This combined with other KLINGER plants, service centres and offices throughout the Asia -
Pacific region allows high levels of customer service to be maintained.
Additional benefits to the very important Asian market of our new Welshpool facility is not only
its improved equipment and layout, but also the ability to trade within the same time zone. This Quality
provides improved access to all departments including senior management and the ability to Endorsed
respond quickly to customer needs. ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
Contact the KLINGER branch closest to you
The safe way
For improved reliability and parameters are sufficient to Complete, print, and fax to....
security the technical mail service is ensure the right gasket is selected.
an addition to the KLINGER-expert ® Please complete the questionnaire in
calculation program. In most cases, full. KLINGER office : in your State
the answers to the following three
KLINGER-gaskets in Australia are 3. Flanges should be parallel, 5. During installation the bolts
asbestos free. The KLINGERsil metallically clean and dry, and must be tightened in several
qualities use, according to the the gasket has to be mounted steps, equal and cross-wise.
types, different fibres as a centrically. The nuts should be greased if
substitute to asbestos. Based Please pay attention to the correct possible. Tightening should be
on this different composition the inner- and outer diameter, the performed until the max. bolt tension is
asbestos-free gaskets show a gaskets should never tower into the reached (to get sufficient elongation
different behaviour on throughhole! and spring-like behaviour of the bolt).
temperature load. Therefore in Therefore a safe and durable sealing
general, more care is necessary 4. The mounting of the gasket will be achieved, provided that the
during the selection of the gasket should be performed without any bolt quality and gasket material have
type and during installation. grease- or oil-containing been selected correctly (material
separating media. and thickness).
On principle the following mounting KLINGERsil gasket material is
instructions for KLINGER-gasket equipped with an anti-adhesion layer 6. "Re-tighten" is usually not
material have to be taken in account on principle. If there is an extreme necessary if a.m. references will
demand on anti-adhesion effect we be followed.
1. Selection of the gasket propose the use of dry-sprays on the If re-tightening is necessary,
A suitable type of gasket material basis of molybdenum disulphide or of this should be done under low
can be selected according to the Teflon, e.g. KLINGERflon Spray. The temperature before or during the start-
KLINGER literature– fuel gas and the solvent should be up of the piping or the plant.
first of all, the chemical resistance evaporated completely. Re-tightening under higher service
and the pT diagram (refer also to temperatures can cause failure of the
KLINGER- expert the reliable route to Absolutely no oil or grease- sealing connection and therefore
successful sealing). containing products may be used, should avoided.
as they have a degregating A gasket selected and mounted in the
2. Gasket thickness as thin as influence on the safety of the correct way and under consideration
possible and technically complete flange connection. of the a.m. references will be durable
ingenious! and timely stable.
In general KLINGERsil gaskets have to Graphite-gaskets are to be
be selected thinner in size than mounted without grease, oil and other 7."Multi-use" of a gasket.
asbestos containing gaskets. As a anti-adhesion material. To use a gasket more than one time
rule of thumb 2/3 to 3/4 of the can not be recommended.
thickness of asbestos containing
material can be used. If there is arequest foradvice
For example: 2 mm instead of 3 mm, please contact the KLINGER company
or 1.5 mm instead of 2 mm. or representative closest to you.
Graphite-gaskets shall have
thickness-to-widths-ratio not lower
than 1/5.
Certified according to
ISO 9001 & QS 9000.
Shelf Life of KLINGER graphite Nevertheless following conditions Under these conditions, a storage
laminates should be applied to ensure life of over 10 years can be expected.
Usually storage temperature, illumi- appropriate storage:
nation etc. have no influence on the
storability period of KLINGER Graphite ■ – 20 °C to + 50 °C storage
Laminates. temperature
■ clean and dry air
(no dirt particles and no
aggresive gases or vapours)
■ sheets and ready made gaskets
must be protected against
■ sheets and ready made gaskets
must be stored flat
Certified according to
ISO 9002 & QS 9000.
The first
step in gasket
well suited
la an al
d s g
relatively suited
GE he
Rt 20
KTW recommendation/ KL o p- 00
DVGW permit IN ch
This survey should not be
used as the sole means for
Rt -2
KTW recommendation/ KL op
DVGW permit/BAM tested IN h
GE em
Rt -2
KTW recommendation/ KL op
DVGW permit/BAM tested IN h
GE em
Rt -2
op 00
-g 6
for your requirements.
to the right gasket material
To assist you in gasket
selection, we have devised a
tried and tested method desi-
gned to guide you step by step
Sp W Ch
ec at em
ia er ic
la an al
pp d s g
st liq aseo
lic uid us
io m
od Ga up up up up ov up up up up
well suited
Ca in to to to to er to to to to
us Ac dus
up Ox 15 25 30 50 60 15 25 40 50
relatively suited
ÖVGW permit
KTW recommendation/
DVGW permit/ BAM tested/ C
HTB tested/ Germanischer Lloyd 00
KTW recommendation/ DVGW permit/ C
Fire Safe/ BAM tested/ Germ. Lloyd 44
KTW recommendation/ DVGW permit/
HTB tested/ BAM tested/ Fire Safe/ C
gasket selection.
to the right gasket material
To assist you in gasket
selection, we have devised a
(Physical Conformity) 82
Sp W Ch
ec at em
ia er ic
la an al
pp d s g
st liq aseo
lic uid us
io m
od Ga up up up up ov up up up up
in to to to to to to to to
well suited
Ca er
us Ac dus
up Ox 15 25 30 50 60 15 25 40 50
relatively suited
Universal material for gaskets Se ra
and glands ali
Pure graphite, homogeneous La e
DVGW permit/ BAM tested/ te-
WRC-approval La H/
DVGW permit/ BAM tested/ te-
WRC-approval/ pegged stainless La SL
steel sheet with pure graphite surface mi S
DVGW permit/ WRC-approval/ te-
2 pegged stainless steel sheet ins- La
mi M
erts and optimized scratch resistance na
due to higher density te-
gasket selection.
Spiral wound gasket KL Sp
IN ira
This survey should not be
GE lw
used as the sole means for
Rm ou
KL a nd
IN xifle
GE x
ad n
Sealing tape with low grease contents Th de
rea ga
d sk
Se ets
DVGW permit Th a lT
for your requirements.
rea ap
d e(
Se Co
to the right gasket material
To assist you in gasket
Se lT mm
gned to guide you step by step
KLINGERspecial offers the end
uid us
sealing applications.
On many occasions, we come
gasket is required to fulfil a multitude
of functions beyond those of purely
Hydrotest Gaskets
temperature applicatins
Stainless steel tang reinforced with
mica surface, for very high
well suited
% -16.1% -23.5 % -25.2 % -27.4%
competitor A
competitor B
competitor C
competitor D
A complete sealing package
for safe performance
KLINGERtop-chem-2003 KLINGERtop-chem-2005 KLINGERtop-chem-2006
As regards media, the range of KLINGERtop-chem-2005 has KLINGERtop-chem-2006 has
applications is comparable to that excellent chemical resistance in good chemical resistance in strongly
of KLINGERtop-chem-2000. strongly acidic applications and is alkaline conditions and good
However, KLINGERtop-chem 2003 suitable for a wide range of applica- mechanical properties at medium
has greater compressibility and is tions in the chemical industrie. and low temperatures and loads.
ideal for maintaining a tight seal It has good mechanical properties at KLINGERtop-chem-2006 is
even at low surface loads and medium and low temperatures and optimised for caustic conditions
temperatures. loads. and also suitable for a wide range
KLINGERtop-chem-2003 As regards media, the range of applications in the chemical
has excellent chemical resistance of applications approaches that of industry. Because it is free from
in strongly acidic and alkaline KLINGERtop-chem-2000. pigments, this material is especially
applications and excellent The material is an economical suited to food and pharmaceutical
mechanical properties at medium alternative where requirements less applications.
and low temperatures and loads. stringent.
Special mention should be given to
its high gas tightness at even low
surface loads (TA-Luft certification).
Strong acids
Strong alkalis
Mechanical resistance
to high temperature
The heavy-duty gaskets
Stability according to Klinger The many and varied demands So why does Klinger provide
The load bearing capacity of a gasket made on gaskets pT diagrams?
can be assessed at ambient and The successful operation of a gasket For the reasons given the pT diagram
high temperature using the hot com- depends upon a multiplicity of factors. is not infallible: it serves as a rough
pression test developed by Klinger. Many who use static gaskets believe guide for the end user who often has
In contrast to the test method that the values quoted for maximum only the operating temperatures ad
according to DIN 52913 and admissible temperature and maxi- pressures to go on.
BS 7531, the gasket stress is kept mum operating pressure are inherent Additional stresses such as
constant throughout the entire test. properties or characteristics of gas- greatly fluctuating load may signifi-
The gasket is thus exposed to signi- kets and gasket materials. cantly affect whether a gasket is
ficantly severer conditions. suitable for the application.
Resistance to media must be
The thickness decrease as a taken into account in every case.
result of a constant load is measured
at a temperature of 23°C and also
after heating up to 250°C. If your operating temperatures
The value of the thickness and pressures fall within this field, it
decrease at 250°C relates to the is not usually necessary to conduct
thickness after compression at 23°C. a technical examination.
If your operating temperatures
and pressures are within this field we
recommend a technical examination.
If your operating temperatures
and pressures are within this blank
Unfortunately, this is not the field, a technical examination should
case. be carried out.
The maximum temperatures and
pressures at which gaskets may be
used are influenced by a large
number of factors. 200
Therefore a definite statement
of these values for gaskets material 100
is not possible. 90
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1
form IBC up to PN 40*
200 200 20
pi bar
100 100 –200 –150 –100 –50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1 DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1
40 40
form IBC up to PN 40* form IBC up to PN 40*
30 30 100
20 20 90
pi bar
pi bar
–200 –150 –100 –50 0°C 50 100 150 200 250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0°C 50 100 150 200 250
KLINGERtop-chem-2000 KLINGERtop-chem-2003 50
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1
form IBC up to PN 40*
pi bar
Stress relaxation
DIN 52913, 16h, 50MPa, 300 °C 35 – – –
DIN 52913, 16h, 30MPa, 150 °C 30 13 25 18
DIN 3535/6, ml/min 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1
DIN 28090-2, mg/s m 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01
Thickness/weight increase
H2 SO4 , 100%: 18h/ 23°C,% 0.5/ 1 –/1 2/ 2 –
HNO3 ,100%: 18h/ 23°C, % 1/ 2 –/5 2/ 7 2/ 7
NaOH, 33%, 72h/ 110°C, % 5/ 5 –/2 – 12/ 24
BAM certification yes u. preparation – yes
KTW proposal yes yes yes yes
DIN-DVGW permit yes yes yes yes
HTB acc. to VP 401 – – – –
Fire Safe yes – – –
FDA conformity yes yes yes yes
TA-Luft certification yes yes u. preparation –
Germanischer Lloyd yes yes u. preparation u. preparation
United States Coast Guard yes – – –
Registro Italiano Navale yes – – –
Det Norske Veritas AS yes – – –
Typical values
Subject to technical alterations.
Status: August 2003
KLINGERtop-chem KLINGERtop-chem
Medium 2000 2003 2005 2006 Medium 2000 2003 2005 2006
Acetaldehyde 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Chloroform 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Acetamide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Chromic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Acetic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Citric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Acetic acid ester 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Chlorotrifluoride – – – –
Acetone 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Condensation water 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Acetylene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Copper acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Adipic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Copper sulphate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Air 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Creosote 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Alum 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Cresol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Aluminium acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Crude oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Aluminium chlorate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Cyclohexanol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Aluminium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Decahydronaphthalene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Ammonia 260°C 260°C 100°C 260°C Dibenzyl ether 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Ammonium carbonate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Dibutyl phthalate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Ammonium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Diesel oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Ammonium diphosphate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Dimethyl formamide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Ammonium hydroxide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Diphyl 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Amyl acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Dye bath 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Aniline 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Anon cyclohexanone 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethanol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Arcton 12 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethyl acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Arcton 22 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethyl alcohol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Asphalt 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethyl chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Aviation fuel 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethyl ether 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Barium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethylendiamine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Benzene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethylene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Benzoic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethylene chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Blast furnace gas 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Ethylene glycol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Bleaching solution 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Fluorine dioxide – – – –
Boiler feed water 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Fluorine gaseous – – – –
Borax 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Fluorine liquid – – – –
Boric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Fluorosilicic acid – – – –
Brine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Formaldehyde 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Formamide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butanol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Formic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butanone 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Freon 12 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butyl acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Freon 22 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butylamine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Generator gas 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butyle alcohol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Glacial acetic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Butyric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Glycerine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Caesium melt – – – – Heating oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Calcium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Heptane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Calcium hydroxide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydraulic oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Calcium hypochlorite 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydraulic oil 2 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Calcium sulphate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydraulic oil 3 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Carbolic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrazine hydrate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Carbon dioxide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrochloric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Carbon disulphide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrofluoric acid 100°C 100°C – 100°C
Carbon tetrachloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrofluosilic acid – – – –
Castor oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrogen 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Chlorine water 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrogen chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Chlorine, dry 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Hydrogen peroxide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Chlorine, moist 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Isooctane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
KLINGERtop-chem KLINGERtop-chem
Medium 2000 2003 2005 2006 Medium 2000 2003 2005 2006
Isopropyl alcohol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Pydraul 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Kerosene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Pyridine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Lactic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Rape seed oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Lead acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Rubidium melt – – – –
Lead arsenate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Salicylic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Linseed oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sea water 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Lithium melt – – – – Silicon oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Magnesium sulphate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Skydrol 500 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Malic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Soap 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
MEK butanone 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Soda 260°C 260°C – 260°C
Methane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium aluminate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Methyl alcohol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium bicarbonate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Methyl chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium bisulphite 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Methylene chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Mineral oil no. 1 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium cyanide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Mineral oil no. 2 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium hydroxide 260°C 260°C – 260°C
Monochlorethane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium melt – – – –
Naphtha 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium silicate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Natural gas 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium sulphide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Nitric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sodium sulphate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Nitrobenzene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Spinning baths 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Nitrogen 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Spirit 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Octane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Starch 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Steam 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Oleanolic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C – Stearic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Oleic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sugar 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Oxalic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sulphur dioxide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Oxygen 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sulphuric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C –
Palminic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Sulphurous acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Pentane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Table salt 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Perchlorethylene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tannic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Petroleum 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tannin 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Petroleum benzin 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tar 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Petroleum ether 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tartaric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Phenol 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tetrachloroethane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Phosphoric acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Tetrahydronaphthale 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Phthalic acid 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Toluene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Polychl. biphenyls. 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Town gas 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Transformer oil 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium carbonate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Trichloroethylene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium chlorate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Triethanolamine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium chloride 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Turpentine 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potass. chrom.sulph. 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Urea 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium cyanide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Vinyl acetate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium dichrom. 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Water 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium hydroxide 260°C 260°C – 260°C Water flask 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium hypochl. 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C Water vapour 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium iodide 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C White spirit 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium melt – – – – Xylene 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium nitrate 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium nitrite 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Potassium permang. 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
Propane 260°C 260°C 260°C 260°C
(Suitable for the appropriate use as a
compressed gasket between flange surfaces)
suitable with sufficient surface stress
do not use without contacting manufacturer
Temperatures are max. values
KLINGER The really flexible
top-graph-2000 graphite sealing material
Basis The truly flexible graphite sealing material Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1.5 mm thickness KLINGERtop-graph-2000
Sealing material, based on graphite that is easy to handle and cut. It combines With this test method developed
Compressibility ASTM F 36 A % 10
and synthetic fibres. Manufactured by Klinger you can evaluate the
using a revolutionary process which "high load bearing capacity" with high cold/hot compression of a gasket in Recovery ASTM F 36 A min % 60
provides the graphite gaskets with sealability. cold and hot condition. Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/300°C MPa 32
totally new, previously unachievable KLINGERtop-graph-2000 is ideally suited for Unlike the method acc. to DIN Klinger cold/hot compression 50 MPa thickness decrease ambient % 10
properties. use with steam up to 300 'C and many high 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load thickness decrease hot 300°C % 10
is kept constant during the complete
temperature applications up to 500 'C. Immersion oil JRM 903: 5h/150°C thickness change % 5
Properties test so that the gasket is exposed to
The material impresses with its easy much tougher conditions. weight change % 10
handling and cutting combined with 100 The thickness decrease at an Immersion fuel B: 5h/23°C thickness change % 7
steam capability too 300'C It has a ambient temperature of 23°C and at weight change % 10
high load bearing capacity combined 90 heating up to 300°C is measured. Immersion water: 5h/100°C thickness change % 5
with high sealability. The indicated thickness decrease weight change % 5
80 at 300°C refers to the thickness ob-
" § tained after loading at 23°C.
Soluble cloride content chlorides (soluble) ppm <50
, 70 Tightness according to DIN 3535/6 ml/min 0,5
Density g/cm 3 1,75
60 Thickness mm 1,5
The material is suitable for Typical values
use with steam up to 300°C. In 50
many other areas of application,
The dimensions of the standard Rings and other finished gaskets Tests and approvals
temperatures of over 500°C are 40 sheets These gaskets are available in any size BAM-certification for gaseous oxygen
Sizes: and corresponding sheet thicknesses, up to 130 bar and 125°C
KLINGERtop-graph-2000 30 1,000 mm x 1,500 mm also edged and PTFE-covered. and for liquid oxygen in flange
combines the advantages of fibre-
Thicknesses: connections.
reinforced gaskets preferred by the 20 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, Surfaces KTW-recommended.
experts with the key features of truly
other thicknesses on request. The standard surface finish of the BS 7531 grade X.
pi bar
flexible graphite. ! " Tolerances: material is such that the surface has DIN-DVGW-permit no.
thickness ± 10%, an extremely low adhesion. NG-5123AU0381.
0 lenght ± 50 mm,
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
process guide for the end user who often has always necessary.
Basis The really flexible graphite sealing material Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1.5 mm thickness KLINGERtop-graph-2000
Sealing material, based on graphite with a high degree of inherent stability offers With this test method developed
Compressibility ASTM F 36 A % 10
and synthetic fibres. Manufactured by Klinger you can evaluate the
using a revolutionary process which reliability in handling. Thanks to its high load cold/hot compression of a gasket in Recovery ASTM F 36 A min % 60
provides the graphite gaskets with bearing capacity and the low embrittlement, cold and hot condition. Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/300°C MPa 32
totally new, previously unachievable KLINGERtop-graph-2000 is ideally suited for Unlike the method acc. to DIN Klinger cold/hot compression 50 MPa thickness decrease ambient % 10
properties. use with steam and other sophisticated 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load thickness decrease hot 300°C % 10
is kept constant during the complete
applications. Immersion oil JRM 903: 5h/150°C thickness change % 5
Properties test so that the gasket is exposed to
The material impresses with its good much tougher conditions. weight change % 10
handling in combination with its very 100 The thickness decrease at an Immersion fuel B: 5h/23°C thickness change % 7
high level of load bearing capacity ambient temperature of 23°C and at weight change % 10
and minimal embrittlement at 90 heating up to 300°C is measured. Immersion water: 5h/100°C thickness change % 5
temperatures up to 300°C. These The indicated thickness decrease weight change % 5
properties offer the gasket a high 80 at 300°C refers to the thickness ob-
degree of resistance to damage
" § tained after loading at 23°C.
Soluble cloride content chlorides (soluble) ppm <50
during fitting and under operation, 70 Tightness according to DIN 3535/6 ml/min 0,5
prevents the loss of bolt load and the Density g/cm 3 1,75
formation of cracks at high 60 Thickness mm 1,5
temperature. The material is suitable Typical values
for use with steam up to 300°C. In 50
many other areas of application,
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1 form IBC up to PN 40* The dimensions of the standard
temperatures of over 500°C are 40 sheets
KLINGERtop-graph-2000 30 1500 mm x 2000 mm
combines the advantages of fibre-
reinforced gaskets preferred by the 20 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm, other sheet Surfaces Tests and approvals
experts with the key features of really
sizes / thicknesses on request. The standard surface finish of the BS 7531 grade X.
pi bar
flexible graphite. ! " Tolerances: material is such that the surface has DIN-DVGW-permit no.
thickness ± 10%, an extremely low adhesion. NG-5123AU0381.
* Gaskets according to DIN 2690 are only 0 lenght ± 50 mm,
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Basis The really flexible graphite sealing material Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1.5 mm thickness KLINGERtop-graph-2000
A sealing material based on graphite now supplied wire reinforced. It combines With this test method developed
Compressibility ASTM F 36 A % 10
and synthetic fibres with a wire by Klinger you can evaluate the
insert that provides this material "high load bearing capacity" and high cold/hot compression of a gasket in Recovery ASTM F 36 A min % 60
with totally new, previously sealability with improved blow-out resistance. cold and hot condition. Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/300°C MPa 32
unachievable properties. KLINGER Topgraph 2008 is ideally suited for Unlike the method acc. to DIN Klinger cold/hot compression 50 MPa thickness decrease ambient % 10
use with steam up to 300'C and many high 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load thickness decrease hot 300°C % 10
is kept constant during the complete
temperature applications up to 500'C. Immersion oil JRM 903: 5h/150°C thickness change % 5
Properties test so that the gasket is exposed to
This material is based on the proven much tougher conditions. weight change % 10
formulation for Klinger Topgraph 2000 100 The thickness decrease at an Immersion fuel B: 5h/23°C thickness change % 7
which combines the handling advantages ambient temperature of 23°C and at weight change % 10
of fibre reinforced gaskets with the 90 heating up to 300°C is measured. Immersion water: 5h/100°C thickness change % 5
performance advantages of graphite The indicated thickness decrease weight change % 5
to give a truly flexible graphite sealing 80 at 300°C refers to the thickness ob-
solution. The addition of the wire insert
" § tained after loading at 23°C.
