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Human Geography

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Population, Human & Economic Geography

Edited by Sanjay Pahade

10. Human Settlements
Look at the following picture. Find suitable locations for
human settlements and show them in the picture.
Try this.
(For teachers – Discuss the students’ assumptions and conclusions
as also the questions on the pictures given below.)

Figure 10.1 : Show settlements at suitable locations.

Why were the settlements shown at the specific places ? Why should they be located
there? Why can’t they be located in other places?

Can you tell ?

Figure 10.2 a : Figure 10.2 b :

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 1
Figure 10.2 c : Figure 10.2 d :

Observe the pictures given in figures live in forest areas in ‘tribal hamlets’ (Adivasi
10.2 (a, b, c, d). Think and answer the padas). Agriculture is practised in fertile
following questions : areas. Farmer families build their houses in
Ø What all can you see in the pictures? or near their fields. These settlements
Ø What are the familiar features? gradually grow bigger. The settlements
Ø Which picture shows sparse settlements? where the original occupations of the
Ø Which picture shows agriculture? majority of the people are based on natural
Ø Which picture shows dense settlements? resources are called rural settlements.
Ø Which picture shows high rise buildings? Agriculture, fishery, etc are some of these
Ø From the following, assign a suitable occupations.
names to each of the pictures : Rural With the passage of time, other associated
settlement, Tribal hamlet, Town, City occupations also develop gradually in these
Ø Arrange the pictures according to the rural settlement. As a result, people from
level of development in the settlements. surrounding areas migrate and settle there
Geographical explanation leading to an increase in the rural population.
Houses are built and different facilities are
Human settlements flourished at places developed for the growing population.
with favourable geographic conditions - Importance of secondary and tertiary
such as availability of water, a conducive occupations increases, the proportion of
climate, fertile land etc. people engaged in primary occupations
In the early settlements, the occupations declines. This process leads to the
of the people were dependent on the locally transformation of rural settlement into urban
available natural resources. This gave rise to settlements. Due to religious, historical,
separate settlements of people engaged in a commercial, educational, and administrative
particular occupation. For example, people reasons and also due to tourism, the original
along the sea coast are engaged in fishing. settlement may transform into an urban one.
Their settlements became fishing hamlets If the population and the necessary amenities
(Koliwada). Forest dwellers or tribal people increase on a large scale, the urban areas
use forest produce for their livelihood. They grow into metropolitan cities.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 2
Can you tell ?

Observe fig. 10.3 and discuss the

following questions:
¾ What is the difference between the A B
human settlement at A and B?
¾ What is the difference between the
settlements at B and C?
¾ Where do you find less than 2 houses?
¾ In what type of settlement do you
Figure 10.3 : A type of settlement

Make friends with maps !



Observe fig. 10.4 and answer the following ¾ In which settlements are the houses close
questions. together? What could be the reason
¾ Name some of the settlements shown in behind this density?
the map. ¾ Can you now classify the settlements on
¾ Which of the settlements in the map are the basis of these patterns?
in a scattered form? After considering various settlements,
¾ How are the houses in the settlements we realize that people settle down in different
along the roads arranged? geographical conditions and adopt
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 3
themselevs to the conditions in the region. Scattered settlements :
Patterns of human settlements evolve in In scattered settlements, houses are few
accordance with the natural conditions. In and far from each other. Generally, such
this lesson, we are going to study the major settlements are found in the areas of high
patterns of human settlements and the relief, dense forests, grasslands, hot deserts,
reasons behind them. and extensive agricultural lands (See fig.
Geographical explanation 10.5).

Using the resources from the surroundings,

man constructed houses and started living in
them. In the modern era of science and
technology, people have made a remarkable
progress in the construction of shelter. They
have even built sky-scrapers. Man is thinking
of constructing colonies on other planets and
their satellites, too, in future.
Settlements have provided man with
stability. Rural settlement is the first step
towards a stable life in human history.
Urban settlements have evolved through
the expansion and growth of rural Figure 10.5 : Scattered settlement
settlements. A certain way of life is Characteristics:
preserved in rural settlements. Increase in ™ Distance between scattered settlements
the population of rural settlements is the can be clearly seen.
beginning of urbanization. Life in urban ™ These settlements have limited populations
settlements is more dynamic. There are as in small hamlets. (pada, wadi, etc.).
large scale economic correlations between ™ Facilities and services in these settlements
rural and urban settlements. The are not adequate.
day-to-day food requirement of the urban ™ As these settlements are closer to nature,
population is fulfilled by rural settlements. they are free from pollution.
™ They depend on the centrally located
Modernization, science and technology
villages for their day-to-day requirements.
lead to transformation in both types of
settlements. Nucleated settlements :
These settlements are generally close to
water sources like brooks, rivulets, rivers,
Think about it. lakes, reservoirs etc. In the deserts of
Rajasthan we find nucleated settlements
) Think about the possible processes near assured sources of water. Fertile plains,
that take place during the growth and transport hubs and mining centres,
development of settlements. Make a commercial centres often lead to the
list of such processes. development of this type of settlement.
Besides these reasons, defense, health,
The types
Th t off settlements
ttl t andd the
th education, and other social and religious
characteristics of their distribution can be factors can also give rise to nucleated
described as follows: settlements. (See fig. 10.6.)
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 4
narrow in shape and they spread along a
straight line (See fig. 10.7).
™ Houses in these settlements are along a
single line. As the settlement grows in the
course of time, multiple lines emerge.
™ Roads are parallel to each other.
™ Besides houses, some shops can be seen
™ These settlements grow along with the
roads. For example, such settlements are
found along the coastal tracts, major
Figure 10.6 : Nucleated settlement
rivers and National or State highways in
™ In these settlements, houses are close our country.
™ Social services are available in these Always remember -
Factors influencing the location of human
™ As these settlements develop in certain
places over certain periods of time they
Physical Cultural Economic
attain particular shapes.
Physiography Defense Irrigation
™ Roads are narrow in the old parts of these Land / soils Health Occupations
settlements . Climate Education Transport
™ People from different castes, religions, Water supply Tourism and
races and ideologies live together in these River banks Historical communica-
settlements and hence they have a better significance tion
social life.
Linear settlements: Government
Linear settlements are seen along roads, offices
railways, rivers, sea coasts and in foothill
regions etc. These types of settlements are
Give it a try.

¾ Name the metropolitan cities of India.

¾ Identify the type of the settlement
where you live.

Look for me elsewhere !

) Std III- Environmental Studies-

Lesson - Our village, our city.
) Std V- Environmental Studies - Part
Figure 10.7 : Linear settlement One- Page 42
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 5
Give it a try. Observe the photographs given below. Identify the type of settlements
shown here and write about them.


Q.1. Answer in short. Q. 2. Identify the types of human settlements

(1) Explain the various types of human from the follwing statements.
settlements. (1) Their money and time is saved by
living on the farm.
(2) Differentiate between nucleated and
scattered settlements. (2) There is a lot of social life in this
(3) Explain the natural factors affecting
(3) Shops are located on both the sides
the location of human settlements.
of the road.
(4) Explain how human settlements have
(4) This settlement is found at the
foothills of mountains or along the
(5) Differentiate between a hamlet and a coast.
village. (5) Each house is located away from the

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 6
(6) This settlement is good from a (B) ‘B’ has a high school, a big market and a
security point of view. small theatre.
(7) Having houses away from each other (C) ‘C’ has houses, farms, many shops and
is good for health. small industries.
(8) The houses are too close to each (D) ‘D’ is a natural harbour. Many industries
other. have been established there.
Q.3. Study the diagram and identify the types of * ‘C’ is a settlement that has developed
along the roadside. Give two reasons of
(A) Settlement ‘A’ has 5-6 houses and the
place does not have other facilities. its location here.



Main Road



ICT Activity :
With the help of the internet, find the image
of your village/city. On that basis, write about
the type and characteristics of your settlement.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 7
11. Contour Maps and Landforms

In Standard V, you have gathered some

information about how height and relief
are shown on a map. Now carry out the
following activity on the same topic under
the guidance of your teacher.

Try this.

(For the teacher: Carry a few large potatoes

to the class. Make groups of the students and
distribute the potatoes among the groups.)

Take a large oblate shaped potato and

other required items as shown above.

Cut the potato into two parts so that each
part has a flat base.

Observe how a potato appears when seen
from the front and when seen from above?
Draw an outline of the potato in your ™
Rest the cut half on its flat base and
note book. measure its height in millimetres.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 8
™ Do not separate the slices. Insert a
toothpick or a piece of pointed stick
through the slices vertically.
This is our ‘potato hill’. The tapering side
of the potato is the hill top.

™ Draw two circles, each going round the

hill, one near the top, and the other close
to the base. Keep sufficient distance
between the circles. The circle near the
top will be smaller.

Without removing the toothpick, place
the sliced potato on a piece of paper.
Moving a pencil along the edge of the
Now the teacher will slice the potato on lowest slice draw, its outline. It will be
these circles. nearly circular in shape.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 9
each slice that you have measured can help
After assigning values to each circle,
our sketch of the potato hill will be complete.

After drawing the outline, pull the
toothpick upwards. Remove the lowest
slice delicately and keep it aside. Repeat
the same procedure for the other
two slices.

Think about it.

) What did we achieve in this

activity? We have transferred a three
dimensional object – the potato – into
a two dimensional picture.
In reality it is not possible to make
the slices of a mountain or any other
Observe the figure that is formed after the
exercise is complete. You will note that landform and place them on paper or on the
you have drawn three concentric circles. ground to draw a two dimensional picture
Write the height of the potato that you of that landform. For this, mathematical
had measured earlier in the centre of the and survey methods are applied. You will
innermost circle. Measure the thickness of learn about these methods if you study
all the slices you have kept side. Give value
Geography as a special subject at a later
‘0’ (zero) to the outermost circle. How will
you give the values to the other lines? Think stage.
about it. Do you think that the thickness of
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 10
Height in metres

Figure 11.1 a : A model of the earth’s surface
Figure 11.1 b : Contour line map

A model of the relief in an area is shown Geographical explanation

in fig 11.1 (a) given above. Observe it
carefully and answer the following questions. While studying different landforms on
¾ Which landforms do you observe in the the surface of the earth, one has to take into
model? consideration various facets of landforms
¾ Which colours have been used on them? like altitude, relief, slope, direction of slope
Observe the map given in fig. 11.1 (b) and and the drainage. For this, maps prepared
answer the following questions. using particular methods are used. These are
¾ What all do you see in the map? known as contour maps. These maps help us
¾ What is the general direction of the ranges to understand the above characteristics of the
shown in the map? landforms. These maps are of immense use
to mountaineers, trekkers, soldiers, defense
¾ Towards which direction is the flat land
located in the map? officers, etc. These maps prove to be of great
use in the planning for a region too.
¾ What are the maximum and minimum
values of the lines in the map?
¾ What do these values indicate?
Use your brain power !
¾ Do you find any similarities in the map
and the model in fig. 11.1(a)?
When one sees a landform on a
What are those?
contour map, what is the observer’s
¾ Which figure gives us more information position with respect to the landform?
and what is that information?
(For example, a hill is shown with the
¾ Is there any similarity between this map help of contours on a map. From where
and the sketch map of the potato hill? do you think you are looking at it?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 11
While finding answers to these
questions, you will become familiar
with the contour lines and you will be
Karha River Basin able to identify major landforms
shown by the contour lines.
z Find the altitude of your place
above mean sea-level (in metres).
Mula-Mutha Basin
You have to draw contour lines
Figure 11.3 a : A model of the Karha river basin, Saswad
from mean sea-level to your place.
Jejuri The interval of the contour should
not be more than 50 m. Determine
anpur how many lines you will draw for
Karha River
z Friends, consider you have gone
for mountaineering. You have to
conquer a peak on the hill ‘A’. A
map of this hill is given (figure
11.4). Studying the contour lines in
Height in metres Katraj-Diveg
hat range the map, find the side from which
you will reach the peak safely and
Figure 11.3 b : A map of the Karha river basin, Saswad easily. Mark your path on the map
with a pencil.
A 3D model is given in fig. 11.3 (a). The
northern part of the model shows the basin
of the rivers Mula-Mutha. To its south is the
Katraj-Diveghat range extending from the A
west to the east. Beyond that some portion
of Karha basin is seen.
(Observe this model and the map (fig. 11.3
(b)) given below it and answer the following
¾ In which direction does fort Purandar
¾ What is the direction of flow of the river
¾ In which parts are the hill ranges not
¾ Which part of the map is not seen in the
model? Why?
¾ In which direction does the altitude of
Height in metres
Katraj-Diveghat range decrease?
¾ In which direction are higher hill ranges Figure 11.4 : Contours (Hill)
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 12
Always remember-
Look for me elsewhere !
Contour lines join places with the
same altitude on a map. Therefore, F Class Five Environmental Studies -
generally they do not cross each other. Part One- page 39-41


Q.1. Answer the following questions. Q.2. Fill the blanks with appropriate words.
(1) How can the distribution of the height (1) If the contour lines are closer to each
and landforms in a region be shown? other, the slope is ...............
(2) To whom are the contour maps (2) The contour lines on the map represent
useful? ...............
(3) What do you understand by observing (3) The slope can be understood from the
contour lines? distance between the ...............
(4) How will a contour map be useful for (4) If the distance between two contour
a farmer? lines is more, the ............... is gentle.

Q.3. Identify the landforms in the following


Height in metres


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 13
Continental Continental
Continent Coast Shelf Slope Mid-Oceanic ridges
Sea level
Marine Islands ०

2000 m. depth
4000 m. depth
Abyssal plain
Marine deep Marine Trenches
Figure 4.2 : Ocean relief
relief consists of all submerged landforms. The MOUNTAIN RANGES AND
structure of the ocean floor differs from ocean PLATEAUS : The hills and mountains found
to ocean. We will look at the sequence of on the ocean-bed are called submerged hills
landforms and the details of major landforms and mountains. These hills are hundreds of
on the ocean floor. As we go away from the kilometers wide and thousands of kilometers
coast, the structure of the ocean floor changes. long. Peaks of some of the submerged hills
Study the explanation below and figure 4.2 come above the sea level. They are visible to
together. us as marine islands. Iceland in the Atlantic
CONTINENTAL SHELF : The land near Ocean, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the
the coast and submerged under the sea is called Bay of Bengal are examples.
continental shelf. This is the shallowest part of The summits of some marine islands are
the ocean bed. It is also called submerged flat and extensive. They are called oceanic or
coastland. Its slope is gentle. submarine plateaus. For instance, Chagos
The extent of the continental shelf is not Plateau in the Indian Ocean.
uniform everywhere. It is narrow along the
coasts of some continents while it is broad for
TRENCHES : On the ocean-bed, there are
hundreds of kilometers at others. Its depth is
some landforms which are deep, narrow and
upto 200 meters below the sea level.
steep. They are called marine deeps or trenches.
The continental shelf is very important
from the point of view of humans. Extensive Generally, the shallower ones are called marine
fishing grounds are found in the continental deeps while deeper ones and extending for
shelf. As this part is shallow, the sunlight longer distance are called trenches. The
reaches its bed. Algae, plankton, etc. grow trenches are thousands of meters deep from the
here. This is food for fish. Natural gas, mineral sea level. The Mariana Trench, in the Pacific
oil and various minerals can be obtained by Ocean, is the deepest trench in the world. Its
mining the continental shelf. For example, depth is around 11034 metres. The mid-oceanic
Mumbai High located on the continental shelf submerged hills and marine trenches are
of the Arabian Sea. It is a source from where geologically the most active areas of the ocean-
we obtain mineral oil and natural gas. -bed in the world. There are many active
CONTINENTAL SLOPE : After the volcanoes here. These areas are also
extent of continental shelf is over, the slope of earthquake-prone areas. Earthquakes and
the sea bed becomes steeper. This is called volcanic eruptions occurring in the ocean-bed
continental slope. The depth of the slope is give rise to tsunamis in the nearby coastal
from 200 m to 3600 metres. In some places, it areas.
is more. The continental slope is narrow. The
lower boundary of continental slope is
considered to be the boundary of continents. The marine–beds are the deep parts of the
ABYSSAL PLAINS : Beyond the world in respective regions. Hence, various
continental slope lie the abyssal plains which deposits are found in these parts. The deposits
are the flat part of the sea bed. The abyssal are as follows:
plains consist of various submerged landforms (1) Pebbles, clay, soil etc. brought by
like hills, plateaus, etc rivers, glaciers, etc. from the continents.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 14
The deposition occurs mainly on the very important. Sedimentary rocks are formed
continental shelf. These are called marine due to the depositing of layers over layers of
deposits. the sediments and the pressure of sea water.
(2) Lava and ash erupting out of volcanic (3) Besides, some human-induced material
eruptions is also found here. Fine soil particles is also found here. This includes sewage, solid
are deposited on a large scale. Remains of waste, radio-active material, waste chemicals,
marine plants and animals are mixed in these plastics, etc. These wastes prove hazardous to
deposits. This mixture is made up of fine the hydrosphere. These materials are extremely
particles and lies in the form of fine clay. This harmful to the marine life and its environment.
is around 30% of the deposits. These are called Though the polluting components are less, their
marine oozes. To understand the form of the nuisance value is more.
marine life in the ocean and the availability of
minerals on the ocean bed these deposits are
Always remember -
Mean Sea Level : Elevation or depth of
any place is measured from the sea level.
The average of the highest high tides and the
lowest low tides is considered as sea level.
This average is taken to be zero and altitudes
or depths are measured and shown in positive
or negative values. For example, Mount
Figure 4.3 : Marine deposits Everest is 8848 metres high and Mariana
Trench is -11034 metres.
For survey purpose in India, the height of
sea level at Chennai is considered to be zero
and the elevation of any place in India is
measured with reference to this.

Maximum level of tide

Average Sea level
Minimum level of tide
Figure 4.4 : Marine sediments
Mt. Everest
8848 m.

Sea level

-11034 m

Mariana Trench
Figure 4.5 : Anthropogenic deposits Highest and Deepest

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 15
Give it a try. Always remember -
Deposition of many
From the map of
the ocean floor materials coming from land
identify the keeps occurring in the seas and
ocean. oceans. This is in the form of
Can you identify natural deposits and sediments.
and name the But, man disposes unwanted
submerged materials in the sea. This poses a
landforms shown hazard to the ocean bed and the
in the diagram? sea-water. Also it is harmful to
Which region marine life. We must keep in
would be ideal mind that the biodiversity found
for fishing and in seas and oceans is higher than
why? on the land.

Use your brain power !

Do this activity when you go to the sea-shore with your parents or teachers. Observe the
materials which have come with the waves. Classify them as per the flowchart given below:
Materials coming along with the waves

Natural Artificial/ Man -made

Plants conches and Aquatic Chemicals Metals Plastics/Glass

shells animals
Answer the following:
l Which of these are perishable items? l Suggest measures to control deposition
l Which are non-perishable? of non-perishable items on the coast
l What will happen because of perishable l How will you run a campaign of
items? environmental conservation to keep the
l What will happen because of non- coasts clean?
perishable items?

Do you know ?
While studying
Older rocks with Older rocks with
the ocean floor, we
increasing distance Mid-oceanic
increasing distance Volcano must keep in mind
the age of the ocean
bed. By studying the
deposits on the ocean
Sediments bed, it occurred to

Oceanic Crust Vertical the scientists that the


Submerging oceanic plate

deposits at the ocean
Melting floor are not older
Vertical Magma
than 200 million
years. The maximum
age of the rocks on

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 16
the continents is supposed to be 3200 million rocks are also not older than 200 million years.
years. Then where have the deposits on the sea It was inferred that the ocean floor is very
bed which are older than 200 million years young as compared to the earth’s surface. Now
gone? This made the scientists restless. Then this is unanimously accepted. This research
they started the study of the rocks along with was then used in the study of the concept of
the deposits. This made them realize that the plate tectonics.


Q 1. Choose the correct option: (b) Which of these landforms is useful for
(a) Like there are landforms on land, ocean deep sea research?
floor also has submerged landforms because (c) Which of these are appropriate to be
…… used for the protection of marine
(i) There is land under water borders and naval-base building?
(ii) There are volcanoes under water Q 3. Give geographical reasons:
(iii) Land is continuous and there is (a) The study of ocean floor is useful to
water in deeper parts. man.
(iv) Though land is continuous, its level (b) The continental shelf is a paradise for
is not the same everywhere like fishing activity.
that of water . (c) Some marine islands are actually the
(b) Which part of the ocean floor is peaks of sea mountains.
most useful to the man ? (d) The continental slope is considered to
(i) Continental shelf be the boundary of continents.
(ii) Continental slope (e) The disposal of waste materials in the
(iii) Abyssal plains oceans by man is harmful to the
(iv) Marine deeps
Q 4. Observe the map on Pg 27 in 'Give it a try'
(c) Which one of the following option is and answer the following questions:
related to marine deposits?
(a) Madagascar and Sri Lanka are related
(i) Rivers, glaciers, remains of plants to which landform of the ocean floor?
and animals
(b) Near which continent are these land
(ii) Volcanic ash, continental shelf, forms located?
remains of plants and animals
(c) Which islands in our country are
(iii) Volcanic ash, lava, fine particles examples of peaks of submerged
of soil mountains?
(iv) Volcanic ash, remains of plants
and animals, abyssal plains
Q 2. (a) Name the landforms shown in the Prepare a model of the ocean floor.
figure. ***
1 2 6

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 17

Ø What did you understand initially by

Let’s recall. observing the sequins?
Ø When the temperature of water started
Ø When does any material flow? increasing, what changes did you see?
Ø What happens exactly when it flows? Ø Observe the movement of the sequins.
Ø Which anomalies in the material is Ø What conclusion can be drawn from the
responsible for the initiation of the flow? same?
Ø Where can such processes take place on the
Try this. earth’s surface?

Materials required: A large metal tray, water,

Ø What are those processes and why do they
plastic sequins, spirit lamp, etc. happen?
Note: In the experiment the heat is given by the
Note: The following activity should be carried out spirit lamp. Please keep in mind that in reality, the
by students under supervision of teachers. source of heat for oceans is the sun.
Focus on observation.
Geographical explanation
It will occur to you that as the temperature
of water increases, the plastic sequins move
from one place to another. As the temperature
rises, the density of water decreases and it
becomes lighter. And, therefore, the water
having lower temperature which is heavier
replaces the water with higher temperatures.
After sometime, the sequins start moving in a
circular motion. There is movement of these
sequins because of the flow of water.

Can you tell ?

Figure 5.1
ü Keep the large metal tray on a stand. Fill it A very strange incident occurred in the
with water. After the water becomes still, Pacific Ocean in the year 1992. A cargo ship
leave the sequins in them. After sometime, sailed towards America from Hong Kong.
the sequins will start floating in the water While travelling through the Pacific Ocean,
and become still too. near the Hawaii Islands, a container full of toys
ü Observe all these things. After sometime, fell into the ocean and broke. Around 28000
light the spirit lamp and place it below one rubber toys started floating on the ocean. This
corner of the tray. Observe what happens. incident occurred on 10th January, 1992. Now
See fig 5.1 a strange thing happened. After around
10 months, on 16th November, 1992, some of
ü On the basis of observation, discuss in the
these toys reached the coast of Alaska. Some of
class and put forth your opinions regarding
the experiment. Consider the following them crossed the Bering Strait and moved upto
questions for the same. the Arctic ocean by the year 2000. Some of

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 18
Make friends with maps !

Figure 5.2 : Map showing the distribution of toys in the ocean

them also floated to Atlantic Ocean from the The region from sea level to the depth of
Arctic. Some of these reached the eastern coast 500 m. is considered to be the surface water.
of America in 2003 and some of the toys had Sunlight can reach till this depth. The movements
even reached the European coast by 2007. in this layer occur mainly due to differences in
From the Hawaii Islands, some toys took the temperature and salinity. The planetary winds
route to Australia! See figure 5.2 and 5.3. give speed to the ocean currents.
Why did the toys travel in this way? Horizontal (Surface) Ocean Current :
The flow on the surface of the ocean moves
only 10% of the oceanic water. The surface
flow is considered up to 500 metres of depth.
The discharge of water in the oceans is
measured in Sverdrup unit. It is equivalent to 1
million cu.m./second discharge. The horizontal
flow of ocean water occurs as warm and cold
currents. These currents flow from the equator
to the poles and from the poles to the equator.
These currents are pushed to long distances by
Figure 5.3 : A toy duck
the planetary winds. As a result, the ocean
Geographical explanation waters flow from equator to both the poles and
vice versa. You have studied the map given in
The ocean water can be divided into two
figure 5.4 earlier. Study the map again and
parts based on depth-surface water and deep
answer the following questions.
(1) The upper layer extends upto 500 Ø What are the major types of ocean currents?
meters from the sea level. Ø What do you call the currents flowing from
(2) Below 500 m. depth. the equator to the poles?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 19
Make friends with maps !

Figure 5.4 : Ocean Currents

Ø What do you call the currents flowing from Rotation of the Earth : Because of the rotation
the poles to the equator? of the earth, the ocean currents move in
Ø When the currents are moving in a circular
manner, what difference is visible in their Do you know ?
direction in Northern and Southern THE OCEAN CURRENTS OF THE
Hemisphere respectively? INDIAN OCEAN :
Ø What might happen at the places where There is similarity between the patterns
these currents meet? of the ocean currents of the Pacific and
Atlantic Ocean but the flow of the ocean
Ø When two different types of currents meet
currents of the Indian Ocean are different.
along the coast then what type of human
settlements and occupations are seen. The Indian Ocean is land-locked in the
north. The equator divides this ocean into
two parts- northern and southern. The
Geographical explanation Monsoon winds influence this ocean
tremendously. These winds change their
We have studied that ocean currents are
direction according to the season. In the
formed due to differences in temperature,
northern part of the Indian Ocean, currents
density and planetary winds. In addition, the
flow in clockwise direction in summer while
following reasons are also responsible for the
in winter they flow in the opposite direction
direction of flow of ocean currents and their
velocity. due to reversal of Monsoon Winds.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 20
clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere extent. In regions where cold and warm
and in anti-clockwise direction in the Southern currents meet, plankton, vegetation, algae, etc.
Hemisphere. grow. This is food for the fish. Therefore, fish
Continental structure : According to the come here in large numbers and breed. This
alignment of the coastline, the direction of the has, in turn, led to formation of large fishing
ocean current changes. The velocity of the grounds. Grand Bank near the North American
ocean currents is around 2 to 10 km per hour. coast in Atlantic Ocean and Dogger Bank near
The ocean currents are divided into two types- the European coast are some of the examples.
cold currents and warm currents. With respect to the water transport too, the
Effects of Ocean Surface Currents on Human ocean currents are very important. If the
life : transportation is done according to the flow of
Ocean currents especially affect the ocean currents, the speed of the ships increase
climate of the regions having proximity to the and the fuel is saved too.
sea. In cold regions where warm ocean currents Near the coasts where cold currents flow,
flow, climate becomes warmer. In some regions, the amount of precipitation is low. For example,
the amount of precipitation increases. For in Peru, Chile and the arid desert of South-West
example, the warm ocean currents flowing near Africa.
Western Europe, Southern Alaska, and At places where the cold and the warm
Japanese coast, reduce the intensity of the currents meet, thick fog is formed. Such fogs
winters there and make them warmer. As a create problems for transportation. The warm
result, these ports do not freeze in winters. Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador currents
Had ocean currents been absent, the ocean meet near the Newfoundland island. This leads
water would have remained still. In such waters, to dense fog. Because of the cold currents,
the biotic components would have been devoid icebergs are carried away from the polar areas.
of food. Consequently, marine life and its If such icebergs come along the marine routes,
ecosystems would have been limited in its they are hazardous to the ships.

Make friends with maps !

Figure 5.5 : Deep ocean currents

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 21
0° of this circulation, ocean water moves from the
90° N. 90° S.
Sea level surface to the bottom and from the bottom to
the surface. Warm water is transferred to the
500 m
bottom from the surface and the nutrient-rich
cold water is circulated to the surface.

Do you know ?

These circular pattern of the

Figure 5.6 : Deep ocean currents movements of the ocean currents, give rise
Deep Ocean Currents : to certain peculiar features in the ocean.
Water currents beyond the depth of 500 They are called gyres. The Sargasso Sea in
metres are known as deep water/ocean currents. the Atlantic Ocean is such an example. It is
These currents are formed due to the differences marked by the circular patterns of ocean
in temperature and density of the water in currents . It does not have land boundaries
different parts of the ocean. This is known as and is only surrounded by ocean currents.
thermohaline circulation. These currents flow It gets its name from the Sargassum
till the sea-bed of the ocean. They flow like
seaweed. The water is still here. This sea is
rivers continuously below the surface of the
sea. See Figure 5.5. 1100 km wide and 3200km long.
The difference in temperatures of various
parts of the ocean is the major reason behind
the deep-sea currents. Warm water has lower Always remember -
salinity and density. Such water comes to the
surface of the sea. Cold water with high density l The ocean currents do not flow very
goes down. This movement causes the deep sea close to the coast. They flow near the
water currents. See figure 5.6. Generally, the lower limit of the continental shelf.
surface water near Greenland and Europe l Even though the velocity of the ocean
moves to more depths. This water moves to the currents is less, the water carried by
Antarctica at these depths. Later the water
them is immense.
moves to the surface. Thus, the redistribution
of the ocean water keeps occurring. This l Under the influence of the Westerlies,
redistribution takes around 500 years to in the mid-latitudes, the ocean currents
complete. This type of movement is also known flow from west to east, but near the
as conveyor belt. equator they flow from east to west.
Importance of deep ocean currents : This leads to a circular pattern. See
Due to thermohaline circulation, movement figure 5.4.
of sea water occurs on a large scale. Because


Q 1. Choose the correct option :

(a) In which ocean does the Labrador (iii) North Atlantic
current flow? (iv) Indian
(i) Pacific (b) Which current out of the following
(ii) South Atlantic flows in the Indian Ocean?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 22
(i) East Australian Current Q 3. Explain the effect of -
(ii) Peru current (a) Warm ocean currents on climate
(iii) South Polar current (b) Cold ocean currents on the movement
(iv) Somali current of icebergs
(c) Which factor out of the following does (c) The shape of the coast line on ocean
not affect the region along the coast? currents
(i) Precipitation (d) Meeting of warm and cold ocean
(ii) Temperature currents
(iii) Land breezes (e) The transportational capacity of ocean
(iv) Salinity
(f) Deep ocean currents
(d) Which of the following occurs in the
area where the cold and warm Q 4. Look at the map of ocean currents and
currents meet? answer the following :
(i) High temperature (a) How does the Humboldt current affect
the climate of the South American
(ii) Snow coast?
(iii) Low temperature (b) In which oceans are counter equatorial
(iv) Thick fog currents not observed and why?
(e) Which of these following currents (c) Which currents are absent in northern
flows from the northern polar part of the Indian Ocean and why?
region upto Antarctica? (d) In which regions do the cold and warm
(i) Warm ocean currents ocean currents meet?
(ii) Surface ocean currents Q 5. Answer the following questions:
(iii) Cold ocean currents (a) What are the reasons responsible for
(iv) Deep ocean currents the formation of deep ocean currents?
Q 2. Examine the given statements and correct b) What is the reason behind the dynamics
the wrong ones. of the ocean water?
(a) Ocean currents give specific direction (c) How do winds give direction to the
and velocity to the water ocean currents?
(b) The deep ocean currents flow with high d) Why do the ports in the eastern coast of
velocity Canada freeze in winter?
(c) Generally, surface ocean currents are ACTIVITY :
formed in the equatorial regions. Look for more funny and interesting
(d) Ocean currents hold great importance information related to ocean currents.
for human life.
(e) The movement of icebergs is not
dangerous for water transport.
(f) Water becomes warm near Brazil due
to ocean currents. On the other hand, it
becomes cold near African coast.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 23

to the person holding the respective board.

Try this. Once the activity is completed, have a
discussion based on the following points.
Ø Draw a sketch of your house. On this sketch
show the following with proper directions. Ø Why did you select the particular board
Ø kitchen, bathroom, courtyard, living room, Ø Explain how you will use this chosen land.
bedroom etc. Ø Correlate our needs with land use.
Ø After the sketch is ready have a discussion Land Use :
on the following points. (A) Why do we Geographical explanation
need to fix a place for everything in the
house? (B) What would happen if there Land use is the way or purpose for which
were no fixed places? land in a region is used. The interaction between
geographical factors and man have resulted
Geographical explanation in land use. Land use undergoes changes with
You may have realised that there is a fixed time. As man’s needs have increased the use of
place for everything. If this is not done the house land for different purposes has also increased.
appears disorganised. There will be difficulties Mineral rich land is used for mining. Fertile
while moving around the house. plains are used for agriculture.
Even if these arrangements are changed
Types of Land Use :
there will be confusion for a few days. The land
available in your house is used for different Rural Land Use : In rural areas, agriculture is
purposes. the main occupation. Agro based activities are
also common in rural areas. This influences the
Try this. location for the rural settlements. Hence these
settlements are located close to the agricultural
This activity has to be performed by all the
fields and forest areas. The settlements of miners
students together.
are close to the mining areas while fishermen’s
Commercial Residential Open ground Entertainment
settlements are near the seashore. In rural
Industry Transport Agri-
Institute Mixed Land Use areas the availability of land is more and the
population is less, hence population is sparse. In
ü Prepare boards with these names. Let the rural areas the extent of residential areas is less.
students stand in a circle holding these Land use in the rural areas can be classified in
boards. the following manner.
ü Now prepare chits with the following Arable Land : This is the land under cultivation.
names and put them in a box.
Normally this land is under individual ownership.
shop, garden, bank, utensil factory, school,
This land can be classified as per the ownership
bungalow, residential building, mall, hockey
field, cinema house, hospital, bus stop, port, of the land and types of agriculture.
airport, swimming pool, badminton court, Fallow Land : This is agricultural land which
reserved forest. is temporarily not in use. In order to improve the
ü Each student will pick up one chit and as fertility of the soil, the farmer does not use a part
per the land use category will stand close of his agricultural land for one or two seasons.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 24
Forest Land : A demarcated forest area is Public Utility Area : For the various needs of
also a type of rural land use. From this area the population some services are provided by
forest products like firewood, gum and grass the local governing bodies, state government
are obtained. Forests comprise of large trees, or central government. The area under these
bushes, creepers and grass. services comes under this category eg. hospitals,
Grassland/Pastureland : This land is under
Give it a try.
the ownership of the village Panchayat or the
government and is used for grazing purpose. Take a map of your surrounding area and
This land belongs to the entire village. Very little using different colours, show the land use of
grassland is under individual ownership. your area.

