Long Valley Scout Receives Gold Award: Proverbs 3:5

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Proverbs 3:5

Vol. 3 No. 5 www.blackrivernews.com May 17, 2011

Long Valley Scout Receives Gold Award

lizabeth (Lizzy)
Anne Kent of Long
Valley, NJ, recently
earned her Girl Scout Gold
Award, the highest award a
Girl Scout can earn. For her
Gold Award Project, Lizzy
chose a project based on her
interest in promoting the
importance of education
and literacy in poor commu-
nities by working with the
international relief agency
CARE, as well as with
Lutheran World Relief.
One of the issues chil-
dren face in very poor areas
is the lack of basic school
supplies. For her Gold
Project Lizzy worked with
groups in her community
and held 5 workshops to
sew 100 book-bags. She
then reached out to over 20
companies, family, and
friends to fill these bags
with pencils, crayons, note- Elizabeth (Lizzy) Anne Kent
books, rulers, erasers, pencil
sharpeners, and colored ed book-bags to Maryland ment and leadership awards Within Girl Scouts of
construction paper. She also to Lutheran World Relief during her years in Girl Northern New Jersey, 12
raised money to cover the where she spent a day in Scouts, including the percent of eligible girls earn
shipping of the book-bags. their warehouse helping to Bronze and Silver Awards, their Girl Scout Gold
Lutheran World Relief coor- pack health and human as well as Bronze, Silver Award, as compared to the
dinated the distribution of relief kits. and Gold Presidential national average of 6 per-
the book-bags to parts of the Lizzy has been with Service Awards. She has cent.
world, such as Haiti, where Troop 80625 since the troop many fond memories of her Lizzy is a sophomore at
basic school supplies are began in Kindergarten as a Girl Scout years, including West Morris Central High
critically needed. Lizzy was Daisy Girl Scout and has camping and working in the School where she is an
able to deliver the complet- earned numerous achieve- Long Valley food pantry. continued on page 2

Postal Customer
Page 2, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
Fairmount Country Festival to Showcase Washington Twp. Public Library
Old-Fashioned Family Fair to Host Interview Webinar

ashington Twp Public Library able during an interview - no more stum-

he 7th annual Fairmount Country ting zoo, a dunk tank, face painting and bling or freezing up. They will learn the lat-
will host a Webinar, “Learn How
Festival will be held on Sunday, plenty of kids’ games with prizes. est interview styles, techniques and how to
to Interview Like a Pro” on
June 5, 2011 from noon to 5 p.m. on Food and beverages are available at very answer the top two interview questions
Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 4 p.m. The
the grounds of the Fairmount Presbyterian reasonable prices. Food includes hot dogs, everyone gets asked. Participants uncover
Webinar will be held at Washington Twp
Church Community House located at 247 hamburgers and homemade baked goods strategies to answer the most difficult inter-
Public Library, 37 East Springtown Road,
Old Turnpike Road (Route 517), Califon, by real church ladies! Vendors with crafts view questions and avoid common mis-
Long Valley, NJ.
N.J. The place is just south of the border and other unique goods will have items on takes.
A great interview is the last step in secur-
between Morris and Hunterdon Counties. display and available for sale. For registration and more information,
ing the job you want. Career expert Barbara
Everyone is welcome to this fabulous, fam- There is no admission charge for the fes- please call the library at 908-876-3596 or
Safani will teach participants how to ace the
ily-friendly event reminiscent of old-fash- tival. Plenty of free parking is available. visit www.wtpl.org, under Adult Activities.
job interview and stand out from the crowd.
ioned country fairs. Please join for an afternoon of family fun!
Participants will learn how to feel comfort-
Guests will be entertained with excellent The festival is sponsored by the Fairmount
live music by local bands. Children will Presbyterian Church. For more informa-
enjoy pony rides on Rocky, the gentle and tion, please call 908-832-2154, visit the
friendly horse. There will be hay rides, a Web at www.fpctoday.org or send an e-mail
big inflatable moon bounce, little kids pet- to fairmountpcusa@aol.com.

continued from front page
Honor Roll Student, and loves anything to lin and viola and is in the Orchestra,
do with music. She is a member of the Baroque Orchestra, and the Sophomore
Loreleis, the female a cappella singing Quartet. Lizzy has volunteered as a camp
group, and is in Women’s Choir, Concert counselor for the Children’s Enrichment
Choir, and has participated in the WMCHS Program, a local day camp for learning dis-
production of “Guys and Dolls”, Morris abled children for the last two summers.
County Choir, NJ Junior Region Choir, and Lizzy plans on pursuing her music interest
NJ Region Choir. Lizzy also plays the vio- in college.
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 3
Page 4, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Family Fun Destination Letter To The Editor...

Dear Editor, one another during trying times; “WE
Just Minutes Away!
uring the past month, the Chester CARE” is the obvious motto! I am privi-

ooking for something for everyone Facility with their state of the art fitting Lioness Club has been active in leged to be the facilitator of this effort
to do? Well, look no further than the equipment. (Trackman) supporting the Chester Food Pantry through the Chester Lioness Club.
Golf Zone of Flanders. They are The knowledgeable Staff is available to by advertising the current needs of the The Chester Lioness Club would like to
offering so much more than Golf! How help with whatever you might need. pantry and requesting donations of free offer a special thanks to the Chester
about, Driving range, Paintball, Batting Clothing, shoes, clubs. hams, turkeys, etcetera, offered by the Shoprite manager and staff who assisted in
Cages, Miniature Golf, Video Games If you need help with your swing, or ShopRite supermarkets if certain spending facilitating donations by holding the
including Air Hockey! basic instruction The Golf Zone teaching requirements were met. Again, our commu- receipts and allowing the food pantry to
The Golf Zone is open seven days a staff are all members of the PGA or LPGA. nity, Scout troops, individuals, local busi- obtain the merchandise directly. We really
week. The Paintball Facility is the only one There is also a Junior Golf Camp available. nesses, organizations, and many of the sur- appreciate all of their efforts on behalf of
of its kind in a thirty mile radius!. There is a The Golf Zone also offers birthday par- rounding communities participated in ful- our community. It certainly made the dona-
full line of Markers & Supplies available for ties call for details. There are also batting filling the needs. Our community and the tions much easier for our area residents.
the paintball enthusiast from Scenario to cages available to brush up on your base- surrounding communities are a model for God Bless You All,
Speedball. Co2 filling station as well as ball; or softball skills. the "old fashioned" support residents give to Holly Simmenroth
anything you might need to play. Conveniently located at 239 Route 206
The Pro Shop stocks a variety of golf Flanders, New Jersey call 973-252-1266
equipment such as: Titleist, Mizuno, Check out their website www.thegolfzo- Chester Borough’s
Callaway, Taylormade,Cleveland, Tour
Edge & Cobra.
Annual Memorial Day Commemoration

The Golf Zone is also a Custom Fitting hester Borough honors all veterans during its annual Memorial Day
Commemoration on Monday, May 30 at 11:00 a.m. at the Larry Maysey
Do You Quilt? Memorial on Main Street.
Join us in the procession as we gather at the Gazebo on Main Street at 10:45 a.m. then
Are You Interested in Quilting? walk south to the Maysey Memorial and War Veteran Site.

he Common Threads Quilt Guild Guests are invited to visit, learn, share, and The event is hosted by Chester Borough in cooperation with Bernays Apgar
meets on the second and fourth have fun with members at the meetings! For American Legion Post 342. If you or your group would like to be part of this com-
Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. more information, please call 908-876-3294 memoration, please call or e-mail Chester Borough Recreation at 908-955-7163 or e-
or visit the Web at http://commonthread- mail: recreation@chesterborough.org
at the Community House of Fairmount
We encourage scouting/community groups participation.Bring your own lawn
Presbyterian Church, located at 247 Old squilters.shutterfly.com.
chair and wear your red, white and blue! Join us in remembering our veterans on this
Turnpike Road (Rt 517) in Califon, N.J. special day!

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Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 5

Theater is Alive and Well Chester Lions Club

in New Jersey Comes To The Aid of Those in Need

he Chester Lions Club has again Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi and

ick Busciglio, the- and the not-for-profit pro- come to the aid of those in need. At Missouri which included $10,000 to the
ater writer/reviewer fessional theaters. a recent Board of Directors meeting, Northport Lions Club. The money has
for New Jersey Rick is semi-retired from the Club voted to send $10,000 to already been spent so the $10,000 from the
Footlights and a career in broadcasting, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The area from Chester Lions Club will be utilized to its
Examiner.com and profes- e.g. VP of marketing for a Tuscaloosa to Birmingham had been devas- fullest providing relief supplies, including
sional speaker on entertain- cable and satellite channel tated by a series of killer tornados. The food, water, clothing and medication.
ment topics, has created a in the United States and Northport Lions Club, Tuscaloosa, had Unique to Lions Clubs is the ability of
multimedia/interactive lec- Great Britain, senior VP of turned their meeting hall in a Methodist any club to send money to areas in distress
ture or presentation, television at several New church into an aid center for 100 families. all over the world with little or no adminis-
Rick Busciglio
"Theater is Alive and Well York advertisement agen- Residence not only lost their homes and trative cost. All of the money is used to help
in New Jersey." The presen- cies. He writes two blogs American musical theater their belonging but also their jobs as the relieve the pain and despair in the affected
tation includes photos and on New Jersey theaters and and "The Great American storm ripped through the industrial area as area.
videos from many of the serves on the board of the Songbook." More informa- well. For further information regarding
professional and communi- Chester Theatre Group in tion regarding booking, The Lions Clubs International Lionism and its motto "WE SERVE" please
ty theaters in the state, in Chester, N.J. Also, Rick has contact and examples of his Foundation (LCIF) awarded 11 emergency contact Phil Savell at 908 879 6543 or visit
addition to theater profiles, lectured internationally (via presentations are available grants to districts in Alabama, North our website at Chesterlionsclub.com
current and upcoming plays, cruise ships) from Istanbul on his Web site at
discount ticket opportuni- to Honolulu, and currently www.memory-lane.org.
ties and more. The objective
is to promote live theater-
in the New Jersey-
Pennsylvania area on the
Rick resides in Chester
Township, Morris County,
Learn About Healing Touch Therapy

going throughout the state, great productions, perform- NJ with his wife Betty and earn about Healing Touch therapy on Benefits of Healing Touch are reducing
both community theaters ers and composers of his Yorkie Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 7 p.m. at stress, decreasing pain, supporting cancer
the Washington Twp. Public Library, care, strengthening the immune system,
Get Your Business Noticed with the 37 E. Springtown Rd., Long Valley, NJ. easing acute and chronic conditions.
AREA’S MOST READ PAPER... This complementary therapy, performed by Call the Library at 908-876-3596 or go
Bonnie Harrison, RN, BSN, CHTP, enables to www.wtpl.org and sign up under Adult
the body to rest, rebuild and restore. Major Activities.
Call 973-252-9889 for information

