Release Notes: 1. New Notes For Version 9.2.2 2. Installation
Release Notes: 1. New Notes For Version 9.2.2 2. Installation
Release Notes: 1. New Notes For Version 9.2.2 2. Installation
Release Notes
Welcome to Crystal Reports 9, the world standard in high-performance reporting. With Crystal
Reports, you can quickly and easily convert data into powerful, interactive content for tight integration
into .NET, Java, and COM applications and for efficient delivery via the Web, wireless devices, and
Microsoft Office documents.
1. New notes for version 9.2.2
Navigate 2. Installation
2.1. Minimum System Requirements
2.2. .NET Installation
2.3. Report Application Server (RAS) Installation
2.4. Side-by-Side Installation
3. Documentation
4. Notes and Limitations
4.1. Crystal Enterprise (CE) Integration
4.2. File Format
4.3. Unicode Support
4.4. Editions
4.5. Data Access
4.6. Developer
4.7. New Functionality and Known Issues
5. Language Version Issues
5.1. General
5.2. Add-ins
5.3. Data Access
5.4. Developer
5.5. Documentation
5.6. Report Designer
5.7. Report Viewers
6. Retired Features
6.1. Backward Compatibility
6.2. Compiled Reports
The notes contained in this document cover important information pertaining to this release of Crystal
Reports. Please read the entire document before performing the Crystal Reports 9 installation, and be
sure to visit the Crystal Reports web site for the latest product news.
Note: This document refers to many of its entries by ADAPT number. These numbers are generated
by the Crystal Decisions internal tracking system.
<sectionGroup name="crystalDecisions">
<section name="serverFileReportManager"
type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, Custom=null" />
Set debugmode enable="true" to enable ASPX debugging. Otherwise, setting this value
to false will improve runtime performance of this application.
<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="System.Xml, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
<add assembly="CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=9.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
<add assembly="CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=9.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
<add assembly="CrystalDecisions.ReportSource, Version=9.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
<add assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=9.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
<add key="rootDirectory" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot" />
(ADAPT 87302)
After installing Crystal Reports 9, if you customize your toolbox and go to .NET Framework
Components, you might encounter an error that reads:
"The following assemblies are installed SDK assemblies but could not be shown in the customize
toolbox dialog because they are missing one or more components. Please make sure that all
necessary libraries are available."
This error occurs only if you don't have the Mobile components installed. (ADAPT 81046)
Some Crystal Reports .NET features depend on the Report Application Server (RAS) SDK. For
example, if you have a hyperlink to another report object with the .NET WebForms viewer, and you
specify a 'ras://' path in the Report URI field, the .NET WebForms viewer will rely on the RAS SDK.
If do not have the RAS SDK installed, you will see the following error message:
Enterprise Report Application Server was not found. Ensure that you have specified an
To install the RAS SDK, run the Report Application Server 9 install, choose a Custom install, and
select “Report Application SDK.” If you do not install and run the RAS server on the same
machine, you will need to point your default ReportAppServer to a different machine; please refer
to the "Report Application Server (RAS) Installation" section for more details.
When you start the VS .NET IDE, you may see a "Package Load Failure" in VS .NET for the
"VsRptDesigner" package or the "Crystal Reports Tools Package." To resolve this error, you must
run VS.NET with an account that has Administrator privileges, or with an account that is not a
roaming profile. This problem is caused by the VS.NET IDE failing to get a Cryptographic Service
Provider from ::CryptAcquireContext().
3. Documentation
The printed version of the Crystal Reports 9 User’s Guide may not list the up-to-date system
requirements in the “Installing Crystal Reports” chapter. Please refer to the Installation section of
this document for the correct system requirements.
The Crystal Reports 9 User’s Guide incorrectly states that some editions of Crystal Reports 9 are
shipped with a stand-alone version of Crystal Enterprise. Crystal Enterprise is not shipped with any
editions of Crystal Reports 9.
The help folder installed with the Crystal Compatibility Tools contains documents from the previous
version of Crystal Reports. (ADAPT 90107)
The documentation may not have the correct names for some of the financial functions. The
correct names for the functions are available in the Formula Workshop.
The “Advanced viewer features” page of the RAS Viewer Help (Report_Viewers.chm) is incorrect.
The COM Report Page Viewer and COM Report Part Viewer do not support PDA output. As well,
the section called “Implementing COM web reporting viewers” incorrectly states that you can view
a chart from a mobile device and drill down on further details using the COM Report Part Viewer.