Soluble cloride content chlorides (soluble) ppm <50
significantly increases tensile strength 70 Tightness according to DIN 3535/6 ml/min 0,5
and will therefore be the preferred Density g/cm 3 1,75
solution for many users where pulsating 60 Thickness mm 1,5
pressure loads exist. Typical values
Topgraph 2008 demonstrates improved 50
storage, handling and installation
The dimensions of the standard Rings and other finished gaskets Tests and approvals
characteristics when compared to 40 sheets These gaskets are available in any size BAM-certification for gaseous oxygen
exfoliated graphite products.
Sizes: and corresponding sheet thicknesses, up to 130 bar and 125°C
The material has a high load- 30 1,000 mm x 1,500 mm also edged and PTFE-covered. and for liquid oxygen in flange
bearing capacity and is suitable for
Thicknesses: connections.
use with steam to 300'C and many 20 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, Surfaces KTW-recommended.
other applications up to 500'C.
other thicknesses on request. The standard surface finish of the BS 7531 grade X.
pi bar
! " Tolerances: material is such that the surface has DIN-DVGW-permit no.
thickness ± 10%, an extremely low adhesion. NG-5123AU0381.
0 lenght ± 50 mm,
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
process guide for the end user who often has always necessary.
Basis The really flexible graphite sealing material Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1.5 mm thickness KLINGERtop-graph-2008
Sealing material, based on graphite with a high degree of inherent stability offers Compressibility ASTM F 36 A % 10
and synthetic fibres. Manufactured
using a revolutionary process which reliability in handling. Thanks to its high load Recovery ASTM F 36 A min % 60
provides the graphite gaskets with bearing capacity and the low embrittlement, Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/300°C MPa 32
totally new, previously unachievable KLINGERtop-graph-2000 is ideally suited for In the test method acc. to DIN Klinger cold/hot compression 50 MPa thickness decrease ambient % 10
properties. use with steam and other sophisticated 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load thickness decrease hot 300°C % 10
is kept constant during the complete
applications. Immersion oil JRM 903: 5h/150°C thickness change % 5
Properties test so that the gasket is exposed to
The material impresses with its good much tougher conditions. weight change % 10
handling in combination with its very 100 The thickness decrease at an Immersion fuel B: 5h/23°C thickness change % 7
high level of load bearing capacity ambient temperature of 23°C and at weight change % 10
and minimal embrittlement at 90 heating up to 300°C is measured. Immersion water: 5h/100°C thickness change % 5
temperatures up to 300°C. These The indicated thickness decrease weight change % 5
properties offer the gasket a high 80 at 300°C refers to the thickness ob-
degree of resistance to damage
" § tained after loading at 23°C.
Soluble cloride content chlorides (soluble) ppm <50
during fitting and under operation, 70 Tightness according to DIN 3535/6 ml/min 1,0
prevents the loss of bolt load and the Density g/cm 3 2,10
formation of cracks at high 60 Thickness mm 1,5
temperature. The material is suitable Typical values
for use with steam up to 300°C. In 50
many other areas of application,
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1 form IBC up to PN 40* The dimensions of the standard Tests and approvals
temperatures of over 500°C are 40 sheets BS 7531 grade X.
KLINGERtop-graph-2000 30 1,500 mm x 2,000 mm
combines the advantages of fibre-
reinforced gaskets preferred by the 20 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm, other Surfaces
experts with the key features of really
thicknesses on request. The surface finish of the material
pi bar
KLINGERsoft-chem sheeting is 100% PTFE Gasket Sheeting. The best choice for Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1,5 mm thickness
100% expanded PTFE processed economical plant-wide use on services to 260°C With this test method developed by
Stress relaxation ASTM F 38 B 100°C % 35
to produce a uniform and highly Klinger you can evaluate the cold/hot
fibrillated microstructure with and pressures to 200 bar. compression of a gasket in cold and Tightness according DIN 28090 mg/s .m 0,01
multi-directional fibres. hot condition. Klinger cold/hot compression 25 MPa thickness decrease at 23 °C % 37
Note the following advantages of Unlike the method acc. to DIN thickness decrease at 300°C % 28
KLINGERsoft-chem in your application: 100 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load Compressibility ASTM F 36 J % 60
■ Highest sealability is kept constant during the complete
Recovery ASTM F 36 A min. % 12
■ Excellent chemical resistance 90 test so that the gasket is exposed to
■ Lowest gas- and fluid permeation much tougher conditions. Tensile strength ASTM 152 MPa 10
■ Prevention of corrosion The thickness decrease at an Chemical resistance ph 0-14
■ Resistant against steam and ambient temperature of 23°C and at Density g/cm 3 0,85
condensate 70 heating up to 300°C is measured. Typical values
■ High compressibility § The indicated thickness decrease
■ Excellent compensation of at 300°C refers to the thickness increasing temperature (e.g. Function and durability
irregularities of the sealing surface obtained after loading at 23°C. KLINGER-graphite laminate or The performance and life of KLINGER
■ Superior creep resistance KLINGERtop-chem), especially for gaskets depend in large measure on
50 Important points to be observed
■ Overloading is practically steam and/or water applications. proper storage and fitting, factors
impossible The selection of gaskets requires beyond the manufactor’s control. We
■ Very easy to process 40 expertise and know-how since ever For discontinuous operations in can, however, vouch for the excellent
greater reliability coupled with the water and/or steam applications, quality of our products.
A soft, pliable, yet very strong gasket 30 lowest possible leakage rates are we recommend as a general guide a
with superior creep resistance and ! " demanded of gasket materials. surface pressure of about 30 MPa. With this in mind, please also
cold flow compared to standard PTFE 20 The exacting demands made on In such cases the gasket should be observe our installation instructions.
products. the tightness of gasket materials (e.g. as thin as is practicable.
pi bar
For the reasons given the pT diagram field, a technical examination is Fax +49 (0) 6126 950 -340/341
is not infallible: it serves as a rough always necessary. e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
guide for the end user who often has http://www.klinger-gmbh.de
KLINGERsoft-chem KLINGERsoft-chem
KLINGERsoft-chem is an The best choice for Klinger cold/hot compression Typical values for 1,5 mm thickness
expanded PTFE material that has economical plant-wide use on services to 260°C With this test method developed by
Stress relaxation ASTM F 38 B 100°C % 35
brought non-asbestos gasketing Klinger you can evaluate the cold/hot
technology to a new level of and pressures to 200 bar. compression of a gasket in cold and Tightness according DIN 28090 mg/s .m 0,01
performance. hot condition. Klinger cold/hot compression 25 MPa thickness decrease at 23 °C % 37
Use following advantages of the Unlike the method acc. to DIN thickness decrease at 300°C % 28
sealing material in your application: 100 52913 and BS 7531, the surface load Compressibility ASTM F 36 J % 60
■ Highest sealability is kept constant during the complete
Recovery ASTM F 36 A min. % 12
■ Excellent chemical resistance 90 test so that the gasket is exposed to
■ Lowest gas- and fluid permeation much tougher conditions. Tensile strength ASTM 152 MPa 10
■ Prevention of corrosion The thickness decrease at an Chemical resistance ph 0-14
■ Resistant against steam and ambient temperature of 23°C and at Density g/cm 3 0,85
condensate 70 heating up to 300°C is measured. Typical values
■ High compressibility § The indicated thickness decrease
■ Excellent compensation of at 300°C refers to the thickness increasing temperature (e.g. Applications
irregularities of the sealing surface obtained after loading at 23°C. KLINGER-graphite laminate or Ideal for applications requiring a minimum
■ Superior creep resistance KLINGERtop-chem), especially for of sealing stress up to moderate cond'ns
50 Important points to be observed
■ Overloading is practically steam and/or water applications. of pressure and temperature:
impossible DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1 form IBC up to PN 40* The selection of gaskets requires Lid seals, GRP flanges, plastic flanges,
■ Very easy to process 40 expertise and know-how since ever For discontinuous operations in glass-lined flanges, agressive / corrosive
greater reliability coupled with the water and/or steam applications, media processes, pitted / uneven flanges
Excellent corrosion resistance 30 lowest possible leakage rates are we recommend as a general guide a
together with superior creep resistance ! " demanded of gasket materials. surface pressure of about 30 MPa. With this in mind, please also
and sealability create a high-grade 20 The exacting demands made on In such cases the gasket should be observe our installation instructions.
gasket material for a wide application the tightness of gasket materials (e.g. as thin as is practicable.
pi bar
field in your plant. Tightness class L0.01) mean that with Tests and approvals
increasing internal pressure higher For reasons of safety, we The components of KLINGERsoft-chem
Many of your demands 0 surface pressures must be applied to advise against the re-use of are fully compatible with FDA
in gasketing can be fulfilled in an -200 -150 -100 -50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 the gasket. gaskets. requirements.
economical and safe way by KLINGER- * Gaskets according to DIN 2690 are only standardised up to PN 40 It must be shown that the flange Certification for food toleration:
soft-chem. joint will tolerate the demands made Dimensions of the standard sheets Standford Consult. Laboratories
Therefore it is a material suitable as a on it without being mechanically Size: Neuseeland MAF,
standard type in your stock. overloaded. Furthermore, the surface 1500 mm x 1500 mm Standford Consult. Laboratories
Many who use static gaskets believe only the operating temperatures and pressure applied to create the seal Thicknesses: Australia AS 4020.
that the values quoted for maximum pressures to go on. should never fall below the required 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm,
admissible temperature and maximum Additional stresses such as minimum value since this will reduce
operating pressure are inherent greatly fluctuating load may the life of the gasket. Highly stressed, Tolerances:
properties or characteristics of significantly affect whether a gasket is but not overstressed gaskets have a thickness ± 10%
gaskets and gasket materials. suitable for the application. longer life than understressed length ± 50 mm, width ± 50 mm
The many and varied demands
Resistance to media must be gaskets.
made on gaskets
Unfortunately, this is not the taken into account in every case. If the gasket fitted will be
The successful operation of a gasket
case. subjected to non-static loading, or
depends upon a multiplicity of factors.
The fields of decision will suffer stress fluctuations during
The maximum temperatures and If your operating temperatures discontinuous operation, it is Subject to technical alterations.
pressures at which gaskets may be and pressures fall within this field, advisable to choose a gasket Status: August 2001
used are influenced by a large a technical examination is normally which is not prone
medium bolt number of factors. unnecessary. to embrittlement Certified according to
Therefore a definite statement of . If your operating temperatures with ISO 9001 & QS 9000.
these values for gasket material is not and pressures are within this field, points the way to the right gasket
possible. a technical examination is conditions for the job KLINGER Limited
So why does Klinger provide If your operating temperatures
control pT diagrams? and pressures are within this “open“ http://www.klinger.com.au
General purpose, economy General purpose jointing High quality compressed syn-
grade material suitable for a based on a blend of synthetic thetic fibre jointing based on
wide range of water, oil and fibres with NBR binder. Also aramid fibres with NBR binder.
gas applications. suitable for low temperature
Colour Both sides light green One side grey, one side green Green both sides
Finish 3 x A anti stick surfaces 3 x A anti stick surfaces 3 x A anti stick surfaces
Also available with wire reinforce-
ment—KLINGERsil C4408
Uses Suitable for use with water, oils Suitable for use with oils, satu- Suitable for use with air, water,
and gases rated steam (to 180°C), water and oils, fuel and gases. Particularly
gases suitable for use in internal com-
bustion engines, compressors
and hydraulic systems.
Specifications/ KTW 1.3.13 BS 7531 Grade Y. BS 7531 Grade Y.
Approvals KTW 1.3.13 BAM Oxygen Gas Approval
DIN-DVGW 95.01e052 DIN-DVGW 88.02e 052
SVGW-Zulassung Potable Water—WRC & KTW
Typical Original TEST METHOD 2mm 1.5mm 2mm
Properties 1.75 g/cm3 1.75 g/cm3 1.6 g/cm3
Specific Gravity:
Compressibility ASTM F36A 8% 7-17% 11%
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 0.4 ml/min 0.2 ml/min 0.2 ml/min
Typical properties
After Fluid Immersion
Thickness Increase:
ASTM Oil 1 5h/150°C ASTM F146
- - 0-5%
ASTM Oil 3 5h/150°C ASTM F146 5% 0-10% 0-5%
ASTM Fuel A 5h/23°C ASTM F146 - - 0-5%
High quality compressed Premium quality compressed Specialised compressed Premium quality compressed
synthetic fibre jointing based synthetic fibre jointing synthetic fibre jointing based synthetic acid resistant
on glass fibres and NBR composed of carbon fibres on aramid fibres with SBR jointing.
binder. with NBR binder. binder. Features excellent
sealability, even with low sur-
face load.
One side white, one side green One side black, one side green Russet one side, black one side. One side white, one off-white.
3 x A anti stick surfaces 3 x A anti stick surface. 3 x A anti stick surfaces. 3 x A anti stick surfaces.
Suitable for use with air, steam, oil, Universal material with excellent Highly suitable for a automo- Specially developed for strong
fuels, gases (including oxygen) and steam, oil & chemical resistance. tive applications due to “controlled organic & inorganic acid applica-
potable water applications. Particularly suitable for use in highly swell” properties in oil, com- tions. Wide resistance range
alkaline applications, and applica-
tion requiring high load bearing charac-
bined with good resistance to including most acids, fuels, oils,
teristics water. Also suitable for light indus- solvents, alkalis and water (not
trial and domestic appliance ap- suited for concentrated nitric acid)
BS 7531 Grade X. BS 7531 Grade X. BS 7531 Grade X. BS 7531 Grade X.
BS 5146 (Firesafe approval) API 6FA (Firesafe)
AGA No. 208 (Combust.gas) DIN-DVGW 95.01e052 (Gas)
Potable Water—AS4020 DIN 3754 IT S (Physical Confor-
DIN-DVGW 95.01e052 (Gas) Bam Oxygen Approval mity).
Bam Oxygen Approval Potable Water– &KTW
Potable Water– AS4020,WRC &KTW LNE (use with Food)
LNE (use with Food)
2mm 2mm 2mm 1.5mm
1.7 g/cm3 1.4 g/cm3 1.45 g/cm3 1.7 g/cm3
8% 12% 29% 9%
50% min 60% min 40% min 55% min
35 MPa 32 MPa 10 MPa (BS 7531) 18 MPa (BS 7531)
0.10 mg/sm 0.10 mg/sm - 0.10 mg/sm
1.0 ml/min 0.1 ml/min - 1.0 ml/min
Acid Immersion
0-5% 0-10% - 10% (H 2SO 4 96% 18h 23°C)
0-5% 0-10% 50% 8% (H 2SO 4 65% 48h 23°C)
Important points to be observed Dimensions of the standard sheets Rings and non-standard designs
The many and varied demands made on So why does Klinger provide pT diagrams? The selection of gaskets requires Sizes: These gaskets can be supplied in all
gaskets For the reasons given the expertise and know-how since ever 1000 x 1500 mm, 1500 x 2000 mm sizes and in the same thicknesses as
The successful operation of a pT diagram is not infallible: greater reliability coupled with the Thicknesses: for sheets. PTFE envelope and eyelet
gasket depends upon a it serves as a rough guide for lowest possible leakage rates are 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, gaskets are also available.
medium bolt the end user who often has
multiplicity of factors. demanded of gasket materials. 3.0 mm.
Many who use static gaskets only the operating temperatures The exacting demands made on Other Thicknesses available on Surfaces
believe that the values quoted for and pressures to go on. Additional the tightness of gasket materials (e.g. request. The gasket materials as they leave the
maximum admissible temperature stresses such as greatly fluc- Tightness class L0.01) mean that with Tolerances: production line have excellent anti-
and maximum operating pressure tuating load may significantly increasing internal pressure higher Thickness ± 10%; length ± 50 mm; stick properties. However, if so
are inherent properties or affect whether a gasket is surface pressures must be applied to width ± 50 mm desired, they can be supplied with an
characteristics of gaskets and pressure
process suitable for the application. the gasket. anti-stick graphite or other finish on
gasket materials. It must be shown that the flange Variants one or both surfaces.
Unfortunately, this is not Resistance to media must be joint will tolerate the demands made KLINGERsil C-4409 and C-4509 are
the case. tempera- taken into account in every case. on it without being mechanically reinforced with expanded metal made The performance and life of
The maximum temperatures and pressures at overloaded. Furthermore, the surface from carbon steel. Klinger gaskets depend in large
which gaskets may be used are influenced by a pressure applied to create the seal Gaskets reinforced with stainless steel measure on proper storage and fitting,
large number of factors. should never fall below the required C-4409 L and C-4509 L are also factors beyond the manufacturer’s
Therefore a definite statement of these values for
minimum value since this will reduce available. Their specifications are the control. We can, however, vouch for
gasket material is not possible. the life of the gasket. Highly stressed, same but the stainless steel the excellent quality of our products.
but not overstressed gaskets have a reinforced grades are available in the
longer life than understressed sheet sizes:
gaskets. 1000 mm x 1250 mm and 1250 mm x
If the gasket fitted will be 2000 mm respectively.
subjected to non-static loading, or
100 will suffer stress fluctuations during Thicknesses C-4409 L:
The fields of decision
discontinuous operation, it is 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm.
90 advisable to choose a gasket which Thicknesses C-4509 L:
§ 3 If your operating temperatures is not prone to embrittlement with 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm.
80 and pressures are within this ”open” increasing temperature (e.g. Other thicknesses available on
field, a technical examination is KLINGERgraphite laminate or request.
always necessary.
70 KLINGERtop-chem), especially for
steam and/or water applications. KLINGERsil C-4400 can also be
60 For discontinuous operations in water supplied in a colourless version
and/or steam applications, we KLINGERsil C-4400 L. The standard
50 " 2 If your operating temperatures recommend as a general guide a green and the colourless versions are
and pressures are within this field a surface pressure of about 30 MPa. both KTW approved and are suitable
technical examination is In such cases the gasket should be as for food processing operations.
40 recommended. thin as is practicable. KLINGERsil C-4430 and C-4500
can be supplied as K-versions for use
For reasons of safety, we advise in power stations. Their chloride and
against the re-use of gaskets. fluoride contents conform to the
! 1 If your operating temperatures Siemens KWU standard.
pi bar
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 °C 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
*Gaskets according to DIN 2690 are only standardised up to PN 40 and gasket thickness 2 mm.
The many, varied demands placed These limits are dependent upon Areas of Application
on gaskets a multiplicity of factors as shown in In area one, the gasket material
A common perception is that the the diagram below. is normally suitable subject to
suitability of a gasket for any given It is always advisable to consider chemical compatibility
application depends upon the these factors when selecting a
maximum temperature and pressure material for a given application. In area two, the gasket materials
conditions. This is not the case. may be suitable but a technical
Maximum temperature and Selecting gaskets with evaluation is recommended.
pressure values alone can not define a pT diagrams
material’s suitability for an application. The Klinger pT diagram provides In area three, do not install
guidelines for determining the the gasket without a technical
suitability of a particular gasket evaluation.
material for a specific application
based on the operating temperature
and pressure only.
Additional stresses such as
fluctuating load may significantly
affect the suitability of a gasket
in the application and must be
considered separately. Always refer
to the chemical resistance of the
gasket to the fluid.
Technical data
Typical values
Compressibility ASTM F 36 J % 8
Recovery ASTM F 36 J min % 55
Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/175°C MPa 24
Klinger cold/hot compression, thickness decrease at 23°C % 10
50 MPa thickness decrease at 200°C % 25
Tightness acc. to DIN 3535/6 mg/s x m < 0.1
Thickness increase ASTM F 146 oil JRM 903: 5 h/150 °C % 5
fuel B: 5 h/20°C % 7
Density g/cm 1.75
A Universal
Material for
Safe and Reliable
Aramid fibres bonded with NBR.
Resistant to oils, water, steam,
gases, salt solutions, fuels,
alcohols, moderate organic and
inorganic acids, hydrocarbons,
lubricants and refrigerants.
