Beatriz Colomina X Ray Architecture Lars Muller (046 090)
Beatriz Colomina X Ray Architecture Lars Muller (046 090)
Beatriz Colomina X Ray Architecture Lars Muller (046 090)
Health and Architecture: From Vitruvius to Sick Building Syndrome 47
impu lse behind both houses came not so much from straight
modern architecture theories as from theories about sex,
health, psychoanalysis, and n udis m . Foas.sJ, s5 Modern archi
tecture was here inseparable from a new lifestyle which
House,under construction
81 Back coverof Rachard Nautra,
Health Ho use of Ne utra in particular, became a public
Survr.'OI Through Design, 1954,wath c'emonstration of Lovell s theories, with en-suite sleeping
e Homo B�at {or Hco.Jtb By Philip M. Lovell� N. D.
Authw of ..met /W'Hcofd." ond "Tb6 HuiJh of �e Cflifl'
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austere forms of 1920s and 1930s furniture design, which
looked like doctor's equipment, and as expressing a new
concern for the body, for natural materials, and for organic
forms. But there is nothing "natural" about them. In fact,
the Eameses' plywood, furniture and toys are the result of
med ical and military research.
During World War II, ChaRes and Ray Eames hadJormed
a company with John Entenza to mass-produce plywood war
produGts with military funding. I n 1941 and 1942, they devel
oped a molded plywood splint for the US Navy to replace a
metal leg splint that did not sufficiently secure the leg and
even led to gangrene and death. By the war's end, more than
one hundred and fifty thousand Eames splints had been
shipped to the navy.,s7 The splint performed very well in
the field and was praised for its lifesaving features. In addi
tion, the company designed and developed a plywood body
litter and an arm splint, molded plywood aircraft parts, and
more. By 1945, the Eameses were producing molded plywood
chairs with the technology they had developed for the mili
tary. A photograph of the plywood lounge chair of 1946 shows
Charles Eames reclining on it, the position of his leg sticking
straight out indicating that he had not forgotten where the
idea came from. In addition, the Eameses produced molded
plywood children's furniture, molded plywood animals, light
weight plywood cabinets, and even plywood Christmas deco
rations made out of leftover splints. Military and medical
equipment had become the basis of domestic equipment.
For the Eameses, as for Le Corbusier, the designer is
a su rgeon. I n the course of an interview, Charles Eames said:
other designers can be seen smiling so often and so polem
ically. FIG.71 While the ever-scowling Adolf Loos had insisted
in "Ornament and Crime" that the craftsman is "so healthy
he cannot invent ornament," the ever- beaming Eameses.
the poster cl'iildren of good design encouraged the postwar
. ,
Selected Writings, Volume 2: 1927-1934, Frank Lloyd Wright, Buckminster Fuller, Psychoanalytic Culture (Cambridge. MA:
p. 438. Benjamin often confuses Loos with and LeCorbusier. MIT Press. 2004). p. 76.
the architecture of glass. Nothing could be 39 Frederick Kiesler, /nside the Endless 53 Charles Eames, interview with Digby
further from Loos. But where he is surgical House: Art, People, andArchitecture Diehl,"Charles Eames:Q&A;' LosAngeles
is with the dismantling of the private from AJournol, p. 229. Times WESTMagazine, October 8, 197 2,
within and the resolute defense against 40 Ibid., p. 203. p. 14.reprinted i n Oigby Diehi, Supertolk
the intrusivegaze ofpublicauthO[ity. 41 Ibid., p. 154. (New York: Doubleday, 1974). The original
30 Buckm.inster Fuller, "Universal Condi- 42 Ibid., p. 155. transcript is in the Eames archives,
tions of the Industrially Reproducible 43 Ibid.. p. 338. Library of Congress.
Shelter;· T-Square 2. no. 2 (February 1932)� 44 Ibid., p. 272. 54 "Case Study Houses 8 and 9 by
p. 37. 45 Ibid.. p. 236. Charles Eames and EeroSaarinen.Archi
31 Frederick Kiesler, Contemporary 46 Richard Neutra, "Some Notes on The tects.·Arts & Architecture (December
ArtApplied to the Store andIts Display Complex of Nudism; Nude Living 1 , no. 6 1945). p. 44.
