Environmental Compliance-Megtec

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Full Range of Engineered Systems & Services

for Environment, Climate and Energy Applications

Many industrial processes discharge HAPS (Hazardous Air
Pollutants), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or odorous
emissions, as well as particulates and acid gas.

MEGTEC provides a wide range of solutions.

• Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP) Systems
• Semi-Dry and Wet Scrubbers
• Acid Gas Absorbers
• Spray Dryer Absorbers
• Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) Systems
• Evaporative Gas Cooling & Conditioning Systems
• Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO)
• Recuperative Thermal Oxidizers
• Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizers (RCO)
• Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizers
Wet Electrostatic Precipitators
• Solvent Recovery Systems (Regenerative Carbon
• Non-Regenerable Adsorption Systems
• Distillation, Purification and Recovery Systems
• Bioscrubbers / Bioreactors
• Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Abatement
• Heat Recovery Systems
• Waste-to-Energy Systems
• Turnkey Services

Heat Recovery Solvent Recovery & Distillation

SonicKleen™ Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP)
The SonicKleen™ Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP) removes
submicron particulate, heavy metals, dioxins & furans, mists, and
fumes from process gas streams.

The vertical down-flow, hexagonal tube design delivers a superior

combination of removal efficiency, low maintenance, low
pressure drop and small footprint.

Design Features and Performance Advantages

• Integrated systems, complete with gas quenching, sub-
cooling, and absorption available

 aintains performance during on-line flushing
• E ffective gas flow distribution system designed for minimal

• P atented Hood Mist Eliminator eliminates droplet carryover

and maintenance

 exagonal tube design is the preferred collecting electrode
design – no tubesheet required to eliminate leakage

• S onicCharge™ rigid mast electrode generates the highest field


• S uperior high-voltage insulator compartment design maintains

integrity of insulators and reduces maintenance

- zero purge air system design available

- online insulator access design available

 o moving parts
 ultiple collecting field designs can be used where applicable
 pflow design where appropriate
 onstruction can consist of a variety of materials able to
withstand high temperatures, severe corrosion, and abrasion.

SonicKleen™ features can be retrofit into existing WESP

installations to improve performance.
TurboVenturi Scrubber
The TurboVenturi scrubber is a high-efficiency particulate removal
device. Its design ensures constant pressure drop, which equates to
constant removal efficiency.
The TurboVenturi’s refined de-watering ability ensures virtually no
liquid droplet carryover – a crucial advance in view of today’s stringent
requirements, where a small amount of liquid carryover can adversely
affect emission test results or downstream equipment.
• P articulate removal efficiency can be optimized by adjusting
pressure drop.
 ifferent types of throat dampers can be provided to ensure
constant pressure drop with fluctuating gas flows.
• Ideal for gas conditioning upstream of the SonicKleen™ WESP
• E fficient gas saturation and bulk removal of particulate
• T urboVenturi scrubbers can operate for years without shutdown.
 ifferent styles of TurboVenturi Scrubbers are available to suit a
wide range of applications, including hot or corrosive gases and
abrasive or sticky dust.
Acid Gas Absorbers
MEGTEC TurboSonic offers a range of gas absorption systems
including open spray towers, tray towers, packed towers and Turbotak
atomizing spray scrubbers to control SO2, HCl, ClO2, Cl2 and other gas
Turbotak Wet Scrubber
For gas streams containing acid gas and particulate, the Turbotak
Wet Scrubber, which uses Turbotak Atomizing Nozzles, controls these
contaminants in one system with minimal pressure drop, lower water
usage and less maintenance than other systems.
• V ertical and horizontal configurations available
• E asily retrofit into existing facilities
TurboSorb Spray Dryer Absorber
TurboSorb provides effective control of SO2 and HCl by the injection of
lime slurry. Achieve up to 90% reduction of SO2 and 98% reduction of
HCl, using microfine or standard lime.
Unlike wet scrubbers, all water is evaporated, with no liquid waste
stream generated. The dry materials often can be recycled back into
the product, avoiding the generation of a waste stream.
SNCR NOX Control
Nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions are effectively removed
using MEGTEC TurboSonic’s TurboNOx Selective Non
Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) systems. Ammonia or urea
solutions are injected directly into the hot gas, which
breaks down to chemically reduce the NOX to clean
nitrogen gas and water.