Urban Land Use : There has been an increase post offices, police stations, police grounds,
in urban settlements in the twentieth century. In schools, colleges, universities etc. The land use
urban areas land is used for different purposes. under the category is important. These services
It is necessary to make maximum use of the diffuse the tensions caused due to burgeoning
land. In urban areas with reference to population population.
the land is limited. Therefore the distribution
Recreational land use : In cities some areas have
of population is dense. Urban land use can be
to be specially reserved for the entertainment of
classified in the following manner.
the population. The use of such spaces is mainly
Commercial land use : Some parts of cities for fields, gardens, swimming pools, theatres etc.
are only used for commercial purposes. In Mixed land use : In some areas we find all
these areas there are many shops, banks and these uses together. Such areas are said to have
offices. This has given rise to the concept of the mixed land uses. Eg. residential areas and
Central Business District. (CBD) For example. entertainment areas.
In Mumbai, the Fort Area or the BKC (Bandra
On maps special colours are used to indicate
Kurla Complex)
such areas. Red-residential, Blue-Commercial,
Residential land use : Here the main land use Yellow- agricultural and Green- Forest areas.
is for residential purposes. In this area houses Transitional areas and Suburbs :
and residential buildings are included. Since Rural settlements start outside the boundary
population is more in the urban areas, residential areas of urban settlements. But the intermediate
land use has increased. area in between is called the transitional area.
Transport Land use : In urban areas, In this area there is a blend of rural and urban
transportation facilities are important for the land use. In these areas land use is of a mixed
movement of goods and people. For this purpose nature. In this zone cultural activities are also of
different types of transportation facilities are a mixed type. Over time this area is converted
found in cities like public bus stops, railway to an urban area and these regions become
lines, metro, monorail, commercial vehicles etc.
In addition to this, the number of private vehicles Think about it.
is also large. Hence in cities roads, railway
lines, station, petrol pumps, transport depots and If land is left fallow, or is not in use,
vehicle repair centres occupy large areas. These then can it be termed as a kind of land use?
are included in the transport land use.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 25
suburbs eg. Bandra, Bhandup etc. are suburbs Ø Correlate their land use and development.
of Mumbai city. Ø Which land use is found in Japan?
Planned Cities : After the industrial revolution, Ø Considering the land use in both the
urbanisation occurred on a large scale throughout countries, make a list of factors affecting
the world. Since this urbanisation was not well- the land use.
planned, cities began to grow in a haphazard Geographical explanation
manner. Because of employment opportunities
You may have realised that in different
there, a large scale migration to cities occured.
countries, the percentage under various land
As a result, the availability of land is always uses differ. Based on the availability of land the
a serious problem in cities. A lot of diversity population of a country, its quality and needs,
is visible in the landuse of cities. Limited land, land use types vary. In Japan for example the
varied landuses and burgeoning cities resulted percentage of land under forests is more and the
in the thought of having planned cities for the percentage of land under permanent agriculture
future. Even before a city grows, its land use is is very low. As compared to that in India the
pre-determined and a planned layout is prepared. percentage of land under forest is low while the
percentage of land under permanent agriculture
Accordingly, the cities are developed. Singapore,
is high.
Seoul (South Korea), Zurich (Switzerland),
Washington D.C. (USA), Brasilia (Brazil), Ownership of land and ownership rights :
Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar (India), etc. are all
Can you tell ?
examples of planned cities.

Can you tell ?

Ø What kind of land use is shown in Fig 6.2
and Fig 6.3?
Examine the pie charts showing land use in Ø Can you tell in which area the property is
figure 6.1 and answer the following questions: located?
Land use in Japan 2011 Land use in India 2011

3.5 Geographical explanation
19 11.7
16.4 7/12 Extract :
Under land utilisation we have seen how
land is put to different uses. The ownership of land
could be private or public. Land registration in
68.5 this context is done under the revenue department
4.2 of the government. All the information about the
registered land can be obtained from the revenue
Suitable for Permanent Forest Permanent
agriculture agriculture Pastures
department in the 7/12 extract. Let us get some
Figure 6.1 : Land use in Japan and India (%) information about this.
One can get to know under whose ownership
Ø In which country is the land under forests the land is from the 7/12 extract. The extract is
more? a record kept by the public revenue department.
Ø In which country is the land under Serial Number 7 and 12 are distinctive sections
agriculture more? of the law pertaining to the ownership of land.
Ø Considering the two questions above,
how will you relate the physiography The seven by twelve extract is a kind of
and climate of India and Japan with their mirror about the land. This is because just by
respective land uses? reading the extract sitting in one place one can
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 26

Figure 6.2 : A sample of ‘Satbara’

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 27
p l e
S a m

Figure 6.3 : Property card

get complete information about that piece of How is the 7/12 extract read?
land without actually going there. The register l Occupant class 1 means the land over
of the revenue department records the details which ownership rights are available
of the ownership rights of the family, status through generations. This is ancestral
of debts and loans, transfer of ownership and property.
the area under different crops. ‘Village Form’
l Occupant Class 2 means the land given
No.7 and ‘Village Form’ No.12 are combined
by the government to marginal farmers
to prepare as 7/12 extract, hence it is termed as
or landless people. Such land can be
7/12 extract. These village forms are available
sold, leased, pledged, given as charity or
with the talathi of every village for land and transferred only with the sanction of the
revenue collection purposes. district collector.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 28
l Below that under “Assessment” the
amount of tax levied on the land is given Always remember -
in Rs/Paise. Factors affecting Land Use
l In “other rights” the names of other joint
holders are included. This also shows the status
of loans taken for agriculture and whether they Urban land use
have been repaid or not. Rural land use
Ø Location and Site
Property Card : Ø
Climate Ø Natural Resources
Ownership of non agricultural land is Ø
Soil Ø Housing Develop-
recorded on the property card . This document ment Policies
Type of Slope
Ø Transportation
showing ownership rights and the area of the
Irrigation routes
property is made available from urban land
facilities Ø Industrialisation
records. It has the following information - city
Natural Ø Trade and Com-
survey number, plot number, amount of tax, merce
area of the property assessed, right to access etc. Resources
Ø Play grounds and
Government Entertainment
Can you tell ? Policies facilities
Ø Government policies
Give the answers on the basis of figure 6.4
Which are the land uses of 1990-91 that Give it a try.
show a decline in 2010-11? What could be Area under forest Area under crops
reasons for this? 16.9%
Which type of land use is maximum? What land 10.2%
would be the impact of this on India’s
environment? Grazable and 56.8%
cultivable 8.3%
Can a decline in the area under agriculture fallow
be equated with a food shortage? Fallow land

Maharashtra State Land use 2010-11

Study the given figure and

answer the following questions.
What is the percentage of
land suitable for cultivation?
What is the percentage of
barren land?
What is the percentage
of land under forest in
What is the percentage of
non agricultural land in

Figure 6.4 : General land use and its changes in India (1990-2011)

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 29
(C) In urban areas, the largest area is used
Give it a try. for residential purposes.
2003 (D) The village attendant issues the 7/12
(E) In rural areas residential areas occupy
large tracts.
(F) Extract 7 indicates Record of Rights.
(G) Extract 12 indicates change in
Q 2. Give geographical reasons.
(A) Landuse for public facility are extremely
important in urban areas.
(B) The record of the ownership of non-
agricultural land is the same as that of
2010 the agricultural land.
(C) A region can be classified as developed
or developing on the basis of landuse.
Q 3. Write answers.
(A) Why is agriculture important in rural
land use?
(B) State the factors affecting land use.
(C) Clarify the differences between rural
and urban land uses.
(D) Differentiate between 7/12 extract and
property card.
(A) Obtain information about a town close
to your village based on the following
points and make a presentation in class.
(site, condition, development, land use
pattern work)
l Classify your settlement as rural or
l Note the changes in land use from
Central Business District outwards
to the periphery in your settlement
Ø In the figure showing the satellite imag- after consulting elders. Prepare a
es of Mondha Village (Taluka- Hingna, land use pattern.
District-Nagpur) find out the changes in (B) Study the 7/12 extract or the Property
land use pattern over time and write a Card in your house and write a note.
note. ***


Q 1. Examine the statements and correct the

incorrect ones.
(A) Mining is not a type of land use.
(B) There are factories in the Central
Business District.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 30

Find out. born children?

Obtain the following information for a Ø
Which city records greater number of
particular day. deaths?
Ø How many students are there in your Ø
Looking at the figures of in-migration and
Ø Out of the total number, how many are out-migration which city has received more
boys and how many girls? migrants?
Ø How many are absent?
Ø What is the total strength of students in Ø
Calculate the population of both the cities
your school? in 2017.
Ø What is the total number of boys and girls Ø
After considering all the points, which city
in your school?
Ø Which class has maximum strength of has recorded more growth of population in
student? one year?
Ø Which class has the most absentees?
The total number of births are given. What
would be this figure per thousand
Geographical explanation
population? What is the term for this?
In the above exercise, you obtained
information about the strength of students in
What would be the number of deaths per
your school. In a similar manner information thousand population? What is the term used
can be obtained about the population of a for this?
village, taluka, district, state, nation and world.
Geographical explanation
While obtaining this information we have to
also consider age and sex ratio, literacy etc. Population Growth :
Several factors are responsible for the From the above exercise, it can be seen
development of a region. Out of these, that there is a constant change in the population
population is an important factor. While
of a region. Sometimes there is a decrease in
studying the population of any region, the
following aspects have to be considered. population and at other times there is an
increase. This increase or decrease is related to
l Population growth l Population distribution
the following factors.
l Population density l Structure of population
l Birth rate : The number of live births per
Can you tell ? one thousand people in a year shows the
birth rate.
Particulars Change A City B City l Death rate : The number of deaths per one
Total Population in 2016 1,00,000 1,10,000 thousand people in a year, shows the death
Total number of children born + 2,000 2,750 rate.
Total number of deaths - 1,500 2,200
l Life Expectancy : The average lifespan
People who have migrated + 23,000 15,000
from outside of an individual expected in an area at the
People who have migrated - 2,000 5,000 time of birth.
out l Migration : The movement of an individual
Total Population in 2017 ?
or a group out of an area or into an area is
Which city has greater number of newly called migration. When people move into
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 31
a region from outside, for residence, it is
called in migration and when people move
out of a region for residential purpose it is
called out-migration.
All the above factors affect the population
growth. The difference between the birth rate
and the death rate is clearly responsible for the
natural changes in population. Similarly the
Figure 7.1
migration of an individual or a group constantly
results in the change of population. The Geographical explanation
unchecked growth of population puts pressure
on the resources of a region. On the other hand Distribution of Population :
a controlled growth of population will lead to When the grains of chawali are scattered
the availability of resources in the right over two areas of different sizes, in the larger
proportion. A controlled population is an area, the distribution appears sparse. See
indicator of the development of a region. fig 7.1
Similarly we can understand the
Try this. distribution of population in a region. Some
regions are mountainous while others are flat
ü Take about 100 grains of black eyed beans plains. Geographical conditions vary. Some
(chawali) regions are well endowed with natural
resources, while others have limited resources.
ü First scatter these beans on a square of 30 x These conditions affect the distribution of
30 cms. population.
ü Now scatter 100 more beans on a square of In areas with abundant resources, naturally
15 x 15 cms. the population is more. In these areas there is
ü While scattering the grains take care to see dense population distribution. In areas with
that the grains do not touch one another or scarce resources, unfavouvable climate,
pile up one on top of the other. See fig. 7.1 undulating terrain etc. the population,
distribution is sparse.
Answer the following questions.
In which of the squares can the grains of Try this.
chawali be easily scattered?
Draw a square of 2 x 2 m. In this square
In which of the squares do the grains of
ask two students to stand. Slowly increase the
chawali appear crowded?
number of students and ask the following
Can there be a correlation between the questions.
distribution of chawali grains and the
In the space provided can you move around
distribution of population in a region?
Factors Affecting Population Distribution

Physical Factors Economic Factors Political Factors Social factors

(1) Location (1) Agriculture (1) Wars (1) Race
(2) Relief (2) Industry (2) Political Instability (2) Religion
(3) Climate (3) Urbanisation (3) Government (3) Language
(4) Soil (4) Transport Policies (4) Customs and
(5) Mineral Resources (5) Markets Traditions
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 32
Can more students be accommodated in the
square? Think about it.
Even though areawise Rajasthan is a
large state the population is less. Which
geographical factors may be responsible for
Kerala. In other regions the area is large but the
population is small. Therefore, the density of
population is low. For example Rajasthan.

Try this.
Figure 7.2 : Students carrying out the activity
When the answers to the above questions Think of 20 people in your neighbourhood
are negative, then ask all the students to write and divide them into the following categories.
their observations about the experiment and young, adult, old, educated, uneducated,
initiate a discussion on population density in females, males, students, labourers, merchants,
the class. industrialists, unemployed, housewives etc

Geographical explanation
Ø From the above classifications, what are
the salient features of your neighbourhood?
Density of Population : The ratio of the Ø Can such a classification be done for the
population of a country to its area is population country as a whole?
density. While discussing population
distribution density of population is also
Ø Correlate these categories with the qualities
of the population.
considered. The density is calculated as per the
formula given below. Ø
Discuss the problems which you faced
Population of a region while doing this classification.
Density of population =
Area of a region Geographical explanation
Complete the table (Census - 2011) Structure of Population : Population can be
Sr State Population Area (Sq. Density subdivided into various categories. By studying
No. (2011) km) the correlation between the subdivisions, an
1. Uttar 19,98,12,341 2,40,926 understanding of the structure and quality of
Pradesh the population is possible.
2. Maha- 11,23,74,333 3,07,713
rashtra Can you tell ?
3. Tamil 7,26,26,809 1,30,058 Groups :
l Male l Adoloscent l Illiterate l Children
4. Rajas- 68,54,837 3,42,239 l Unemployed l Infants l Literate l Rural
than l Working population l Urban l Female l Old
5. Mani- 27,21,756 22,327 l Young l Dependant population l Adult
pur Classify the above groups into the categories below
6. Goa 14,58,545 3,702 Sex, Age, Rural, Urban, Literacy,
From the area of a region and its population Productive Population. Population can be
one can calculate how many people live in a subdivided as per the groups given above. These
square km. Density of population is not the sub groups and their relationship with one
same everywhere. In some regions, the area is another is studied in the structure of the
small but the population is large, For example, population.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 33
Geographical explanation Can you tell ?
Sex ratio :
Have a class discussion based on the
As per the gender, population can be divided
following questions.
into males and females. This is a natural division
which can be easily understood. In a population, Ø How many people in your house are
when both the genders are around the same studying? What is their age?
number it indicates a balanced population. In Ø How many people in your house are working
population studies the ratio of men and women for a living? How old are they?
is considered important. Ø Do your grandparents still work? What is
This ratio is calculated as follows : their age?
Total number of females
Sex Ratio = × 1000 Geographical explanation
Total number of males
When for every one thousand males the Age Structure :
number of females is less, the sex ratio is said to In a region, when the population is
be low and when for every one thousand males subdivided as per the age groups this is called
the number of females is more, the sex ratio is the age structure of the population. Age
said to be high. sturcture is useful for the projection of
population and for understanding the dynamics
of the age structure arrangement. Similarly, it
also helps in understanding the proportion of
active and dependant population.
In India, the productive population is the
population between the ages 15 and 59. This
group of people is active in service and business.
Figure 7.3 : Sex ratio 2011 They directly participate in the economic
Study the graph given above and answer activities of a region. In regions where the
the following questions. proportion of this population is more, especially
Ø Which state has the highest sex ratio? youth, development is rapid.
Ø Which state has the lowest sex ratio? The dependant population fall into two sub
Ø What changes should take place in groups. The people below 15 years of age are
Maharashtra, to bring about a balanced sex totally dependant on the productive population.
ratio and how much change is necessary? People above 60 years also fall in the dependant
Geographical explanation category but their knowledge and experience
make them a valuable asset to the whole
In regions where the proportion of females society.
is more than males, predominantly the out-
-migration of men is high. The out-migration is Occupational Structure of the population :
very often for employment purposes, for The population of a region can be classified
example, Kerala. But where the proportion of into working and nonworking groups. These
females is less than males, in most cases, the
people who are not in jobs or professions,
birth rate of females is less.
despite being in the productive age group, come
Give it a try. under the nonworking group. This nonworking
group is dependant on the working group. If the
How do imbalanced sex ratios affect the proportion of working population is higher in a
society? region then the population is termed as
What measures can be taken to strike a industrious. Such a region has rapid
balance in the sex ratio? development.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 34
Area of Residence : literacy is higher then the country develope
The population of a region can be divided socially and economically. Literacy leads to the
into two groups as per the area of residence that development of a cultured and progressive
is rural and urban. People in the rural areas are society.
mainly employed in primary occupations and in
urban areas, the proportion of people working in
Geographical explanation
secondary and tertiary occupations is large. Migration :
The population in the rural areas is involved The movement of an individual or a group
in the production of food grains. The urban from one place to another is termed as migration.
population is dependant on the rural population This could be for a short period, long period or
for the supply of food grains. permanently. Marriage, education, business,
transfer, tourism, natural calamities, wars etc. are
Try this. the reasons, why people migrate. There are many
kinds of migration. Regions from where people
Prepare bar graphs on the basis of the table give migrate show a fall in population. Such regions
below. Discuss the issue of literacy in the country experience a shortage of manpower. On the other
and write a note. hand, the areas to which they migrate show an
Sr Country % of Literacy increase in population and a strain on the public
No. amenities and facilities. Due to migration the
1. Argentina 98.1 composition of the population also changes.
2. Brazil 92.6
3. India 72.1 Can you tell ?
4. China 96.4
Answer on basis of the given table.
5. Bangladesh 61.5 Statistics 2010
6. Pakistan 56.4
7. Iran 86.8
Country Percentage of immigrant
8. Afghanistan 38.1 population
Statistics 2010 Afghanistan 0.14
Can you tell ? Brazil 0.34
In lesson no.6 (page 41) what do you think
Kuwait 62.11
are the reasons for the changing land use Bangladesh 0.73
pattern of Mondha village? Germany 12.31
What kind of changes have taken place? Hongkong 42.59
Due to this change in land use, do you think Israel 37.87
there has been a change in population. If India 0.52
yes, what is the change and why?
Oman 24.46
Literacy : In society, some people are literate
Saudi Arabia 25.25
and others illiterate. In our country a person who
can read and write is termed as literate. This Great Britain 8.98
definition can vary from one country to another. USA 12.81
The percentage of literacy throws light on the Ø Which countries have less than 10% migrant
quality of the population. population?
People above the age of seven can be Ø Which are the countries with a migrant
classified into literates and illiterates. Literacy population of between 10% to 20%?
is an indicator of the social and economic Ø Which are the countries with a migrant
development of a society. If the percentage of population of more than 20%?
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 35
Ø Find the reason behind the migrant
Use your brain power !
population of more than 20%.
Ø Draw two pie diagrams for any two countries. In India 0.52% of the population are
Ø Have a discussion on migration and migrants. What is the actual number of
development. people who have migrated to India ?

Geographical explanation
What is the age limit of people doing these
Migration is an important factor affecting jobs?
the distribution of population. Due to migration
there is a redistribution of the population of a Ø
In lieu of work what do people get?
region. The structure of population also Ø
For which of these jobs is it necessary to be
undergoes a change. educated?
The above table has given the percentage of
migrant population of some selected countries. Ø
Which of these jobs involve skill?
In the countries where the percentage of migrant
population is more, job opportunities, good Ø
Which jobs can be done without education
business prospects, the availability of natural or skill?
resources and economic development are the Ø
Correlate education and skill with
main causes. On the other hand, political and remuneration received and prepare a table.
social factors, economic backwardness etc are
some of the reasons accounting for a low Geographical explanation
percentage of this population. Even though the
percentage a this population is low in India, Population – A Resource :
when compared to the total population, the Population as a resource is important for
actual figures are large. the economic, social and cultural development
of any country. Rather than population
Can you tell ?
numbers, it is the quality of population which is
Have a discussion on the basis of the important. Along with the percentage of
following questions and answer the following. literacy, sex ratio and age groups, health,
Ø What would you call the people who work educational levels etc are also considered while
in the places mentioned below? thinking of population as a resource. The
farm, factory, hotel, hospital, shop, school, supply of skilled or unskilled labour depends
office on the quality of population.
(Note : In case needed, you can add to this list)

Figure 7.4 : Migration

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 36
In the earlier exercise on page 42 you
3 Switzerland 0.939 "
noticed that there was an increase in
population in towns A/B. That only means, 4 Germany 0.926 "

that there was a growth of population. But, 5 Denmark 0.925 "

can you say anything about the ‘development’
16 United Kingdom 0.909 "
of those towns? If there are no houses for this
increasing population, no adequate drinking 17 Japan 0.903 High

water then of what use is this growth only? 73 Sri lanka 0.766 "
In those towns for how many people has 90 Brazil 0.754 Statistics" 2016
additional drinking water been made
90 China 0.738 "
available? How many children have started
attending school? Or in which city are the 119 South Africa 0.666 Medium
people happier? Growth does not mean 131 India 0.624 "
development! Then how can development be
132 Bhutan 0.607 "
For many decades only a country’s gross 147 Pakistan 0.550 "
national product was used for measuring 169 Afghanistan 0.479 Low
development. It was assumed that the greater
187 Niger 0.353 "
the economic prosperity, the more the
development of a country. But this does not 188 Central African 0.352 "

mean that the people are happy with the Rupublic

quality of life in that country. In reality,
Human Development Index :
development is related to the quality of life,
The Human Development index holds an
the opportunities available there and freedom.
important place in the study of human
In the decade of 1980 to 1990 Mahbub Ul conditions related to international economic
Haq and Amartya Sen put forth the concept of development. Today, it is commonly accepted
Human Development Index (HDI). United that only economic prosperity does not mean
National Development Programme. (UNDP) development. This is not just the expectation of
individuals but also of a region or of a country.
publishes a list of countries based on HDI
The human development index is used as a
scores every year. yardstick to measure regional development.
While computing this index, three main
Try this. parameters have been considered.
l Economic parameter (Standard of living)
Try to complete the table on the basis of
the information provided about a few countries l Health parameter (Life expectancy)
and write a note on the human development l Education parameter (Number of years of
index (HDI) of various countries. Schooling)
The values of the Human Development
HDI Country Value of the Level of Index range from 0 to 1. Highly developed
regions have a value close to 1 and as the level
rankwise HDI development
of development goes down, the value of the
1 Norway 0.949 Very High HDI decreases. In an area with very little
development the value of the index is close to
2 Australia 0.939 ''
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 37
Make friends with maps !

Note : As population density is shown as

per Census 2011, Thane and Palghar
districts have been shown in the same

Figure 7.5

Density of population in Maharashtra :

Can you tell ? Geographical explanation

Study fig 7.5 and answer the following questions. While considering the districtwise
Ø Which are the most densely populated density of population in Maharashtra, the
districts? following features stand out. Population
Ø Name the sparsely populated districts with density is less in the eastern districts of
a density of less than 100 per sq. km. Maharashtra, while they are more in the
Ø Name two districts with moderate western districts. Higher density indicate
population densities. urbanisation and higher levels of
Ø What is the density of the dark shaded industrialisation. Therefore Mumbai city
regions? district and Mumbai suburb district, Thane,
Ø Why is the density of population less in Pune and Nagpur districts have higher
Gadchiroli? density. The rainshadow districts as well as
Ø Have a discussion in the class on the effect the districts in the extreme east which are
of physiography, climate, area under forest, densely forested show less density.
industries etc on the density of population.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 38
HDI - Human Development Index Give it a try.
UNDP - United Nations Development Since the past two centuries the size of
Programme family is decreasing. But inspite of this the
population of the country is increasing. Find
out why is this happening?

Do you know ?
Information about many parameters re-
lated to population is obtained through actual
surveys. These surveys are called census. In
India these surveys are conducted once in ten
years at the start of the decade. The latest
census was conducted in 2011. The statistical
information obtained through these surveys is
classified, presented graphically and used in
comparative studies and planning.


Use your brain power !

Discuss and write the advantages and

disadvantages of low population or high
population with reference to the following
Headings Low High
population population
Per capita land
Per capita income 2010
Basic amenities and
Percentage of
Higher Education
Social Environment

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 39
Use your brain power ! Give it a try.

Ø As per the population census of 2011, Have a discussion on population control with
the population of India is 121 crores. For the help of the following points
domestic use the per capita requirement l Public education l Education
per day is 50 litres of water. Taking this l Public awareness l Health facilities
into account, what would be the total l Planning l Government policies
amount of water required in India for l Research
domestic purpose only?


Q 1. Complete the following sentences. Q 3. Answer in brief.

(A) If the birth rate is greater than the (a) What are the aspects considered in
death rate then the population……….. the structure of population?
(i) decreases (b) Prepare a list of advantageous and
(ii) increases disadvantageous factors, affecting
population distribution.
(iii) remains constant
(c) What are the problems in areas of high
(iv) becomes surplus
population densities?
(B) People of ……………age group are
(d) What are the problems in area of low
included in the productive population.
population densities?
(i) 0 to 14
Q 4. Give Geographical Reasons.
(ii) 14 to 60
(a) Population is an important resource.
(iii) 15 to 60
(b) Productive population is an important
(iv) 15 to 59 group.
(C) The spread of modern technology in (c) The study of age structures is important.
society is mostly dependant on ……
(d) Literacy is directly related to
(i) Sex Ratio development.
(ii) Birth Rate (e) The real progress of a country is
(iii) Literacy understood with the help of the Human
(iv) Migration Development Index.
Q 2. Examine the following statements and correct Q 5. Write notes.
the incorrect ones. (A) Sex ratio
(a) The population density of a region can be (B) Age Structure
understood from its area. (C) Literacy
(b) The quality of population is determined on ACTIVITY :
the basis of literacy.
Survey 5 families in your neighbourhood on
(c) There is an adverse impact on manpower in the basis of the following points and make a
the regions of out migration. presentation.
(d) Greater economic prosperity indicates the
(a) Sex
development of a region.
(b) Age groups
(e) Developing countries have an HDI of 1.
(c) Education
(d) Occupation
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 40

Let’s recall.

Figure 8.1
In figure 8.1 the sequence of two industrial Factors affecting the location of an industry :
processes has been given. Arrange the pictures
in proper sequence and write the sequentian Agricultural
number in the box given below. River

Ø Name the two industries Hi
Ø Name the raw material and the finished Availability
of labour
product of both these industries.

Ø How is the raw material converted into the


Water Supply

finished product?
Ø Why is it necessary to convert the raw Taking into account the above factors, note
in different colours the favourable factors
material into finished product?
required for the factories and given below and
Geographical explanation the following.
(1) Iron and Steel, (2) Textiles, (3) Sugar.
The process of converting the available raw
material into finished products is done in the Ø For each industry prepare a list of the
factories. The finished product is durable, more necessary factors.
useful and has an added value. Industries or Ø For each industry give an explanation for
manufacturing units provide secondary
the location suggested by you.
occupation. Due to the availability of resoures,
development of science and technology and Ø In a similar manner for which other industries
other favourable conditions, there is the can you decide a suitable location?
development of industries and a boost to Geographical explanation
industrialization. Industries help in speeding up
the economic development of humans and it In any given area the development of
industries is dependant on several factors such as
also helps in achieving the economic
the availability of raw material, water, labour,
development of a country.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 41
transport, capital, market etc. As per the
availability of these factors, specific industries Geographical explanation
develop. Because of the unequal distribution of While looking for answers to the above
these factors, industrial development does not questions you must have realised that for the
take place at the same pace at all places. Some localisation of the iron and steel industry, the
regions are suitable for the development of most important factors are the availability of
industries while in other regions, only particular raw material and energy, both of which are
industries develop. Dense forests and desert areas available around Jamshedpur. The raw material
are not conducive to industrial development. is heavy and bulky and it is uneconomical to
transport it to a factory far away. Hence it is
Give it a try.
favourable to establish this industry in the area
Study the factors given below and state where the raw material is available. This is the
which industries could develop in these regions. reason for the establishment of the iron and steel
l Excellent transport facilities, skilled labour industry at Jamshedpur.
and uninterrupted supply of electricity. Classification of industries as per their nature :
l Limestone deposits, cheap labour, Types of Industries
uniterrupted supply of water and electricity,
increasing urbanisation.
l Fruit orchards, labour, excellent transportation Small industry Medium industry Heavy industry
Making of Fruit processing Cement, Sugar, Iron
facilities, unlimited water supply, uninterrupted earthern pots, industries, Jaggery and steel, etc.
electricity and ready market. bakery products, making, etc.

Can you tell ? Use your brain power !

Which industries could be profitably set
up in your surrounding area/locality?

Try this.
Obtain information about any one industry
in your locality with the help of the following
Ø Name of the industry -
Ø Name of the owner -
Ø How many people work here?
Figure 8.2 : Localisation of Iron and steel industry
Study figure 8.2 and answer the following Ø What is the raw material used?
questions. Ø What are the steps taken to reduce the
Ø Name the industry at Jamshedpur? pollution level in the vicinity of the factory?
Ø Which raw material is required for this
industry? Ø Through your industry how are you
Ø From which areas is this raw material contributing to society?
obtained? Geographical explanation
Ø Why is coal used in this industry?
Ø State with reasons if it would be feasible All the three pictures above are related to
to set up an iron and steel industry in your the concept of indstries, but the nature of their
district? work is different. In these industries raw
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 42
Use your brain power ! Think about it.
Identify the industries shown in the Examine all the three picture shown
pictures state suitable locations for these
below and answers the following questions.



material, labour force, capital, land, etc. are all Ø Name the industry shown in picture A
essential factors. As per the nature of the work, Ø What is the difference between the
industries can be classified. industries shown in pictures A and B?
Very often the finished product from one Ø What is distinctive about the industry in
industry is used as a raw material in another picture C?
industry e.g. sugar produced in the sugar factories
is used as a sweetener, a raw material in the
Ø Identify the industry shown in the picture
manufacture of products such as biscuits, jams above.
and jellies. Similarly iron rods are used as raw Ø Name some more similar industries.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 43
Give it a try.
Complete the list with reference to industries
Industry Type Raw Material
Manufacture of iron rods
Manufacture of candles
Furniture manufacture
Paper Manufacture
Manufacture of Medicines
Sugar Manufacture
Jaggery Manufacture Figure 8.3 : Jaggery making

Aagarbatti Manufacture
Manufacture of cotton
Manufacture of Railway
Papad Making

materials in the engineering industries, in the

manufacture of steel furniture etc.
Agro Based Industries :
India is a predominantly agrarian country
In India a variety of agricultural products is Figure 8.4 : Oil press
available. Different types of agro-based
industries have come up. In addition to these,
industries processing agricultural products
have also developed. These include the dairy
industry, fruit processing, food processing,
jaggery making etc. Industries dependent on
agricultural products have been established
everywhere. There has also been development
of heavy industries like textiles and sugar.
Industrial Development :
The establishment of industries and Figure 8.5 : Fruit-processing
industrial development have an important role
in the economic development of a country.
Industrial development is essential for improving
the standard of living and increasing the per
capita income of the citizens. The citizens of a
country get employment opportunities and their
life style improves. The per capita income of the
country goes up and there is an increase in the
export of finished products. This results in an
increase in the foreign exchange reserves. For
all these reasons it is necessary to give a fillip to
industrialization in a country. The government Figure 8.6 : Dal mill

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 44
establishes industrial estates to boost
industrial development and increase Development of agriculture and
ion of forest l
the employment opportunities in a Deplet
n ities
region. ul atio commod
Pop table pric
es of
npo wer
Industries have an important role le d ma
in the economic development of a Improvemen Supply of
country. Hence all countries take t in the labour Pollution
standard of
livin g
special efforts for promoting industrial
development. To enable this, industrial More land under irrigation
estates have been established. These ket s
estates are given concessional rates Mar ilitie Increasing land pr
fac ices
for electricity, water and taxes. of tran
opm Literacy
Maharashtra Industrial Development Devel Cultural development
Corporation (M.I.D.C.) : on
c ati
uni Slums
On 1st August 1962 in mm
Co Boost to Urbanization
Maharashtra, the state government Ample
established the Maharashtra Industrial
Development Corporation and ig ran Poverty
of m Uninterrupte
through it, set up industries in every r d Power
Nu mbe supply
district of the state. Through this, the
decentralization of industries is
Figure 8.7
expected throughout the state.
Like Maharashtra, other states in an area get employment. It also helps in increasing the
have also established such per capita income. For the economic development of an
corporations. In these industrial agrarian country, it is necessary to have industries based
estates very often auxiliary industries on agricultural products. Such industries not only result in
have been established. In addition agricultural development but also the economic
employment opportunities have been development of a country. The standard of living of people
made available to local people. In also rises.
these industrial estates, various
Information Technology Industry :
facilities necessary for industries have
been made available.
Let’s recall.
Can you tell ?
Ø What are the different ways of obtaining information?
Study the factors given in fig 8.7
and classify them as per their
Ø Which is the fastest way of obtaining information?
advantages and disadvantages in Ø How do WhatsApp, Facebook, Google maps, etc.
relation to industries.
Geographical explanation
Geographical explanation
Information Technology is an important engineering
There are many advantages of branch in today’s world. In this branch, work is carried out
industrial development. There are by computers. In this industry, India has made rapid
also some disadvantages also. progress. The availability of skilled manpower is the most
Because of industrialization the youth important reason for this.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 45
In this industry searching for technical
information, obtaining, analyzing and Do you know ?
compiling it, presenting it graphically and Industrialization and Environment :
providing it as per requirement is the nature Manufacturing includes processing of
of work. All this information is obtained raw material in order to obtain the finished
from the internet on computers, mobiles and product. During the manufacture of the
other devices. The creation or development of products some harmful residual materials
special softwares on these handsets is another and pollutants are also left behind. As a result
important component of the industries. there is pollution of air, water, noise and land.
Today there is an increase in the use of This type of pollution is termed as industrial
computers and technology. There is a great
Industrial pollution, the resultant
variety in the types of information collected,
environment and the problems relating to it are
and it is used all over the world. being seriously discussed at an international
Corporate Social Responsibility : level. While deciding the location of industries,
along with the traditional factors, serious
When an industrialist or a group of
thought is being given to environmental
industries work for the betterment of the factors. To control the pollution caused by
society and for the conservation of the industries, proper disposal of sewage and
environment, it is known as Corporate Social harmful residuals and proper treatment of the
Responsibility (CSR). pollutants should be done.
Showing responsibility to society by Fuel saving vehicles and other
helping needy people or needy organizations equipment must be manufactured. Pollution
is an important task. With this objective, control, preservation of natural resources,
environmental management etc. are factors
when an industry or a group of industries
which must be taken into account.
have made a profit of over 5 crores, they are
In India, in order to check industrial
expected to spend at least 2% of their profits pollution many laws and regulations have
on acts benefitting the society. For this, their been framed, both at the national and the state
assistance in the areas below is expected. levels e.g. the Water and Air pollution control
l The provision of educational facilities Act and the conservation of Environment Act.
l The provision of facilities related to The Central Pollution Control Board of India
health. looks into prevention and control of pollution.
l The development of the village or region. In this context, any contravention of these
l Establishing centres for people like laws would mean that the management of the
enviornmental development centres etc. factory would be held responsible and would
be liable for punishment.
There is a tax rebate on the amount
spent by the industry or group of industries
on various schemes under Corporate Social Give it a try.
Responsibility. In India many important public sector
undertakings have been established. Their
Think about it. acronyms (abbreviated forms) have been
given. Find their long forms and write them
Talk about the interrelationship between down. BHEL, BEL, HAL, ONGC, NTPC,
human resources and industry. NTC, SAL, GAIL, e.g. BHEL: Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 46
Give it a try. Water Literacy- The need of the hour :
Water is a basic necessity in human life.
Important information technology cen-
Due to increasing population, changing
ters are called IT hubs. Find out with the climatic conditions, irregular rainfall, etc
help of internet in which cities such hubs many countries in recent times are facing
have developed and mark them on an out- problem of acute water shortage. India will
line map of India. also be facing a problem of acute water
shortage in near future. This has come to light
through a survey of water industries.
India is a country blessed with ample
natural resources. The rivers of India are
rainfed. It is essential to check this flow of
water and use it judiciously.
Small check dams, canals, recharging
our underground reservoirs, reusing water,
reducing water pollution, treating waste water
from industries and reusing them etc. are all
Information Technology Industry methods of proper water management.
While using water for our personal needs
we need to take care not to waste water and to
Use your brain power ! use minimum possible water. Even these
small steps will help in overcoming the
Ø Which type of industries can stem the problem of water shortage. Public awareness
flow of people towards urban areas? on water management is the need of the hour.
Ø Where is it necessary to establish these
Give it a try.

