Project Management GUIDE 2020: Revision 1

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GUIDE 2020

In Association with


SUMMARY OF CHANGES - REVISION 1 ....................................................................................................... 4

ABOUT PMIEF .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
PRINCIPLES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................ 6
What is a project? .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Key roles in project management .............................................................................................................. 6
Project manager ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Project stakeholder ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Project sponsor ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Project team members ............................................................................................................................... 6
The triple constraints of project management ................................................................................... 7
Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................8
INITIATING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Defining the project .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Identify stakeholder ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Authorise the project ................................................................................................................................... 10
Template Project Charter ....................................................................................................................... 11
Helpful hints ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Deliverables .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Milestones..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Brainstorming .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Mind Mapping .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Example Mind Map.................................................................................................................................... 13
PLANNING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Writing a scope statement ........................................................................................................................ 14
Planning for quality ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Example Quality Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................... 14
Planning when and how to monitor and control the project ..................................................... 15
Building a project schedule ........................................................................................................................ 15
Determine the major categories of work: ...................................................................................... 15
Define tasks: ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Example Breakdown structure ........................................................................................................... 15
Determine the sequence: ....................................................................................................................... 16
Estimate time: .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Build the schedule:..................................................................................................................................... 16
Example Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Assigning roles and responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 17
Example Responsibility Assignment Matrix using RACI.......................................................... 17
Planning for acquiring resources ............................................................................................................ 17
Example Resource planning ................................................................................................................. 17
Creating a budget ........................................................................................................................................... 17

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Example Budget ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Planning when, what and how you will communicate ................................................................... 18
Example Communication Matrix ........................................................................................................ 18
Planning for risk .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Example Risk Assessment Matrix ..................................................................................................... 19
THE EXECUTING PROCESS ............................................................................................................................. 20
THE MONITORING AND CONTROLLING PROCESS ............................................................................. 21
Validating and controlling scope ............................................................................................................. 21
Scope creep ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Adjust for the unexpected ......................................................................................................................... 21
Status reports .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Example Status Report ........................................................................................................................... 22
THE CLOSING PROCESS ................................................................................................................................... 23
Example Lessons Learned Report ..................................................................................................... 24
Template Self & Peer Assessment .................................................................................................... 25
KEY TERMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
FURTHER READING ........................................................................................................................................... 27

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Assigning roles and responsibilities Updated

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In 2020 F1 in Schools partnered with the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation to integrate
Project Management into the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge.
The partnership will educate F1 in Schools' participants to develop project management skills and apply those
lessons learned to their competition entry as well as to academic and professional pursuits.
Project management is now an assessed part of the competition and this guide is intended to help teams
understand the power of project management to deliver a product – Your F1 in Schools car and competition
Companies and organisations around the world employ the processes detailed in this document to deliver
projects of all sizes from planning a marketing campaign to building a real-life Formula 1 car.

Andrew Denford, Founder and Chairman F1 in Schools, says of the association with PMIEF.
“We’re delighted to welcome PMIEF as a partner of F1 in Schools and look forward to a long and successful
relationship. Project management is fundamental in our Challenge, as the students have limited time and
resources for taking their F1 in Schools entry from concept to reality and I’m sure that PMIEF will be able to
assist our students with this process. The scope of the partnership allows us to extend the learning and
training to F1 in Schools staff and our In-Country Co-ordinators (ICCs) who deliver the programme
internationally, and I am sure there will be enormous benefit to both individuals and F1 in Schools to have this

The PMIEF Executive Directorship said of the relationship.

"Our partnership with F1 in Schools supports its professionals to learn project management and, in turn, to
transfer that knowledge to young people by thoughtfully integrating it into this globally-renowned Challenge.
The organization already appreciates the value of having youth learn through a highly experiential Challenge, so
we are confident this collaboration will only enrich their participation in this exciting, project-oriented

PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) is a 501(c)(3) supporting organization of the Project Management Institute
(PMI), the world's leading not-for-profit professional membership association. Founded in 1990, PMIEF
cultivates long-term relationships with non-profits across the globe to help them integrate project
management in their youth programs and to build their own project management capacity. The foundation
achieves its mission to “enable youth to realize their potential and transform lives through project
management” and its vision for “inspiring youth to achieve their goals, making dreams a reality” by investing in
high-quality organizations that exemplify a commitment to preparing young people for 21st century success and
an appreciation for both the societal application and value of project management. Visit for more


