2015 TarotSupplement LO
2015 TarotSupplement LO
2015 TarotSupplement LO
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This deck/book set provides everything you need to Cheerful angels and fairies deliver wisdom, healing
understand tarot. The full-size deck is a vibrantly re- energy and loving guidance to help you rediscover
colored version of the classic Rider-Waite deck, updated passion and joy in your life. You will find inspiration in the
with subtle shading that gives depth to the familiar tarot dreamy artwork with empowering exercises, prayers and
scenes. The 272-page, user-friendly handbook with affirmations. The illustrated booklet provides deeper
full-color illustrations is perfect for beginners as well as insights for restoring mind/body/spirit balance. Includes
experienced readers who want to refresh their tarot skills. 44 cards and 56-page illustrated booklet.
$32.95 $19.95
78 cards, 2.75" x 4.75" 44 cards, 3" x 5"
Box, 5.5" x 8.5" Made in China
5.5" x 8.5", 272 pp., color illus., pb.
Made in China
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Introduction to Tarot Painting the Soul: The Spirit of HerbS Exploring Tarot Using
by Susan Levitt The Tarot Art A Guide to the Herbal Tarot Radiant Rider-Waite®
This beautiful, four-color handbook is of David Palladini by Candis Cantin and Michael Tierra by Avia Venefica
richly illustrated with every card from the by David Palladini and Anastasia Haysler
In addition to explaining the spiritual Written with thoroughness and clarity,
Rider-Waite® and Crowley Thoth decks and This vibrant 184-page book explores properties of each herb featured in the this insightful guide walks you through
offers detailed explanations of both classic the enduring tarot artwork of David Herbal Tarot deck, the authors present the meanings of each of the 78 cards
decks. Susan Levitt welcomes beginners Palladini. Each two-page spread methods for tapping into the medicinal and explains how to interpret them in a
to tarot with engaging and accessible presents comparisons of the same card, properties of herbs and for using herbs spread. Illustrated with the Radiant Rider-
instructions for understanding tarot reproduced in actual size and full color, and tarot cards together. The book is Waite Tarot, Exploring Tarot is a user-
symbolism, card spreads, numerology, from both Aquarian Tarot and the New especially helpful in its instruction for friendly handbook for beginners as well as
court cards, and other tarot topics. Palladini Tarot decks. David Palladini readings on spiritual and health issues. experienced readers who want to refresh
$18.00 describes each tarot card with his own The illustrated guidebook also offers six their tarot skills.
ITEM # BK214
7" x 8.5", 246 pp., color illus., pb.
personal vision. Anastasia Hayser gives different card spreads. $14.95
Made in China expanded meanings of the cards. $9.95 ITEM # BK235
$19.95 ITEM # BK117 5.5" x 8.5", 272 pp., color illus., pb.
ITEM # BK236 4.625" x 7", 222 pp., b&w illus., pb. Made in China
8.5" x 11", 184 pp., color illus., pb. Made in China
Printed in the U.S.A.
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