The Cognitive Perspective On Learning: Its Theoretical Underpinnings and Implications For Classroom Practices
The Cognitive Perspective On Learning: Its Theoretical Underpinnings and Implications For Classroom Practices
The Cognitive Perspective On Learning: Its Theoretical Underpinnings and Implications For Classroom Practices
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1 author:
Kaya Yilmaz
Marmara University
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Abstract: Learning theories are essential for effective and pedagogical-content knowledge and skills to be
teaching in that they shed light on different aspects of able to effectively accomplish their subject’s goals. They
the learning process. The spectrum of learning theo- also need to understand what philosophical assump-
ries can be categorized into three main areas: behav- tions and theoretical perspectives characterize a given
iorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism as instructional framework without succumbing to the no-
a teacher-centered instructional framework for a long tion that teachers first and foremost should be con-
time dominated educational settings, shaping every as- cerned with day-to-day practical issues and problems
pect of curriculum and instruction. In contrast to behav- in the classroom rather than the theoretical ones that
iorism, cognitivism is a relatively recent learning theory are supposed to concern academics or theorists. This
and its features are not well known or are confused with artificial divide between the theoretical world and the
constructivism by teachers. This article aims to provide practical world in the eyes of teachers ought to be elimi-
an overview of the core characteristics of cognitivism, nated if new and innovative reform efforts are to be put
its philosophical and theoretical basis, its implications into practice successfully in actual classroom settings
for classroom practices, and its illustrative teaching (Yilmaz 2008a). As Fosnot (1996) argues: “We again
methods. Cognitive apprenticeship, reciprocal teaching, run the risk of short-lived reform unless educators un-
anchored instruction, inquiry learning, discovery learn- derstand the theory behind the practice” (x).
ing, and problem-based learning are explicated as the There are a plethora of labels used to describe a variety
most distinctive methods of the cognitive perspective of learning theories. However, the typology of learning
on learning. theories can be classified into three main domains: be-
haviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. As a dom-
Keywords: cognitivism, cognitive learning theory, in- inant approach to teaching, behaviorism provided the
structional frameworks, teaching methods primary theoretical bases of curriculum development
and implementation in schools for decades. The behav-
iorist approach was basically preoccupied with objec-
F amiliarity with subject matter is not enough
for teachers to engage in effective and pedagogi-
cally meaningful instructional practices. This is because
tively observable and measurable teacher and student
behaviors through a stimulus-response framework.
professionalism in teacher education and development Even though behaviorism did explain how behaviors
demands that teachers have not only a disciplinary got changed, it failed to account for how conceptual
knowledge base related to their subject but also a strong change occurred. Because it does not explore men-
command of learning theories and their applications for tal processes or what is going on in human minds,
instructional practices in the classroom. In other words, cognitivism, and its varieties that view learning as
teachers should possess both subject-matter knowledge an active process of knowledge construction, came to
The Cognitive Perspective on Learning 205
compete with the behaviorist orientation. Cognitivism tion processing within a cognitive framework. This new
now constitutes an alternative framework for teach- line of research is characterized by a search for new
ing. But, the cognitive perspective on learning is not ways to understand what learning is and how it occurs.
well-known by teachers. A review of recently published These cognitive psychologists investigated mental struc-
works on educational psychology or teaching methods tures and processes to explain learning and change in
indicates that teachers do not recognize how learning behavior. Like behaviorists, they have also observed be-
is viewed or defined from a cognitive perspective (Yil- havior empirically but only in order to make inferences
maz 2008b). Hence, it is imperative that cognitivism be about the internal mental processes. As opposed to be-
given a full consideration to help teachers make sense haviorist orientation’s emphasis on behavior, the cog-
of it. Interested in addressing this need, this article aims nitive school focuses on meaning and semantics (Winn
to elucidate the essential characteristics of cognitivism. and Snyder 1996). The primary emphasis is placed on
It explains the philosophical and theoretical basis of how knowledge is acquired, processed, stored, retrieved,
cognitive learning theory and its implications for class- and activated by the learner during the different phases
room practices. Methods of teaching drawing on cogni- of the learning process (Anderson, Reder, and Simon
tive principles are also explained. 1997; Greeno, Collins, and Resnick 1996).