The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading association for those who consider project,
program or portfolio management their profession. Through global advocacy, collaboration, education and
research, the PMI work to prepare more than three million professionals around the world for The Project
Economy: the coming economy in which work, and individuals, are organized around projects, products,
programs and value streams. Now 50 years in the making, the PMI work in nearly every country around the
world to advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management
profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, communities, resources, tools, academic
research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. As part of the PMI
family, creates online global communities that deliver more resources, better tools,
larger networks and broader perspectives. For more information visit:

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You probably are already engaging in project management in your everyday life. Each time you plan for a
vacation, scheduled a time for your group of friends to get together, prepared a presentation or enter a
competition with your team, you were participating in various aspects of project management.

Project Management is a process followed to help ensure that all project work that must be completed to
create a product, service or result is understood, planned and finished within the constraints of time (the
schedule), cost (the budget) and quality.

What is a project?
Perhaps it is best to say what a project is not… It is not a daily, weekly, or even monthly routine or activity
such as walking the dog or weekly chores. These activities are called ongoing operations.
A project is temporary, it has a beginning and end and it creates a unique product, service, or result. It can
vary in size, be simple or complex and will involve resources such as materials and people.
Some examples of a project are hosting and planning a school prom, a birthday party, or your entry into F1 in

Key roles in project management

Project manager
This is the person responsible for making sure that each of the project’s goals and objectives are completed.
The project manager oversees the project from beginning to end and ensures that everyone involved is
informed about how the project is going. In an F1 in Schools team this could be the Team Manager or you
could create a Project Manager role within your team.

Project stakeholder
This a person or an organisation who is involved or has an interest, positively or negatively, in the project or
the outcome of the project. Project stakeholders may include customers, clients, vendors, team members and
contributors to daily activities. All stakeholders need to be kept informed of the project’s progress. The
project stakeholders in F1 in Schools could include your school or college, F1 in Schools HQ or your in-
country coordinator.

Project sponsor
This is a key project stakeholder and is the person that provides financial and other needed resources for the
project. The project sponsors in F1 in Schools are your financial and in-kind sponsors or indeed your school
or college.

Project team members

These are the people who work on a project and contribute to its success. This is your F1 in Schools team.

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The triple constraints of project management

Every time you start a project you will be concerned with what has to be done(scope), how much it will
cost(budget), and how long it will take (time). You do this all of the time, using the above examples of hosting
and planning the prom or a birthday party. We call the three parameters the triple constraints of project

As a project manager you will want to define these parameters early in the project. Once defined, you will use
these parameters as guideposts as you plan and later execute your project. You will also determine which
parameter is most important and use the other two as negotiating points if necessary. For example, you might
determine the most important parameter is being ready for your regional competition (time) with a car that
meets the specifications (scope). If you run behind schedule, you might need more money or resources (cost)
to manufacture the car correctly and make it to the competition on time.
You will notice the parameter of quality in the middle of the triple constraints and resources and risks as
influencers. Quality, risks and resources are used as references to attain your goals. You always need to keep
them in mind as you plan and execute.

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Any project, no matter the size or complexity, involves using specific skills, tools, and procedures to complete
the project’s goals. Project management can be broken down into five processes:

These processes help the project manager and team members define, organise, and keep track of all the work
that needs to be completed for a project to be successful.

The Initiating Process is the beginning of the project. During this process, project stakeholders are
identified and a project manager is selected. Project goals and objectives are defined and authorisation is
obtained to proceed with the project.

During the Planning Process, the project plan is created. The project manager and team members define the
activities and tasks needed to complete the final product, service or result. They also determine what staff and
resources are needed and establish the timeline and available budget for the project. The planning process is
very important to the overall success of the project. Without careful planning, a project manager and project
team may find it very difficult to achieve project success.

Executing is the process of working through the project plan. The executing process involves performing the
activities outlined during the planning process.

Monitoring and Controlling occurs throughout the entire project. Monitoring and controlling involves
ensuring that all the tasks in the project plan are completed on time and within budget, as well as addressing
any changes necessary to successfully achieve the project goals.

In the Closing Process, project goals are delivered. Final administrative work is completed, and lessons
learned are captured to improve future projects. The closing process involves taking the time to celebrate the
team’s successes along the way toward completion of the project.

