Differences in Tear Secretion Before and After Phacoemulsification Surgery Using Schirmer I Tests

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(Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro)

Online : http://ejournal3.undip.ac.id/index.php/medico
E-ISSN : 2540-8844
Volume 10, Number 4, July 2021
Raditya Pradana Daryosta, Arnila Novitasari Saubig,
Maharani, Trilaksana Nugroho



Raditya Pradana Daryosta1, Arnila Novitasari Saubig2, Maharani2, Trilaksana Nugroho2*

Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Opthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author’s : Email: trilaks@yahoo.com

Background: Cataract is a serious problem in the world because it is the biggest cause of blindness in the world. Cataract
healing can only be done with operative measures, one of them is phacoemulsification. The phacoemulsification technique is
the latest operative technique for cataract healing but both conventional techniques or phacoemulsification techniques can
cause a decrease in tear secretion after cataract surgery. The reduction in tear secretion can be evaluated using the Schirmer I
test. In this study an analysis of differences in tear secretion before and after phacoemulsification surgery. Aims: Knowing,
comparing, and analyzing the differences in tear secretion before and after phacoemulsification surgery using the Schirmer I
test. Methods: 22 cataract eyes consisting of 15 patients who will undergo phacoemulsification surgery were collected by
consecutive sampling at the Sultan Agung Eye Center, Sultan Agung Hospital, Semarang from August to September 2019,
examined using the Schirmer I test. After the data was collected, data analyzed with Wilcoxon rank test. Results: A total of 15
cataract patients consisting of 10 female patients and 5 male patients with a total of 22 eye samples. The average tear secretion
before and after phacoemulsification surgery was 12.77 ± 2.74 mm and 11.00 ± 1.95 mm. Data were tested with the Wilcoxon
rank test, p = 0,000 (p <0.05) which showed a difference in average tear secretion before and after phacoemulsification.
Conclusion: There are differences in tear secretion before and after phacoemulsification surgery.
Keywords: Phacoemulsification, Schirmer I. Test

INTRODUCING lacrimation. Impaired tear secretion will cause dry eye

A lacrimation functional unit consisting of the syndrome which is a multifactorial disease of tears and
lacrimal glands, eyelids, and innervation of the the surface of the eyeball4. It is often complained by
lacrimal gland has an important function in the patients that there are symptoms of dry eyes after
secretion of tear components for the maintenance of a cataract surgery.
stable, protective and supportive tear layer that is In the phacoemulsification surgical procedure,
essential for the optimal functioning of the optic the cornea incision causes the sensory nerve to be cut
system of the eye. Abnormalities of any or all off and gives negative feedback to the sympathetic and
structures of the functional unit of the lacrimation can parasympathetic nerves acting on the lacrimal gland
interfere with the maintenance process of the eyeball resulting in decreased tear secretion5. Tear secretion
surface. can be evaluated semi quantitatively using the
Cataract is a degenerative disease that causes Schirmer I test with a normal value of 10 mm - 30 mm.
the most blindness in the world and its cure can only be If the results of the Schirmer I test are less than 10 mm,
done through operative actions1,2. Ophthalmic there is a reduction in tear secretion6.
operations involving the cornea such as cataract
surgery and refractive surgery can cause a decrease in METHOD
the lacrimation reflex due to damage to the corneal This study was an observational analytic study
nerve3. with a cross sectional study design. This research was
The lacrimation reflex that is important for the conducted at Sultan Agung Eye Center, RSI Sultan
protection of the eyeball surface occurs due to Agung, Semarang in August - September 2019.
stimulation of the eyeball surface. Damage to the Subjects were cataract patients treated at
corneal nerve fibers after cataract surgery can reduce Sultan Agung Eye Center, RSI Sultan Agung,
nerve sensitivity thereby causing a decrease in reflex Semarang by fulfilling the criteria of age 50-60 years,

(Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro)
Online : http://ejournal3.undip.ac.id/index.php/medico
E-ISSN : 2540-8844
Volume 10, Number 4, July 2021
Raditya Pradana Daryosta, Arnila Novitasari Saubig,
Maharani, Trilaksana Nugroho