TurboNOx systems feature our specially designed, high-

efficiency, wear and plug-resistant Turbotak nozzles.
Our systems are designed for optimal drop size and
spray coverage to reduce NOX, while saving on reagent

Precisely control the injection rate to meet removal

SNCR DeNOX Nozzles requirements to as high as 90% reduction of NOX, with
minimal ammonia slip.

MEGTEC TurboSonic offers a complete scope of supply

• System design & engineering
• Nozzles & lances
• Unloading stations
• Handling equipment
• Tanks
• Scrubbers
• Pumping and transfer skids
• Mixing and dilution controls
SNCR Injection Skid
• Headers
• Programming/PLCs
•  Installation, startup, service and technical support

Turbotak and SoniCore® Atomizing Nozzles

Used in hundreds of industrial applications, Turbotak
and SoniCore® nozzles atomize liquids to fine (5 µm to
60 µm SMD) droplets. The air-atomized nozzles feature a
proprietary, two-phase design for superior control over
droplet size and spray distribution.
The combination of the small droplets, the distribution
pattern and rugged construction make them ideal for
a wide variety of applications, including evaporative
gas cooling, spray drying, wet and semi-dry scrubbing,
performance enhancement of air pollution control
systems, dust suppression, as well as combustion and
incineration. SonicBURN relies on specially designed
Turbotak nozzles to atomize viscous, dirty, or mixed fuels
into extremely fine droplets in combustion chambers for
better combustion and increased production.
SoniCool™ Evaporative Cooling & Conditioning
Protect downstream equipment, enhance air pollution control
performance, reduce gas volumes and increase production
capacity using SoniCool™ Evaporative Gas Cooling &
Conditioning systems.

Turbotak Atomizing Nozzles introduce a controlled amount

of finely atomized water into the hot gas stream in order to
reduce and/or maintain gas temperature. The water evaporates
to complete dryness, while absorbing heat from the gasses, for
free-flowing dust, zero liquid discharge, and minimal or no wall

Design Features and Performance Advantages

• Rapid cooling reduces size requirement of the cooling

chamber/duct systems and air pollution control equipment

• Erosion and plug-resistant Turbotak nozzles significantly

reduce maintenance costs and downtime

• High capacity single and multiple orifice atomizers reduce

the number of nozzles/lances required

• Infinite turndown ratios maintain optimum temperature


• Completely dry operation eliminates water carryover,

refractory spalling, sludge buildup, and water pollution

• Pre-assembled modules reduce field wiring, piping, and

installation costs

• Our proven design has been used in hundreds of installations

MEGTEC TurboSonic provides upgrades to existing systems,

retrofit or new installations, supplying nozzles, controls, pumps,
and cooling tower fabrication.
The MILLENNIUM® Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)
is an economical approach to clean air compliance
incorporating two individual poppet valves in a
2-chamber, single vessel design. The unique, compact
system meets the needs of a wide variety of applications
while providing efficiency and reliability at an affordable
capital investment.
•  Highly reliable poppet-style valves, built in
a common manifold, reducing initial capital
investment, installation and maintenance costs
  •  Cost effective, robust ceramic heat exchange
media with low resistance, which minimizes
pressure drop for trouble-free operation and
reduced electrical operating costs
  •  Optional hot-side bypass system for high solvent
load applications
  •  Ceramic media bake-out cleaning for removal of
organic deposits
•  Multiple fuel options such as natural gas, propane,
butane, fuel oil and gaseous or liquid bio fuels
  •  Thermal efficiency at 95-97%. Even at relatively
low solvent concentrations, the system can sustain
thermal operation with the heat released during
VOC oxidation
•  VOC destruction efficiencies of 98% as standard.
Higher cleanup rates with an optional VOC capture
system to meet stringent regulatory codes
•  Optional secondary heat recovery system for
air, hot water, thermal oil or steam, electricity
generation or adsorption cooling
  •  Flexibility of installation whereby the units can be
installed indoors, outside or on the roof
  •  Heavy-duty construction and reinforced enclosure
ensure dependable service