In the "Change a command-line argument" section of the RAS_SDK.chm, the command line
argument should be:
querysrv.exe [-ipport <port number>]
The “Using thread-safe database drivers” section of the Crystal Reports 9 User’s Guide should be
updated as follows:
- crdb_p2sdb2 now marshals to a single server thread.
- ODBC now offers multi-threading for IBM DB2 and DataDirect DB2 drivers. Use of the IBM
DB2 driver is recommended.
- crdb_query is now multi-threaded for commands that are in turn from one of the other thread
safe drivers outlined in the user’s guide.
In the Java documentation, the following items should not be documented; they are not meant for
general use:
- RowsetCursorRecord (application package) (ADAPT 94521)
- getFilterController( ) and getFieldRangeItemAt ( ) (ADAPT 94511)
4.4. Editions
The Standard edition of Crystal Reports 9 does not support Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
OLAP options that appear in the user interface will not be functional. As well, when you apply a
template report containing an OLAP grid, you get the error message, “Cannot apply template to
The Standard edition of Crystal Reports 9 does not include the Crystal Repository. (ADAPT
82663, 82654)
4.5.1. General
If you receive the following error message when accessing a data source in Crystal Reports:
"Query Engine Error - No Database DLL has been specified" it could indicate that the option to
install that database driver was not selected during a custom installation. (ADAPT 58875)
Brackets are not supported in alias names. (ADAPT 94495)
Asynchronous cross-data-source joins are not supported with multiple queries. (ADAPT 94561)
4.5.2. ACT!
The vendor of ACT! no longer supports ACT! versions older than v.5 (ACT! 2000). This version of
Crystal Reports is tested only against the supported versions of ACT!. (ADAPT 67480)
4.5.6. DAO
Reporting from an Access database via DAO has changed to use a SQL-style DAO interface for
better performance. As a result, you may see variation in the order of unordered records between
version 8 and version 9 reports. (ADAPT 89468)
4.5.8. DB2
The Add Command feature is not available when connecting natively to DB2 and Informix using
old versions of the drivers. You must use the new ODBC driver to access this feature. (ADAPT
Adding a native DB2 table in Crystal Reports 9 is not supported. You can use crdb_odbc.dll to
work around this limitation. (ADAPT 86246)
4.5.9. FoxPro
Accessing FoxPro through DAO is not recommended. Instead, use the FoxPro OLE DB provider
or ODBC. (ADAPT 21799)
With Visual FoxPro 5.0, to select either 'starting with' or 'like' for an entire Date/Time string, make
sure that the Report Option called "Use Indexes Or Server For Speed" is not selected. (ADAPT
4.5.10. Informix
Marshalling doesn't work for the Informix native driver. (ADAPT 70105)
The Add Command feature is not available when connecting natively to DB2 and Informix using
old versions of the drivers. You must use the new ODBC driver to access this feature. (ADAPT
4.5.16. Oracle
Viewing a report that uses the Oracle native driver and has a picture field in it returns an error. As
well, switching between a report created with the Oracle native driver and another report that was
created with the Oracle ODBC driver causes a GPF when you refresh the data. (ADAPT 74133)
The Data Direct (Merant) Oracle ODBC Driver does not support CLOB fields. (ADAPT 63132)
Stored Procedures may fail if you are using an old Oracle ODBC driver. Upgrade to Oracle driver (ADAPT 62686)
Wrong Unicode data is returned if your SQL statement contains nvarchar and nchar data types in
the Where clause when using the Data Direct ODBC driver 4.0 (non-wire) for Oracle. Oracle didn’t
support these data types until its version 9 API. (ADAPT 73122)
4.5.18. Sybase
The program allows you to set a Boolean parameter value to null even though Sybase does not
accept null Boolean values. Do not select this option. (ADAPT 60103)
The native Sybase driver is not enabled for multi-threaded database access in this version of
Crystal Reports.
Do not use a parameter of type “timestamp” in a Sybase stored procedure. (ADAPT 16830)
4.6. Developer
4.6.7. CRPE
The function setNthCubeLogonInfo ignores the serverName parameter. If you want to change
OLAP servers, set the cube location within Crystal Reports. (ADAPT 60491)
PELogonServer will not set the database logon info correctly (uid and password). PE calls
executed after calling PELogonServer that require a successful database login, such as
PEVerifyDatabase, will fail.
There is a workaround: PESetNthTableLogOnInfo will set the DB info on a per table basis. All
tables in the report (and any subreports) will need to be set individually for this to function
correctly. If it is set correctly, the logon will succeed for calls requiring a successful DB login. Using
4.7.2. Add-ins
Crystal Report Wizard 9 doesn't work properly for Excel when CR 8.5 and CR 9 are installed side
by side. This problem occurs for reports created in the version 9 wizard before CR 8.5 is installed.