Think about it.

If you become an industrialist, which of

the following would you do?
l Only make profits

l Start a second industry from the earlier Ø In what context is this logo?
one as a supplementary industry. Ø What will be the benefit of this programme?
l Will spend some amount for the society Ø What is the correlation between this
after the deduction of tax. programme and employment?
Ø Which are the Navaratana industries of India?
l Provide help for the creation of new
Ø Why do you think they have been accorded
this status of Navaratna?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 47

Q. 1. Mark ü in the box next to the right alternative (c) Give your opinion in short on the
(A) Which factor amongst those mentioned usefulness of Corporate Social
below does not directly impact industrial Responsibility.
development? (d) Mention three features of small
(i) Water industries.
(ii) Electricity
Q. 4. Write detailed answers to the following
(iii) Labor
(iv) Air
(a) Explain the factors affecting industrial
(B) Which of the following is a small industry?
(i) Machine parts
(b) State the advantages of the Maharashtra
(ii) Book binding industry
Industrial Development Corporation.
(iii) Silk Industry
(c) Explain the importance of the I. T.
(iv) Sugar industry
(C) Which of the following cities is not an
(d) Considering India’s population, the
IT Centre?
development of industries is a good
(i) Old Delhi
solution to the problem of unemployment
(ii) New Delhi
(iii) Noida
(iv) Bengaluru Q. 5. Prepare a flow chart for the following
(D) An amount of 2% of the profits have to statements.
be utilized for which purpose by industries? (a) The journey of clothes we use from the
(i) Income Tax farm to ourselves.
(ii) Corporate Social Responsibility (b) Essential factors for the location of any
(iii) Goods and Service Tax one industry.
(iv) Sales Tax
Q. 6. Highlight the differences.
Q. 2. State whether the following statements are
(a) Medium industries – heavy industries
true or false. Correct the incorrect
(b) Agro based industries – Information
Technology industries.
(a) Small and medium industries of a
Projects :
country are harmful to heavy industries.
Collect information about any one project
(b) The level of industrialization is an
undertaken in your village/city under the Corporate
indiactor of the economic development
Social Responsibility and present it in the class.
of a country.
(c) The aim of the industrial development
corporations is to decentralize
(d) Corporate social responsibility is
compulsory for every industrialist.

Q. 3. Answer the following questions in three to

four lines.
(a) What are the facilities provided by the
government to industrial estates?
(b) Write in your own words how industrial
development impacts national

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 48
1. Distributional Maps

You have studied district, state and temperature, rainfall, population, etc. is
country maps in the earlier classes in shown on the map according to the data of
Environmental Studies and Geography these variables. These maps are useful to
subjects. The main aim of maps is explain the distribution of these variables
to show the location of a place and in the region. Such maps easily bring
distribution of variables. Some maps are out the patterns of distribution. To draw
prepared with special themes. Such maps distributional maps, we need statistical
are called Thematic Maps. Through such data of the variables. Distribution can be
maps, distribution of various variables shown in the three following ways on a
in a region is shown. Distribution of map:
Distributional Maps

Dot method Choropleth method Isopleth method

Dot method: v The distribution of physiography, water

A dot map is prepared using statistical sources, transport system, etc. of a region
data. While preparing dot maps, only data should be considered while placing dots
gathered through counting is used. The on a map.
way a variable is distributed throughout
v While showing population distribution,
the region, the dots are used to show its
rural population is shown by dots and
distribution on the map. For example, the
circles are used to show urban population.
population of a region, the distribution of
cattle, etc. The dot method is most suitable for that
To show distribution through dot method, variable which is freely scattered across the
the value of a dot has to be determined. To region.
do that, the lowest and the highest values of
a given variable in a region are taken into Make friends with maps !
consideration. Accordingly, the number of
dots are determined. Also, we need to consider
In Fig. 1.1, the population distribution
the size of the dot, the density of the variable
map of Amravati district is given. Answer the
and the scale of the map. The number of dots
given questions by reading the distributional
to be given for the value of variable in each
map shown by dot method:
sub-administrative unit needs to be decided
first. The following precautions should be Ø What is the population of the Amravati
taken while using the dot method for a map: town?
v The size of a dot should be uniform.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 49
Ø Name the place having population of 1 Ø Which part of the map shows sparse
lakh on the map. distribution of population?

Figure 1.1 : Dot method map

Figure 1.2 (A) : Choropleth map (tints)

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 50
Choropleth method: shown. Read any one map in detail and
In these maps, the data regarding various answer the following questions:
geographical variables is shown by shades or Ø Name the Talukas having population
tints of various colours. While making such density between 301 and 400 persons per
maps, the data used for different variables is sq.km.
obtained through various processes such as
Ø What is the density of the Amravati
measurement, surveying, etc. In this method, Taluka?
only one value is given to one sub-
administrative unit in a region. The smallest Ø Name the Talukas having population
density less than 300 persons per sq.km.
and the largest values of the given data of the
variable are taken into consideration. After Isopleth method :
that, 5-7 classes are made. Each class is You have seen contour maps and isobar
assigned a tint of the same colour or black- maps in earlier classes. In these maps, the
and-white patterns. The shades or the patterns distribution was shown with the help of lines
become darker with the increasing values of showing equal values. When the distribution
the given variable and are drawn accordingly of a variable is continuous, the isopleth
on the map in the given classification. method is then used to show its distribution.
In fig. 1.2 (A) and 1.2 (B), the population For example, altitude, temperature, rainfall,
density maps of Amravati district using color etc.
shades and black-and-white patterns are For these maps, we need to obtain

Make friends with maps !

Figure 1.2 (B) : Isopleth map (Black and white patterns)

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 51
Make friends with maps !

Figure 1.3 : Isopleth map

the accurate data regarding the altitude, in turn decides the difference between the
temperature, rainfall, etc. of some places in lines.
a region. It is assumed that the difference v Lines are drawn for the decided intervals.
between the altitude or rainfall of two Locations with the same value are joined
places changes at a uniform rate. The sub- by a line.
administrative units are not taken into Following conclusions are drawn on the
consideration here. Statistical data belongs basis of the maps prepared in such a way.
to the respective places. Such data is known v If the lines are closer to each other then
as point-related data. the change in the variable is steep and if
Values of the variable are written on the the lines are away from each other, then it
map at their respective locations. If the data is gentle.
for more places is available, mapping of the v We get an idea of the natural trend of the
distribution can be done more accurately. distribution of the variable with the help
On the basis of this information, isopleth of this map.
maps are prepared using the steps below: In fig. 1.3, the rainfall map of Amravati
v By considering the highest and the lowest district is given. Read the map in detail and
values of the variable, the class interval is answer the questions.
decided to draw the isopleths maps which Ø In which part of the district is the rainfall
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 52
Ø In which direction is the rainfall
Ø What is the lowest value of the rainfall
in the district?

Make friends with maps !

Read the maps given in fig. 1.4 and 1.5

and answer the questions.

Figure 1.5 : Rainfall

Ø In which direction is the rainfall more in
the district?
Ø In which direction is the rainfall
Ø Which class shows low rainfall category

in the district?
Ø Which class shows high rainfall category
in the district?
Figure 1.4 : Density of population
Ø Which method has been used in preparing

this map?
Ø In which direction is the density of
population decreasing? Try this.
Ø Name the Talukas with population
density less than 200. Now we will prepare a map using dot
Ø Name the Talukas having population method. Carry out the following activity.
density between 200 and 400. Ü See the map of Nandurbar given in fig.
Ø Name the Talukas with population 1.6 carefully. Draw it on another paper or
density more than 400. tracing paper along with its taluka and
Ø In which direction are the Talukas having district boundaries.
higher density of population located in Ü Now see the population table given along
the district? the map. On the basis of the statistical
Ø Which method has been used in preparing data, decide the value of the dots
this map? considering the highest and the lowest

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 53
Make friends with maps !

Figure 1.6 : Nandurbar District

in the map in fig 1.6
Rural Population
S.No. Talukas Ü Compare your dot map with other students
and arrange a discussion in the class.
1. Akkalkuwa 2,15,974
Geographical field-visit
2. Akrani 1,89,661
Field visit is an important study method
3. Taloda 1,33,291 in geography. Geographical concepts
4. Shahada 3,46,352 and elements can be directly experienced
5. Nandurbar 2,56,409 through field-visits. Field-visits are
6. Nawapur 2,31,134 extremely useful for understanding
the correlation between humans and
values of population. For example,
1 dot = 10000 people, so that you can
decide how many dots to be given to each Preparations for field-visits :
sub-administrative unit. Before going to the field-visit, decide
Ü To draw dots of the uniform size, take the place and the purpose of visit. The
a ball pen refill. Close the back end of elements which will be observed in field-
the refill with cotton. Press this end on a visit should be decided. Study the location
stamp-pad and draw the imprints of the map and the route map of the place to be
dots wherever required. visited. Distance, transport route, means
of transport and duration of field visit
Ü While placing the dots, consider the
should be planned ahead. With the help
physiography, water sources, roads, rails,
of teachers, students should prepare a
taluka and district headquarters as shown
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 54
Selection of the study area : field-visit, you should try to understand the
Geographical field-visit is organised local circumstances by conversing with
for study of various elements. e.g. the local people. You should also ensure
physical landforms, river banks, dams, that you do not harm the environment in
coastal areas, tourism sites, offices any way during your visit. You should
or museums related to geographical always keep a first-aid box with you for
elements, villages, forest areas, etc. emergency circumstances.
Elements should be selected after Report-writing :
studying the local conditions and A field-report should be written on
necessary permission letters have to be the basis of information obtained after
obtained. the visit is complete. Use the following
For a field visit, you should carry a issues to make a report. Add photographs
notebook, specimen questionnaire, pen, wherever necessary:
pencil, scale, tape, compass, a bag for v Introduction
collecting samples, maps, camera, etc. v Location map and Route Map
Precautions to be taken during field- v Physiography
visit :
v Climate
It is very important to ensure safety
v Population
of ourselves and others during a field-
visit. You should obey the instructions v Environmental problems and measures
given by the teachers. You should not go v Land Utilization
to unknown remote places alone. During v Conclusions


Q 1. Give reasons why following sentences (8) Distribution of various

are right or wrong: geographical elements can be
(1) The main aim of distributional shown using dot method.
maps is to show location. Q 2. Answer in brief.
(2) In choropleth maps, only one (1) Explain the use and types of
value is assigned to the distributional maps.
sub-administrative unit. (2) Differentiate between choropleth
(3) In choropleth maps, colours/tints and isopleths methods.
do not change according to the
(3) Explain with reasons the method
values of the variables. which is best suited to show the
(4) Choropleth maps are used to show distribution of population
altitudes. in a region.
(5) Isopleth maps are used to show
population distribution. Q 3. Which method will you use for the
(6) In dot method, every dot should following information ?
have an appropriate scale. (1) Talukawise wheat production in
(7) Isopleth maps are not made using the district
isolines. (2) Distribution of the altitude of the
land in the district.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 55
(3) Distribution of domestic animals in (3) What is the population shown by
the State the largest circle ? Which place is
(4) The distribution of population that?
density in India
(5) Temperature distribution in (4) Which Taluka has the least
Maharashtra State. population?
Q 4. Study the population distribution map of ***
Kolhapur district and answer the
following questions:
(1) Which method has been used to
show the distribution of population
in the district?
(2) Explain the directionwise
distribution of population from
dense to sparse.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 56
8. Introduction to Economics

Can you tell ?

Sr. No. Items Estimated Expenditure

(1) Daily food 6,000/-
(2) Buying two sets of uniform 2,000/-
(3) School stationery 500/-
(4) Medical expenditure 450/-
(5) Recreation 500/-
(6) Mobile Bill 1,000/-
(7) Vegetables, fruits, etc. 1,000/-
(8) Public transport (bus, railway, rick-shaw, etc.) 2,600/-
(9) Electricity Bill 1,500/-
(10) Tourism 4,000/-
(11) Bank installments 3,000/-

Total ` 22,550/-
Suppose this is your expenditure this ‘family management’. There is a lot of
month and your monthly income is ` 20000. similarity between family management and
To strike a balance between your income and economics.
your expenditure, decide what will be your We understand from economics, how to
preferences for expenditure. use time, money, labour and land effectively.
Rewrite the table according to your How to satisfy the infinite needs of the people
preferences and discuss in class. using various resources is the study matter of
economics. According to Lionel Robbins,
(Note to the teachers: Look at the preferences
‘Economics is a science which studies human
decided by the students and then explain them how
behaviour as a relationship between ends and
management of income and expenditure is done.)
scarce means which have alternative uses.’
Geographical explanation As we manage the finances of our family,
similarly, villages/cities, states, countries
After discussion on the above activity, and world also need to have economic
you will realise that management of management. Geographically speaking, the
individual or family finances is mainly enterprises related to the production,
related to income and expenditure i.e. distribution and consumption of goods and
economic factors. This led to the birth of services in a specific region is called an
economics. economy. On a global level, there are three
The word ‘economics’ comes from the types of economies.
Greek word ‘oikonomia’ which means
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 57
Types of Economy

Capitalistic Economy TYPES OF ECONOMIES.

Socialistic Economy Mixed Economy
— Ownership and — The means of production — Co-existence of private
management of means of belong to the society as a and public sectors
production is in the hands whole i.e. the government’s — A balance between
of private individuals. control. profit and social
— Main aim is to earn — Main aim is to achieve social welfare is made.
maximum profit. welfare. India, Sweden, the UK
Germany, Japan, the USA China and Russia have adopted have adopted this type
have adopted such a type Socialistic type of economy. of system.
of economy.

Factors affecting an economy Do you know ?

Adam Smith is known as the father

of economics. In his book, ‘Wealth of
Political Nations’, published in 1776, he has defined
sovereignty economics as ‘the science of wealth’.
Area and natural
Population resources


Always remember -
v Economics is an important social Globalisation of the economy:
subject. The recent economic policies are taking
v We use economics on a large
the economy towards globalisation.
scale in agriculture, trade, finance,
Globalisation means building a world
administration, law and in our daily
economy. World economy is a borderless
v Economics holds a paramount economy in which natural resources, profit,
importance in the social development services, capital, labour and technology flow
of humans. freely across borders of countries.
Globalisation means aligning the
country’s economy with the world economy.
There is free trade and all restrictions on
investments are set aside.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 58
The functions of an economy : v Deciding for whom the goods will be
Every country has a different economy. produced.
Neverthless, the main functions of economy Thus, an economy strives to create
are similar. Some of the main functions of the a balance between limited resources and
economy are as follows : unlimited needs.
v Deciding the product and quantity of its
production Can you do it ?
v Minimise the production costs as much as Suppose you are the finance
possible minister of an agrarian country. Giving
v Distribution of national income according priority to overall development of the
to social and economic justice country, make a five-point programme.
v Making appropriate provisions for the
economic needs of the future.


Q (1) Explain the types of economies by filling Q (3) Write the following questions in one
correct information in the place of line:
questions in the circle.
(1) To which economic factor is the
management of individual or family
finances related?
(2) From which Greek word is the term

‘Economics’ derived?




(3) In capitalistic economy, to whom





does the ownership and management




of means of production belong?

(4) What do you mean by globalisation?


? Activity:

(1) Obtain information about the

? contribution of any Indian economist
in Economics and present in the class.
Achieving social welfare
(2) Consider the income and expenditure
of your family and make an account
sheet for it.
Q (2) Give an explanation :
(1) Economy begins at home. ***
(2) India’s economy is of mixed type.
(3) On the basis of economies, we can
divide countries into three groups.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 59
9. Trade

Try this. We have various needs in our day-to-

day life. We buy various things to satisfy
Obtain the following information.
these wants. When we buy them we create a
Ü Make a list of commodities which you use
demand for them.
To fulfil the demand for these products,
Ü Who uses these commodities? the production of these goods is carried out.
Ü Write the source of the supplies of these The producer supplies these goods. In other
commodities. words he sells them to wholesale trader.
Ü From where do you buy these commodities? Thus, the buying and selling of goods is
Ü What do you call the act of buying and done to fulfil each others’ needs. These who
selling? purchase are the consumers of the goods. The
Ü What does the shopkeeper take in lieu of producer produces and the sellers sell the
the commodity? goods. Buyers and sellers buy and sell the
From where do these commodities come goods, respectively. This is called trade.
to the market, from where have you bought
them and what is their main source? Obtain
this information and write it against the Demand/ Supply/
commodities in the list. Hold a discussion in Buying Trade Sale
the class about the obtained information.

Geographical explanation Figure 9.1 : The concept of trade

On the basis of the information obtained Trade is an important economic activity.

above, you will realise that we buy the goods The economic life of people is interdependent.
we need from the shops, markets or malls No region or country is self-sufficient. Trade
around us. Generally, the sellers of these goods
between two regions is necessary to fulfil
are not the manufacturers of the goods. They
bring these commodities from somewhere. It the needs of the people. As each region has
is not necessary that these commodities are different geographical conditions, each
manufactured in our surroundings. They are region produces specific commodities.
manufactured at places very far away. They If there is a paucity of a commodity,
could be first brought by retail sellers from
then there is demand for that commodity.
wholesale market, factories, agricultural
product market committees, etc. and then The place where it is abundant provides the
they reach us. supply of the commodity. Thus, supply is done
from regions producing excess commodities
Find out! to region facing deficit according to the
demand. For example, apples produced in
You gets products from other places.
Similarly, find out where the special Jammu and Kashmir are sent to other states
products/ items made in your village/city are of India having a demand for it.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 60
Do we get any commodity from them?
Do you know ?
| Why do you pay the ticket for a movie
Trade is an age-old concept. In ancient and then go inside the theatre?
and medieval periods, trade was done | You pay cash /money for getting your hair
through the barter system. In this there was
cut. Why?
an exchange of goods with other goods.
Grains were exchanged in lieu of work
done or oil, salt, honey and milk were Geographical explanation
exchanged for grains. There was no
currency used in this trade. Even today we In the above instances, when there is
see traders who exchange utensils in lieu of buying and selling of goods, it is called
old clothes but this creates problems of visible trade. On the other hand, when there is
estimating a proper price of commodities. an exchange of services, it is called invisible
Earlier too such problems were encountered. trade.
As a result, the use of currency started.
Today, in this modern age, trade is carried
out with the help of currency only but barter
system is still prevalent to a small extent in
remote areas amongst the tribal people.

Figure 9.2 (A) : Visible trade

Barter system

Can you tell ?

Trade involves selling and buying of

goods. But do you know that trade can also
take place without goods.
| We get vegetables from the vegetable
vendor when we pay him money
| We get books for which we pay money
| When we travel by a vehicle, we pay the
fare. Do we get any commodity from it?
| We have to give remuneration in lieu of
the advice we take from lawyers/doctors. Figure 9.2 (B) : Invisible trade

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 61
Types of trade: of population, transport and communication
Types of trade services, the living standard of the people,
marketing system lead to large-scale internal
on the basis of on the basis of the trade. In India, factors like diversity in
quantity of goods extent of trade region geographical conditions and high population
also affect the domestic trade. A country’s
Wholesale Retail Domestic/ international/ development is dependent on the extent of the
trade trade internal external domestic trade. If there is a good economic
trade trade growth, then trade will also be more. Thus,
there is a positive relation between economic
(A) According to the quantity of goods:
growth and trade.
Depending on the quantity of goods, there are
two types of trade: wholesale and retail. — International trade : International
trade means the exchange of goods and
— Wholesale trade : Traders buy services of one country with other countries.
commodities on a large scale directly brought Some countries produce specific products
from the producers. The commodities are in excess, for example, crude oil in Saudi
also sold on a large scale to retail traders. Arabia, Kuwait and wheat production in the
This is called wholesale trading. Wholesale USA, Canada, etc. These products are sent
to countries having demand for those goods.
traders buy goods on a large scale from
This leads to the beginning of international
industrialists, farmers, etc. For example, the
orchard owners of mangoes or oranges sell
When international trade takes place
their entire production to wholesale traders. between two countries it is bilateral trade.
— Retail trade : When the traders buy When it occurs between more than two
goods from wholesale traders and sell it countries it is called multilateral trade.
directly to consumers, then it is known as — Export and import : Export and
retail trading. The quantity of goods sold is import are the basic processes of international
less in this case. For example, the shopkeepers trade. When a country buys those goods
selling goods, vegetable vendors in markets, and services which are scarce in their own
etc. country from another country, it is known
as import. When a country produces excess
(B) According to the extent of region :
goods or services than required, it sells these
The buying and selling of goods happens at
to countries which have a demand for it. This
various levels. On that basis, trade can be
is called export.
divided into local, regional, national and
international trade.
Give it a try.
— Domestic trade (Internal trade) :
This trade takes place between different Obtain information regarding the
bilateral trade between India and Japan
regions within the same country. The size
for any financial year and the value of the
of the country, diversity, distribution and export and import of major goods. Write
availability of natural resources affect the two paragraphs on it.
internal trade within the country. The size
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 62
Use your brain power ! International Trade Organisations :
Carrying out trade at an international level
Suppose you are a trader and you want
is a more complex process than domestic
to sell your product in other states of the
trade. Trade takes place between two or more
country and also in other parts of the world.
nations. Factors like the economy of the
F Which of these is an easier way of doing country, government policies, markets, laws,
trade? judicial system, currency, language, etc.
F Which trade can bring have some influence the trade. The political relations
limitations? between the two countries also influences
the trade between them. Sometimes, the
F Look for reasons behind them obstacles in the way of trading affect the
Balance of trade: mutual relationship adversely. To avoid
The difference between the import and this, international economic and trade
export values of a country in a specific period organisations came up. To smoothen and
is called balance of trade. Following are the justify the process of trade between countries
of different economic standing, some
types of balance of trade:
international economic organisations were
l When the value of imports is more than the formed. These organisations work towards
value of exports, it is called ‘unfavourable the facilitation and growth of international
balance of trade.’ trade. The details of a few organisations have
rt been given here in the following table.
Impo Expo

Figure 9.3 (A) : Unfavourable balance of trade

l When the value of exports is more than the
value of imports, it is called ‘favourable
balance of trade’.

Headquarters of ASEAN


Figure 9.3 (B) : Favourable balance of trade

l When the value of exports and imports

is almost the same, it is called ‘balanced
balance of trade’.

Import Export

Head office of World Trade Organisation

Figure 9.3 (C) : Balanced trade

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 63
Some economic organisations of the world
Name of the Number of Headquarters Aims/functions
international member-states ( Country)
trade and logo
World Trade 164 Geneva l To provide platform for negotiations in
Organisation ( Switzerland) international trade
(WTO) l To handle the differences related to trade
l Monitor the trade policies of member
l Providing technological assistance and
training to developing countries
European 28 Brussels l Established an integrated market amongst
Union (EU) ( Belgium) member nations in Europe.
l Free flow of goods, services and capital
in Europe.
l Customduties have been cancelled on
exchange of goods within members
l Common ‘Euro’ currency established
Organisation 13 Vienna l Controlling the international trade of
of Petroleum (Austria) crude oil
Exporting l Controlling the rates of crude oil
Countries production among member states
(OPEC) l Maintaining consensus in oil export
South Asian 8 Kathmandu l Finding satisfactory solutions to the
Association ( Nepal) common problems faced by countries in
for Regional South Asia.
Cooperation l Increasing social welfare, raising the
(SAARC) living standard and increasing regional
cooperation among member states
l To remove unrest in South Asia
Association 10 Jakarta l Expanding social and cultural harmony
of South-East ( Indonesia) along with economic growth in SE Asia
Asian Nations l Promoting regional peace
( ASEAN) l Promoting tax waivers for trade growth
in member states

Asia-Pacific 21 Singapore l Free trade and economic cooperation in

Economic Asia-Pacific Ocean region
Cooperation l Promoting regional and technical
(APEC) cooperation among members

Brazil, 5 Shanghai l Make funds available for growth of

Russia, India, (China) economies of members
China and l Enhancing mutual economic cooperation
South Africa l Strengthening economic security
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 64
Make friends with maps !

0 5000 km

Figure 9.4 : World Political : Outline map

Find out the names of the member-states supermarket in the town. Looking at the
of the following organisations with the help quality of his product, they advertised the
of internet. Show these member nations on the farm product and kept it for sale in the mall.
outline map given in fig 9.4 using different Today, Dhondiba’s commodities are being
colour for each organisation. sold for higher prices than before.
— OPEC member - countries.
| Why did Dhondiba’s commodities start
— SAARC member countries.
getting higher price?
Think about it. | What did Dhondiba’s son do for that?
| What measures would you suggest to the
What will happen if there is only one farmers near you so that their agricultural
currency used in the whole world? products fetch a good price?
Geographical explanation
Marketing :
An appropriate presentation of any
commodity is indispensable. The price of
Can you tell ? the commodity is determined by its quality,
With a lot of hard work Dhondiba used its grading and how it is presented before
to grow the best varieties of vegetables and the customer. Dhondiba’s commodities
other agricultural commodities. But his lacked this. Dhondiba’s son recognised it and
products could not fetch a good price. His adapted necessary changes on time. Thus,
college going son, saw this situation and he when we take similar measures for industrial
first packed the commodities nicely after and agricultural products, then the value of
cleaning them neatly. Then he contacted the the commodity increases from the customers’

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 65
view. Thus, the product fetches a good price Importance of marketing :
and also demand for the product increases. Modern industrial social fabric,
globalization and availability of abundant
Try this. choices/alternatives of the products is the
A list of few goods you regularly use structure of today’s business world. In this
at home is given here. Write the name of context, the existence of marketing system for
the product, the manufacturer name and the trade is very important. Through marketing,
source of information in front of it. one can increase business systematically.
The production can be distributed all at once
Name on a large scale. The product can reach a
S. Source of
Goods that you use of the large number of consumers. The selling price
No. information
company of the product also increases. Also, defective
Tooth paste/ products can be recalled from the market.
powder Therefore, in today’s era, marketing is a vital
2 Tea or coffee part of trading systems.
3 Bathing soap Advertisements making the customers
4 Hair oil feel the need to buy the goods are on the rise.
Reaching maximum customers, attracting
5 Biscuits
consumers to the products and making
After answering the questions above, consumers buy the products are the objectives
you must have realised that it is necessary. behind them.
To have good quality product. Also, its In recent times, information technology
advertisement affects us. Everyone doesn’t and media have affected the marketing
possess knowledge about every product but systems deeply. Because of the revolution in
when we see others using that product or if the field of information technology, the whole
we see the advertisement about the product, world has become a big market. Through
when we enquire about it or see it in the internet we can get information about the
market, it occurs to us that we need to use production taking place in various countries.
this product and we buy it. All this is possible This makes numerous options available to the
because of marketing. Good marketing customers. It is due to internet that customers
promotes business. can use facilities like ‘online trading’,
‘e-marketing’, etc.
Always remember -
An invisible flow develops when a product goes from producer to consumer. The commercial
functions involved in this flow are collectively called marketing. The price of a commodity,
sales promotion, advertising and distribution are the major components of marketing.
Commodity Branding
Labelling Price Promotions Distribution
Example., Basmati
Whole, broken, Dubar, etc.
Rice Name of the company, Logo, Number.
Details about the quality of production - Price, Advertisement, Distribution
Attractive packaging

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 66
If a product is advertised using beware of such advertisements. That is why
incorrect information, fraudulent means or the Consumer Protection
making exaggerated statements to cheat the Act has been enacted.
consumers, pointing out the shortcomings of It is necessary that
the competitors, then advertisements tend to the consumer recognises
lose our trust many a times. Therefore, while his own needs and buys
advertising, it is necessary to follow rules goods at reasonable rates.
and regulations. The consumers should also


Q 1. Classify the trade taking place between and 5 sacks of rice from Market Yard
following regions : for selling in his own shop.
(A) Maharashtra and Punjab Q 5. Write answers in short:
(B) India and Japan (A) Create a flowchart showing the types
(C) Lasalgaon and Pune of trade.
(D) China and Canada (B) Explain the difference in types of
(E) India and European Union balances of trade.
Q 2. Write the correct word- Import or Export- (C) State the objectives of WTO.
for the following : (D) What is the difference between the
(A) India buys crude oil from the OPEC and APEC in terms of their
Middle-East Asian countries. functions?
(E) Write the functions of the important
trade organisations in Asia.
(B) Wheat is sent to Asian countries from (F) What is the importance of marketing
Canada. from farmers ‘point of view’?
(C) Japan sends machine parts to APEC Q 6. In the following table, export-import of
countries. some countries in the year 2014-15 is given
in million U.S. dollars. Make a compound
Q 3. Correct and rewrite the wrong statements : bar graph of the given statistical information.
(A) India is a self-sufficient country. Read the bar diagram carefully and
(B) The place where there is excess comment upon the balance of payments of
production does not have demand for the respective countries.
those products.
(C) International trade processes are Country Export Import
easier than local trade. China 2143 1960
(D) SAARC works towards economic India 272 380
development and enhancing the social Brazil 190 241
and cultural harmony of the South- USA 1510 2380
East Asian countries.
Q 4. Identify and write the type of trade: Activity:
(A) Srushti brought sugar from the grocery Carry out the following activity with the help
shop. and guidance of teachers:
(B) The traders from Surat bought cotton Prepare a good advertisement for any
from the farmers of Maharashtra. product. Make sure your advertisement gets
(C) Sameer has exported pomegranates
maximum appreciation from the class.
from his farms to Australia.
(D) Sadabhau bought 10 sacks of wheat
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 67
10. Urbanisation

Answer the following questions:

Can you tell ? | Why is Suresh thinking of going to the
factory for work?
[A dialogue between a farmer (Tatya) in
| What is Tatya worried about?
a village and his son (Suresh) is given here.
| What changes does Suresh think will occur
Read it carefully and hold a discussion on the
in the village?
following questions]
| What other changes do you think will occur
Tatya : Suresh, I will come late to the field
in the village?
today. You go ahead.
Suresh : But father, today I was thinking of Geographical explanation
going to the factory.
Tatya : Why? You will notice that because of the
Suresh : I think I should work in that factory. factory near the village, the occupation of the
Tatya : Work in the factory? For what? people of the village has started changing.
Suresh : Father, if I work in the factory, More and more people from outside come and
I will get a monthly salary. If I start living in the village, transport, hotels,
work overtime, I will get additional restaurants, messes, retail shops, medical
money. Also, I will get bonus in
services, etc. start developing. As a result, the
Tatya : But what about our fields? basic structure of the village starts changing.
Suresh : I will also look after the field Looking at our country, agriculture is the
simultaneously. main occupation in rural areas. Agriculture
Tatya : All that is fine but will you be able and its allied occupations are being followed
to manage all this? since times immemorial. But now, various
Suresh : Tatya, I will look after all that, you industries have started coming up in rural
don’t worry. We should think of the areas. For example, factories, mills, energy
future now. Our village will change plants, multi-purpose projects, etc. People
drastically from what it looks now.
come from the surrounding regions to work
Tatya : What changes are you talking
about? here and thus the population of the village
Suresh : Oh, Tatya, recall your past. increases. To fulfil their needs, other services
Remember the earlier village. How also develope like medical facilities, food,
small was our village! And look at hospitals, recreation, etc. Consequently, the
our village today! Today there is extent of the village grows and the form of
factory near our village. Our field earlier village changes.
is near the village. Because of the The Gram Panchayat providing public
factory, roads will develop and services to the village gives way to Municipal
facilities like hospitals, school and
Council or Municipal Corporation. These
colleges, administrative offices
will come up. Huge buildings will bodies provide the different basic services
stand tall in the village. People from to the citizens like drinking water, roads,
outside will come and stay here. The transportation, sewerage network, street
sprawl of the village will increase. lighting, etc. Besides these, other facilities like
Village will develop. town planning, recreation facilities, tourist

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 68
places, parks, etc. also need to be developed. 13.73%. This means that the urban population
Consequently, the village tranforms into a is increasing rapidly in India. Urbanisation
town/city. occurs because of many reasons. We will
study some of the main reasons:
Think about it. Industrialisation :
The development and concentration of
Which facilities are necessary to be
industries in a region is a factor contributing
developed in urban areas for fulfilling the
needs of the population? towards urbanisation. Increase in industries
leads to increase in the hopes of people
In 1961, the Census of India has decided who are attracted towards these industries
to define ‘urban’ on the basis of following from surrounding areas. This increases the
criteria: speed of urbanisation. In the 19th century,
l More than 75% of the male working
Mumbai grew rapidly because textile
population should be engaged in non-
agricultural occupations. mills started on a large scale in Mumbai.
l The population of the settlement should Many villages, which were originally
be more than 5000. fishing villages (koliwadas), became part
l The population density of the settlement of Mumbai metropolitan area because of
should be more than 400 persons per industrialisation and urbanisation.

