Music Learning in Childhood Early Developments of A Musical Brain and Body John Trevarthen
Music Learning in Childhood Early Developments of A Musical Brain and Body John Trevarthen
Music Learning in Childhood Early Developments of A Musical Brain and Body John Trevarthen
"My aim is to show, although this is not generally attended to, that the roots of all
sciences and arts in eve,y instance arise as early as in the tender age, and that on
these foundations it is neither impossible nor difficult for the whole
superstructure to be laid; provided always that we act reasonably as with a
reasonable creature."
This chapter presents a psychobiological model of early musical behaviours or
ways of moving musically - one that accepts music as a natural behaviour
essential to being human. At least in infancy and preschool years , an innate
communicative musicality is inseparable from other ways children demonstrate a
lively self-expression while acting in intensely sociable ways. New evidence on
the remarkable musical awareness in infants has important implications for
teaching of musical knowledge and skills that are specific to a particular culture .
We record how a preschool child' s spontaneous vocal perfonnances and
enjoyment of musical sound is interwoven with growth of all expressive
movement and gesture , with the emotions, and with cognitive processes of
exploration, discovery and relating on which every kind of cultural learning
depends. We give special value to the vital sense of individuality and pride in
recognised achievement that can grow in interactions with appreciative
caregivers, peers and teachers. In accord with the social cultural theories of
learning , we view education, including musical education , as a part of natural
human social life , a life that has evolved to make and use culture as a community
of meaning.
54 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
the infant learns a repeated enjoyable ritual, shows pleasure at hearing the beginning of a familiar
melody, and can demonstrate anticipation of ends of phrases or the climax and ending of a song by
vocalising in tune (i.e. matching pitch), or by gesturing in time. The baby is then apparently
engaged by the emotional envelope of the presentation, or its narrative (Malloch, 1999; Stern, 1992,
1999; Trevarthen, 1999).
What is innate here is an avidity to learn others' ways of acting and thinking by moving
expressively, and the parent responds intuitively to teach by moving expressively in deliberate ways.
By six months simple culture specific ways of moving in performances, such as the actions of a
hand-clapping song, are taken up and used or 'shown off by infants in games with their familiar
companions (Trevarthen, 2002). These learned behaviours are associated with strong expressions of
shared enjoyment, or pride, which recall the emotion of pleasure that is found to be associated with
even neonatal imitations. A six-month-old, now able to sit up and move arms and hands effectively,
has limited vocal capacity compared to a one-year- old, but can call, gurgle, giggle and squeal, and
can assume a special voice, matching the rhythm of vocal expression with waving or bouncing
gestures (Reese, 1998; Littleton, 2002). He or she (girls being a couple of weeks in advance at this
age) may eagerly take part within a skilful performance of a range of songs and action games,
inserting small contributions at appropriate times and with appropriate pitch and intonation
(Trevarthen, 1999). The rhythms of babbling which appear around 6 months match those of banging
objects with the hands, and though the age of this development, like others, varies considerably
between babies, the two kinds of rhythmic activity develop together for each individual. Vocal
sounds are varied with communicative intent before the development of protolanguage at around
nine months (Halliday, 1979).
Musical games that have been shared are both recognised with pleasure and their repetition
actively solicited. The infant is clearly interested in becoming an active agent in family rituals of
play that others enjoy. Soon after six months a baby can recognise his or her name and certain other
frequent utterances made by familiar people, can imitate speech sounds, and sometimes emits what
seem like poetic or musical phrases (called jargon) (Locke, 1993; Jusczyk & Krumhansl, 1993).
Gestures with fingers and toes are becoming more elaborate and expressive as hands and feet
sensitively explore what they contact.
It is noticeable that a happy 6 to 8 month old baby is, becoming more of a show off or a clown
(Trevarthen, 1990). This behaviour indicates a growing consciousness of how other persons
appreciate and react to what is displayed for their attention. It has been taken as evidence of a new
self-awareness, but it is manifestly, at the same time, a heightened other awareness (Reddy, 2003).