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Page 6, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Calendar of Events
Thu, May 19 Jefferson. Adults $10, children under twelve $8. Call for hydro-electric plan, powerhouse and Kay’s dam.
Webinar: Learn How to Interview Like a Pro – Long time. 908-979-0900. Young Performers Spring Festival pro- Music: “Words & Winds”- Music and Poems of
Valley. Washington Twp Public Library, 37 East duction tells the story about Mumbles, a shy clown, who American Composers – Morristown. Morristown High
Springtown Road. Open to public. Free, registration. 4 pm. falls in love with the beautiful ballerina, Doria. School, 50 Early St.. Open to public. Tickets $25 for adults,
908-876-3596 or www.wtpl.org. Career expert, Barbara Theater: The King and I (May 20-22, 28-29) – $20 for seniors, and $15 for children under age 18. 8 pm.
Safani, teaches participants how to ace the job interview Hackettstown. Centenary College, Little Theater at 973-998-7239. Morris Choral Society and the Hanover
and stand out from the crowd. Lackland Center, 400 Jefferson. Adults $10, children under Wind Symphony join for a special concert of classical
Fri, May 20 twelve $8. Call for time. 908-979-0900. Young Performers music inpired by American poets.
Alternative Music Night (third Friday of every month) – Spring Festival production tells the story of a British Music: Bourbon Street Blues Festival – Califon. Lebanon
Hackettstown. Drakestown United Methodist Church, 6 schoolteacher who became governess to the children of the Township Memorial Park, 70 Bunnvale Road. Adults $25,
Church Road (at Naughright). Open to public. 7 pm. Free. King of Siam during the early 1860s. college/military $15, children $5, family $50. 11:30 am to 9
908-852-4460. Sat, May 21 pm. Www.bourbonstreetbluesfest.com. Bands include
Music: Southside Johnny and The Asbury Jukes – Big Apple Comic Con Spring Edition 2011 (May 21-22) Fabulous Thunderbirds, Eric Lindell, Louisianna Hoodoo
Morristown. Community Theatre, 100 South Main. Tickets – New York. Penn Plaza Pavilion, 401 Seventh Ave. @ 33rd Krewe with Bobby Barth of Blackfoot, Eric Steckell,
$47 ($75 Golden Circle). 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. Street. $25 adults, free for children 10 & under with paying Robert Sands, Duke Robillard and many more.
Theater: Little Me (May 21-22, 27-29) – Hackettstown. adult. Sat 10-7, Sun 10-5. Join tens of thousands of fellow Music: Groove in the Grove – Budd Lake. Vasa Park, 1
Centenary College, Little Theater at Lackland Center, 400 fans as they converge in New York City to celebrate the best Wolfe Road. Adults $15, students $10, children 9 and under
Jefferson. Adults $10, children under twelve $8. Call for in comics. free. 12 noon to 10 pm. More information at groove.moun-
time. 908-979-0900. Young Performers Spring Festival pro- Dance: Ballet With a Latin Beat – Morristown. tainledgemusic.com. Music festival features performances
duction tells the story of Belle Poitrine, a little girl from the Community Theatre, 100 South Main. $32-$42. 8 pm. (973) by Live Bait with Duck Billy, Jack Tannehill, Lelica with
wrong side of the tracks who finds her way to the right side 539-8008. NJ Ballet celebrates Hispanic culture with a B.D. Lenz, Gregg Cagno, Kate & Paul, Emily Barnes,
with the help of several willing gentlemen. Latin-inspired performance featuring two premieres, Suirte Chasing June, Quimby Mountain Band.
Theater: Peter and the Wolf & Other Dance Stories Huasteca and Tamoia, and the return of two favorites, Special: Armed Forces Day – Stanhope. Wild West City,
(May 21-22, 25-26, 28-29; matinees May 25-26) – Guajira and Para Dois. 50 Lackawanna Drive. Adults $13.50, seniors 65+ $11.00;
Hackettstown. Centenary College, Little Theater at Industry and Nature Walk Along the Black River – children aged two to twelve $12.50; admission includes
Lackland Center, 400 Jefferson. Adults $10, children under Chester Township. Cooper Gristmill, Black River County parking and shows; rides separate. 10:30-6 pm; weekends;
twelve $8. Call for time. 908-979-0900. Young Performers Park, County Route #513 (old Rt. 24). Open to public. $5 open 7 days from Jun 20 to Sep 5. 973-347-8900 or
Spring Festival of Shows per family. 10-12 noon. 973-631-5343. Visitors hike a 3.5- www.wildwestcity.com. Members of the military are hon-
Theater: The Clown (May 21-22, 28-29) – Hackettstown. mile trail along the scenic Black River, explore the flora and ored with free admission with paying child.
Centenary College, Little Theater at Lackland Center, 400 fauna, and discover the early industries, including 1930s
continued on page 7
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 7

Calendar of Events...
continued from page 6 Golf Course, Crystal Springs Resort, 3 Wild Turkey Way. (908) 876-1122. Tiki bar classics.
Theater: BIXBY’S Rainforest Rescue – Newton. Open to public. $225 per person, registration. Registration Sat, May 28
Performing Arts Center at SCCC, Sussex County at 11 am, shotgun start at 1 pm. Sponsored by Eleventh Annual Memorial Day Ceremony – Long Valley. Rock
Community College, 1 College Hill. $5-$20. 2 pm. (973) Hour Rescue. 973-664-0865 or www.ehrdogs.org. Spring Park, 37 East Springtown Rd. Open to public. Free.
300-3171. Through the use of magic, puppetry, comedy, Workshop: How to Get Library Books on your eReader 12 noon. Sponsored by Washington Township Parks and
and a menagerie of LIVE exotic animals, Bixby offers fam- – Chester. Chester Public Library, 250 West Main. Open to Recreation. (908) 876-5941.
ilies an unforgettable learning and entertaining experience public. Free, registration. 7 pm. Www.chesterlib.org or Centenary YPW Interviews for Summer Intensive
about saving the rainforest. (908) 879-7612. Lesley Karczewski, Chester Library direc- Program (May 28-29) – Hackettstown. Centenary College,
Sun, May 22 tor, discusses library resources available to eReader users Little Theatre Lobby, 400 Jefferson. Open to youths aged
Lecture: Transforming Your Home & Outdoor Spaces – and shows participants how to access and use the library’s 10-18. Free. 10 am. (908) 979-0900 X2 or centenarystage-
Long Valley. Washington Twp Public Library, 37 East e-book collection. co.org. Centenary Young Performers Workshop is inter-
Springtown Rd. Open to public. Free, registration. 2 pm. Wed, May 25 viewing candidates for 2011 Summer Intensive Program to
908-876-3596. Lecture will discuss how to transform living Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Meeting (last develop singing, dancing and acting skills.
spaces, such as studios, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, Wednesday of every month) – Morristown. Morristown Special: Native American Intertribal Dancers (May 28-
swimming pools, pool houses and decks. Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Road. Open to 30) – Stanhope. Wild West City, 50 Lackawanna Drive.
Theater: Sleeping Beauty – Morristown. Community public. Free but donation is requested. 7:45 pm. (973) 994- Adults $13.50, seniors 65+ $11.00; children aged two to
Theatre, 100 South Main. $12. 1:30 pm and 4 pm. (973) 1143. twelve $12.50; admission includes parking and shows; rides
539-8008. The tale of a princess, a hundred year’s sleep and Free Stroke Screening – Long Valley. Washington separate. 10:30-6 pm; weekends; open 7 days from Jun 20
a kiss has been an enduring favorite for more than a centu- Township Senior Center, Rock Spring Park. Open to public. to Sep 5. 973-347-8900 or www.wildwestcity.com.
ry. Featuring music by Tchaikovsky and storyteller narra- Free, registration. 10-1 pm. 800-247-9580 or Workshop: Last Laugh Saturdays (last Saturday of the
tion. www.atlantichealth.org. Screening test includes total cho- month) – Chester. Black River Playhouse, 54 Grove.
Mon, May 23 lesterol, HDL * TC/HDL ratio, blood sugar, blood pressure, Adults. $30. 9;30 am to noon. (908) 892-5458 or
Theater: The Berenstain Bears in “Family Matters – pulse check and carotid artery exam. www.HumorintheMidst.com. A comedy workshop
Morristown. Community Theatre, 100 South Main. For Thu, May 26 designed for beginners with open round table and brain-
children aged 3-10. $12. 4 pm. (973) 539-8008. This fun- FREE Blood Pressure Screening (4th Thursday of every storming sessions.
filled musical weaves together three of Stan and Jan month) – Long Valley. Long Valley Pharmacy, 67 East Mill. Sun, May 29
Berenstain’s most popular books: The Berenstain Bears Open to public. Free. 12:30 to 2:30. Sponsored by the 17th Annual Memorial Motor Madness Car Show –
Learn about Strangers, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Washington Twp. Health Dept.. (908) 876-3650. Hackettstown. Mars North America, 800 High St. Open to
Junk Food and The Berenstain Bears’ Trouble at School. Fri, May 27 public. Adults $5; children under 12 with adult, free. 9-4.
Tue, May 24 Music: Davey of Davey and the WaveRunners – Long
4th Annual Benefit Golf Outing – Hamburg. Wild Turkey Valley. Long Valley Pub & Brewery, 1 Fairmount Rd. 9 pm. continued on page 10
Page 8, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