Try this.

Using the statistical information given

in the table below, draw a line graph of
the percentage of urban population using
computer. Discuss in terms of urbanisation.
After studying this graph, write the
conclusions about urbanisation in our country
from 1961-2011 in your own words.
S. Year Urban population No of urban
No. (Percentage) settlements
Figure 10.1 : Industrialisation
1 1961 17.79 2,270
2 1971 19.11 3,576 Give it a try.
3 1981 23.34 3,245
Give example of villages in your area
4 1991 25.72 3,605
turning into urban settlement.
5 2001 28.06 5,161 v
Find out the main reason of that rural
6 2011 37.07 7,935 area turning into urban settlement.

Geographical explanation
Trade :
Talking of the urbanisation in India, A place in a region is sometimes
the urban population has been increasing favourable in terms of transport, loading-
consistently from 1961 to 2011. From 1961- unloading and storage of a good. This leads
1981, this growth was around 5.5% only but to development of trade and related services.
from 1981-2011, this growth was around

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 69
like business complexes, banks, credit Migration :
societies, godowns, cold storages, houses, etc. Migration is a major factor affecting
start growing. For example, Nagpur in India urbanisation. This migration can be short-
is centrally located in India. Urbanisation term, long-term or permanent. Migration
started increasing here because this location occurs from rural to rural area, rural to urban
facilitated trade. area or urban to urban areas. The attraction
Mechanisation and technology : of higher standard of life has also resulted
We can see lots of advantages of in an increase in migratory population in the
mechanisation and technology in various cities. For example, migration occurring in
fields. Both are helpful to urbanisation too. cities likes Mumbai, Pune from other parts of
In the recent decades, the use of technology
has increased in agriculture. Mechanisation
has also increased. In rural areas, agriculture Give it a try.
is done with the help of machines on a large
v Make a list of cities in your district.
scale these days. The manpower employed
in agriculture became devoid of agricultural v Discuss which factors from above are
work. This working class came to cities to responsible for their development.
look for work. As a result, urban population v If possible, talk to who have migrated
started increasing. people in your surroundings or the
nearest town and find out reasons of
Find out !
Effects of urbanisation : Because of
Look for the changes that have occurred urbanisation, the characteristics of a region
in the technology and mechanisation of
change largely. We can experience the
agriculture with the help of internet. Write a
short paragraph about the information you difference in land use, for example, the land
obtain. under agriculture is now under industries
or residential use. While there are many
Transport and communication : advantages of urbanisation, some problems
In regions where transport facilities like also arise.
roads and railways develop, urbanisation of Advantages of urbanisation :
small rural settlements occurs rapidly over Social harmony : There is an increase
there. For example, after the development of in secondary, tertiary and quaternary
Konkan railway, many villages like Savarde occupations with urbanisation. Hence
(Dist. Ratnagiri) lying close to its proximity economic activities increase. These areas
have started urbanising. Convergence of grow rapidly. Cultural and social customs
important rail routes through Bhusawal (Dist. and traditions are exchanged as people from
Jalgaon), led to its rapid growth. different parts live together in the cities. This
creates social harmony.
Give it a try. Modernisation : In cities, people from
Obtain information regarding different areas migrate. Their wisdom, skills
development of settlements, villages, and knowledge is exchanged easily. These
towns, etc. located on the main transport areas are the first to get advantage of updated
routes in your surroundings in the last five knowledge and literature. We can see new
years. projects related to industries and businesses

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 70
coming up here. Urban settlements get an for employment but it is not necessary that
advantage of new ideas, updated technologies they get relevant jobs. Hence incomes are
and technological facilities. Therefore, as a very low. Such people build temporary and
result, the standard of living improves. semi-structured houses in open spaces. (See
Amenities and facilities : Various fig 10.2) These houses are mostly illegal.
amenities and facilities develop in urban areas They do not get basic facilities from the local
because of urbanisation. Transportation, self-governments. The density of houses is
communication, educational and medical very high. Roads are narrow. There is a lack
facilities, fire brigade, etc. are very important. of basic facilities. These slums keep on rising
Because of good transportational uncontrollably. This may give rise to social
facilities, journey becomes easier. Its positive and health-related issues.
effect is also seen on freight transport, Traffic jams : As cities grow, people start
markets, trade, etc. living in the outskirts and suburbs of the city.
We see that even educational facilities People commute from the suburbs to the centre
develop well in urban areas. Many students of the city for businesses and industries, trade,
come to urban areas especially to access the jobs, education, etc. Public transportation
services of higher education like Pune city. system is not sufficient and hence the number
Medical facilities are also well developed of private vehicles increases. This leads to an
in urban areas. To avail of these facilities, increase in traffic jams and travelling time
many patients and their family members increases significantly. See fig 10.3.
come from different parts and stay for short
Problems of urbanisation :
Slums : Because of urbanisation, the
population in cities increases rapidly. But
the housing facilities do not increase in the
same proportion as the population. Most of
the migrated people are economically weak.
They cannot afford the housing offered in the
cities. Migrated people have generally come Figure 10.3 : Traffic jams

Use your brain power !

F When heaps of wastes accumulate
bad odour and diseases are spread.
F Traffic jams are a regular routine
Write a paragraph suggesting measure
for these problems of urbanisation.

Pollution : Pollution is a major problem

in the cities. It has adverse effects on urban
life. Air pollution, noise pollution and water
Figure 10.2 : Emergence of slums pollution are clearly visible. Increase in the
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 71
development of the city, paucity of facilities
and breaking of laws makes pollution a F Is the water supplied to the cities good
big problem. As cities grow, pollution also for health?
increases. F What are the adverse effects of water,
Crime : The people who have migrated air and noise pollution on health?
do not always find employment in the
cities. Some of them look for means to earn
money through illegal ways. This leads to
an increase in the crime rate of the cities. Give it a try.
Thefts, burglaries, scuffles and murders are
the crimes that happen in the cities. This F Write five sentences on each picture
leads to serious law and order issues bringing after observing them.
pressure on the police and judicial system.
Besides the above problems, enormous
increase in land prices, struggle between
various groups, etc. create tension in the
cities. This can disturb the social harmony
of the cities.

Do you know ? Air pollution

To update the cities using information

technology and for handling the assets of
the urban areas easily, a scheme called
the ‘Smart City’ came into being. The
main aim of this programme is to collect
information regarding various aspects of
the city through the use of ICT and carry
out planned development of the cities.
This can be used to strengthen the
transportation and communication Air pollution
system of the city. It also includes
response to emergency systems in
moments of crisis.

Think about it.

F Why do the sources of water near the

city get polluted?
F How is the polluted water disposed off
in the cities? Water pollution

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 72
Water pollution Noise pollution

Ø What does the symbol signify?

Ø Obtain information regarding it through
Ø Write how this programme is related to
your daily life.


Q 1. Suggest measures for the following Q 3. Outline the importance/ advantages of

problems: the following:
(A) The slums in the cities are (A) Technology and mechanisation
increasing. (B) Trade
(B) Because of the increasing traffic (C) Industrialisation
jams within the city, lot of time is (D) Amenities in urban areas
consumed in commuting. (E) Social harmony in the cities
(C) The question of law and order in Q 4. Compare the following and give
the urban areas is serious. examples:
(D) The problem of pollution is grave (A) Transportation system and traffic
because of urbanisation. jams
(E) Migration has created questions (B) Industrialisation and air pollution
of health and education in urban (C) Migration and slums
areas. (D) Amenities and increasing crime
Q 2. Match the correct pairs : rate
Group A Group B
(1) Technological development and mechanisation (A) Urban areas
(2) Permanently staying away from your original place (B) Lack of planning
(3) 75% males are engaged in non-agricultural occupation (C) Migration
(4) The problems of solid waste (D) Urbanisation

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 73
Q 5. Complete the table :
Process of urbanisation Effects
Emergence of slums Illegal settlements
Insufficient facilities
Increase in population because of attraction of
good lifestyle
Can be short-term or long-term
Employment opportunities were generated
Increase in amenities and facilities
Change from rural to urban
Q 6. Explain: Activity :
(A) The growth of cities takes place in a (1) Make a list of the large cities in India and
specific method. show them on a map of India.
(B) A planned city of your imagination (2) Visit a big city near your village and
(C) Industrialisation causes cities to write the facilities and problems you
develop. come across with the help of your teacher.
(D) Pollution- A problem ***
(E) Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan
Q 7. Suggest measures for the following
problems of urbanisation shown in the
following pictures.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 74
11. Transport and Communication

Surat-Bhusawal Railway line passes through

Let’s recall. the district.
| You have to go to Singapore from your
Complete the following table: village/town. You have ten days to do the
Transport Means of Used for same.
route transport
Geographical explanation
Roadways Rickshaw Passengers
Roadways Truck You must have realised that while travelling
Metro or transporting goods, we have to consider many
things. If there are many ways and means of
transport available, then we can think about
ways those alternatives. There are roadways, railways,
Helicopter waterways, airways and pipelines by which
Airways transportation can be done.
Submarine Following factors should be kept in mind
Water- Freight while selecting the routes and the means of
ways transport.
Mules distance physiography
Railways routes and
Pipelines duration means
factors to be
considered for
cost transportation market
Can you tell ?

We have given some specific time climate

conditions. In this context, tell with
reasons which means of transport and
route will you take? If we consider the above mentioned factors,
| You have to reach Bhopal from then our time and money is saved during the journey
Nagpur due to some emergency. or transport. Travelling becomes comfortable.
| You have to reach Kanyakumari Transport is done without any damage to the goods.
carrying the message of cleanliness. The selling price to be paid by the customer is not
There is no time limit for it. decided by the cost of production only. It is decided
| Send the Alphonso mangoes from by the transport cost and the production cost. The
Konkan to Arab countries. transport of freight should be done rapidly and
| Indrayani variety of rice has to be safely. The price of the good can be kept low if the
exported from Pune to Cape Town of transportation is affordable.
South Africa at low cost. Transportation is a basic infrastructure.
| Large-scale production of vegetables Development of transportation infrastructure is
an indicator of the development of the country
in Nandurbar has taken place but is
or that region. The reforms in transport sector
not fetching a good price. The Nagpur-
enhance the dynamicity of freight and passengers
Surat National Highway and the
in a region. Also, industries and markets develop.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 75
Economic growth gets a boost. Per capita
income (PCI) and Gross Domestic Product
Do you know ?
(GDP) increase too.
While reading a map, we can easily see Green Corridor ः It happens that
the patterns of transport routes. We can see sometimes a dead person has donated his
the distribution of transport routes in the form organs. In such cases, such organs need to
of dense network at some places and sparse be transported from the donor’s location
networks at others. In some places, there are to the receiver urgently. For this organ
no transport routes at all. For what reasons transfer, all types of routes are cleared
does a region become devoid of any transport
of all obstacles. This is called Green
route? Why does a dense network develop in
Corridor. Consequently, rapid transport
some regions? These questions can arise in
of the organ can save the receiver’s life.
our minds. To answer these, we need to see
the physical map of the region too along with
the transport map. When we read both the
maps simultaneously, we get the answers to
those questions. Do you know ?
Read the maps given in fig. 11.1 and fig.
11.2 and answer the following questions in RoRo (Roll-on Roll-off) Transport:
your notebook: Transportation can be done from one station
Ø In which region do you find a dense to another station using railways. Freight
network of transport routes in the map? transport is carried out on a large scale on
Ø How is the physiography of the region
national highways. The freight transport
with dense network? by trucks is costlier than railways. As a
Ø Which region has a sparse network of solution or via media the RoRo transport
transport routes? system has started being used in India. In
Ø How is the physiography of this region? this system, the trucks loaded with goods
Ø Look for the region lacking transport are transported to desired stations through
routes. a goods train. From there, the trucks take
Ø What kind of obstruction can you find the goods ahead to desired locations. As
there? railways are used for part of the distance
cost of transport is reduced. Thus, cost of
Geographical explanation fuel and pollution caused by trucks can be
reduced. The use of RoRo services started in
When you study the maps of physical Konkan railway for the first time in India.
structure, main roads and railways of the
Satara district, you will understand the
following issues.
l The western part of the Satara district is
occupied by the Sahyadris and its off-
shoots and its elevation is higher. Its
topography is undulating. In this region,
lies the extensive Shivsagar reservoir of
the Koyna Dam.
l The central and the eastern parts of the
district are comparatively of lower and
medium elevations.
l Considering the physiography of the
Satara district, the transport network is

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 76
Make friends with maps !

Figure 11.1

Figure 11.2

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 77
sparse in the west, whereas its density on
the eastern side is medium. Comparatively,
the central part of the district has a dense
transport network. You may have noticed
that a National Highway and a railway
route pass through this part of the district.
There are many road networks connecting
the highway. You will realise that the
physiography i.e. hills, valleys, rivers, etc.
of a region affects its transport routes.
There is a correlation between transport Figure 11.4 : GPO Mumbai
routes and the physiography of a region. By
studying the physiography of a region, we
understand its accessibility and remoteness.
Transport facilities can develop well in plains
while areas with higher relief have limits on
the development of transport routes.
Importance of transportation :
— Extending trade and network.
— Rapid industrialisation
— Availability of employment opportunities
— Regional connectivity Figure 11.5 : Newspaper stall
— Utility of the site
Can you tell ?
— Overcoming scarcity (deficit)
— Decreasing regional imbalance | Make a list of various means of
— Tourism development communication you are aware of.
Give it a try. | How many of these do you actually use?
Make a box around them.
Think about the transport issues you | For what do you use them?
come across during your journeys. Write
| Who uses the remaining means?
the innovative changes you would suggest
in the transport routes or means in your In todays modern age, man-made
copy. satellites are an important and effective
means of communication. The exchange
Communication : Like transportation,
communication is also a basic infrastructure. of messages through mobiles, watching
Communication or exchange of information programmes on TV, getting updated
is an important process in today’s era. information regarding climatic conditions,
etc. is possible simultaneously through man-
made satellites. Satellite images obtained by
remote sensing facilitate study of resources
on earth’s surface and help in regional
planning .
In this age of internet and social media,
everyone needs to use this system. The
government of India is incentivising the use
of online trading, payments, money transfer,
Figure 11.3 : Mobile tower

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 78
etc. Many apps (applications) which can be Besides the above facilities, means of
used on mobile phones have been developed. communication have a few threats associated
For example BHIM app, SBI Anywhere, etc. with them. Many crimes are happening
Through these communicational facilities, through internet like website/email hacking,
we can pay various bills, sell, buy and carry fraud, theft, attack, wars and terrorism,
out such transactions. etc. Possibilities of threats like theft of
information, economic frauds, attacking
Give it a try. important websites, etc arise. Therefore,
one should take precautions while using
Look for the other uses of artificial
social networks. We should not reveal our
satellites. Try to understand how they are
information before ensuring safety. We
related to your daily life.
should not put any sensitive information or
Communication facilities have now personal information on social networking
developed on a large scale. This is not just sites, blogs, etc. Figure 11.6 shows the image
limited to talking on telephones or sending of cyber attacks. These attacks are happening
messages but also video calling is available in between various countries. This will give
now. Similarly, through video-conferencing you an idea of the cyber wars happening in
we can talk to many people at a time. the world of internet.

Figure 11.6 : Image of cyber war in computer

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 79
Can you do it ?

(1) Send your friend an e-mail giving information about the trip that
your school is organising. Send a copy of the same to your class teacher for
(2) Answer the following questions by observing the instructions in the
following given
— Which are
the dates
mentioned in
the image?
— What does the
information in
the image tell?
— What is the
price asked
for recovering
the files and in
what currency?
— What is the
type of crime

Q 1. Differentiate between:
Q 4. Identify the relation and match the columns
(A) Railways and roadways
making a chain
(B) Transportation and communication
(C) Conventional and modern means Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ Group ‘C’
of communication. Postal Roadways Speed post
Q 2. Answer in detail : services
(1) ‘Newspapers are used for World network Exchange of
communication’. Explain the Shivneri of connected information
Conventional Comfortable
(2) Explain how T.V. is a cheap means Internet means of
of communication. communication journey
(3) What types of communications can Energy, time
be done through mobiles ? RoRo Railways and labour
transport saving
Q 3. Name them on the basis of the given
information: Activity:
(1) Five cities with airways services in Collect information regarding the
satellites sent by India for educational
(2) Services available in post offices
and communicational purposes. Make
(3) National Highways near your area
use of ICT for that.
(4) Ports along the coast of Maharashtra
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 80
12. Tourism

Can you tell ? Use your brain power !

Dear Students, imagine that you have to

go on a vacation with your family. Make a
list of 15 favourite places in Maharashtra.
After the list is prepared, put your places
in the relevant classification.
| Places near the sea
| Historical places
| National parks and sanctuaries
| Hill stations
| Religious places
Select one place from each group which
you would like to visit.
Discuss the reasons of your choice in the
Planning of a trip

F A trip has to be organised from

Geographical explanation your home to your favourite tourist
We undertake short or long journeys destination. Find out the route with the
for various purposes like festivals, family help of various websites. Decide the
functions, fairs, sports, wanderings, journey route you will take. Consider
recreation, etc. We need to carry out some factors like duration of the trip,
preparations before going anywhere such materials required for travel, means of
as selecting the route to go there, choosing transport, availability of the route, etc.
the means of transport, packing essential Get the estimated travel cost per
things, etc. When we reach the destination, person.
we visit the exquisite and spectacular sites.
Sometimes, we stay there. We make use of
Observe fig. 12.1 and answer the
the facilities provided over there. We also following questions : Use an atlas for
pay in lieu of those services or goods. reference.
Visiting various places away from our Ø Out of these, which tourist places do you
homes for getting joy, entertainment, trading, know? Make a list.
staying, etc. is called tourism. Ø For what are the selected places famous?
Ø Make a list of religious and historical sites
from the map.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 81
Ø Make a list of hill stations, places having Ø Correlate the physiography and tourist
sanctuaries and places along the coasts. places in India.

Make friends with maps !

Figure 12.1 : Major tourist places of India

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 82
Geographical explanation

The places given on the map have

become famous due to different reasons.
Some special things are the reason behind
the place becoming famous. For example,
natural beauty, pleasant weather, exquisite
scenery, hot springs, sea coasts, historical
monuments, religious places, forest areas,
etc. are major attractions for tourists. Processions

On the basis of political boundaries,

tourism can be of two types:
Domestic tourism : Tourism within the
limits of a country is called domestic tourism.
For example, a person from Maharashtra
going to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu for
tourism, a person from Nagpur visiting Ellora
Caves in Aurangabad, etc.
International/foreign tourism : Crossing
country’s boundaries and visiting some other
country for tourism is called international
tourism. For example, an Indian going to
Switzerland for tourism, an American coming
to India for tourism, etc.

Do you know ?

To go to a foreign country, one needs

a passport, visa, travel insurance and other
documents. We should have currency of
the country where we are going. For this,
we need to exchange our currency value Wandering in the wild
with that currency.

On the basis of the aim of tourism and

specialities of the destination, there can be
different types of tourism. Some of these
have been explained through photographs.
From the above we infer that tourism is
very important for a country. Basic facilities
should be developed at places which have to
be developed as tourist sites mainly. Domestic
tourism should be promoted. It is necessary
Sea tourism
to preserve the cultural heritage of a country.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 83
Use your brain power !

Some issues related to tourism

development are given below. Rewrite the
inappropriate ones after correcting them.
v The income of a country should be
substantially high for development of
v Domestic tourism should be given a
Health tourism boost.
v Tourists from other countries should
be banned.
v Tourists should be assured of a safe
v The cultural heritage of a country
should be preserved.
v We should respect other country’s
Adventure sports
v Government subsidies and incentives
should be given for tourism businesses.
v Participation in international sports
should be increased.
v Tourism should be encouraged through
v It is necessary to preserve the tourist
v We should preserve the buildings of
famous people who have contributed
Life below the sea in various sectors as memorials.
v Services and amenities should be
Do you know ? developed for tourism.
GPS for Tourism: v Tourist agencies should be banned.
The GPS system in our smartphones v There is no ample scope in this field.
or the GPS instrument is largely used v Tourism is a type of invisible trade.
for tourism. For that we need special v All types of facilities should be
applications like the Google Map. We can developed for tourists.
know our exact location with the help of v The country’s economy does not
the map. Once it is decided where we want benefit at all from tourism.
to head, then information regarding all the
possible routes of travel, distances, time v The hidden potential of other sites
required according to the type of vehicle, should also be developed.
amenities on the way like petrol pump, v The forts and castles should be
restaurants, lodges, etc becomes available developed.
in the app. We can use this for tourism.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 84
Geographical explanation Do you know ?
Tourism is an important tertiary
occupation. Through this occupation, the Maharashtra Tourism Development
world gets introduced to a region’s natural, Corporation (MTDC) has implemented
social, cultural environment. Besides many programmes. It has provided guest
domestic tourists, foreign tourists also visit houses, water sports, tourist houses near
various places of interest and therefore, coastal areas, etc.
foreign currency increases in our economy.
“Deccan odyssey” is a train started
Along with these benefits, development of
tourist places, availability of employment especially for tourism. This train is
opportunities to local people are also other operated in coordination with MTDC,
good things that happen to a place. Indian Railways and Ministry of Tourism.
Considering the importance of tourism, The train originates at Mumbai and takes
the local residents become aware of tourists to places like Nashik, Ellora,
conserving the region’s natural beauty and Ajanta, Kolhapur, Goa, and Ratnagiri
culture. Tourism should be promoted through and back to Mumbai. This train is like a
advertisements in various media which will moving palace.
help in its growth.

Can you tell ?

| Which new forms of tourism have

developed recently?
| Tell the reasons why new forms of tourism
Geographical explanation
Various forms of tourism are emerging
to give a flip to tourism. One of these is
ecotourism. This concept came into light Another type of similar train is called
when it was realised that due to increasing “Palace on Wheels”. This train takes the
population, pollution and urbanisation, Delhi-Jaipur,-Udaypur,-Bharatpur,-Agra-
environment is degrading, it is an eco-friendly Delhi route. Many domestic and foreign
type of tourism. If tourism is developed tourists enjoy travelling in these trains.
by considering that while touring a place,
the environment should not be degraded, The Indian railways have started a
or damaged by tourists, then it is called new train with coaches having transparent
ecotourism. This includes taking precautions ceiling (vistadome) as a special attraction
of not throwing litter at tourist sites, avoiding for tourism. It runs on the Vishakhapatnam-
noise pollution, not hurting trees and birds Kirandul route. The passengers can see the
and animals in the forests. panoramic view of the nature-rich region
Besides these, recently the concept of Araku valley, Anantagiri Ghat section
of ‘agro-tourism’ has arisen which is a and Borra caves by sitting in a completely
pollution-free location away from the city air-conditioned coach having glass roof.
holding an agricultural activity where the
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 85
tourist is shown a glimpse of agricultural life.
v Take care of not hurting the animals
Tourist are attracted towards it. This is called and birds at the tourist places.
agro-tourism. For a change from the urban v Follow the instructions written on the
life, tourists live on the farm and accept the boards placed at the tourist places.
hospitality of the farmers on payment in agro-
tourism. In Pune and Kolhapur districts of Tourism and economic development :
Maharashtra number of agro-tourism centres Tourism development helps the Indian
have been developed. economy in a great way. Restaurants, shops,
Film tourism is a new type of tourism. transportation systems, recreational places,
etc develop because of tourism and directly
The locations where films are shot attract a
contribute to the economy. Also, basic
crowd of tourists and hence the concept of
infrastructure improves and employment is
film tourism emerged. A number of amenities generated which is advantageous to the
and facilities are provided to attract tourists to economy indirectly. Tourism plays an
these places where film shooting takes place important role in economic development.
e.g. Mumbai film city, Ramoji City, etc. Therefore, it is said that tourism is an invisible
Tarkarli in Konkan is famous for its trade.
seabed and the biodiversity found there. Here, Tourism and environmental
the tourists can do ‘snorkelling’ and ‘scuba development : Tourism is good for
diving.’ MTDC has started a ‘scuba diving’ environmental development. To develop
training centre of international standards at natural locations, sanctuaries, national parks,
Tarkarli (Tal. Malwan, Dist. Sindhudurg). etc. economic investment is made by the
Importance of tourism development in India : government for the sake of tourism industry.
India is diverse in terms of culture and Because of eco-friendly tourism concept,
nature. Tourism has lot of potential here. The tourist places can be developed while caring
richness of natural beauty in India, attractive for the environment. Factors like housing,
resorts, traffic routes, etc. are also designed
landscapes, high mountains like the
in an eco-friendly manner. In this type of
Himalayas, exquisite coastal areas attracts developmental process, electricity, water are
tourists. Also, the diversity of Indian culture, used very judiciously. The concept of recycle
festivals, traditions, costumes, variety of and reuse is also applied. Natural environment
dishes made using Indian spices and is maintained and tourism is developed too.
hospitality of the Indians has resulted in Tourism and health : Some tourists visit
opportunities of tourism in India. India to avail the health facilities. Visiting
the places of tourist interest and achieving
Always remember - mental peace and physical strength through
Indian Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranayam, etc. is the
v Make sure you know the timings of the objective behind it.
high tides and low tides when you visit The medicinal and surgical treatment in
a seaside. Indian hospitals are cost-effective and
v Do not go near sea coasts, hilltops, therefore, many patients from various
jungles, unknown caves, etc without a developing countries come here for treatment.
local guide. Medical Tourism develops from the facilities
v Avoid clicking ‘selfies’ at sea-cliffs, required by these tourists.
hill edges or with wild animals. Tourism and social development : Some
v Avoid the temptation to swim in the specific social programmes can be
sea or go into the deep waters. accomplished through tourism. If facets like
v Keep the tourist places clean. rural lifestyle, tribal life and culture are
included in tourism, tourism gets a social
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 86
dimension and the neglected components of
the society can be included in development. Think about it.
The tribal life in Melghat of Maharashtra
and visit to model villages like ‘Anandwan’ We saw the various types of tourism.
project of the social activist Baba Amte, Just think, can we go into the space for
Ralegansiddhi, Hiwre Bazaar, etc. creates
tourism? What will we have to do for that?
social consciousness and gives a flip to
development there. Where can we go? Present your ideas in
There is a great potential for the the form of pictures or paragraphs, etc.
development of such a type of tourism in
India. In future, tourism will be an important
factor in the Indian economy.


Q 1 Identify the type of tourism from the Q 3 Answer in brief.

statement. 1) Differentiate between religious and
(A) Hemant Kumar went to Mexico to cultural tourism.
learn about the architectural skills 2) What are the objectives of tourism?
of the Mayan culture. 3) Explain the environmental effects of
(B) Portuguese tourists had come to tourism.
Goa to participate in the Goa 4) What opportunities develop with
Carnival. development of tourism?
(C) To seek treatment in a naturopathy 5) Suggest measures after explaining the
centre, John and Amar went to problems arising at the tourist places.
Kerala. 6) Explain with reason the places of
(D) Pundalikrao accomplished the interest that can be developed as
Char Dham Yatra with his family. tourist centres in your district.
(E) Rameshwari from Pune went to 7) Local people get employment due to
enjoy Hurda (Roasted Grain) tourism. Give reasons.
party and learn about modern and Q 4 Make a notice board containing
traditional methods of agriculture. instructions for the tourists at a tourist
(F) Sayyed family went to Ajmer place.
Q 2 Match the columns identifying the correlation. Make a chain.
Group ‘ A’ Group ‘B’ Group ‘ C’
(1) Tadoba (1) Madhya Pradesh (1) Lake
(2) Bird Sancturay (2) Agra (2) Butterflies
(3) Sanjay Gandhi National Park (3) Manipur (3) Kailash caves
(4) Taj Mahal (4) Nannaj (4) Film city
(5) Ramoji Film City (5) Ellora (5) World famous wonder
(6) Radhanagari (6) Mumbai (6) Ancient cave-paintings
(7) Bhimbetka (7) Hyderabad (7) Great Indian Bustard (Maaldhok)
(8) Ancient Caves (8) Kolhapur (8) Kanheri Caves
(9) Eaglenest wildlife Sanctuary (9) Chandrapur (9) Bison
(10) Loktak (10) Arunachal Pradesh (10) Tiger
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 87
Q 5 Explain how relevant is the concept of (2) At what places do you find the
“Atithi Devo Bhava” (Guest is our God) correlation between transportation
with respect to tourism. routes and development of tourism?
Q 6 The tourism map of Maharashtra is given.
Answer the following questions based on
the map.
(1) Make a list of places having hot
springs. What are the reasons for
these being located here ?

Activity :
Make an advertisement which promotes tourism and present it in the class.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 88
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 89
Population is an important resource of any
Geographical explanation
country. The qualitative aspects of a population
are important for a nation’s economic and India’s population is around 121 crores
social progress. Lets study the population of according to Census 2011. India is the second
Brazil and India. most populous country in the world. India
India : occupies only 2.41 per cent of the land area of the

Population distribution
One Dot = 2 lakh people

New Delhi




0 200 400 600




Figure 6.1 (a) : India - Distribution of Population Figure 6.1 (b) : India Population Density

Study the maps in fig 6.1 a and 6.1 b and world whereas it supports 17.5 % of the world’s
answer the questions. population. India’s average population density is
Ø States with highest population density 382 persons per sq.km. as per 2011 Census.
Ø States with lowest population density In India, population is very unevenly
Ø On the basis of the maps given above, distributed. Physiography and climate play an
classify the distribution population in India important role in the distribution of population.
in the following table. Due to the fertile land, plain land and availability
Sr. No. Pop Density Name of the States/Union of water, human settlements have been
(per sq. km.) Territories
established in these parts for many centuries. Due
1 less than 100
to farming, industries and trade, the proportion
2 101 to 250
of the population got concentrated in few places.
3 251 to 500
For example, the northern plains of the country,
4 more than 501
Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru,
Ø Correlate the climate and physiography of Chennai, etc. On the contrary, in mountainous
India with its population distribution and hilly regions, dry desert areas, dense forest areas,
write a note on it. density is sparse because of inaccessibility,
absence of facilities and tough life.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 90
Brazil : eastern coastal plain. Therefore, agriculture
Observe figures 6.2 a and 6.2 b and answer and industries have flourished well here. As a
the questions. result, higher density of population is found here.

Make friends with maps !






0 300 600 900 1200 MINAS GERAIS
0 300 600 900 1200
Population Density
(Per Sq. Km)
Population Distribution INDEX SANTA
1 Dot = 2,00,000 People Less than 50
51-100 DO SUL
More than 300

Figure : 6.2 (a) : Population Distribution in Brazil Figure : 6.2 (b) : Population density in Brazil

Ø In which area is population greatly On the other hand, the interior in the Amazon
concentrated? Basin is very sparsely populated. Unfavorable
Ø In which area is the distribution of climate, heavy rainfall, inaccessibility and
population sparse? dense forests are the barriers to development of
Ø Prepare a note on factors responsible for human settlements here. Therefore, settlements
the uneven distribution of population based occur only in few places in the Amazon basin.
on study of Brazil you have made so far.
The central and western part of Brazil is
Ø Identify the type of map showing less populated. The density of population in the
highlands of Brazil is moderate.
Geographical explanation

Brazil is the most populated country in the Use your brain power !
South American continent. With a population = 80 people
of around 19 crores, according to Census
2010, it ranks 5th in the world . It is also the
fifth in the world with respect to area. Brazil
occupies 5.6 % of world’s total land and has
2.78% of world’s total population. Therefore,
the density of population is around 23 persons
(a) (b)
per sq.km.
The distribution of population is very
Ø Calculate the population density of area
shown in 1sq.km. of square in ‘a’ and
uneven in Brazil. The majority of Brazilians
‘b’ each.
have concentrated within 300 kilometers of the
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 91
What does this graph show?

Sex Ratio (Brazil)

Sex Ratio

This graph shows the sex ratio

of Brazil and India.


Sex Ratio (India) What is sex ratio?

Sex Ratio

Sex ratio means the number

of females per 1000 males in
Years region.
Figure 6.3

Geographical explanation
It is evident from the graph that
With reference to both the countries, the the number of women in Brazil
characteristics of population are prominently have always been more than men
notable. while in India they have never
been more than men.
l The sex ratio of Brazil has been more than
1000 since decades.
l Considering the sex ratio of Brazil, the
number of women have considerably
increaesed than men since 2001.
l In India men outnumber women. Always remember -
‘Save Girl, Teach Girl’
l In India we see fluctuations in the sex
is the need of the hour in our
ratio since few decades. There has been a country.
slight increase in the sex ratio after 1991.

Give it a try.
Ø In India, number of men outnumber women.
Ø What could be the reasons of lower sex Is this condition found in all the States of
ratio in any region?
India? Find out!