(New York: Brentano's. 1930). p. 87. (April 1962). pp. 7-10, and "Audre: Able
32 Frederick Kiesler. "Pseudo· Function· and Agile." ibid .. pp. 11-13.1 am grateful
alism in Modern Architecture.· Partisan to Thomas Hines for pointing this out
Re•tiew 16 (July 1949), p. 735. Emphasis to me and lending me his own copy ofthe
in the original. magazine.
33 "A house must be practical.To be 47 Willard Morgan, "Plumbing and Heat-
practical means to serve.To be service- ing for a Modern Health Home;•Domestic
able i n every respect. In any direction. Engineering (AprilS, 1930), p. 52.
If any directions are closed, the house 48 Philip lovell."Care ofthe Body.•
suffers from constipation." Ibid., p. 739. Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine.
34 Ibid. pp. 733-42. December 15,1929. p. 26.
35 Frederick Kiesler,/nside the Endless 49 Philip Lovell and Leah Lovell. Diet
House: Art, People, and Architecture- for Health by Natural Methods: Together
A Journal (New York: Simon and Schuster, with Health Menus an d Recipes; Com-
1966). p. 566. plete Instruction s for the Cure ofthe Sick
36 "Kiesler: Pursuit of an Idea." interview Without the Use ofDrugs (Los Angeles:
by Thomas H. Creigton, Progressive Times-MirrorPress, 1927). p. 16, quoted
Architecture (July 1961 ). p. 115. in Victoria Jane Solan, "Built for Health"
37 Ibid., p. 106. (PhD diss.. Yale University, 2004), p. 140.
38 lbid., pp. 113-14.Twentyyears tater, 50 Richard Neutra,quoted in"Steel
Johnson supported Kiester's work. Construction with Plaster;'Colifornio
In 1950, he acquired, for the Museum Plasterer, 1929.clipping in Neutra archives.
of Modern Art the model of the Endless UCLA. See Solan, "Built for Health,"
Housethat had beenexhibited in the pp. 145-46.
Kootz Gallery. He also facilitated Kiesler's 51 Sara Schrank, "Naked Houses: The
subsequent exhibitions of the Endless Architecture of Nudism and the Rethink-
House in the Museum of Modern Art: ing of the American Suburb," Journal
Two Houses. New Ways of Building (1952). of Urban History 38, no. 4 (2012), p. 638.
with Buckminster Fuller; and Visionary 52 Sylvia Lavin, Form Follows Libido:
Architecture (1960). with Bruno Taut. Architecture and Richard Neutra in a
Tu berc u los i s
Alvar and AinoAalto, PaimioSanatorium.
2 Exterior view with sundeck balconies,
3. 4 Patient room
s AlvarAalto,drawing ofcurved floor
under Nindow, 1929
6 AlvarAalto, drawing of noiseless
modern of buildings are themselves healthy bodies, in a n
update of the Vitruvian idea, with the twist that one of the
three buildings is devoted to sick bodies.
With its dramatic terraces in the sky, the Paimio Sana- ST !! 6
torium even bears an 1-1ncanny resemblance, in canonical y 19!19
__ . _,_ _ _
Tu berculosis 63
1 Al•ar Aalto. Kinkomaa tuberculosis
sanatorium project (not realized),
perspective drawing, 1927
Tuberculosis 65
11 Drawing by AlvarAalto of an ordinary
room for a "vertical person"and a room in
Paimiofor a "hori2ontal person"to illus
trate his 1940 article lhe Humanizing of
Architecture� November 1940
whom the ceiling had all of a sudden acquired maximum
importance-a new kind of facade, one could s ay The view
Tuberculosis 67
Alvar Aalto, PaimioSanatorium,
1 929-1933
12 Patient roomdoorhandle designed not
to catch doctor's lab coat sleeves
13 Main staircase
14 Diagram of the sun rays and heating
rays in a patient's room
15 Diagram showingthe heat environment
in a patient's room
An extended period of confinement can be extremely
depressing for a bed-ridden patient. Furthermore,
conventional hospital rooms are never designed for
constant bed-ridden patients. The contrasts in color
and mass betwe.en vertical walls and horizontal ceil
ings resulting from both natural and artificial light
are not particularly well-suited for patients who are
especially sensitive because of their illness. : . . A tuber
c:ulosis sanatorium is, to all ntents and purposes,
a hOUSe W ith Open Wi ndOWS.9 FIGS. 14, 1 5
Tuberculosis 69
The bodily and psychological sensitivity of the sick person
was used to recalibrate architecture. Even the specialized
furniture became ordinary everyday pieces. If the cantile
vered birch-wood Paimio ch air, for example, was designed to
open the chest of the patient, allowing him o r her to breathe
easier, soon enough, that chair became everybody's chair.