Each of these processes will be addressed in more detail below:

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The initiating process group has three goals:

 Defining the project

 Identify stakeholders
 Authorise the project

Defining the project

During this process you will define the goals and identify the deliverables of your F1 in Schools competition
entry or as we will now call it your F1 in Schools Project.

You will need to answer the basic project questions of Why, Who, What, When, Where and How:

WHY is the project being initiated? What is the reason for the project?

WHO is this work being done for? Identify the people participating in or affected by the project’s outcome
both positively and negatively.

WHAT are we going to deliver? What work do we need to complete? What resources and funds do we
need to produce these deliverables?

WHEN will we produce these deliverables? When will the project sponsor approve and accept the final
project deliverables?

WHERE will the deliverables be used?

HOW are we going to achieve the project’s goal and objectives? How will success be measured?

Identify stakeholder
Stakeholders are the people or organisations involved or that have an interest, positively or negatively, in the
project or the project’s outcome. A stakeholder register should be created which includes the individuals
involved and/or impacted by the project, their role in the project and their contact information.

Name Role in project Organisation Contact Engagement

Mrs Smith Teacher My School
R Harvey Sponsor Sponsor Inc
A Denford Comp CEO F1 in Schools
S Millar Team member My Team

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Authorise the project

A project charter is a document authorising the start of a project and is used to further clarify and refine the
project. It will describe the outcomes and expectations for the project and identify the measure of
performance, milestones, assumptions, constraints, and identify risks and resources.

The Why, Who, What, When, Where and How questions are used to create the project charter.

The project description outlines your goals. Goals should be specific, measurable and observable. Goals can
guide a project from start to finish. The clearer you are in defining your goals, the easier it will be to stay on

The project manager should be named and a list created of the team members that will be involved in
the project.

The project reason/justification outlines the reason for doing this project. The why question could be ‘we
want to become World Champions’.

A milestone is an estimated time when a major deliverable will be completed. Consider when high-level
progress will be made throughout the project. For example, when your car will need to be completed.

The acceptance criteria documents how the final product will be evaluated and what the quality of the final
product will look like. It defines how you will know you are done and if you have successfully completed your

Assumptions are factors about the project that you consider true without getting proof. Identifying
assumptions helps a team clarify assumptions that not all team members share. An assumption could be that
your school will excuse you from class to attend a final event.

A constraint is any factor that provides a limit on the ways that a project goal can be accomplished. This may
include limitations in finance, scheduling, people or others. For example, a sponsor not paying would limit
finance or the new release of the technical regulations has increased the minimum weight of the car.

Risk includes any unexpected situations that might arise that may hamper your project. Consider potential
risks at the beginning of a project so that you can manage them appropriately and create a plan of response.
While you cannot predict all situations, the more prepared you are, the more successful your project will
likely be. An example of a risk could be an issue with your 3D printer preventing you from printing your car
front wing. The response plan would be to have a list of contacts who have a 3D printer and would be willing
to let you use it.

Resources may include money, time, people, expertise, equipment, machinery or a workplace. Consider all
resources that would be needed for the project and their estimated cost.

By taking the time in the beginning to define the project and obtaining authorisation, teams can set themselves
up for success. Once the project charter has been approved the project is authorised and can commence.

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Template Project Charter

Project charter

Project: F1 in schools
Team name: Evolution
Date: September 15

Project manager
The person responsible for ensuring that each of the project’s goals and objectives are completed.

Team member
The people who work on a project and contribute to its success.

Project description
Describe the project. What is the goal of your project?

Project role/justification
Why are you doing this project?

Major milestones
What are the big points of progress? What are the deliverables? When are they due?

Acceptance criteria
How will the final product be evaluated?

What do you believe to be true about this project?

What factors will limit how the project gets done?

What things could cause issues during the project?

What resources are needed? What will it cost?

Project Start date XX/XX/XXXX End Date XX/XX/XXXX

Project Manager Signature Date XX/XX/XXXX
Approved by Signature Date XX/XX/XXXX

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Helpful hints

These are the products, services or results of a process or project. In F1 in Schools this will be your cars,
portfolio work, pit display etc. Deliverables are written as a statement of something accomplished or

Milestones will always have at least one deliverable and will include the due date. This serves as a marker for
how far along you are in the project.

The Why, Who, What, When, Where and How are not yes/no questions. Instead, they are all open-
ended questions. Asking open-ended questions helps get a fuller sense of what the project includes.