Now the identity of the Other becomes of critical significance and a factor in the establishment of a
Self identity, including a musical identity for the infant (Trevarthen, 2002). Confronted by a
stranger, a baby who shows great pride in demonstrating how to sing or how to show "Clap-a-
Handies" in the approved manner to a family member, is confused and ashamed when in the face of
an uncomprehending stranger, who clumsily fails to get any effort the baby makes to show off
(Trevarthen, 1990; 2002).
By the middle of the first year at least, the sociability of the baby is strong enough, and willing
enough, to generate complex, emotionally regulated, interactions between peers. Groups of two or
three babies with no adults present can communicate and do so in subtle ways, showing that they
can create a form of drama among them, inventing new mannerisms
64 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
and ritualistic games to gain group acceptance or to protest exclusion (Selby & Bradley, 2003;
Trevarthen, Kokkinaki & Fiamenghi, 1999). These games can include group vocal performances
(Bradley, in preparation).
Steps, with Growing Body and Brain, To more Vigorous and more
Inventive Communication
Of course, there are great developments in the power of an infant and young child to move, in
their cognitive interpretations of experience and therefore in their goals and interests, and in their
appreciation of the meaning of other persons' actions. These developments result from growth of the
body and brain, as well as learning, and the emergence of new ways of moving, and new ways of
vocalising. At the same time, the basic timing and emotional evaluations of motor control, which
enabled intersubjective sympathy with parents and others from birth, do not change. The child's
innate musicality, their IMP, is merely exercised in different ways, using different body parts and
more intelligent discriminations.
The newborn can make small coos in a pulse of shallow, rapid breathing, and can hold the
breath for a few seconds or make very long and powerful cries punctuated by rhythmic sobbing,
sustaining oscillations between inspiration and expiration over long intervals. In a few weeks coos
are produced that may be articulated by glottal stops to make sounds which adults in different
countries call ah goo, an gu, ah ger, etc., and after about 3 months babies laugh. The timing of
infants' spontaneous vocalizations, for their own entertainment, indicates that they do not depend on
hearing the similar adult timing of syllables and phrases, and they can be demonstrated in the same
measures by infants who are deaf (Lynch et al., 1995). The precise engagements in dialogues of
protoconversation with adults, who intuitively facilitate with well-timed infant directed speech and
imitations of the infant's coos, indicate that infants sense how to engage and synchronise their
breathing and phonation with the movements that make syllables and phrases. They have a narrative
expectancy for the energy of vocalisation extending over tens of seconds.
The vocal system of an infant, the first musical instrument, undergoes rapid change in the first
six months after birth, and thereafter the larynx descends further as the body grows, lowering the
pitch range of the voice (Rutkowski & Trollinger, 2004). For the period of infancy the vocal cords
have less control than they will after that, and this limits singing types of vocalizations to simple
calls, which may be pitched to match the baby talk or singing sounds of a parent. After one year a
child plays with singing sounds before developing, with changes in both the vocal system and the
brain, the articulatory capacity that allows speaking clear and recognisable words (Menard,
Schwartz & Boe, 2004; Rutkowski & Trollinger,
72 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
2004). Development of the most precise articulations at the front of the mouth continues with the
development of connected sentences of speech after the second year. Singing develops before
language, as it may well have done in human evolution (Cross & Moreley, in preparation; Mithen,
2005). All of these changes in vocal production and fluency are linked with developments in deep
subcortical parts of the human brain much transformed by evolution to make communication of
both musical and linguistic meanings possible (Donald. 2001; Lieberman, 2000). These changes are
also linked with development in the corticalised systems that mediate sympathetic awareness
between human bodies and their actions (Gallese & Lakoff, 2005).
The second stage in speech development is likely of special importance in relationship to the
babbling associated with musical development in that the “infants have gained control of producing
normal phonation with a vocal tract that is postured in a variety of ways and thus capable of
transmitting contrasts of vocalic quality.” (Oiler et al, 1997, p. 414). "Speech science research
concerned with infant vocalizations and pre-language toddlers indicates that sounds used in vocal
experimentation are initially reflexive, but via imitation and learning, the child gradually develops
vocal patterns that are appropriate to his or her culture." (Trollinger, 2004, p. 220-221). “Being that
pitched vocal sounds (generated by the larynx) in speech are produced the same way for singing in
young children (via the raising and lowering of the larynx), this awareness may contribute directly
to perceived and produced pitches in singing” (Trollinger, 2004, p. 221).