The Tooth Fairy is Planning a A Look At West Morris Central’s

”Special Visit” to the Mt. Olive’s Lacrosse Team
By Josh Lashley the captains have continued to find ways to
Fairy Festival on May 21s,t 2011
ne thing that just about every high improve themselves and the teammates
school coach hopes to see as a sea- around them in the sport.

ount Olive is son plays out is solid and committed “The four captains are very positive and
holding its first leadership from the team captains-that upbeat, as well as attentive to the details of
annual Fairy means in practice as well as during games. the game that their teammates can learn
Festival .This magical cele- It also means a great deal if the captains are from,’’ Herman said. “They also take charge
bration of spring will host a top notch students in the classroom. in practice, making sure that the team is on
This spring, the West Morris Central task and keeping us on schedule.
variety of activities for fam-
High School girl’s lacrosse program has “All four have become important in on-
ilies and their wee folks…
four senior captains Chrissy Baffuto field communication on offense, defense
Unicorn cart rides, fairy
(goalie), Amy Ernst (midfield), Carly and in transition. They also are valuable in
crafts, fairy foods and so Shello (midfield/defense) and Maggie providing insights during time-outs, half-
much more. Underdahl (defense/midfield) who are times, and post-game reflections. They lead
The event will be held at doing their part to help improve their team- by example, with high energy and enthusi-
Turkey Brook Park on mates in the sport of lacrosse and in their asm, and are very supportive of fellow
Saturday May 21st from 10- studies. They lead the way with fine aca- teammates.’’
2:00 p.m. demic efforts, as head coach Rob Herman It’s important to mention that each of the
The Tooth Fairy from notes. captains also had considerable careers at
Cohen & Schwartz Dental “Next year, Amy is going on to study and West Morris Central in other athletic
in Budd Lake will be say- play lacrosse at Bentley College,’’ Herman endeavors.
ing hello to all the children said. “Chrissy is going on to Lock Haven, “Each had great success in other sports,’’
and will be having special and Carly is going to the University of Herman said. “Maggie and Amy were mem-
gift bags so be sure to visit Massachusetts. As of now, Maggie is decid- bers of the field hockey team and Chrissy
her booth! ing between Purdue and Georgia Tech. was on the volleyball team. Carly was on
“The team votes on captains at the end of the soccer team and basketball team.
the previous season. They are chosen for Their combined successes help create an
Get Your Business Noticed with the their leadership on and off of the field, ded- atmosphere beneficial to the spring season.
AREA’S MOST READ PAPER... ication to team goals, positive character They know how to work hard and to work
AND WE CAN PROVE IT! traits, and their love of the game.’’ together, playing for the team and not for
Call 973-252-9889 for information Herman is impressed with the way that individual honors.’’
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 9

WNTI Summer Concert Series

Kicks Off in June
his June, WNTI will kick off its sum- lawn chairs. There will be no outside cool-
mer series with the first of four con- ers/food/drink allowed and food vendors are
certs beginning at 7 p.m. June 17, available on site.
2011, with performances by Citizens Band “The WNTI team is very excited about
Radio and Gandalf Murphy and the this concert series,” says Melanie Thiel,
Slambovian Circus of Dreams. WNTI Development Director. “We have a
The concert series continues at 7 p.m. lot of support from a lot of great people,
July 29, 2011, with performances by Buzz which should make this event a success!”
Universe, George Kilby Jr. and the Road WNTI Summer Concert Series sponsors
Dogs, and Boris Garcia. At 7 p.m. August have until May 27, 2011 to register to have
12, 2011, there will be performances by their names on stage banners. If a company
Chaz DePaolo Blues Band and Commander has $500 in sponsorship, this will guarantee
Cody. its business name on the stage banner. If
Gates open at 6 p.m. for the Friday night attendees have 10 tickets to each concert or
shows with music starting at 7 p.m. five on-air spots on WNTI the week of each
On September 17, 2011, the performances show stating they are a sponsor, they will
start with Golden Gup Happy Foot Party receive booth/vendor space to hand out
from noon to 4 p.m. Also performing will be information about their business.
Little Isidore and Ronnie Spector. Proceeds of the event will benefit WNTI
The concert series will be held at the Public Radio from Centenary College.
Knowlton Township Lions Club Pavilion, For more information, contact Melanie
which is located at Route 46 in Delaware, Thiel at thielm@centenarycollege.edu or by
N.J. All tickets cost $20. Children aged 12 phone at (908) 979-4355, ext. 1, for more
and under are admitted free of charge with info and to become a sponsor!
an adult paid admission. Guests should bring

Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.

Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming events and we’ll
publish them in our next issue.
Email us at mjmediaeditor@gmail.com
Page 10, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Calendar of Events... Memorial Day Tribute

continued from page 7 Chester Lioness Club Meeting (1st
Sponsored by Hackettstown Rotary Club. Thursday of every month, except Jul & to Veterans
Aug) – Chester. Lamplighter Restautant,

908-509-1828. Popular car show features ashington Township will host their Annual Memorial Day Ceremony to
19 classes of cars ranging from Mustang, 190 W. Main Street. Open to public, regis- salute brave servicemen and servicewomen who have given so much for
Firebird, Camaro, antique (pre-1940 to tration. 6:30 pm. Call Holly at 908-879- America. This annual event will be held on Saturday, May 28 in Rock
1970), VW Beetle, antique truck, and street 5932.
Spring Park at 12 noon at the War Memorial Site in Long Valley, N.J. The guest
rod, among others. Home School Day: Exploring Energy –
speaker will be Capt. Scott Della Salla, U.S. Army Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st
Workshop: Planting Trees and Berries – Chester Township. Cooper Gristmill, Black
Infantry Division. Rock Spring Park is dedicated to this program and will be closed
Blairstown. Genesis Farms, 41 Silver Lake River County Park, County Route #513 (old
to all other activities on this day. The event is sponsored by Washington Township
Rd. (County Rt. 608, Frelinghuysen),. Open Rt. 24). Open to home-schooled students
Parks and Recreation. For more information about this event, please contact the
to public. $25 per person, pre-registration. and parents. Free, small donation requested.
recreation office at (908) 876-5941.
1:30-5 pm. (908) 362-6735 or www.genes- 1-3. 908- 879-5463. Students learn how
isfarm.org. Workshop teaches participants power is harnessed from the Black River to
what to plant where, proper plant spacing grind seeds into flour and meal. Students
and planting techniques. Topics include
orchard soils and soil improvement tech-
also tour the gristmill and explore other
types of energy.
niques, natural fertilizers and the impor- Home School Day: Muffin Baking (first PRACTICE LIMITED TO BANKRUPTCY
tance of mulching. Thursday in Jun, Jul, Sep & Oct 2011) – Since 1989
Wed, Jun 1 Chester Township. Cooper Gristmill, Black
Music: The Go Go’s – Morristown.
Community Theatre, 100 South Main. $57-
River County Park, County Route #513 (old
Rt. 24). Open to home school students and BANKRUPTCY
parents. $6 per student. 1-3 pm. 973-631-
$95. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. The most popu- ◆ RELIEF FROM CREDITORS
lar all-female band to emerge from the 5343. Students tour gristmill, learn how
flour was made from grain in the 1880s and ◆ Chapter 7 - Liquidations ◆ Chapter 13 - Wage Earner Plans
punk/new wave explosion of the late ‘70s
and early ‘80s is back with new renditions. make muffins with freshly ground flour.
Thu, Jun 2 Music: New Jersey Symphony FREE CONSULTATION
Chester Garden Club Meeting (1st Orchestra’s Best of Ballet – Morristown. 683 WASHINGTON STREET • HACKETTSTOWN
Thursday of month) – Chester. Chester Community Theatre, 100 South Main. $. Evening Hours Available • Call 908.850.6161
Public Library, 250 West Main. Open to 7:30 pm. 1-800-Allegro or www.njsympho-
We are a Debt Relief Agency and can help you file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Act
public. 10 a.m.. Call Janet at 908-879-8242.
continued on page 14 Mention This Ad & Receive A $25.00 Discount
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 11