For example:

If your team asked “Do we know who the project stakeholders are?” You might answer “Yes,” but it is
possible that each team member has different people in mind.

Asking an open-ended question like, “Who are the project stakeholders?” provides the opportunity for all

This is a strategy of creative thinking, usually done in groups, that comes up with as many creative ideas as
possible, over a set period of time.

While there are many different approaches to brainstorming, generally, the rule is that no idea should be
immediately judged or dismissed because negativity or self-doubt can make it very difficult to think as freely
and/or as creatively as possible. Sometimes the idea that seems the strangest at first ends up being the
inspiration for the perfect project solution

Mind Mapping
This involves writing the goal of the project in the middle of a piece of a large sheet of paper. Draw a circle
around that idea. Then, think of as many ideas or concepts that relate to that central goal as possible. Write
them on the paper around the central goal and draw lines out from the central circle to these related ideas.
For each new concept, draw a circle around it and think of as many related ideas as you can and connect those
ideas with lines to that circle.

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Example Mind Map

Design Car
Management Learn CAD
Sponsorship software
and Marketing

Business Design and

Plan Analyse

Roles and CFD analysis


F1 in Schools

Register for
CNC regional final

Make and Race /

Test Compete

3d Print wings Prepare verbal

Paint and and portfolios

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The planning process includes the following actions:

 Writing a scope statement

 Planning for quality
 Planning how to monitor and control the project
 Building a project schedule
 Assigning roles and responsibilities
 Planning for acquiring resources
 Creating a budget
 Planning how and when to communicate
 Planning for risk

Writing a scope statement

The scope statement builds upon the description created in the project charter in the initiating process.
It sets the goals for what will be accomplished in your project. Aim to make your goal as specific as possible
and measurable so you can determine if your goals are achieved.

A project scope statement describes the work that will be done and what will not be done to create the
project’s unique outcome.

For example, you know you will need to prepare a verbal presentation, engineering portfolio and build a pit
display so these items must appear in the scope statement. You also know that F1 in Schools is a team
competition so no individual work needs to be submitted and individual work would not appear in the scope
statement. You should read the competition regulation carefully and list all the deliverables you are going to
be expected to deliver. These are your guidelines and standards.

Planning for quality

Planning for quality is part of the normal project planning activities. You need to gather the quality standards
that are required for your project and make sure you plan quality into the tasks of the project schedule. You
will also build tasks that ensure or inspect the quality of the deliverable. You then need to monitor and
control the quality of the deliverables of the project.

A technique you can use to verify that the quality standards have been met is called acceptance criteria. You
can define acceptance criteria for the entire project or specific deliverables. The below example demonstrates
the quality acceptance criteria that could be implemented for your car development.

Example Quality Acceptance Criteria

Quality Acceptance Testing and Review, Acceptance Timing Responsibilities

Criteria Assessment and Sign Off

No bubbling of Visual signs of Team Manager Completion of painting Manufacturing Engineer

Paintwork bubbling

No component Visual signs of Team Manager At end of first and Manufacturing Engineer
breakages. cracking checks. second round of

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Planning when and how to monitor and control the project

Each part of the planning process builds on the others. You may find that you need to revisit and revise parts
of your project along the way. This process of review and revision is part of monitoring and controlling your
project. Monitoring and controlling will be easier to conduct with ongoing check-ins.

Take a moment to plan how frequently you will schedule check-ins with your team and project sponsor and
how you will document the progress you are making. You may decide to check in hourly, daily, or weekly.

Building a project schedule

A project schedule needs to be created, identifying all the tasks to be completed including their start and
due dates. The following steps should be undertaken:

Determine the major categories of work:

These categories can be established in several ways.

1. By PHASES: What should be accomplished pre competition, during competition, etc?

2. By MAJOR PIECES OF WORK: what should be accomplished for the design of the car, the
manufacture of the car, creation of the enterprise portfolio, etc.

3. By MILESTONE: Milestones are the critical points in a project's timeline that can be monitored to
determine if the project is on schedule. They show completion of major pieces of the project.

Define tasks:
What tasks need to be accomplished to meet each milestone? Tasks are the “to-do” list. Breaking out the
categories and tasks in this way is called a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Example Breakdown structure

Project F1 in Schools

Categories Register a team Design Car Manufacture Car Attend Competition

Confirm Attendance
Tasks Assign Roles Learn CAD Software Book CNC Machine
with F1IS

Assign Tasks Brainstorm Car Design Cut Car Book Transportation

Produce STL file Paint Car Pack all Materials

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Determine the sequence:

When will each task be accomplished? To determine this sequence, you will need to assess which tasks are
dependent and which are independent.