The cognitive school views (1) learning as an active
Cognitivism process “involving the acquisition or reorganization of
The genesis of cognitivism as a learning theory can the cognitive structures through which humans process
be traced back to the early twentieth century. The shift and store information” and (2) the learner as an active
from behaviorism to cognitivism stemmed from the be- participant in the process of knowledge acquisition and
haviorist tradition’s failure to explain why and how in- integration (Good and Brophy 1990, 187; Merriam and
dividuals make sense of and process information (i.e., Caffarella 1999, 254; Simon 2001, 210). This theory
how the mental processes work). In other words, it was describes knowledge acquisition as a mental activity in-
the limitations of behaviorism that spawned the cogni- volving internal coding and structuring by the learner
tive movement. Dissatisfied with behaviorism’s heavy (Derry 1996; Spiro et al. 1992) and suggests that learn-
emphasis on observable behavior, many disillusioned ing happens best under conditions that are aligned with
psychologists challenged the basic assumptions of be- human cognitive architecture (Sobel 2001). Cognitive
haviorism. They claimed that prior knowledge and men- psychologists place more emphasis on what learners
tal processes not only play a bigger role than stimuli know and how they come to acquire it than what they
in orienting behavior or response (Deubel 2003) but do. For this reason, the cognitive approach focuses on
also intervene between a stimulus and response (Winn making knowledge meaningful and helping learners or-
and Snyder 1996). It is argued that people are neither ganize and relate new information to prior knowledge
machines nor animals that respond to environmental in memory. Instruction should be based on a student’s
stimuli in the same way (Matlin 1994). existing mental structures or schema to be effective
The works of Edward Chase Tolman, Jean Piaget, Lev (Ertmer and Newby 1993).
Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, and German Gestalt psychol-
ogists were instrumental in engendering the dramatic Contributors to the Theory: Major Types of Cognitivism
shift from behaviorism to cognitive theories. Edward Cognitivism is not based on the works of a single
Tolman is usually considered a pioneer in initiating the theorist or a unified group of theorists. Rather, it is in-
cognitive movement (Bruner 1990, 2). In the 1920s, formed by a number of theorists’ contributions and is
Tolman’s experiment with rats suggested that rats knew quite multifaceted. The following theorists and accom-
how the maze in which they were put was structured panying theories have contributed to the continuous
because they had its mental map. Accordingly, Tolman growth of cognitive theories: Piaget’s theory of individual
asserted that rather than an automatic response to an cognitive development, Vygotsky’s theory of social cognitive
event, behavior had both purpose and direction and growth or zone of proximal development, Festinger’s cog-
occurred without reinforcement. He saw motivation as nitive dissonance theory, Spiro’s cognitive flexibility theory,
the key to transmuting expectations into behavior. For Sweller’s cognitive load theory, Bruner’s cognitive construc-
these reasons, “Tolman’s system was often justly treated tivist learning theory, and Tolman’s theory of sign learning
as a precursor of contemporary cognitive psychology” as a bridge between behaviorism and cognitive theory.
(Greenwood 1999, 9). Out of the spectrum of cognitive theories, the indi-
It was during the mid-1950s that the impact of cog- vidual cognitive trend deriving from Piaget’s studies
nitive theories in education was so tremendous as to and the sociocultural trend based on Vygotsky’s works
be called the “cognitive revolution.” The second half of constitute the backbone of cognitivism (Deubel 2003;
the twentieth century witnessed an outburst of theoret- Duffy and Cunningham 1996; Fosnot 1996; Gillani
ical and empirical works on such cognitive processes 2003). Both theories have also been inspirational for
as memory, attention, concept formation, and informa- the subsequent constructivist movement (Fosnot 1996,
206 The Clearing House 84(5) 2011
23; Gillani 2003, 49). For this reason, rather than ad- kinds of accommodations. They may (1) disregard the
dress each ramification of cognitivism, I will document contradictions and adhere to their original scheme; (2)
the core ideas and assumptions of these two distinct vacillate by maintaining both theories simultaneously
strands of cognitivism. and trying to cope with the contradiction via viewing
each theory as separate or specific cases; or (3) form a
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development new, modified notion to explain and resolve the prior
Piaget explored the genesis of cognitive structures and contradiction. In each type of response to contradiction,
the process that underlies learning and knowledge con- the learner’s internal and self-regulatory behavior leads
struction. Trained as a biologist, Piaget later shifted his to the compensations (Fosnot 1996, 16).