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 92
This graph
Brazil (2016) looks
Males Females different!
Age Groups

Yes, this graph

shows age
and sex of
population. It
is also known
as population
Percentage of Population pyramid.
India (2016)

Males Females What is its

Age Groups

It is used to study the age

and sex related aspects of a
region’s population

Percentage of Population

Figure 6.4
Does that mean that we can
know the number or percentage
of various age groups of males
Geographical explanation and females in our country?
l Considering the age of population, Brazil's
population is getting slowly older, but in Yes, of course. This
India, the situation is different. The propor- helps us to know the proportion
tion of youth in India is more. This means of children, youth and the old
India has a higher working population. people in our country.

Try this.
In this pyramid, we can see that the
number of young people is more in both the
Ø Using the graphs given above, countries but the proportion of children is more
find the difference between the in India while proportion of people in the age
males and females of various group above 80 years is more in
age groups. Brazil than in India.
Ø In which age group is this
difference the maximum?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 93
What do these
graphs show?
Growth Rate of Population %

Growth Rate of
Population (Brazil)
These graphs show
the growth rate of
population of
Brazil and India.


Growth Rate of Population %

Oh! But , here, the

graph line is going
down. Why?
Growth Rate of
Population (India)

Correct! Though the lines

show a downward trend, it
Figure 6.5
doesn’t mean population is
decreasing. It shows that the
Geographical explanation growth is lesser
than the previous
l The rate of growth of population has
reduced considerably in Brazil. However,
this is not the condition in India. From 2001
to 2011, India’s population increased by
18.2 crores. Does that mean that
l India’s population growth rate was higher Brazil’s population is
till 1971. Then this rate stabilized. The rate decreasing?
of population growth is now declining; but
the population is still growing.
l It is observed that in Brazil, the rate of
growth is declining and Brazil's population
may not increase in the next two decades.
No, this means that the growth is less and
looking at the trend, in the near future,
Brazil’s population may decrease!

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 94
These graphs show the life
expectancy of Brazil and
India, don’t they?
Life Expectancy

(Life Expectancy Brazil)

Yes, But what is life



This means the average

number of years a person
(Life Expectancy India)
Life Expectancy

born in a country is
expected to live

Figure 6.6 This means that we
Indians live for 68
Geographical explanation years on an average

l Increase in life expectancy is an indicator of

development of that society. Improvement
in health facilities, progress in medical Yes, and Brazilians
field, access to nutritious food leads to live for 75 years
an increase in average life expectancy.
In most of the developing countries, life
expectancy is still less. But with socio-
economic development, it is increasing.
The life expectancy of
Use your brain power ! India was around 41 years
in 1960. But now it has
Ø Is there a relationship between increase increased. It will continue
in life expectancy and growth of to increase in future.
population? If yes, how?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 95
Literacy Rate :
Try this.

Write a similar conversation using

the graphs in Figure 6.7 based on the

earlier conversations.
Literacy Rate

Literacy Rate Use your brain power !

Ø If the proportion of dependent
age groups increases in the
composition of population,
Years how will it affect the economy
of a country?
Literacy Rate

Give it a try.
Literacy Rate
Ø Study the indices of
density maps of both
Years the countries. What
Figure 6.7 difference do you find?
What conclusions can
Colours of Both you draw?
From Fig 6.3 to 6.7, various aspects of
population composition are given. Study the
graphs, discuss and answer the following
Ø Which country has a higher sex ratio? Do you know ?
Ø Which country has a higher literacy rate? Census of India conducts
Ø Which country is growing at a faster rate? enumeration of population every ten
Ø Which country’s population has a higher life years. Similarly, in Brazil, IBGE i.e.
Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Ø Which country has a higher proportion of the old Statistics, carries out census every ten
age people?
years. The first census survey of both
the countries was carried out in 1872.
Think about it. In India, Census is conducted at the
Considering the above discussion, what start of the decade. (1961, 1971, .......)
should be done so that our manpower is In Brazil, Census is conducted at
utilized properly, sex ratio improves and the end of the decade. (1960, 1970, .......)
population growth is controlled? Write two
to three sentences on each.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 96

Q 1. Are the following sentences right or wrong? Q 5. (A) Compare and classify the population
Correct the wrong ones. densities shown in the squares ‘a’ and
(a) Literacy Rate is higher in Brazil than ‘b’ representing 1 sq.km of area.
India. (B) If in figure B, one sign = 100, then what
(b) In Brazil, people prefer living in the will be the sex ratio?
south east as compated to the north east.
(c) The life expectancy of Indians is
(d) The north-western part of India is
densely populated.
(e) The western part of Brazil is densely
Q 2. Answer the questions as per the instructions :
(a) Arrange the following states of India in
descending order of their population. (a)
Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Andhra Pradesh
(b) Arrange the states of Brazil in
ascending order of their population
: Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, Alaguas,
Sao Paulo, Parana
(c) Classify the factors affecting the
distribution of population into
favourable and unfavourable. (b)
Nearness to sea, lack of roads,
temperate climate, lack of industries,
new cities and towns, tropical moist
forests, minerals, semi-arid climate, Q 6. Comment upon the population density of fig.
cultivable land. 6.1 (b).
Q 3. Answer the following questions: Activity :
(a) Explain the similarities and differences Obtain the talukawise data of your district's
between the population distribution in population and show it with the help of a dot map.
Brazil and India.
(b) Giving examples, correlate climate and
population distribution.
Q 4. Give geographical reasons:
(a) Population is an important resource.
(b) Brazil’s population density is very less.
(c) India’s population density is high.
(d) The density of population is sparse in
Amazon basin.
(e) Population density is high in the Ganga

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 97
Examples of Settlement Patterns in India :

Figure 7.1 b
Figure 7.1 a
Study the two types of settlement patterns Let’s recall.
in India given in figure 7.1 (a) and 7.2 (b)
Some amenities and facilities are given here.
Answer the following questions :
Tick (ü) in the relevant column and complete
Ø Identify the type of settlements? the table on the basis of their presence in urban
Ø Which one is a nucleated settlement? why? and rural areas or both. And write five sentences
on each with examples from your vicinity.
Ø Which one is a dispersed settlement? What
could be the reason behind it? Amenity Available Available
in Villages in cities
Ø Can you guess in which regions are these
settlements located in India ? Petrol Pump
Geographical explanation Weekly Market
Primary Health
In India, we can see a variety of settlement
patterns given the variety of climatic factors,
availability of water, slope of the land and Police Outpost
level of development. Art Gallery
Nucleated settlements are found throughout Gram Panchayat
the plateau region of Narmada Valley, paddy Agricultural
lands in Bihar, U.P, Vindhyan Plateau and Produce Market
several other cultivated parts of India. Committee (APMC)
On the other hand, dispersed settlements Primary School
are found in tribal parts covering central part
Senior School
of India, eastern and southern Rajasthan,
Himalayan slopes and land with dissected and College
uneven topography. Shop
Think about it. Hospital
Metro station
Tell whether settlements shown in Bus station
images 7.1 (a) and (b) are urban or rural.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 98
Examples of Settlement Patterns in Brazil :

Figure 7.2 a : The lowlands of Amazon River Figure 7.2 b : Sao Paulo
soil which makes it ideal for growing coffee.
Try this. It also has a large supply of natural minerals
close by, such as iron ore and it also has a
In the figure 7.2 a and b, you can see
steady energy supply. The South Eastern area
images of two settlements in Brazil . One is
has a good transport system too. This makes
from the Amazon river basin in Brazil while
the other belongs to the coastal area. Observe the Sao Poulo area a nucleated settlement.
the settlement patterns carefully and name the See Figure 7.3.
types of settlement patterns. Write a comment Rural areas such as the north-east
on their density and types. Highlands suffer from extreme droughts, which
make it difficult for practising agriculture and
Geographical explanation
hence settlements are sparse here.
The earlier settlements in Brazil were Settlements become sparse as we move in
formed by the settlers from Europe mainly in towards the central part of Brazil. Given are the
the costal areas. Now the settlements have major reasons :
developed and are densely populated. The major l Area is covered by thick dense equatorial
reasons of development are as follows rainforests (see fig. 7.4).
Although the coastal climate is hot and l The climate here is unhealthy and unfit for
humid, and flat land is limited due to rugged settlement.
topography, the region has a good water supply l Limitations on use and exploitation of
and a large range of natural resources. e.g. Sao natural resources.
l Poor transport links in the region.
Sao Paulo has extensive area under rich

Figure 7.3 : City of Sao Paulo

Figure 7.4 : Rain Forest in Amazon River Basin

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 99
Urbanisation in India : 31.16% which is quite low in comparison to
The level of urbanisation is measured in developed countries. At the same time, the
terms of percentage of urban population to urban population is increasing expansion of the
total population. urban centres and emergence of new towns have
played a significant role in the growth of urban
Can you tell ? population and urbanisation in the country.
Urbanisation has been more in the
southern part than in the northern part in India.
Goa is the most urbanised state with 62%
population living in urban areas. Delhi is more
than 80% urban. In the state of Tamil Nadu,
Maharashtra, Gujarat and Kerala urbanzation
is more. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir,
Uttarakhand, Bihar, Rajasthan are some of the
states with low levels of urbanisation.
Fig 7.5: India-trend of urbanisation (1961- 2011)

Read the graph in fig 7.5 below and answer Do you know ?
the following questions:
The Indian sub-continent has a long history
Ø What was the percentage of urbanisation since ancient times. Since ages, of the population
in 1961? of this country is living in river basins, on
Ø In which decade was urbanisation the plateaus and mountains. Indraprastha (Delhi),
highest? Mithila, Varanasi, Harappa, Mohenjodaro,
Ujjain and Pratishthan (Paithan) were the
Ø In which decade was the growth of
urbanisation lowest? urban settlements of earlier times. This shows
that India has a great tradition of urbanisation.
Ø What inference can you draw regarding
India’s urbanisation after reading the graph?
Urbanisation in Brazil :
Geographical explanation
Try this.
It is clear from the above graph that the
growth of urbanisation in India has been slow. Look at the table on page 49. It shows the
The level of urbanisation in India in 2011 was growth of share of urban population in total
population of Brazil. Draw a line graph from
Give it a try.
Prepare a choropleth map showing urban population using the data given in the table below.
Source: Census 2011

S.NO Urban population percentage category States /UTs falling in the category
1 0-20 Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Odisha
2 21-40 Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir,
Nagaland, Manipur, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,
Haryana, A & N Islands, Punjab, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh
3 41-60 Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
4 61-80 Goa, Puducherry, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep

5 81-100 Chandigarh , NCT of Delhi

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 100
this table. Examine the graph carefully and is promoting “Go West” policy which will
answer the following questions reduce pressure on few areas where population
Brazil Percentage of urban population (1960 to 2010) is concentrated and will reduce regional
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 imbalance in the country.
47.1 56.8 66 74.6 81.5 84.6 Study the choropleth map of Brazil
showing the Statewise urban population of
Ø What is the interval of the data?
Brazil and answer the following questions
Ø In which period did urbanisation occur
rapidly? Ø Which States (region) are the most
Ø Write five sentences analysing the graph.
Ø Which States (region) are the least
Geographical explanation urbanised?
Brazil is one of the few developing
countries which is highly urbanised. Brazil’s Colours of Both
substantial urban growth process is unique and
one of the underlining factors contributing to l Compare the line graph shown in figure
its present-day rapid economic growth. Today, 7.5 and the one drawn by you for Brazil.
about 86% of Brazil population lives in urban Write five lines on the changes in that
areas. have occurred urbanization in both the
Definition of ‘urban’ is not very clear in countries with time.
Brazil. In Brazil, rapid urbanisation happened l Make a short note on comparison
mainly in the South and South-east with between settlement patterns in India and
Sau Paulo emerging as a major, metropolitan Brazil ( Fig 7.1 and 7.2) on the basis of
and industrial area. Looking at this growth following points: i) Location ii) pattern
in few parts of the country, the government iii) types iv) density

Give it a try.
where could these settlements be located? Find
Observe the two satellite images given out their settlement pattern and limitations with
below. Describe the settlements with respect to respect to their future growth.
physiography. Considering the physiography,

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 101
Make friends with maps !

North Atlantic Ocean

a Amapa


Amazonas Para
Maranhao Ceara Rio Grande
Do Norte
Piaui Paraiba
Acre B R A Z I L Pernambuco
To Alagoas
Rondonia tin Sergipe
s Bahia
Mato Grosso
0 300 600 900 1200

Km Minas Gerais Espirito Santo

Mato Grosso
Do Sul
BRAZIL Sao Paulo
Rio De Janeiro
Percentage of Urban Population

Index Santa Catarina

Rio Grande
81-90 Do Sul N
South Atlantic Ocean

Figure 7.6

Use your brain power ! As population is less in Amazon basin and

Brazilan highlands, urbanisation is also less. In
Ø Which factors have affected
this part, Manaus is a port on the confluence of
urbanisation in Brazil? the Negro and the Amazon. Urbanisation has
occurred here.

Geographical explanation

As you can see from the map, urbanisation Colours of Both
has occurred more in the coastal states than Write a paragraph on the settlement
the states in the interior of the country. States pattern, urban and rural settlement and
like Sao Paulo, Goias and Minas Gerais have urbanisation in India and Brazil.
more urban population than states in the North.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 102

Q 1. Tick (ü) the correct options : (c) Urbanization is increasing rapidly in

(a) The concentration of settlements is India.
related to following major factor (d) Settlements are sparse in north-eastern
(i) Proximity to Sea Brazil.
(ii) Plain region (e) Except Delhi and Chandigarh,
(iii) Availability of water urbanization is low in other parts of
(iv) Climate India.
(b) In North-eastern part of Brazil, which Q 3. Answer in short:
types of settlements are found? (a) Write a comparative note on urbanisation
(i) Nucleated in Brazil and India.
(ii) Linear (b) Differentiate between the human
(iii) Dispersed settlements in Ganga river basin and
(iv) Star-shaped the Amazon river basin.
(c) Where do you find dispersed settlements (c) Why do human settlements grow in
in India? specific locations only?
(i) Near the rivers Activity :
(ii) Near the transport routes With the help of Internet and reference books,
(iii) Hilly areas obtain information regarding “Go West” in Brazil
(iv) Industrial regions and “Go to Villages “ in India. Discuss their
(d) Concentrated settlements are found in objectives and effects in class.
Narmada Valley- ***
(i) Forested Land
(ii) Cultivable Land
(iii) Undulating topography
(iv) Industries
(e) Which State has the least urbanization
in Brazil ?
(i) Para
(ii) Amapa
(iii) Espirito Santo
(iv) Parana
Q 2. Give geographical reasons:
(a) Availability of water is a major factor
affecting settlements.
(b) In Brazil, majority of population is
found in the eastern coastal areas.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 103
8. Economy and Occupations

Give it a try.Read the following graph and answer the questions:

Gross National Incomes (GNI) from 1960 to 2016 ( in million US $)
l Which country’s national income was
India highest in 2016 and was it how much?
l Comparing India and Brazil, which
country had a higher national income in
l Comparing India and Brazil, which
country had a higher income in 2016?
l Tell the difference between the GNP of
Brazil and India in 2016.
l Calculate the difference between the
Figure 8.1 national incomes of developed and
developing countries in 2016.

Try this. Let’s recall.

A table regarding the ownership of various Classify the following activities in by ticking
sectors in both the countries is given. Like
(ü) in the respective column.
Brazil, fill the details regarding India and
complete the table. Activities Primary Secondary Tertiary
Television Broadcasting
India Sector Brazil Bee-keeping
-- Banking Private and Public both Coir and Rope making
-- Railways Private and Public both
Jaggery- making
-- Airways Private and Public both
Producing blades of the
-- Electricity Largely public
-- Iron and Steel Largely Public
Extracting Iron Ore
Automobile Production
-- Health Private and Public both
Rice Production
-- Education Largely public, little private
-- Telecommuni- Private and Public Both
Driving buses
Providing lodging and
l On the basis of the information about the boarding facilities
ownership of various sectors in both the
Economic activities in Brazil and India :
countries given in the table, can you infer
about the type of these economies? In figure 8.2, the pie-charts show the
contribution of each sector in the respective
Geographical explanation
country’s GDP and the percentage of population
An economy of a country depends on the engaged in various activities. Read both the
economic activities carried out in the country. pie-charts carefully and answer the following
You have learnt that there are 3 types of questions.
economic activities in an economy.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 104
Brazil India
Per Capita Income from 1960 to 2016 ( in US $)

17 Country 1960 1980 2000 2016

67 Name/Year
57 26 Brazil 240 2010 3060 8840
India 90 280 450 1680
USA 3250 14230 37470 56280
Contribution of sectors in GDP (2016)
The United States is a developed country.
The population of this country is well educated.
19 This country has the strength of many patents,
71 modern technology and mechanical strength.
24.3 This country is far ahead of Brazil and India in
terms of national per capita income.
Percentage of population engaged in various sectors (2016) India and Brazil are developing countries.
Primary Secondary Tertiary
These countries are progressing in the field
Figure 8.2
of technological advancement, education and
Ø Which country has a higher percentage of The national per capita income of the
population engaged in primary activities? countries is low. India's per capita income seems
Ø In which country is the contribution of to be even lower as India's size is very large.
tertiary sector greater in the GDP?
Ø In which country is the share of secondary Think about it.
activities more in the GDP?
Which type of occupations gives a boost
Ø Can we say that Brazil is an agrarian to the development of a country’s economy?
economy like India? Give reasons.
Geographical explanation
Make friends with maps !
In fig 8.1 we saw that India has a higher
national income than Brazil. Brazil is one of Look at the map given in Fig 8.3. The
the world giants of mining, agriculture, and major primary occupations in Brazil are shown
manufacturing, and it has a strong and rapidly here. Discuss the following points and write
growing service sector. On the other hand, your observations in the notebook.
India is still dependent on agriculture, though Ø In which part of Brazil is coffee mainly
service sector is also increasing in India. produced?
Like the Indian economy, the Brazilian Ø Which food crops are mainly grown in
economy is also a mixed economy. Both Brazil?
the Indian and the Brazilian economies are
developing economies. Their per capita incomes
Ø Can you relate the production of these crops
with the climate there?
are very less as compared to the developed
countries like the USA. It is interesting to note Ø Where are the rubber plantations
that though India has a higher national income concentrated?
as compared to Brazil, the per capita income of Ø Complete the table.
India is lower than Brazil. Can you think of a Type of crops Crops Areas of production
reason for the same? Food crops
Cash Crops
Use the following table and make a
Fruits and Vegetables
polyline graph with the help of computer.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 105
Geographical explanation pineapples, oranges and other citrus fruits
is also done. Cattle, sheep and goats are also
Agriculture : In Brazil, agriculture is the main reared in the Savannah grasslands in the south.
occupation of the people living in the highlands Consequently, meat and dairy products are
and coastal areas. Favourable climate and produced on a large scale.
topography make it possible for growing a Mining :
variety of crops. Rice and maize are the main Observe the fig 8.3 and answer the
cereal crops. Production of maize is largely following questions.
concentrated in the central part. Commercial Ø Prepare a table of mining products and
crops like coffee, cocoa, rubber, soyabean and regions of production in Brazil.
sugarcane are cultivated on a large scale. Brazil Ø which part of Brazil has mining activity
is the largest exporter of coffee and soyabean not developed? What could be the reasons?
in the world. The major states growing coffee Ø Considering the availability of resources,
are Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. Besides were has the development of industries
these crops, production of fruits like bananas, occurred?

Make friends with maps !

Figure 8.3

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 106
Geographical explanation Give it a try.

The eastern part of Brazil is rich in various The following images are related to
types of minerals like Iron ore, manganese, agricultural activities. Identify and write
nickel, copper, bauxite, tungsten, diamonds, whether they are practiced in Brazil or India.
etc. Inaccessibility, lack of knowledge of
potential reserves of resources, dense forests,
etc are factors which have led to limitations
in mining in the interior parts of the country.
Nevertheless, because of increasing demand in
the country, mining work has developed well in
the highland region.
Fishing :
Answer the questions on the basis of fig 8.3.
Ø Can you give two reasons of concentration
of fishing near the south-eastern coast of
Ø Inland fishing is not developed in Brazil
though there is large number of rivers in
Brazil. Can you think of a reason?

Let’s recall.
Name the warm and cold ocean currents
near Brazilian coasts.

Do you know ?

The United States Dollar is used during

international transactions at the international
level. $ is the symbol of this currency.
Brazilian Real (BRL) is the currency of
Brazil. R$ is the symbol of this currency. ` is
the symbol of Indian currency.
One American dollar = R $ 3.1297
One US $ = ` 64.153
(Note- These rates of currency are always
changing. )

Geographical explanation

Brazil has a sea coast of around 7,400

km and excellent fishing grounds off the South been carried on by small groups of individual
Atlantic coast. The meeting of the warm Brazil fishermen using primitive techniques and
current and the cold Falkland current off the equipment. But now, large vessels are being
coast of south-east Brazil makes it a good used. Swordfish, shrimp, lobsters and sardines
fishing ground. Traditionally, fishing has are mainly caught. The fish resources of the

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 107
Amazon River are not exploited much and Freshwater fishing is carried on in rivers,
fishing only takes place on a small scale. canals, irrigation channels, tanks, ponds, lakes,
Agriculture in India : etc. Silver bellies carp (chopda) etc. are major
freshwater varieities. About 60 per cent of the
Try this.
country’s total fish production comes from
Ø Show the distribution of crops like wheat, inland fisheries.
jowar, rice, cotton, sugarcane, tea and apple
in the outline map of India using symbols. Find out.
Name the map.
Geographical explanation Obtain information regarding
pisciculture in India with the help of internet
Unlike Brazil, India’s agriculture and reference books and write a note.
contributes more towards GDP and also
engages a larger chunk of population. Around Mining In India : The Chhota Nagpur plateau
60% of land in India is under cultivation. Its in India is a big storehouse of different minerals.
enormous expanse of level plains, rich soils, Mining is the main occupation of the people
high percentage of cultivable land, wide
there. Coal is mined in Korba in Chattisgarh
climatic variety, long growing season, etc
and in eastern Maharashtra. Mineral oil wells
provide a strong base to agriculture. In India,
are found in Digboi in Assam, Mumbai High
agriculture has been a long standing activity.
in Arabian Sea near Maharashtra, Kalol and
Indian agriculture is mainly subsistence Koyali in Gujrat. Reserves of mineral oil and
type. India produces rice, wheat, maize, natural gas have been discovered at the mouth
sorghum and millets as major food crops; of river Godavari. Stones like marble are found
plantations of tea, coffee, rubber and cash in Rajasthan and Cuddapah in Andhra Pradesh.
crops like sugarcane, cotton, jute, etc are also
Industries in Brazil :
produced. India is also a major producer of a
variety of fruits and vegetables. Major industries include iron and steel
production, automobile assembly, petroleum
Fishing in India : Fishing plays an important processing, chemicals production, and cement
role in the economy of India. India is one of making; technologically based industries have
the largest producers of fish, both marine
been the most dynamic in recent years, but have
and inland. Fisheries help in augmenting
not outpaced traditional industries. Similarly,
food supply, generating employment, raising
nutritional level and earning foreign exchange. food-processing like sugar industries, cotton
textiles, silk and woolen industries have
Fish forms an important part of the diet developed well. Most of large industries are
of many people living in the coastal areas of
concentrated in the south and south east. The
Kerala, West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh,
north east is traditionally the poorest part
Tamil Nadu, Goa and Maharashtra. India has
about 7500 kms of coastline. Marine fishing of Brazil, but it is beginning to attract new
accounting for about 40 per cent of the total investment.
annual production of fish and being confined
to coastal waters in the west from Kachchh, Let’s recall.
Malabar coast to Coromandal coast in the east.
Major fishes are sardines, mackerel, Bombay With the help of the pie chart given
duck,and prawns. On the eastern coast, the in fig. 8.2, tell what is the contribution of
important fish are horse mackerels, clupeids secondary activities in Brazil’s GDP ?
and silver bellies.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 108
Figure 8.4 : Logos of Various Industries

Industries in India : to the advantages. Rajasthan has copper, lead

Look at fig 8.4. Observe the logos given and zinc; Karnataka has steel, manganese and
l Identify the industries with which they are aluminium; and Tamil Nadu has aluminium
associated. metal industries.
l Which raw material is used for these Agro-based industries including cotton,
industries. Classify them accordingly. jute and sugar are heavily concentrated in the
l From which part of India do they get these raw material-producing areas. The forest-based
raw materials? Discuss and write. industries including paper, ply wood, matches,
The distribution of industries in India is resins and lac are in the forest areas of various
highly uneven. This is so partly on account states. The coastal belt of Kerala has a heavy
of uneven distribution of the necessary raw concentration of coir, copra and fish canning
materials and power resources and partly due industries.
to the concentration of enterprises, financial Koyali, Digboi, Noonmati and Bongaigaon
resources and other necessary conditions in refineries are situated close to the petroleum
large towns. producing areas, and Mathura and Barauni
Jharkhand, Orissa, adjoining Chhattisgarh, refineries in the interior, away from the coast
Madhya Pradesh, parts of Rajasthan, Karnataka and oil-producing areas. The distribution of
and Tamil Nadu account for most of the reserves of cement industry is also highly conditioned by
metallic minerals. This area, therefore, particularly the availability of raw materials.
the north-eastern part of the peninsula, has a Gujarat, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu
very high concentration of heavy metallurgical produce the bulk of salt in the country.
industries with almost all the steel centres situated Mechanical engineering, electricals,
here. Availability of large quantities of coal and automobile, fertiliser, and numerous consumer
refractory materials, along with cheap power industries, which show little bias for raw
from the Damodar-Valley Corporation and a material, have come up all over the country
number of thermal power projects, have added with heavier concentration near the big cities.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 109
Export, Import and Balance of Trade (Value in US $)
Let’s recall.
India Brazil
Trade : Read the adjoining table and Year Exports Imports Exports Imports
answer the following questions. 2009-10 178751.4 288372.9 152994.7 127647.3
Ø What is balance of trade? 251136 369770 197356.4 180458.8
Ø Tell the types of balance of trades.
2011-12 304623.53 489181.3 256038.7 226243.4
Ø In which country export exceeds
import in all the years? 2012-13 214099.8 361271.9 242579.8 223149.1
Ø Brazil’s balance of trade belong
to which type? and India.Trade makes up about 25% of GDP.
Ø India’s balance of trade belong to which See fig 8.5 below and compare it with India.
Geographical explanation

Use your brain power ! India mainly exports tea, mangoes, coffee,
If Rajasthan does not have a coastal area, spices, leather and leather goods, iron ore,
then how does it produce salt? cotton and silk textiles while it mainly imports
petroleum, machines, pearls and precious
stones, gold and silver, paper, medicines, etc.
Geographical explanation
India’s major trading partners are the UK,
Brazil mainly exports iron ore, coffee, the USA, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, etc.
cocoa, cotton, sugar, tobacco, oranges and
bananas while it imports machinery, chemical Colours of Both
products, fertilisers, wheat, heavy vehicles,
mineral oil and lubricants. Indo-Brazil ties :
Major trading partners are Germany, Answer the following.
USA, Canada, Italy, Argentina, Saudi Arabia
Ø What does BRICS stand for?
Ø When was it established?
Brazil Trade Ø What are the objectives of this bloc?
(% of GDP)
Ø The countries of which continent are not
India Trade a member of this bloc?
(% of GDP)
Ø In which continents do the member
countries lie?

Figure 8.5 : Contribution of trade in GDP

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 110
Through BRICS, Brazil has opened up a Geographical explanation
strategic partnership with India. There have
been agreements for bilateral investments Indian companies set up industrial centres
between India and Brazil. all over Brazil and invested lot of capital. The
Fig 8.6 shows the trade between India Indian companies have invested in such sectors
and Brazil. Study the graphs and answer the as IT, pharmaceuticals, energy, agri-business,
mining, engineering and auto sectors.
following questions. Brazil’s footprint in India is smaller but
Ø In which year the value of exports to important. The Brazilian companies have
Brazil exceeded the imports from Brazil? invested in automobiles, IT, mining, energy,
biofuels, footwear sectors in India.
Ø In which year the trade with Brazil was
most favourable of all?
Ø Comment upon the Balance of Trade in Do you know ?
the year 2013.
Ø From which year the value of exports to Brazil has been the largest producer
Brazil have exceeded the value of im- of coffee for the last 150 years. The plant,
belongs originally to Ethiopia. It was first
ports from Brazil? brought to Brazil by some French settlers
Ø Write a note on the trade between Brazil who established in the state of Pará in the
and India. early 18th century. Coffee farms are called
(Export-Import in Million US $)

Do you know ?

Taxes are an important part of the

economy and trade of any country. India
has now switched to the GST (Goods and
Service Tax) which aims towards one tax
all over the country on various commodities
and services. Brazil too has adopted the
Import from Brazil system from 1984.
Export to Brazil Like India, in Brazil too GST has
various slabs.
Figure 8.6 : India-Brazil trade


Q. 1. Fill in the blank with appropriate word.

(a) India’s per capita income is less than (iv) Low foodgrain production
Brazil due to ____________. (b) The economy of Brazil is mainly dependent
(i) Low national income on the --------------------activities there.
(ii) Massive Population (i) Primary (ii) Secondary
(iii) Big family size (iii) Tertiary (iv) Quaternary

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 111
(c) The economies of India and Brazil are of Q. 4. Study the following graph and analyse in
the ------------------ type. short
(i) Undeveloped (ii) Developed
100 %
(iii) Developing (iv) Highly developed
90 %
Q. 2. Answer the following questions: 80 %
70 %
(a) Why has mining not developed in the 60 %
western part of Brazil? 50 % Tertiary
40 %
(b) What are the similarities and differences in 30 %
the fishing activities in Brazil and India? 20 % Primary
10 %
Q. 3. Give reasons: 0%
India Brazil India Brazil
(a) Per capita land availability is more in
Contribution of sectors Percentage of Population
Brazil as compared to India. in natinal income engaged in the sector
(b) There is mixed economy in Brazil and

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 112
Tourism : and Sao Paulo are large cities which attract lots
Try this. of tourists. Tourism is an important economic
activity in several regions in the country.
On the basis of the things you know about Looking at the sensitivity of the natural
Brazil, make a list of places in Brazil you would resources in Brazil, ecotourism is developing
like to visit. Which factors/characteristics of at a faster rate in Brazil.
Brazil make it a good tourist place? What types
of tourism will be developed here? Discuss with Can you tell ?
your friends and show the classification. Answer the questions after reading fig 9.2
Answer the questions on the basis of
figure 9.1 : 12%
Brazil India
Number of international Tourists (In lakhs)

Brazil - Number of International Tourists 8%

India - Number of International Tourists




Percentage of population engaged in tourism
Figure 9.1 : Number of International Tourists Contribution of tourism in GDP

Figure 9.2 : Tourism and economy (2016)

Ø Which country attracted more international
tourists in the year 1995? Ø What type of graph is shown here?
Ø In which country did more international Ø What does the graph show?
tourists arrive in the year 2000?
Ø Which country’s tourism has a larger share
Ø In which year can an increase be seen in the in the contribution towards GDP?
number of international tourists in India?
Ø Which country has a larger population
Ø What was the number of international engaged in tourism sector but contributes
tourists in the year 2015 in both the lesser in GDP?
countries? What was the difference between
Geographical explanation
Ø What could be the reason of increase in As shown in figure 9.1, the number of
tourists in India after the year 2010? international tourists visiting India in 2015 is
more than that of Brazil. Even though this is
Geographical explanation
true, the share of tourism sector in the GDP is
Brazil : less than that of Brazil. Apart from this, the
Clean, white sand beaches, attractive proportion of Indian population engaged in
seacoast, beautiful islands, orchards, deep tourism proportion is higher than Brazil. This is
dense forests of Amazon, various birds and primarily dependent on the size of the population
animals attract lots of international tourists of those countries and the size of the GDP. (See
here. The new capital city of Brasilia is also figure 9.2). According to this, population of
a tourist attraction. Cities like Rio-de-Janeiro India is more than Brazil and so is its GDP. As

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 113
the GDP of India is higher than Brazil and so
also its population, therefore, the contribution of
tourism to GDP appears lesser than Brazil and
population engagement seems higher.

Think about it.

What are the factors responsible for
development of these tourism sites in Brazil?

India :
It is seen in figure 9.1 that the number Figure 9.5 : Brazil - Marine Tourism
of international tourists in India is constantly
growing. But this increase appears to be more
after 2010. This increase in the number of
international tourists is consistent. Foreign
tourists visit India for heritage, adventure,
cultural, health and business tourism.
Ecotourism is also being given boost in India.
Considering the heritage of India, there
are plenty of opportunities for tourism in many
parts of the country. Many places are being
developed for this.
Figure 9.6 : Ajanta Caves
Some tourism sites of India and Brazil

Figure 9.3 : Gateway of India Figure 9.7 : Football Stadium at Manaus

Figure 9.4 : Beach at Rio De Janeiro Figure : 9.8 : Guwahati, Assam

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 114
Make friends with maps !
half of transportation
system in the country.
But the density of road
network is concentrated
in the eastern part of the
country. The forested
lands of Amazon River
basin and the swampy
lands have limited
the development of
roadways in this part.
Waterways have
been developed on a
commercial basis in the
Amazon River. Boats
ply from Equitos in Peru
to the mouth of the river.
The longest waterways
in the world can be
navigated through
these waterways
(around 3700 kms).
Another river important
for waterways is the
south-flowing Parana
Figure 9.9
river. Coastal shipping is also carried out in the
Brazil Transport : Study the transport map
coastal areas.
of Brazil in Fig 9.3 and answer the following
questions: Railways have not developed very well
in Brazil. The use of trains for long distance
Ø Which means of transport are seen on the transportation of passengers is restricted to a
few urban tourist routes though it is cheaper.
Ø Which means of transport has a denser The contribution of airways is less in the
network? transportation system of the country.
Ø Which highway can be seen prominently?
Which places does it join?
Ø What could be the reason of development of
railways in the South-East? Think about it.
Ø In which part of Brazil do you see a lesser Considering the development of
development of transport network ? What transport in a place, which factors do you
could be the reason? think are responsible for the development
Geographical explanation of transport in Brazil? Also, think which
means of transport could be used in Brazil
The most common method of transportation given its topography and drainage?
is roadways. Roadways account for more than

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 115
India Transport : Look at the transport maps Ø In which part of India is the density of
of India given in fig 9.10 and 9.11 and answer railways more?
the following questions.
Ø Name five important ports and airports of
Ø Which means of transport are visible on the India.
Ø Which parts of India have a sparse network
of transport? What could be the reason?
Make friends with maps !

