Recommendation Systems Paper AI
Recommendation Systems Paper AI
Recommendation Systems Paper AI
The Recommender System (RS) has emerged as On the other hand, Shared Filtering is done by
a major research interest that aims to help analyzing your previous reading habits and
users find items online by providing suggestions recommending books based on that.
that are closer to their interests. This paper We have identified three possible reasons for
provides an in-depth study of RS that combines the ambiguity of the results. (A) Several tests
different recommendation methods, related were limited. They were based on tightly signed
problems, and methods used to retrieve datasets, few participants in user surveys, or did
information. Due to its wide range of not use the appropriate foundations. (B) Some
applications, it has generated research interest authors have provided limited information
among a large number of researchers around about their algorithms, making it difficult to
the world. The main purpose of this paper is to reuse methods. Therefore, the researchers used
identify research trends in RS. More than 1,000 different methods for the implementation of
research papers have been reviewed, published the same recommendations. [3]
by ACM, IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier from 2011 Which may lead to differences in results. (C)
to the first half of 2017. Many of the exciting Assume that small differences in data sets,
findings come out of this study, which will help algorithms, or inevitable number of users lead
current and future RS researchers to explore to significant differences in method
and set their own research path. In addition, performance. Therefore, finding the most
this paper also looks at the future of RS which promising alternatives is a challenge. As a
may open up new research guidelines in this second limitation, we noted that many authors
field. neglect to pay attention to features without
Content-Based Recommendation is made by precision, for example overall user satisfaction.
analyzing the content of all items. For example, In addition, many methods (81%) neglected the
you may be recommended books that you may user matching process and did not provide
like based on Natural Language Analysis. information automatically but allowed users to
provide keywords, text captions, or a single
page as included. Working time information is
provided in 10% of the methods. Finally, few
research papers have influenced plans to
recommend a research paper to performance.
We also identified the lack of authority and
interest in long-term research in the field: 73%
of the authors did not publish more than one
Figure 1 Netflix Recommendation paper of commendation papers, and there was
little co-operation between the various authors'
groups. We concluded that a few actions could interesting books and much more. RS got
improve the research environment. amazing results
Keywords: acceptance in the case of e business. E-
Commerce sites (e.g., eBay, Amazon, etc.) use
Recommender Systems, Content-based RS to attract customers in line with products
analyzing, Filtering User modeling · Research that customers should, perhaps, like. This has
paper recommender systems · Content based helped them find valuable sales. Not only online
filtering·Review·Survey businesses, but there are other applications
that benefit from RS, such as social networking
Introduction: sites, online news sites, entertainment sites,
“Which phone should I buy?”, “Which movie and other information management apps. [1]
should I watch this weekend?”, “Where should Content-Based Recommendation Program
my family and I go to spend the next vacation?”, (CBRS)
“What books should I take with me during my CBRS uses CBF to recommend items by
long vacation?” - Here are a few examples of matching user profile with item description.
common self-determination we often seek User profile may include his previous search or
suggestions from our friends and celebrities. purchase history (Pazzani and Billsus, 2007). The
Unfortunately, almost all of us have seen that program learns to recommend things like these
those friendly suggestions, even well-meaning that the user has liked in the past. The similarity
ones, do not always work as well as tastes of of items is calculated based on items related to
others may mean agreeing with ours. These comparable items. For example, if a user has a
suggestions can often be biased. Other weird good rating of the comedy section, the program
choices we can tolerate, such as making can learn to recommend other movies of this
professional decisions and experimenting with genre. For more information on CBRS, Lops et
complex ideas, going online and spending al. (2010) can be submitted. [2]
countless hours dealing with confusing reviews
and suggestions, hiring an expert, traveling with
a herd, or just listening. our soul. The point is, it
can be very difficult to highlight accurate
suggestions on things that may interest us. It
would be good if we could have a personal
adviser who can help us by suggesting the best
option whenever we have to make a decision.
Thank you, we have one such version of the
web application known as Recommendation
System (RS). RS is an intelligent computer-based
system that predicts user-based and user- Figure 1.2 Application RS
friendly predictions and enables them to select Memory-based collaborative recommender system
items from a large collection of online
Memory-based collaborative recommender
resources. Many internet users have certainly
system (CRS): similarity measure and the
experienced RS in some way. For example,
prediction computation are the two main steps
Facebook recommends us, potential friends,
used in the memory-based CRS, which is further
YouTube recommends videos harmoniously,
categorized into two parts based on their
Glassdoor recommends similar services,
similarity computation method as follows
TripAdvisor recommends relevant tourist
(Badrul et al., 2001; Singh et al., 2019b):
destinations, Goodreads recommends
Item-based CRS: similarity computation is have been developed to address many technical
performed on a set of items (Singh et al., challenges such as producing more accurate
2019b). recommendations while reducing online
calculation time. A few recommendation
algorithms are proposed and are successfully
used in different domains. These algorithms
primarily follow demographic (DF), content-
based filtering (CBF), collaborative filtering (CF)
and mixed methods. Recently, RS has expanded
its exploration and uses social networks and
other contextual information to produce
flexible features in the recommendation. In
addition, new approaches, either novel or
compilation of existing methods, have been
Figure 1.3 Memory-based continually proposed (Jannach et al., 2011). [3]
Model-based CRS: in model-based CRS (Gong et Collecting information about users
al., 2009), various machine learning algorithms Recommendation Systems in Machine Learning
such as the Bayesian network, integration, In the methods of unsupervised machine
Markov decision process, vague feature learning, the task of machine or model is to
analysis, size reduction strategies, and law- group the uncategorized data, according to
based methods , etc. , are used to create a similarities, patterns and differences without
recommendation model. given any kind of training to the machine.