Flow capacity: 4,000 to 15,000 SCFM

VOC destruction efficiency: 98-99%
Thermal efficiency: 95 to 97%
Autotherm operation: 3-4% LEL
Turndown ratios: 1:4 or higher
with optional recirculation
VOC Concentration: Up to 25% LEL
with optional hot-side bypass
Heat Recovery & Process Energy Optimization
for Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers
MEGTEC has extensive experience in providing heat
recovery systems to facilities around the world. Our
engineers have an in-depth understanding of our customer
processes, and can provide a system to recover excess
energy in the exhaust stream direct from the process or
oxidizer to optimize its efficiency and performance, and
result in energy savings.

By upgrading older catalytic and thermal recuperative

oxidizers, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) or direct-
fired oxidizers, MEGTEC can help increase capacity and
reduce operating costs.

The key to effective energy recovery is to identify the

optimum sources of and uses for the energy and select the
most cost-effective, efficient system to transport and deliver
the energy.

Uses for recovered heat energy include:

• Process heating
• Combustion air heating
• Building makeup air heating systems
• Hot water systems (plant boiler loop)
• Low temperature steam applications
Integrated Heat Recovery System
Process Energy Audits
MEGTEC offers energy audits to evaluate the performance
of the oxidizer to ensure that it is operating efficiently and Prepackaged,
to identify energy-saving opportunities. skid-mounted heat
recovery system

Air-to-Air Heat Recovery

MEGTEC offers a wide range of solutions to fit the specific needs of their customers –
whether a “prepackaged”, skid-mounted system or a custom designed, integrated heat
recovery system. MEGTEC’s robust, skid-mounted heat recovery system is provided fully
assembled and tested. Its small footprint provides an attractive return on investment,
simple, fast installation, yet is fully automated for efficient operation.
Solvent Recovery by Carbon Adsorption
MEGTEC Solvent Recovery Systems are an economical solution
to emission control and compliance with international and local
emission standards. The solvent can be recovered and reused in
the process providing a payback on the capital invested.

Solvent recovery offers an alternative to destruction

technologies for VOC emission control especially where the
quantity of solvents is large, the value of the solvents is high, or
the solvents contain chlorine, bromine, fluorine or nitrogen as
no secondary pollutants are produced.

MEGTEC supplies proprietary systems for high efficiency

removal, recovery and purification of solvents from process
NMP Recovery at Electrode Battery Manufacturing Plant exhaust air streams.

Solvent Recovery at Pharmaceutical Plant MEGTEC solvent recovery systems include steam regenerated
carbon adsorption, chilled fluid condensation, and packed bed
fluid scrubbing systems to remove and recover the solvents
from the process stream.

MEGTEC typically provides small solvent recovery systems

preassembled and skid-mounted for easy installation by its
customers. Large solvent recovery systems are supplied as total
turnkey projects, where MEGTEC assumes responsibility for the
entire installation and start-up of the system.

Other applications of this regenerable adsorption technology

are in the field of gas purification. MEGTEC provides systems
to remove BTX from acid gas, and also for removing unwanted
organics from process exhaust gases up stream of catalysts.

MEGTEC has provided units with air flows as large as 760,000

scfm. The modular design of the system allows for larger
systems based on the air flow needs of the customer.

Solvent recovery and non-regenerable adsorbers can have a

removal efficiency of >99.9%.

Skid-Mounted System
780,000 cfm Unit at Publication Gravure Plant
Non-Regenerable Adsorbers
In addition to the regenerable adsorption systems which
offer solvent recovery, MEGTEC also designs and supplies
non-regenerable adsorption systems to treat a wide range
of applications in the vapor and liquid phases such as:
• Tank venting
• Odor control
• Downstream polishing of emissions
• Color removal in the liquid phase
• Gas purification
• Trace chemical removal in the gas and liquid phase

Distillation, Purification
& Recovery
Following the recovery of solvents from the process
exhaust stream, MEGTEC also provides distillation
equipment to purify and separate the solvents suitable for
reuse in the process.

The technology can also be supplied to treat stand-alone Wastewater Treatment from Pharmaceutical Plant

purification requirements, such as removal of organics from

NMP Recovery from Battery Electrode Manufacturing Plant
waste water and the drying of solvents.