Figure 9.10

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 116
Make friends with maps !
Waterways are
a cheap means of
transport. Waterways
contribute about
1% to the country’s
transportation. It
comprises rivers, canals,
backwaters, creeks, etc.
95 per cent of India’s
foreign trade moves
through ocean routes.
Apart from international
trade, these are also
used for the purpose of
transportation between
the islands and the rest
of the country.
As compared to
Brazil, airways in India
are more developed
and the use of internal
airways is also

Figure 9.11
Always remember -
Geographical explanation The development of means of transport
is an indicator of rapid progress of a country.
As compared to Brazil, India has a denser
network of transport. About 85 per cent of
passenger and 70 per cent of freight traffic Give it a try.
are carried by roads every year. Freight and
passenger transport has been facilitated due to Ø Arun called his mother from Digboi
the development of the railways. Railways are at 7 am. At what local time will his
important for the growth of the Indian economy. mother pick up his call at Jaisalmer?
Railway network is relatively less dense in the
hill states, north eastern states, central parts Communication in Brazil :
of India and Rajasthan while it is dense in the
North Indian Plains. Try this.
Railways are very important for a vast
country where distances are large. You are already aware of the vast
longitudinal extent of Brazil. Given are the

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 117
westernmost and easternmost extreme points different ‘time zones’ in the country. Brazil has
of Brazil mainland in figure 9.12. Calculate four time zones .It is behind the GMT by 2, 3,
the difference in time between the two points 4 or 5 hours. The red line in the map shows the
in minutes.
GMT-03 time zone which is considered
to be the official Brazilian time, BRT. It
is 3 hours behind GMT.
Developmentof CommunicationinBrazil:
Telecommunication services in Brazil
are well developed and efficient. This
industry includes landlines as well as
mobile services, television broadcasting,
radio broadcasting, and computer /
internet access. Today, more than 45%
of the Brazilian population has access
to the internet. The telecommunications
infrastructure is fairly modern,
particularly in central-south Brazil.
However, the north and north-west are
drastically less developed.
Over recent years, mobile
Figure 9.12 : Brazilian Standard Time telephones have led the rapid expansion
Westernmost point: Nascente do Rio Moa of telecommunication services in Brazil. The
(07°32'33'' S, 70°59' W) nature of Brazilian territory, especially land
Easternmost point: Ponta do Seixas,
mass size and the large pockets of unpopulated
Paraíba (07°09' 28''S, 34°47' W)
Read the above map in the fig 9.12 and and densely vegetated areas create significant
answer the following questions: impediments to the expansion in coverage of
telecommunication services.
Ø How many divisions can you see in the
map? Brazil is developing technology to send
domestically-made satellites into space with its
Ø What do these divisions signify?
own rockets.
Ø What does the term ‘behind the GMT’
mean ? Communication in India :
Study the map given in figure 9.13 and
Ø Which part of Brazil is ahead of the other ? answer the following questions.
Ø By how many minutes is this part ahead of Ø Calculate the difference between the two
longitudinal extremes of mainland India.
Ø What does the red line in the map show? Is it more than Brazil?

Geographical explanation Ø Which longitude in India is called the

Indian Standard Time (IST)?
You will find that because of the vast Ø What is the difference between this time
longitudinal extent of the country, the difference and the GMT?
between two extreme points is around 168
Ø How many local times are there in
minutes. (2 hours 48 minutes) There are India?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 118
India is one of the largest users
Make friends with maps ! of smartphones and internet.
With development of our own
satellites, India has come a
long way in this field.

Think about it.

Ø It is 12 noon at Delhi.
What would be the lo-
cal time in Brasilia?

Use your brain power !

Saurabh and Ashwini

work for a MNC. Two of
their regional head offices
are located in Brazil in Rio
De Janeiro and Manaus,
respectively. Both of them
have to contact either of
the head offices constant-
ly. As they have to adjust
timings according to their
head offices, find out their
corresponding timings in
Figure 9.13 : Location and Extent India, if they work accord-
ing to office timings in
Geographical explanation Brazil i.e 10am. to 5 pm
India too has a large longitudinal extent. The
difference between the two extreme most points Do you know ?
is 2 hours or 120 minutes. India has only one
ISRO ( India Space Research Organi-
standard time zone. The 82.5° E longitude is the
sation) looks after the space launching pro-
Indian Standard Time ( IST) . It passes through
grammes of India.
Allahabad. It is ahead by 5 hours 30 minutes
from the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Till date, this institute has established
With the explosion of electronic media, many records in the satellite launch.
telecom industry has become one of the fast
The Brazilian Space Agency ( AEB) is
growing sectors. In this era of information
the civilian authority in Brazil responsible
and communication, more digitally enhanced
for the country's burgeoning space program.
communication devices like mobile phones,
Internet and satellites are paving way to The Brazilian Space Agency has pursued a
expansion for the wider reach of communication policy of joint technological development
technology. with more advanced space programs.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 119
Initially it relied heavily on the United States Give it a try.
but now it is working with China, India, Rus- Ø On what basis will you decide how
sia and Ukraine. many standard times should be there in
a country?


Q. 1. State whether right or wrong with reasons.

(a) The future of tourism is bright in India Q. 5. Give geographical reasons.
due to its natural diversity. (a) Eco-tourism is being developed more in
(b) Tourism is an invisible trade. Brazil.
(c) The indicator of development in a (b) The waterways are not developed in
country is the development of transport Brazil.
in that country. (c) A dense network of railways has
(d) Brazil’s time is ahead of India’s time. developed in the north Indian plains.
(e) The development of tourism in India (d) Development of transport is important
has begun recently. for country's progress.
Q. 2. Answer in short (e) We rely on the sea route for international
(a) Which factors attract more tourists in trade.
Brazil? Q. 6. Differentiate between.
(b) What are the difficulties in the develop (a) Water transport in the Amazon and the
ment of the railway system in Brazil's Ganga river.
internal areas? (b) Communication in Brazil and India
(c) Which means of communication has (c) IST and BRT
expedited the field of communications? Q. 7. Write notes on.
Q. 3. A plane leaves Brasilia at 11am on 31st (a) Modern means of communication
December. The plane crosses 0° Meridian (b) Air transport in India
and reaches Vladivostok via New Delhi. Tell (c) Correlation between physiographic and
the local time, date and day at New Delhi internal waterways
and Vladivostok when plane leaves Brasilia. (d) Importance of Standard Time

Activity :
New Delhi Visit a harbour/airport/
0 0
Latitude communication centre and write
down its information.
31st December
Morning 11 o´clock

0 0 0 0 0 0
1800 w. 1500 w. 0
120 w. 900 w. 600 w. 300 w. 0
30 e. 60 e. 90 e. 120 e. 150 e. 180 e.

Q. 4. Match the columns.

‘A’ Group ‘B’ Group
(a) Trans-Amazonian (i) Tourist Place Highway
(b) Road Transport (ii) Railway Station in India
(c) Rio de Janeiro (iii) Golden Quadrilateral
(d) Manmad (iv) Major Highways
(v) 40° W. Meridian

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 120
Flora and Fauna of India and Brazil

The Gangetic Dolphin Rubber


Pink Dolphin in Amazon Aloe vera

Nilgiri (Eucalyptus)
One-Horned Rhino

Nilgiri Tahr Mahogany

The Great Indian Bustard

Century Plant Condor Golden Lion Tamarin

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 121

1. Population : Part - 1

Geography studies humans and their interactions with their environments. The study of
population is a part of Human Geography under a branch called Population Geography. Population
Geography studies human population and its distribution and pattern on the earth’s surface. Their
qualitative and quantitative composition is also studied in this subject. The way the population
influences the economy and the development of a region are also the points of study in Geography.
In this chapter, we will study humans as a resource.
Distribution of Population :

Try this.

Observe the pie-charts shown in Fig 1.1 carefully and answer the following questions.
Percent of total land mass (%) Population distribution (%, 2019)
 Africa 4.75 0.55

 Antarctica 16.96

20.40  Asia

12.00  Asia 9.69
  North America   North America
  South America   South America
16.50 59.65
29.20  Europe  Europe
 Australia  Australia

Source : UN data (https://data.un.org)

Fig 1.1  
  1) Which continent has the least population?
  2) Which continent has the least landmass and also the least population?
  3) Which continent has the most landmass as well as most of the population?
  4) Which continent is missing in one of the pie charts? Why?

of the world. Antarctica occupies around 9%

Geographical explanation of the landmass but has no permanent human
Human population is unevenly distributed settlements.
throughout the world. In the year 2019, the This distribution of land and population can
world’s population stands to be around 7.7 billion. be better understood not just in terms of numbers
Continent wise population distribution is as living in a region but also in terms of people
follows : living in an unit area. This is called population
density. Total population
North and South America that account for
around 28% of the landmass barely support 18% Density of population = Total area (in sq. km.)
of the population. Asia occupies about 30% of
the land mass and supports around 60% of the Give it a try.
population. Europe has around 7% land and
supports 5% of the population. Australia has Table 1.1 shows the 10 most populated
around 6% of the world’s land but does not even countries in the world in 2018 with their
support 1% of the population. Africa occupies areas. Calculate their population densities
20-40% land and supports 16.96 % population and complete the table.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 122
Make friends with maps!

Fig 1.2 World : Population Distribution

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 123

Table 1.1 Table 1.2
Rank Country Population Approx. Popu- Continent Physical Factors Physical Factors
in Crores Area lation Responsible for Responsible for Less
(2018) (in lakh Density High Population or No Population
sq.km.) North Coastal areas Forests, desert, snow-
America covered land
1 China 142.8 96.0
2 India 135.3 32.9
United States
3 of America 32.7 95.3
4 Indonesia 26.8 19.1
5 Pakistan 21.2 8.9
6 Brazil 20.9 85.2
7 Nigeria 19.6 9.2
8 Bangladesh 16.1 1.5 Geographical explanation
9 Russia 14.6 171.0 When we compare the distribution of the
10 Mexico 12.6 19.7 world population with physical factors, we
observe the following points :
• Snow-covered regions, around the North
Geographical explanation
and the South Poles, are sparsely populated.
Patterns of Population Distribution in the • Even hot deserts have low population.
World : • The Mountainous and hilly regions are also
Looking at the pie-charts given in fig. 1.1 and less populated.
table 1.1 together, we can conclude the following. • Coastal regions and plains are highly
We find that population and population densities populated.
both are unequally distributed in the world. When • In some river valleys like the Amazon,
you look at the regions with large populations, population is sparsely distributed. It
it is explicitly visible. Patterns of population means that there are factors other than
distribution and density help us to understand physical factors, like forests, that influence
the demographic characteristics of any area. population distribution.
The term population distribution refers to the Can you tell ?
way people are spaced over the earth’s surface.
(Fig. 1.2.) Can you think of the factors besides
physiography which affect the distribution
Make friends with maps! of population? Make a list.

Geographical Factors Affecting Population

  Look at the map in Fig. 1.2. Compare
Distribution :
it with the physical map of the world given
in the book on page 83. Try to understand Here are some physical and human factors
the impact of physical factors on population affecting the distribution of population. Fill in
distribution. Complete the table accordingly. suitable examples of countries or regions in the
One has been done for you as an example. table 1.3. Two examples have been solved for
your convenience.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 124
Table : 1.3 Eskimos and Lapps, who are highly adapted
Physical/ High Density Low Density to such climates, can live in these regions.
Human Factors Vast equatorial areas of the Amazon
1) Relief Flat, Lowland Mountainous
e.g. Ganges area e.g. lowland and Congo basin are very sparsely
plains Himalayas populated due to their unfavourable climate.
2) Climate
3) Availability Find out !
of Resources
4) Economic Business and Low economic
  • Are Eskimos still living in their
financial centre. growth. e.g.
e.g. Tokyo Louisiania conventional ways?
5) Social   • What changes can be seen in their lifestyle
6) Government now?
7) Cultural
 3) Availability of water : It is the most
Geographical explanation important factor for life for all living beings
including man. So, people prefer to live in
Following factors determine population areas where fresh or potable water is easily
distribution : available. You will find that easily through
Physical Factors : the map in fig. 1.2.
  1) Relief (Landforms) : Population is densely   It is because of this, that river valleys and
distributed on flat plains and gentle slopes. coastal areas are among the most densely
This is because such areas are favourable populated areas of the world. For example,
for the production of crops. In these areas Nile valley and coastal plains of India are
it is easier to build roads and develop one of the most densely populated areas
industries. of the world. In deserts too, population is
  The mountainous and hilly areas tend to found near oases. For examples, Phalodi
be less populated. If means of livelihood are from Thar desert and Al-Ahsa from Saudi
available, population can be concentrated Arabia have developed around oases.
in few such areas. For example, Dehradun,
Leh, etc.
Use your brain power !
  Thus, it can be concluded that plateaus
or mountainous areas are less populated   • Can lakes be a factor for concentration of
than plains. population? Find out examples.
 2) Climate : Extreme climates such as very   • Which water bodies are surrounded by
hot or cold deserts or regions with very dense population in Maharashtra?
heavy rainfall are uncomfortable for human
habitation. They have less population.  4) Soils : Fertile soils are important for
Areas with an equable climate, where there agricultural and allied activities. Therefore,
is not much seasonal variation, attract areas which have fertile loamy soils have
more people. Mediterranean regions were more people living on them, as these can
inhabited due to their pleasant climate. support intensive agriculture. The flood
 In cold climates, only people like the plains of the river Mississippi, the Ganga,

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 125
the Irrawaddy, the Yangtze are examples of  If a dormant volcano erupts someday,
areas having high densities of population. these settlements may face disasters. They
Similarly, areas having Regur or black may face economic losses and loss of life.
soils are also densely populated. The slopes For example, fig. 1.3 shows people leaving
and foothills of many volcanoes have high their places after an eruption in Mt. Agung
densities of population as their slopes are in Bali.
covered with fertile volcanic soil. The Human Factors :
slopes and foothills of volcanoes in Java,  1) Agriculture : Increase in agricultural
Japan, Sicily and Central America support production due to use of fertilisers and
many people. irrigation make it possible to support
more population. Type of agriculture,
crops grown, method of cultivation and
specialisation of particular crops are other
characteristics of agriculture that affect the
distribution of population. Do map activity
related to fig 1.4.
  2) Mining : Areas with good quality mineral
deposits attract industries. Mining and
Fig 1.3 : Evacuation
industrial activities generate employment.
Make friends with maps!

Refer to the map showing rice producing regions of the world in Fig. 1.4. Relate it with
the population map of the world in Fig. 1.2. Write the conclusions in your own words.

Fig 1.4

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 126
So, skilled and semi–skilled workers move to minerals are highly valuable and they are
these areas and make them densely populated. extracted despite odd physical conditions.
Katanga copper belt in Zambia, the Chota In such areas, population may be dense.
Nagpur Plateau in India, coal and iron fields This is true for precious and rare minerals
of Western Europe, the Manchurian region like gold and mineral oil. For example, gold
of China and the Appalachian mountains of mines area in the Australian desert, mineral
the USA are examples where population is oil in the desert regions of South-West Asian
dense due to availability of minerals. Some countries.

Give it a try.

Look at the satellite images given in Fig. 1.5. They show the same area from two different periods.
  • What difference do you see?
  • What might have caused these changes? Discuss in class.
A) Year 2005

B) Year 2019

Fig 1.5 : Satellite images showing Ambegaon Budruk, (Pune)

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 127
the government is giving incentives to people
Geographical explanation
to leave Tokyo, as about one third of Japan
3) Transportation : After studying the lives in Tokyo.
satellite images in fig. 1.5, you may find
that roads or highways may increase the Let’s recall.
population here. Such regions are easy to
Which policy did the Brazilian
access because of roads thus increasing
government promote with respect to
density. On the contrary, if accessibility is
difficult, it takes more time and is costlier
to reach there, then the region is sparsely Besides these factors, other factors like,
populated. Fig. 1.5 clearly shows that the distance from the sea coast, accessibility, natural
population density has increased as a harbours, sources of energy, navigable rivers or
highway passes through this area. canals, cultural factors, migration, economic
 Sea transport led to the discovery of activities, technology, etc. affect distribution
new places. Port cities got developed. The of population in the world. Adverse physical
population grew there due to trade. For conditions and lack of sufficient opportunities
example, the construction of the Suez Canal for means of livelihood are mainly responsible
increased the exchange of raw materials and for discouraging inhabitation in certain areas.
goods. Therefore, the population appears to Components of population change :
be concentrated in coastal regions. Western   People of one region differ from others.
and eastern coastal regions of India, the People can be distinguished by their age, sex
western and eastern coastal regions of the and their place of residence. Some of the other
United States are examples. distinguishing attributes of the population are
 4) Urbanisation : The growth of industries occupation, education and life expectancy. Let us
is responsible for the development of first understand the various aspects of population.
towns and cites. Tertiary activities like
Population growth :
transportation, trade and other services also
increase in order to cater to the needs of the Try this.
growing urban population. Cities offer better
employment opportunities, educational and Look at the fig. 1.6 and answer the
medical facilities, better means of transport questions that follow :
and communication. In many areas of the
world, a continuous urban belt is found. For Death Birth
example, Greater Mumbai. Birth Rate Rate Death
Rate Rate
  5) Political factors and government policies :
Besides all the above factors, the policies of Fig. 1.6
various governments also affect population • What does the image show?
distribution and density. A government may • What happens to the population when
choose to promote population in an area or deaths are more than births?
depopulate it. For example, the government • What happens to the population when
promoted human settlement in parts of births are more than deaths?
Siberia by giving more opportunities and • What happens when both are same? Is it
special incentives. For example, in Japan, possible?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 128
Geographical explanation the age structure of the population. It doesn't
take into account that age group in the
The population growth or population change population that is actually able to give birth.
refers to the change in number of inhabitants of Similarly, actual birth or death rates take
a territory during a specific period of time. This into account the population structure of a
change may be positive (growth) or negative country. Birth rates and death rates will not
(decline). It can be expressed either in terms be same for all age groups simultaneously.
of absolute numbers or in terms of percentage.
Total number of live births in a year
Population change in an area is an important CBR= × 1000
Total population in that year
indicator of economic development. It can be
an indicator of social upliftment. For example, Total number of deaths in a year
CDR= × 1000
poverty can be reduced if population reduces. Total population in that year
There are three components of population Population Present Earlier
change : births, deaths and migration. growth = population – population
Crude Birth Rate : Crude birth rate (CBR) is Population Population growth
expressed as number of live births in a year per = × 100
growth rate Earlier population
thousand of population. For example, in 2019,
there were 3,250 births in a city with population
Can you tell ?
of 2,23,000. Therefore :
CBR = × 1,000 = 14.57 Observe the table 1.4. Arrange data in
ascending order for birth rates and death
So, at that time, there were 14.57 live births
rates respectively.     Table 1.4
for every 1,000 people in the city.
Country Crude BR (2017) Crude DR (2017)
Crude Death Rate : Death rate plays an active Sweden 11.5 9.1
role in population change. Population growth India 18.1 7.2
occurs not only by increasing birth rate but also Greece 8.2 11.6
due to decreasing death rate. Like CBR, CDR China 12.4 7.1
is expressed in terms of number of deaths in a USA 11.8 8.5
Niger 46.5 8.5
particular year per thousand of population, in a
particular region. Population Growth and Explosion :
You know that birth rates and death rates
Give it a try. determine the growth or decline in the population.
Based on this notion, try to complete the table
• Can you calculate the death rate in the above
1.5, where different combinations of Birth Rates
example, if the total number of deaths in the
and Death Rates are given. Discuss in the class
city was 2,986 in the same year?
and complete the table. One has been done for
• On the basis of the Birth Rate given earlier
you as an example.         
and Death Rate calculated by you, what Table 1.5
change in population do you observe? Sr. Birth Death Effect on
No. Rate Rate Population Growth
1 High High Stable /Low Increase
Always remember 2 High Decreasing
3 High Low
The crude birth rate or death rate is 4 Decreasing Low
considered ‘crude’. This is because it ignores 5 Low Low

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 129
Give it a try.

1 2 3 4 5
High stationary Early expanding Late expanding Low stationary Declining

40- Birth rate

Death rate
death Natural
rates 20- increase
1000 Natural
people) 10- decrease
Total population

  ← Time →
Fig . 1.7 Demographic Transition Theory
Look at the graph in Fig 1.7 carefully. Answer the following questions :
  1) What do the blue and the black lines show?
  2) What does the green part in the graph show?
  3) What does the blue part in the graph show?
  4) In which stages is the birth rate more than the death rate?
  5) In which stages is the birth rate same as the death rate?
  6) In which stage is the death rate more than birth rate?
tertiary activities are negligible. Educational
Geographical explanation
opportunities are limited. Fertility rates are high.
Generally, a country experiences various Families are big. Science and technology are not
stages in population growth. It never experiences developed. Low sanitation, high occurrence of
the same rate of growth or decline. Along with contagious diseases, lack of medical facilities
the economic development, tendencies of birth and malnutrition are responsible for high death
rate and death rate are different. Hence, growth rates. At present, no country falls in this category.
rate of population also varies. The theory of Stage 2 : Early expanding stage
demographic transition is based on the population
Technological expansion of science occurs
trends of a country with time. According to this
and development starts. Therefore, medical and
theory, a country passes through different stages
of population growth. It may take several years to health care services start expanding. Efforts are
pass through a stage. They are as follows : underway to control and combat diseases. This
leads to a reduction in mortality. But the birth
Stage 1 : High stationary stage
rate is constant. As a result, the population grows
Both birth rates and death rates are high
rapidly. Production in agriculture and industry
during this phase, so population growth is stable.
Birth rates are high because having lots of children increases. Transportation network increases.
is considered to be a good idea. At this stage, the Efforts to control the population are launched.
financial position of the country is not developed. The developing countries with high populations
It is dependent on agriculture or similar primary are currently undergoing this phase. This stage is
occupations. People engaged in secondary and also known as the 'population explosion' phase,

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 130
as it has the highest growth rate as shown in the death rate. Population growth is minimal
the fig 1.7. For example, Countries like Congo, or in some countries, could be negative. The
Bangladesh, Uganda, Niger, etc. are presently in population may be reduced because of higher
this stage. mortality. In such countries the number of
Stage 3 : Late expanding stage children is very low and the elderly are very high.
The reduced death rate in the second stage Standard of living is very high. The economic
is still decreasing in this stage too. Birth rates condition of the country and the citizens is very
are also decreasing now. This reduces the rate good. Tertiary activities contribute the most
of population growth. But, the population is to the economy. High quality of educational
still growing because birth rates are higher and medical facilities are available. Healthy
than death rates. As the progress of the country environment and pleasant life is preferred. E.g.
is accelerating, the income of the people of Sweden, Finland, etc.
the country is above the subsistence level.
Can you tell ?
Their standard of living is elevated. Poverty
is decreasing. Use of technology is seen to Look at the fig. 1.7 and answer :
expand. Secondary and tertiary activities expand.
1) If the crude birth rate is 7 and the crude
Education level of the population also increases.
death rate is 8 then which stage of
People now know the importance of family
demographic transition is the country in?
planning. Family size reduces. Countries that are
  2) If a country has crude death rate of 20 and
moving towards developed stage from developing
crude birth rate of 24, then which stage of
are going through this stage. For example, China.
demographic transition is the country in?

Use your brain power !

Always remember
• In which stage do you think India is
Population Composition :
passing right now?
Composition of population covers all the
Stage 4 : Low stationary stage characteristics of a population that can be
The birth rate in the third stage now lowers measured. For example, rural and urban
further. The standard of living is very high. residence, age, marital status, sex ratio, etc.
The economic condition of the country and the are the basis on which population can be
economic status of the citizens improves a lot. classified to understand its characteristics.
Secondary and tertiary occupations have a higher Population Structure :
share than primary. The death rate is also very Structure of a population is the overall
low as the best medical facilities are available. picture or the idea we get by studying the
Epidemics like cholera, plague, etc. have been composition of the population. For example,
eliminated. People are health conscious. The age composition of the population tells us
birth rate is not less than the death rate but is about the percentage of children, young and
almost the same. Therefore, population growth aged in the country. Population structure
is minimal. For example, developed countries will give us an idea about the dependency
like USA are going through this phase. ratio and the effects this composition will
Stage 5 : Declining stage have on the economy of the country. We
The birth rate is very low and almost equals will study about them in the next chapter.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 131
Use your brain power !
Find out in what multiples has population increased in the following timeline and write down your findings.
For example, in the initial phase, the population took 6 centuries (1000 to 1600 A.D.) to double itself.
Years (A.D.)
1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 

254  301  360  360  350  425  550  600  813  1550 1750 1860 2070 2300 2400 3100 3700 4500 5200 6300 7000
Population of the world approx. (in millions)


Q. 1) Identify the correct correlation : 3) Stage 3 of Demographic Transition theory.

A : Assertion; R : Reasoning Q. 3) Give geographical reasons :
  1) A : Areas which have fertile soil have dense 1) India is passing through Stage 3 of demographic
population. transition.
R : Fertile soils are good for agriculture. 2) Population distribution is uneven.
1) Only A is correct 3) Population increases because of transportation
2) Only R is correct facilities.
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct 4) Secondary and tertiary activities increase in the
explanation of A. third stage of demographic transition.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the
5) Population may increase though birth rates
correct explanation of A.
are low.
  2) A : Population of a region does not change. 6) Population density is a function of population
R : Birth rate, death rate and migration affect and area of a region.
the population of a region.
Q. 4) Answer in detail :
1) Only A is correct
1) Explain the physical factors affecting
2) Only R is correct distribution of population.
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct 2) In the first and fifth stage of the demographic
explanation of A. transition, population growth is almost nil.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the What is the difference between the two stages
correct explanation of A. then?
  3) A : In stage 2, death rate reduces but birth rate 3) Discuss the problems faced by countries in
is constant. stage 4 and stage 5.
R : The population increases rapidly in stage 2. Q. 5) Draw a neat labelled diagram for demographic
1) Only A is correct transition theory and its various stages.
2) Only R is correct Q. 6) On an outline map of the world, show the
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct following with index :
explanation of A. 1) Highly populated region in Australia.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the 2) Sparsely populated region in India.
correct explanation of A. 3) Any 2 countries in stage 5 of Demographic
Q. 2) Write short notes on : Transition Theory
1) Impact of relief on population distribution. 4) Any 2 countries in stage 2 of Demographic
2) Correlation between birth rates and death rates. Transition Theory
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 132
2. Population : Part - 2

Population is also considered as a infants, children, teenagers, young, adults, old

human resource. The physical and intellectual people. Each of the age group has a share in the
characteristics of the population affect the population. Their share in the population varies
development of a region. The development of from country to country. The population in each
a region is dependent on how human resources group changes. Their share in the population also
are used like other natural resources. The human varies. Try the following activity in fig. 2.1 to
economic activities also develop with reference to understand the age structures of different countries.
human resources. In fact, if human resources are
not developed efficiently, the use of other resources Geographical explanation
also gets adversely affected. Considering these
Demographers use population pyramids
issues, the population structure, sex ratio, literacy
to describe age and genderwise distribution of
rate, etc. are studied in Population Geography.
populations. The Y-axis in the centre of this
Population Composition : graph shows age groups while X-axis shows
1) Age Structure : population or percentage of population. The
The age structure of a population refers to lengths of bars show the numbers or percentage of
the number of people in different age groups- population. The left side of the graph represents
the males while the right side represents the
Try this.

Male 100 Female Male 100 Female Male 100 Female

95 95 95
90 90 90
(A) 85
(B) 85
(C) 85
75 75 75
70 70 70
65 65 65
60 60 60
55 55 55
50 50 50
Age 45 Age 45 Age 45
group 40 group 40 group 40
35 35 35
30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
4 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.8 0 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Population (in millions) Population (in millions) Population (in millions)

Fig. 2.1 Three types of population pyramids

In fig. 2.1, A, B, C are three population pyramids. Study their shapes and answer the
following questions :
1) In which pyramid(s) the number of children will be the least?
2) In which pyramid(s) the number of old people will be the least?
3) Which pyramid(s) represent(s) a 'young country'?
4) Which pyramid(s) represent(s) a country with high medical expenditure?
5) Which pyramid(s) represent(s) a country with a large manpower?
6) Which pyramid(s) represent(s) developing and developed countries respectively?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 133
females. The base of the graph represents the India 2016
children population while apex represents the Male
95 - 100
90 - 95

old people. 85 - 90
80 - 85
75 - 80
A larger size of the population in the age 70 - 75
65 - 70
60 - 65
group of 15-59 years indicates the chances of 55 - 60
50 - 55
having a larger independent working population. Age
45 - 50
40 - 45
35 - 40
On the other hand, if the number of children in 30 - 35
25 - 30
0-15 is high, the dependency ratio will be high. 20 - 25
15 - 20
10 - 15
Similarly, a growing population in the age 5 - 10
group of 60 plus, indicates greater expenditure 65 42 39 36 33 0 0 33 36 39 42 65
Population (in millions) Age Group Population (in millions)
for medical and health facilities for the aged
Fig. 2.2
Three main types of population pyramids :
As per fig.2.1, we will see three main types Give it a try.
of population pyramids : On the basis of the survey done in
i) Expansive (A) : Broad base with narrowing practical 1, draw a population pyramid for
apex shows that more people die at each the people in 15 households. Write your
higher band. This also shows high birth rate conclusions after studying the structure of
and high death rate. the population.  
ii) Constrictive (B) : Base gets narrower
while apex is broader. This indicates lower 2) Sex composition :
percentages of younger people and more of
Population pyramids also tell us about
elderly people. This shows low birth rate the number of women and men in various
and lower death rates. age groups of the country. The gender
iii) Stationary (C) : Almost all age groups have distribution in a country is an important
same percentages. Very low birth rate and demographic characteristic. The ratio
very low death rate. Population hardly between the number of women and men
grows. in the population is called the sex ratio. In
The type of age structure has a direct India, it is calculated by using the formula :
influence on the future of a nation. Both extremes, Total Female population
i.e., old age dependency as well as young age   Sex ratio = × 1000
Total Male population
dependency, prove to be a severe burden on the
  The sex ratio is an important information
economy of a country. On the other hand, higher
about the status of women in a country. On
proportion of working population means large
an average, the world population reflects
number of manpower. a sex ratio of 990 females per 1000 males.
The highest sex ratio in the world has been
Can you tell ?
recorded in countries like Latvia, Estonia,
Population pyramid of India is given in Russia and Ukraine where there are 1162
fig. 2.2. Read the pyramid and answer the females per 1000 males. In contrast, in
following questions : Saudi Arabia sex ratio is least and that is
 •  Which pyramid type does India belong to? 667 females per 1000 males. Countries like
China, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan
 • Comment upon the age-structure of its have a lower sex ratio. In general, Asia has
 population. a low sex ratio.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 134
population. The ratio between working and non-
Find out ! working dependent population determines how
productive the country is economically. The
Find out India's sex ratio as per Census 2011. higher the ratio, higher will be the contribution of
working population in the economy.
Demographic Dividend When the population of a country goes
through demographic transition, fertility rates,
Can you tell ?
birth rates and death rates also change. There
Read the following table and answer the is a change in the age structure of the country.
As fewer births are registered, the number of
questions that follow :
dependents become smaller than the working
Table 2.1 : India - Demographic Dividend
population. With fewer people to support and
Ratio of working/ Percentage more people working, economy’s resources are
Decade non-working of working
population population invested in other areas to accelerate a country’s
2001-10 1.33 : 1 57.1
economic development. As a result of this, per
capita income increases over with time. This
2011-20 1.53 : 1 60.5
economic benefit is in the form of dividend
2021-30 which benefits everyone in the economy.
1.81 : 1 64.4
(projected) The benefits are not achieved automatically.
2031-40 Demographic dividend depends on whether the
1.72 : 1 63.2 government implements the right policies in
Source : Economic Survey, 2016-17, Pg. 33 areas such as education, health, research, etc. It
  1) What does the table show? depends on the level of schooling, employment,
frequency of childbearing, economic policies
  2) What is the relationship between second
on tax incentives, health programs, pension and
and third column?
retirement policies.
  3) How will this relationship affect the
Demographic dividend in a country is
economy of India?
visible in the following ways :
  4) What will happen if the ratio decreases
  1) Personal savings can grow and can be used
over the years?
to stimulate the economy.
2) As number of children are less, parents can
Geographical explanation
invest more in their education. Thus, human
Demographic dividend refers to the growth capital is built.
in an economy, which is the result of a change in 3) As more women join the labour force
the age structure of a country’s population. The and become economically strong, they
change comes because of a decline in birth rates contribute in the country's economic growth.
and death rates. As fewer births are registered, 4) Per capita GDP increases because
the number of young dependents grow smaller, dependency ratio is decreased.
relative to the working independent population.
In simple words, dividend is a type of reward Try this.
that is distributed among the shareholders. It is the
Answer the questions after studying table
division of profit or surplus received. In a country,
2.2 carefully :
there is working population and dependent

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 135
Table 2.2   7) Write a concluding statement about the
Country Retirement Age reforms relationship between age structure, life
being implemented or under expectancy and economy of a country.
consideration (in years)
Germany Retirement age to increase Geographical explanation
gradually to 66 by 2023 and to
67 by 2029 The table 2.2 shows that many countries
United Retirement age to rise have considered or are considering an increase
States of gradually to reach 67 for those in the retirement age. This is happening because
America born in 1960 or later increase in ageing populations puts increasing
United Retirement age to increase for pressure on pension funding, retirement provisions
Kingdom both men and women to 66 by and medical facilities. Therefore, many countries
October 2020 and further to 67 have begun raising the pensionable retirement
between 2026-28 age. Increase in ageing population occurs because
Australia Retirement age scheduled to life expectancy of the population is generally
increase gradually to 67 by increasing. Thus, people can now work up to
2023 higher ages. For example, the life expectancy in
China By 2045, to increase retirement Japan is around 84 years. Therefore, they are now
age for both men and women considering increasing the retirement age to 70
to 65 which is at present 60 years.
Japan Under consideration to raise the Another aspect which needs to be seen
retirement age to 70 in these countries is their age structures. The
India On an average, 60 years. May proportion of children and young adults in these
vary from 55 years to 65 years countries is less or decreasing and hence these
according to services countries have increased the retirement age. In
  Source: Economic Survey 2018-19 Vol 1, Pg 145 China, the retirement age will be changed only
  1) What does the table show? in 2045 because it is only then that the proportion
 2) Classify these countries into developed of children and young adults is going to reduce
and developing. in the age structure. Given that life expectancy
 3) What could be the reasons behind is likely to continue rising in India, the growing
increasing the retirement age in these proportion of young and children population
countries? should also be considered.

