Stability of Fenbendazole Suspensions For Veterinary Use
Stability of Fenbendazole Suspensions For Veterinary Use
Stability of Fenbendazole Suspensions For Veterinary Use
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Article history: In this paper we have carried out a detailed investigation of the stability and redispersibil-
Received 14 March 2008 ity characteristics of fenbendazole aqueous suspensions, through a thermodynamic and
Accepted 24 April 2008 electrokinetic characterization, considering the effect of both pH and ionic strength. The
Published on line 3 May 2008 hydrophobic character of the drug, and the surface charge and electrical double-layer
thickness play an essential role in the stability of the system, hence the need for a full char-
Keywords: acterization of fenbendazole. It was found that the drug suspensions displays “delayed”
Fenbendazole or “hindered” sedimentation, determined by their hydrophobic character and their low
Influence of pH and electrolytes zeta potential (indicating a small electrokinetic charge on the particles). The electrostatic
Sedimentation repulsion between the particles is responsible for the low sedimentation volume and poor
Stability redispersibility of the drug. However, only low concentrations of AlCl3 induced a significant
Suspension effect on both the zeta potential and stability of the drug, leading to a “free-layered” sedi-
Zeta potential mentation and a very easy redispersion which could be of great interest in the design of an
Veterinary dosage forms oral pharmaceutical dosage form for veterinary.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author at: Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnologı́a Farmacéutica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, 18071
Granada, Spain. Tel.: +34 958 24 39 00; fax: +34 958 24 89 58.
E-mail address: (J.L. Arias).
0928-0987/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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