Eastcoast School of Bartending Opens New Location in Chester

astcoast School of in 1996. employment and alcohol with an average class size of
Bartending, a The course comprehen- awareness - to name just a 5 to 8 students. In this envi-
Department of sively trains students in few. ronment students are able to
Education-approved Private every aspect of Professional The course is only 40 get, on average, 45 minutes
Vocational School, recently Bartending including drink hours in total and is run over of every hour physically
opened it's brand new state- making, drink-preparation a period of only 8 nights or making drinks - by far the
of-the-art facility at 9 Main techniques, bar-related days. Unlike most national- best way to learn. The small
Street in downtown Chester. tools/utensils/condiments, chain schools which aver- class size also allows for
The School, in Budd Lake customer service, age 20 plus students individual interaction with
for many years, was first opening/closing a bar, party Eastcoast School is a small the Teacher on an ongoing
approved by the State of NJ bartending, seeking independent State-School basis.
You only have to be 18
years old to take the course
and to legally bartend in NJ,
NY, PA and almost every
state. The School has gradu-
ated students from 18 to 66
years young from all walks
of life who have used their
license both part-time and
full-time. Licensing is valid
in all 50 States.
Eastcoast School of
Bartending also has a very
active Job Placement serv- the lowest in the tri-state School Catalog. The School
ice and offers free lifetime area. Payment plans are also can be reached at 1-908-
refresher training to all available. You can call the 955-7412. Also check out
graduates. The cost of the School for an appointment their website at www.east-
course is only $395 which is to get a tour and to pick up a coastbartendingschool.com
Page 12, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

The Ultimate Gaming Space

hat could be a more fitting setting lake.)
for gaming than a 100 year-old Everything in the store is 15% off retail
stone building? It’s like playing in prices (except cards) so why buy online?
your very own castle. The spacious Great We carry Warhammer Fantasy,
Hall is free of charge and open to everyone. Warhammer 40K, Flames of War, Malifaux,
We host weekly games, campaigns, card Warmachine, Hordes, Dystopian Wars,
drafts, card and miniature wargaming tour- Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons, World
naments. of Warcraft, Pokemon, Magic The
Conveniently located at 125 Landing Gathering, individual cards as well as starter
Road in Landing, NJ right off of routes 80, sets and boosters, a wide variety of RPG and
46 and 10 west, we are easy to get to and dif- board games, paints and hobby supplies.
ficult to miss. Just look for the castle-like We are family friendly and carry a wide
building! (And please don’t drive into the assortment of board games everyone can

enjoy. Purchase a game from us and take it and enjoy talking about their favorite games.
home or play in the store. We welcome gam- We’ll share tips on painting and building
ing clubs and honor college, military, fire your figures as well putting together com-
department and police ids with extra dis- petitive card decks and army lists.
counts. Check out our website for weekly sched-
If you’ve never played before, come in ule, special events, tournaments and more:
for a demo, we’ll have you playing in no www.mightytitanshobbiesandgames.com
time. Our gamers and staff are easy going
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 13

Annual Motor Madness Car Show

Raises Money for Local Causes
By Elsie Walker

n May 29th,
Hackettstown will
go mad….with
Motor Madness, that is.
MARS Snackfood US at
800 High Street will be the
place and 9am – 4pm will
May We All Take Time to Appreciate How be the time when the
Our Armed Forces Protect Our Great Hackettstown Rotary Club
Nation and Remember Those That Lost presents the 17th annual
Motor Madness Car Show
Their Life Preserving Our Freedom! to benefit several local caus-
es. The spectator fees is $5.
Children under 12 are free
Your Fine Wine Shop when accompanied by an
adult. Car registration the
Now Available - Summer Micro-brew beers from day of the show is $25. In
Anchor Steam, Troegs, Magic Hat, Flying Fish, addition to the cars, there 500 vehicles on a good- different classes that include
will be food and other ven- weather day, will benefit the Mustang, Firebird, Camaro,
Leinenkugel's, Sam Adams, Blue Moon and many others dors, as well as music by Joan Knechel Cancer Center Antique (pre-1940 to 1970),
emcee DJ Doc south. The at HRMC as well as other VW Beetle, Antique Trucks,
Thank you for aiding in our Turn Wine into Water event is held rain or shine. local charities supported by and Street Rod, among oth-
charity campaign. You enabled us to donate $750 in your No alcohol or pets are the Rotary Club. These ers. Prizes are awarded in
allowed. include the NORWESCAP each class, with judging by
behalf. This will enable 25 people to have Clean Well David M. Rucki, execu- Food Bank, The Arc of show participants. Best of
Water for Life. Well done and thank you. tive director of the Warren County, Big Show is chosen by popular
Hackettstown Business Brothers/Big Sisters, Camp vote, with this year’s winner
Improvement District and
Barbecue Favorites Rotary Club president, says
Merry Heart, DASACC,
and others.
receiving the first Ed
Hagaman Memorial Trophy,
the show, which can feature The car show features 19 continued on page 15
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Venture Packs make great hostess gifts or for self educa-
$28.97 regular value • 31% Savings
Only $19.98

All 750ml. unless specified. Not responsile for typographical errors. Expires June 5, 2011
Page 14, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Calendar of Events...
continued from page 10 Treadle Sewing Machine Day – Chester using seasonal, locally grown, organic Weeds – Morristown. Fosterfields Living
Township. Cooper Gristmill, Black River ingredients that the whole family will enjoy. Historical Farm, 73 Kahdena Road. Open
ny.org. Sat, Jun 11 for children aged 5-8. Admission $2-$6.
Sat, Jun 4 County Park, County Route #513 (old Rt.
24). Open to public. Free, small donation Friends of Randolph Library Used Book 10:30-11:30. 973-631-5343.
Comedy: Bill Cosby – Morristown. Sale (Jun 11-12) – Randolph. Randolph Music: The Drakensberg Boys Choir
Community Theatre, 100 South Main. $52- requested. 1-4. 908- 879-5463. Visitors see
how the treadle sewing machine was used to Library, 28 Calais Road. Open to public. from South Africa – Morristown.
$107. 4 pm and 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. Free admission. Sat, 9-3; Sun, 12-3. (973) Community Theatre, 100 South Main. $10-
Comedy icon Bill Cosby dazzles fans make period dresses, clothes, and carpet
bags. 895-3556. Book sale features adult and chil- $50. 8 pm. (973) 539-8008. The
young and old with humor that transcends dren’s fiction and non-fiction books, CDs, Drakensberg Boys’ Choir is internationally
age, gender and cultural barriers. Sun, Jun 5
Fairmount Country Festival – Califon. videos and audiocassettes, and more. A $5 acclaimed for its unique African repertoire,
Farm Horse-Drawn Wagon Ride – Bag Sale is on Sunday. Book donations are containing various traditional works.
Morristown. Fosterfields Living Historical Fairmount Presbyterian Church,
Community House, 247 Old Turnpike Road accepted starting May 31. Special: Wild West Dress-Up Day (Jun
Farm, 73 Kahdena Road. Open to public. Garden on the Grow: Bugs, Worms &
$2-$6, pre-registration. 10:15 to 12 noon. (Route 517). Open to public. Free admis- continued on page 15
973-631-5343. Participants take part in sion. 12 noon to 5 pm. 908-832-2154 or
wagon ride and learn about the progressive www.fpctoday.org. Festival features an old-
farming practices of Charles Foster in the styled country fair with many fun events for
early 1900s. the entire family and children.
Native Habitat Plant Sale – Bernardsville. Wed, Jun 8
Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary, 11 Music: The Choir of the Pope’s Diocese
Hardscrabble Road. Open to public. Free of Rome – Morristown. Community
admission. 9-3. 908-766-5787. Theatre, 100 South Main. $27-$77. 8 pm.
Special: Scouts Weekend (Jun 4-5) – (973) 539-8008. Founded in 1984 by Don
Stanhope. Wild West City, 50 Lackawanna Marco Frisina in the service of the Church Oil & Transmission Get Ready For Summer! JOIN OUR VIP CLUB
Drive. Adults $13.50, seniors 65+ $11.00; of Rome and its Bishop, the Pope, this Filter Change Service/Flush A/C Service Buy 4 Oil Changes
acclaimed choir makes its first U.S. tour. & Leak Check & Receive the
children aged two to twelve $12.50; admis-
sion includes parking and shows; rides sep- Workshop: Vegetarian Cooking –
Buy 4, Get
5th FREE
2195 Plus
7995 $
5th One

arate. 10:30-6 pm; weekends; open 7 days

from Jun 20 to Sep 5. 973-347-8900 or
Blairstown. Genesis Farms, 41 Silver Lake
Road. Open to public. $55, includes dinner;
• Most Cars • Up to 5 qts.
Expires 6/15/11
Most Cars.
Expires 6/15/11
(+ Refrigerant)
Most Cars. Expires 6/15/11 FREE!
www.wildwestcity.com. Scout in uniform pre-registration. 6-9 pm. 908-362-6735.
admitted free when accompanied by paying Course teaches participants how to cook
adult. creative, delicious and nutritious meals,
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 15

Calendar of Events...
continued from page 10 Festival: Discover Dover month) – Hackettstown.
11-12) – Stanhope. Wild Day – Dover. Downtown Heath Village Retirement
West City, 50 Lackawanna Dover, Crescent Field. Community, 430 Schooley’s
Drive. Adults $13.50, sen- Open to public. Noon to 6 Mountain Road. Open to
iors 65+ $11.00; children pm. Jody at 973-366-9060 public. 6:30 to 7:30. 908-
aged two to twelve $12.50; or ccmuseum@gmail.com. 684-5236.
admission includes parking Festival showcases the BIG Meeting (2nd Tuesday
and shows; rides separate. many wonderful restau- of every month) – Long
10:30-6 pm; weekends; rants, museums, businesses, Valley. Splash, 1 Fairmount
open 7 days from Jun 20 to schools, services, and his- Ave. Open to women. 10
Sep 5. 973-347-8900 or torical, cultural and social a m .
www.wildwestcity.com. organizations in Dover. Kathyreidinger@yahoo.co
Guests dress in their Mon, Jun 13 m or 908-876-0101. Women
favorite western legend (i.e. Parkinson’s Support meet in a safe and support-
the Lone Ranger, Jesse Group Meeting (2nd ive environment to explore
James, Annie Oakley). Monday of every month) – their ideas and find a path to
Sun, Jun 12 Hackettstown. Heath professional fulfillment.
Village Retirement Thu, Jun 16
Community, 430 Schooley’s Home School Day: Taking
Mountain Road. Open to Care of Animals –
public. 6:30 to 7:30. 908- Morristown. Fosterfields
684-5214. Living Historical Farm, 73
Tue, Jun 14 Kahdena Road. Open to
Alzheimer’s / Dementia home-schooled children and
Support Group Meeting parents. $6 per students. 1-3
(2nd Tuesday of every pm. 973-631-5343.