In this case, the report becomes associated with the 8.5 version of CRW32.exe and the ActiveX
Viewer can no longer recognize it as a version 9 report. (ADAPT 66870)
4.7.3. Charting
The Edit Axis menu option is now available only when you are working on the Preview tab.
(ADAPT 44346)
The Auto-Arrange option doesn’t work properly with 3D charts; only the chart title is considered
when the option is selected. (ADAPT 21621)
4.7.4. Commands
In some rare cases, selecting a BLOB (Binary Large Object) field in a SQL statement can cause
records to be missing from the returned data set. This has been identified as an MS ODBC driver
error. (ADAPT 49853, 54653)
Certain valid SQL commands cannot be used in a SQL Server ODBC connection due to limitations
in SQL Server with the order of numeric and BLOB fields. (ADAPT 85339)
Some combinations of data types are not supported in the "Add command" feature. To get the
best results when combining and ordering data types, follow these guidelines:
- Put BLOB and CLOB (Character Large Object) fields at the end.
- Do not to use Decimal or Numeric fields with BLOB or CLOB field in the same rowset.
When you choose to use a table based on the Crystal Reports “Add Command” feature or a
Command from Crystal Repository, Crystal Reports will not alter the syntax of the SQL submitted
to the server. Crystal Reports doesn't parse a command; it passes it to the data source and works
with the rowset that is returned. Because Commands can be as complex as the author desires and
need not be restricted to SQL, Crystal Reports cannot know whether quoting or escape characters
are needed at any point.
This caveat also holds for parameters inserted into the Command since, once again, Crystal
Reports does not have any knowledge of how that parameter is used in the command.
- For example: select * from orders {?param1} In this case, you should not quote the
- Alternatively: select * from orders where name = {?param1} In this case, param1 should be
(ADAPT 66156, 75783, 91174, 91179)
Parameters created with the "add command" and renamed through the Field Explorer aren't
renamed properly in the report’s SQL query. (ADAPT 66432)
When using the Set Location option for a SQL command or a Stored Procedure that contains
parameters, you are not prompted to select parameters before the new fields are fetched. (ADAPT
The input parameters your reports prompt for may not be correct if you change the number or
order of parameters in your SQL command. (ADAPT 88986)
When adding a command with a parameter to a report, the check box for a null value is not
displayed. When refreshing the report and choosing a new parameter value, the check box is
created and can pass null values. As well, it is not possible to pass null values to multiple
parameters. (ADAPT 90341, 90351)
You cannot add a command whose SQL statement contains a time parameter (date/time
parameters are allowed, however). (ADAPT 90287)
4.7.5. Cross-Tabs
When you use percentage values in Cross-Tabs, the decimal values of the percentage numbers
are not displayed. As a result, adding the actual cell values won't always total to the value shown
in the Cross-Tab’s total column. The problem is found when using Count and Distinct functions.
(ADAPT 75168)
4.7.7. Dictionaries
When you create a report based on a dictionary with linked tables, and then add a table from
another data source, you cannot create links between tables within the dictionary and the new
table if that table is inserted between the dictionary’s tables. For example, suppose you have a
dictionary that includes the linked tables A and B. If you add table C from another data source and
arrange them in the following order: A, C, B. The pseudo-link between A and B is broken and no
new link can be created. (ADAPT 65779)
Sample data is no longer displayed when opening a report based on a Dictionary if the report does
not have saved data. (ADAPT 52340)
To use a *.dct file, open the file in Crystal Dictionary and save it as a .dc5 file first. (ADAPT 82764)
4.7.8. Exporting
If you export a Cross-Tab object that has more than 255 columns, columns after the 255th column
will not be included. This is an Excel limitation; Excel can handle only up to 255 columns. (ADAPT
When exporting large reports to Excel, your export will complete, but Excel takes a long time to
render the report. (ADAPT 73337)
If you export to ODBC, it is recommended that you upgrade to MDAC 2.7. Your machine has to be
rebooted after the MDAC installation. (ADAPT 73659)
In Excel, page-based exporting allows for Page Range selection, but record-based does not. This
behavior is by design. (ADAPT 68340)
Exporting to MS Word or RTF may require you to resize time fields before or after you export. This
is a limitation with the way Word displays output text. (ADAPT 16650)
4.7.12. Hyperlinks
The Hyperlink option has been removed from the Insert menu. To insert a hyperlink on an entire
report, choose the A File option on the Hyperlink tab of the Format Editor. (ADAPT 58155)
4.7.13. OLAP
Great performance improvements have been made in OLAP reporting. In some cases tested by
Crystal Decisions, improvements are greater than 98%.