Maximum permissible surface Min. surface pressure σVU Minimum surface pressure σBU High tem
pressure σBO under operating for tightness classes for tightness class L = 0.1 High tem
conditions acc. DIN 28090 – 1 L = 1.0, L = 0.1 and L = 0.01 The three dimensional diagram below measure
The maximum surface pressure under in accordance to DIN 28090 describes the behaviour of 2 mm Hot Com
operating conditions is the maximum The minimum surface pressure is the gasket material with respect to the constant
allowable surface pressure on the minimum surface pressure that should minimum surface pressure to achieve with incr
effective gasket area under service be applied to the gasket to achieve a tightness class of L = 0.1 under a using nit
conditions that can be applied to the the necessary tightness requirements. wide range of temperatures and Stab
gasket before unacceptable relaxation The value must be sufficient to internal pressures. It clearly shows reading
of the flanged joint occurs and/or the compress the material into the flange that the minimum surface pressure specime
gaskets are destroyed. imperfections, reduce the materials decreases at elevated temperatures – load and
500 porosity and also counteract the the gasket will seal at lower loads The
release of load due to the internal under these conditions. massflow
pressure. controlle
The diagrams below show the
minimum gasket stress required to
achieve the relevant tightness classes 2.6
Leak mg/(sm)
as a function of thickness. 2.4
200 0 mm
150 3.00mm 1.8
100 2.0 mm 1.4
80 1.2
50 1.5 mm 1.0
3 mm
70 0.8
0 1.0 mm 0.6
0 100 200 300 400 60 0.4
0.5 mm 0.2
50 0
The diagram above shows 0
this values for different gasket Tempe
Modulus of elasticity ED in
accordance to DIN 28090
Leak mg/(sm)
0 10 20 30 50 2.4
This diagram outlines the modulus of 2.2
3.00mm elasticity compared to the surface 1.8
2.0 mm load. The curves describe the 1.4
80 1.2
1.5 mm behaviour at ambient temperature 1.0
and at 200°C. 0.8
1.0 mm 0.6
60 0.4
0.5 mm 0.2
50 0
Tightness class L= 0.1 30
allows a maximum leakage of 20
0.1 mg nitrogen per second per meter 200°C
of gasket length (mg/s x m) 28°C 2.6
Leak mg/(sm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 2.4
3.00mm 40 1.8
2.0 mm 20 1.4
80 1.2
1.5 mm 0 1.0
70 0 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 0.8
1.0 mm 0.6
60 0.4
0.5 mm 0.2
50 0
0 10 20 30 50
2.6 2.2
35 MPa
Leak mg/(sm)
2.4 2.0
2.2 1.8
2.0 1.6
1.8 1.4
1.6 1.2
1.4 1.0
1.2 0.8
1.0 0.6
0.8 0.4
0.6 0.2
0.2 100
0 80
0 60
50 100 40
150 200 20
Temperature °C 250 300 Gas pressure bar
Installation instructions
Technical data
The many and varied demands Unfortunately, this is not the The fields of decision
made on gaskets case. If your operating temperatures
The successful operation of a gasket The maximum temperatures and and pressures fall within this field,
depends upon a multiplicity of factors. pressures at which gaskets may be a technical examination is normally
Many who use static gaskets believe used are influenced by a large unnecessary.
that the values quoted for maximum number of factors. . If your operating temperatures
admissible temperature and maximum Therefore a definite statement of and pressures are within this field,
operating pressure are inherent these values for gasket material is not a technical examination is
properties or characteristics of possible. recommended.
gaskets and gasket materials. If your operating temperatures
So why does Klinger provide and pressures are within this “open“
pT diagrams? field, a technical examination is
For the reasons given the pT diagram always necessary.
is not infallible: it serves as a rough
guide for the end user who often has
only the operating temperatures and
pressures to go on.
Additional stresses such as
greatly fluctuating load may
significantly affect whether a gasket is
suitable for the application.
Resistance to media must be
taken into account in every case.
Maximum permissible surface Min. surface pressure σVU Minimum surface pressure σBU
pressure σBO under operating for tightness classes for tightness class L = 0.1
conditions acc. DIN 28090 – 1 L = 1.0, L = 0.1 and L = 0.01 The three dimensional diagram below
The maximum surface pressure under in accordance to DIN 28090 describes the behaviour of 2 mm
operating conditions is the maximum The minimum surface pressure is the gasket material with respect to the
allowable surface pressure on the minimum surface pressure that should minimum surface pressure to achieve
effective gasket area under service be applied to the gasket to achieve a tightness class of L = 0.1 under a
conditions that can be applied to the the necessary tightness requirements. wide range of temperatures and
gasket before unacceptable relaxation The value must be sufficient to internal pressures. It clearly shows
of the flanged joint occurs and/or the compress the material into the flange that the minimum surface pressure
gaskets are destroyed. imperfections, reduce the materials decreases at elevated temperatures –
porosity and also counteract the the gasket will seal at lower loads
release of load due to the internal under these conditions.
The diagrams below show the
minimum gasket stress required to 60
achieve the relevant tightness classes 50
250 0.5 mm as a function of thickness.
200 1.0 mm 40
150 1.5 mm 3.00mm
2.0 mm 30
100 2.0 mm
3.0 mm
50 1.5 mm 20
0 1.0 mm
60 80
0 100 200 300 400
0.5 mm 60
The diagram above shows 0
100 150
40 200 250 20
this values for different gasket 300 350 400 450
30 500
Modulus of elasticity ED in
0 10 20 30 40 50
accordance to DIN 28090
This diagram outlines the modulus of
3.00mm elasticity compared to the surface
2.0 mm load. The curves describe the
1.5 mm behaviour at ambient temperature
1.0 mm
and at 200°C.
0.5 mm
Tightness class L= 0.1 30
allows a maximum leakage of 20
0.1 mg nitrogen per second per meter
of gasket length (mg/s x m)
0 10 20 30 40 50
3.00mm 40
2.0 mm 20
1.5 mm 0
0 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000
1.0 mm
0.5 mm
0 10 20 30 50
2.6 2.2 25 MPa fluctuations due to temperature and
Leak mg/(sm)
2.4 2.0
2.2 1.8 pressure cycling, it is advisable to
2.0 1.6
1.8 1.4
select a gasket material which is
1.2 less prone to embrittlement with
1.2 0.8 increasing temperatures (e.g.
1.0 0.6
0.8 0.4 KLINGERgraphite laminate,
0.6 0.2
0.4 KLINGERtop-chem or KLINGERtop-
0 80
100 sil). In cyclic loading conditions we
0 50 100 150
40 recommend a minimum surface
200 250 20
Temperature °C 300 Gas pressure bar stress of 30 MPa and that the gasket
should be as thin as is practicable.
Gasket load
Leak mg/(sm)
2.4 For safety reasons never re-use
2.2 35 MPa
Leak mg/(sm)
Installation instructions
Technical data
A Hightech
Fibre Material –
ideal for
strong alkali media
and steam
Carbon fibres and special heat
resistant additives bonded with NBR.
A superior performance product
designed for use with strongly
alkaline media and steam in the
chemical industry.
Maximum permissible surface Min. surface pressure σVU Minimum surface pressure σBU High tem
pressure σBO under operating for tightness classes for tightness class L = 0.1 High tem
conditions acc. DIN 28090 – 1 L = 1.0, L = 0.1 and L = 0.01 The three dimensional diagram below measure
The maximum surface pressure under in accordance to DIN 28090 describes the behaviour of 2 mm Hot Com
operating conditions is the maximum The minimum surface pressure is the gasket material with respect to the constant
allowable surface pressure on the minimum surface pressure that should minimum surface pressure to achieve with incr
effective gasket area under service be applied to the gasket to achieve a tightness class of L = 0.1 under a using nit
conditions that can be applied to the the necessary tightness requirements. wide range of temperatures and Stab
gasket before unacceptable relaxation The value must be sufficient to internal pressures. It clearly shows reading
of the flanged joint occurs and/or the compress the material into the flange that the minimum surface pressure specime
gaskets are destroyed. imperfections, reduce the materials decreases at elevated temperatures – load and
porosity and also counteract the the gasket will seal at lower loads The
release of load due to the internal under these conditions. massflow
pressure. controlle
The diagrams below show the
minimum gasket stress required to 60
achieve the relevant tightness classes 50 2.6
Leak mg/(sm)
250 2.4
as a function of thickness. 2.2
200 0.5 mm 40 2.0
1.0 mm 3.00mm 1.8
150 1.6
1.5 mm 30
2.0 mm 1.4
2.0 mm 80 1.2
50 1.5 mm 20 1.0
3.0 mm 70 100 0.8
0 1.0 mm 0.6
80 0.4
0 100 200 300 400
mm 60 0.2
50 0
0 40
The diagram above shows 100 150
40 200 250 20
this values for different gasket 300 350 400 450
30 500
L 2.6
Leak mg/(sm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 2.4
3.00mm 1.8
2.0 mm 1.4
80 1.2
1.5 mm 1.0
70 0.8
1.0 mm 0.6
60 0.4
0.5 mm 0.2
Tightness class L= 0.1 30
0 10 20 30 40 50 2.4
3.00mm 1.8
2.0 mm 1.4
80 1.2
1.5 mm 1.0
70 0.8
1.0 mm 0.6
60 0.4
0.5 mm 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50
the necessary levels of tightness
15 MPa
Leak mg/(sm)
2.0 but is lower than the maximum
2.0 1.6 permissible surface pressure.But
1.8 1.4
1.6 1.2 increasingly high demands on the
1.4 1.0
1.2 0.8
tightness requirements for flanged
0.6 joints ( e.g. Tightness class L 0.1 in
0.6 0.2 accordance with DIN 28090 )
0.2 100 necessitate the application of high
0 80
0 50 40
60 loads on the gasket material in order
100 150
Temperature °C
200 250 300
Gas pressure bar to meet these stringent requirements.
2.6 2.2 20 MPa fluctuations due to temperature and
Leak mg/(sm)
2.4 2.0
2.2 1.8 pressure cycling, it is advisable to
2.0 1.6
1.8 1.4
select a gasket material which is
1.6 1.2 less prone to embrittlement with
1.4 1.0
1.2 0.8 increasing temperatures (e.g.
1.0 0.6
0.8 0.4 KLINGERgraphite laminate,
0.6 0.2
0.4 KLINGERtop-chem or KLINGERtop-
0.2 100
0 80 sil). In cyclic loading conditions we
0 50 100 150
40 recommend a minimum surface
200 250 20
Temperature °C 300 Gas pressure bar stress of 30 MPa and that the gasket
should be as thin as is practicable.
Gasket load For safety reasons never re-use
Leak mg/(sm)
2.6 2.2
35 MPa gaskets.
Leak mg/(sm)
2.4 2.0
2.2 1.8
2.0 1.6
1.8 1.4
1.6 1.2
1.4 1.0
1.2 0.8
1.0 0.6
0.8 0.4
0.6 0.2
0.2 100
0 80
0 60
50 100 40
150 200 20
Temperature °C 250 300 Gas pressure bar
Installation instructions
Technical data
DIN 2690/ DIN EN 1514-1 form IBC up to PN 40*
" !
pi bar
The many, varied demands placed These limits are dependent upon Areas of Application
on gaskets a multiplicity of factors as shown in In area one, the gasket material
A common perception is that the the diagram below. is normally suitable subject to
suitability of a gasket for any given It is always advisable to consider chemical compatibility
application depends upon the these factors when selecting a
maximum temperature and pressure material for a given application. In area two, the gasket materials
conditions. This is not the case. may be suitable but a technical
Maximum temperature and Selecting gaskets with evaluation is recommended.
pressure values alone can not define a pT diagrams
material’s suitability for an application. The Klinger pT diagram provides In area three, do not install
guidelines for determining the the gasket without a technical
suitability of a particular gasket evaluation.
material for a specific application
based on the operating temperature
and pressure only.
Additional stresses such as
fluctuating load may significantly
affect the suitability of a gasket
in the application and must be
considered separately. Always refer
to the chemical resistance of the
gasket to the fluid.
Technical data
Typical values
Compressibility ASTM F 36J % 25
Recovery ASTM F 36J min % > 45
Stress relaxation DIN 52913 50 MPa, 16 h/175°C MPa 25
Thickness increase ASTM F 146 oil no. 3: 5 h/150 °C % 45
Weight increase ASTM F 146 oil no. 3: 5 h/150 °C % 45
Thickness increase ASTM F 146 fuel B: 5 h/23°C % 30
Weight increase ASTM F 146 fuel B: 5 h/23°C % 30
Density g/cm 3 1.7
Important points to be observed In cyclic loading conditions Dimensions of the standard sheets
With heightened awareness of safety we recommend a minimum surface Sizes
and environmental issues, reducing stress of 30 MPa and that the gasket 1,000 x 1,500 mm, 1,500 x 2,000 mm
leaks from flanged assemblies has should be as thin as is practicable. Thicknesses:
become a major priority for industry. 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm;
It is therefore important for com- For safety reasons never re-use other thicknesses on request.
panies who use gaskets to choose the gaskets. Tolerances:
correct material for the job and install thickness ± 10%, length ± 50 mm,
and maintain it correctly to ensure width ± 50 mm
optimum performance.
A flanged joint will remain tight Surfaces
as long as the surface pressure in KLINGERSIL® gasket materials are
service is higher than the minimum generally furnished with surfaces of
surface pressure required to achieve low adhesion. On request, graphite
the necessary levels of tightness facings and other surface finishes on
but is lower than the maximum one or both sides are also available.
permissible surface pressure.But
increasingly high demands on the Function and durability
tightness requirements for flanged The performance and service life of
joints (e.g. Tightness class L 0.1 in KLINGER gaskets depend in large
accordance with DIN 28090) measure on proper storage and
necessitate the application of high fitting, factors beyond the
loads on the gasket material in order manufactor’s control. We can,
to meet these stringent requirements. however, vouch for the excellent
If the gasket is to be subjected quality of our products.
to non-static loading and stress With this in mind, please also
fluctuations due to temperature and observe our installation instructions.
pressure cycling, it is advisable to
select a gasket material which is
less prone to embrittlement
with increasing temperatures (e.g.
KLINGERgraphite laminate,
KLINGERtop-chem or
Greater security
for concentrated
Glass fibres
bonded with special
Information for your safety
200 0.5 mm
1.0 mm
1.5 mm
2.0 mm
3.0 mm
0 100 200 300 400
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
sil 8200 1.0 sil 8200 0.1 sil 8200 0.01
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
10 100
0 40
100 150 200 250 20
300 350 400 450 500
Technical data
Dimensions of the standard sheets Function and durability Tests and approvals
Sizes: The performance and life of KLINGER TÜV Poland.
1,000 x 1,500 mm, 1,500 x 2,000 mm. gaskets depend in large measure on BS 7531 Grade X.
Thicknesses: proper storage and fitting, factors
0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, beyond the manufactor’s control. We
2.0 mm, 3.0 mm; can, however, vouch for the excellent
other thicknesses on request. quality of our products.
thickness ± 10%, length ± 50 mm, With this in mind, please also
width ± 50 mm observe our installation instructions.
The standard surface finish of the Certified according to Rich. Klinger Dichtungstechnik
material is such that the surface has DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 GmbH & Co KG
an extremely low adhesion. On Am Kanal 8-10
request, graphite facings and other A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen, Austria
surface finishes on one or both sides Tel ++43 (0) 2252/62599-137
are also available. Fax ++43 (0) 2252/62599-296
Subject to technical alterations. e-mail: mueller@klinger.co.at
Status: December 2003 http://www.klinger.co.at
Chemical resistance table
C 4106
C 4300
C 4304
C 4400
C 4430
C 4433
C 4500
C 6307
C 6327
C 8200
C 4408
C 4409
C 4509
Acetaldehyde CH3 CHO ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ■ ■ ■ ■
Acetamide CH3 CONH2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Acetic acid 10% CH3 COOH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Acetic acid 100% (glacial acetic acid) CH3 COOH ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Acetic acid ester CH3 COOC2 H5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Acetone CH3 COCH3 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ● ■ ■ ■ ■
Acetylene C 2H 2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Adipic acid HOOC(CH2)4 COOH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Air ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Aliphatic hydrocarbons (see under specific name)
Alcohol (see under specific name)
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Alum KAl(SO4)2
Aluminum acetate (CH3COO)2 Al OH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Aluminum chlorate Al(ClO3)3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Aluminum chloride AlCl3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ammonia NH3 ▲ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ammonium chloride NH4 Cl ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ammonium hydrogenphosphate (diammonium phosphate) (NH4)2HPO4 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH ▲ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Amyl acetate CH3 COOC5 H11 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ■ ■ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Aniline C6H5 NH2
Anon (Cyclohexanone) C6 H10O ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ■ ■ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Arcton 12 (Frigen or Freon 12) C Cl2 F2 ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ■ ● ● ● ●
Arcton 22 (Frigen or Freon 22) CH F2 Cl ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ■ ● ● ● ●
Aromatic hydrocarbons (see under specific name)
Asphalt (tar) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ■ ● ● ● ●
Barium chloride BaCl2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Benzene C6 H6 ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ▲ ▲ ● ● ● ●
Benzoic acid C6 H5 COOH ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ●
Blast furnace gas ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Bleaching liquor (chloride of lime) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Boiler feed water and boiler water (alkaline) ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ■ ●
Borax Na2 B4 O7 .10H2O ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Boric acid B (OH)3 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The chemical resistance table serves
Brine NaCl ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● as a guide for the resistance to media
Butane C4H10 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ■ ● ● ● ● of all asbestos-free gaskets. All
information is provided in accordance
Butanol (butyl alcohol) C4H9 OH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
with the current state of knowledge
Butanone (2) (M.E.K.) CH3COC2H5 ▲ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ and is subject to alteration.
Butyl acetates CH3COOC4H9 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● If in doubt, please
Butyl alcohol C4H9 OH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● use our free
Butylamine C4H9 NH2 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ technical fax
service. Details
Butyric acid C3H7COOH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
are given inside.
Subject to technical alternations. 4.99 ● Resistant* ■ Condit. recommended ▲ Not recommended
Certified according to
ISO 9002 & QS9000
Certified according to
ISO 9002 & QS9000
Binder Nitrile
Colour Natural
Colour Black
Binder Neoprene
Colour Natural
– in oxidizing atmospheres from
- 200 °C to +450 °C Type 2:
– in reduction or inert atmospheres KLINGERgraphite sealing tape,
up to +300 °C corrugated, self-adhesive
– excellent resistance to temperature Fields of applications:
– high thermal conductivity
– no hot or cold flows, even at high
temperatures and surface loads
– flexibility over the whole
The self-adhesive tape is ideal for
sealing big flanges and sealing
surfaces. The self-adhesive back fixes
the tape on the sealing surface during
Graphite Laminate
temperature range
Other features:
– excellent sliding properties,
max. 40m/s
The required amount of adhesive
is very small. It carbonises at higher
Available in roles of 12 m length,
packed in boxes, together with the avail
able (AS)
Also antistick
– no adhesion of the sealing area
– self-lubricating, therefore no wear
on moving parts
– high corrosion resistance
– no swelling or shrinkage under
mounting instructions.
Material thickness: 0.5 mm
Tape width: 6, 10, 15, 20, 25 mm
sealing tape
influence of media
– no ageing
– easy to work with
– not detrimental to health
Max. load diagram (MPa) as a function of the Load diagram of KLINGERgraphite-laminate SLS
compressed width for KLINGERgraphite-laminate SLS with reinforcement, thickness 0.05 mm.
with reinforcement of 1.4401/ thickness 0.05 mm. Initial density 1.0 g/cm 3, several initial thicknesses.
(Typical values) (Typical values)
3 mm 2 1.5 1 mm 3.0
14 mm mm 20 °C
300 °C
12 2.6
Thickness [mm]
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280
Max. load
Stress [MPa]
[MPa] 0.4
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
stress [MPa]
KLINGERgraphite- KLINGERgraphite-
laminate PSM laminate PDM
Technical data
Density of graphite layer g/cm 3 1,0 +- 5% Better handling
Max. perm. surface load at 450 °C
Compressibility ASTM F 36 A
% 28 – 42
and a much higher capability
Recovery ASTM F 36 A % 13 – 19 Forget about all unpleasant properties
which you know from handling graphite materials.
Stress relaxation DIN 52913:
Here are three convincing advantages which are due to the 30% higher density of
50 MPa, 16 h/300 °C MPa min. 48 the new KLINGERgraphite-laminate PDM:
KLINGER cold hot compression:
Surface load 50 MPa
Thickness decrease at 23 °C % 30
Thickness decrease at 300 °C % 1.5
1. Higher stability due to 2. Optimal handling 3. Clearly more safety
two tang stainless steel sheet Due to of the increase in density we Gaskets made of the new
Tightness according to DIN 3535 part 6 ml/min. 0.6
reinforcements could do without any impregnation. KLINGERgraphite-laminate PDM offer
Chloride content of graphite layer ppm max. 40 Due to the improved connection of the The new KLINGERgraphite- clearly more safety during fitting and
Thickness mm 1.0 graphite and the two tang stainless laminate PDM has a purity of 98% and under operation.
Size of sheets mm 1,000/1,000 steel sheets the new KLINGER- is free of resins, impregnations, or
mm 1,500/1,500 graphite-laminate PDM offers a higher other organic substances and therefore
stability and deformation resistance. free of possibly toxic residual risks.
Thickneses: 0.8/ 1.0/ 1.5/ 2.0/ 3.0 mm
KLINGERantistick (A/S) on request
the installation conditions which we The KLINGERgraphite- 0.8 KLINGERantistick (A/S) on request.
as manufacturers cannot influence. laminate PSM is available 0.6 DIN-DVGW approval no. NG-5124AT0417
We therefore only guarantee a perfect with KLINGERantistick. (A/S) 0.4
condition of our material. A finish which keeps its sta- 0.2
bility even at high tempera- 0
Material structure: tures and causes no organic 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
A KLINGERgraphite foil is rolled contaminations of the pure Load [MPa]
Gasket stress [MPa]
on a 0.10 mm thick tanged stainless graphite.
steel sheet (1.4401*) without 0.8 mm, 1.5 mm, 2mm, and
adhesive. 3 mm thick sheets are also available.
the installation conditions which we The KLINGERgraphite- 0.8 KLINGERantistick (A/S) on request.
as manufacturers cannot influence. laminate PSM is available 0.6 DIN-DVGW approval no. NG-5124AT0417
We therefore only guarantee a perfect with KLINGERantistick (A/S) 0.4
condition of our material. a finish which keeps its sta- 0.2
bility even at high tempera- 0
Material structure: tures and causes no organic 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
A KLINGERgraphite foil is rolled contaminations of the pure Load [MPa]
Gasket stress [MPa]
on a 0.10 mm thick tang stainless graphite.
steel sheet (1.4401*) without 1.5 mm, 2mm, and 3 mm thick
adhesive. sheets are also available with resin
impregnation as an alternative.