Likewise with the rest of the furniture specially designed for
Paimio: "The sanatorium n·eeded furniture which should be
light, flexible, easy to clean and so on. After extensive exper
imentation in wood, the flexible system was discovered ..
to produce furniture which was more suitable for the lo ng
and painful life in a san atorium."11 A workshop was set up
with a local company to carry out the first experiments, and
i n 1935, barely two years after completing Paimio,Alvar and
Aino Aalto founded the Finnish furniture company Artek,
FIG. 11 with "the ambition to support and nourish human
16 Paimio Sanatorium lounge recreation
room with Paimio chairs. 1933
11 TheArtekstore in Helsinki. 1939
18 Engraving after a drawing by Robert
Koch of fresh bacilli from the lungs of
a tuberculosis patient. as seen under the
19 Engraving after a drawing by Robert
Koch of tuberculosis bacilli, after two
weeks growth under a culture. as seen
under the microscope
tion. The modern subject has multiple ailments, physical
and psychological, and architecture is a protective cocoon
not just against the weather and other outside threats, but
in modernity, more notably against internal threats: psycho-
logical and b'odily ailm�nts..
Tuberculosis 71
20 Josef Hoffmann, Purkersdorf
sanatorium. original design, west facade.
21 Otto Pfleghard and Max Haefeli,
with engineer Robert Mai llart, Queen
Alexandra Sanatorium. Oavos, 1907
22 Otto Wagner,project for Palmschoss
hel iotherapy center. Brixen, ltaly, 1914
23 Bernard Bijvoetand Jan Duiker,
Zonnestraal sanatorium, Hilversum,
1927. postcard
24 Richard Docker, Waiblingen sana·
Tuberculosis 73
25 Pablo Zabalo, Sanatorio de Leza.
Alava. 3pain, 1934, postcard
2 6 William Ganster and William Pereira,
Lake CountyTuberculosis Sanatorium,
Waukegan, Illinoi s, 1939
27 Werner Hebebrand and Wilhelm
Kleinertz,Sonnenblick Sanatori um .
Marburg, 1929-1931
28 Co,er ofthe Revista Naciona( de
Arquitectura 126,June 1952. with an
image of Lake CountyTuberculosi s
Sanatorium superimposed on an X-ray
of lungs
R E V I S T A N A C I 0 N A L D E A R Q U I T E"C T U'R A
c•'" \ jl o:�� ��'o f �� ,C�·I� H�/c;"��r'o'l,�fitcg� 1 f�8 t,l}� 4;"r\�"" ��'�/,�.0t/.t/'1/ . ,., . �, t; ..
A n o XII Num. 126
Tuberculosis 75
29 Jaromir Krejca r, Machnl!c, sanatorium
in TrencianskeTeplice, 1929-1932
30 Artificial beach,Aix-Les-Bains
31 G. Lubarskij, Tuberculosis sanatorium
near Odessa, 1930
32, 34 Jean Saidman, revolving sanatorium ,
Tuberculosis 77
36 37
36 Nicola Visontai, project for a sana
The building, commissioned by the industrialist Viktor
Zuckerkandl, was constructed as an addition to an earlier
sanatorium complex founded by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Rich
ard von Krafft-Ebing died before the Pu rkersdorf
was completed-but it was influenced by his theories.
