1. Endomitosis Nuclear division w/o 20. APD, calcium, Plt, Factor Platelet subs. that promote
cytoplasmic division. 4, thrombospondin aggregation.
2. 2k to 4k Each megakaryocyte 21. Serotonin, and Platelet subs. that promote
produces - plt. thromboxane A2 vasoconstriction.
3. Thrombopoietin Megakaryocyte 22. Platelet derived growth Platelet subs. for vascular repair.
profileration is factor, and bete
regulated by- thromboglobulin
4. Kit ligand, IL-3, 6, and 11 Additional growth 23. 14 days Maturation sequence of of
factors that support granulocyte.
megakaryocytic dev.
24. Metamyelocyte/Juvenile Kidney shaped nucleus
5. 5 days Maturation sequence cell (leukopoiesis).
for platelet.
25. Band/Stab/Staff cell C/S shaped nucleus
6. Megakaryoblast Earliest recognizable (leukopoiesis).
stage in
26. Myeloblast First recognizable stage in
thrombopoiesis with
kidney shaped
nucleus. 27. Promyelocyte First appearance of primary
7. Megakaryocyte Largest cell in BM.
28. Myelocyte First appearance of secondary
8. Promegakaryocyte Horse shoe shaped
29. Myelocyte Last stage capable of mitosis
9. Glycocalyx Provides surface for
coagulation factors.
30. Metamyelocyte Youngest stage not capable of
10. GlycoCHON Ib Receptor for vWF.
mitosis (leukopoiesis).
11. GlycoCHON IIb/IIIa Receptor for
31. Band/Stab/Staff Youngest cell to appear from
12. GlycoCHON Vb Receptor for
32. Histamine, heparin, Granules present in basophil.
peroxidase, and
13. Actin and Responsible for clot eosinophilic chemotactic
Myosin/Actomyosin/Thrombosthenin retraction in platelet. factor A
14. Tubulin Maintains the shape 33. Neutrophil Granulocyte primarily for
of the plt. bacterial infxn.
15. Calcium, ADP, and serotonin Dense granules 34. Myeloperoxidase Together with H2O2 and halide
contain- aids the bacterial killing.
16. Dense tubular system Site of arachidonic 35. Lysozyme/Muramidase Present in primary and secondary
acid metabolism and granules that degrades
fxns as calcium glycopeptides and CHO present
sequestering pump. in bacteria.
17. Open canalicular system For platelet's direct 36. Lactoferrin Competes with bacteria for iron.
communication in
37. 9-10 days Neutrophil's life span.
and out the
compartment. 38. Eosinophil Granulocyte primarily for
parasitic and helminthic infxn.
18. 8-10 days Platelet life span.
39. MBP Arginine rich CHON that is seen
19. HMWK, fibrinogen, Factor V, and Platelet subs. that
in eosinophil and it used in killing
factor VIII:vWF promote coagulation.
40. Charcot-Leyden From disintegration of
Crystals eosinophils.
41. Basophil Granulocyte primarily for allergic and 65. Lazy leaukocyte syndrome Abnormal
hypersensitivity rxn. chemokinesis and
42. Histamine Substance from the basophil that
mediates hypersensitivity rxn. 66. Diapedesis Locomotion thru
unruptured walls.
43. Small lymphocyte Robin's egg appearance.
67. Chronic Granulomatous Dse Inability of leukocyte
44. 4-10 years T lymphocyte that is 60-80% of the
to kill ingested
total lymphocyte population is
considered long lived cause it last for
- 68. NBT dye test Test for Chronic
Granulomatous Dse
45. Plasmacyte/Plasma Cartwheel nucleus.
Cell 69. Neutrophil What type of cell is
LE cell?
46. Plasmacyte/Plasma Hof/perinuclear halo cytoplasm.
Cell 70. Tart cell Monocyte with
ingested lymphocyte.