interest to how human beings make sense of their en- The concept of schema occupies a central place and
vironment and experience. The key notions that Piaget has an explanatory power in Piaget’s theory. Schema2
employed to elucidate his cognitive theory basically de- refers to a hypothetical mental structure for organizing
rive from biological concepts. According to Piaget, the and representing generic events and abstract concepts
process of intellectual and cognitive development re- stored in the mind in terms of their common patterns.
sembles a biological act, which requires adaptation to They can be considered “as a series of interrelated index
environmental demands (Gillani 2003). Having done a cards that represent different environmental patterns in
large number of experiments to explore the ways chil- one’s mental structure” (Gillani 2003, 50). Schemata
dren think, Piaget argued that children do not passively constantly get restructured as one encounters new pat-
receive environmental stimulation. Rather, they actively terns in his or her learning experiences. Three processes
seek it, naturally exploring and acting on their world in characterize the schemata acquisition and the changes
order to understand it (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking in existing schemata: (1) accretion, which refers to re-
2000, 80; Fox 2001). Piaget’s studies and ideas focused membering new information on the basis of existing
on the mechanism of learning within the context of nat- schema without altering the schema; (2) tuning, which
ural sciences instead of the type of logic that learners use happens when new information that does not fit the
(Booth 1994; Fosnot 1996). He posited that the biolog- existing schema causes schema to get modified in or-
ical maturation that human beings go through causes der to be more compatible with experience; and (3)
distinct stages in cognitive development. Each of these reconstructing, which is characterized by the formation
stages is sequential, dependent on one another to de- of totally new schema on the basis of previous ones
velop, characterized by acquisition of discernable skills, that cannot accommodate new experience (Rumelhart
and reflects qualitative differences in cognitive abilities and Norman 1978). Implications of schema theory for
(Fosnot 1996; Gillani 2003; Jarvis, Holford, and Griffin instruction can be summarized as follows:
2003; Piaget 1970).1
According to Piaget, the mechanism of change in cog- • Provide unifying themes for content, because
nition is equilibration, which is a dynamic interplay information that lacks a theme can be difficult to
of progressive equilibria, adaptation and organization, comprehend, or, worse, the learner may “accrete” the
and growth and change in the master developmental information to the wrong schema.
process (Fosnot 1996, 13–14; Ho 2004). Once encoun- • Provide a relevant context for learning in order to
tered with a new learning situation, the individual draws activate an existing schema.
on his or her prior knowledge to make the new expe- • Develop and apply techniques for students to use to
rience understandable (Gillani 2003). Experiencing a impose structure on what they learn and thus make
new event, situation, or learning environment at times it more memorable, such as the use of information
engenders contradictions to one’s present understand- mapping or advance organizer.
ings, which in turn makes them insufficient and leads • Represent what the experts know in order to facilitate
to perturbation and a state of disequilibration in the the learning process and use case-based reasoning for
mental schemata (Fosnot 1996; Gillani 2003; Ho 2004; knowledge representation.
Palincsar 1998). To handle this situation and to form a • Make instructional material meaningful by iden-
comfortable state of equilibrium in the cognitive struc- tifying the learner’s mental model and providing
ture, the individual needs to modify or reorganize his conceptual models invented by teachers, designers,
or her schemata via adaptation. This internal process scientists, or engineers to help make some target sys-
of restructuring the schemata is done through assim- tem understandable.
ilation and accommodation (Gillani 2003). While as- • Choose texts with “standard” arrangement so that
similation is a process of integrating new information they conform to student expectations.
with existing knowledge, accommodation is a process • Encourage students to read titles and headings.
of modification or transformation in existing cognitive • Point out the structure of particular kinds of texts; for
structures in response to a new situation. Once con- example, what are the common features of published
fronted with an imbalance, learners may resort to three research articles?