Annual Motor Madness...

continued from page 13 The car show’s sponsors
named in honor of one of include Mars Snackfood
the show’s founders. US, Centenary College,
“It’s a wonderful family Johnson Dodge Chrysler
event that car lovers and Jeep, Kevil Chevrolet,
non-collectors alike enjoy Hackettstown Hyundai,
immensely. Many of our Smith Ford, Subaru of
exhibitors and spectators Mount Olive, and Warren
come back year after year to County Community
see what’s new and to take College.
another look at cars they When asked what it
remember fondly from past means to be able to hold the
shows. They love the small- event on the Mars
town ambiance of the event, Snackfood US grounds,
particularly with Doc South Guyette said, “We [the
playing oldies all day and Rotary Club] have a great
pausing at noon so everyone working partnership with
can observe a moment of MARS: they are very sup-
silence in honor of our serv- portive of the Rotary Club,
ice men and women while and their support means
the National Anthem is everything to us. Many peo-
played. - not many dry eyes ple come to the car show,
after that! It’s also the first exhibitors and spectators
introduction to Rotary for alike, because it’s held on
many people, and we find the MARS grounds and they
they are eager to learn about know they can usually find
Rotary’s impact on the some M&M’s being handed
world, both locally and out that day. The MARS
globally,” said Rotary mem- location gives the car show
ber Kevin Guyette. great visibility and is the
In addition to that best venue in terms of
moment of silence, Doc space, parking area, and
South will also ask for hospitality in this part of the
donations for the purchase county.
of phone cards to be given For more information on
to service members sta- the car show call 908-509-
tioned overseas so they may 1828 or visit: www.hack-
call home. ettstownrotary.org
Page 16, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Need Your Tank Removed, A New One Installed?

andy Colson as owner of Colson churches, municipalities, and NJ State facil- age of tank failures. We offer competitive mendations from satisfied customers. We
Enterprises Inc. operates a family ities. pricing for site remediation if needed. We have referrals upon request.
run tank removal business in the "We are one of the areas largest tank make every effort in completing jobs as In the past few years a large percentage
area for 22 years. removal companies and primarily serve the quick as possible and pay particular atten- of our jobs are real estate transfers.
The business includes residential and Lake Hopatcong area and surounding tion to the homeowners satisfaction when it Underground tanks have become a big con-
commercial tank removal, tank abandon- towns. The thought of tank removal can be comes to detail. Most jobs are completed in cern among buyers and it is very hard to sell
ment, tank installation and site remediation. seemingly scary for the homeowner. We do one day. your home with an underground tank. We
In addition to residential work we have our best to take the fear out of the process We offer excavating and landscaping work closely with the sellers, buyers and
removed numerous tanks for businesses, and we actually find a very small percent- services as well. In the past few years dou- realtors.
ble wall tanks have become very popular. For more information or to set up a free
Workshop on Planting Trees As an option we offer Roth tanks, the
largest manufacturer of double wall tanks.
estimate Colson Enterprises cam be reached
at 973-347-4888
and Berries at Genesis Farm A large part of our success is due to recom-

workshop about how to get fruit tion is required. Genesis Farm is located at
trees and berry plants off to a good 41 Silver Lake Rd. (County Rt. 608,
start will be held on Sunday, May Frelinghuysen), Blairstown, NJ, 07825.
29, 2011 at Genesis Farm. Participants will Genesis Farm, an ecological learning
learn what to plant where, proper plant center, hopes to encourage the integration of
spacing and planting techniques. The work- an edible garden into more people’s land-
shop will highlight information about scaping plans.
orchard soils and soil improvement tech- “There is a joy in growing a portion of
niques, natural fertilizers and the impor- one’s own food” said Lisa Kelly who works
tance of mulching. at Genesis Farm and the Foodshed Alliance.
Participants will be guided in ways to “This workshop will help us to learn how to
integrate orchard care into their yearly life bring the blessings of fruits and berries into
cycle. the lands around our dwellings”.
“Planting Trees and Berries” will be held For more information, call (908) 362-
in the afternoon from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. 6735 or visit www.genesisfarm.org.
The cost is $25 per person and pre-registra-

Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.

Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming events and we’ll
publish them in our next issue.
Email us at mjmediaeditor@gmail.com

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Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 17

Summer Programs at Centenary College

pend the Summer at Centenary! This Centenary provide a variety of opportuni- runs from June 27 through August 6. The Summer Intensive offers training in
year, the College is offering programs ties, for parents searching for a summer Students can choose from nearly 100 under- acting, voice and dance with specialized
designed for those who want to earn sports program for their child to college stu- graduate, graduate and online classes. electives taught by theatre professionals.
extra college credit or enjoy various enrich- dents who are trying to earn extra credits Middle and high school students interest- The program includes three full-length
ment programs or extracurricular activities, during the summer. Consider spending time ed in getting a taste of the college experi- musical productions and The One Act play
enhance their athletic skills, delve into the at Centenary during the summer and experi- ence can participate in the Centenary’s festival performed for the general public.
performing arts, or get a taste of College ence one of our exciting programs” Summer Scholars Program, which is a co- Acceptance into the program is based on an
with the Summer Scholars Program. The Summer Stimulus Package allows ed academic program for rising 7th through interview with the Program Director.
“While some college campuses go quiet students to get a jump start on summer 12th grade students from July 10, 2011 For those who want to sharpen their
during the summer, Centenary College is study by taking two courses during Summer through July 30, 2011. Students can choose sports skills, Centenary is offering several
brimming with activity year-round,” says I (May 16 through June 25) while living on from a number of one-week courses: sports camps this summer, including boys
Lauretta Farrell, Director of Marketing at campus for FREE. For those who cannot Creative Writing, Fashion Design, Just and girls basketball (boys: June 27 through
Centenary College. “Summers at attend the first session, Summer session II Dance, Veterinary Science, Television July 1; girls: July 11 through July 15), boys
Production, Forensic Science, Going Green, soccer (July 11 through July 15 and July 18
Computer Programming & Game Design, through July 22) and wrestling (July 11
and more. All courses are taught by college through July 15 and July 18 through July
professors and knowledgeable instructors. 22).
All activities are managed by highly trained International students can participate in
camp staff. our Summer Culture and Language
Day and residential options are offered. Program (SCLP), which is a six-week pro-
Students living nearby can take advantage gram focusing on English proficiency skills
of the academic programs and return home for success in American higher education.
in the evenings. Students traveling from Running from early July to mid-August,
other states, or who enjoy the residential SCLP offers eight college credit hours upon
experience, are welcome to board for one or successful completion. Centenary provides
more sessions. a full range of co-curricular activities rang-
The Young Performers Workshop, hailed ing from a personalized guide tour of New
by The Star Ledger as “a state treasure,” is York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to
a professional musical theatre training pro- extended visits to Boston and Washington,
gram for young people ages 8 through 18. D.C.
The five-week program runs July 11, 2011 For more information about the Summer
to August 14, 2011 on the Centenary cam- at Centenary program, visit www.cente-
pus. narycollege.edu/summer.

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Page 18, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

HRMC Foundation to Celebrate

25th Anniversary Foundation Golf Classic

t’s hard to believe that it has been a field digital mammography equipment
quarter of a century since the very first which provides excellent imagery and diag-
golf outing to benefit Hackettstown nostic capabilities that can be used in breast
Community Hospital was held. In those screenings and stereo tactic biopsies.
days, it was known as the HCH Golf & “The HRMC Foundation Golf Classic
Tennis Classic. The tennis component was truly is an outing that people look forward Express
Blow Out
eliminated within the first few years, and to,” said Michael Selvaggi, Chairman of the Treatment
the name of the hospital and the name of the HRMC Foundation Golf Classic. “Golfers Now
event have both changed – it’s now known anticipate this great event because it’s an Available!
as the Hackettstown Regional Medical opportunity to play on one of the state’s
Center Foundation Golf Classic. Besides finest golf courses and they know that Walk-Ins Welcome!
the quality and popularity of the outing, one everything we offer at the outing is first-
Gift Certificates Available!
thing has remained constant, however, and class. It’s no coincidence that this outing
that is that the event has always been held at has been going strong for twenty-five years, with Prom Style Prom Style
the Panther Valley Golf & Country Club in and we look forward to continuing its fine With selected stylists.
Allamuchy. tradition as we raise important funds for
New Client Special! Brazilian Keratin Color with Cut,
Now in its twenty-fifth year, the HRMC HRMC.”
Hair Straightening Wash & Style
Foundation’s Annual Golf Classic has
grown to become one of the region’s most
The outing features a barbeque lunch on
the course, a fabulous cocktail hour and 25% OFF Treatment
anticipated charity golf outings. With
Hackettstown Emergency Associates,
buffet awards dinner, gifts for all golfers,
door prizes, special challenge holes, and
One coupon per customer.
Coupons may not be combined with
$100 OFF With selected stylists. One coupon
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One coupon per customer. Coupons may not be com-
Hackettstown Anesthesia Associates and four hole-in-one grand prize holes for vehi- any other offer. Expires 6/15/11 bined with any other offer. Expires 6/15/11 Expires 6/15/11