A dependent task means another task must be completed before the dependent task can begin. A
very basic example… You will need to design your car in CAD before you can manufacture it so
manufacture is dependent on the CAD work being completed.

An independent task means the task can be completed at any time and is not related to some other
task being completed.

Estimate time:
How long will each task take to be completed? This is your best guess based, perhaps on experience or after
discussion with your team, considering the amount of work to be done. Underestimating the amount of time
needed to complete each task is a common error. Building extra time into the schedule can help ensure you
have the time needed to complete your project on time. As you will be attending an event final you have a
hard deadline that cannot be moved. Running out of time could mean not finishing your car or other judged

Build the schedule:

With all the above information in hand, it is now possible to build the schedule.

There are many tools you can use to create your schedule such as table in Word, a chart in Excel or other
project management specific software that can generate a Gantt chat such as Microsoft Project, Smartsheet, or Speak with you school to see what tools you are able to access.

Example Schedule

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Assigning roles and responsibilities

It is important to assess the strengths, skills, and abilities of each team member to effectively assign
responsibilities to the best-equipped individual(s). A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) can be
used to assign team members to appropriate tasks. A legend or key is usually applied to the RAM, the one
most commenly used is RACI (Responsible - Accountable - Consulted – Informed).

Example Responsibility Assignment Matrix using RACI

Task Team/Project Design Manufacturing Graphic
Manager Engineer Engineer Designer
Design Car using Autodesk Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed
Design Team Logo Accountable Consulted Informed Responsible
Create Budget Accountable Informed Informed Informed
Book CNC Time Accountable Consulted Responsible Informed

Legend / Key:
Responsible for doing the work
Accountable for making sure the work gets done.
Consulted to provide critical input to the work.
Informed of the work being done or completed

A F1 in Schools team will be very structured, the rules and regulation documents highlight the roles that a
team should have. This does not limit you assigning other roles to team members.

It is important to ensure that each activity and task identified in the project schedule is allocated to a team

Planning for acquiring resources

Resource planning considers all the things needed to complete the project. This may include people, money,
equipment or even space needed to do the work.

In the planning process you will need to determine where and how you will acquire each resource, when each
resource is needed and how long you will need it.

Example Resource planning

Resource Needed When will you need it? How you will acquire it

Model block November 15 Place order with Denford LTD

Request access via school lab

Denford CNC router November 24 (1day)
Book Minibus with School
School Minibus January 20 (2 days)
administration office

Creating a budget
A budget is a financial plan of income and expenditure for a defined period of time.
You will need to:

 Identify what items will cost you money and how much they will cost. It is normal for costs to initially
be estimated and your budget should include the actual costs so you can identify any over or under
 Identify where you plan to acquire the money. A fundraising event, sponsor pitch or a donation.
 Agree who will be responsible for the budget and keep a record of spending and approve any

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There can be many different costs associated with an entry to F1 in Schools, some of which may not be
immediately obvious or expected. For example, they may be associated with risks you have identified or
unexpected changes that you need to make as you develop your car. There may also be a scenario where
items cost more than you expected and you need to ensure your budget can accommodate all these. In
finance this is called the budget contingency. You can decide how much contingency you need by assessing
how likely each of the scenarios presented above are likely to happen.

Example Budget
F1 in Schools Budget
Item Budget cost Actual cost Balance

Planning when, what and how you will communicate

Team members and stakeholders need information on how the project is developing and what may need to
change to get all the work done.

Planning for communication involves having a clear understanding of who needs to communicate with whom
and how often, as well as what information would be relevant and useful to each stakeholder.

Example Communication Matrix

Who to contact What to Communication When
communicate method
Teacher Milestones met Face to Face Milestone completion
F1 in Schools HQ Competition registration Email / on-line forms Start of year and when
information is requested
Sponsors Competition progress Email Monthly
Team members Team update Microsoft teams Daily @ lunchtime

It is very important to have an internal project team communication plan. You should agree how you plan to
communicate, how often, where and when. Look at the various communication tools that are available to you
in case you cannot always meet in person.