The Cognitive Perspective on Learning 207
• Ask questions to determine what students’ current fined concepts. For example, “Historical concepts can
schemata might be. begin to develop only when the child’s everyday con-
• Pay attention to student answers and remarks that cept of the past is sufficiently differentiated—when his
may give clues about how they are organizing in- own life and the life of those around him can be fit-
formation; that is, what schemata are they using? ted into the elementary generalization in the past and
(Alexander 2003; Ho 2004) now” (Vygotsky 1986, 194). Vygotsky’s work on social
cognition was further explored in subsequent works by
other psychologists who developed the notion of scaf-
Vygotsky’s Social Cognitivism folding (Fosnot 1996). The instructional implications of
While Piaget attempted to study and explain learn- Vygotsky’s social cognitive theory can be summarized
ing in terms of the role of contradiction and equilibra- as follows:
tion, Vygotsky explained learning by means of dialogue
(Fosnot 1996). Another key difference between their • Instruction should provide learners with authentic situ-
works is that while Piaget explored the development of ations in which they must resolve dilemmas. From Vy-
logical thinking, Vygotsky focused on categorical per- gotsky’s perspective, the child has not yet learned to
ception, logical memory, conceptual thinking, and self- operate at an entirely abstract level; thus, instruction
regulated attention (Gredler 1997, 269). In contrast to should focus on tasks and goals that are relevant to
Piaget’s assertion that children’s development must pre- the child. After all, according to Vygotsky, the very
cede their learning, Vygotsky posited that social learning origin of human thought is in socially meaningful
is likely to precede development. Vygotsky’s social cog- activity.
nition learning model views culture as playing a key • Instruction should lead (i.e., precede) development. In-
role in the development of cognition. Vygotsky’ s study struction should be targeted at the “leading” edge
of learning concentrated on the interplay between the of the zone of proximal development. For example,
individual and society, and how social interaction and suppose a particular nine-year-old can solve most
language come into play in affecting learning or the de- arithmetic problems independently, can solve some
velopment of cognition (Fosnot 1996; Gredler 1997; simple algebraic problems with guidance from a
Jarvis, Holford, and Griffin 2003; Schunk 2004). teacher, and cannot solve calculus problems no mat-
The following principles come to the fore in Vygot- ter how much help she is given. We would say that
sky’s work (Fosnot 1996; Palincsar 1998): the general algebra problems are within her ZPD, and that this is
law of genetic development, auxiliary stimuli, and the zone the level at which instruction will be most profitable.
of proximal development (ZPD). The general law of genetic • In an instructional setting, social “partners” should be at
development states that every complex mental process different levels of development, and they should jointly
is first and foremost an interaction between people. The construct the problem solution. This helps to ensure that
auxiliary stimuli affects the mastery of one’s own be- the teacher or more advanced student can assist the
havior. That is, the individual can remember and think less advanced one, and that they will be operating
in an innovative ways by means of auxiliary stimuli. The within his or her ZPD.
ZPD is defined by Vygotsky (1978) as “the distance be- • Individualized testing (which is generally the only kind we
tween the actual developmental level as determined by do) can give only a partial picture of the child’s capabilities
independent problem solving and the level of potential because it fails to account for the ZPD (Perry 2002).
development as determined through problem solving
under adult guidance or in collaboration with more ca- Implications of Cognitivism for Classroom Practices
pable peers” (86). That is, the ZPD represents the po- Instruction based on cognitive principles should be
tential levels of development or what one can do with authentic and real. The teacher is expected to provide
assistance. It basically proposes that learning should be a rich classroom environment that fosters a child’s
compatible with the child’s level of development, and spontaneous exploration. Students are encouraged to
interaction should orient instruction toward the ZPD explore instructional materials and to become active
if it is to avoid lagging behind the development of the constructors of their own knowledge through experi-
child (Palincsar 1998). ences that encourage assimilation and accommodation
ZPD stipulates that concepts are not in a ready-made (Wadsworth 1996). Teaching is tailored to the needs,
form for learners to absorb. Instead, they go through sig- interests, and backgrounds of students (Fenstermacher
nificant development depending on the existing level of and Richardson 2005; McLeod 2003). The teacher is
the child’s ability to grasp the adult’s model (Fosnot more concerned with constructing a meaningful con-
1996, 19). A child’s spontaneous concepts emerging text than directly teaching specific skills. From the cog-
naturally from everyday experiences meet scientific con- nitive perspective, because students learn by receiving,
cepts evolving out of the structured activity of classroom storing, and retrieving information, the teacher is urged
instruction as more formal abstraction and logically de- to thoroughly analyze and consider the instructional
208 The Clearing House 84(5) 2011
materials, proper tasks, and relevant learner characteris- • Recognize the limitations of short-term memory. Use the
tics to help learners to effectively and efficiently process concept of chunking. Do not present 49 separate
the information received (McLeod 2003). items. Make them 7 groups of 7. Use elaboration and
Instructional materials should include demonstra- multiple contexts.