Hackettstown Radiology Associates on cles and travel. A variety of sponsorship

Color or Highlight Men & Children’s Women’s Wash,
board as the presenting sponsors, the packages are available. For additional infor-
Service with Cut & Style Cuts Cut & Style
HRMC Foundation Golf Classic will be mation about the Annual Foundation Golf
held on Monday, June 13, 2011, once again
at the scenic Panther Valley Golf & Country
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please call the Foundation office, (908) $10 OFF
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Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 19
Page 20, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Peter, an American Bull Dog/Terrier Mix from Eleventh

Hour Rescue, spent the first few years of his life living in a
shelter, waiting for a family to choose him. Two years ago,
his turn finally came and a wonderful family took him home
Here’s Catfish from Eleventh Hour Rescue. This hand- and gave him a great life. Unfortunately, due to personal
some Southern gentleman is a Red Bone Coonhound mix circumstances, the family is no longer able to care for him.
that is about 7 years old. He was found as a stray with a Peter is being returned to the shelter and will surely spend
broken leg and starving. He has fully recovered and he is his days wondering why he is back there and when his fam-
ready to find his permanent home now. Although most like- ily will return for him. Peter is 4-5 years old, is housebro- Meet JWOW from Eleventh Hour Rescue. This is a beauti-
ly used as an outdoor hunting dog previously, he has settled ken and has graduated 2 levels of basic obedience classes ful, German Shepherd female mix. She is under 2 years old,
in very well at the home of his foster Mom and he loves the at Pawsitive Experience in Rockaway. Peter lived with 2 and such a stunning beauty to see. She’s always happy and
company of people. He will run and play with other dogs children and slept with them every night. He is loving, obe- has a very pleasant demeanor about her. Due to allergies,
outside, but he is also content to stay by your side once play dient, and eager to please. He loves to cuddle but also loves her owner had to give her up and she is available now for
time is over. To read more about Catfish, to see all of our to play with his toys or go for walks. Peter needs to be the adoption. She is less than 50 ponds, and a perfect size for
adoptable pets, to see our upcoming events, or to make a only pet in the home but we promise he will be worth it. To any home environment. To see more about this wonderful
donation, please visit our web site at: www.ehrdogs.org or read more about Peter, to see all of our adoptable pets, to girl, JWOW, to see all of our wonderful pets, to see our
call: 973-664-0865. see our upcoming events, or to make a donation, please visit upcoming events, or to make a donation, please visit our
our web site: www.ehrdogs.org or call 973-664-0865 web site: www.ehrdogs.org
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 21
Page 22, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Thomas Edison - NJ & The World’s Famous Employer Who Wore A Lab Coat
by Michele Guttenberger and work hard to learn a business of national repute from

homas Edison’s companies had made New Jersey a the raw material to the finished product; only those men
Technological hub throughout the world. As an who know they can compete with the best, who are above
employer, Edison did not only attract the best from the average, who are still studying, plugging, and analyzing
the local area, he had attracted the best new hires from problems and are full of ambition to get to the top will stand
across the globe. Getting acceptance as a manager in his a chance of qualifying; those who measure up to the high
company had world renowned prestige. It was a coveted standard required will have a brilliant opportunity and
credential to have on your resume. Some very famous peo- promise of the future; starting salary $25 to $30 per week;
ple in their own right were on Edison’s company payroll. let your application tell us briefly your ambitions, and give
Names such as: Henry Ford, Nikola Tesla, and Kunihiko age, education, religion, and experience. V 959 Times
Iwadare (famous Japanese industrialist) got a pay check Downtown.
from Thomas Edison. Edison held true to his requirement of high standards. It
Since working for Thomas Edison had such enormous was disclosed to the lucky job ad applicant that they had
appeal, too many determined job seekers would rush in to been granted an interview by Thomas A Edison
put in their job applications for just one opening. Edison Incorporated. The next step was to report to the Edison
needed some secrecy in posting his job ads to control get- Plant in New Jersey. It was at this location the applicant have a formal education. He was quoted in 1921 of The
ting bombarded with applications. His best defense was to would endure a 170 question test that had little bearing to New York Times, “Men who have gone to college I find to
place a blind classified ad in The New York Times. This the position they were applying for. The questions related be amazingly ignorant. They don’t seem to know anything.”
allowed him to filter out only the most promising candi- to geography, history, science, and even literature, with just Today famous fashion designers have the reputation of
dates and discard the rest without notice. a few questions specific to their field. These were very expecting great talent and servitude from their protégés. In
Here is an ad Edison placed in The New York Times challenging and unprecedented employment tests for its era. 1921, there was an esteemed NJ plant where talented new
classifieds on February 24, 1921. It appeared on page 18 in In 1921 it was estimated that only 32 of the 600 applicants hires might say “The Devil Wore a Lab Coat”.
the “Help Wanted–Male” section: passed his test for employment. Edison was also harsh with Come visit the plant where these wicked job interviews
EXECUTIVES- The President of a large corporation is his labeling of failed test takers identifying them as the took place. Visit The Thomas Edison Museum. Open
looking for executives in the embryo stage—Young men “XYZ” men while those that passed were given the title of Wednesday through Sunday. Hours are 9:00am - 5:00pm
who have graduated from a first-class college, technical or “Class A”. Many who failed his test came from the best Fee is $7.00 - 211 Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052
non-technical; experience in the manufacturing world colleges and universities. These formal collegiate creden- Visit website for more details
unnecessary, but candidate must be willing to buckle down tials did not impress Edison in the least. He himself did not http://www.nps.gov/edis/index.htm
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 23
Page 24, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Taste of India:
Authentic Indian Food in Flanders
By Cheryl Conway adults but for 1/2 price and children under three-years old

orget traveling 16 hours to India to taste authentic are free.
Indian food. For an all encompassing experience, go North Indian food differs from south Indian food in that
right in town on Route 206 in the Village Mall “we have a variety of curries, vegetable dishes, different
Shopping Center in Flanders to enjoy fine cuisine of north- breads, more barbecue dishes, lamb,” explains Sanjeev.
ern India. At Taste of India, the ambiance will relax you and South Indian serves “more rice. They have rice morning,
the food will satisfy your palate for fresh, delicious special- noon and dinner. We are more of a bread eater and types of
ties with savoring and healthy spices. curry,” which is a brown sauce used in many dishes.
Opened only nine months ago in August 2010, Taste of continued on page 25
India brings more variety to the types of food available in
the local area. Brothers and co-owners Vineet, Sanjeev, Raj
Kumar, ran Café India in Morristown for five years but then
turned it over to their cousin so they could open a restaurant
closer to their regular customers.
“Lots of customers in Hackettstown, Long Valley,
Chester and Mt. Olive…they’d used to come to
Morristown; they say we have nothing around here but
pizza and Chinese,” explains Sanjeev. “They said
Morristown was too far to come so much.”
Now these customers can travel less and come more
often to enjoy the fine Indian cuisine, while the restaurant
can attract new customers who are also becoming fast reg-
ulars. Some come three times per week.
“It’s very authentic,” says Paul Verona of Chester, who
was dining with his wife Valerie and son Paul Jr. for the
fourth time at Taste of India. “The food is really good tradi-
tional Indian food. I like how the wait-staff helps you
choose your meal. They describe the dishes. Every dish has
a different spice. We’re anxious to bring our friends here.”
Paul Verona, Jr., who has tried all types of cuisine espe-
cially after living in Italy from 2009-2010, calls Taste of
India “a hidden treasure” or “hidden gem.”
“I’m into different flavors. Indian cuisine gives you all
different spices, so many varieties of flavors in one dish,”
he says. He tried the Vegetable Jal Frazie- fresh garden veg-
etables marinated in fresh ginger and garlic- and describes
it as “wholesome, exotic goodness and spicy too. I love
spicy cuisine that brings up the heat.”
Valerie Verona enjoyed the Lamb Pasanda- tender lamb
marinated overnight and simmered in a light sauce with
yogurt, onions, tomatoes and mild spices. “That was deli-
cious,” she says. “I love the lentils. I always get something
different and everything is always good. For this area, it’s
very different.”
Opened six days a week and closed on Mondays, Taste
of India has lines out the door on the weekends for cus-
tomers just waiting to experience wonderful dining. Lunch
is served 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. weekdays, and 12-3 p.m. on
weekends. Dinner is served 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Tues.-Sun.
For lunches, customers can enjoy “the best buffet in
town,” describes Sanjeev, in which everyday is a new menu
served from mild to medium. Ten main courses, two to
three desserts, appetizers and salads are included in the buf-
fet for $9.95 on weekdays and $10.95 weekends
Kids up to nine-years old are offered the same menu as
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 25

Taste of India...
continued from page 24 homemade yogurt drinks flavored with
There are many dishes to choose from, rosewater or mango, and munch on compli-
vegetarian and non-vegetarian and also nut- mentary Papdum, thin and crispy flat bread
free. Whether it is lamb, chicken, shrimp, served with chopped tomato and onion. No
salmon, vegetables, or tandoors (kebobs alcohol is served on the premises but cus-
marinated in a yogurt based sauce with gin- tomers are welcome to bring their own.
ger for ultimate marination then cooked in WIFI is also available.
the charcoal clay oven) the choices are end- A variety of appetizers, soups and breads
less. What is also nice is customers can are offered with the first course. The
choose their degree of spiciness in every Vegetarian Assorted Appetizers for Two
dish from mild, mild to medium, medium, offers a healthy variety of fried vegetables
medium to hot, hot, and Indian hot. such as cauliflower; spinach, onion and
“Romantic, quiet and enjoyable,” Taste potatoes; potato puffs with peas.
of India provides a reader-friendly menu Sanjeev claims that Taste of India offers
with the proper lingo for each dish and then the “best chicken marsala.” The popular
a description of ingredients, very helpful for dish is served in many Italian restaurants.
newcomers. The staff is also very helpful “It is so popular, you can get it anywhere
and patient describing dishes, making rec- around the world.”
ommendations and accommodating to the Called Chicken Tikka Masala at Taste of
customers. India, the dish looks and tastes different
While viewing the menu, customers can than the typical Chicken Marsala, but it is
relax under dim light, listen to Hindi instru- ever so tasty. Tender boneless chunks of
mental music and enjoy a Lassi, refreshing continued on page 26

