Failure Consequence Classification
Failure Consequence Classification
Failure Consequence Classification
These guidelines are only intended for consequence of failure classification. They are not
adequate for the preparation of inundation mapping for Emergency Preparedness
Planning (EPP), or for the assessment of hazards and risk analysis.
The flood hydrograph resulting from a dam breach is dependent on many factors. The
primary factors are the physical characteristics of the dam, the volume of the reservoir,
and the mode of failure. The dam characteristics such as dam geometry, construction
materials, and mode of failure; determine the dimensions and timing of breach formation.
Breach formation, volume of reservoir storage, and reservoir inflow at the time of failure
determine the peak discharge and the shape of the flood hydrograph.
Prepared: 2001
Minor Updates: November 2013
The following sections provide a method for estimating dam breach parameters and peak
flow discharges for earthfill dams. The focus is on earthfill dams because the majority of
small dams in BC are earthfill. When estimating concrete gravity dam breach parameters,
a complete failure of a discrete number of monoliths is considered. For concrete arch
dams a complete dam failure is considered. Breach times for concrete gravity dams
generally fall between 0.1 and 0.5 hours and for concrete arch dams they generally fall
between instantaneous and 0.1 hours.
BFF = Vw (H)
Vw = Volume of water stored in the reservoir (acre-ft) at the water surface
elevation under consideration
H = Height of water (feet) over the base elevation of the breach
Interpretation of data (MacDonald, 1984) suggests that the estimates of material eroded
from earthfill dams may be taken to be:
Using the geometry of the dam and assuming a trapezoidal breach with sideslopes of
(Zb:1) the base width of the breach can be computed (MacDonald, 1984) as a function of
the eroded volume of material as:
If the calculated breach width is negative then the reservoir volume is not large enough to
fully breach the dam and a partial breach will result. In this case the head of water (H)
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needs to be adjusted to estimate the breach depth and peak discharge. Maximum breach
widths have historically been limited to breach widths less than 3 times dam height
(Fread, 1981). In addition site geometry often limits breach width.
The time of breach development (τ) in hours, has been related to the volume of eroded
material (MacDonald, 1984). Interpretation of data suggests that the time for breach
development can be estimated by:
There is a large uncertainty in the eyewitness accounts for many of these failures; thus
these equations may tend to overestimate breach times. In addition, these equations
appear to produce unrealistically short breach development times in the case of small
dams. A lower limit for the breach development time of perhaps 10 minutes for dams
constructed of cohesionless materials and 15 minutes for dams constructed of erosion
resistant materials seems reasonable.
A number of computer programs, such as DAMBRK (Fread, 1988), have been developed
for estimating dam break peak discharge. This computer model, and others, utilises
unsteady flow conditions in combination with user selected breach parameters to
compute the breach flood hydrograph.
Fread (1981) gives an alternative method suitable for many planning purposes. He
developed an empirical equation based on numerous simulations with the DAMBRK
model. Estimation of the peak discharge from a dam breach is computed as:
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The following Tables 1 & 2 contain estimates of dam breach peak flows for overtopping
induced failures of earthfill dams based on Fread’s equation. The values used in
developing these estimates are presented after the Tables.
3 23 38 50 61 72
4 52 69 84 98 160
5 67 88 106 123 200 267 329
6 106 128 149 239 318 391
7 149 173 277 367 450
8 170 196 313 414 507 832
9 219 347 459 561 918
11 411 542 661 1077
13 Partial Breach 467 616 752 1221
15 682 832 1351
* This discharge value results from a breach width of 5.2 times the dam height
3 15 25 34 41 49 81
4 22 35 46 57 67 110 148 183
5 45 59 72 84 138 185 228
6 56 72 88 102 165 221 272 452
7 85 103 119 192 256 315 521
8 98 118 136 218 290 356 587
9 132 153 244 323 396 651
11 184 292 385 471 771
13 Partial Breach 336 443 541 881
15 376 496 605 983
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Table 2 – Earthfill Dam Peak Discharge Estimates (imperial units)
Dam Breach Discharge Estimates
for Earthfill Dams Constructed of Cohesionless Materials
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The tables were computed based on:
Failure by overtopping thus H, Sa, and Vw are for reservoir at crest of dam
(they are not values for maximum reservoir level)
Storage volume was calculated as (H Sa / 3)
Upstream face of 3H: 1V
Downstream face of 2H: 1V
Crest width C = 2 + 2 H0.5 (in feet)
Breach sideslopes (Zb: 1) are 1.0 for cohesionless embankment material,
and 0.5 for erosion resistant embankment material
Minimum breach development times of 10 minutes for cohesionless
embankment material, and 15 minutes for erosion resistant
embankment material was used.