 4) What will be the impact of increase in 3) Literacy and education :

the retirement age on the economy of the Proportion of literate population of a
respective countries? country is an indicator of its socio-economic
  5) Why is China considering increasing the development. It reveals the standard of
age later in 2045? living, social status of females, availability
of educational facilities and policies of the

Considering these examples from
government. The level of economic development
developed countries, will it be good for
is both, a cause and consequence of literacy rate.
India to increase its retirement age?
Every country has its own definition of
Express your views about this.
literacy. In India – literacy rate denotes the

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 136
percentage of population above 7 years of age, higher, whereas they are lower in Northern Africa,
which is able to read, write and has the ability to Western Asia, South Asia and Sub-Saharan
do arithmetic calculations with understanding. Africa. In any continent or sub-continent, the
literacy rate of females is not more than men,
Find out ! except where there is full literacy as in Central
Asia. It is same in Europe and North America.
Find out the minimum age taken into According to the graph, the lowest literacy rate
consideration for calculating literacy. is in Sub-Saharan Africa.
1) Brazil  2) USA  3) Germany 4) Occupational Structure :
The working population (i.e. women and
Can you tell ? men of the age group – 15 to 59) take part
in various primary, secondary, tertiary and
Read the following graph in fig. 2.3 and quaternary occupations. The proportion of
answer the following questions : working population engaged in these sectors
Adult literacy rate by region and sex, 2016 is a good indicator of the levels of economic
Central Asia
development of a nation. This is because only
Europe and Northern America
a developed economy with industries and
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
infrastructure can accommodate more workers in
the secondary, tertiary and quaternary sector. If
Latin America and the Caribbean 94
the economy is still agrarian then the proportion
Northern Africa and Western Asia 85
72 of people engaged in primary activities is high.
Southern Asia 80
Sub-Saharan Africa 72
Give it a try.
0 20 40 60 80 100%
Total Male Female Study the table 2.3 carefully and answer
Fig. 2.3 the following questions :
 1) Which region has the highest literacy   1) What does the table show?
rate?   2) Which sector has the highest occupation?
 2) Which region has the lowest literacy rate? In which year?
 3) In which region does women fare better   3) Which sector has the lowest occupation?
than men in literacy rate? In which year?
 4) Write a concluding paragraph about the   4) In which sector is the working population
graph. increasing?
  5) In which sector is the working population
Geographical explanation occupation decreasing?
6) Draw a suitable diagram for statistical
The graph in fig. 2.3 clearly tells us that we information showing A, B and C columns
find differences in the literacy rate in the same from 1901-2011.
continent. Compared to the global average, the
 7) Compare the data. Write a concluding
literacy rates in Europe, North America and
paragraph on the graph.
Eastern and South-East Asian countries are

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 137
Table 2.3 : Occupational Structure of India (1901-2011)
Year 1901 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
A. Primary Sector (1+2+3+4) 71.9 72.7 72.3 72.6 69.4 67.4 57.4 48.96
1. Cultivator 50.6 50.0 52.8 43.4 41.6 38.5 29.6 26.4
2. Agricultural Labourers  16.9 19.7 16.7 26.3 24.9 26.4 25.4 20.3
3. Livestock, forestry, fishing etc. 4.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.5
4. Mining and quarrying 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8
B. Secondary Sector (5+6) 12.5 10.0 11.7 10.7 12.9 12.1 16.8 23.52
5. Manufacturing 11.7 9.0 10.6 9.5 11.3 10.2 12.4 16.92
6. Construction 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.9 4.4 6.6
C. Tertiary Sector (7+8+9) 15.6 17.3 16.0 16.7 17.7 20.5 25.8 27.52
7. Trade and Commerce 6.0 5.3 4.0 5.6 6.2 7.5 11.1 12.1
8. Transport, Storage and Communications 1.1 1.5 1.6 2.4 2.7 2.8 4.1 4.8
9. Other Services 8.5 10.5 10.4 8.7 8.8 10.2 10.6 10.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

5) Rural-Urban Composition : 2) Ritika has completed her post-graduation

The division of population into rural and from a famous college in Pune. She landed
urban is based on the residence. This division a job in a big company in the USA. It's been
is necessary because rural and urban life styles 5 years and now she has settled there.
differ from each other in terms of their livelihood 3) Sahmat’s country is undergoing a war
and social conditions. The age-sex-occupational situation. For security reasons, the people
structure, density of population and level of had to leave their country and go somewhere
development vary between rural and urban else compulsorily. Sahmat and her family
areas. The criteria for differentiating rural and have taken refuge in the neighbouring
urban population varies from country to country. country.
In general terms, rural areas are those where 4) Babanrao is a small farmer from the
people are mainly engaged in primary activities
Marathwada region. He faced losses in
and urban areas are those where majority of the
agriculture due to drought. Some other
working population is engaged in non-primary
family problems also forced him to sell his
land and he shifted to the nearby city. Now
Can you tell ? he is working and earning livelihood for
himself and his family.
On the basis of which other characteristics 5) Ritesh from Pimpalwadi completed his
can you explain the composition of school education in his village. He has gone
population? Make a list. to Nashik for further education.
6) Latika, daughter of Surekha and Sandeep
Migration -
from Satara, went to Solapur after marriage.
Read the following events and answer the
questions that follow : Questions :
1) Ramprasad has grown up in a village 1) What similarities do you find in these
in Northern India. His uncle who lives in events?
Mumbai has called him to Mumbai and 2) Is there a change in the location in these
offered him a job. events? Why?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 138
3) Arrange these 6 events according to the 2) Classification by duration :
difference in the relative distance between 1) Short-term : This type of migration can be,
the new and the old locations? for limited time or seasonal. Some tribes
4) Make a list of reasons for leaving the travel seasonally in search of fodder, this is
original location. called seasonal migration. In some places in
5) Classify the reasons into willing and Maharashtra, more labor is needed during
reluctant. sugarcane harvesting. Then, these labours
6) Make a list of reasons behind migration work in sugar cane fields. When there is no
besides the ones given here. work on the farm, they go to the city and
work as labourers. This is an example of
Geographical explanation seasonal migration.
2) Long-term : People leave their place of
When an individual or group of individuals residence and move to a new place. It is not
moves from one place to another, from one decided whether they will return soon or not.
political boundary to another, for lesser or They may come on holidays for a few days
longer duration or permanently; this movement and go back. For example, 1) People from
is called migration. This may happen in a pre- India have migrated to the United States
planned manner or may happen suddenly. Also of America, Great Britain etc. 2) Some
it can be either voluntary or involuntary. villagers have come to the city in search of
In general, migration brings changes in the employment and have settled here.
population. If people migrate to a region, the  In both the examples, if the migrated
population of the region will increase. If people person returns to the original place after
leave a region and migrate to another region, a very long time, it is called a long term
its population will decrease. Population density, migration. But if the person never returns
patterns and structure of the population of both to his original place, it is called permanent
the original region (donor region) and the region migration.
where migration has taken place (recipient    In addition, migration can be voluntary
region) will be affected. or involuntary.
Migration can be classified into various
Reasons for migration :
types on the basis of their region, duration,
There are different reasons for human
intention or purpose, distance, etc.
migration from one region to another. It can
1) On the basis of region : be economic reasons in some places and social
In this classification, migration can be causes in some places.
divided into two types : 1) Physical : Natural events like earthquakes,
A) Internal migration : People migrate within volcanic eruptions, droughts and flooding
the boundaries of their country. They do not may be responsible for population to migrate.
leave the country. This is done from one 2) Economic : Migration in which people
state to another or from one city to another. migrate in search of jobs, businesses,
e.g. moving to Mumbai from other states of improve their standard of living, etc.
India. 3) Social : Often people have to migrate
B) External Migration : In this type of forcefully. People decide to leave the place
migration, people leave their country and rather than face social problems. It may
move to another country. e.g. moving involve forcing people of a certain group
abroad for higher education from India. to migrate. Discrimination, education,
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 139
health, medical facilities, marriage, etc. Impact of migration on population :
can be reasons behind migration. We have studied various aspects of
4) Political : Sometimes war or political population. Migration affects these two factors:
problems may arise in a country. In that distribution and density of population. Migration
case, people from that country migrate and takes place between two regions. One of them is
seek refuge in another country. the donor region while the other is the recipient
Try this. Population of a region requires housing,
water supply, transportation, health facilities,
You have already made a list of the reasons education, recreation, etc. to settle down. In a
why migration occurs. Add more reasons donor region, migration cause less or no utilisation
to it. Discuss it in the classroom. Classify of these facilities. As a result, expenditure
these reasons into pull and push factors and incurred on them becomes unnecessary because
complete the figure. Use the given space or population has there reduced.
complete it in your notebook. In such regions, sex ratio and age-structure
Donor Recipient
also change tremendously. For example,
Push Pull
region region majority of men in the working age group of
  1)   1) the state of Kerala, go to foreign countries for
  2)   2) employment. As a result, Kerala has a higher
  3)   3) sex ratio than other states. (1084, Census 2011).
When we consider the age structure of the state,
we find that the number of children and older
Geographical explanation
people exceeds young age group.
As long as the financial, physical, and On the contrary, the recipient region
psychological needs of a human being are may face a pressure on provision of facilities.
fulfilled in a region, he remains in that region. Housing, water supply, transportation may
But when these needs become difficult to be prove insufficient as compared to the population.
fulfilled, he leaves the place. The factors that One of the most badly affected sectors could
cause people to move away from their original be agriculture in the peripheral regions. A large
chunk of agricultural land is used for non-
places are called push factors. For example,
agricultural purposes like housing. Also, prices
reduced employment opportunities, wars,
of land increase tremendously. Lack of housing
drought, water or air pollution etc.
leads to increase in slums. Public facilities get
On the contrary, when people are attracted affected very badly. Economic inequality also
to a region due to some factors, they are rises in such cities. Crime rates may also increase.
called pull factors. For example, education and The recipient regions may also have an
availability of employment opportunities are unfavourable sex ratio. For example, Mumbai
the pull factors. (832), Pune (948) Also working population may
be higher than other age groups. There is a great
deal of exchange of new ideas and concepts in
Use your brain power !
such regions. These become centres of creation
If you travel to a place for a few days and new researches. Development and use
with your family, will it be considered of new technologies is seen. Consequently,
development, especially economic development,
also takes place on a large scale.
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 140
Try this.

Complete the table 2.4, which shows the impact of migration on the population. One is solved
as example.     Table 2.4
Sr. No. Type of migration Positive effects Negative effects
1 International migration Employment is available Resources are affected. Sometimes,
to migrants. Improves they might be sent back to their
their financial status. original country.
2 Internal migration
a Rural to urban migration
b Urban to rural migration
c Rural to rural migration
d Urban to urban migration
3 Seasonal /temporary migration


Q. 1) Identify the correct co-relation : 2) Population pyramid and sex ratio.

A : Assertion; R : Reasoning 3) Occupational structure of a population.
1) A : Increase in dependency ratio will affect the 4) Literacy rate.
Q. 3) Give geographical reasons :
R : Medical costs are high when there are more
1) In developed countries, percentage of population
elderly in the population.
engaged in agriculture is low.
1) Only A is correct
2) Only R is correct 2) Literacy rate of a country is an indicator of its
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct socio-economic development.
explanation of A.
3) Demographic dividend increases when
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the proportion of working population increases.
correct explanation of A. 4) Migration is not always permanent.
2) A : In population pyramid, a broad base Q. 4) Differentiate between :
indicates high number of children in a country.
1) Donor region and Recipient region.
R : Broad apex is an indicator of high number
2) Expansive pyramid and Constrictive pyramid.
of elderly in a country.
1) Only A is correct Q. 5) Answer in detail :
2) Only R is correct 1) Outline the importance of population pyramids
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct in the study of populations.
explanation of A.
2) Explain the rural and urban population
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the
correct explanation of A.
3) Examine the impact of migration on the
Q. 2) Write short notes on : population structure of a country.
1) Population growth and migration. 

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 141
3. Human Settlements and Land Use





Fig. 3.1

Observe Fig. 3.1 and answer the following Geographical explanation

questions :
1) Where are human settlements likely to Man being a social animal, likes to live in
develop : A, B, C, D or E? Why? groups. Further, social bonding and social needs
are developed. Due to the social needs, many
2) In the above figure in which place human
people come together at a particular place and
settlement is not likely to develop and why?
construct houses in a particular way, which is
3) Looking at figure above, what factors do you known as settlement.
think could contribute to the development Human habitat is in the form of settlements.
of human settlements? This may range from one house to a city. It shows
4) Can economic factors be important along that a group of people are using some territory
with physical factors for the development to build houses as well as for their economic
of human settlements? support. Man stays here, lives and carries out
5) Do physical factors affect the economic economic activities.
activities of human settlements? Physical, cultural and economic factors
6) Make a list of factors which affect affect the human settlements. Settlements are
developed due to the co-relation between man
development of settlements in an area.
and environment. Physical Factors like relief,
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 142
altitude, soils, climate, drainage, groundwater range from a hamlet to metropolitan cities. With
level, etc. influence the type and spacing of size, the economic character and social structure
settlements. For example, in dry regions, water of settlements change and so do its ecology and
is a crucial factor and therefore, houses are technology. Settlements could be small and
situated along the water source. sparsely spaced; they may also be large and
Sometimes, social factors can also lead closely spaced. On the basis of spacing between
to fragmentation of settlements. In the past, the houses, settlements can be divided into the
areas were conquered or attacked frequently by following four types :
outsiders. For a long time, therefore, security 1) Compact or clustered or nucleated
concerns favoured the evolution of nucleated settlement.
settlements. 2) Semi-clustered or fragmented settlement.
Types of Settlement : 3) Dispersed settlement.
Settlements vary in size and type. They 4) Isolated settlement.

Try this.

Observe different images in Fig. 3.2 A to F. They show various patterns of settlements. Try to
understand the difference between them. Carefully read their characteristics in second column.
According to the applicable characteristics, write the alphabet of the image settlement in the
place provided below the characteristics.
Satellite images of the settlements Characteristics of settlements
Linear pattern :
a) Settlements occur along a
road, railway, canal or river.
b) They are in a straight line or
take the shape of the road or
the river.

Rectangular pattern :
a) Settlements are in a straight
b) Such lines are parallel to
each other.
c) These days planned cities
may take such a shape.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 143
C Patternless :
a)  With the development of
the settlement, the size of the
population also increases.
b) Increasing population leads
to haphazard development of
c) Houses are built as per
convenience and space available.

D Radial pattern :
a) Settlements grow around a
central object or center.
b) This central point plays an
important role in development
of the settlements around it.

E Circular pattern :
a) Settlements take shape
around a lake.
b) Houses are closely spaced
because of availability of

Triangular pattern :
a) Found at the confluence of
two rivers or roads.
b) The settlements can grow in
all three sides due to physical
or social reasons.

Fig. 3.2

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 144
Town City
Always remember Metropoli- Mega
tan cities Cities
‘Type’ refers to a category of things
having some common features, where as Agglomer- Outgrowth
‘pattern’ refers to a regular form or order in ation
which a series of things occur. When we say As cities perform various functions, they
settlement pattern, the term is strictly applied can be divided on that basis. Some towns and
to the spatial arrangement or distribution of cities specialise in certain functions and they
settlements within a given area. are known for some specific activities, products
Compact settlement is a type of or services. However, each town performs a
settlement while linear settlement is a number of functions. On the basis of dominant
pattern. It can be compact or dispersed. or specialised functions, Indian cities and towns
can be broadly classified as follows. Complete
the table 3.2 with examples from Maharashtra
Let’s recall.
and India.
Can you differentiate between urban and Table 3.2
rural settlements? Name of
Name of the
the cities
Functions cities from
from outside
Geographical explanation Maharashtra
One can also divide settlements according Administrative
to their functions. On the basis of their functions, Industrial
settlements can broadly be divided into two types Transport
– rural and urban. Unlike rural settlements, urban Commercial
settlements are generally compact and larger in Mining
size. Based on their functions and types, cities Cantonment
can be classified. Educational
Types of Urban Settlements : Religious
Visit  http://censusindia.gov.in/2011-
Data%20Highlight.pdf to know how cities are Think about it.
divided into various types in India on the basis of
Can a town have only one function ? Why
their populations. Also look for examples from
do the cities become multi-functional?
Maharashtra. Refer to the website and complete
the table as given below :
Table 3.1 Geographical explanation
Classifica- Popula- Classifica- Popula-
tion tion tion tion Looking at the cities above, we realise that
Class I Class II
cities do not carry out only one function. They
generally carry out more than one function as
Class III Class IV
they grow. One of these functions may be a
Class V Class VI
major one. As towns become cities and cities

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 145
become metro cities, with time, complexity in a
6) This will help you to get an idea of what
city increases. Generally, cities become bigger
type of buildings and land use exists
and lots of changes can be seen in them. These
around the neighbourhood.
changes are in the form of change in land use
7) After coming back to the class, discuss
and structure of a city. These changes also result
which land use occupies more land than
in the change in skyline of the city. See the image
the others.
at the end of the Exercise.
Land Use : Geographical explanation

Try this. You must have observed that the land

around you is put to different uses. Some land is
Do the following activity in class with occupied by rivers, some may have trees and on
your teacher. some parts roads and buildings have been built.
1) Obtain a map of your city or village. You Different types of lands are suited to different
can also use Google Earth and select an uses. Human beings, thus, use land as a resource
image of your area. Alternatively, you for economic activities, production, as well as
can also make a map of your college and residence and recreation.
surrounding area. Land Use Classification :
2) The map should include your school and You know that the land use in rural areas is
nearby streets. different from that in urban areas. Generally, in
3) On a Xerox machine, enlarge the area rural areas, land use revolves around agriculture.
on the map that surrounds your school/ In urban areas, it revolves around residential and
college. other economic activities . The classification of
4) Take a short walk around the area that is land use in rural areas is done according to the
represented on the map with your teacher. Land Record Department. It is as follows :
Mark the areas according to the key with 1) Forests : The land under forest.
a specific colour given below. 2) Non-agricultural Uses : Land under
Land use in my city/village Suggested settlements (rural and urban), infrastructure
colour scheme (roads, canals, etc.), industries, shops, etc.
Parks/ open spaces Green are included in this category. An expansion
Houses/ apartments Dark Red in the secondary and tertiary activities
Shops/ stores/ commercial would lead to an increase in this category
Light blue
establishments/ malls of land-use.
Public buildings/ offices/
3) Barren and Wastelands : The land which
schools/ colleges/ bus station/ Light Red
may be classified as a wasteland such as
railway station
barren hilly terrains, desert lands, ravines,
Agricultural Yellow
etc. normally cannot be brought under
Water bodies/rivers/ Dark blue
cultivation with the available technology.
Transportation (roads /
Black 4) Area under Permanent Pastures and
railways, highways, etc.)
Grazing Lands : Most of this type land
5) You may add more descriptions if required
is owned by the village ‘Panchayat’ or
by using more colours.
the Government. Only a small proportion

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 146
of this land is privately owned. The land 4) Recreational Areas : The place (land cover)
owned by the village Panchayat comes where people visit to seek entertainment
under ‘Common Property Resources.’ (land use) like parks, playgrounds, open or
5) Area under Miscellaneous Tree Crops close theatres, etc.
and Groves (Not included in Net sown 5) Transportation : The space (land cover)
Area) : The land under orchards and fruit used for moving around by man. It includes
trees are included in this category. Much of airports, railway stations, roads, railways,
this land is privately owned. harbours, etc.
6) Culturable Waste-Land : Any land which 6) Commercial Areas : These are business
is left fallow (uncultivated) for more than centres where selling of finished products
five years is included in this category. It is carried out for day-to-day usage in
can be brought under cultivation after urban areas. These areas are intermixed
improving it through reclamation practices. with residential areas. At few places,
7) Current Fallow : This is the land which commercial areas can aggregate to form
is left without cultivation for one or less definite clusters, especially at the core i.e.
than one agricultural year. Fallowing is CBD (Central Business District).
a cultural practice adopted for giving the 7) Plot Layouts : These are vacant lands
land rest. The land recoups the lost fertility mostly developed for construction of
through natural processes. buildings. These are usually located on the
8) Fallow other than Current Fallow : periphery of the urban areas. These lands
This is also a cultivable land which is left encroach the agricultural land due to the
uncultivated for more than a year but less pressure of the increasing population.
than five years. If the land is left uncultivated 8) Mixed Land Use : It is an area where
for more than five years, it would be various types of land uses exist together.
categorised as culturable wasteland. These may include residential, commercial
9) Net Area Sown : The physical extent of and industrial land use in an integrated
land on which crops are sown and harvested manner. In such areas, one can find houses,
is known as net sown area. businesses, shops, schools, clinics and open
spaces at one place itself.
Land use in urban areas :
1) Residential Areas : Any of those lands
Always remember
which man uses for his dwelling. He builds
up (land cover) and carries out construction. Land use is distinct from land cover. They
2) Industrial Areas : The land, where any of the are sometimes used synonymously but mean
manufacturing activity exists (land cover), different things. Land cover describes the
where people work for their livelihood. (land physical surface covering the land such as
use.) forest, water, ice, bare rock, sand, etc.  Land
3) Institutional Areas : The space over use describes the use that the land has been
which the educational centres, universities, put to by people. For example, the land use
insurance offices, cantonments and similar might be 'recreational' but the land cover
to these activities exist and are used for the might be vegetation or forest.  
activities associated with all these land uses.     Understanding both the land use and
land cover provides a comprehensive

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 147
picture of a particular area. Land cover can services in these towns is comparable to those of
be determined by analysing the satellite the main city.
imagery. Land use cannot be determined The towns away from the main city maintain
from satellite imagery alone. their distinct identity and have a distinct set
of problems relating to urban amenities and
transportation. The quality of these services
Find out ! are generally inferior. The areas in the rural
Compare the cover page of Std. XII areas also exhibit a certain level of diversity—
textbook with Std. XI Geography textbook. agricultural land may have been converted to
Discuss in class and write a short paragraph residential or industrial areas or the whole area
about the changes in land use/land cover in may be entirely rural, the only link with the city
your own words. being the daily commuters. Beyond the urban
fringe lies the rural fringe, consisting of villages
Rural-Urban Fringe : only and partly affected by urbanisation.
Suburbs :
Can you tell ?
Outside the metro city, there may
You know what is urban and what is rural. occasionally be a small town or a number of
What will you call the area that lies between well-established towns or small cities. These are
them? Discuss this in the class. often called suburbs. For example, Bhandup,
Kalyan, Virar, etc. are considered to be the
suburbs of the main city of Mumbai. They are all
Geographical explanation
cities in themselves but developed as a result of
The area between urban and rural area is growth in Mumbai. Hence, they are the suburbs
called urban- rural fringe. It has characteristics of Mumbai. Similarly, Wakad, Hinjawadi, are
of both urban as well as rural areas. It is not suburbs of Pune.
a separate zone as such, but is a transition
between the two and merges into both of them. Try this.
People using automobiles make their daily trips Can you identify the problems faced
to perform their jobs, from these areas to its by your city / town / village in terms of any
central area, where their offices and economic one of the following?
institutions are generally located. When large Sr. Types of Problems /
urban areas develop, the span of urban areas No. problems issues
increases. This is called ‘urban sprawl’. The term 1 Economic
‘rural-urban fringe’ has been used to designate 2 Social
such areas, where we have a mixture of rural 3 Cultural
and urban land use.
4 Environmental
The rural-urban fringe has a complex
5 Infrastructural
structure. The city and surrounding areas consist
6 Governance and
essentially of two types of administrative areas- Administrative
the Municipal Councils and Gram Panchayats.
7 Others
The smaller municipal towns close to the main
Can you think of the solutions to these
city tend to lose their identity and are, in reality,
a part of the geographical city. The quality of

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 148
Make friends with maps!

  See maps of Ichalkaranji city given below and observe how changes have occurred in the
city over the years. Answer the questions that follow :
A) 2007








B) 2017






Scale - 1:80,000
LEGEND : 0 0.5 1 2 3 4
Agriculture Built Up- Rural Built Up- Public/Semipublic Generated by:
Forest Built Up- Residential Built Up- Recreation
Wasteland-Scrub Built Up- Residential-Sparse Built Up- Mining/Quarry Department of Planning, Government of Maharashtra
Waterbodies VNIT Campus, South Ambazari Road
Built Up- Industrial Built Up- Open Space
Nagpur-440010, Maharashtra

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 149
1) Enlist the colours used for showing land Geographical explanation
uses in the index. Both the maps show land use land cover
2) What do the blue and the black lines from two different periods – 2007 and 2017
show? – for the city of Ichalakaranji in Kolhapur
3) What is the name of the river in the map? District. The maps show the main city and the
4) Name any two villages shown on the surrounding regions. Various colours shows
map. types of land uses and land covers.
5) Which city is shown on the map? When we see the maps carefully, we
6) Which periods do the maps belong to? find that the area under wasteland scrubs
7) Which land covers have reduced? What has transformed into industrial areas. Also,
are their colours? few parts in the city which show built-up has
8) Which land covers seen to have increased? increased from sparse to dense. In some parts
What are their colours? in rural areas, area under mining has increased.
9) Which land covers have been replaced by Some quarries have come up. Some areas under
the increased land covers? recreation have also reduced and denser urban
10) Write a conclusive note comparing both growth is seen in this area. It is also found that
the maps. areas along the roadways in the fringe of the city
have urbanised during this period.


Q. 1) Identify the correct correlation : Q. 2) Give geographical reasons :

A : Assertion; R : Reasoning 1) Not all rural settlements change into urban
  1) A : Settlements can be of various types. settlements.

R : Various physical factors affect the growth of 2) In rural settlements, land use is related to
3) Rural-urban fringes have the characteristics of
1) Only A is correct.
both urban and rural settlements.
2) Only R is correct.
4) Growth of urban areas is linked to land use.
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
Q. 3) Write short notes on :
explanation of A.
1) Interrelationship between rural and urban
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the
correct explanation of A.
2) Problems of urban settlements.
  2) A : When cities grow, their functions also grow. 3) Suburbs.
R : Cities can have only one function. 4) Mixed land use.
1) Only A is correct. Q. 4) Answer the following questions :
2) Only R is correct. 1) Explain the characteristics of rural settlements.
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct 2) What factors are responsible for development of
explanation of A. various patterns in a settlement? Give examples.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the Q. 5) Differentiate between :
correct explanation of A.   1) Land use and Land cover

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 150
2) Barren and Non-agricultural land Q. 6) Draw a neat and well-labelled diagram for :
3) Radial pattern and Circular pattern   1) Linear settlement   2) Radial settlement
4) Nucleated and Dispersed settlement   3) Compact settlement 4) Dispersed settlement

Q. 7) Write a note in your own words about how land use in Lonar city has evolved over time.




Central Public

!P Civil & Criminal


Hospital Gov.
Office Hostel



Krishna Nagar

Scale - 1:30,000
LEGEND : 0 0.225 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.8
Agriculture Built Up- Rural Built Up- Public/Semipublic Generated by:
Forest Built Up- Residential Built Up- Recreation
Wasteland-Scrub Built Up- Residential-Sparse Built Up- Mining/Quarry Department of Planning, Government of Maharashtra
Waterbodies VNIT Campus, South Ambazari Road
Built Up- Industrial Built Up- Open Space
Nagpur-440010, Maharashtra

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 151
Q. 8) Read the given passage and answer the selected based on resources, trading points, defensive
following questions : sites, shelter and relationship to water resources.
Different types of human settlements include The functions of human settlements also differ, as
hamlets, villages, small towns, large towns, isolated settlements may be established as ports, market
places, cities and conurbations. In some systems, towns and resorts. Types of rural settlements may
types of human settlements are broken up into also be classified by function, such as proximity to
urban, suburban and rural; for example, the U.S. farming, fishing and mining. Settlements that focus
Census Bureau divides settlements into urban or on one economic activity are called single functional
rural categories based on precise definitions. Small settlements. Human settlements may be permanent
settlements, such as hamlets and villages, have low or temporary. For example, a refugee camp is a
populations and restricted access to services. Larger temporary settlement, while a city is a permanent
types of settlements, such as cities, have higher settlement .
populations, higher densities and greater access 1) Which human settlements are mentioned in the
to services. For example, a village may have only passage above?
one or two general stores, while a large metropolis 2) On what basis are urban and rural areas
may have many specialized stores and chain stores. classified?
These differences are known as low-order service
3) What are the functions carried out in rural
settlements and high-order service settlements.
Larger settlements also have a sphere of influence
4) Explain the difference between low-order
affecting surrounding settlements. Settlements may
service and high-order service settlements.
also be divided by the site chosen, such as sites



How skyline of a city changes with time

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 152
4. Primary Economic Activities

Fig . 4.1
Make friends with maps!

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 153
Observe the given in fig. 4.1 map and
Try this.
answer the following questions :
  1) Which economic activities are shown on Complete the following table in your
the map? notebook. One has been done for you as an
2) In which regions do you don’t find any example.   Table 4.1
activity? What could be the reason? Primary Natural Factors affecting
3) In which latitudes do you primarily find economic resources activities
the distribution of lumbering activity? activity required
4) Why is fishing occupation only found in for the Natural Man-made
certain areas in the oceans? activity
 5) Which primary economic activities are Agriculture Land, soil, Slope of Fertilizers,
mostly found in Europe? water, air land, Quality insecticides,
6) What production does the symbol of of soil, farm
favourable machines
mining shown in seas and oceans depict?
7) In which continent is mining not found? rainfall
8) In which ocean is the world’s fishing Animal
mostly carried out? husbandry
9) Which primary economic activities are Fishing
found to the south of Tropic of Capricorn? Mining
10) Which primary activity is found in the Lumbering
islands of South East Asia? Gathering
11) Considering all the four continents,
in which continent do you find less Primary Occupations :
agriculture being practised?   1) Hunting : Hunting was a primitive activity
12) Write a paragraph on relationship of man to obtain food. A large number of
between latitudinal extent of agriculture animal species have become extinct or
and climate in your own words. are on the verge of extinction because of
large-scale hunting. Commercial hunting is
Geographical explanation banned all over the world. Also many laws
are being passed to conserve and protect the
You must have understood the difference animals. Some tribes practice hunting for
in the distribution of various activities from the their subsistence.
given observation. All these activities are
dependent on nature. Hunting, gathering, animal Distribution :
husbandry, agriculture, fishing, lumbering, Bushmen of Kalahari desert (South Africa),
mining etc. are primary economic activities. Pygmies of Equatorial Selvas, Boras, Eskimos
Natural resources exploited in primary of Tundra, Sentinels in Andaman, Jarawahs,
activities, factors affecting these activities and Onges, etc. hunt for livelihood.
effect of natural calamities affect these primary
activities. Find out !
To fulfil the needs of growing population,
With the help of the internet, find about
to provide technical help to manpower etc.
the Wild Life (Conservation) Act.
mechanization was started in primary activities.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 154
2) Gathering :
Geographical explanation
Can you tell ? Many people in the world practice this
activity which is dependent on the forest
products. They collect fruits, roots and tubers,
leaves, flowers, medicinal plants for their
livelihood. They also collect products like gum,
lac, honey, wax, rubber, etc. Different types
of forest products are collected. e.g. kath is
collected from monsoon forests from Khair trees.
Some of these products have a high demand in
the market. This activity is carried out on a large
commercial scale. This occupation is carried out
in all the forest covered regions of the world.
The equatorial forests are dense and
evergreen. The climate is humid and unhealthy.
Due to the disturbance of reptiles and insects,
collection of forest products is not done on a
large scale.
  3) Lumbering : Observe the given map in Fig.
4.1 and answer the following questions :
 1) Which countries in the monsoon region
practise lumbering on a larger scale?
Fig. 4.2
 2) In which part of Australia is lumbering
1) Identify the images given above.
carried on?
2) What are these products made from?
  3) Why do you think lumbering is not carried
3) Where do you find the raw materials that out in the Northern part of Africa?
are required to make these products?
4) Write a note on the relationship between
4) What is the occupation of obtaining these latitudes and lumbering.
raw materials called?
5) Lumbering is not developed on a commercial
level in equatorial regions?
Give it a try.
Complete Table 4.2 in your notebook. One has been done for you as an example.
Table 4.2 : Lumbering practised in different parts of the world
Type of forest Regions Characteristics of Characteristics of lumbering activity
Equatorial Amazon river basin • Dense forests •  Dense forests increase inaccessibility
Evergreen in South America, • Many species in a and transportation issues
forests Congo river basin small area • Traditional methods of lumbering
of Africa, West • Hard Wood trees • Insects, reptiles cause problems
coast of Africa, • Accessibility is • Hard wood is comparatively less in
South East Asia, difficult demand than softwood
Papua New Guinea. • Inhospitable climate • Presence of many species in one region

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 155
Type of forest Regions Characteristics of Characteristics of lumbering activity

  1) Along which coast of North America is the

Geographical explanation
Grand Bank located?
Amongst all other activities going on   2) Along which coast of South America is the
in the forest, lumbering is one of the most fishing mostly practised?
important activities. According to the nature of
3) In which part of the Australian continent
vegetation, we divided earth into various natural
has fishing activity developed?
The trees in the tropical forest have  4) Fishing is carried out on large scale on
hardwood. Also, these forests are evergreen the Western coast of Africa than on the
and hence commercial lumbering cannot be Eastern coast. Give reasons.
done in these forests. Tropical deciduous or  5) Commercial fishing is practised on the
monsoon forests are not dense. Many bushes Southern coast of Greenland. Give reasons.
grow at the base of these forests. Since these
forests are near agricultural lands and densely Geographical explanation
populated regions, they have been deforested for
There are many physical and human factors
agricultural purpose on a large scale.
that impact development of fishing as a primary
In the coniferous forests, only one species of
activity in certain areas of the world. Though
trees is found in an area. These trees grow tall.
it started as a subsistence level activity, fishing
That’s why in the world, the lumbering activity
is mostly practised in the coniferous regions. is now one of the major primary economic
Today, wood is used on a very large scale activities especially in coastal areas.
for various purposes, hence the percentage of Some of the factors are as follows :
forest in the world is decreasing drastically. As (a) Wide expanse of the continental shelf with
a result, hazards related to the environment are presence of shallow water. For example,
occurring. North-West Pacific which is below 200
metres of depth near Okhotsk Sea near
Can you tell ? China.
List out the effects of deforestation on the (b) Confluence of warm and cold currents and
environment, animals, birds and humans. subsequent growth of abundant plankton.
As a result, development of fishing grounds
  4) Fishing : Observe the map in Fig. 4.1 and or banks takes place. For example, meeting
answer the questions given below : of warm Kuroshio current with cold Oyashio

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 156
current favours coastal area near Japan for 30°South latitudes, is animal husbandry not
fishing. found on a large scale? What could be the
Other factors which are favourable for reason behind?
development of fishing are : 6) What could be the reason of concentration
1) The traditional skills of some people who of animal husbandry in the Eastern part of
are naturally good at fishing, for example, Australia?
Japanese and Chinese. The fishing activity 7) Why is animal husbandry developed more
has further developed over here. in the arid regions of the interior of the
2) Large population of the country, lack of land continents?
and absence of other protein food makes
Geographical explanation
island countries especially dependent on
fish as a staple food. For example, Japan, Considering the latitudinal distribution
Philippines. of animal husbandry in the world, it is
3) Absence of alternative occupation makes located between 30°N to 60°N and 30°S to
fishing a major occupation. 55°S latitudes. Climate is one of the most
4) Use of technology has increased fishing influencing factors in the development of
activity. animal husbandry. It is more developed in the
5) Broken coast line provides excellent portal Northern Hemisphere. Presence of grasslands in
facilities. all the continents has led to distribution of this
6) Cold climate in temperate regions facilitates occupation. But, this occupation is influenced
preservation of fish. In tropical countries, by advanced technology, market and availability
artificial refrigeration facilities have to be of large estates. It has developed on a
developed. commercial basis in North America, South
America and Australia. The animal husbandry
7) Nearby forest provides wood for ship
in North and South America is carried out
with the help of advanced technology on a
Think about it. commercial scale. Dense forests inhospitable
climate, low-quality fodder in equatorial region
     What is the difference between has discouraged the development of animal
fishing and pisciculture? husbandry in these regions. Looking at fig. 4.1,
 5) Animal husbandry : Look at the map we realise that agriculture and animal husbandry
in Figure 4.1 and answer the following is done together in man’s areas. Hence, they are
questions : considered as allied activities.