In fact, the RSs got a new 16 P.K. Singh et al. Recommendation system is a part of
size in the way of communication between unsupervised machine learning in which the
users and Internet service providers. These data is not labelled; so the hidden and cluster
days, many companies are using RS strategies information is revealed by unsupervised
as an additional value to enrich their clients' learning methods. Many websites are using
services. Although the use of RS depends on the recommendation systems to give a better
specific recommendation received by the experience to the users.
application, the critical performance of RS
remains the same for all applications. The
primary purpose of RSs is to assist users in
making decisions to select an online item, by
supporting hand-based recommendations for
high accuracy (Jannach et al., 2011). [13]
The potential of RS in different domains has
attracted researchers to explore the possibilities
more fully. Individuals from a variety of fields
such as data mining, data retrieval, information
acquisition, artificial intelligence (AI),
measurement theory, forecasting theory,
information security and privacy, and business Figure 1.4 User Data Collection
and marketing have contributed significantly to
various research methods (Jannach et al.,
2011)). Much work has been done by the
research community to improve the usability
and effectiveness of RSs over the past few years
(Lu et al., 2015). New methods and algorithms
recommended plan based on Belief-
Propagation is proposed10. To improve the
quality of the recommendations some methods
use semantic data to recommend and create15.
A multidisciplinary research recommendation
system has been developed6 that uses the ideas
of co-authors and different users to make
recommendations. And since different
researchers may have their own specific needs
in terms of publishing date etc.,
recommendation systems based on recent
users' interests are important. To find the user's
interest, recommendation systems may use the
author's published work4 or may be customized
to capture comments from the user before
recommending the papers3. But the
Figure 1.5 Application RS recommended recommendation method in in3
has a problem of inefficiency because it relies
on a two-phase algorithm2 that does not
consider the growth status of the research
paper archive. To overcome this limitation we
recommend an EIHI-based recommendation
Literature Review: based on flexible data sets.[15]
In this paper, we review the different types of Contribution of this paper:
programs to recommend benefits and their This paper serves a fourfold purpose as
limitations. Content-based filtering methods are mentioned below:
only useful if the new user in these systems has 1 This paper presents an overview of RSs that
some limitations. Collaborative filtering cover the recommendation approaches,
methods are divided into two parts where, information retrieval techniques, and
neighborly methods are used to recommend associated challenges and problems in RSs.
simple content but cannot provide accuracy, 2 A brief survey of several survey papers on RS
and model-based methods improve the quality covering different aspects has been laid. [6]
of the first cold problem. Interactive filter 3 The primary aim of this paper is to study and
systems are very popular because they have map the research directions in the area of RS.
many advantages. Hybrid systems overcome As RS has attracted a lot of researchers from
your limitations in both content-based and diverse fields of study, the amount of research
collaborative filtering systems, improving the publications on related topics is growing with a
result and making the system more efficient. steep curve. Inspired by the considerable
Recommender Systems has become an integral amount of attention the RS has purchased and
part of the educational textbook due to the motivated by the famous article on systematic
ever-expanding volume of research papers16. reviews by Kitchenhand (2004), we have
Programs to recommend research papers are endeavored to track down the past and ongoing
mainly influenced by the frequency of the paper researches in the domain of RS. We have tried
or the relevance of its content to the user, while to hit upon some statistics that will stimulate
making recommendations11. Methods based and guide current and future researchers in the
on the frequency of the quote can deal with the related field. Our effort attempts to answer the
problem of cold start and that is why a following questions:
a What are the recommendation systems suggestions and guidance (Narayanan and
available in different applications? Charukesi, 2016). A good RS should be like
b Which issues and challenges have been someone who knows us better than we know
focused related to different filtering approaches ourselves. [10]
of RSs? effectiveness of recommendation approaches
Methodology We evaluated the effectiveness of stereotype
recommendations, CBF based on terms, and
This chapter introduces how we build the
CBF based on citations with an online
Docear Recommendation System, compare
evaluation, offline evaluation, and user study.
different test methods, find promising model
The user study and online evaluation both led
flexibility for a user's mind map, and create a
to the same ranking of the approaches51: Term-
way to match a user's specific mind map.
based CBF performed best, i.e. CTR, CTRSet,
Our goal was to find out how reasonable and
DTR, LTR, CiTR, and ratings were highest;
how much to show the same recommendations
citation-based CBF performed second best; and
to the same users. To answer this question we
the stereotype approach performed worst, but
have analyzed the evidence data from Docear's
still reasonable
literature management software which includes
a program to recommend a research paper. The
recommendation system recommends research
papers to users regardless of whether the
papers were previously recommended by users
or not. We analyzed how the click-through
ratings between the once-displayed
recommendations and the CTR of the most
frequently displayed recommendations differ.