47. Monocyte Largest cell in peripheral blood.
71. Turk's Irritation Cell/Plasmaxyroid Type 1, 2, and 3 of
48. Monocyte Ground glass/Frosted appearance
lymphocyte, IM, and Downey
vacuolated/swiss cheese/moth Classification
49. Macrophage Tissue component of monocyte eaten respectively.
72. EBV IM causative agent.
50. 15-80 um, 14-20 um Macrophage and monocyte size.
73. B cells Cell affected by EBV.
51. Pelger-Huet Hyposegmentation.
74. Basket/smudge cell Disintegrated nucleus
from ruptured WBC.
52. Pelger-Huet Nucleos is bilobed, dumbell, pince
75. IM by EBV Lymphocytosis is
anomaly nez, spectacle, and peanut shaped
characterized by
53. Undritz anomaly Hypersegmentation. lymphocytes.
54. Hypersegmentation Abnormality in neutrophil maturation 76. Bovine albumin Basket/smudge cell is
due to impaired DNA synthesis. remedied by adding-
55. Barr body/Sex Drumstick nuclei. 77. Hairy cell Found in leukemic
Chromatin reticuloendotheliosis.
56. Alder-Reilly Resembles toxic granules and this is 78. Sezary cell Sezary syndrome and
granules due to accumulation of mycosis fungoides.
79. Sezary cell Cerebri form/ brain
57. Auer rods Fused aggregated primary granules. like nucleus.
58. f a g g o t cell Cells with mass of auer rods. 80. Grape cell/Berry/Morula/Mott cell Honeycomb
59. M3 and DIC f a g g o t cell is seen in- appearance
108. Chronic blood loss Most common cause 133. Phosphatidylcholine, External lipid surface of RBC .
of IDA. glycolipid, and
109. CLAM Macrocytic
134. Phosphatidyl-choline, - Internal lipid surface of RBC . 160. AHA Normocytic (80-100fl).
serine, and -inositol
161. CTI Microcytic.
135. Embden-Meyerhof Metabolism of RBC where every
162. Spherocytes Bronze cells.
glucose leads to 2 ATP.
163. Megaloblastic anemia Poikilocyte 2ndary to dev.
136. Embden-Meyerhof Major source of red cell energy
defect with asynchronous
137. Hexose/Pentose PO4 Met of rbc where it provides
164. Acanthocyte/Spur/Thorn cell Abnormal ratio of lecithins
pathway glutathione.
and sphingomyelins.
138. Rapoport Met of rbc responsible for
165. Acanthocyte/Spur/Thorn cell Abetalipoproteinemia, and
generation of 2,3 dpg
pyruvate kinase def.
139. Methgb reductase Met of rbc where it maintains hgb
166. Echinocyte/Burr/Crenated/Sea 10-30 scalloped
iron in ferrous state.
urchin cell projections evenly
140. Culling Destruction of senescent RBC. distributed.
141. Extravascular Major pathway for rbc destruction 167. Echinocyte/Burr/Crenated/Sea Crenation due to
associated with Rh hemolysis. urchin cell abnormality in lipid
content of RBC.
142. Intravascular RBC destruction associated with
ABO hemolysis. 168. Echinocyte/Burr/Crenated/Sea Associated with renal
urchin cell insufficiency.
143. 1 mole 1 heme holds - of O2.
169. Codocyte/Mexican hat/Target Bull's eye.
144. 4 mole 1 hgb holds - of O2.
145. Mitochondria Heme portion begins in-
170. Codocyte/Mexican hat/Target Inc. chole and
146. Ribosome Globin portion is produced in cell phospholipid.
what part of the cell.
171. Codocyte/Mexican hat/Target Hemoglobinopaghies SS,
147. Chr. 16 Gene involved in Alpha and zeta cell CC, DD, EE, and
chains. thalassemia.
148. Chr. 11 Genes involved for beta, delta, 172. Leptocyte Thinner variant of
epsilon, and gamma. Codocyte/Mexican
149. Shift to the left Dec: 2,3 dpg, temp, co2, delivery hat/Target cell.
of o2 to tissue, 173. Spherocyte Abnormal spectrin.
