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and jabara.

Robert Recorde in his Whetstone of Witte

V = c/sqrt. K - v/K, which is in accordance with Fresnel's

Finland, is the seat of the Lutheran archbishop and contains a

division of Monmouthshire, England, 11 m. N. by W. of Newport,

complains, should denote the heavenly food, the reasonable

in everyday language, as when we speak of the ``play'' of

conquering the remaining chief divisions of the country,

H. Dovecot.

built partly on an island and partly on both sides of the

Zinal Rothhorn . . . . . . . . 13,856 Dome de Miage. . . . . . . . . . 12,100

and the circular letter to the legislatures of the other

Spite of a tendency of late to disparage the co-operation of

widow, if any there be. The accident resulting in death often

hospital. In times of great stress, when it is desirable to

of the laws according to which one body affects mechanically

Distance from centre to centre. 3,230,000 '' ''

Order. In Alexander the characteristic virtues of the Jagiellos,

all affection phenomena are primarily divisible into those

be eliminated, the two astigmatic surfaces united, and a sharp

wheat grain and of wheat meal and flour into the United

our sympathies are deepened and enlarged.37 The further

place, as the church or smithy, wherein to publish (by papers

water. The aqueous solution on boiling loses some ammonia and

facade of the temple itself. The cella of the temple of

of such buildings as the palace at Uxmal and the castillo at

of his life, from his thirty-ninth year to his forty-third,

negotiations, Cromwell compelled the United Provinces to

9 Another great traveller of this stamp was Wilhelm Junker, who spent

larger species of marine Rhodophyceae are attached by means

but his fault to substitute description for action.

the same year; the question of the succession therefore

Operations on the American Coast.--When the war began the

in boat attacks. Although generally regarded as obsolete, they

1900 to 1905 .433 25.9 .570 15.7

Domestic Exports,

100 70.83 100 357.48

till November 1156. With the aid of dissatisfied barons,

application in the United States, his political conception of

history of the University of Oxford; in several essays....

valuable timber trees, such as the yellow pine (Podocarpus

troops in the Dutch service, Tacticks of Aelian (London,

disposal over the city cash and possesses magisterial control

13). (b) Final rapid fall.---The pores being clogged by

Isaac, a converted Jew, writer of a tract on the Trinity and

atriopore. The primary and secondary bars which separate

time, nothing was more calculated than the existence of this

Justinian. It was not without significance in tracing the

indigo. In the presence of iodine and an alkali it gives

has been carried on from early times at Cambay, where the stones

which are known to be at present working profitably on a large scale.

was born here, and is commemorated by a statue (1888) by Karl

of Apollo at Delphi; when they asked for a reward, the god

brought about a boundary dispute between the two republics.

Ghardaia, Ain Sefra and the Saharan Oases (Tuat, Gurara and

the Creative Spirit; upon the spiritual and poetic monitions

L. 4000, he made possible the establishment of the university of

occur. These are short segments of filaments consisting of a

morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol; 50, pp. 146 ff.

well as America. His published works include: With Flute

died soon afterwards (Dio Cassius xlviii.-l; Appian, Bell.

that an officer of the Royal Army Medical Corps was attached

navigating within sight of its lights should put in there.

not merely as ascetics, but as improvers. The Cistercian

alternating currents. Direct reading equidivisional movable

university. His own college (Christ's) would have chosen

constituent of fermentation amyl alcohol, and consequently a

for simony and summon a council, but he won over the bishop of St

the tetrasporiferous plants are sporophytes which alternate with

brother Sancho endeavoured to imprison him. his chivalrous

crops for over 4000 years without artificial fertilization.

literature there was in the hands of its leading citizens

distribution. It should be noted that butterflies are the

such important discoveries, and in 1545 he broke his oath

the extension of French influence had been most marked.

language. Even in that event, the information which would be

civilization among the natives, exemplified by the granting to

marriage-contract, some part of the country west of the Indus

1798. Fiction, in turn, was first cultivated by Charles Brockden

side of the Banda Sea, being one of a series of volcanic isles

&c., for the use of the priest; many of them have stone

the middle ages it was a prosperous Moorish trading-station.

with the addition of two members of the senate and a nominee

mentioned the practice of steeping and liming seed corn as

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