tions, illustrative examples, and constructive feedback • Match encoding strategies with the material to be learned.
so that students can have mental models to embody. Be- For example, do not encourage the use of mnemonic
cause information contained in instructional material techniques unless it is essential to memorize the ma-
is first processed by working memory, for schema ac- terial. If you want it to be processed more “deeply,”
quisition to occur instruction should be designed to re- then find encoding strategies that are more inherently
duce working memory load and to facilitate the changes meaningful.
in the long-term memory associated with schema ac- • Provide opportunities for both verbal and imaginal encod-
quisition (Sweller 1988). In order to activate and uti- ing. Even though it is not clear whether these are actu-
lize schema for learning, Barton states that the learner ally two different systems, imaging does help students
should be “made aware of his background knowledge remember.
and exposed to strategies to ‘bridge’ from pre-requisite • Arrange for a variety of practice opportunities. The goal
skills to learning objectives” (in McLeod 2003). The is to help the learner generalize the concept, prin-
teacher also is expected to have a set of schemata for ciple, or skill to be learned so that it can be ap-
instructional activities in order to adroitly handle inter- plied outside of the original context in which it was
actions between disparate goals and activities. “These taught. Provide for systematic problem-space explo-
schemata include structures at differing levels of gen- ration instead of conventional repeated practice. Pro-
erality, with some schemata for quite global activi- vide worked examples as alternatives to conventional
ties such as checking homework and some for smaller problem-based instruction.
units of activity such as distributing paper to the class” • Eliminate redundancy. Redundant information be-
(Leinhardt and Greeno 1986). The teacher uses ad- tween text and diagram has been shown to decrease
vanced organizer techniques to help students under- learning.
stand and organize ideas, concepts, themes, issues, and • Help learners become “self-regulated.” Assist them in se-
principles (Marzano 1998). Students are encouraged to lecting and using appropriate learning strategies such
use metacognitive strategies such as goal specification, as summarizing and questioning (Perry 2002; Wilson
process specification, process monitoring, and dispo- 1995).
sition monitoring (Marzano 1998, 127). To help stu-
dents process information effectively and efficiently, the Basic characteristics of a classroom instruction based
teacher needs to employ the following strategies and on cognitive theories can be summarized as follows:
principles when teaching their subjects:
• Emphasis on the active involvement of the learner in
• Provide organized instruction. Make the structure and the learning process (learner control)
relations of the material evident to learners through • Metacognitive training (e.g., self-planning, monitor-
concept maps or other graphic representations. In ing, and revising techniques)
multimedia instruction, present animation and audio • Use of hierarchical analyses to identify and illus-
narration (and/or text descriptions) simultaneously trate prerequisite relationships (cognitive task anal-
rather than sequentially. ysis procedures)
• Use single, coherent representations. These allow the • Emphasis on structuring, organizing, and sequenc-
learner to focus attention rather than split attention ing information to facilitate optimal processing (use
between two places, for example, between a diagram of cognitive strategies such as outlining, summaries,
and the text or even between a diagram with labels synthesizers, advanced organizers, etc.)
