Aubf Lab 4

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Tabulate the chemical principle/s involved in testing, reagent/s used, positive/negative reaction, manner of

reporting, and clinical significance and correlates of the following urine chemical parameters. 


Legal’s test When sodium NaOH or A purple or Report as
nitroprusside, KOH violet-red positive or
acetone, and solution, clindicates negative.
acetoacetic acid sodium acetone.
react with the – nitroprusside Alcohol or
NO group, solution, acetic
isonitroacetone is concentrated aldehyde and
formed, which is acetic acid. diacetic acid
trapped in the also appear
complex anion. red.
Colors range
from yellow
to yellow- The presence of
green for ketones in the
negative urine suggests
results that the body is
Gunning’s This test is based strong Iodoform Report as relying on fats for
Test on the formation ammonia, crystals positive or energy rather than
of iodoform Lugol’s appear as negative. carbs. Because
crystals as a result solution yellowish or the body's
of the interaction six-pointed capacity to
between acetone stars or six- metabolize
bodies and sided plates. carbohydrates is
alcoholic iodine. impaired in
Gerhard’s Gerhardt's test 10% ferric If diacetic Report as people with
test relies on ferric chloride acid is positive or uncontrolled
chloride reacting solution present, the negative. diabetes, high
with acetoacetic urine will amounts of
acid to produce a turn a ketones may be
port wine or Bordeaux found in their
Bordeaux red hue. red. urine.
This test can only If the diacetic
identify acid is due to
acetoacetic acid; drugs, it does
it cannot detect not disappear
acetone or beta- upon heating,
hydroxybutyrate. and does not
In addition, it reappear
identifies upon cooling.
salicylates in the
Benzidine Benzidine Saturated A green or Report as When you have
test solution is solution of blue color positive or hematuria, blood
reduced by H2O2. benzidine indicates the negative. cells seep into
The iron in powder, presence of your urine from
haemoglobin Glacial acetic occult blood. your kidneys or
produces a blue acid, other areas of
color complex in 3% hydrogen your urinary
this solution. peroxide system. This
Guiac test The test is based 10% KOH A blue ring Report as leakage can be
on the conversion solution, appears in the positive or caused by a
of phenolic Guiac presence of negative. variety of issues,
chemicals in powder, blood. including:
guaiac to 95% alcohol, Infections of the
quinones, which 3% hydrogen urinary tract.
results in the blue peroxide, Bacteria enter
hue. Contact is Glacial acetic your body
formed between acid through the
hemoglobin and urethra and grow
the guaiac when a in your bladder,
fecal specimen causing these
containing occult infections.
blood is put to the
test paper.
Obermayer’ Urine indicant Obermayer’s A blue Report as
s test liberates indoxyl reagent, coloration of positive or
when exposed to Chloroform the negative.
acid hydrolysis. chloroform
This is then indicates the
oxidized by ferric presence of Indican, also
ion to indigo, a indican. known as indoxyl
blue dyestuff that sulfate, is
may be extracted generated when
using chloroform. dysbiotic bacteria
Jaffe’s Creatinine forms Chloroform, A blue color Report as in the
method a red-orange color Calcium appears if positive or gastrointestinal
when it interacts hypochlorite indican is negative. system reanimate
with the picrate or 0.5% present. tryptophan from
ion produced in potassium ingested protein.
an alkaline media. permanganat Dysbiosis, SIBO,
The color e and/or
generated by the malabsorption are
sample is then all signs of
compared to that dysbiosis, with
produced by a darker colors
known quantity of suggesting more
creatinine under serious
the same dysfunctions.
conditions in a
colorimeter at a
wavelength of
505 nm.
Sulkowitch The degree of the Sulkowitch – negative, no A calcium in
method turbidity reagent precipitate urine test can be
produced when +trace, barely used to detect or
urine is combined visible track kidney
with a buffered precipitate function or stone
oxalate solution is +presence of formation. It can
roughly fine white also be used to
proportional to cloud identify problems
the calcium ++moderately with the
content. heavy cloud parathyroid gland,
+++heavy which is located
cloud near the thyroid
++++very and helps control
heavy milky calcium levels in
precipitate the body.
Fantus AgNO3 interacts 6N nitric A white Record your Dehydration,
method with chloride in acid, cloudy results as hunger, Addison
the urine to form Silver Nitrate precipitate positive or disease, or
AgCl. Any excess solution indicates the negative. excessive salt
AgNO3 combines presence of consumption can
with potassium chlorides. If all cause a rise in
chromate to positive, urine chloride
create Ag2CrO4 proceed to the levels. Cushing
in a reddish ppt. quantitative syndrome,
The appearance estimation. primary
of which signifies aldosteronism,
the completion of congestive heart
a task. failure,
syndrome, and
diarrhea can all
cause a drop in
urine chloride


II. Enumerate and explain other alternative methods for testing the above-mentioned parameters.
1. Ketones
a. Ketone test/ urine ketones- This test is performed to determine how much ketones are present in your
urine. Sugar is normally burned to provide energy to your body. If you don't have enough sugar in your
body to burn for energy, your body will instead burn fat and make ketones. Ketones are excreted in your
urine and blood. A low level of ketones in your body is perfectly natural. However, excessive ketone
levels can cause serious disease or death. This can be avoided by checking for ketones.
2. Blood
a. Urinalysis helps Several illnesses and ailments, such as renal problems or urinary tract infections, are
screened for, helped diagnose, and/or monitored (UTIs)
3. Indican
a. The Urinary Indican Test Kit from BioAssay Systems is a safer version of the original Obermeyer indican
reagent. It is a reliable, simple, quick (15 minutes), and low-cost screening technique for detecting protein
putrefaction in the gastrointestinal system.
4. Calcium
a. Useful for assessing the danger of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stones, as well as
calculating urine supersaturation. Bone problems such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia are assessed.
5. Chloride
a. The TRUEchemie Chloride reagent test for the quantitative determination of Chloride in serum or CSF or
urine. Chloride ions combine with Mercuric thiocyanate to produce thiocyanate ions, which then react
with ferric ions to produce a red-colored Ferric thiocyanate complex. The Chloride concentration is
proportional to the absorbance of the red coloured complex at 510 nm.

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