Planning for risk

It is important to identify possible risks that might impact the successful outcome of the project. Identifying
potential risks provides the opportunity to plan a response in advance that will help to avoid or minimise a
negative impact on the project.

Risks could impact one or more areas of the project, including:

 Resources: Ability to acquire people, equipment, funding, or other resources to complete project. All of
these apply to F1 in Schools.

 Timing: Will deliverables or the entire project be completed on schedule? This is critical for F1 in
Schools as you have a hard deadline of attending an F1 in School final event.

 Scope: Completing and delivering all the items named in the original scope. You may choose to change
the class of the competition you have entered.

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 Quality: How well each deliverable meets the goals set in the acceptance criteria. Has your car been
manufactured as expected?

Example Risk Assessment Matrix

What might go wrong Risk Level Area of Impact Preventative planning
L = Low R = Resource
M = Medium T = Timing
H = High S = Scope
Q = Quality
Car front wing damaged M R – New part will need -Manufacture a spare
during testing to be manufactured wing
T – We may not have -Ensure testing takes
enough time to place well before the
manufacture a new wing finals
before the finals

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Executing is the process of working through the project plan. This involves putting your project plan into
action. The project plan serves as a guide to help ensure that the deliverables — the intended goals of the
project — will be completed properly, on time, and within the budget.

As work is being executed, you should strive to:

 Use your budget and resources as planned.

 Manage the risks you identified.

 Stay focused only on the work you described in your project’s scope.

 Meet your milestones.

 Document your progress in an organized way.

 Communicate your project’s progress regularly and effectively to your stakeholders.

By checking on your progress, evaluating whether project goals are being achieved in the best possible way and
being prepared to adjust their path if necessary, you are engaged in the monitoring/controlling process.

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Monitoring/controlling is a continuous process throughout the project life cycle. Project managers and
team members need to establish a cycle to evaluate the progress of the project and report back to
stakeholders about project developments.

Validating and controlling scope

This is a key component of the monitoring/controlling process group.

Keep the following in mind:

 Ensures that all the tasks necessary to achieve the project goals are completed.
 Identify if any activities need to be added to the project.
 Prevent work on the project from going beyond the scope.
 Determine what to do if any activity is taking more time than planned.

Scope creep
This occurs when work is added to the project without appropriately adjusting the schedule and resources,
and without obtaining sponsor approval.

Routinely review the Acceptance Criteria that were established in the project to make sure that the
products of a project will satisfy project stakeholders’ needs and meet their standards.

Avoiding scope creep should start early in the project, ideally during the initiating process when you
established a goal and set the boundaries for the project’s work and scope. During the planning process you
established what would not be included or would be “out of scope” for the project. If you establish early what
is and what is not a part of the project’s scope you can rely on and monitor those plans to help you avoid
scope creep.

Adjust for the unexpected

It is more than likely that you will encounter some surprises as the project progresses. This is OK, it is what
monitoring and controlling is for. Discuss any surprises that occur as project work is being done. If a change
needs to occur, review the schedule, resources and scope to see if there are other changes that need to be

Status reports
A status report is an effective way to monitor and document of the progress of your project — and to
communicate that progress to others. Each status report should include:

 What work has been completed

 What tasks are in progress
 What work is still planned
 What issues have developed

Status reports can help identify items that might affect the project scope, timeline, budget or deliverables. For
example, if you raise money to buy a 3D printer but this arrives 2 weeks late, this will affect your timeline and
you may not have time to 3D print your wheels for the regional final.

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Example Status Report

Status report

Project: F1 in schools
Team name: Evolution
Date: November 12

Project status: in good shape

Tasks acomplished:
- all sponsorship acquired.
- car cad design milestone achieved and car ready for cfd analysis and then manufacture.

Tasks in progress:
- cfd analysis underway.
- manufacturing engineer is preparing resources (model blocks) and booking the denford cnc router to cut the car.

Planned tasks
- portfolio writing.
- verbal presentation script writing and powerpoint creation.

- one of the team members has an appointment clash on the date of the regional final. They are currently
attempting to reschedule the appointment.
- our 3d printer needs maintenance and we are yet to confirm an engineer site visit.

Questions for discussion:

- we need to finalise our transport arrangements for attending the finals.

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Closing is the process of completing the project. Finishing a project is an accomplishment. It is the
achievement of a lot of work. As a group, you and your team members collectively sparked an idea, planned it,
executed the plan, monitored/controlled your progress, and have now reached the closing process.