not located close to their referents. • Creation of learning environments that allow and
• Link new material with what is currently known. This encourage students to make connections with previ-
provides a sort of mental “scaffolding” for the new ously learned material (recall of prerequisite skills;
material. use of relevant examples, analogies) (Ertmer and
• Carefully analyze the attention demands of instruction. Newby 1993)
Count the number of elements in instructional mes-
sages. Make sure that the learner will not attend to too
many different elements at the same time. Teaching Methods Based on Some Principles
• Recognize the limits of attention (sensory register). Help of Cognitive Learning Theory
learners focus their attention through techniques such Cognitive apprenticeship, reciprocal teaching, an-
as identifying the most important points to be learned chored instruction, inquiry learning, discovery learning,
in advance of studying new material. and problem-based learning are the most distinctive
The Cognitive Perspective on Learning 209
methods of teaching based on a cognitive perspective instructional objectives especially in the area of read-
on learning. These teaching approaches are explained ing (Palincsar and Brown 1985; Palincsar 1986; Wilson
in the following sections. and Cole 1991). This method aims at promoting the
effort between the teacher and students or among peers
Cognitive Apprenticeship of students to make sense of the instructional materials
Cognitive apprenticeship is a method of helping stu- (Palincsar 1986; Saskatchewan Education 1997).
dents grasp concepts and procedures under the guid-
ance of an expert such as the teacher. Its basic principles
lie in the works of Vygotsky, including his theory of Anchored Instruction
the zone of proximal development. This approach to Anchored instruction refers to designing and imple-
instruction is marked by the following phases of in- menting instruction around anchors (i.e., cases, stories,
struction. or situations) that involve some kinds of case-study or
problem situation. As its name implies, anchored in-
• Modeling: The teacher performs a task or explains a struction anchors teaching and learning in realistic con-
process for students to observe, which helps them texts by urging the teachers and students to formulate
understand what it takes to accomplish the learn- and seek answers to questions (Bransford, Sherwood,
ing task. Modeling provides students with the oppor- Hasselbring, Kinzer, and Williams 1990). It is essentially
tunity to generate conditionalized knowledge (i.e., problem-based and technology-supported learning in
when, where, and how to use knowledge to solve which interactive videodisc materials serve as anchors
problems of different kinds). for the subsequent teaching and learning. Technology
• Coaching: While students do the same task, the teacher tools facilitate students’ exploration of the subject mat-
observes students and provides hints, cues, feedback, ter. John Bransford is a pioneer in developing what came
and help, if needed. to be known as anchored instruction. The Cognition and
• Articulation: Students are asked to think out loud Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1993) explains how
about how they performed the task and offer reasons this method works:
for the strategies that they used. Having students ar-
ticulate their implicit knowledge and strategies makes
them explicit. The teacher can detect whether students The design of these anchors was quite different from
the design of videos that were typically used in edu-
have any misconceptions or use improper and inad-
cation. . . our goal was to create interesting, realistic
equate strategies. contexts that encouraged the active construction of
• Reflection: Students retrospectively think of their per- knowledge by learners. Our anchors were stories rather
formance on completing the task and compare their than lectures and were designed to be explored by stu-
actions with the teacher’s or other students’ actions. dents and teachers. (52)
• Exploration: The teacher urges students to identify a
problem, formulate a hypothesis, and seek needed
Inquiry Learning
information to solve it. Students look at the different
aspects of the problem from different perspectives on This teaching method grows out of Piaget’s theory
their own. This strategy is intended to promote stu- of cognitive development and resembles the scientific
dents’ ability to think independently (Collins, Brown, inquiry method. The primary goal is to help students
and Newman 1989, 481–82; Wilson and Cole 1991; develop their higher-order thinking skills by engag-
Wilson, Jonassen, and Cole 1993). ing them in a process of either investigating an is-
sue or formulating and testing a hypothesis in order
to find solutions to a problem (Saskatchewan Educa-
Reciprocal Teaching tion 1997). Three types of reasoning especially under-
Reciprocal teaching is based on information processing lie this approach. Learners engage in combinational,
theory, a branch of cognitive learning theory. Palinc- propositional, and hypothetical-deductive reasoning to
sar (1986), who developed this method together with successfully practice inquiry learning (Gillani 2003).