Moving, Being Moved and Musicality: Theory for Education of Musical Expression
The work of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze suggests how we should conceive music, emotion, and
movement as inseparable. He believed that humans feel emotions from various sensations produced
at different levels of intensity in muscular contraction and relaxation. Human emotions are
translated into musical motion, and hearing music we sense those emotions in various parts of the
body, and feel emotions corresponding to the various levels of muscular contraction and relaxation.
Recent neurological research confirms that the nervous system is richly integrated and that the
brain functions as a dynamic system transferring information at great speed, faster than research
techniques can track except locally in very limited regions, or for very short periods of time. This is
certainly true for the processes responsible for awareness or production of musical communication
(Turner & loannides, in preparation). Body and mind work in tight reciprocal coordination in the
generation of movements and consciousness.
Over one hundred years ago Emile Jaques-Dalcroze (commonly referred to as Dalcroze
observed how movement stimulates music learners and helps them feel the music. In answer to the
question of what gives music life and expression, he wrote, “Movement, rhythm. (Jaques-Dalcroze,
1921. p. 101). The sensation of contraction and relaxation in human: emotion is reflected in the
tension and release of the rhythmic movement of music in time and space. Both emotion and music
come about in movement. Dalcroze spoke of how there s "a gesture for every sound and a sound for
every gesture". We might add here that there is a
Music Learning in Childhood. 73
gesture for every sound that corresponds to an emotion, and a sound for every gesture that evokes
an emotion.
The Dalcroze method for teaching music emphasizes the central importance of rhythm in
human life. Moving rhythmically is not about dancing or making pretty movements. Rhythm is the
'heartbeat' of music. The word rhythm is related to the Greek word rhythmos (measured flow or
change, through time, as in a river flowing). When a parent and child engage in rhythmic music
making the musical elements of pitch, rhythm, dynamic energy are in play. The dynamic energy of
music comes from movement, and corresponds to the way in which feelings are generated through
brain-generated time and space. Dalcroze defined rhythm as varieties of flow through time-space
(Jaques-Dalcroze, 1921). His idea of “flow” as a quality of live movement gives the word the same
sense as it has for Csikszentmihalyi in his descriptions of optimal experience (Csikszentmihalyi,
1990, 1997; Custodero, 2002).
Kinesthesia, from the Greek, was adopted by physiological science in the 19th century to
designate awareness of movement. Howard Gardner identifies bodily kinesthetic as the sense that
guides fine and gross movement, and that aids the perception of musical motion and controls the
performing of music (Gardner, 1993, 1999). The Dalcroze teacher Robert Abramson calls
kinesthesia or kinesthetic sense the missing link between sound, movement and feeling (Choksy et
al., 2001), which accords with what is now known about the brain and human development. For
example, Parsons found that the cerebellum, the organ most concerned with kinesthetic regulations,
is activated in close coordination with areas of the cortex in music activity (Parsons & Fox, 1997).
Hetland has used the term rhythm theory to describe Parson’s module theory of music and spatial
tasks (Hetland, 2000). The rhythmic elements of music (hence rhythm theory) controlled in the
cerebellum and cerebral cortex are transformed with increasing ability following exercise in the
performance of specific mental tasks. There can be no musicality without the innate source of time
for rhythms of movement and an emotional appreciation of effort and grace in making movement.
The perception of sounds made by the human body moving is also constrained by innate parameters
or hearing that detect levels of effort in pitch, loudness and timbre or harmony (Flohr & Hodges,
A primary function of musical performance is to express emotions to others. All music begins
with movement, and all music has a social function. Movement is excited by emotion
74 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
and by the sharing of emotion. Music with good, well-regulated, rhythmic motion brings emotion
to life in an audience. In his method Dalcroze categorizes the qualities of musical performance into
three general types. Arythmic performance is spastic and offbeat. Errythmic performance has all the
notes in the right place, but is dull and tedious, lacking nuance of weight, motion, and time.