CTR indicates how many percent of
recommendations submitted are clicked. For
example, if 12 recommendations out of 1,000
are submitted, the CTR will be 1.2%. CTR
basically measures the ‘accuracy’ of a
recommendation algorithm under the
assumption that a clicked recommendation is
‘good’, i.e. useful, a recommendation. For more
information on Docear and its recommendation
program (e.g. how recommendations are made
and presented) .[9]
Future directions of RSs To date almost all
RSs are designed for retailers, manufacturers,
and service providers, that is, designed to
attract potential customers. We believe that
future RSs will not only be in business, but will
have a profound impact on our daily lives
(Bourke, 2015). These programs will be truly
ubiquitous and an important tool in all areas of
our lives. Future RSs will not be limited to List of Recommendation System
applications for buying and selling products;
rather it will be a kind of personal advisor that
will help in all areas of life by providing valuable
Conclusions References:
Making a choice among numerable options and [1] Fournier-Viger and Philippe, Efficient
based on the gigantic amount of online data is Incremental High Utility Itemset Mining, In
always going to be a tough and confusing task. Proceedings of the ASE Big Data & Social
Online RS help us to overcome this. To do its job Informatics, pp. 53, (2015).
competently and accurately, RSs exert efficient [2] Y. Liu, W. Liao and A. Chaudhary, The Fastest
information retrieval and filtering mechanisms. Utility Setting the Mining Algorithm, in the
Over the past years, immense research work Negotiations of the 1st International
has been devoted to meet these ends, and Conference on Utility-based Data Mining, pp.
several recommendation approaches and 90-99, (2005). [3] Shenzhen Liang, Ying Liu,
techniques are proposed. In this paper, an Lichen Jian and Yang Gao, A Textbook-Based
overview of the different recommendation Approach, Award for ACM International
approaches used in RS such as content-based, Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent
collaborative, demographic, hybrid, knowledge- Agent Technology, pages 229–232, (2011 ).
based, and context-aware recommendation has [4] Sugiyama, Kazunari and Min-Yen Kan,
been depicted. Various problems faced while Scholarly Paper Recommendation on Using User
designing and implementing RS systems such as Recent Research Interests, at the 10th Annual
limited content analysis, over-specialization, Joint Conference of Digital Libraries, pages 29-
cold start, sparsity, scalability, synonymy, 38, (2010).
abbreviation, long tail, and black box problem [5] de Gemmis and Marco, Semantics-Aware
are also briefly described. Different information Content-based Recommender Systems, In
retrieval techniques such as machine learning, Recommender Systems Handbook, pp. 119–
logistic regression, decision tree, association 159, (2015).
rule learning, cluster analysis, Bayesian network [6] Sugiyama, Kazunari and Min-Yen Kan,
classifier, support vector machine, LDA, TF-IDF, Serendipitous Recommendation for Scholarly
and deep learning are also mentioned briefly. Papers considering Relationship between
The main objective and major focus of this Researchers, In Proceedings of the 11th Annual
paper is to track down the RS research trends. International ACM / IEEE Joint Conference on
Some interesting statistics have surfaced. For Digital Libraries, pp. 307–310, (2011).
instance, the majority of the research in RS is [7] Koren, Judah and Robert Bell, Advances in
focused on CF and knowledge-based approach. Collaborative Filtering, In Recommender
The top contributing country in RS is China. And Systems Handbook, pages 77-118, (2015).
the majority of the papers are published by [8] Paraschiv and Ionut Cristian, ReaderBench's
IEEE. It is also observed that RS research Paper Recommendations: Paper Visualization
reached its peak during the period of 2013– and Semantically Related Articles, State-of-the-
2014. After that, probably due to saturation, the Art and Future Guidelines for Smart Reading,
popularity of research in this field has gradually pages 445–451, (2016 ).
been declined. But we believe the RS research is [9] Nguyen and Loc, Introduction Framework
not dead yet. The technologies such as Iota, AI, for E-commercial Recommendation Algorithms,
and cognitive computing have given it a fresh American Journal of Computer Science and
vivacity. We are optimistic that in near future Information Engineering 2.4, pp. 33–44, (2015).
research on RS will witness several new and Mahak Dhanda and Vijay Verma / Procedia
innovative avenues.[4] Computer Science 89 (2016) 483 - 491 491.