Values were not entered into the Tables for cases in which the calculated breach did not
develop to the full depth of the dam. In addition, values were not entered into the Tables
when breach widths were calculated to be greater than 5 times the dam height.
It should be noted that actual peak discharges could vary greatly from the calculated peak
discharges. Differences in site conditions, dam materials, and reservoir inflow could
greatly influence the results. For example a dam increasing storage on an existing lake
could result is greater peak breach flows due to a greater reservoir volume than modelled.
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Large attenuation is associated with:
small reservoir volume,
broad floodplain and/or off-channel storage areas,
mild channel slopes, and
large frictional resistance in channel and overbank areas.
There are a number of methods for modelling the attenuation of peak flow as the breach
flood wave travels downstream. For consequence classification a simplified procedure
based on generalised flood attenuation curves developed by the USBR (1982) is often
adequate. The curves presented in Figure 1 should be used conservatively as they utilize
generalised solutions to approximate the reduction of flood peak discharge with
distance downstream of the dam. For example the attenuation would be much smaller
for a dam breach flow travelling down a steep narrow valley.
The curves in Figure 1 are arranged in terms of reservoir storage. They show flood
attenuation in terms of peak dam breach discharge (Qp) at the dam site and peak
discharge (Qx) at some distance downstream.
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Downstream Inundation
The cross sectional channel area required to pass the flood would be:
A = Qx / V
A = Cross-sectional area of channel and overbank (feet)
Qx = Peak flood discharge (cfs)
V = Representative average velocity (feet/sec) at the cross-section
The resulting inundation mapping should represent a conservative estimate of the
consequences of a dam failure.
This table should not be used for all creeks. Each downstream creek bed should be analysed individually.
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Downstream Hazard Classification
Once the dam breach flood inundation path has been determined, the resulting
consequence of failure classification can be determined. For BC, the classification system
is outlined in Schedule 1 “Dam Failure Consequences Classification” of the British
Columbia Dam Safety Regulation. The consequence rating is determined for each of
three categories; loss of life, economic and social loss, and environmental and cultural
losses; and the highest of the three is the consequence rating for the dam.
Other Considerations
There are many other factors that can influence the consequence of failure classification.
They include:
Debris build-up and sediment transport which can increase floodwave size and its
destructive power,
Channel avulsions especially on alluvial fans,
Multiple dams on a river system, and
Current and potential future downstream development,
Warning systems can be effective in reducing loss of life in the event of a dam failure.
Thus they are effective risk management tools, however they do not change the
consequence of failure classification.
This document in part follows the Washington State Department of Ecology publication
“Dam Safety Guidelines, Technical Note 1: Dam Breach Inundation Analysis and
Downstream Hazard Classification” (Schaefer, 1992). The Washington State Dam Safety
Office site at has a good site that
includes excel spreadsheets for calculating peak dam break flood flows.
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Fread, D.L., 1981, Some Limitations of Dam-Breach Flood Routing Models, ASCE Fall
Convention, St. Louis, MO, October 26-30, 1981.
Fread, D.L., 1987, BREACH: An Erosion Model for Earthen Dam Failures, Hydrologic
Research Laboratory, NOAA, NWS, June 1987.
Fread, D.L., 1988, DAMBRK: The NWS-Dam Break Flood Forecasting Model, Office of
Hydrology, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD.
Schaefer, M.G., 1992, Dam Safety Guidelines, Technical Note 1: Dam Breach Inundation
Analysis and Downstream Hazard Classification, Washington State Department of
Ecology Publication No. 92-55E, July 1992.
United States Bureau of Reclamation, 1982, Guidelines for Defining Inundation Areas
Downstream from Bureau of Reclamation Dams, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado.
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