Eurythmic performance balances motion and rhythm and solves the problem of how to make music
move so that the audience and performer are emotionally moved. To perform in a eurythmic way
the musician must be able to control her/his tendency to perform in an errythmic, synchronized
way, without expression. Errythmic performance — placing all the right notes in the right places
but without rhythmic movement and hence without feeling - is analogous to a philosophy of young
children’s music development that does not taking into consideration the natural social interactions
with caregivers and teachers, and the emotions they share. The infant’s intrinsic musicality of
movement and communication, in a mood of contended liveliness, has a natural regularity of
impulse and sympathetic style that may be called 'eurythmic'.
Tension and Tone in the Core of the Brain: The Start of Emotions for Knowledge and its
In the motivating brain are formed seeking impulses that prompt the subject to gain new
experiences. Out of these a unified consciousness is built up in which one time and space for many
movements is represented, and the uses of many kinds of object are perceived. The neurochemical
processes of emotion in the brain (Panksepp, 1998) are in communication with hormonal systems
that link the body's vital needs with actions directed to satisfy or protect them. Emotions generated
in the periaqueductal grey matter of the midbrain and integrated with experience in limbic cortex
and amygdala, evaluate and regulate moving, and give values to places and objects the brain has
learned to appreciate in relation to needs of the body. Thus every perceived thing or action that is
remembered has an emotional 'colour' or quality as well as a cognitive or performative structure and
form. The perception of the timbre of the voice or the musical sounds of instruments engages this
core system of emotional values.
The neocortex assimilates a lifetime of information about how to move in and exploit the
resources of surroundings. Its expectations are determined by the motivating systems of the brain
stem. The limbic system, especially the hippocampus, grows as new motive and emotional controls
are learned, activating the retentive tissues of the sensory and motor systems of the neocortex and
mediating memory.
As intelligence and behaviour of animals selves have increased in complexity and daring, their
brains have evolved systems of imagination, thought and emotion that seek to communicate and
grow with other brains, creating adaptive social intelligence. The only way for functions of one
brain to influence and collaborate with another is through body talkusing the body so other bodies
can divine messages about intentions, attentions and feelings. The brain-to-brain activity mediated
by expressive body movements started to evolve with the earliest animals that had brains-even
when the brain was no more than a nerve net distributed throughout body of a jellyfish,
interconnecting its organs of mobility and sensitivity to stimuli.
Human brains link human bodies with uniquely elaborate complexity of movements and
senses. A long gestation permits the elaboration, in a protected environment, of a mutual
amphoteronomic regulation of vital functions, preparing for a life with human sense of time and
human emotions. After birth, the mother and other caregivers and companions, provide the infant
with psychological company and guide development of new awareness and new ways of acting.
They meet with mutual understanding or sympathy, sharing the same parameters of human
synrythmia (Trevarthen et al, 2006). All this collaborative brain-body living depends on sharing of
the time and expressive form and style of movements.
Time in the Mind: The Growth 0f Sympathetic Rhythms and Musical Imagination
Before and After Birth
The brain is, in a sense, musical before birth, formed to put rhythmic impulses into movements
of the body, and for using the body to communicate these impulses and to sense
78 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
them in others. The first muscle activity the central nervous system excites in the embryo has
rhythmical timing, before the body sends any sensations to drive it. The senses of touch, vibration
and hearing come early in development. The foetus hears musical elements in the voice of the
mother months before birth (usually around the 26th week), and sometimes it reacts to the rhythm of
music, kicking with its legs. It has well-formed eyes, face, mouth, lips and tongue, vestibular
system and cochlear, as well as motor organs for breath and voice and hands for gesture, inactive in
their confinement, waiting for the freedom to move that will be granted at birth. When the foetus
starts to hear and learn his or her mother's voice, the neocortex is just beginning to form. Its
primary networks for for seeing undergo growth and organizational changes in the first 6 months
after birth. The networks for hearing, which begin to be effective before birth, have a second burst
of development after infancy, when the sounds of objects being manipulated and of the speech of
other persons become important.
Through childhood to adolescence many formulae for motor skills and patterns for identifying
sights, sounds and touch experiences that relate to the execution of new skills are incorporated in
neocortical maps representing the eyes, vocal system and hands. But recollection of these
experiences depends upon how the whole body is motivated to move and on the affective
assessment of circumstances. These subjective functions of the mind are regulated to a large extent
outside the neocortex, in the more irregularly textured archeocortex and limbic cortex, which
function with the subcortical structures of the brain stem (MacLean, 1990).