Brown, defines it as an instructional activity in the form Combinational reasoning involves considering and
of a dialogue happening between teachers and students examining several different issues simultaneously
about parts of text. The aim is to bring meaning to the from different angles in order to solve a problem.
text in question to facilitate learning and understand- Propositional reasoning entails an examination of
ing. The teacher incorporates four strategies into the assumption and proposition to solve problems.
dialogue by asking students to employ cognitive tech- Hypothetical-deductive reasoning requires a consider-
niques of summarizing, question generating, clarify- ation of different hypotheses in addressing a problem.
ing, and predicting. Reciprocal teaching is composed of Instruction based on inquiry method is composed of
modeling, coaching, scaffolding, and fading to achieve the following five phases:
210 The Clearing House 84(5) 2011
1. Phase One: Puzzlement or intellectual confrontation ing told by the teacher, those concepts are likely to be
by presenting students with the problem to create a firmly stored in memory and consequently are more eas-
state of disequilibrium in their mind. ily retrieved and activated later when needed (Ormrod
2. Phase Two: Students will hypothesize a reason for the 1995). Jansen and Culpepper (1996, as cited in Gillani
puzzlement. 2003) have suggested some questions for facilitating
3. Phase Three: Students will gather new information in inquiry-based projects as follows:
regard to the hypothesis. Then they isolate relevant
information and organize it based on some core con- • What needs to be done?
cept or theme. • What can I use to find what I need?
4. Phase Four: Students analyze the data they have gath- • Where can I find what I need?
ered and organized, and they postulate a possible an- • What information can I use?
swer for the hypothesis, which explains the original • How can I put my information together?
puzzlement. • How can I know if I did my job well?
5. Phase Five: Students test their hypothesis as a possible
answer (Gillani 2003, 60–61).
To increase students’ understanding of contemporary
While implementing this method of teaching, the issues confronting society via discovery learning, the
teacher first engenders a state of disequilibrium in stu- following procedure is suggested: (1) identify and focus
dents’ minds by presenting a situation that is complex on the issue, (2) establish research questions and pro-
and perplexing to students, and then provides students cedures, (3) gather and organize data, (4) analyze and
with sources in the environment. Next, students are evaluate data, (5) synthesize data, (6) plan for individ-
asked to formulate and test a hypothesis about the in- ual or group action, (7) operationalize the action plan,
tellectual puzzlement by gathering and analyzing infor- (8) evaluate the action plan process, and (9) begin a
mation. Finally, students explain their answers to the new inquiry (Saskatchewan Education 1997).
hypothesis. The whole process may take several days,
weeks, or months. Research findings report the effec- Problem-based Learning
tiveness of the inquiry approach for both elementary
and secondary students (Gillani 2003). Problem-based learning involves presenting students
with an ill-structured, open-ended, authentic or real-
Discovery Learning life problem with many possible correct solutions and
asking them to find answers to that authentic problem.
As is the case for inquiry learning, this teaching As opposed to traditional instruction that teaches facts
method is informed by Piaget’s theory of cognitive de- and skills first and then introduces the problem, this
velopment. Ormrod (1995) defines discovery learning method introduces the problem at the very beginning of
as “an approach to instruction through which students instruction on the basis of what students already know
interact with their environment by exploring and ma- (or students’ existing knowledge) and teaches facts and
nipulating objects, wrestling with questions and contro- skills in a relevant context. Rather than a well-structured
versies, or performing experiments” (442). As its name set of resources, this approach provides students with
suggests, discovery learning encourages students to dis- access to substantial resources for research. To practice
cover principles and important relationships by engag- this method, the teacher follows these steps:
ing them in such activities as asking questions, for-
mulating hypothesis, doing experiments and research,
and investigating a phenomenon (Schunk 2004, 244). • Students are divided into groups
The way students manipulate and process information • A real problem is presented and discussed
is more important than the outcome or the product • Students identify what is known, what information is
students produce, such as finding a specific answer to needed, and what strategies or next steps should be
the question. Implementing discovery learning involves taken
identifying a problem, formulating a hypothesis, gath- • Individuals research different issues and gather re-
ering and analyzing data, and making a conclusion sources
(Gillani 2003, 62). As a pioneer in proposing the basic • Resources are evaluated in a group
principles of this approach, Bruner argued that discov- • The cycle repeats until students feel that the problem
ery learning inherently urges learners to take responsi- has been framed adequately and that all issues have
bility for their own learning and helps them not only been addressed
remember important factual information but also de- • Possible actions, recommendations, solutions, or hy-
velop their high-order thinking skills (Gillani 2003). potheses are generated
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