research subjects who had a history of external eye

abnormalities, DM sufferers, had a history of cataract Characteristics of Research Subjects
Table 1. Characteristics of research subjects
surgery or previous refraction were not included in
Patient Frequency Percentage
research. Characteristics
Schirmer test strips were used in this study. Gender
The examiner held the tip of the Schirmer test strip in a - Men 5 33.3%
hook-like conformation to the lower eyelid of the - Women 10 66.7%
outside one-third of the conjunctival sac of each
subject without anesthesia. Subjects closed their The study sample was obtained from 15
eyelids during the test. After 5 minutes, the examiner patients, and numbered 22 eyes. In this study cataract
removes the strips and measures the length of strip patients were dominated by women as many as 10
wetted by tears. Without anesthesia, wetting of less people (66.7%), while men as many as 5 people
than 10 mm of a Schirmer strip indicates dry eyes. (33.3%).
Based on the calculation of the sample size Descriptive Data Measurement of Tear Secretion
needed for this study were 22 cataracts. The Using Schirmer I Test
independent variable of this study was Table 2. Descriptive data measuring tear secretion using the
phacoemulsification surgery. The dependent variable Schirmer I test
of the study was tear secretion, which was obtained Tear N Mean Median Min Max
from the evaluation results using the Schirmer I test. Secretion ± SD
Hypothesis testing for differences in tear secretion Before 22 12.7 ± 12.00 9 19
before and after phacoemulsification surgery using the 2.74
Saphiro-Wilk test with results p <0.05, because it does After 22 11.0 ± 10.00 9 15
not meet the requirements to use an independent t-test,
Delta 22 1.77 ± 1.00 0 6
statistical analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon Change 1.60
rank test. The p value is considered significant if the p
value <0.05. Based on table 2, the Parametric Paired t-test,
The data was then analysed by computer showed a Tear secretion before phacoemulsification
software, SPSS in 24.0 version. The ethical clearance surgery: an average and standard deviation of 12.77 ±
for this research was derived from Ethical Commission 2.74 mm were obtained with the highest and lowest
(No.253/EC/KEPK/FK-UNDIP/VI/2019) of Health values being 19 and 9; whereas after
Research of Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University phacoemulsification surgery: the average and standard
Semarang and Bioethics Commision deviation of 11.00 ± 1.95 mm with the highest and
(No.447/VII/2019/Komisi Bioetik) of Health Research lowest values are 15 and 9. In this study we found delta
of Medical Faculty of Islam Sultan University changes in tear secretion of 1.77 ± 1.60 mm.
Semarang Comparison of Tear Secretion Measurement Using
Schirmer I Test
RESULTS Table 3. Comparison of tear secretion measurements using
This research has been conducted on cataract the Schirmer I test
patients at Sultan Agung Eye Center, RSI Sultan N Mean Sum of p-
Agung, Semarang who have met the inclusion and Rank Ranks value
exclusion criteria. The method of selecting samples is Post Negative 18a 9.50
consecutive sampling. This research was conducted in pre Ranks
22 eyes. Positive 0b 0.00
Ties 4c 0.000
Total 22
Note: a: post <pre, b: post> pre, c: post = pre

(Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro)
Online : http://ejournal3.undip.ac.id/index.php/medico
E-ISSN : 2540-8844
Volume 10, Number 4, July 2021
Raditya Pradana Daryosta, Arnila Novitasari Saubig,
Maharani, Trilaksana Nugroho

The results obtained 18 samples experienced a

decrease in tear secretion, 4 samples did not experience This is relevant to research conducted by
a decrease in tear secretion, and there were no samples Retnaniadi, et al. that there is a decrease in tear
that experienced an increase in tear secretion. Test secretion after surgery either by the EKEK technique
with Wilcoxon rank test obtained p = 0,000 (p <0.05), or the SICS technique in cataract patients due to
which shows there are differences in tear secretion damage to the corneal nerve fibers. Khanal et al. also
before and after phacoemulsification surgery. reported that deterioration in corneal sensitivity and
tear physiology was seen immediately after
DISCUSSION phacoemulsification. Corneal sensitivity didn’t return
The study was conducted in 22 eyes out of 15 to preoperative levels until 3 months
people with 5 men while the number of women was 10. postoperatively12,13.
This is also consistent with research conducted by Measurements were made using the Schirmer I
Saba, et al. concerning the effects of dry eye after test and significant results were obtained with an
cataract surgery in which the study sample was average tear secretion before phacoemulsification
dominated by women as many as 61 samples from 96 surgery of 12.77 ± 2.74 mm, while the average tear
samples and research conducted by Madeleine that secretion after phacoemulsification surgery was 11.00
there was an increased risk of cataracts in women who ± 1.95 mm and obtained a difference in tear secretion
had experienced menopause7,8. of 1.77 ± 1.60 mm. A decrease in tear secretion after
During cataract surgery, the surgical procedure cataract surgery also occurred in a study conducted at
can cause inflammation and release of inflammatory Hindu Rao Hospital using measurements of Tear
mediators such as oxygen-free radicals, proteolytic Meniscus Height (TMH), Tear Breakup Time
enzymes, and cyclooxygenase. In the ocular surface. (TBUT)9.
Thus, the ocular surface is damaged, resulting in
decreased density of goblet cells. Cataract CONCLUSION
surgery itself can aggravate dry eye. The patients Phacoemulsification surgery technique is the
diagnosed with dry eye before the surgery had latest cataract surgery technique in the field of
abnormalities of ocular structure and function ophthalmology which has experienced many
An incision of 2 mm in phacoemulsification developments when compared to other cataract surgery
surgery is the most minimal incision when compared techniques. In contrast to other conventional
with other cataract surgery techniques but the techniques, phacoemulsification technique uses a very
phacoemulsification surgery technique still gives the minimal incision, of 2 mm. Although this technique
impression of dry eye in patients after has a smaller incision size than other conventional
phacoemulsification surgery9. The same incision size techniques, there is still a decrease in tear secretion due
is also present in the refractive difference by the Small to damage to nerve fibers in the cornea.
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(Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro)
Online : http://ejournal3.undip.ac.id/index.php/medico
E-ISSN : 2540-8844
Volume 10, Number 4, July 2021
Raditya Pradana Daryosta, Arnila Novitasari Saubig,
Maharani, Trilaksana Nugroho

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