Regulations of the rhythms of life have evolved in and grow in the neuro-chemically complex
interneuronal core of the spinal cord and brain stem, the basal ganglia, the cerebellum and limbic
system which are coupled by way of the hypothalamus to the pituitary and adrenal glands that
secrete hormonal messages that circulate in the blood to all organs of the body. The cerebellum, as
prime coordinator of the intricacies of motor activity of all the body and precise timing of
movements, with more neurons than the cerebral cortex, develops throughout life, but most
conspicuously through early childhood to adolescence, as the body grows in size and power and
skills are practiced and retained. It is greatly involved in both the hearing and performance of
The cerebral neocortex has evolved as a supremely adaptive tissue to record and organise
impressions from the senses and to give refinement to commands the muscles, always under the
direction of impulses from the subcortical brain. This dependency of neocortex on the subcortex is
clear in the way the cortex forms in the foetus (Trevarthen, 2004), and how its circuits change in
readiness for, and response to, the world after birth. New connections and transmission complexes
are set up in the developing brain under the dual influence of environmental input regulated by
movements, and of internal core activity of the subcortical Intrinsic Motive Formation (IMF)
(Trevarthen & Aitken, 1994).
From 6 weeks, when the neurons of the cerebral cortex are completing the post-natal
proliferation of dendritic branches, and the production of synaptic connections is accelerating, a
baby will orient strongly to a parent's eyes as they join in turn-taking utterances of
protoconversation, coordinating coos, prespeech lip and tongue movements, and hand gesture.
Protoconversation has a pulse interval approximating to adagio (c. 0.9 sL and the infant's
vocalizations are organized in syllables (0.2-0.5 s, with phrase-final lengthening), and phrases (3-5
s) (Lynch et ah, 1995; Malloch, 1999; Trevarthen. 1999
Music Learning in Childhood. 79
These motor times of dialogue (Jasnow and Felstein, 1986) persist as cross-culturally optimal
rhythmic units in poetry and music (Miall & Dissanayake, 2003; Poppel & Wittmann, 1999). The
baby is attracted to the whole constellation of maternal expressions; for example, fixating a mother's
eyes more strongly when she vocalizes, or watching her lips to better discriminate her vocal sounds.
The neural mechanisms of the hemispheres that mediate this interpersonal awareness appear to be
configured approximately as in the adult brain, and they are asymmetric. When the
electroencephalic (EEG) activity of an 8-week-old baby was mapped while the infant was looking
at a picture of a woman's face, researchers were surprised to discover that the face recognizing area
in the right hemisphere, and both Broca's and Wernicke's areas in the left hemisphere, identified in
adults respectively with speaking and hearing speech, were more active than other parts of the
cortex (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002).
From 3 to 4 months infants amuse themselves with rhythmically moving their bodies, waving
limbs, banging objects, clapping hands. Game routines are practiced with companions, confirming
favorite action and affect formats or emotional narratives (Ratner & Bruner, 1978). Utterances and
expressive movements are repeated with the 3- to 5-second cycle of the prelinguistic phrase, which
has a variety of lively and communicative prosodic contours (Malloch, 1999; Stern, 1999). Phrases
of baby songs are frequently grouped in stanzas of four lines, lasting 15 to 30 seconds. These are
foundations, generated in the brain, for the syntactic rules of language vocal imitation and vocal
play when the infant is alone are more obvious and more varied at 3 to 5 months. The baby is
experimenting with a growing larynx (Rutkowski & Trollinger, 2004).
In the babbling period, after 6 months, when the infant begins to imitate more elaborate
gestures and speech sounds, vowels are inflected in syllables, and frontal consonants are
differentiated (Bates & Dick, 2002; Locke, 1993). The infant's vocalizations show the influence of
distinctive phonological features of the maternal language from around 6 months. Babbling and
hand banging are rhythmic, both repeating up to about 3 pulses per second. These movements may
be demonstrated to others as communicative signals and shown off with pride to appreciative others
(Trevarthen, 2002). Infants from right-handed families, given a choice at 5 to 6 months, prefer to
look at the right of two screens to attend to the matching of the appearance and sound of speech
syllables (MacKain et al., 1983). This confirms evoked potential studies that indicate left-
hemisphere dominance for hearing speech at this age; the right hemisphere perceives other sounds,
including the affective tones of speech, better. Babbling also shows an asymmetry suggesting left
hemisphere specialization for expressive vocalization of this articulate kind (Holowka & Petitto,
2002). These hemispheric asymmetries may have significance for the asymmetry that has been
reported for acquiring more articulate aspects of musical performance by the left hemisphere, the
right hemisphere appearing to be more active in responding to the prosody of emotion in musical
sound. There are sex differences in these asymmetries indicating that males, which develop more
slowly than females, also have a more marked asymmetry for both verbal and musical articulation
and the processing of speech and musical sounds (Falk, 2000).