Krafft-Ebing had argued that the modern metropolis was
damaging the nerves of its inhabitants and that air, light ,
Tuberculosis 79
:he furniture. FIG.42 Even the architect of the building, Josef
-toffmann, checked himself i n now and then. He had suf
=ered from and was treated for a "1ervous disorder" prior
:o the commission of the'Purkersdorf and was sympathetic
:o Krafft-Ebing's ideas. According to Eduard Sekler, that was
why Hoffmann was inclined to acce�t the commission.18 The
Purkersdorf accepted patients with a wide range of medical
conditions including "ner-vous" d isorders, neurasthenia, eat
ing disorders, substance abuse, and hysteria. The sanatori
um had become a new kind of social space for the Viennese
upper classes. Hospitals until the end of the ni neteenth
century were almost without exception for the poor. Mem
bers of the upper and middle class were treated at home,
and hospitals were seen as abject places for the destitute.19
But starting in the 1880s, the aristocracy and upper classes
began to spend summers in sanator urns and curative spas.
largely to deal with nervous disorders and other illnesses of
modernity. Bertha Zuckerkandl,20 journalist and art critic of
the Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung, characterized the Purkers
dorf as a "cross between a modern hotel and a modern ther
apeutic centre."21 And Karl Kraus described it as a "heal
ing-swindle- institution" (Heilschwinde/onstolt).22 FIGs.4o,41
Critics hailed the building as one of clarity and truth.
The success of the institution owed enormously to the
modernity of the architecture. "Modern" was becoming
a new and sophisticated taste among the bourgeoisie and
the intelligentsia, who were supposed to dine around a sin
gle white table at the Purkersdorf FIG.u (as a kind of talking
cure), sleep in spartan white rooms, Flo.4e and subject them-
40 Karl Kraus. Dte Fockel 1. 1899
41 Karl Kraus. 1908
42 Koloman Moser, 1903
Tuberculosis 81
Josef Hoffmann, Purkersdorf
sanatorium, 1904 1905
43 Electromechanotherapy room.
44 O•n•ng room, 1905-1906
45 Main hall, 1905-1906
46 Patient room. 1905
Tuberculosts 83
47 Cami llo Sitte, manuscript page of his
1889 book DerStddtebou noch seinen
kiinstlerischen Grundsotzen (City Planning
according to Artistic Principles), 1899
Krafft-Ebing's ideas seem also to have inHuenced other
architects and urban planners, such as Camillo Sitte, who
criticized the design of the modern city because in his view,
it was causing agoraphobia and other nervous conditions. In
his 1889 book City Planning according to Artistic Principles,
FIG.47 he advocated intimate urban spaces that, as in a medi
,f,-., IZ.
[] "
-v�, f .R-r�-
TuberculOSIS 85
48 49
Paul Sc:beerbarl
48 Pact Scheerbart, Glosorchitektur, Floating islands with breezy, colorful glass pavilions . . .
49 Pact Scheerbart, 1897 floating cities with grass tennis courts, sea terraces,
50 Put·licity brochure for the Wald and many other things. . . . Everyone in America is
sanatorium, Davos, Switzerland. 1911
51 Schatzalp sanatorium, Davos. plagued by hay fever. . . . So during the flowering season,
ca. 1900. postcard we'll have to live in the middle of the ocean . . . . Our
Oceanic Sanatorium Society fo· Hay Fever has found
just the right thing: floating islands that will always
d rift hundreds of miles away from d ry land and natural
islands. On our islands, dirt will be nonexistent.31
Tuberculosis 87
52 "Liegekur" (lying cure) on the terrace
of the Villa Pravenda, Oavos, ca. 1900
53 Lying cure, Oavos. ca. 1910, postcard
54 Katia Mann with her children (Monica,
Golo, Michael. Klaus. Elizabeth. and
Erika). ca. 1920
1899 and 1 900 and the only sanatorium identified by name
in Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, was a collaboration
between a doctor. Lucius Spengler, and two young architects
from Zurich, Otto Pfleghard and Max Haefeli � with the engi
neer Robert 'Maillart. yvho was then working for Francois
Hennebique.35 The first building in Switzerland to be con
structed of concrete and st€el, it became the model for
the modern -sanatori u m. It had steam floor heating and a
flat roof with inside drainage. The most advanced medical
treatment coincided with the most advanced technology
in architecture.
The architecture of the Schatzalp is brutally modern
in its horizontality and abstraction. With its 100-meter-long
facade and endless corridors, the building is like an ocean
liner. All parts are subordinated to terraces intended as
therapeutic spaces, dimensioned for a patient reclining in
a specially designed chaise longue, a cure to be undertaken
from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., in winter as well as in summer.
A period photograph shows a group of patients lying in
chairs packed closely together on the terrace, covered in
a thick blanket of snow yet seemingly happy. FIG.s3
Tuberculosis 89