ibJy exp
de®ned in Eq. (2) and attains values in the interval it is expected that the d j -matrices belong to the
0; 2p. same group as the ADT matrices if the angle b is
identi®ed with the phase c (see Eq. (18)). Next we
inspect the three above-studied cases:
5. The adiabatic-to-diabatic transformation matrix (1) For the two-state case (i.e., j 1=2 ), the J~y -
and Wigner's rotation matrix matrix is of the form:
1 0 1
The explicit elements of Wigner's three-dimen- J~y
sional rotation matrix Dj
h are written as [26] 2 1 0
thus the value of the corresponding g1 in Eq. (21a)
Djm0 m
h hjm0 jR
k; hjjmi
is (1/2) which is its value if in Eq. (23) we assume
m0 amc
e hjm0 je ibJy
42 n 1 (i.e., the Jahn±Teller case).
(2) For the tri-state case (i.e., j 1), the J~y -
where R
k; h is the ordinary angular momentum
matrix is of the form:
operator in the limit h ! 0; m and m0 are the 0 p 1
components of the total angular momentum op- 0 2 0
erator J along the z and the z0 axes, respectively, 1 B p p C
J~y @ 2 0 2 A:
a; b and c are the corresponding three Euler an- 2 p
0 2 0
gles and jjmi is an eigenfunction of the Hamil-
tonian, of J 2 and of Jz . As a result Eq. (42) will Comparing Eqs. (48) and (25) it is noticed that the
be written as: J~y -matrix and the g-matrix become identical when
M. Baer / Chemical Physics Letters 347 (2001) 149±156 155
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