* In case of supply shortfall also 1.4404
may be delivered. * In case of supply shortfall also 1.4404 may be delivered.
sealing tape
– in oxidizing atmospheres from
- 200 °C to +450 °C Type 2:
– in reduction or inert atmospheres KLINGERgraphite sealing tape,
up to +300 °C corrugated, self-adhesive
– excellent resistance to temperature Fields of applications:
– high thermal conductivity
– no hot or cold flows, even at high
temperatures and surface loads
– flexibility over the whole
The self-adhesive tape is ideal for
sealing big flanges and sealing
surfaces. The self-adhesive back fixes
the tape on the sealing surface during
a il
able (A/S)
temperature range The required amount of adhesive Also antistick ion
E R at
is very small. It carbonises at higher KLIN G
n i m pregn
Other features: temperatures. or re
– excellent sliding properties, Available in roles of 12 m length,
max. 40m/s packed in boxes, together with the
– no adhesion of the sealing area
– self-lubricating, therefore no wear
on moving parts
– high corrosion resistance
– no swelling or shrinkage under
mounting instructions.
Material thickness: 0.5 mm
Tape width: 6, 10, 15, 20, 25 mm sealing tape
influence of media
– no ageing
– easy to work with
– not detrimental to health
table in the margin KLINGERgraphite-laminate SDS adhesive (less than 0.005 mm thick-
up to °C
up to °C
up to °C
The given concentrations and consists of expanded-graphite layers ness, no chlorides) are used, the
temperatures might be exceeded if bonded to steel foil with adhesive or excellent chemical and thermal
the medium is not or only in rolled on tang stainless steel rein- resistances of the flexible graphite
Acetic acid ● N.I. Diethanolamine ● N.I. Paraldehyde ● N.I.
restricted contact with the graphite. forcement. are not affected.
Acetic acid anhydride ● N.I. Ethyl alcohol ● N.I. Perchlorethylene ● N.I. This case arises when edged and The adhesive layer is applied in
Acetone ● N.I. Ethyl chloride ● N.I. Petrol (Fuel) ● N.I. spiralwound gaskets are used. an exactly controlled process so as to Range of application
Air ● 450 Ethyl dichloride ● N.I. Petroleumether ● N.I. KLINGERgraphite is not ensure Sealing material for:
Alum ● N.I. Ethylamine ● N.I. Petroleum/-products ● N.I. resistant to mixtures of nitric acid – that the amount of adhesive is – high and low temperatures
Aluminium chloride ● N.I. Ethylene chlorohydrine < 10 N.I. Phosphoric acid < 50 N.I.
and other stronger acids (e.g. nitra- always less than 1% of the graphite – high corrosive and aggressive
ting acid, aqua regia etc.), chromi- – a uniform distribution of the medias
Amino acid ● N.I. Fatty acids ● N.I. Phosphorus trichloride ● N.I.
um VI and permanganate solutions adhesive. – sensitive flanges (enamel, glass,
Ammonia ● N.I. Fluorine ● N.I. Potassium chlorate (melt) ■ N.I. as well as melts af alkali or alkaline The advantage of this method is graphite)
Ammonium hydroxide ● N.I. Formic acids ● N.I. Potassium nitrate (melt) ■ N.I. earth metals.The given recommen- that the excellent characteristics of the – gas and steam applications
Ammonium sulfate ● N.I. Frigen (Freon) ● N.I. Propane ● N.I. dations are supposed to be a help flexible graphite are kept.
Amyl acetate ● N.I. Hydrazine ● N.I. Sodium carbonate ● N.I. for the use of KLINGERgraphite.
We cannot give a guarantee
Amyl alcohol ● N.I. Hydro sulfide ● N.I. Sodium chloride ● N.I.
Aniline ● N.I. Hydrobromic acid ● N.I. Sodium hydroxide < 75 N.I.
as function and durability depend Properties of flexible
on a variety of factors which we as
Aqua regia ■ N.I. Hydrocarbones ● N.I. Sodium hypochloride < 20 30 manufacturers cannot influence. KLINGERgraphite
Arsenic acid ● N.I. Hydrochloric acid ● N.I. Sodium peroxide ■ N.I. If there are particular conditions of
Benzenesulfonic acid < 60 N.I. Hydrofluoric acid ● 140 Steam ● N.I. admission these have to be
observed. – No flowing under pressure and
Benzol and derivates ● N.I. Iodine ● N.I. Stearic acid ● N.I. temperature loads
For information on other media
Bitumen ● N.I. Iron chlorides ● N.I. Sulfur dioxide ● N.I.
or operating conditions we are at
Boric acid ● N.I. Iron sulfates ● N.I. Sulfur trioxide ■ N.I. your disposal.
Bromine ■ N.I. Isopropanole ● N.I. Sulfuric acid < 70 20 – temperature-resistant from -200 °C to + 450°C
( in inert atmosphere even higher)
Bromine water ● N.I. Isopropyl acetates ● N.I. Sulfurous acid ● N.I.
Butane ● N.I. Isopropyl ether ● N.I. Synthetic resins ● N.I.
Butanone ● N.I. Kerosene ● N.I. Tartaric acid ● N.I. – reliable sealing of gases and liquids
Butyl acetate ● N.I. Lactic acid ● N.I. Terpentine ● N.I.
Butyl alcohol ● N.I. M.E.K. (2-butanone) ● N.I. Trichlor ethylene ● N.I.
Calcium chlorate < 10 60 Manganese sulfates ● N.I. Vinyl chloride ● N.I. – excellent micro-sealing
Calcium chloride < 15 N.I. Mercaptoethylene < 50 N.I. Water ● N.I.
Calcium hydroxide ● N.I. Methanol ● N.I. Zinc chloride ● N.I. – chemically resistant to nearly all medias
Calcium hypochlorite ● N.I. Methylen chloride ● N.I.
Carbon tetrachloride ● N.I. Methylpentanone peroxide ● N.I.
Carbonic acid ● N.I. Mineral oil ● N.I. – excellent resistance to
temperature fluctuations
Cellosolve ● N.I. Monochlorbenzene ● N.I.
Chlorine (dry) ● N.I. Nickel chloride ● N.I.
Chlorine dioxide ■ N.I. Nickel sulfate ● N.I. – high flat heat conductivity
Chlorine water ● 25 Nitrating acid ■ N.I.
Chloroacetic acid ● 25 Nitric acid 85
Chloroform ● N.I. Oils ● N.I. – no health hazard
Chromic acid < 10 25 Oleum ■ N.I.
Citric acid ● N.I. Oleic acid ● N.I. – unlimited shelf live
Condensate ● N.I. Oxalic acid ● N.I.
Copper sulfate ● N.I. Oxygen ● 200 ● = suitable for any concentration
Cyclohexane ● N.I. Oxygen liquid ● N.I. – no combination with glass and ceramics
■ = unsuitable
N.I. = no influence Subject to technical alterations.
Subject to technical alterations. 4.99 April 1999
Resistance table Properties
for all KLINGERgraphite
Medium Medium Medium Please note the resistance
table in the margin
up to °C
up to °C
up to °C
The given concentrations and
temperatures might be exceeded if
the medium is not, or is only in
Acetic acid ● N.I. Diethanolamine ● N.I. Paraldehyde ● N.I.
restricted contact with the graphite.
Acetic acid anhydride ● N.I. Ethyl alcohol ● N.I. Perchlorethylene ● N.I. This case arises when edged and
Acetone ● N.I. Ethyl chloride ● N.I. Petrol (Fuel) ● N.I. spiral wound gaskets are used.
Air ● 450 Ethyl dichloride ● N.I. Petroleumether ● N.I. KLINGERgraphite is not
Alum ● N.I. Ethylamine ● N.I. Petroleum/-products ● N.I. resistant to mixtures of nitric acid
Aluminium chloride ● N.I. Ethylene chlorohydrine < 10 N.I. Phosphoric acid < 50 N.I.
and other stronger acids (e.g. nitra-
ting acid, aqua regia etc.), chromi-
Amino acid ● N.I. Fatty acids ● N.I. Phosphorus trichloride ● N.I.
um VI and permanganate solutions
Ammonia ● N.I. Fluorine ● N.I. Potassium chlorate (melt) ■ N.I. as well as melts af alkali or alkaline
Ammonium hydroxide ● N.I. Formic acids ● N.I. Potassium nitrate (melt) ■ N.I. earth metals.The given recommen-
Ammonium sulfate ● N.I. Frigen (Freon) ● N.I. Propane ● N.I. dations serve only as a guide
Amyl acetate ● N.I. Hydrazine ● N.I. Sodium carbonate ● N.I. to the use of KLINGERgraphite.
We cannot give a guarantee
Amyl alcohol ● N.I. Hydro sulfide ● N.I. Sodium chloride ● N.I.
Aniline ● N.I. Hydrobromic acid ● N.I. Sodium hydroxide < 75 N.I.
as function and durability depend Properties of flexible
on a variety of factors which we as
Aqua regia ■ N.I. Hydrocarbones ● N.I. Sodium hypochloride < 20 30 manufacturers cannot influence. KLINGERgraphite
Arsenic acid ● N.I. Hydrochloric acid ● N.I. Sodium peroxide ■ N.I. If there are particular conditions of
Benzenesulfonic acid < 60 N.I. Hydrofluoric acid ● 140 Steam ● N.I. admission these have to be
observed. – No flowing under pressure and
Benzol and derivates ● N.I. Iodine ● N.I. Stearic acid ● N.I. temperature loads
For information on other media
Bitumen ● N.I. Iron chlorides ● N.I. Sulfur dioxide ● N.I.
or operating conditions we are at
Boric acid ● N.I. Iron sulfates ● N.I. Sulfur trioxide ■ N.I. your disposal.
Bromine ■ N.I. Isopropanole ● N.I. Sulfuric acid < 70 20 – temperature-resistant from -200 °C to + 450°C
( in inert atmosphere even higher)
Bromine water ● N.I. Isopropyl acetates ● N.I. Sulfurous acid ● N.I.
Butane ● N.I. Isopropyl ether ● N.I. Synthetic resins ● N.I.
Butanone ● N.I. Kerosene ● N.I. Tartaric acid ● N.I. – reliable sealing of gases and liquids
Butyl acetate ● N.I. Lactic acid ● N.I. Terpentine ● N.I.
Butyl alcohol ● N.I. M.E.K. (2-butanone) ● N.I. Trichlor ethylene ● N.I.
Calcium chlorate < 10 60 Manganese sulfates ● N.I. Vinyl chloride ● N.I. – excellent micro-sealing
Calcium chloride < 15 N.I. Mercaptoethylene < 50 N.I. Water ● N.I.
Calcium hydroxide ● N.I. Methanol ● N.I. Zinc chloride ● N.I. – chemically resistant to nearly all medias
Calcium hypochlorite ● N.I. Methylen chloride ● N.I.
Carbon tetrachloride ● N.I. Methylpentanone peroxide ● N.I.
Carbonic acid ● N.I. Mineral oil ● N.I. – excellent resistance to
temperature fluctuations
Cellosolve ● N.I. Monochlorbenzene ● N.I.
Chlorine (dry) ● N.I. Nickel chloride ● N.I.
Chlorine dioxide ■ N.I. Nickel sulfate ● N.I. – high flat heat conductivity
Chlorine water ● 25 Nitrating acid ■ N.I.
Chloroacetic acid ● 25 Nitric acid 85
Chloroform ● N.I. Oils ● N.I. – no health hazard
Chromic acid < 10 25 Oleum ■ N.I.
Citric acid ● N.I. Oleic acid ● N.I. – unlimited shelf live
Condensate ● N.I. Oxalic acid ● N.I.
Copper sulfate ● N.I. Oxygen ● 200 ● = suitable for any concentration
Cyclohexane ● N.I. Oxygen liquid ● N.I. – no combination with glass and ceramics
■ = unsuitable
N.I. = no influence Subject to technical alterations.
Subject to technical alterations. 4.99 April 2002
Certified according to
DIN EN ISO 9001.
3.002/ 8.2000
Subject to technical alterations.
Status: August 2000 http://www.klinger.com.au
Elastomeric sheet compounds mark the entry level to Klinger's sheet-sealing range of
products. Consisting of base polymers with the insertion of vulcanising agents, fillers,
pigments and various additives, elastomeric gaskets offer effective, low sealing stress
seals typically for low temperature, low pressure applications. Elastomeric gaskets
have relatively soft compression characteristics requiring relatively low loads to effect
a seal, incorporated with excellent recovery properties due to their self-energising
Natural rubber exhibits exceptional elongation, tear strength and recovery properties.
It has poor resistance to ozone, oxygen and sunlight weathering. Natural rubber has
high wear and abrasion resistance. The material is suitable for moderate acids, alkalis,
salt solutions, petroleum and solvents. It is considered unsuitable for use with strong
acids, fats, greases and most hydrocarbons. Temperature range -50 to 120 deg C
EPDM offers good resistance to ozone, heat, steam, strong acids and alkalis. It is
not suitable for use in oils, solvents and aromatic hydrocarbons. Temperature
range -50 to 150 deg C
SBR synthetic rubber offers excellent abrasion resistance and is suitable for use
with weak organic acids and moderate chemicals. It is unsuitable for use with
ozone, strong acids and most carbon hydrocarbons. Temperature range -50 to
120 deg C
Neoprene has good resistance to aging, ozone and weathering. It also has good
physical properties and resilience. It is resistant to a range of dilute chemicals
and mineral oils. Neoprene is not suitable for use with fuels. Temperature range
-50 to 110 deg C
The silicon range of rubbers offer excellent high and low temperature properties,
far superior to any other grades. They are also unaffected by sunlight and ozone.
They are unsuitable for use against steam and many hydrocarbons. Temperature
range -70 to 250 deg C
Hypalon is noted for its good resistance to corrosive chemicals, ozone and
weathering. It also exhibits good aging, abrasion and heat resistance properties.
Hypalon also has low gas permeability. Hypalon offers poor resistance to fuels.
Temperature range -50 to 160 deg C
Note the above properties and limits are intended as a guide only and may vary
depending on the application conditions. If a specific recommendation is
required, please consult Klinger for advice.
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves
that products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe
rights belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in anyway from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve
the right to change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you
by the Trade Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation.
PTFE Products
KLINGERflon Threadseal Tape
KLINGERflon Spray
What’s so unique about KLINGERsealex can be applied of the product is its ability to Should it be required, you can However, if it is possible to re- Important approval certifications
KLINGERsealex? to any sealing face, giving excellent compensate for non-ideal flange use two strips of tape bonded over one tighten the flange assembly after 24 and tests:
KLINGERsealex is a PTFE product sealing performance even at low bolt conditions, a small amount of another. hours, then you can reduce the ”DVGW – Forschungsstelle Deutscher
manufactured from a unique, loads. residue material on the flange face is When re-assembling the flange, applied bold load by half. Vereine des Gas- und Wasserfaches”
physically networked fibrillated permissible. you can work with the usual assembly Despite its versatility and ease (Research and Development Centre for
material. It is composed of specially The benefits to repair and Next apply the strips of sealant torque – then fit and forget. of handling. KLINGERsealex should German Gas and Water Utilities) –
prepared fluorocarbons with exellent maintenance routines straight from the roll onto the flange There is no need to re-tighten the not be viewed as a temporary solution, new tests in preparation.
resistance to aggressive chemicals as You are prepared for every eventuality surface as shown on the attached bolts with KLINGERsealex. but as a high grade permanent seal ”BAM – Bundesanstalt für Material-
well as offering secure sealing under with KLINGERsealex – the seal an a photographs. Apply the tape either with unique characteristics. prüfung” (German Federal Government
high pressures - even permitting the roll. Maintenance Engineers have overlapping at the ends or cut acutely Agency for Materials’ Testing).
use of the material in applications up already benefited from the versatility and abutted. Tested for oxygen at 60 bar and 125°C.
to 150 bar internal pressure ratings. of KLINGERsealex, since it can be That`s all there is to it! Also suitable for liquid oxygen.
used practically anywhere. TÜV – approved (”TÜV – Technischer
When replacing defective seals, Überwachungsverein” – Geman
first clean the flange as thoroughly as Federal Mechanical Testing Authority):
possible. Since one of the strengths Certification No. 3/4872.
Replacement of conventional ● When the sealing surface or the These are just some of the areas As can be seen, with just a few Width Thickness Roll Flange Should you have queries
gasket materials stability of the flange prevents the in which you can use KLINGERsealex. rolls of KLINGERsealex you have the mm ca. mm length/m DN concerning the suitability of
KLINGERsealex offers particular successful use of a conventional seal. You may have other ideas for its use, same level of security as with con- KLINGERsealex for your application,
advantages in applications that ● When the geometry of the flange either as a replacement for conven- ventional gaskets. With the ability to 3 1.5 30 up to 50 we will gladly assist you with our
prove difficult for conventional seating demands an intricate gasket tional gasketing or as a hidden solve a problem quickly, the small 5 2.0 20 up to 200 experience. You may contact us
materials: shape, which is both difficult to reserve for unforeseen circumstances. stock of tape will very soon pay for through our fax service. Let us have
7 2.5 15 up to 600
assemble and uneconomical to itself. Furthermore, you have the the details of your particular app-
manufacture. secutity knowing that you are 10 3.0 8 up to 1,500 lication requirements and you will
● When the flange material will equipped for all eventualities. 14 5.0 5 from 1,500
receive reliable response and all
only permit the use of low bolt loads necessary information within
to seat the gasket while the media in Nothing is left to chance with 17 6.0 5 from 1,500 24 hours.
the system and the associated interior KLINGERsealex. 20 7.0 5 from 1,500 You can request a questionnaire
pressure demands a high integrity for submitting fax enquiries direct
seal. 25 8.0 5 from 1,500 from our Works.
The universal sealing solution
What’s so unique about KLINGERsealex can be applied of the products is its ability to If need be, you can use two However, if it is possible to re- Important approval certifications
KLINGERsealex? to any sealing face, giving excellent compensate for non-ideal flange strips of tape bonded over one tighten the flange assembly after 24 and tests:
KLINGERsealex is a PTFE product sealing performance even at low bolt conditions, a small amounts of another. hours, then you can reduce the ”DVGW – Forschungsstelle Deutscher
manufactured from a unique, loads. residue material on the flange face is When re-assembling the flange, applied bolt load by half. Vereine des Gas- und Wasserfaches”
physically networked fibrillated permissible. you can work with the usual assembly Despite its versatility and ease (Research and Development Centre for
material. It is composed of specially The benefits to repair and Next apply the strips of sealent torque – then fit and forget. of handling. KLINGERsealex should German Gas and Water Utilities) –
prepared fluorocarbons with exellent maintenance routines straight from the roll onto the flange There is no need to re-tighten the not be viewed as a temporary solution, new tests in preparation.
resistance to aggressive chemicals as You are prepared for every eventuality surface, as shown in both the bolts with KLINGERsealex. but as a high grade permanent seal ”BAM – Bundesanstalt für Material-
well as offering secure sealing under with KLINGERsealex – the seal an a photographs. Apply the tape either with unique characteristics. prüfung” (German Federal Government
high pressures, even permitting the roll. Maintenance Engineers have overlapping at the ends or cut acutely Agency for Materials’ Testing).
use of the material in applications up already benefited from the versatility and abutted – as shown in the Tested for oxygen at 60 bar and 125°C.
to 150 bar internal pressure ratings. of KLINGERsealex, since it can be photograph on the right. That`s all Also suitable for liquid oxygen.
used practically anywhere. there is to it! TÜV – approved (”TÜV – Technischer
When replacing defective seals, Überwachungsverein” – Geman
first clean flange as thoroughly as Federal Mechanical Testing Authority):
possible. Since one of the strengths Certification No. 3/4872.
Replacement of conventional ● When the sealing surface or the These are just some of the areas As you can see, with just a few Width Thickness Roll Flange Should you have queries
gasket materials stability of the flange prevents the in which you can use KLINGERsealex. rolls of KLINGERsealex you have the mm ca. mm length/m DN concerning the suitability of
KLINGERsealex offers particular successful use of a conventional seal. You may have other ideas for its use, same level of security as with KLINGERsealex for your application,
advantages in applications which ● When the geometry of the flange either as a replacement for conven- conventional gaskets. 3 1.5 30 up to 50 we will gladly assist you with our
prove difficult for conventional seating demands an intricate gasket tional gasketing or as a hidden 5 2.0 20 up to 200 experience. You may contact us
materials: shape, which is both difficult to reserve for unforeseen circumstances. through our representatives. Let them
7 2.5 15 up to 600
assemble and uneconomic to Please call us for a sample and Furthermore, you have the have the details of your particular
manufacture. associated technical information on secutity knowing that you are 10 3.0 8 up to 1,500 application requirements.