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Page 26, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Taste of India...
continued from page 25 According to studies, spices used in
chicken are broiled in tandoor (charcoal north Indian cuisine are very healthy.
clay oven), then cooked in a rich tomato, Turmeric, a spice used in many of the foods
onion and cream sauce. All entrees are at Taste of India, has shown to be beneficial
served with basmati yellow rice. in the treatment of many different health
“It excites the taste buds,” Paul Verona conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s dis-
says about the Chicken Tikka Masala. ease.
Other popular main dishes include Capzasin and curry is also used in vari-
Chicken or Shrimp Curry, Chicken or ous dishes and helps to build the immune
Shrimp Tandoori, Lamb Kabob, Roasted system. Black Cardamom spice is used in
Eggplant, Okra, Chicken or Lamb the yellow rice and helps indigestion,
Vindaloo. according to studies.
The Shrimp Curry is tender and fresh, “It’s very good for your body,” says
like right out of the water fresh, served in a Sanjeev.
light sauce made with spices that linger in Dessert, six varieties on the menu, is too
your mouth. tempting to pass up. Some of the desserts
“We make all of our own sauces,” says like Kulfi- homemade Indian ice-cream, is a
Sanjeev, like chili garlic sauce, and all vanilla-almond flavor, similar to a palate-
homemade breads like Garlic Naan, a flat refreshing sorbet; and the Chef’s Special
white bread topped with fresh chopped gar- Kheer is a tasty rice pudding served with
lic with spices cooked in the tandoor, and almonds and pistachios.
stuffed breads with onion and cheese, onion Watch out for special desserts, like the
and cauliflower, chicken or lamb. continued on page 27
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 27

Taste of India...
continued from page 26
homemade carrot cake, more like a warm, vide catering as far as Princeton and upstate
thick pudding with carrots, cotta cheese, New York. “Everything is fresh. Everything
milk, raising and almonds….delicious and is original as you get it in India…very
healthy too. authentic. We are from the north. We know
“Our whole family is in the restaurant how to make northern Indian food. You
Our New business for years and years,” says Sanjeev, know the taste. It’s a preparation.”
about 25 years. From Punjab, India, Sanjeev Sanjeev wouldn’t want to be doing any-
Seasonal Menu and family came to the United States in the thing else.
1970s and opened restaurants in Montclair, “I really enjoy having my own busi-
Now Available! Wayne, Berkley Heights and Kenilworth. ness,” he says. “I enjoy being my own boss.
He and his brother are certified in manage- I have the opportunity to show people about
ment and food safety training. our foods, what we enjoy, how we eat it.
There are three chefs at Taste of India, The customers who come in, we talk; they
5.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF $
10.00 OFF one for the main dishes, one for appetizers are like family to us.”
$25 or $50 or Gift Certificate Purchase
more check more check and desserts and the third one for tandoor. Visit Taste of India for dining in or take-
Limit 1 per table. Limit 1 per table.
($60 or over) One chef is his dad and the main chef is one out. Every carryout order gets a free dessert
Not valid on Holidays. Expires 6/15/11 Not valid on Holidays. Expires 6/15/11 Expires 6/15/11
of the brothers, Raj Kumar. such as Indian custard pudding or rice pud-
“They’ve been doing this all their life. ding. Call 973-584-4878 for more informa-
We make the best authentic Punjabi food in tion, or to view the menu go to www.taste-
the whole area,” says Sanjeev, and they pro- ofindianj.com.

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Page 28, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

How To Enjoy Eating Healthy

and greatly reduce fat intake. However, it is 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

healthy diet is often mistaken for without sacrificing taste.
one that is devoid of desirable Many nutritionists say that the average universally agreed that moderate caloric 1/2 cup wheat flour
foods. But just because a diet is person should consume between 1,600 to reduction and an increase in activity are the 1 teaspoon baking powder
healthy doesn't mean it can't be delicious as 2,000 calories and 45 to 80 grams of fat per best bets for healthy, long-term weight 1 teaspoon baking soda
well. A few easy modifications to your day. There are many different diet plans maintenance. 1 dash salt
favorite recipes can make a diet healthier available that curb carbs, beef up protein Ideas to curb caloric intake include using 1 teaspoon cinnamon
cooking sprays instead of heavy oils to 2 egg whites
grease pans; replacing butter and salt with 1/2 cup sugar
herbs and spices to add flavor; or trading 1/2 cup applesauce
Attention Are you regular white breads and pastas for whole 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
between the ages of 5 -10? wheat varieties. Scaling back portion sizes
of meats and increasing portion sizes of
2/3 cup raisins
Preheat oven to 375 F and spray muffin
If so write a story to the owner of Liola’s BBQ vegetables to feel full is another healthy tins to grease. Soak oats in the milk for sev-
about why you like to go out to eat with your approach. eral minutes. Sift together the flour and dry
family for a chance to win dinner out at Liolas BBQ For those who love a muffin in the morn- ingredients. Mix together the egg, sugar,
in Long Valley New Jersey. ing but want a healthy option, try this applesauce and vanilla.
Oatmeal Raisin Muffin recipe. Blend the wet ingredients and the oats.
Letter must be received by May 31, 2001. Fold in the dry ingredients, then the raisins.
Winner’s story will be published with their name and age. Oatmeal Raisin Muffins Spoon batter into muffin tins. Bake for
Mail your letters to: Liolas BBQ, 1 cup oats 15 to 20 minutes.
P.O. Box 67, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08888 1 cup skim milk
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 29
“Driving Into the Twentieth Century” Exhibit
Visit the Transportation Exhibit at
Fosterfields Living Historical Farm

isit the Transportation Exhibit at Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fosterfields Living Historical Farm Fosterfields is also
in Morris Township to discover open on Sunday, May 16, from 12 noon
how local transportation has changed over to 5 p.m. In July, August, September, and
the past century. Learn how people traveled October, the hours of operation change to
to their destinations and how advances in the following: Wednesdays through
transportation improved their quality of life. Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Become acquainted with Caroline Foster Sundays from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
and her life at Fosterfields and in the The admission to the farm is $6 for
Morristown area. Visitors can use hands-on adults, $5 for seniors (65+), $4 for children
activities to learn about Miss Foster’s fami- ages 4 to 16, and $2 for children ages 2 and
ly, friends, and her personal interests and 3. FREE for children under age 2 and for
travels. Enjoy interactive displays to experi- Friends of Fosterfields and Cooper
ence what it was like to “drive” a simulated Gristmill with a valid membership card.
horse-drawn carriage and to “start up” a Call for special event fees.
Model “T” Ford. Featured in the exhibit are Guided tours of The Willows, a historic
the Foster’s Rockaway carriage, Miss Gothic Revival mansion, are by reservation
Foster’s 1922 Model “T” Ford, and her only and offered in the afternoon. A separate
1929 Hupmobile. ticket is required to tour The Willows, and
Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, $1 will be added to the regular admission
located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, fees for non-Friends members ages 2 and
NJ 07960, is open April 2 through October up. For tour times, availability and informa-
30, 2011. In April, May, and June the hours tion, please call 973-326-7645 or visit
of operation are Tuesdays through www.morrisparks.net.

Attention Schools, Organizations, Churches, etc.

Send us your photos, press releases and upcoming events and we’ll
publish them in our next issue.
Email us at mjmediaeditor@gmail.com
Page 30, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

Harlin’s Point of View.... Tom’s Point of View...

American Dream. WTReport, News You Won't
New Jersey Nightmare Hear Anywhere Else
by Harlin Parker run through the area but that’s understand- by Thomas Lotito by cutting down over a half acre of trees in