The OLAP worksheet enhancements in this version of Crystal Reports brings the Report Designer
in line with the worksheet functionality of Crystal Analysis Pro. However, it should be noted that the
two worksheets do not have identical functionality—some small differences may be seen if you are
experienced with CA Pro. (ADAPT 57315, 57318, 57321, 57323)
OLAP reports created in version 6 cannot be opened. (ADAPT 27238)
OLAP reports created in previous versions of Crystal Reports automatically hit the cube when
opened if they include charts and/or maps. (ADAPT 49964)
If you have more than one OLAP grid in your report, only the first grid will display changes made
when reentering the OLAP Wizard regardless of which grid has the focus. (ADAPT 32956)
4.7.14. Parameters
The Hebrew calendar is not supported for date parameters. (ADAPT 68972, 68982)
4.7.18. Repository
Four database types are supported for the COM version of the Crystal Repository: Access, SQL
Server, DB2, and Oracle. All databases have to support Unicode.
Spaces are not allowed in repository data source names (DSNs). (ADAPT 94191)
4.7.20. Templates
The templates included with Crystal Reports 9 are intended as samples to provide you with
guidelines for creating your own templates. As such, not every template includes every kind of field
available. This might become an issue when applying the supplied templates. For example,
because the High Contrast template doesn’t include a summary field, applying it to a report
containing a chart will cause the chart to be lost. (If you apply a sample template that includes a
summary field, the chart will be retained.)
Currently, there is only a Number tab in the Format Editor for use with Template Field Objects. If
you set any currency options on this tab, all number fields have the same format applied. (ADAPT
5.1. General
Because of the Unicode support included in this version of Crystal Reports, language versions of
reports created in Crystal Reports 8.5 should be opened on the same platform they were last
saved on (that is, the system locale must be the same as it was when the report was last saved).
(ADAPT 52431)
In general, when designing reports to be used in locales different from the one they are created in,
it is recommended that you use fonts appropriate to the language (the script) of the string data in
the report. Relying on font substitution can result in unpredictable results, especially in a Windows
9x environment. (ADAPT 80090)
The group tree doesn't maintain the date format after changing your system locale and reopening
the report. This is a one-time problem that occurs only after changing locale; refreshing your report
resolves the issue. (ADAPT 84067, 84070)
Crystal Reports 9, Crystal Analysis Professional 9 and Holos use the same resources for Charting
and Mapping. Because of differences in the localized versions of these products, you will see
differences for Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Italian content depending on whether or not CR9
is installed on the same machine as CAP9 or Holos:
5.2. Add-ins
5.3.1. Sybase
The Sybase native driver for French operating systems can't add a table name that includes
spaces. (ADAPT 66445)
5.4. Developer
5.5. Documentation
5.6.3. Mapping
Under certain Windows Regional Language Settings, Web Component Server (WCS) viewing of
reports containing Map objects is not supported. (ADAPT 23665)
When creating new reports that include map objects, you should use an ODBC connection to the
report’s data source. (When using a direct connection to the data source, you may encounter an
“Unable to create map layer” error message. Also, map objects in any subsequent new report—
created in the same report designer session—may not be displayed correctly.) (ADAPT 52936)
5.6.4. OLAP
Using a Holos cube on a French Windows 98 operating system is not supported for this version of
Crystal Reports. (ADAPT 85291)
5.6.5. Parameters
Versions of comctl32.dll earlier than 5.x cause problems with using Japanese calendar years (the
year defaults to 1754 when trying to increment or decrement the year in the Emperor calendar).
(ADAPT 25500)
For all language versions, only the English word "Password" is accepted as a password in the Edit
Mask. When you load a non-English report, if the mask value means "Password" in the specific
language (for example, "Kennwort" in German), the value will be translated to the English word
"Password" automatically. Once the report is saved in version 9, the new mask value "Password"
will replace the old one. (ADAPT 62350)
5.6.6. Repository
If your repository is not configured properly for languages, some users may see garbage
characters instead of the intended text. If you intend to set up a SQL repository and have your
users define more than English as an input locale, you need to manually uncheck the "Perform
translation for character data" flag when configuring the data source (the DSN checks this flag by
(ADAPT 82426)
Searching in a Crystal Report Viewer does not work with Japanese data. (ADAPT 85113) You can
work around this problem by adding the following Latin-1 character set in the web.xml file:
6. Retired Features
The following features are no longer supported.