● When the flange material with the product. equipped for all eventualities. 14 5.0 5 from 1,500
only permit the use of low bolt loads
to seat the gasket but the media in Nothing is left to chance with 17 6.0 5 from 1,500
the system and the associated interior KLINGERsealex. 20 7.0 5 from 1,500
pressure demands a high integrity
seal. 25 8.0 5 from 1,500
Quick, easy
KLINGERsealex in dryer kilns
Operating conditions: 230°C.
Tunnel kilns for the kiln drying of
coated/lacquered steel and aluminium
metal elements on the air flow feed
and air extraction sides are sealed
with the new ”miracle of the roll”.
KLINGERsealex replaces woven tape
fabric, flocked side panel cladding
and other insulation materials with or
without asbestos.
to assemble –
Installation instructions
Clean flanges, cut off a lenght of
KLINGERsealex slightly longer than
the actual circumference of the seal.
Peel off the adhesive protection strip
KLINGERsealex adjacent to a bolt
hole and bolt up the mating surfaces
using the recommended clamping
force and bolt tightening patters.
sealing on a
and press KLINGERsealex into
position. Cross the free ends of
Product description
KLINGERflon Threadseal Tape serves
to seal screw joint unions of all kinds
and is manufactured of unsintered and
degreased PTFE KLINGERflon.
Delivery form:
Supplied on handy plastic
reels in 12 m lengths with a
width of 12 mm (approx).
Gauge of tape:
0.10 mm = Type S
with DVGW-approval
Gauge of tape:
0.08 mm = Type N
without DVGW-approval
Temperature resistance
From –196°C to +250°C
Order example:
100 reels of KLINGERflon
Threadseal Tape.
Certified according to
DIN EN ISO 9001.
3.002/ 8.2000
1 4 2 3
Simple and rapid installation of The electric drive motor is then red up to the work slowly, otherwise
the electric drive facility to be attached by means of sliding the electric drive motor can stall.
The following service routines apply the internally toothed plastic cou-
both to initial installation of the pling onto the toothed pinion, so that Ensure that the transparent
circular slitter with the electric drive the holder arm grips around the shaft protective cap covers the circular
facility or when re-equipping the drive of the circular slitter saw from slitter under motorised work
motor. below. conditions. Otherwise their is a
First, remove the crank on the After closing and securing the hazard of bodily injury, e.g. when
large hand wheel. This enables the clamp, a firm fixture is obtained bet- slipping off the small hand wheel.
subsequent installation procedure for ween the equipment and the electric
the connection of the motor drive drive motor and the installation is
facility. complete. The lower illustration
Thereafter, the toothed pinion shows the operational status of the
supplied should be fixed to the free equipment.
shaft end of the large hand wheel*. When conducting motorised slit- * The circular slitter shaft in the
The stud screw should be screwed ting operations, care should be taken older models of the equipment will
into the boring on the shaft. to ensure that the equipment is offe- have to be replaced.
1 4 2 3
Simple and rapid installation of The electric drive motor is then red up to the work slowly, otherwise
the electric drive facility to be attached by means of sliding the electric drive motor can stall.
The following service routines apply the internally toothed plastic cou-
both to initial installation of the pling onto the toothed pinion, so that Ensure that the transparent
circular slitter with the electric drive the holder arm grips around the shaft protective cap covers the circular
facility or when re-equipping the drive of the circular slitter saw from slitter under motorised work
motor. below. conditions. Otherwise their is a
First, remove the crank on the After closing and securing the hazard of bodily injury, e.g. when
large hand wheel. This enables the clamp, a firm fixture is obtained bet- slipping off the small hand wheel.
subsequent installation procedure for ween the equipment and the electric
the connection of the motor drive drive motor and the installation is
facility. complete. The lower illustration
Thereafter, the toothed pinion shows the operational status of the
supplied should be fixed to the free equipment.
shaft end of the large hand wheel*. When conducting motorised slit- * The circular slitter shaft in
The stud screw should be screwed ting operations, care should be taken older models of the equipment
into the boring on the shaft. to ensure that the equipment is offe- will have to be replaced.
Max. circular feature diameter 1,250 mm
Circular feature width, dependent on type of workpiece up to 1 mm
Circular feature width max. 160 mm
Slitting depth, dependent on type of workpiece up to 9 mm
If the gasket is equipped with an
PTFE filler it must have an inner ring 4 3
since the PTFE permits no further
compression, as is the case with other
fillers. On the one hand, it prevents 6 8
the gasket from springing open and 2
on the other, penetration of the flo-
wing PTFE in the pipeline. The larger
the surface roughnesses in the flange
surface, the larger the surface load
required to permit a flow of the PTFE
Spiral Wound
in the irregularities.
Flange surface condition:
1. metallically clean
2. plane-parallel
3. dry
4. fat free
Do not use separating agents
or sealing aids!
Type R Type CR Type RIR Type CRIR Type CRIR/ Type CRIR/
PTFE inner ring KLINGERgraphite inner ring
Wide choice of materials for metal Solid metal outer ring used as a Solid metal inner ring. Solid metal outer and inner rings. Solid metal outer ring, PTFE inner Solid metal inner ring with KLINGER-
strip and filler. centerring device and compression Use with high pressures and For use at high pressures and ring. graphite facing.
Suitable for high pressures and stop. temperatures. temperatures. Suitable for raised face or flat face For use at high pressures and
temperatures. Used on raised face and flat face Male to female flanges. Suitable for raised face or flat face flanges. temperatures.
Recommended for flanges with flanges. flanges. PTFE inner ring acts as an additional Suitable for raised face or flat face
tongue and groove. Prevents turbulences and protects gasket and protects the inner windings flanges.
the flanges from erosion. of the gasket element from the fluid. Suitable for corrosive media.
Protects the inner windings of the Graphite inner ring acts as an
gasket element from high additional gasket.
Standard Metal strip materials Gasket thicknesses Standard materials outer ring Standard materials inner ring Fillers and temperature limits
1.4301 304 Nominal Compressed Guide ring Carbon steel, Stainless steel Ceramics approx. 800°C
1.4401 316 thickness thickness thickness colour-powder coated acc. to the standard metal strip KLINGERgraphite* approx. 600°C
1.4404 316 L 3.2 mm 2.3 - 2.5 mm 2 - 2.2 mm Stainless steel materials PTFE approx. 260°C
1.4541 321 4.5 mm 3.2 - 3.4 mm 3 - 3.3 mm acc. to the standard metal strip Nonas approx. 460°C
1.4571 316 Ti 7.2 mm 5.0 - 5.5 mm 5 - 5.5 mm materials *pure graphite standard 98% purity
Special version: or 99.85% nuclear grade
Monel 400 ®, InConel 600 ®, InConel 625 ®, InConel X750 ®,
Nickel 200 ®, Titanium, Incoloy 800 ®, Incoloy 825 ®
Other materials on request
The design principle of the To improve the mechanical This gives the gasket recovery
KLINGER Spiral-Wound strength and other sealing character- forces which provide for a reliable
Gaskets istics, some layers at the beginning surface load even at fluctuating oper-
The basic element of every gasket is and at the end are wound without soft ating conditions.
the wound core. The V-shaped metal material and spot-welded over the In the present 8 versions, the
strip is spirally wound with the soft- total circumference. basic element is added by inner
material filler. The constant tensile force during and/or outer rings as needed.
the complete winding process permits
a defined, constant thickness of the
spiral-wound gaskets Spiral-Wound Gaskets
Type R Type CR Type RIR Type CRIR Type CRIR/ Type CRIR/
PTFE inner ring KLINGERgraphite inner ring
Wide choice of materials for metal Solid metal outer ring used as a Solid metal inner ring. Solid metal outer and inner rings. Solid metal outer ring, PTFE inner Solid metal inner ring with KLINGER-
strip and filler. centerring device and compression Use with high pressures and For use at high pressures and ring. graphite facing.
Suitable for high pressures and stop. temperatures. temperatures. Suitable for raised face or flat face For use at high pressures and
temperatures. Used on raised face and flat face Male to female flanges. Suitable for raised face or flat face flanges. temperatures.
Recommended for flanges with flanges. flanges. PTFE inner ring acts as an additional Suitable for raised face or flat face
tongue and groove. Prevents turbulences and protects gasket and protects the inner windings flanges.
the flanges from erosion. of the gasket element from the fluid. Suitable for corrosive media.
Protects the inner windings of the Graphite inner ring acts as an
gasket element from high additional gasket.
Standard Metal strip materials Gasket thicknesses Standard materials outer ring Standard materials inner ring Fillers and temperature limits
1.4301 304 Nom. Recommended Carbon steel, Stainless steel Ceramics approx. 800°C
1.4401 316 gasket thickness thickness in loaded condition colour-powder coated acc. to the standard metal strip KLINGERgraphite* approx. 500°C
1.4404 316 L 3.2 mm 2.3 – 2.5 mm Stainless steel materials PTFE approx. 260°C
1.4541 321 4.5 mm 3.2 – 3.4 mm acc. to the standard metal strip Mica approx. 900°C
1.4571 316 Ti 7.2 mm 4.8 – 5.0 mm materials *pure graphite standard 98% purity
Special version: or 99.85% nuclear grade
Monel 400 ®, InConel 600 ®, InConel 625 ®, InConel X750 ®,
Nickel 200 ®, Titanium, Incoloy 800 ®, Incoloy 825 ®
Other materials on request
The design principle of the To improve the mechanical This gives the gasket recovery
KLINGERmaxiflex spiral-wound strength and other sealing character- forces which provide for a reliable
gaskets istics, some layers at the beginning surface load even at fluctuating oper-
The basic element of every gasket is and at the end are wound without soft ating conditions.
the wound core. The V-shaped metal material and spot-welded over the In the present 8 versions, the
strip is spirally wound with the soft- total circumference. basic element is added by inner
material filler. The constant tensile force during and/or outer rings as needed.
the complete winding process permits
a defined, constant thickness of the
Spiral-Wound Gaskets types CR, CRIR
Suitable for flanges in accordance with DIN and BS 4504,
measures in mm
Type RHD Type R with Type HTX for DN d1 d2 d3 d4
KLINGERgraphite facing heat
10–320 10–320 PN 10–40 PN 64–320 10 16 25 40 64 100 160 250
gers 10 18 24 36 36 46 46 46 46 56 56 56 67
15 22 28 40 40 51 51 51 51 61 61 61 72
20 27 33 47 47 61 61 61 61 74 74 74 79
25 34 40 54 54 71 71 71 71 82 82 82 82
32 43 49 65 65 82 82 82 82 90 90 90 100
40 48 54 70 70 92 92 92 92 102 102 102 108
50 57 66 84 84 107 107 107 107 112 118 118 123
65 73 82 102 104 127 127 127 127 137 143 143 153
80 86 95 115 119 142 142 142 142 147 153 153 170
100 108 120 140 144 162 162 167 167 173 180 180 202
125 134 146 168 172 192 192 193 193 210 217 217 242
Spiral wound sealing element. KLINGERgraphite facing 0.5 mm. Combined inner and outer rings. 150 162 174 196 200 217 217 223 223 247 257 257 284
Wound high density. For use in manhole gaskets. The inner ring could have pass bars 175 183 195 221 227 247 247 253 265 277 287 284 316
Wide choice of materials for metal Suitable for use with low bolt loads or could carry either a metal clad or
200 213 225 251 257 272 272 283 290 309 324 324 358
strip and filler material. and uneven gasket surfaces. soft gasket with pass bars.
For use in high-pressure pumps, Double sealing effect. 250 267 286 307 315 327 328 340 352 364 391 388 442
high-pressure valves and gas 300 318 337 358 366 377 383 400 417 424 458 458 538
applications. 350 363 382 405 413 437 443 457 474 486 512 – –
Low emission tested. 400 414 433 458 466 488 495 514 546 543 572 – –
500 518 537 566 574 593 617 624 628 657 704 – –
600 618 637 666 674 695 734 731 747 764 813 – –
700 718 737 770 778 810 804 833 852 879 – – –
800 818 837 874 882 917 911 942 974 988 – – –
sealing strip roughness Ra micrometer 900 910 930 974 982 1,017 1,011 1,042 1,084 1,108 – – –
These gaskets are capable of giving However, as a general guide we general 3.2 – 5.1 1,000 1,010 1,030 1,078 1,086 1,124 1,128 1,154 1,194 1,220 – – –
an excellent seal over a wide range of recommend the following: critical 3.2 1,200 1,210 1,230 1,280 1,290 1,341 1,342 1,364 1,398 1,452 – – –
flange surface finishes. vacuum 2.0 1,400 1,420 1,450 1,510 – 1,548 1,542 1,578 1,618 – – – –
1,600 1,630 1,660 1,720 – 1,772 1,764 1,798 1,830 – – – –
(Larger flange surface finishes require 1,800 1,830 1,860 1,920 – 1,972 1,964 2,000 – – – – –
higher bolt loads) 2,000 2,020 2,050 2,120 – 2,182 2,168 2,230 – – – – –
2,200 2,230 2,260 2,330 – 2,384 2,378 – – – – – –
2,400 2,430 2,460 2,530 – 2,594 – – – – – – –
2,600 2,630 2,660 2,730 – 2,794 – – – – – – –
2,800 2,830 2,860 2,930 – 3,014 – – – – – – –
3,000 3,030 3,060 3,130 – 3,228 – – – – – – –
d2 d1
Subject to technical alterations. d3 d2
d4 d3
Status: April 1999 d4
Mounting Instructions
If the gasket is equipped with a
PTFE filler it must have an inner ring 4 3
since the PTFE permits no further
compression, as is the case with other
fillers. On the one hand, it prevents 6 8
the gasket from springing open and 2
on the other, penetration of the flo-
wing PTFE in the pipeline. The larger
the surface roughnesses in the flange
surface, the larger the surface load
required to permit a flow of the PTFE
in the irregularities.
Flange surface condition:
1. metallically clean
2. plane-parallel
3. dry
4. fat free
Do not use separating agents
or sealing aids!
d2 d1
d3 d2
d4 d3
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Gaskets in accordance with ASME B 16.20, Gaskets in accordance with ASME B 16.20,
flanges according ANSI B 16.5, measures in inch flanges according ANSI B 16.5, measures in mm
d3 d2 d4 d3 d2 d4
Nominal width
Nominal width
øA of øI øA øA of øI øA
sealing elem. of sealing element of centering ring sealing elem. of sealing element of centering ring
Press. st. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Press. st. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 900 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 900 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500
300 1,500 300 1,500
400 2,500 400 2,500
600 600
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Gaskets in accordance with ASME B 16.20, Gaskets in accordance with ASME B 16.20,
flanges according ANSI B 16.5, measures in inch flanges according ANSI B 16.5, measures in mm
d3 d2 d4 d3 d2 d4
Nominal width
Nominal width
øA of øI øA øA of øI øA
sealing elem. of sealing element of centering ring sealing elem. of sealing element of centering ring
Press. st. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Press. st. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 900 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 900 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500 150 300 400 600 900 1,500 2,500
300 1,500 300 1,500
400 2,500 400 2,500
600 600
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR Inner ring dimension
Flanges in accordance with BS10, measures in inch Gaskets according ASME B 16.20, flanges according ANSI B 16.5,
measures in inch/mm
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d1
Inner Sealing Centering Sealing Centering Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Pressure stage [lbs]
ring element ring element ring element ring element ring
ring ring
150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
o/I o/I o/A o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
313/128 78.7
3109/128 97.8
4115/128 124.5
551/64 147.3
73/4 196.9
911/16 246.1
4.757 Maxiflex 95
d3 d2
d4 d3
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341 d4
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Large flanges in accordance with API 605, measures in inch Large flanges in accordance with MSS SP 44, measures in inch
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width
Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 300 600 900 150 300 600 900
Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen-
ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Large flanges in accordance with API 605, measures in inch Large flanges in accordance with MSS SP 44, measures in inch
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width
Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 300 600 900 150 300 600 900
Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen- Inner Sealing Cen-
ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering ring element tering
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA øI øI øA øA
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR Inner ring dimension
Flanges in accordance with BS10, measures in inch Gaskets according ASME B 16.20, flanges according ANSI B 16.5,
measures in inch/mm
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d1
Inner Sealing Centering Sealing Centering Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Pressure stage [lbs]
ring element ring element ring element ring element ring
ring ring
150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
o/I o/I o/A o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
313/128 78.7
3109/128 97.8
4115/128 124.5
551/64 147.3
73/4 196.9
911/16 246.1
4.757 Maxiflex 95
d3 d2
d4 d3
d4 Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Flanges in accordance with BS 3381, ANSI B 16.5, Flanges in accordance with BS 3381, ANSI B 16.5,
measures in inch measures in mm
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width
Pressure stage [lbs] P. s. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] P. s. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 300 bis 1500 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 150 300 bis 1500 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
Inner Sealing Cente- Sealing Centering ring Sealing Cente- Inner Sealing Cente- Sealing Centering ring Sealing Cente-
ring element ring element element ring ring element ring element element ring
ring ring ring ring
[inch] o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A [inch] o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
Flanges in accordance with BS 3381, ANSI B 16.5, Flanges in accordance with BS 3381, ANSI B 16.5,
measures in inch measures in mm
Nominal width d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width
Pressure stage [lbs] P. s. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] P. s. [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs] Pressure stage [lbs]
150 300 bis 1500 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 150 300 bis 1500 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
Inner Sealing Cente- Sealing Centering ring Sealing Cente- Inner Sealing Cente- Sealing Centering ring Sealing Cente-
ring element ring element element ring ring element ring element element ring
ring ring ring ring
[inch] o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A [inch] o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
In accordance with the french standard NF–M–87621, Fitting to JIS flanges.
measures in mm Nominal pressure 10 k and 16 to 20 k, measures in mm
Nominal width d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2
d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width Pressure stage [lbs] d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4
150 300 600 900 1500 2500 Nominal pressure 10 k Nominal pressure 16 k to 20 k
Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente-
Inner- Sealing Centering Inner- Sealing Centering
element ring element ring element ring element ring element ring element ring
ring element ring ring element ring
ring ring ring ring ring ring
o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/I o/A o/A
[mm] [inch] o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
d2 d1
d3 d2
d4 d3
d2 d1
d3 d2
d4 d3
Certified according to Certified according to d4
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
types CR/CRIR types CR/CRIR
In accordance with the french standard NF–M–87621, Fitting to JIS flanges.
measures in mm Nominal pressure 10 k and 16 to 20 k, measures in mm
Nominal width d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2
d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4 d2 d3 d4
Nominal width Pressure stage [lbs] d1 d2 d3 d4 d1 d2 d3 d4
150 300 600 900 1500 2500 Nominal pressure 10 k Nominal pressure 16 k to 20 k
Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente- Sealing Cente-
Inner- Sealing Centering Inner- Sealing Centering
element ring element ring element ring element ring element ring element ring
ring element ring ring element ring
ring ring ring ring ring ring
o/I o/I o/A o/A o/I o/I o/A o/A
[mm] [inch] o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A o/I o/A o/A
d2 d1
d3 d2
d4 d3
d2 d1
d3 d2
d4 d3
Certified according to Certified according to d4
4.757 Maxiflex 95
Fax +49 (0) 61 26 950 340/341
e-mail: mail@klinger-gmbh.de
KLINGERtype 108 gaskets have become widely
accepted as an excellent seal for high pressure
and temperature applications where a soft,
compliant facing is required to fill surface
imperfections and irregularities.
* In a neutral or reducing atmosphere (ie. no internal/external exposure to oxygen) 1000°C and subject
to design pressure, please consult your KLINGER representative.
** ASTM Oil No. 3, 5h/150°C
•Low sealing stress alternative to Metal Clad Note: Alternative are Maxiprofile Gaskets
Gaskets that have improved sealing and
thermocycling capabilities for Heat
• Excellent seal under a low seating stress Exchangers.
including flange with rough and pitted
•Available with Mica soft facing for high
temperature service
•Available with FDA-compliant PTFE facing
where a non-contaminating sealing solution is
required (limited to 260°C)
• Easily installed
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation.
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation.
PSM Eyelet Gasket
Unique Anti-stick coating – no Combines the advantages of PSM with a
unnecessary cleaning of flanges. metallic eyelet at the gasket’s inner
High blowout resistance
compared to non-metallic Gasket Cross-section
PSM Graphite facing
No possible leakage through with unique anti-stick
gasket body. coating
Metal PSM
Excellent high temperature Eyelet tanged
vacuum seal. core
(no glue)
Tanged graphite combined with
metal eyelet provides a high
resistance to graphite extrusion
preventing contamination of the
line. 316Ti and galvanised carbon steel
are standard eyelet grades.
Broad chemical resistance.
Tanged insert prevents excessive
Low emission seal graphite relaxation under high
temperatures / pressures.