In the closing process you have the opportunity to reflect upon the quality of the project deliverables, what
you learned about managing a project, and how well you and your team worked together.

In the closing process there is still some work to be completed as follows:

 A closing presentation is created, for some projects, to present the final report to the stakeholders.

 Collect and store any project-related paperwork and documents (such as the project plan, completed
schedule, etc.) in a project portfolio such as in a notebook or a computer. These documents
become reference material for future projects.

 Team members need to “sign off” on the project to verify that the project is completed.

 Create a Lessons Learned document with team members by asking what went well, what could
have been done better, and what should continue. You may have received feedback from the judges
which should be included. You can also reflect on how your car performed on the track.

 Complete a self and peer assessment. Include whether you and your group:

o Treated each other with respect,

o Shared responsibilities,
o Communicated clearly and effectively,
o Worked in an organized fashion and
o Managed time wisely.

 Finally, celebrate all that you and your team have accomplished! Regardless of the outcome, you
have dedicated time and effort, learned a lot along the way, and should be rewarded for such effort.

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Example Lessons Learned Report

Lessons learned

Project: F1 in schools
Team name: Evolution
Date: January 15

What did we do right?

- we won the regional final and have a place at the national finals.

What could we have done better?

- we have not scored well in our verbal presentation. We all acknowledge we did not rehearse this enough.
- our car was not as fast as we had hoped. We all acknowledge that we did not leave enough time to test our

What should we continue to do?

- test, test, test
- verbal presentation script writing, this really helped

What significant issues did we encounter and how did we resolve?

- our 3d printer really let us down
- we built a relationship with our local university to gain access to their equipment

What are our lessons learned?

- we need to use as much time as we can analysing our cad design. Our car was fast, but we wanted to win
the fastest car award
- we should have had more team meetings especially as we progressed through the project milestones

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Template Self & Peer Assessment

Self & peer assesment

PROJECT: F1 in Schools
TEAM NAME: Evolution

List your team’s members, including yourself, in the space provided below. Then, rate every person on each
behaviour listed. Use the following rating scale:

4 = Always 3 = Usually 2 = Sometimes 1 = Never

Team Member Names

(including your own)


Exhibited a positive attitude

Treated other with respect

Shared responsibilities

Did work accurately & completely

Communicated clearly & effectively

Was organized

Managed time wisely

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A set of conditions that is required to be met before deliverables are accepted.

Acceptance criteria:
A factor in the planning process that is considered to be true, real, or certain,
Assumption: without proof or demonstration.

A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project,

Constraint: program, portfolio, or process.
Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that is
Deliverables: required to be produced to complete a process, phase, or project.
Milestone: A type of schedule that presents milestones with planned dates.
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the
Project charter: existence of a project and provides the manager with the authority to apply
organizational resources to project activities.
The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified
Project scope: features and functions.
Resource: A team member or any physical item needed to complete the project.
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on
Risk: one or more of the project objectives.
A project document including the identification, assessment, and classifications of
Stakeholder register: project stakeholders.
A stakeholder with negative interest is typically one who is affected by the
outcomes of a project. They either does not want that outcome to happen or will
Negative interest be negatively impacted by that outcome.


Milestone: A significant point or event in a project, program, or portfolio.

Those processes required to establish the scope of the project, refine the
Planning process: objectives, and define the course of action required to attain the objectives that the
project was undertaken to achieve.
An output of a schedule model that presents linked activities with planned dates,
Project schedule: durations, milestones, and resources.
Scope: The sum of the products, services and results to be provided as a project.
A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the
Work Breakdown project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required
Structure (WBS): deliverables.

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A component of the project, program, or portfolio management plan that describes

Communications how, when, and by whom information about the project will be administered and
management: disseminated
Those processes performed to complete the work defined in the project
Executing process: management plan to satisfy the project requirements.
The processes required to track, review, and regulate the progress and
Monitoring/controlling: performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are
required; and initiate the corresponding changes.
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on
Risk: one or more project objectives.
The uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to
Scope creep: time, cost, and resources.


The process(es) performed to formally complete or close a project, phase, or

Closing process: contract.
The knowledge gained during a project which shows how project events were
Lessons Learned: addressed or should be addressed in the future for the purpose of improving future

For more resources and information about project management, head to the resources page of the f1 in
Schools website:


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