At 9 months purposeful sharing of interest in what can be done with objects appears
(Trevarthen & Flubley, 1978). Infants start to deliberately look and point to indicate a direction of
attention and show signs of wanting to participate in the attentions and intentions
80 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
that familiar partners address to objects by following their gaze or pointing (Bates & Dick, 2002;
Bruner, 1983; Carpenter et ah, 1998). A baby may know his or her name before 6 months, but at 1
year awareness of others' behavior has transformed and infants now may spontaneously copy
arbitrary conventional meanings of expressions, manners, actions, and roles; and they are attracted
to objects that others use and identify as special. Vocal or gestural approximations to words in the
maternal language emerge within 'acting to mean' after 9 months (Bruner, 1983; Halliday, 1979). At
1 year an infant may comprehend 40 to 100 words and produce up to 20. The early vocabulary
reflects both differences in motives of children and the style and speech of older companions,
especially, in most cases, the mother. Some children acquire names for objects and actions on
objects first, others use interpersonal, social and self-referred phrases more (Barrett, 1981). Again,
comparisons may be made to differences in singing or attending to music that depend on how the
activities of the infant are responded to and encouraged by adult companions. With exceptional
support in learning the drill a one year old may beat a regular tempo. It has been claimed that this
ability is uniquely human, and an important foundation for learning the ritual forms of music
(Wallin, Merker & Brown, 2000).
A rapid explosion of vocabulary starts about 20 to 30 months after birth, but there are large
individual differences in this learning (Bates & Dick, 2002; Locke, 1993). The child has little
comprehension of regular syntax or grammar but does make use of elaborate prosody and
coordinated sequences of voicing and expression that indicate the possession of regulators of
rhythm, serial order, and self-conscious emotions. The language that appears in the first 2 years
depends upon the linguistic environment. The brain responds differently for the learned language
and another language. A study of 18 very young babies showed no brain activity differences while
listening to native language and foreign language sounds. After a few months native and foreign
language stimuli produced a difference in left hemisphere EEG activity (Cheour, 1998). In addition,
research concerning bilingualism demonstrated that the temporal lobes and temporoparietal cortex
of the brain are more activated while listening to stories in one’s native language (Perani et
al„ 1998). Deaf or hearing children with deaf signing parents learn sign language (Goldin-Meadow
& McNeill, 1999; Petitto et ah. 2002). These developments have been considered as relevant to the
development of musical skills, but it is not likely that musical learning depends on a mechanism
adapted for learning speech.
For more information the reader is directed to theories, ideas, and other developmental topics
reviewed in Flohr (2004) chapter 3 and tables 3.1 and 3.2.
Music Learning in Childhood. 85
3 Play is an important vehicle for children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development, as
well as a reflection of their development.
4 Children are active learners, drawing on direct physical and social experience as well as
culturally transmitted knowledge to construct their own understandings of the world
around them. (NAEYC, 1997)
Music and movement experiences address social and emotional needs of children. Adult and
infant play with singing, rhythms, and clapping provide a primary social bonding that influence
development in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive domains.
The link among music, emotion, and movement in early development is supported most by the
first three approaches in Table 1-the Manhattan Music Curriculum Project, Montessori, and the
Pillsbury Foundation Studies. In these free exploration approaches the emphasis is on child-
centered experiences and free musical exploration. They are similar to the active learning approach
of Montessori in the way in which experiences are used to give children an opportunity to try out
their thought processes by observing, reflecting on their findings, asking questions, and formulating
86 John W. Flohr and Colwyn Trevarthen
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