Maximum temperature 450°C
when exposed to air /oxygen –
higher temperatures possible in
oxygen-free or reducing
gauge glasses
Reflex gauge glasses
Transparent gauge glasses
Circular gauge glasses
Edition 2003
Borosilicate gauge glasses
long and circular types
Fields of application:
• Oil refineries
• Petro-chemical plants
• Pharmaceutical manufacture
• Chemical processing
• Mechanical engineering, especially
manufacture of boilers and storage
• Foodstuffs and beverages industry
• Water engineering
• Paper and cellulose industry
• Textile industry
• Marine engineering
Circular gauge glasses made from borosilicate glass “extra-hard”
• Nuclear engineering
Reflex and transparent gauge glasses
made of borosilicate glass “extra-hard”, long types
Reflex glasses
The side facing the medium chamber is
provided with moulded grooves set at
90° angles. The moulding process in-
creases the resistance of the glass
grooves to wear; the “skin” which the
glass attains during moulding gives it
maximum smoothness and hardness.
This makes it extremely resistant to the
attack of boiler water.
Up to 35 bar saturated steam, reflex
glasses provide the optimum solution:
they are corrosion resistant and provide
an absolutely clear indication.
Reflex glasses can be used with all me-
dia except steam at service conditions
up to 400 bar or temperatures up to KLINGER transparent glass (left side) and reflex glass (right) in polarized light
400 °C.
Transparent glasses
KLINGER transparent glasses are also
manufactured from “extra-hard” boro-
silicate glass. The surfaces on both
sides are finely ground and polished to
ensure optimal transparency.
In steam service above 35 bar and with
media with a high pH-value.
KLINGER transparent glasses must be
protected by a mica shield on the side
facing the medium chamber. Transpar-
ent glasses should always be chosen
for contaminated, viscous or corrosive
media. Within the given service limita-
tions they may be used for all media ex- KLINGER package units for gauge glasses, sealing gaskets and cushion gaskets
cept steam at pressures up to 340 bar
or temperatures up to 400.°C.
glasses, mica shields, sealing gaskets Esso Eng. Spec. 123 (Esso Research &
Packing and cushion gaskets. Engineering Co. – New Jersey)
KLINGER gauge glasses are packed in S..O..D. Spec. 123 (Standard Oil Devel-
individual cardboard boxes. In addition Standards opment Company – New Jersey)
to the glass, each package contains a We manufacture reflex and transparent BS 3463 (British Standard Institution).
KLINGER sealing gasket and cushion glasses in series to the following stan-
gasket and forms a complete unit ready dards:
for installation. Quality control
OeNORM M 7354 (long gauge glasses) KLINGER reflex and transparent glasses
Note DIN 7081 (long gauge plate glasses) are subject to continuous control dur-
Only KLINGER original parts guarantee JIS B 8211 (Japanese Industrial Stan- ing manufacture in order to guarantee
a trouble free operation of the gauge dard) exact dimensions, stress conditions,
glasses. Therefore it is recommended to OMV-Spez. H 2009 (OMV-AG, Vienna) material composition and resistance to
use only original spare parts for gauge MIL-G-16356 D (US-Navy-Ships) bending strain.
Reflex and transparent gauge glasses
technical datas
Reflex glasses A, B, H
4 All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Sealing and cushion gaskets & mica shields
for reflex and transparent gauge glasses
Mica shields
A and B micas: stained first quality
TA 28 micas: stained A quality
KEL-F shield
Size like mica shields
Type B/H standard thickness = 1 mm
All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 5
Reflex and transparent gauge glasses
technical datas according to OeNORM 7354 and DIN 7081
Circular sight glasses
made from borosilicate glass “extra-hard”
Water resistance:
hydrolytic class 1, tested ISO 719.
p ⋅S Acid resistance:
s = 0,55 ⋅ d m acid class 1, tested to DIN 12116.
10 ⋅ σbB
s: Theoretical minimum thickness in mm
d1 + d 2 moulded – ground – polished –
dm: Mean diameter of gasket thermally pre-stressed
d1: O..D. of glasses and gasket
d2: I..D. of gasket Temperatur resistance:
p: Max. permissible working pressure (gauge) in bar suitable for temperatures from –.273.°C
bB : Minimum bending strength in N/mm2 to +.300.°C, size 31.75/12.7 up to
S: Safety factor 356.°C
All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 7
Circular sight glasses
Fluid Control
made from borosilicate glass “extra-
We manufacture reflex and transparent
glasses in series acc. to the following
OeNORM M 7353 (Austrian Standard)
DIN 7080 (German Standard)
BS 3463 (British Standard Institution).
JIS 8211 (Japanese Industrial Stan-
At request we supply circular sight
glasses in any desired dimension. Dimensionals tolerances:
Glass DIN 7080 KLINGER
OeNORM M 7353 house standard
31,75 mm – ±.0,13 mm
to 125 mm ±.0,5 mm ±.0,5 mm
150 to 200 mm ±.0,8 mm ±.0,5 mm
Glass thickness
12,7 mm – ±.0,05 mm
10 bis 20 mm ±.0,5 mm ±.0,5 mm
above 20 mm ±.0,8 mm ±.0,5 mm
Fluid Control
Edition 2003
KLINGER piston valves
Application examples
2 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
KLINGER piston valves
Advantages and summary of types
KVN Advantages KVN 10.–.50 m.c. III, VI, VIII, Xc KVN 65.–.150 m.c. III
■ Reliably tight – across
the ports and to the
■ Environmentally safe
and energy efficient
■ Asbestos-free
■ No erosion on the seal-
ing surfaces
■ Insensitive to impurities
due to maintenance-free
sealing system KVNB 65.–.200 m.c. III KVN 65.–.200 m.c. VI, VIII
■ Unbeatable in a compar-
ison of profitability
■ Maintenance-free
■ Easy to install
■ Valve rings are replace-
able in the line
■ Excellent control charac-
■ Fire-safe tested accord-
ing to API 6FA KVMN 1/2 – 2 m.c. III, VIII, Xc KVSN 1/2 – 2 m.c. VIII
■ Inspected according to
■ Conforms to TA-Luft
■ VdTÜV license 1065 type
■ Suitable for oxygen
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 3
KLINGER piston valves
Optimization through experience
Piston valves KVN They passed the Fire-safe test accord- Excellent control characteristics
ing to API 6FA as well as the Helium- The standard version of the KLINGER
Excellent ideas are lasting leakage test with best results. These re- piston valve is already very well suited
In the year 1922 Richard KLINGER the sults impressively prove the exceptional for controlling the flow. Because the
founder of this company had an idea, efficiency of KLINGER piston valves. piston is guided by the upper and the
the principle of which is still valid to- lower valve ring vibration and instability
day. He designed the first piston valve. Today, piston valves are manufactured in the pipe does not occure. KLINGER
He replaced the sealing system of a based on the state of the art technique piston valves have proved to be excel-
conventional globe valve with a cylin- and according to the highest quality re- lent as by-pass control valves.
drical piston and two elastic replaceable quirements of ISO 9001.
jointing rings. Through simple replacement of the pis-
Efficiency and reliability ton and the lantern bush the KVN can
Environmentally safe and energy The sealing element is formed by two be retrofitted to act as a special preci-
efficient elastic valve rings enveloping a stain- sion control valve.
Constant research and further develop- less steel piston. The upper valve ring
ment yield a quality, which comes seals to the outside, the lower ring In-line valve ring replacement
through brilliantly in extreme applica- seals across the port. Due to the large A newly installed piston valve does not
tions and is marked by the slightest of piston skirt the sealing effect is optmal. require any maintenance for a long time
leak rates. KLINGER piston valves are As the valve closes the piston removes after. However, the spindle should be
the best solution in hot water-, steam-, impurities which the medium might regularly lubricated. If nevertheless a
heat transfer medium- and dry gas ap- contain from the inside of the lower valve ring wears out it can be replaced
plication. valve ring. In this way the valve reliably without problems while remaining in
seals off even contaminated media. In the line and, if assembly instructions
Tested and certified principle, damage to the sealing surface are followed, it can be changed by in-
KLINGER KVN piston valves have been is precluded and tightness is guaran- house personnel.
tested by independent research insti- teed as a result. After replacement the valve is like new.
tutes under the toughest conditions.
4 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
KX-GT: Competitiveless in sealing
Environmentally safe and energy efficient
Cost justification
Piston valve – seat valve – bellow seal valve
Leakage in comparison
Standard deduced leakage rates
Piston valve
8.× .10-3 mbar x l/s
2 ppm
Bellow seal valve
3,9.× .10-2 mbar x l/s
50 ppm
1.× .10-2 mbar x l/s
13 ppm
3,9.× .10-1 mbar x l/s
500 ppm
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 5
Actuators for KVN
Electro mechanical and pneumatic actuators
6 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
KLINGER piston valves
Technical data
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 7
Piston valves KVN
Flange acc. to EN 1092-2 PN 16, flange acc. to EN 1092-1 PN 40
Material: cast iron, spheroidal cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel;
valve ring KX-GT
KVN 10.–.50
PN 40
DN 10.–.50
material code VI, VIII, Xc
PN 16
DN 15.–.50
material code III
PN 6
DN 32.–.50
material code III
overall length
acc.to EN 558-1
Grundreihe 1
8 All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Piston valves KVN
Flange acc. to EN 1092-2 PN 16
Material: cast iron; valve ring KX-GT
KVN 65.–.150
PN 16
material code III
PN 6
material code III
overall length
acc.to EN 558-1
Grundreihe 1
All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 9
Piston valves KVNB
Flange acc. to EN 1092-2 PN 16
Material: cast iron; valve ring KX-GT
KVNB 65.–.200
PN 16
material code III
overall length
acc.to EN 558-1
Grundreihe 1
10 All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Piston valves KVN
Flanges acc. to EN 1092-2 VI, flanges acc. to EN 1092-1 VIII
Material: spheroidal cast iron, cast steel; valve ring KX-GT
KVN 65.–.200
PN 40
DN 65.–.200
material code VI, VIII
PN 16
DN 65.–.200
material code VI
overall length
acc.to EN 558-1
Grundreihe 1
Type: KVN VIII KX for DN 65.–.200 18 Thrust piece 1.0308 1.0308 1.0308 33 Belleville washer 50CrV4 50CrV4 50CrV4
19 Back seat 1.4104 1.4104 1.4104 34 Belleville washer 50 CrV4 50 CrV4 50 CrV4
36 Serrated lock spring spring spring
Ordering example: 20 Threaded bush
Sint C11 Sint C11 Sint C11
washer steel steel steel
special special special
KVN 65-VIII KX, PN 40 37 Type plate Al Al Al
PN 40 PN 16
approx. approx.
Overall length in mm Overall length in mm
weight weight
DN L H Hub A (kg) DN L H Hub A (kg)
65 290 306 49 250 25,0 65 290 194,5 50 265 20,3
80 310 327 59 250 31,8 80 310 219 58 265 27,6
100 350 375 63 280 47,8 100 350 260 78 300 38,3
125 400 447 83 320 75,8 125 400 303 86 400 55,0
150 480 477 93 360 107,5 150 480 331 98 400 85,0
200 600 561 118 400 180,0 200 600 561 118 400 180,0
All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 11
Piston valves KVMN
Female screwed ends with pipe thread acc. to ISO 228-1,
femal screwed ends with NPT-thread acc.to. ANSI B2.1
Materials: cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, valve ring KX-GT
1/2 –2
1/2 –2 NPT
PN 63
DN 1/2 –2
material code VIII, Xc
PN 16
DN 1/2 –2
material code III
Overall length to
DIN 3202-M9
1 Body EN-GJL-250 1.0619 1.4581
2 Bonnetl EN-GJL-250 1.0619 1.4581
3 Handwheel EN-GJL-200 EN-GJL-200 EN-GJL-200 rilanisiert
5 Lantern bush Sint C10 Sint C10 1.4408
7 Piston 1.4104 1.4104 1.4404
8 Spindle 1.4021 1.4021 1.4404
9 Upper valve ring KX-GT KX-GT KX-GT
10 Bonnet nut 1.1181 1.1181 A4.–.70
11 Handwheel nut 1.1181 1.1181 A4.–.70
12 Stud bolt 1/2 – 1 1.1181 1.1181 A4.–.70
Stud bolt 1 1/4 – 2 1.7709 1.7709 A4.–.70
13 Threaded bush 1) – Sint C11 special Sint C11 special
14 Tension pin 1) – spring steel spring steel
15 Belleville washer 50CrV4 50CrV4 1.4310
16 Split nut 1.0715 1.0715 1.4571
Suggested order specification 17 Disc 1.4401 1.4401 1.4401
Shut-off valve PN 63, PN 16 18 Serrated lock washer spring steel spring steel A2
21 Type plate Al Al Al
Designed as straight through piston
1) only DN 40 and DN 50
vlave, sealed-off by 2 flexible valve
rings – body made of cast iron, cast
steel or stainless steel. Handwheel Overall length in mm approx. weight (kg)
DN L H Hub A PN 16 PN 63
made of grey cast iron, piston made of ½ 100 105 23 100 1,40 1,50
special Niro-steel. Overall length to DIN ¾ 120 120 28 120 2,35 2,45
1 135 138 33 140 3,50 3,60
3202-M9, bushes with pipe threads to 1¼ 160 156 37 160 5,70 5,90
ISO 228-1, bushes with NPT threads to 1½ 185 186 44 180 8,10 8,50
2 220 211 51 200 11,00 11,50
ANSI B2.1.
Make: KLINGER PN 16, PN 63
DIN Anschlussmuffen NPT Anschlussmuffen
Type: KVMN VIII KX for DN 1/2 –2 DN
d1 t1 t2 SW d1 t1 t2
KVMN KX VIII for DN 1/2 –2 NPT ½ R½ 15,5 19,5 36 ½ -14 NPT 13,5 19,5
¾ R¾ 16,0 20,0 41 ¾ -14 NPT 14,0 20,0
1 R1 17,0 22,0 50 1 –.11½NPT 17,0 24,0
Odering example: 1¼ R1 ¼ 19,0 25,0 65 1 ¼ -11½NPT 17,5 24,5
1½ R1 ½ 19,0 24,0 75 1 ½ -11½NPT 17,5 24,5
KVMN 1/2 -III KX, PN 16 2 R2 26,0 31,0 90 2 –.11½NPT 18,0 25,0
12 All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Piston valves KVSN
Socket weld ends acc. to EN 12 760
Material: cast steel; valve ring KX-GT
KVSN 1/2 –2
PN 63
DN 1/2 –2
material code VIII
Overall length to
DIN 3202-M9
All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 13
Piston valves KVSN
butt weld ends acc. to EN 12 627
Material: cast steel; valve ring KX-GT
KVSN 15.–.50
PN 63
DN 15.–.50
material code VIII
Overall length acc.
to Klinger-standard
14 All measurements in mm In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Pressure-/temperature diagrams
Economical consideration
Application limitations
Pressure-/temperature diagrams
This pressure-/temperature diagram
helps you to choose the most eco-
nomical of the KLINGER piston valves
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 15
Technical data
Connection dimensions in mm
Loch- DN D b g f Lochzahl l k
DN D b g f l k
zahl 15 95 16 46 2 4 14 65
32 120 14 69 3 4 14 90 20 105 16 56 2 4 14 75
40 130 14 78 3 4 14 100 25 115 18 65 3 4 14 85
50 140 14 88 3 4 14 110 32 140 18 76 3 4 19 100
65 160 14 108 3 4 14 130 40 150 19 84 3 4 19 110
80 190 19 124 3 4 19 150 50 165 19 99 3 4 19 125
100 210 19 144 3 4 19 170 65 185 19 118 3 8 19 145
125 240 19 174 3 8 19 200 80 200 19 132 3 8 19 160
150 265 19 199 3 8 19 225 100 235 19 156 3 8 23 190
125 270 23,5 184 3 8 28 220
150 300 26 211 3 8 28 250
Loch- 200 375 30 284 3 12 31 320
DN D b g f l k
15 95 16 46 2 4 14 65
20 105 18 56 2 4 14 75
DN D b g f Lochzahl l k
25 115 18 65 3 4 14 85
10 90 16 40 2 4 14 60
32 140 18 76 3 4 19 100
15 95 16 45 2 4 14 65
40 150 18 84 3 4 19 110
20 105 18 58 2 4 14 75
50 165 18 99 3 4 19 125
25 115 18 68 2 4 14 85
65 185 20 118 3 4 19 145
32 140 18 78 2 4 18 100
80 200 22 132 3 8 19 160
40 150 18 88 2 4 18 110
100 220 24 156 3 8 19 180
50 165 20 102 2 4 18 125
125 250 26 184 3 8 19 210
150 285 26 211 3 8 23 240
DN D b g f Lochzahl l k
200 340 30 266 3 12 23 295
65 185 22 122 2 8 18 145
80 200 24 138 2 8 18 160
100 235 24 162 2 8 22 190
125 270 26 188 2 8 26 220
150 300 28 218 2 8 26 250
200 375 34 285 2 12 30 320
The values shown in the table have an Graphs and exact flow calculations for
accuracy of ± 10% and apply to water at all KLINGER valves are available at re-
a temperature of 20 °C and a density of quest
approx. 1000 kg/m3.
16 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Technical data
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 17
Special designs
KVN with heating jacket
KVN Fire-safe
18 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Special designs
KVN KX1 for TA-Luft and EPA applications
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 19
KVN certification
Leakage rates
20 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Table of chemical resistance
Fluid Chemical formular Concentration Sealing ring Metallic materials Material code
and temperature materials m.c.
% °C
EN-GJL 250
EN-JS 1025
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 21
Fluid Chemical formular Concentration Sealing ring Metallic materials Material code
and temperature materials m.c.
% °C
EN-GJL 250
EN-JS 1025
Boric acid H3BO3 4 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Boric acid H3BO3 4 100 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Boric acid H3BO3 100 100 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Butane C4H10 • • 0 0 0 all
Buttermilk 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Butyl acetate CH3C00C4H9 • • 0 0 0 all
Butyl alcohol C4H9OH • • 0 0 0 all
Calcium bisulphite Ca(HS 03)2 20 • • 2 3 0 X, Xc
Calcium bisulphite Ca(HS 03)2 200 • • 2 3 0 X, Xc
Calcium chloride CaCl2 20 • • 1 1 0 X, Xc
Calcium chloride CaCl2 100 • • 2 2 1 X, Xc
Calcium hydroxide (milk of lime) Ca(OH)2 • • 0 0 0 all
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(CIO)2 • • 2 2 1 X, Xc
Calcium sulphate CaSO4 • • 0 0 0 all
Carbon dioxyde, dry CO2 bis 150 • • 0 0 0 all
Carbon dioxyde, dry CO2 400 – • 0 0 0 VII, X, Xc
Carbon disulfide CS2 20 • • 0 0 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 • • 1 1 0 all
Chloroform HOSO2Cl Kp • • 1 1 3 all
Chlor sulphonic acid
Chromic acid H2CroO4 10 20 • • 1 0 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Chromic acid H2CroO4 10 Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Chromic acid H2CroO4 50 20 • 0 0 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Citric acid (CH2COOH)2C 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Citric acid CH2COOH)2C Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Clophen T 64 • • 0 0 0 all
Copper acetate wat. sol. (CH3COOO)2Cu 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Copper acetate wat. sol (CH3COOO)2Cu Kp • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Copper sulphate CuSO4 20 • • 3 2 0 X, Xc
Copper sulphate CuSO4 Kp • • 3 2 0 X, Xc
Diazotation bath,(weakly acid) 20 • • 2 2 1 X, Xc
Diazotation bath,(weakly acid) 80 • • 2 2 1 X, Xc
Diesel oil 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Diphyl • • 0 0 0 all 3)
Dowtherm A • • 0 0 0 all 3)
Dye liquor, alkaline or neutral 20 • • – – – X, Xc
Dye liquor, alkaline or neutral dye li- Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
quor, organic acid 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Dye liquor, organic acid Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Dye liquor,weakly sulphuric acid H2SO4 under Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Dye liquor, strongly sulphuric acid 0,3%
Dye liquor, strongly sulphuric acid H2SO4 above 0,3% 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
H2SO4 above 0,3%
Kp • • – – 1 X, Xc
Ethane C 2H 6 • • 0 0 0 all
Ethanol C2H5OH • • 0 0 0 all
Ethyl ether C2H5OC2H6 • • 1 1 0 all
Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 Kp • • 0 0 0 all
Ethylene C 2H 4 • • 0 0 0 all
Ethylen chloride (Dichlorethan) (CH2Cl)2 20 • • 0 0 0 all
22 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Fluid Chemical formular Concentration Sealing ring Metallic materials Material code
and temperature materials m.c.