anadu. You know, the original one able, and livable. However, any large scale ashington Twp Report, May his back yard. Kennedy will have to recuse
in China from way back, was the development in this area has always been, 2011-Did the Washington Twp himself from any planning board meetings
place where Kubla Khan had his always, needless at best and downright K-8 BOE return $380,000 to the representing the township committee when
summer palace. It was a really nice palace. harmful at worst. But even if we set aside tax payer as promised in this year's budget? the issue of encroachments on the conserva-
The place is now in ruins. Too bad. But the ecological importance and fragility of Did the BOE use an accounting trick, pull a tion easement is taken by the planning
when it comes to our Xanadu, you know, the the area, it is clear to everyone that Bergen bait and switch to get you to vote for the board. This will be the first in a series of
incredibly ugly wart in the middle of the County already has more than its share of school budget and not return the money? In conflicts the town will have to put up with
Meadowlands, we’re not so lucky. It’s still malls. C’mon, if you were going to build a February 2011 the preliminary budget was concerning committeeman Kennedy
there. new mall, would you build it there? less than 1% increase on property taxes because of his affiliation with police unions.
Few objects encompass so much of New So why do I care of this? Why should according to the BOE's presentation on their There's an expectation on the part of uni-
Jersey’s dysfunctionality than does that you? Because, let alone how inappropriate website(wtschools.org). The budget was formed personal that Mr. Kennedy will give
Xanadu “thing.” Whatever you do, do not the development is, especially in that loca- down about $116,000 dollars at that point. away the store when it comes to future con-
call it a mall. We’re not supposed to call it a tion, we have a governor who is not only The budget finished down $212,000 after tract negotiations and new equipment. If
mall. G-d knows there are more than pushing this monstrosity on us (they may the final changes. That's $96,000 less, plus elected, Chris Henwood would be just a
enough malls in New Jersey, in Bergen get rid of the ugly façade on the place but $380,000 put to tax relief for total of rubber stamp for Dave Kennedy's union
County in particular. Oh no, this was going it’s still going to be a monstrosity), he’s $476,000. The BOE asked for and got agenda. Kennedy on a pension of over
to be a “destination.” A must-go-to-place. using public money, a whole lot of public about 30 million in the tax levy. The 100K as retired Captain of the Roxbury
And because it was so important, New money, to make it happen. Governor $476,000 represents about a 1 ?% of the $30 police dept. sees your tax dollar as an end-
Jersey rained down hundreds of millions of Christie has given away at least another two million. So, why did property taxes go up? less, bottom less well.
dollars in public subsidies to the developer. hundred million of our tax dollars on this. Property taxes should have stayed flat or The danger in having Dave Kennedy
Then to the next developer. Then to the Let’s remember, Christie is a “Republican.” went down. lead in representing the taxpayer in a union
developer after that. And then, well yea, You know, self proclaimed champion of pri- Washington Twp Committeeman Jim contract negotiation is that the cap can eas-
then to the next developer. It’s been quite a vate enterprise, small government, and Harmon, did not file for reelection for the ily be exceeded by back loading a contract
show. “lowering your taxes.” Unfortunately, as he Twp. committee. Jim has decided to spend with benefits that increase in the later years
Xanadu has been universally scorned, has shown us so often, as he continues to more time with his family. Jim has been an of the contract. Keep in mind, the NJ state
and not just for being ugly. The entire con- show us just about every day, Christie’s excellent committeeman, like Howard legislature has not passed any of the propos-
cept of some mishmash of shopping mall, words (usually bombastic) don’t quite Popper, Jim the Vice Mayor, served many als in Governor Christie's tool kit to keep
“entertainment” (whatever that’s supposed square with his actions. long unpaid hours every week on various property taxes down. The key piece of this
to mean) and “sports” (read: indoor sky Private enterprise? Well, if this committees for our community. Thank you legislation is to hold back unions give-
slope – like that’s going to get a lot of use), “American Dream” was really such a Jim & Margaret. Running in Jim's place, is aways, Governor Christie is still in battle
has been panned, panned, panned. If you’ve dream, private developers would put up all 27 year veteran of the township committee mode with the unions.. That's why it is
followed the dreary drama since the bright the money needed. Small Government? No Tracy Tobin. Mr. Tobin had resigned a cou- important to elect Tracy Tobin in the pri-
idea was first announced in 2003, you know matter what the locals may want, no matter ple of years ago to spend time with his son, mary. Mr. Tobin is well aware of the issues
that there hasn’t exactly been a stampede of even what the owners of other nearby malls who was ill with a brain tumor and later that effect the 2% cap. Rumor has it that Mr.
people looking to get in on this thing. Talk may want, Christie is using the power of passed away. Challenging Tray Tobin in the Kennedy has his eye on Sheriff Ed
about white elephants. But now, brace your- state government to push through a private Republican primary on Tuesday June 7th is Rochford's job should Ed decide to retire.
selves. If you think it was bad before, it development. Let’s be clear. If this thing an unknown newcomer to the political Mr. Kennedy bashed Washington Twp.
may have just gotten a whole lot worse. works, the profits won’t be going to New arena, Chris Henwood of Bently Dr. Republicans and sided with Democrats in
Some big thinking Canadians want to have a Jersey. This isn’t a public mall we’re talk- You may recall, Chris Henwood wrote a his bid for Township committee, has been
whack at it. A big whack. ing about. Lowering your taxes? Hundreds letter to the editor of the Observer-Tribune showing up at Republican fundraisers and
Out with Xanadu. In with “American of millions of dollars in public subsidies, back in February supporting Democrat writing checks.
Dream.” If the new developer gets its way, over and above the hundreds of millions of Chairwoman Sally Hudson's harsh criticism The other situation that taxpayers don't
we’re going to get a mall about three times dollars already lavished on the place, means of the Township committee's handling of want to see is a township committee stacked
bigger than the original plan. Seven and one somebody is going to have to pay for it. the engineer's fees. Mr. Henwood was with Dave Kennedy and K-8 BOE sympa-
half million square feet of mall, dwarfing Think about that as you look at your state defending Committeeman Dave Kennedy's thizers. If future school budgets were to fail,
anything else in the entire state. Well, to the tax bill. objection to the township engineer's hourly a township committee with school board
developer this might be a dream but to the Not too long ago, Christie killed the ARC wage. Committeeman Kennedy's first act in sympathizers would not cut any money out
rest of us, all of us in New Jersey, this is a tunnel that was to be built between New office was to use his new position on the of it, they might ad money to the school
nightmare. Jersey and New York, an absolutely vital committee to punish the engineer for rea- budget instead. This issue is important
You know that thing about real estate? part of our infrastructure investment in our son's pertaining to encroachment and con- because of decreasing enrollment in our
Location, location, location. The state’s future. While the tunnel plan had its struction problems in Mr. Kennedy's devel- schools. Hopefully sooner, rather than later,
Meadowlands is an ecologically vital area. problems, both in design and financing, it opment on Sunset Lane. the BOE must deal with this issue by
It’s a lousy spot to plunk down a huge mall. was clear to all the non-political profession- Committeeman Kennedy is in violation shrinking it's budget.
Transportation routes, roads and trains, do continued on page 31 of encroaching on a conservation easement continued on page 31
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 31

continued from page 30 Soon you will hear a cry for a return to free St. Marks Church on spring Lane, Sunday ken about his time as a POW to the pubic
Has the time come to start the recall after school sports. May 22nd from 2-4 pm. Come out and see before. It should be very interesting. Don't
campaign for BOE member Chance Healy? Don't forget, parents and kids are strug- gifted and talented children play the piano, forget Memorial Day is coming up. Let's
Maybe. Lurking in the back round, on local gling with Connected and Everyday Math violin, clarinet and sing. Fun for the whole honor those who have died fighting for our
message boards is BOE member Chance taught in our schools. You can read more family.The Long Valley Performing Group country by having a moment of silence on
Healy, RINO Republican, the new Kevin about their personal struggles as well as is a not for profit organization dedicated to Memorial Day Monday May 30th.
Nedd, who recently wrote to yours truly on their experience with a middle school children's music education. If you have a Washington Twp will host it's annual
April 19 : Tom- Your "Ready, Fire, Aim" teacher that requires students donate money child that is interested in music or would Memorial Day ceremonies on Saturday
strategy to commentary is mind-numbingly to left wing causes in order to get a passing like to support the arts, check out our web- May 28th at 1 pm in Rock Spring Park.
shallow and misleading. If you ventured out grade at site. www.lvpag.org or www.longvalleyper- Oil has dropped to under $100 dollars a
of your cocoon of fellow washed up, tired, http://www.longvalleylife.com/forum/ click forminggroup.org barrel. Let's hope that the price at the pump
Reagan-worshiping Washington Township on, Long Valley Middle School by fed up. Long Valley resident and Vietnam war will begin to drop too. For more informa-
Republicans, you'd see there are outstand- Have the Washington Democrats finally veteran Ted Sienicki will be giving a talk tion concerning local issues or you would
ing, energetic, high-integrity, Conservative given up? It sure seems like it. After burst- about his time as a POW in the Hanoi like to join the conversation, check out my
-principled people willing to lead. Why ing on the scene in 2007 demanding social Hilton, at West Point on Monday May 9TH. website. www.wtreport.com You can also
don't you actually try and get to know any justice and their place as a minority on the Mr. Sienicki was a POW along side Senator reach me at thomaslotito@verizon.net
of our fellow Republican candidates before township committee. The Democrats are John McCain. Mr. Sienicki has never spo-
you comment?" Respectfully, Chance not running anyone in the Democratic pri-
Healy. I replied to Mr. Healy's invitation on mary this year. Harlin Parker and
April 20th and have heard nothing so far. I
fail to see how any person can call them-
Washington Twp. Democrats, always
scratching their heads losing election after
NJ Nightmare...
selves a conservative and bash Ronald election may have finally realized the big continued from page 30 lions of taxpayer dollars to support a private
Reagan. If any one wonders why the nation- government message does not play well als that the tunnel would provide economic development that will benefit just about
al Republican party is in a mess, this is the here in Washington Twp. benefits for the entire region for genera- nobody, assuming the darn place even suc-
the reason. Tax and spend RINO Spring has finally sprung, at times it felt tions. Public benefits from public dollars. ceeds? The hypocrisy is priceless. Just
Republicans dot the landscape. Many peo- like winter would never end. How would But kill it he did, claiming New Jersey priceless.
ple have bought into the idea that free stuff you like to see gifted and talented children couldn’t afford it. Christie claims he saved Send comments to
from government has become a civil right. perform music here in Long Valley? The hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. harlin@harlinparker.org
In the case of local RINO Republicans, they Long Valley Performing Arts Group is hold- So how is it that he finds hundreds of mil-
get bought off for free stuff for their kids in ing it's spring concert " Spring Rhapsody" at
school and vote yes for the school budget.
Page 32, May 2011, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News
Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News - May 2011 - Page 33


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