Inc: pH, affinity to o2
174. Spherocyte Low surface mem to
150. Shify to the right Inc: 2,3 dpg, temp, co2, delivery volume ratio and there is
of o2 to tissue, defect of loss of mem.
Dec: pH, affinity to o2
175. Spherocyte Hereditary spherocytosis
151. 95 (95%), 40(70%) Arterial, venous blood mmHg. and isoimmune and
152. 26.52 mmHg Normal p50. autoimmune hemolytic
153. Hgb S Valine replaces gulatamic acid in
6th position. 176. - DAT (HS) Hereditary spherocytosis
154. Hgb C Lysine replaces glutamic acid in
6th position.
155. Hgb E Lysine replaces glutamic acid in Isoimmune and
26th position. autoimmune hemolytic
156. Alpha thalassemia Alpha globin chain is dec or anemia.
absent. 177. Stomatocyte Mouth or slit like pallor.
157. Beta thalassemia Beta globin chain is dec or absent. 178. Stomatocyte Inc permeability to
158. Alpha Bart's hgb is associated to what sodium.
thalassemia. 179. Stomatocyte Hereditary stomatocytosis
159. Anisocytosis Variation in size. and Rh Null dse.
180. Elliptocyte Bipolar aggregation
197. Coarse Basophilic stippling in lead poisoning.
of hgb.
198. Fine Basophilic stippling in inc rbc
181. Pencil/Oat cell Thinner variant of production.
199. Lead poisoning PICA in children.
182. Schistocytes/Schizocyte/Keratocyte/Helmet/Bite Clostheline effect.
200. IDA PICA in adult.
201. Pappenheimer Basophilic inclusions in small clusters
183. Pitting Removal of
bodies in the PERIPHERY and considered to
inclusion resulting
be an IRON DEPOSITS seen in
to bite cell.
sideroblastic anemia.
184. Keratocyte Hornlike
202. Cabot ring Rings or loops.
203. Cabot ring Remnant of microtubules of mitotic
185. Schistocytes/Schizocyte/Keratocyte/Helmet/Bite MAHA, DIC, TTP
cell and Burns.
204. Heinz bodies Precipitated or denatured hgb.
186. Dacrocyte/teardrops Due to spleen
passage and Heinz bodies
205.seen Defect in monoPO4 shunt, g6pd def,
in myeloid unstable hgb, favism.
206. Golf ball Multiple heinz bodies.
207. Reyiculum of Structures that are in need of supravital
187. Micrpspherpcytes/pyropoikilocytes Sensitive to retics, heinz stains.
temperature and bodies and hgb H
208. Hgb SC Washington moñument.
fragments at 45℃.
209. Hgb C Bar of gold/clam shell.
188. Semilunar bodies/half-moon/crescent cell Malaria.
210. Sideroblast Nonucleated with iron.
189. Drepanocyte Sickle cell
anemia/dse.211. Ringed sideroblast Nucleated with iron.
190. +1 Report 3 212. Prussian blue Ringed sideroblast stained with-
spherocyte.213. Cold agglutinin Autoagglutination maybe caused by-
191. +1- 1-5/field Reporting for and AutoHA
+2-6-10/field spherocyte,214. Roleaux Stack of coins arrangement of rbc.
+3->10/field teardrop,
215. Multiple myeloma Roleaux maybe seen in-
How about others? and waldenstrom
helemt cell andmacroglobulinemia
192. +1-3-4 rbc Reporting of
+2-5-10 rbc roleaux formation.
+3- numerous rbc and few free rbc
193. Sickle cell, basophilic stipling, pappenheimer Graded as positive.
bodies and howell-jolly bodies
194. Howell-Jolly bodies Remnanta of DNA
and positive for
feulgen rxn. Seen in
195. Basophilic stippling Remnants of RNA.
196. Basophilic stippling Lead poisoning,
and pyrimidine 5