% °C
EN-GJL 250
EN-JS 1025
Fatty acids from C6 • • 1 1 0 all
Formaldehyde HCHO 40 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Formaldehyde HCHO 40 Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Formic acid HCOOH 10 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Formic acid HCOOH 10 100 • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Formic acid HCOOH 100 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Formic acid HCOOH 100 100 • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Freon • • 0 0 0 all
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 10 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 10 Kp • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 50 20 • • 3 2 0 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 50 Kp • • 3 2 1 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 80 20 • • 3 2 1 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 80 Kp • • 3 2 1 X, Xc
Glacial acetic acid CH3COOH 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Glycerine (CH2OH)2CHOH 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Glycerine (CH2OH)2CHOH 100 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Grape vinegar 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Heat transfer oils • • 0 0 0 all 3)
Hydrochloric acid, dry HCI 20 • • 1 1 1 all
Hydrochloric acid, dry HCI 100 • • 1 1 2 all
Hydrochloric acid HCI 0,2 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Hydrochloric acid HCI 0,2 50 • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Hydrochloric acid HCI 1 20 • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Hydrogen H2 • • 0 0 0 all 4)
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Hydrogen peroxide H 2O 2 50 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Hydrogen sulphide, gas, dry H 2S 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Hydrogen sulphide, gas,wet H 2S 20 • – – 0 X, Xc
Hydroxylamine sulphate (NH2OH)H2SO4 10 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Hydroxylamine sulphate (NH2OH)H2SO4 10 Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Illuminating gas • • 0 0 0 all
Kreosote 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Kreosote Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Lead acetate (lead sugar) Pb(CH3C00)2 100 Kp • • 3 3 2 X, Xc
Lead arsenate Pb(As04)2 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Linseed oil 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Linseed oil 100 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Magnesium sulphate MgSO4 20 • • 1 1 0 all
Magnesium sulphate MgSO4 Kp • • 1 1 0 all
Manganous chloride MnCl2 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Manganous chloride MnCl2 Kp • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Mercury Hg 20 • • 1 1 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Mercury (II) chloride HgCl2 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Mercury (II) nitrate Hg(NO3)2 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Methyl alcohol CH3OH 20 • • all
Methyl alcohol CH3OH Kp • • all
Methylene chloride CH2Cl2 20
Methylene chloride CH2Cl2 Kp
M.E.K (Butanone) CH3COC2H5 Kp
Milk of lime Ca(OH)2 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Milk of lime Ca(OH)2 Kp • • 0 0 0 all
Milk • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 23
Fluid Chemical formular Concentration Sealing ring Metallic materials Material code
and temperature materials m.c.
% °C
EN-GJL 250
EN-JS 1025
Natrium acetate CH3COONa 20 20 • • 1 1 0 all
Natural gas • • 1 0 0 all
Nitric acid HNO3 10 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Nitric acid HNO3 10 Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Nitric acid HNO3 40 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Nitric acid HNO3 40 Kp • xx 3 3 0 X, Xc
Nitric acid HNO3 konz. 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Nitric acid HNO3 konz. Kp • 3 2 1 X, Xc
Nitrogen N2 • • 0 0 0 all
Oils (lubricating oils, mineral) 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Oils (vegetable) 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Oleic acid C17H33COOH • • 0 0 0 all
Oxalic acid COOHCOOH • • 2 2 8 X, Xc
Oxygen 02 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Penthyl acetate CH3COOC5H11 • • 0 0 0 all
Petroleum ether 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Phenol C6H5OH • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 10 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 10 Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 50 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 50 Kp • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 80 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 80 Kp • • 3 3 2 X, Xc
Potassium acetate CH3COOK Kp • • 0 0 0 all
Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 25 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 Kp • • 2 2 0 X, XC
Potassium hydrogenartrate COOH(CHOH) 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Potassium hydrogenartrate (at 100 o, 2COOK Kp • • – – 1 X, Xc
sat.sol.) COOH(CHOH)
Potassium carbonate K2CO3 50 20 • • 1 0 0 all
Potassium carbonate (potash) K2CO3 Kp • • 1 0 0 all
Potassium chlorate KCIO3 Kp • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
(at 100 o, sat.sol.)
Potassium chromium sulphate KCr(SO4)212H2O 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Potassium chromium sulphate (chro- KCr(SO4)212H2O Kp • • – – 3
mic alum) KOH 25 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Potassium hydroxyde KOH 25 Kp • • – – 0 X, Xc
Potassium hydroxyde KOH 50 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Potassium hydroxyde KOH 50 Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Potassium hydroxyde KOCI 20 • • 2 2 1 X, Xc
Potassium hydrochlorite KOCI 40 • • 2 2 1 X. Xc
Potassium hydrochlorite up to 20.g KJ Kp • • 2 2 0 Xc
akt. Cl2/l KJ • • 1 1 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Potassium iodide KNO3 20 0 0 0 all
Potassium iodide KNO3 Kp 2 2 0 X, Xc
Potassium nitrate KMnO4 20 0 0 0 all
Potassium nitrate KMnO4 Kp 3 3 0 X, Xc
Potassium permanganaet
Potassium cyanide solution KCN 5 20 • 5) • 1 1 0 III, VIII, X, Xc
Propane C 3H 8 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Salicylic acid C6H4OHCOOH 20 • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Salpeter • • 0 0 0 all
24 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
Fluid Chemical formular Concentration Sealing ring Metallic materials Material code
and temperature materials m.c.
% °C
EN-GJL 250
EN-JS 1025
Sea water 20 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Sea water Kp • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Silicone oil • • 0 0 0 all
Soap • • 0 0 0 all
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 20 • • 0 0 0 all
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 Kp • • 1 1 0 all
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 20 Kp • • 0 0 0 all
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 35 20 • • – – 0 X, Xc
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 35 Kp • • 0 0 0 all
Sodium hydroxide NaOH • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Sodium sulphate Na2SO4 • • 0 0 0 all
Sole NaCl 20 • • 3 3 1 X, Xc
Spinbath (up to 10% H2SO4) 80 • • 3 3 0 X, Xc
Starch solution • • 2 2 0 X, Xc
Steam (water vapour) • • 0 0 0 all
1) Piston and piston shaft in 1.4404 (please specify rings. Please state the type of medium and the tem- 4) All ferrous materials are resistant to hydrogen; it is
when ordering). perature range. Cast iron is chemically resistant to pointed out, however, that hydrogen diffuses through
2) Discoloration may occur. heat transfer media but, in view of the ability of these cast iron and can cause embrittlement.
3) With heat-transfer media please inquire in our media to penetrage the pores, it is not recommended 5) 150 °C
Gumpoldskirchen factory regarding choice of valve
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 25
Types of KVN valves
KVN 10.–.50, VIII cast steel KVNB 65.–.200, VIII cast steel
KVMN 1/2 – 2 , III cast iron KVN ANSI, VIII cast steel
26 In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification
KLINGER piston valves
Security over years
In the interest of technical progress, designs and dimensions are subject to modification 27
KLINGER product range
Product range
Key role
Water Level
AB12 Bronze
Water Gauge Cocks
Quality System
ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Manufactured in Australia
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
Sleeve-Packed Water Gauge Cocks
AB12 Bronze Klinger Sleeve-Packed Shut off Cocks. These are standard pattern Klinger Gauge shut-off
mounts for boilers operating up to 260 PSI (1800 kpa) saturated steam and are available only in a cast finish
with the following standard vessel connections.
Flanged 114 x 15mm undrilled F/F. Screwed 20mm BSP Male (Locking nut
AB12 BR Shut off mount with flanged connections; available).
R/H or L/H AB12 BR Shut off mounts with screwed
With this unit safety shut off balls are fitted to the top connections; R/H and L/H operation
and bottom gauge mount assemblies. In the top A single safety shut off ball is fitted to the bottom
mount assembly the safety shut off ball is located at gauge mount assembly and can be removed or
the back of the flanges and can be removed or examined by unscrewing the cleaning plug
examined by unscrewing the ball retainer plug (P/No.16). No safety ball is fitted to the top gauge
(P/No.28). The safety ball in the bottom gauge mount assembly.
assembly is located in the stuffing box head and
examination or removal of the safety ball can be Please note: Screwed 15mm BSP Male connection
performed by unscrewing the cleaning plug (P/No. is available only on request and is subject to
16). machining charges at cost of turning down
connections from 20mm BSP Male to 15mm Male
Please note: The AB12 BR Double Ball Flanged connections.
gauge mount has DLI (VIC) approval for use on
unattended boilers
1 TO P C O C K B O D Y 1 B R O N ZE 14 G LA N D B U S H 2 B R O N ZE 27 LO C K N U T (E X T R A ) 2 B R O N ZE
3 D R A IN C O C K B O D Y 1 B R O N ZE 16 C LE A N IN G P LU G 2 B R O N ZE 28 R E T A IN E R P LU G 2 B R O N ZE
4 P LU G 3 S T A IN LE S S S T E E L 17 S A F E T Y B A LL 1 PHO SPHO R B R O N ZE 29 D R A IN C O C K B U S H 1 B R O N ZE
5 N EC K B U SH 3 B R O N ZE 18 T A IL P IP E 1 B R A SS 30 B O T T O M IN G R IN G 1 B R O N ZE
6 T IG H T E N IN G N U T 3 B R O N ZE 19 U N IO N N U T 1 B R O N ZE 31 1 2 m m S A F E T Y B A LL 2 PHO SPHO R B R O N ZE
7 P A C K IN G S LE E V E A B 1 2 3 K LIN G E R IT 20 G LA S S T U B E 1 B O R O S ILIC A T E G LA S S
8 H A N D LE 3 B R O N ZE 21 T O P P R O T E C T O R P LA T E 1 B R O N ZE
9 T U B E C LE A N IN G P LU G 1 B R O N ZE 22 B O T T O M P R O T E C T O R P LA T E 1 B R O N ZE
10 C O N ES 2 K LIN T E R A S T IC 23 P R O JE C T O R G LA S S 3 T O U G H E N E D P LA T E G LA S S
11 G LA N D N U T 2 B R O N ZE 24 JO IN T 6 K LIN G E R 'S T A T IT E '
12 G LA N D R IN G 2 B R O N ZE 25 P R O JE C T O R R O D 4 B R A SS
13 D E LE T E D 26 LO C K IN G S C R E W 1 B R A SS
Tubular Glass Type Level Gauge
AB12 Bronze Klinger Gauge shut off mounts can
be fitted with a variety of level gauges with the
Gauge Glass Protectors
most common being the tubular gauge glass As shown on Page 2. Three-pane glass protectors are
type. available in either plate or armoured glass. Additionally,
Tubular gauge glasses are available in 20mm, wire rod protectors can be supplied.
16mm, 13mm outside diameter. Fitting of the (Please note: Protectors are non-stick items as vessel
various sizes of glass tubes is easily effected by centre variations prevent stocking of particular sizes.)
simply fitting a gauge glass cone (P/No. 10) of the When ordering gauge glass protectors, quote the type of
corresponding size. protector required, actual vessel centres, dimensions of
Klingerlastic rings can be supplied if required and stuffing box, tightening nuts and type of Klinger mount.
are recommended for low pressure applications. They must suit as no return or refunds are possible.
For sizing the glass tube length, use vessel
centres less 45mm. Reflex Level Gauge type R100
Alternatives to Glass Tubes with AB12 Gauge Mounts
and Protectors
Compared to the relatively short service of glass
tubes, the Klinger R100 Reflex Level Gauges can
provide cost effective alternatives to the glass
tube range. For more complete details, a
separate catalogue is available. When using
R100 gauges special graphite rings are
S iz e C . to c . L e n g th o f V is ib le L e n g th o f W e ig h t*
d is ta n c e body le n g th g la s s R 100
M m in K S G kg
III 330 178 143 165 1 1 .9
IV 335 203 168 190 1 2 .4
V 385 233 198 220 1 3 .3
VI 415 263 228 250 1 4 .3
V II 445 293 258 280 1 4 .6
V III 485 333 298 320 1 5 .8
IX 505 353 318 340 1 6 .3
* A p p ro x . w e ig h t in c lu d e s A B 1 2 F la n g e d G a u g e C o c ks Note: Pressure vessel codes may require minimum sight length.
Commissioning and
Maintenance Instructions
____________________________ __________________________
AB12 Gauge Mounts
1. With the top and bottom gauge mounts shut,
open the drain cock then crack the top mount to
allow a small flow of steam to pass through the
gauge until it is thoroughly warmed.
2. Close the drain cock, allowing the resulting
condensate to gradually fill the gauge.
3. Open the bottom gauge mount fully.
4. During the warming up period the gauge glass
seals and joint will settle and it is therefore
essential to follow up the Stuffing Box tightening
nut (P/No. 11) and packing sleeve tightening - Loosen the tightening bolts and remove all
nuts. The top and bottom mounts should be in component pieces.
open position during this operation. - Clean the sealing and cushion surfaces very
Procedure for removing Gauge Glass Tube carefully, making sure that they are clear of
1. Isolate gauge from the source of pressure. any remnants of joints.
2. Relieve gauge of internal pressure. - Smear the threads with a thin layer of anti-seize
3. Loosen stuffing box tightening nuts. grease.
4. Remove gauge glass tube cleaning plug
5. Remove gauge tube through the top mount Reassembling
assembly. - Fit in a new glass with new joints (never re-use
joints which have already been in service!)
To reassemble, reverse the above procedure. - Re-assemble all the components in the right
(Please note: It is always advisable to replace the sequence. Tighten the bolts thoroughly.
Klingerlastic seals). - Never grip the level gauge body in a vice during
_____________________________ the reassembling, but put it on a plane
Reflex Level Gauges surface.
- Never use adhesive or hermetic mastics.
Service Maintenance
Remember that all surfaces must be perfectly
- After the level gauge is first put into service, or after clean.
change of glass once the level gauge has
reached its normal operating temperature and Spare Parts
pressure, carefully compress the glass joints by - When ordering spare parts, please state:
following up the tightening bolts. Working at i. type and style of level gauge
opposite sides alternately, starting from the ii. item number of the spare part,
middle. THIS MUST BE REPEATED SEVERAL as shown on the above list
TIMES WITHIN THE FIRST HOURS, and in case iii. construction material.
any sign of leaks should appear. - As regards reflex glasses and their joints, please
- If perfect sealing cannot be obtained in this way it will remember that each level gauge is fitted with
be necessary to replace the joints and eventually one reflex glass type “B” (section: 34 x
the glass too. 17mm), the size of which suits the gauge
Dismantling body size.
- Shut off the cocks and remove the level gauge body
from the cocks.
Instrumentation Division
> Immediate and accurate response to level
changes, giving clear and sharp legibility.
> Continuous indication of liquid level.
The well proven TC Klinger Magnetic > Local and remote display.
> Point switching facilities.
Level Gauge is particularly suitable for
> Robust, shockproof and completely sealed
for safety.
duties where dangerous and toxic liquids
> No leakage to atmosphere.
or gases are involved and where the > Particularly suitable for dangerous or toxic
following features, benefits and options > Ideal for liquid interface applications.
(see enquiry form for other options) ‘X’
■ Features and Benefits DIRECTIONAL
> Indicator Aluminium or Stainless Steel outer housing can be
assembled to any length and mounted to suit the best viewing
> Coloured Wafers 25mm wide, red and white (or green, red and
yellow) remain magnetically locked in the vertical position until NON GUIDED SYSTEM
disturbed by the greater magnetic force of the float magnet.
> Point Switches Switches can be fitted on the gauge at any level
and so provide signals at high, low and intermediate points.
> Transmission and Monitoring for Remote Display Can be WARNING
offered as a complete original equipment package or retro-fitted
to an existing Magnetic Gauge.
> Versatility The simple concept of the Magnetic Gauge allows for
flexible design to adapt to a variety of installation needs. Gauges
can be manufactured to an almost unlimited length and in any
Magnetic Level Gauge SWITCHES
BLUE (1)
Magnetic Level Gauge TRANSMITTERS
ELECTRONICS Liquid Level Transmitter
CONNECTIONS KTX.IS (Intrinsically Safe)
The transmitter is attached to the side of the magnetic level gauge chamber
where it senses the position of the float. It can be supplied as an original
equipment package or retro-fitted to an existing magnetic gauge, without
interrupting the process.
As the float rises and falls within the gauge chamber the corresponding reed
switch closes altering the circuit resistance, this resistance is converted into a
4-20mA output signal by the electronic circuit.
The transmitter is approved intrinsically safe to EEx ia IIC T4-T6 when used
with approved barriers.
For explosion proof duty approved to EEx d IIC T4-T6.
■ Specification
Supply voltage 10-30Vdc. Polarity protected
* Output 4-20mA (profiled optional)
Float warning - Default Signal
Connections via epoxy coated aluminium head mounted junction box
with M20 cable entry
Protection IP65
Lengths to suit magnetic level gauge
Stainless Steel headshell option
FLANGED END CONNECTED For enquiry information: Refer to Separate Order Form
■ Specification
■ Approvals
Type Approval COV 0312119/TEC
Module B
Certificate of Conformity COV 0312785/01
Module D
II 1/2Gc T2-T6 KEMA 02 ATEX2106X
Note: this approval is not available on
all options, contact design office for
Magnetic Level Gauge
Magnetic Level Gauge SWITCHES
BLUE (1)
CONNECTIONS Liquid Level Transmitter
KTX.IS (Intrinsically Safe)
II 1/2G EEx ia IIC T4-T6 KEMA 01 ATEX 1052X
KTX TRANSMITTER The transmitter is attached to the side of the magnetic level gauge chamber
* Alternative Mounting
where it senses the position of the float. It can be supplied as an original
equipment package or retro-fitted to an existing magnetic gauge, without
interrupting the process.
The transmitter consists of a sensor tube containing a series of reed switches
and resistors and an electronic circuit contained within a connection head,
which can be supplied orientated to suit any gauge configuration or cable
As the float rises and falls within the gauge chamber the corresponding reed
* switch closes altering the circuit resistance, this resistance is converted into a
4-20mA output signal by the electronic circuit.
The transmitter is approved intrinsically safe to EEx ia IIC T4-T6 when used
with approved barriers.
For explosion proof duty approved to EEx d IIC T4-T6.
■ Specification
Supply voltage 10-30Vdc. Polarity protected
Output 4-20mA (profiled optional)
* Float warning - Default Signal
Connections via epoxy coated aluminium head
mounted junction box with M20 cable entry
Protection IP65
Lengths to suit magnetic level gauge
Stainless Steel headshell option
Customer: ..................................................................................................................................
Customer Ref: ...........................................................................................................................
Contact: .....................................................................................................................................
Tel. No: ........................................................... Fax No: .........................................................
Qty of Gauges ............................................. Operating Pressure .....................................
Fluid Description ......................................... Operating Temperature ............................... Flanged
Standard Arrangement Vent and
Fluid S.G. .................................................... Design Pressure .......................................... Side/Back Connected Drain
Interface ...................................................... Design Temperature ....................................
3 4
Flange Connection ......................................❏ Size and Rating ............................................
Screwed Connections .................................❏ Thread Size ...................................................
Centre to Centre or Face to Face .............................................................................................
Visible Lengths ............................................ U Restriction .................................................
Display ..........................Aluminium ❏ Stainless Steel Outer Housed ❏
Switches ......................................................❏ Number .........................................................
Transmitter ...................................................❏
Length ............................................................. Resolution 20mm ❏ 10mm ❏ 5mm ❏
Screwed Side/Back via
Approved .....................................................❏ Non Approved ..........................................❏ Side & Top Connected Union Connections
Gauge ..............................................S/St ❏ Standard Paint Finish ..............................❏ uPVC
All Butt Magnetic
Flanges ................C/S ❏ ................S/St ❏ North Sea Paint .......................................❏ Welded Gauge
Mounted PFA
Gauge Lined
TC Fluid Control Ltd. TC Fluid Control Ltd. Instrumentation Division Gauge
Valves and Steam Division Unit 49A, Victoria Industrial Park,
Broadgate, Broadway Business Park,
Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire OL9 9XA.
Victoria Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 5AJ
Telephone: +44 (0)161 684 7488. Telephone: +44 (0)1322 622400
Fax: +44 (0)161 684 7487. Fax: +44 (0)1322 285660
e-mail: energy@tc-fluidcontrol.com e-mail: instruments@tc-fluidcontrol.com
web site: www.tc-fluidcontrol.com website: www.tc-fluidcontrol.com
Transmitter Enquiry Form
& Switches
PLEASE FAX TO +61 8 9350 9286
01322 285660
Customer: ..................................................................................................................................
Customer Ref: ...........................................................................................................................
Contact: .....................................................................................................................................
Tel. No: ........................................................... Fax No: .........................................................
Fluid S.G. ................................................................................
Interface .......................❏ Range of SG’s ......................❏
Upper SG ................................. Lower SG ............................ NO length 1
Operating Pressure .................................................................
Operating Temperature ........................................................... NC mm
Overall mm
Flange Connection ..............................................................❏
Size and Rating ...................................................................... Length
Screwed Connections .........................................................❏
NO length 3
Thread Size .............................................................................
Vessel Depth ........................................................................... NC mm
Effective Measuring Length ..................................................... FLOAT
NO length 4
Switches ..............................................................................❏
E R®
FO P &
A combination of acrylic yarn and PTFE
K10 is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development Its low coefficient of friction
extensive products in the in line with the KLINGER ensures easy operation and
KLINGER pump and valve service and quality philosophy actuation of any valve or
sealing range. The range will ensure improved pump, without detrimental
includes compression performance in your pump and stem or shaft wear.
packings, moulded sets, low valve applications
emission sets and specialised The PTFE dispersion
products. The base yarn of K10 is spun improves the chemical
from carefully selected acrylic resistance of acrylic fibre
This is an optimised range filaments. To this we add a allowing it to effectively seal
introduced to provide users controlled amount of PTFE the majority of chemical
with gland sealing products dispersion producing a media commonly found
that meet today’s demanding packing that is ideally suited within today’s industrial
services, offering effective and for general pump and valve environments.
trouble-free sealing during use.
application. To achieve this Water Research Council
goal we have selected the The Klingerlock construction approval allows the packing
best materials and the best ensures a firm yet to be used in potable water
production methods. conformable packing that applications.
The result is the KLINGER requires little adjustment after
pump and valve sealing range. the initial installation.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K10 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 2-12
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Water Industry
Steam Industry
Food Industry
Pharmaceutical Industries
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991913 ISS.A
A combination of flax fibre and specialised DOULON® lubricant.