Systems are generally supplied preassembled on skids for

ease of equipment installation.

Pilot Distillation System

To aid in the understanding of difficult separations,
MEGTEC operates a pilot distillation system that may
be used to develop data and demonstrate separation
requirements on a case-by-case basis when such data
is not available. The column can be set up in multiple
configurations to suit a particular feedstock and allows the
generation of data with varying feed rates, reflux ratios and
pressure or vacuum levels. Feed rates can range from 2 to
10 liters per hour depending on feedstock, and in most
cases, a 20 to 40 liter feed sample is adequate to achieve
the desired results.
Heat Recovery & Process Energy Optimization
for Solvent Recovery Systems
For use with solvent recovery systems, heat recovery can
be supplied with the initial system or field retrofitted to
an existing system. Comprised of a shell and tube heat
exchanger system, it utilizes the heat of steam and vapor
condensation to pre-heat boiler feed or utility water for
building heating systems thereby effectively reducing
energy costs.

Exhaust gas analyzer systems. An exhaust gas analyzer

system can be retro-fitted to monitor the exhaust stack
solvent concentrations from the solvent recovery system.
The exhaust gas analyzer is tied into the solvent recovery
control system and is designed to automatically initiate
the steam regeneration cycle once a preset emission
limit has been reached. The gas analyzer ensures that the
Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger
adsorptive capacity of the solvent recovery system is fully
utilized before a steam regeneration cycle is initiated,
reducing overall steam consumption and energy costs.

Variable frequency drives. A Variable Frequency Drive

(VFD) can reduce energy costs. It is used to automatically
ramp a fan or pump motor up or down to suit variations
in the process conditions to optimize electrical energy

Replacement carbon and carbon service. Over

time, carbon can become less efficient through
contamination, poisoning or attrition. This can impact
carbon performance and lead to excess steam usage,
higher pressure drop and higher energy costs. To
combat this, MEGTEC offers a range of services including
carbon sample testing, carbon screening services and
replacement carbon.

Energy audit and system surveys. MEGTEC offers energy

audits and system surveys to evaluate the performance of
your solvent recovery system to ensure that it is operating
efficiently and to identify energy-saving opportunities.
MEGTEC offers many types of heat recovery
systems to reduce energy:

• Thermal oil systems

• Air-to-air heat exchangers
• Air-to-glycol systems
• Air-to-steam boiler systems
• Air-to-water systems
• Adsorption chiller units
MEGTEC can rebuild or upgrade your oxidizer or process dryer
to optimize its efficiency and performance, thereby reducing
energy costs.

Ceramic media upgrades: Vintage RTOs may contain

random-packed heat exchange media. The pressure drop
associated with random-packed media is high when
compared to structured media. By replacing this media with
structured media, the pressure drop across the unit is reduced
and it is easier to pass air through the oxidizer, resulting in
increased flow capacity. It can also result in reduced electrical
costs with the exhaust fan operating at a lower brake

Heat exchanger repair or replacement: MEGTEC can supply

cost effective direct replacement heat exchangers as well as Installation & Relocation Services
customized units that address specific needs such as corrosive
environments, thermal expansion or cleanability. Replacing a
worn or damaged heat exchanger with a properly designed
substitute will reduce operating and maintenance costs,
extend the life of equipment, and ensure emission regulatory

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Services: gives you right-

from-the-source expertise. Our factory-trained technicians are
skilled in maintaining and upgrading your equipment.

MEGTEC’s PM Program offers the best insurance against

equipment breakdown and keeps your equipment running at
optimum levels. Our PM service technician will look at ways
Media Replacement
you can save money by making annual adjustments and
balances of dampers that will help reduce you energy costs.
Integrated RTO with DDGS Dryers, Cooler,
Ask us about our Energy Audit Program. Cyclones and Ductwork
Additional Services include:
• Insulation/refractory rebuilds • Project management
• Controls/operator interface • Turnkey installation &
upgrades equipment relocation
• Burner upgrades • Sampling & testing services
• Dampers/fans upgrades of catalyst & media

• Motors and drives upgrades

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