K13DL is constructed from The low coefficient of K13DL is only one of the
a traditional Flax fibre friction of the DOULON® extensive products in the
uniquely impregnated lubricant ensures easy KLINGER pump and valve
during manufacture with our operation and actuation sealing range. The range
DOULON® and mineral of any valve or pump, includes compression
lubricants. without detrimental stem packings, moulded sets, low
or shaft wear. emission sets and
As Flax fibres are specialised products.
particularly strong and have Klingerlock construction
good resistance to water ensures a firm yet This is an optimised range
rot, especially salt water, conformable packing that introduced to provide users
this packing is suitable for requires little adjustment with gland sealing products
centrifugal and after the initial installation that meet today’s
reciprocating pumps with long life. demanding services,
handling slimes and slurries offering effective and
which are mildly corrosive. K13DL is suitable for use trouble-free sealing during
K13DL will not harden or as a general, and in some application. To achieve this
burn when used on high cases specialist, valve goal we have selected the
speed shafts due to the and pump packing in the best materials and the best
unique DOULON® Pulp & Paper, Mining, production methods.
compound lubricant. Marine, Agriculture, The result is the KLINGER
Sugar and Water pump and valve sealing
K13DL is the preferred industries. range.
compression packing for
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K13DL Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the under noted values apply:
Q pH 4-9
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991916 ISS.A
FO P &
Ongoing Test & K20AF is ideally suited K20AF is only one of the
Development in line with the for use on Boiler Feed extensive products in the
KLINGER service and pumps, oil, hot or cold KLINGER pump and valve
quality philosophy has water, acids, alkalis and sealing range. The range
resulted in the development highly abrasive slurry includes compression
of this high performance, applications in the mining packings, moulded sets, low
and improved packing for industry. emission sets and
use on high speed pump specialised products.
and valve applications The DOULON® lubricant
improves the chemical This is an optimised range
The base yarn of K20AF is resistance of acrylic and introduced to provide users
spun from carefully selected glass fibres allowing it to with gland sealing products
acrylic and glass filaments. effectively seal the that meet today’s
To this we add our unique majority of chemical demanding services,
DOULON® lubricant. media commonly found offering effective and
The Klingerlock within today’s industrial trouble-free sealing during
construction ensures a firm environments. application. To achieve this
yet conformable packing goal we have selected the
that requires little K20AF is ideally suited best materials and the best
adjustment after the initial for use in the Pulp & production methods.
installation. Paper, Sugar, Mining, The result is the KLINGER
Steam, Agriculture and pump and valve sealing
The low coefficient of Water industries. range.
Quality System
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the under noted values apply:
Q pH 2-12
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Water Industry
Steam Industry
Sugar Industry
Pulp & Paper
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation.
FO P &
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K25 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 2-12
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously. For further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991917 ISS.A
I M P&
A high purity, high performance, graphite
fibre packing for both valve and pump
K44 is only one of the Ongoing Test & The additional lubricant
extensive products in the Development in line with improves the packing’s
KLINGER pump and valve KLINGER’s service and overall capability in dynamic
sealing range. The range quality philosophy will ensure applications and also acts as
includes compression improved performance in a blocking agent to improve
packings, moulded sets, low your pump and valve sealing.
emission sets and specialised applications.
products. K44 will resist virtually all
K44 is produced from a high media over an extensive
This is an optimised range purity graphite yarn that range of pressures and
introduced to provide users KLINGER then lubricate with temperatures and is only
with gland sealing products a special dispersion. affected by the presence of
that meet today’s demanding Klingerlock braiding powerful oxidisers.
services, offering effective and produces a packing that is
trouble-free sealing during consistently dense with Although frequently
application. To achieve this excellent volumetric stability. employed on its own, the
goal we have selected the packing can be used as part
best materials and the best The result is an excellent of a specialised composite
production methods. graphite packing offering set in conjunction with either
The result is the KLINGER reliable sealing performance K3222 packing or K35 die-
pump and sealing range. in both valve and pump formed rings. Within these
applications. sets K44 acts as both
supporting anti-extrusion
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K44 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our product
guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply
K44 has been specially developed for
KLINGER pump and valve multipurpose use in all high temperature
packings are offered in a range and pressure valves and also within
of standardised packages: pumping applications:
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991918 ISS.A
I M P&
K54F is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development in PTFE is extremely resistant to a
extensive products in the line with the KLINGER service wide range of chemicals,
KLINGER pump and valve and quality philosophy will therefore packing volume loss
sealing range. The range ensure improved performance in as a result of chemical attack
includes compression your pump and valve applications does not readily occur.
packings, moulded sets, low
emission sets and specialised K54F is manufactured from only Most glands that are packed
products. PTFE filaments. It is a clean non- with K54F need little adjustment
contaminating compression after the initial installation.
This is an optimised range packing. The special Klingerlock
introduced to provide users braiding process ensures a firm Water Research Council
with gland sealing products but flexible product of consistent potable water approval. BAM
that meet today’s demanding density. The resulting packing is approval for oxygen service in
services, offering effective and suitable for use in a wide range valves up to 20 bar pressure,
trouble-free sealing during of industries and processes. 600C for gaseous oxygen. For
application. To achieve this liquid oxygen there is no
goal we have selected the PTFE is self-lubricating and this limitation other than the general
best materials and the best property coupled with the limitations of the packing.
production methods. packing’s low coefficient of
The result is the KLINGER friction ensures easy operation
pump and valve sealing range. and actuation of any valve,
without stem wear.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K54F Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the under noted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply Technical Advice
Water Industry
Chemical Processing
Pharmaceutical Industries
Paper Mills
Food Production
Cryogenic Industries
Industrial Gases Plants
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991921 ISS.A
I M P&
K54S is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development PTFE is extremely resistant
extensive products in the in line with the KLINGER to a wide range of chemicals,
KLINGER pump and valve service and quality philosophy therefore packing volume
sealing range. The range will ensure improved loss as a result of chemical
includes compression performance in your pump and attack does not readily occur.
packings, moulded sets, low valve applications
emission sets and specialised Most glands that are packed
products. K54S is manufactured from with K54S need little
PTFE filaments and lubricant. adjustment after the initial
This is an optimised range The special Klingerlock installation.
introduced to provide users braiding process ensures a
with gland sealing products firm but flexible product of Water Research Council
that meet today’s demanding consistent density. The approval allows the packing
services, offering effective and resulting packing is suitable to be used in potable water
trouble-free sealing during for use in a wide range of applications.
application. To achieve this industries and processes.
goal we have selected the Due to its diverse capabilities
best materials and the best PTFE is self-lubricating and K54S offers the engineer a
production methods. The this property coupled with the packing that can cut
result is the KLINGER pump packing’s low coefficient of maintenance requirements
and valve sealing range. friction ensures easy operation and also reduce stock
and actuation of any valve,
Quality System
without stem wear.
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K54S Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the under noted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991923 ISS.A
E R®
FO P &
New generation, multi-service packing
K55 is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development in The graphite infusion
extensive products in the line with the KLINGER markedly improves the heat
KLINGER pump and valve service and quality philosophy will transfer properties of the
sealing range. The range ensure improved performance in packing. This allows it to be
includes compression your pump and valve applications used in dynamic applications
packings, moulded sets, low operating at high peripheral
emission sets and specialised K55 compression packing is speeds with extremely low
products. manufactured from PTFE leakage rates.
filaments, which have been
This is an optimised range specially treated to incorporate a Due to its wide service
introduced to provide users high quality graphite based capabilities K55 packing
with gland sealing products lubricant. The special Klingerlock offers the user a universal
that meet today’s demanding braiding process is used to packing material with
services, offering effective and produce a firm but flexible excellent sealing life. This
trouble-free sealing during packing. reduces the number of
application. To achieve this different packing grades that
goal we have selected the PTFE based, K55 has excellent must be held as stock.
best materials and the best chemical resistance and is
production methods. The compatible with the majority of K55 requires only minimal
result is the KLINGER pump industrial media including strong gland loading to effect a
and valve sealing range. acids, alkalis, oils and solvents. satisfactory seal.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K55 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the under noted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure
and speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact
Forms of Supply K55 is suitable for use as a high
performance valve and pump
Size: packing within many industries, for
3mm to 25mm example;
KLINGER 3222 ®
K3222 is only one of the K3222 is manufactured using Graphite is very resistant to
extensive products in the expanded graphite ribbons, to chemical attack and is an
KLINGER pump and valve produce a compression packing excellent steam grade.
sealing range. The range of square cross-section that is K3222 can be confidently
includes compression packings, fully flexible so that minimal used as a low emission
moulded sets, low emission sets gland pressure is required for an packing.
and specialised products. effective seal in pump
applications. This is a self-lubricating
This is an optimised range packing with superior gliding
introduced to provide users with K3222 has excellent thermal properties. Its soft,
gland sealing products that meet conductivity and resilience. conformable nature ensures
today’s demanding services, that there is no abrasion of
offering effective and trouble-free Fitting is by traditional methods moving parts and that
sealing during application. To from the roll, since no special graphite pick-up on stems
achieve this goal we have tools or forming dies are and shafts is minimised.
selected the best materials and required. K3222 offers the user a
the best production methods. very effective alternative to
The result is the KLINGER pump specialised die-formed graphite
and valve sealing range. rings.
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and speed
simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply K3222 has been specially designed
for use in all high performance
KLINGER pump and valve pumps & valves as found in:
compression packings are offered in
a range of standardised packages: Steam Industry
Pulp & Paper
Size: Gas Plant
3mm to 25mm Petrochemical Plants
Power Stations
Length: Refineries
8 metres per box Steel Mills
High performance valve packing for high pressure, high
temperature applications. Offering excellent sealing and
reliability for both Original Equipment Manufacturers and
plant users alike.
K3222W is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development in Graphite is very resistant to
extensive products in the line with the KLINGER service chemical attack by virtually all
KLINGER pump and valve and quality philosophy will media except strong oxidisers
sealing range. The range ensure improved performance such as nitric acid, oleum etc.
includes compression in your pump and valve
packings, moulded sets, low applications The inclusion of Inconel wire
emission sets and specialised reinforcement ensures that
products. K3222W is manufactured using K3222W has excellent
expanded graphite ribbons dimensional stability and will
This is an optimised range each incorporating a fine operate under high stress
introduced to provide users inconel wire, to produce a valve conditions.
with gland sealing products compression packing of square
that meet today’s demanding cross-section with added There is no need for special
services, offering effective and mechanical strength. die-formed ring sets, K3222W
trouble-free sealing during can be fitted using traditional
application. To achieve this The packing has excellent methods from roll, as and
goal we have selected the thermal conductivity and when required. This reduces
best materials and the best thermal resistance. K3222W is the need for special tooling
production methods. therefore unaffected by and stocking of different pre-
The result is the KLINGER fluctuations during application formed rings.
pump and valve sealing range. such as thermal cycling if
installed correctly.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
Service Capabilities
K3222W Compression Packing
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature and pressure
simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply
K3222W has been specially designed
KLINGER pump and valve for use in all high temperature &
compression packings are offered valve seals as found in:
in a range of standardised
packages: Chemical Plant &
Chemical Processing
Size: Gas Plants
3mm to 25mm Petrochemical Plants
Power Stations
Length: Refineries
8 metres per box Steel Mills
KLINGER 4322 ®
K4322 is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development in It is the graphite treatment
extensive products in the line with the KLINGER which allows the rapid
KLINGER pump and valve service and quality philosophy dispersion of heat thus
sealing range. The range will ensure improved enabling the packing to
includes compression performance in your pump and operate in high speed
packings, moulded sets, low valve applications dynamic applications where
emission sets and specialised pure PTFE packing burn. It is
products. K4322 packing is manufactured equally effective in valve
from PTFE filaments, which applications.
This is an optimised range have been pre-treated with a
introduced to provide users graphite based lubricant. Due to its wide service
with gland sealing products The Klingerlock braiding capabilities K4322 packing
that meet today’s demanding process is used. offers the user a packing
services, offering effective and material with excellent
trouble-free sealing during PTFE is extremely resistant to a sealing life and the option of
application. To achieve this wide range of chemicals, reducing the variety of
goal we have selected the therefore K4322 is only packing grades that are
best materials and the best affected by a small selection of traditionally held as stock.
production methods. The aggressive media.
result is the KLINGER pump
and valve sealing range.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K4322 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our product
guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure
and speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact
Forms of Supply
K4322 is suitable for use as a high
Size: performance valve & pump packing
3mm to 25mm within many industries, for
8 metres per box Petrochemical Plant
Power Stations
Alternative lengths and weights Refineries
can be offered upon request. Boiler Houses
Pulp & Paper Mills
Chemical Processing
Technical Advice
KLINGER 4330 ®
K4330 is only one of the Ongoing Test & K4330 has excellent
extensive products in the Development in line with chemical resistance and is
KLINGER pump and valve KLINGER’s service and employed as a replacement
sealing range. The range quality philosophy will ensure to PTFE grades due to the
includes compression improved performance in improved resistance to
packings, moulded sets, low your pump and valve abrasive media it offers.
emission sets and specialised applications. Additionally K4330 will not
products. extrude or harden, requiring
K4330, is a soft, fibrous minimum gland adjustment
This is an optimised range packing manufactured from when installed.
introduced to provide users synthetic Novoloid filaments
with gland sealing products with many of the attributes of K4330 is thermally stable
that meet today’s demanding other non-asbestos pump and will not expand or shrink
services, offering effective and packings, but with the key during fluctuations in process
trouble-free sealing during benefits of improved lubricity conditions.
application. To achieve this and service life.
goal we have selected the Unlike Aramid grades, which
best materials and the best Golden in colour, K4330 is may be detrimental to
production methods. manufactured by our shafts/sleeves its low
The result is the KLINGER Klingerlock process, during coefficient of friction, offers
pump and valve sealing range. which we add a controlled significant improvements in
amount of PTFE. This rotary applications
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K4330 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our
product guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 1-13
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991931 ISS.A
E R®
FO P &
KLINGER 4333 ®
K4333 is only one of the Ongoing Test & Development The polyimide base structure of
extensive products in the in line with the KLINGER K4333 ensures the packing has
KLINGER pump and valve service and quality philosophy excellent temperature
sealing range. The range will ensure improved resistance. Normally low gland
includes compression performance in your pump and loads will achieve a satisfactory
packings, moulded sets, low valve applications seal.
emission sets and specialised
products. The base yarn of K4333 is Where shaft wear is a problem,
composed of synthetic K4333 can be employed as a
This is an optimised range polyimide filaments which good alternative to aramid , (ie.
introduced to provide users have excellent mechanical yellow fibre) , based packings.
with gland sealing products properties in terms of overall
that meet today’s demanding strength and elongation. In practice it significantly
services, offering effective and reduces wear rates when
trouble-free sealing during It is manufactured by the compared to many other
application. To achieve this Klingerlock braiding process, packing types and is the best
goal we have selected the during which we add an performing slurry grade within
best materials and the best additional PTFE based the range, offering long life.
production methods. lubricant. This enhances the
The result is the KLINGER packing’s performance in
pump and valve sealing range. dynamic applications.
Quality System
…Sealing with Security ISO 9002 & QS 9000
Lic QS0048
Standards Australia
K4333 Compression Packing
Service Capabilities
When used in equipment in good mechanical condition and installed using our product
guidelines the undernoted values apply:
Q pH 1-12
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure and
speed simultaneously, for further advice please contact technical_service@klinger.com.au
Forms of Supply
K4333 is suitable for use as a
Size: general valve and pump packing
3mm to 25mm within many industries, for
8 metres per box Mining
Pulp & Paper Mills
Alternative lengths and weights Cement Plants
can be offered upon request. Sewerage Treatment
Petrochemical Plants
Chemical Processing
Power Stations
Technical Advice
All information and recommendations contained in this publication are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control users must satisfy themselves that
products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights
belonging to other parties. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting in way from any reliance on this publication or from any goods manufactured by us. We reserve the right to
change product design and properties without notice. Nothing in this clause excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is conferred on you by the Trade
Practices Act 1974 or any other consumer legislation. 8991932 ISS.A
Operating Considerations
Marlo Style 396 operates successfully in valves, except knife-gate configurations ( see Marlo Style 333 ). Within
its established temperature / pressure / pH parameters, one needs only to add additional rings to allow for 396’s
ability to fill previous scoring.
Marlo Style 396 has also been successful in rotary applications where flush free, leak free performance has been
desired. May be used with anti-extrusion bullrings ( see Marlo 333 ) for exposed clearances and very high
pressures. Most effective in controlling fugitive emissions.
As with any product designed to operate in critical operations, this product and its installation must be clearly
understood. In addition, the user should have full knowledge of the operating considerations of the equipment in
which it is to be installed.
Service Capabilities
Q pH 0-14
Note: The packing should not be subjected to the maximums of temperature, pressure
and speed simultaneously. For further advice please contact
8991937 ISS.A
Marlo Style 396-C meets or exceeds all of the requirements of A.P.I. 589 and 607
tests as well as the A.P.I. fire test for soft-seated quarter-turn valves.
Operating Considerations
Unlike other exfoliated graphite products which offer various other yarn or wire
placements to theoretically address extrusion, blow-out prevention, etc., Marlo
396-C utilizes its patented Style 333 core, capable of 5800 PSI alone, to provide a
highly sprung internal structure which enables 396-C to conform and re-conform
through constant thermal cycling to various stem, bore and clearance conditions in
various states of degradation.
Operating Conditions
Temperature: To 3120 deg C Non oxidizing
650 deg C Steam
416 deg C Oxidizing
As with any product designed to operate in critical operations, this product and its
installation must be clearly understood. In addition, the user should have full
knowledge of the operating considerations of the equipment in which it is to be
Fitting Instructions MARLO 396C
1. Remove all of the old packing right down to the neck bush.
2. Inspect the spindle for corrosion and alignment. If the spindle is
badly corroded then replace. Small amounts of corrosion can be
accommodated by the MARLO 396C.
3. Determine the size of packing required.
4. Cutting Requirements.
When cutting and installing the packing, ensure that the thinner side
is always installed into the stuffing box thus giving a slight clearance
on the ID of the box and OD of the spindle. This leads to easy
a) If cutting the packing at a 45 deg angle it is important that the
packing be cut on a mandrel as shown below. There is a very
specific way to do this to ensure that the ends meet properly. This
requirement for care in the cutting of the rings is because the
packing is a Braid over Braid construction and the packing can
become loose at the ends if cut at 45 deg.
b) If cutting using a Butt joint the rings must always be cut on a
mandrel, this is also shown below.
Please ensure that the two ends meet 100 % and that there are no
gaps once fitted. This applies no matter which cutting style is used.
Always when preparing Butt or Skive cut ( 45 degree ) rings, be sure
that the first ring is cut carefully, and then tested on the stem.
As the packing section becomes larger please ensure that the
packing is sitting correctly for cutting purposes, ie narrow section
5. Pack the gland in stages and pre compress until filled to the top.
Compress the packing 25 to 30 % of its original height . Eg if 100 mm
then compress to 75 mm. Add additional rings and repeat the
procedure if necessary.
At least 75% of the gland follower neck must protrude out of the
stuffing box when packing the valve is complete. This will allow for
additional tightening if required, ( should not be necessary if packed
It is our opinion that if the valves are packed as described above, you the
customer will experience trouble free sealing of all valves right up to 310
bar at 650 deg C ( 450 deg C in oxidizing applications ).
We also believe that the emission levels that will be achieved will be below
100 ppm. This betters the requirements of the EPA in the U.S. of 500 ppm.
Please note that Live Loading ( Belleville washers ), are not required with
the Marlo 396C as the patented construction of the Marlo 396C
incorporates a Helical coil that acts as a spring during operation.
Thus the packing accommodates cycling and compression / relaxation.
It is our opinion that the Marlo 396C has no equal in its class in meeting the
requirements to reduce Fugitive Fuel Emissions in valves.
Head Office in Perth, Western Australia
www.klinger.com.au +61 8 9350 1100
MARLO Pack-RYT Installation Instructions
For Pumps
Remove all old packing including lantern ring and thoroughly clean the shaft
and stuffing box. Be sure no solids are present in the sealing area. Disconnect
any discharge flush lines and plug the hole, leaving only the “in” line, so all
flush goes only towards the bearing and the packing.
Split the bearing and reassemble over the shaft making sure the extraction
holes are facing outwards as the bearing slides in. If the bearing will not pilot,
use a Porta-Power or other device to centre the shaft and the let it relax once
all parts have been installed. If significant bore corrosion prevents installation,
lightly and evenly sand the OD with crocus cloth. Make sure the bearing is
fully seated in the bottom of the box. Taking depth measurements before
installation will help confirm this.
Install each packing ring individually, staggering the joints. If the set contains
Marlo 396 or Marlo 396C, bring the gland follower to the packing and tighten
the gland bolts HARD. CRUSH THE PACKING! Then back off the nuts and
let the packing relax for a few minutes. Bring the nuts back up to the follower
finger tight and the pump is ready to run.
If the packing is portion is either all Marlo 317 or Marlo 7413, tamp each ring
firmly during installation and tighten the follower nuts finger tight.
If you are using the BLR configuration (with a lantern ring groove) turn the
water on full force.
Make the packing adjustments no more than 2 flats on all nuts at a time. Wait
a few minutes between adjustments.