1) Do you think there is a correlation between

Find out !
animal husbandry and grasslands?
2) In which continent is animal husbandry not Find out how overexploitation of all kinds
practised on a large scale? of animal resources affacts human lives and
3) In which regions of the world do animal enviroment.
husbandry and agriculture coincide?
6) Mining : Look at the fig. 4.1 and answer
4) Animal husbandry is found in between the following question :
which latitudes of the world? 1) In which part of North American continent
5) In which zone between 30°North and is mining mainly found?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 157
2) Mining activity is located along which reserves from the sea and ocean beds too.
coastal side of the continent of South Man cannot manufacture the minerals
America? that are found naturally in the earth’s crust.

Comparing other primary economic The distribution of minerals is highly uneven
activities, do you think the extent of mining in the world. This activity depends solely on
is related to latitudes? Why? the presence of minerals and not related to
4) Looking at the concentration of mining latitude directly. Even though the minerals may
in the world, can you relate it with the be present, actual mining depends on several
economic development of the country? factors. These factors may be the geology of the
region, the value of the minerals, climate, capital
Geographical explanation investment, technology, skilled labour, etc. Due
to mechanisation, this occupation has developed
Man has been using minerals since ancient
on a large scale. Many industries related to
times. Minerals have been used for making
minerals locate near mining areas. Improved
weapons, tools, jewellery, medicines, utensils,
transportation facilities are very important for
etc. The various stages of cultural evolution
development of mining occupation. This, in
of man are also related to the use of minerals.
turn, increases industries which in turn leads to
At the end of the Stone Age, man developed
economic development of the country.
skills of using minerals. Various periods like the
Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Atomic Age,
Find out !
respectively were delineated accordingly. Man’s
progressive development can be attributed to the Mining causes air, water, land and noise
exploitation of minerals. He has even started pollution on a large scale. Look for one
exploiting the mineral oil and natural gas example of each.
  7) Agriculture :

Try this.

Complete the chain by observing the columns A , B and C. Write the number of the relevant
characteristics and type of agriculture in column A:
C) Type of
A) Image B) Characteristics
Characteristics no. .............. 1) • Small land holding. A) Shifting
Type of Agriculture no. ............. • Maximum yield from small Agriculture
• Food crops are dominant.
• Manual labour and use of
• China, India, Japan, Korea,
Sri Lanka and East Asian
• Rice is the major crop.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 158
Characteristics no. .............. 2) •  Large size of farm. B) Horticulture
Type of Agriculture no. ............. • Capital intensive, more use of
modern machinery.
• Monoculture
• Use of machinery from sowing
to harvesting.
• Cultivation and commercial
animal husbandry is done
• Per hectare low but per capita
income is high,
• Temperate grassland, Steppes,
Praries, Downs, Pampas, Velds.
• Wheat and maize are the major
Characteristics no. .............. 3) •  Large farm size. C) Market
Type of Agriculture no. ............. • Capital intensive. Gardening
• Monoculture.
• Local labour is employed.
• Crop is well managed for
quality and processing.
• Per hectare yield low but total
production is high.
• Once plantation is done, it
gives production for 10 to 15
• Tea, coffee, rubber, cocoa etc.,
spice plantations in Kerala,
cashewnut plantation in
Konkan region.
• Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka,
Brazil, Indonesia, Caribbean
Islands, Philippines, Thailand,
Characteristics no. .............. 4) •  Forest land is burnt and D) Intensive
Type of Agriculture no. ............. used for agriculture. Subsistence
• Very small farm size. Agriculture
• Production is very less.
• Production can be taken for
only 2 – 3 years.
• Land left fallow and move
ahead looking for another land.
• Forest resources decline and
soil erosion occurs.
• Mainly practiced in forested
tropical regions of Asia, South
– East Asia, South and Central
America and Africa.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 159
Characteristics no. .............. 5) •  Modern type of agriculture. E) Plantation
Type of Agriculture no. ............. • Fulfill the demands of urban Agriculture
people it is developed in fringe
• Maximum production from
limited agriculture area.
• Use of capital is high.
• Along with use of manual
labour, use of scientific
technology, knowledge and
• Organic and chemical manures
or fertilizers and irrigation.
• Practised in areas lying at
distance of an overnight
journey by trucks.
• Vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs,
meat, fish etc.
• Developed mainly in highly
industrialised and densely
populated urban areas. e.g.,
fruits, vegetables and flowers
from Khedshivapur, Saswad
are brought to Pune.
Characteristics no. .............. 6) • Fruits, flowers, medicinal F) Extensive
Type of Agriculture no. ............. plants, ornamental plants etc. Commercial
are produced for commercial Agriculture
• Use of manual labour and
• Practiced in tropical,
Mediterranean and temperate
regions where climate is

Fig. 4.3 : Types of agriculture and characteristics

Try this. Geographical explanation

When we look at the distribution of
On the basis of the information given
agriculture as an occupation in the world, we
and pictures shown above, classify the
see that the proportion of people engaged in
factors affecting agriculture into physical
agriculture is maximum in Africa and then in
and human factors.
Asia. Though the area under agriculture is more

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 160
extensive in Europe, the Americas and Australia; land etc. We saw various types of agriculture
the percentage of population engaged in this and their characteristics through the images
activity is very less. Generally, the developed given earlier. Greenhouses, polyhouses are also
countries of the world have less population used for agriculture. Similarly, high-yielding
engaged in agriculture while the share of seeds, fertilizers and insecticides are also used
population engaged in agriculture is higher in for increasing production.
developing countries.
Various crops are produced in the different Think about it.
parts of the world. Various physical and socio-
economic factors influence the development • Greenhouses and poly-houses are used for
of agriculture. Major physical factors that growing vegetation from specific regions in
influence agriculture are climate, topography, other regions. Similarly, can they be used in
soils and biotic factors. The economic and snow-capped regions and polar areas?
social factors include labour, market, capital, • Besides these activities, can you think
transportation facilities, storage facilities, of other primary activities carried in the
government policies, population, ownership of world? Make a list.


Q1) Choose the correct option and complete the agriculture

sentence : a) monoculture, use of water, tropical, cereal
1) Gathering of various products from the forests production
for livelihood is mainly carried in b) monoculture, use of machinery, tropical,
a) Temperate coniferous forests cereal production
b) Temperate Deciduous forests c) monoculture, use of manual labour, equator,
c) Tropical deciduous forests Thailand, horticulture
d) Equatorial evergreen forests d) monoculture, use of scientific know how,
2) Ideal location for fishing sub-tropical, production of pulses
a) rugged coasts, shallow seas, hot climate, Q. 2) Complete the chain :
growth of planktons A B C
b) shallow seas, confluence of warm and cold 1) Intensive 1) Dogger Bank 1) Small size
ocean currents, growth of planktons, cold Subsistence of farm
climate agriculture
c) continental shelf, growth of planktons, good 2) Pampas 2) Off shore 2) Unfavorable
fishing skills, cold climate Grassland oil and gas
region production
d) continental shelf, broken coasts, growth of
3) Fishing 3) Rice 3) Bombay
planktons, cold climate High
3) Primary Economic activity not related directly
4) Gathering 4) Dense forest 4) NE Atlantic
to latitudinal locations Ocean
a) lumbering b) fishing
5) Mining 5) Commercial 5) South
c) mining d) agriculture animal America
4) Characteristics of extensive commercial husbandry

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 161
Q3) Write short notes on :  6) Write in detail about the characteristics of
1) Plantation agriculture primary economic activities.
2) Physical factors and fishing Q. 7) On an outline map of the world, show the
3) Lumbering on a commercial scale following with appropriate symbols and prepare
4) Hunting and loss of ecosystem an index :
1) Dogger Bank fishing area.
Q. 4) Give geographical reasons :
2) Area of lumbering in Asia.
1) Agriculture is done on a large scale in India.
 2) Mining is developed in the Chhota Nagpur 3) Area of animal husbandry in Australia
plateau of India. 4) An area under agriculture in Europe.
 3) Lumbering is developed on a large scale in 5) Mining area in Arabian Sea.
Canada. 6) Fishing area in South-West Atlantic Ocean.
  4) Extensive agriculture is a commercial type of
Q. 8) Given below is the data about the continent-
wise employment engaged in primary economic
5) Lumbering is practised more in coniferous
activities in the year 2018. Draw a suitable
region than in tropical region.
diagram to represent the data and answer the
6) Hunting has been banned.
questions that follow :
Q. 5) Differentiate between : Continent % of population engaged in
1) Lumbering in equatorial forests and Temperate primary economic activities
forests. Europe 7.91
2) Plantation agriculture and extensive commercial Asia 24.49
agriculture. North America 14.93
3) Mining and Fishing. South America 14.94
Q. 6) Answer the following questions : Africa 47.28
 1) What are the factors affecting commercial Australia 27.79
fishing? Source: FAO data, 2018

2) Write a note on Intensive Subsistence 1) In which continents is less than 10% of the
agriculture. population engaged in agriculture?

  3) Give the characteristics of Market Gardening. 2) In which continent is more than 40% population
  4) Write a note on the areas in the world practicing engaged in agriculture?
commercial animal husbandry. 3) Looking at the given data, can you arrange
 5) Mining is dependent on the extraction of these continents in an ascending order on the
naturally occurring minerals. Explain. basis of level of economic development?


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 162
5. Secondary Economic Activities

Observe the pictures given in figure 5.1. Identify the activities with which these figures are
associated and complete the table 5.1

A) B)

C) D)

E) F)

G) H)

Fig. 5.1

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 163
•  Table. 5.1
Figure Name of Raw Finished Characteristics of raw Characteristics of finished
the materials products material (weight, durability, products (weight, durability,
activity required obtained procurement, cost price) production, selling price)

and a manufactured finished product is prepared

Geographical explanation
to sell it to the consumers. Secondary activities
In the previous chapter, we have learnt add value to natural resources by transforming
about the primary activities, where the product is raw materials into valuable products.
directly obtained from the nature. Some products Secondary activities, therefore include
obtained through primary activities are utilised manufacturing, processing and construction
directly, while some are processed and made into (infrastructure) industries. The place where
a more durable product. The products obtained conversion of products obtained from primary
from the primary economic activities are used as activities into final products takes place, is
raw material in secondary economic activities. called ‘factory’.
Further, processing of these materials takes place

Try this.
1) Look at the map of
Solapur district in Bhilarwadi Index

fig. 5.2. It shows Sugar Mill

the location of some

sugar industries. Pimpalner Vairag
Shamrao is a farmer A
at location A. He Akluj

has just harvested

his sugarcane crop. Bhalwani
Study the map and Waki Shivne

tell where should Dahitane

he send his crop? North

What factors will

Shamrao consider
0 10 20
for this? Kilometres
Fig. 5.2 : Map of Solapur

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 164
2) Firoz's son has done an advanced course
in Bakery Management from the nearby Always remember
city. He wants his son to start a bakery in Weight-losing industries are industries
their village but his son says it should be where the raw materials are relatively bulky,
in the city, which is around 20 kms from but the resulting product is relatively lighter.
their village. Who is correct? Firoz or his On the other hand, weight-gaining
son? Why? industries are industries whose raw materials
  3) Shantaram is a young boy from a tribal are lighter but finished products are heavier
area in Maharashtra. He wants to start a and bulky. Weight-losing industries will be
honey processing unit as he has access to located near the raw material while weight-
good honeycombs in the forest. The city gaining will be located near the market. In
is around 35 kms away. He has his own earlier times, transportation costs increased
land in the village and is also getting land with distance and weight.
in the city. Where should he establish the
honey factory? In the village or in the Physical Factors :
city? Why? 1) Climate : Harsh climate is not much suitable
for the establishment of industries. There
Geographical explanation may not be any industrial development in
extremely hot, humid, dry or cold climate.
While studying all these examples, you For example, the extreme type of climate
will understand that location of an industry is of North-West India or extreme North India
dependent on many factors. hinders the development of industries there.
To set up an industry, one needs raw material Change in climatic conditions, for example,
and that has to be transported from somewhere. may also affect industries. For example,
We know that the raw material for industry is chronic droughts.
the final product of the primary activities. The In contrast to this, the moderate climate
characteristics of the raw material and also the of western coastal area is quite congenial
finished product affect the location of industries. to the development of industries. Earlier,
For example, sugar industries need sugarcane. when artificial threads and mechanization
Sugarcane loses weight and amount of sugar were not used for making textiles, cotton
after harvesting as time after harvest increases. thread-making required humid climate
This affects their effective use for producing because thread breaks in dry climate.
sugar. Thus, sugarcane needs to be sent to nearby Consequently, majority of cotton textile
factories as soon as possible. Sugar industries mills were concentrated in coastal parts
are, therefore, located near the production of of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Artificial
raw material. On the other hand, in bakery humidifiers are used in dry areas these
industries, the final output, say cake, has higher days, but it increases the cost of production.
weight than raw materials. This will be costlier 2) Availability of raw material : Raw
to transport, as transport cost will increase with materials used in industries mainly come
weight. Therefore, bakery industries are located from farms, mines, forests, fisheries etc.
near the markets. Let us, look at the factors Thus, location of industries is dependent
which affect the location of industries. on the nature of raw material. Industries
dependent on perishable, heavy, bulky

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 165
and weight-losing raw materials, such as items can be brought from far distances
sugarcane, are located near the raw material through cheaper transportation like
area. (as in example 1 in Try this). The jute waterways. Such industries may be located
mills, sugar mills, are mostly concentrated near the ports or rivers. For example, cotton
close to the sources of raw materials for this textiles or pulpwood.
very reason. Similarly, industries processing 6) Site or availability of land : Site
local fruits are found near Mahabaleshwar requirements for industrial development
and Nagpur. Perishable fruits need to be are of considerable significance. Location
processed soon and hence, they are located should be generally flat and well served by
near these cities. adequate transport facilities. Large areas
3) Water and power supply : Almost all the are required to build factories. Earlier,
industries require plenty of water for various industries were concentrated near urban
processes like cooling, smelting, washing areas but now because of non-availability
etc. Thus, such industries are located near of land and high prices, there is a tendency
the banks of rivers or near lakes. Coal, to set up industries in rural areas. For
oil, electricity are indispensable energy example, Lote Parshuram industrial area in
resources in running any type of industry. Chiplun and Chakan in Pune.
Coal is heavy and bulky. Thus, industries Economic Factors :
dependent on coal as energy resource are 1) Proximity to Market : The entire process
located near the mining area. Electricity of manufacturing is futile until the finished
and oil can be supplied through wires and goods reach the market. Nearness to
pipelines easily over long distances. Hence, market is essential for quick disposal of
industries dependent on it, need not be manufactured goods. It helps in reducing
located near their source region. the transport cost and enables the consumer
4) Labour : Different types of industries to get things at cheaper rates. Ready market
require different types of labour. For is most essential for perishable and heavy
example, construction, mining industries commodities. Sometimes, during the process
or textile industries require semi-skilled of production, products become bulky and
labourers, where as food-processing delicate. For such final products, industries
industries, ornament-making industries are located towards markets. For example,
require skilled labourers. In spite of cake as a final product is heavier than raw
increasing mechanisation, some industries materials. That is why, such industries are
still require a large number of workers. located near markets i.e. cities.
Hence, we find that labour colonies are
Can you tell ?
found near large industries.
5) Transportation : The cost of transportation Find examples of market-oriented
and time required to carry goods is industries.
known as economic distance. Low cost 2) Capital : Capital or huge investment is
of transportation is the key factor in the needed for the establishment of industries.
location of industries. Cost of transportation Industries are located in those areas where
will be more for heavy, bulky, perishable banking and financial facilities are easily
raw materials and for longer distances. available. As a matter of fact, capital is
For example, transportation of coal. On the attracted to those areas where industries
other hand, light-weight and non-perishable
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 166
are localised which, in turn, attract more for reducing transport costs. In mobile
industries. Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and industries and automobile industries,
Delhi being the centres of industry have various parts of a commodity are made in
better banking and financial facilities than different areas and assembled at one place.
other cities. Now, with an expansion of better Splitting of the production of a commodity
banking facilities in rural areas, industries at different places reduces costs.
can also be located there. 2) Economies of scale or agglomeration :
Political Factors : Availability of various facilities lead to
1) Government policies : The government establishment of industries in a region. By
may give boost to industries producing using the available opportunities according
certain goods by giving several incentives. It to ‘economies of scale’, the region attracts
may provide finance, land, water, transport more industries with time. Consequently,
and communication facilities at subsidised concentration or agglomeration of industries
rates. It may promote industrialisation in occurs in this region. As a result of this, the
economically backward regions with a view above-mentioned physical and economic
of developing these regions. It also provides factors have no influence on location. A
tax concession, marketing consultancy, special characteristic of such a region is that
export and import facilities to industrialists industries that are mutually complementary
and entrepreneurs, who establish industries to each other are established here. For
in such regions. For example, the 'D and example, all over the world, places where
beyond' categories of Government of iron and steel industries were located,
Maharashtra's industrial policy. saw the development of industries which
 At the same time, government may use steel as raw material, viz. utensils,
also discourage location of industries in a automobile accessories, locomotives, etc.
particular area like coastal zones or eco- This in turn led to establishment of car-
sensitive areas. manufacturing units, packaging industries,
railway engine manufacturing industries,
2) Setting up of SEZs : Many governments
support establishing such zones or regions
which are specially developed for industrial Due to such agglomerations, new
production. In India, they are called Special industries get more profit as compared to
Economic Zones (SEZs). They are specially low investment due to ‘economies of scale’.
earmarked geographical zones, which can Footloose industries :
be developed by private sector or public A footloose industry does not have a strong
sector or in a public-private-partnership locational preference because the resources,
(PPP) model. These are mainly developed production skills, and consumers on which it
to boost export–quality production in the depends can be found in numerous places. Such
country. Such SEZs attract many industries a company may relocate anytime, hence the
to be set up there. For example, SEEPZ near term footloose. The Internet and other forms of
Santa Cruz. advanced communication technology have made
Other Factors : location completely detached from both resource
1) Split location : Sometimes, the different and market considerations. Some prominent
stages of production are decentralized and examples of footloose industry are watch-making,
production is organized at different places diamond cutting, etc. Like the inputs, the output is

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 167
lightweight and can be easily transported to the not the same everywhere. Industries tend to
markets. Most of the footloose industries produce concentrate in a few pockets because of earlier
low volume and high-value outputs. mentioned favourable factors. The pockets
In example 3, in ‘Try this’, honey industry is having high concentration of industries are
a footloose industry as its location is not related known as ‘industrial regions’.
to weight of raw material or finished product. Study the given map in Fig. 5.3 and answer
the following questions :
Use your brain power ! 1) In which hemisphere do you find more
concentration of industries?
Following is a list of few industries. 2) In which part of North America has the
Think about the factors of location of industrial region been mainly developed?
these industries and tell whether they are
3) In which parts of Europe is concentration of
footloose industries or not. Complete the
industries mainly found?
table accordingly in your notebook.
4) Why is less industrial development found in
1) Cotton textile industries
the other parts of African continent except
2) Cement industries
coastal areas?
3) Diamond cutting industries
5) In which part of India do you find
4) Mobile manufacturing units
concentration of industries?
5) Paper industry
6) Why do you think coastal areas have higher
6) Sugar industry
concentration of industries?
7) Food processing industry
7) Write a concluding paragraph on latitudinal
8) IT (Hardware) industry
distribution of industries in the world.
9) Oil refinery
10) Hairpins industry Geographical explanation
Raw Factor
Name of Finished Major Industrial regions of the world :
materials affecting
Industry products
required location Industrial regions are those areas, where
concentration of industries has occurred due to
favourable geo–economic conditions. These are
the areas within which manufacturing industry is
carried out on a relatively large scale employing
large proportion of working population.
Some of the characteristic features of
industrial regions are :
1) Agglomeration of industries.
2) Dense population growth, large labour force.
3) Employment to large working populations.
4) Large banking and credit facilities.
Industrial Regions :
Industries are unevenly distributed because 5) A large network of transportation.
the factors affecting industrial location are 6) Excellent communication facilities.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 168
Make friends with maps!

Fig. 5.3

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 169

Continent-wise distribution of industrial regions is as follows :
Major industrial regions in the Physical factors affecting Human factors affecting Major industries
continent localisation localisation
North America : • Varied range of relief and climate • Availability of huge capital Food and beverages, automobiles, aircraft, metal
United States of America and region • Location of North America and Europe • Good communication fabrication, petrochemical, steel, telecommunications,
adjoining Canada. The New England facing each other across Atlantic ocean • Export facilities chemicals, electronics, consumer goods, wooden
Region, New York, Mid-Atlantic • Rich reserves of mineral resources • Cheap and skilled labour industry and heavy chemicals etc.
Region, Mid-Western Region, North- • Agricultural products used as raw • Vast market
Eastern Region, Southern Region, materials • Development of inland water,
Western Region. • Large rivers and the Great Lakes rail transport and ports.
• Broken coastline
Europe : • River Rhine • Skilled labour Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production and
i) Western Europe : •  Climate supporting fishing and dairy • Large market processing, petroleum, coal, cement, chemicals,
• Ruhr region in Germany and France, products • Port facilities pharmaceuticals, aerospace, rail transportation
parts of Great Britain and Italy. • Large coal and iron reserves • Huge demand equipment, passenger and commercial vehicles,
• Pastures and meadows • Development of rail and road construction equipment, industrial equipment,
• Natural harbour transport shipbuilding, electrical power equipment, machine
• Mechanisation tools, electronics and telecommunications equipment,
fishing, food and beverages, furniture, paper, textiles.
ii) European Russia : • Location near oilfields • High Population Machine tools, refineries, textile, electrical,
• Moscow-Tula-Vladimir triangle • Location near coalfields and iron ore • Good communication facility automobile etc.
• Ural and Volga regions mines • Railway Agricultural machinery, chemicals
• Climate
• Volga river
iii) Other regions : • Climate Iron and steel, chemicals, textiles and zinc/lead refining,
• Scandinavian countries, Switzerland • Broken coastlines and rivers flowing • Limitations in agriculture dairy, watches and other electronics
and Poland. into it. • Advanced technology
• Low temperatures • Less Population
• Coniferous forests
Asia : • Rich in iron and coal • Development of ports facility Cotton textile mills, shipyards, oil refineries, flour
i) China : • Coalfields • Availability of cheap labour mills, steel plants, metal works and a great variety of
• Manchuria • Broken coastline • Government policies light industrial products, lubricating oil, machinery

• Northern end of the North China Plain, • Natural harbour • Large markets and tools, chemicals, etc.
along the east coast and extending
Westward upto Beijing.
• Lower Yangtze industrial region
including Shanghai

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 170

Major industrial regions in the Physical factors affecting Human factors affecting Major industries
continent localisation localisation
ii) Japan : • Coastal plains • Abundant supply of cheap Electrical engineering such as transistors, radio
• Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama • Rich natural resources regions labour television sets, washing machines, refrigerators and
• Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto region • Availability of hydro power • Relatively developed computers, steel mills, machines and tools, chemicals,

• Nagoya and the Northern Kyushu • Broken coastline infrastructure refineries, shipbuilding, airplane, factories of consumer
region • Fast-flowing rivers. • Market availability goods, electrical machinery, textile and canning
• Efficient transportation system industries, Cotton industry, Shipbuilding, oil refining,
• Availability of port facilities and petrochemical industries including synthetic textile
E.g. Port city of Yokohama and rubber manufacture
facilitates trade
iii) India : • Rich mineral resources • Large market Textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel,
• Chhota Nagpur Plateau, Mumbai-Pune • Port facilities available • Huge supply of labour transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum,
corridor, Delhi region, Coimbatore- • Hot climate • Excellent rail network machinery, software, pharmaceutical
Bengaluru, Ahmedabad-Vadodara • Port facility
region, etc.
iv) Russia : • Nearness to coal fields • Government support Production and transmission (by means of pipelines) of
• Siberia and the North Caucasus • Large forest reserve • Despite inhospitable climate oil and gas, Chemicals, food processing, petrochemicals,
Industrial Region • Natural harbour developed port facilities iron ore, and machinery, Gold, diamonds, tin, and
• Vladivostok (Far East) Industrial Region • Railway transport system mercury, wood and wood products
v) East Asia • Broken coastline • Huge population base Textile, electronic, Oil and petrochemicals
• South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, • Natural harbour • Vast Market
Malaysia, Taiwan • Climate • Port facilities
• Agricultural base • Cheap labour availability
South America : • Fertile plain • Availability of low cost labour Foodstuffs and beverages, metallurgy and mechanical
• Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Chile • Coastal region • Government promotions industries, chemicals and petroleum refining, textiles,
• Grazing grounds • Port and dockyard facilities footwear and apparel, pig iron, automobiles and
• Favourable climate household appliances,Textile industry
• Availability of mineral oil
Africa : • A variety of minerals • Market oriented production • Diamonds, gold, forest products
• Witwatersrand in southern region • 75% of the gold in the world is found • Demand
• Kimberley, Congo, Ghana, Zambia in this continent • Large investments
• Vast land available
• Forests
Australia : • Climate favourable • Availability of labour • Food, beverages, Textile and footwear, Wood and
• Eastern part • Coastal area • Port facilities, good connectivity paper products, Petroleum, coal and chemical products,
• Perth in the West • Market metallic industries, Machinery and equipment,
New Zealand : • Climate favourable for agricuture • Mechanisation •Meat and meat products, Dairy products, Woolen
• Auckland and Waikato • Coastal area • Port facilities, good products, beverages, canned fruits, timber.
• Canterbury • Large coniferous forests connectivity

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 171

Classification based on the source of raw
Use your brain power ! materials :
• Agro - based industries : Agricultural
• Refer to the lumbering map of the world produce is processed in this sector. For
in fig. 4.1 and 5.1, tell which industries example, sugar mills, cotton textile mills,
will be located in Northernmost island of food processing units.
Japan? • Marine-based industries : These refer to all

How have the Great Lakes been units involved in the processing and canning of
instrumental in development of industrial fish, fish products and other marine produces.
region in the USA? For example, fish oil, ornamental objects,
• How has the Trans-Siberian Railway sea-shells, etc.
contributed to development of industries in • Forest-based industries : Products from
Russia? the forests are processed in this sector.
Wood is made into paper or provides
Do you know ? timber for various uses. The manufacturing
of resins, gums, colours, dyes, fragrant oils
   Industrial/Economic corridors are and turpentine is forest – based.
special areas along the main transport
• Mineral-based industries : They involve
routes which have been selected to
industries where manufacturing is based on
give thrust to industrial/economic
mineral wealth, obtained through mining.
development in the country. The corridors
Examples are petrochemicals, iron and
involve multiple development projects
steel, aluminium units, etc.
including development in transport, urban
development, environmental management, • Pastoral-based industries : These indusries
etc. This has been done to increase exports, depend upon animals for their raw material.
growth in employment opportunities and Hide, bone, horn, shoes, dairy, etc. are
revolutionise the industrial growth. some of the pastoral-based industries. For
Currently, the following four industrial/ example, leather bags, chappals, shoes, etc.
economic corridors are proposed to be are made from leather while cheese, curd,
developed : sweets are made from milk. Silk clothes,
1) Delhi – Mumbai Industrial Corridor woollen clothes, jackets, etc. are produced
(DMIC) in these industries.
2) Amritsar – Delhi – Kolkata Industrial On the basis of capital investment :
Corridor (ADKIC) In India, classification of industries on the
3) Chennai – Bengaluru Industrial Corridor basis of amount of capital investment, can be
(CBIC) done as follows :
4) Bengaluru – Mumbai Industrial Corridor • Large-scale industries : They require huge
(BMIC) amount of capital, equipment and other
Classification of industries : infrastructure.
Manufacturing industries are broadly  In India, the industries requiring an
classified on the basis of size, source of raw investment of more than `10 crores are
materials, nature of products and ownership. large-scale. Iron and steel, power, cotton

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 172
textiles, etc. are large-scale industries. blacksmiths, carpenters and craftspersons
(fig.5.4) are some of the major groups engaged in
a cottage industry. These industries require
good skills. Their importance has increased
in the present times. Some of these products
have great demand abroad. Hence, they are
exported. For example, Paithani Sarees,
Indian quilts, etc.

Fig. 5.4 : Large scale industry

• Micro, Small and Medium Industries : In

India, the definition of MSME industries is
as follows : (fig. 5.5)
Industries Investment Investment Examples
in plant and in
machinery equipments Fig. 5.6 Cottage industry (cane work)
Micro Does not Does not Pens,
exceed ` 25 exceed ` 10
dairy Classification based on nature of output :
lakh lakh products The nature of the product determines the
type of industry.
Small More than More than Bottles,
` 25 lakhs ` 10 lakhs small • Basic industries or Heavy industries :
but does not but does not toys, These are industries that produce material,
exceed ` 5 exceed ` 2 papers,
crores crores etc. which is in turn used for other industries.
Medium More than ` 5 More than Cycle, The iron and steel industry, for example,
crores but does ` 2 crores T.V., makes steel for further use in the automobile,
not exceed but ` 5 Radio,
`10 crore crores etc. heavy machinery and other industries.
• Consumer goods or Light industries :
These industries manufacture goods that
are ready for direct consumption. Watch-
making, electronic goods, textile mills and
pharmaceutical plants are examples.
• Ancillary industries : The industries which
manufacture parts and components to be
used by other industries for manufacturing
Fig. 5.5 : Small scale industry heavy articles like trucks, buses, railway
• Cottage or Household industry : It is engines, tractors, etc. The final product of
the most basic type of manufacturing these industries is the raw material for other
characterised by manual production, using industries. For example, nails, tyres, iron
locally available raw materials at a very sills, iron sheets, etc.
small scale or at home. The goods are
generally produced for consumption and for Classification based on ownership :
sale in the local markets. Little capital and This classification is based on who owns
transport cost is involved. Potters, weavers, the means of production.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 173
• Public sector : Public sector industries are headquarters in the main country where
owned by the State. The government makes they are registered. For example, Hindustan
all investments and the marketing of the Lever in private-sector has it's headquarters
goods produced is through government in London. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
agencies. Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (ONGC) in public-sector has headquarters
(BHEL) is an example. in Dehradun. Factors like cheap labour,
• Private sector : Private sector enterprise is technical skills, lower cost of production,
owned by a private individual or a partnership availability of market in other countries
of private individuals. Profits derived from lead to establishment of such industries.
the sale of output belong to the individual,
who owns the manufacturing unit and who Give it a try.
makes all the capital investments in it. The
Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) is the
example of private sector.
• Joint sector : This involves an industry
owned and managed jointly by the
government and an individual or individuals
or between two and more governments. • Look at the given logo. Find out more
The amount of investment and share of the information about it and write a short note
profits depends on the level of involvement on it.
of both sides example. For example, MNGL • Find at least 2 examples of each of the
(Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited). types of industries from India and write in
• Cooperative sector : A group of individuals your notebook.
pool resources to set up and manage an
industrial venture on a cooperative basis.
Try this.
All profits and losses are shared among
the members of the cooperative unit. Many   Now you know the factors affecting
textile, sugar and milk units function as location of industries. You also know the
cooperatives. Example, AMUL. classification of industries. Assume you
• MNCs : When operations of a privately want to set up an industry in future. Think
owned industry or public-owned industry about what will be the product produced in
extend to more than one country, such your industry? Which geographical region
industries are called multi-national will you choose to set up your industry?
corporation (MNCs). They have Why? Discuss in class and share your ideas.


Capital Investment Ownership Source of Raw Material Nature of Output

Cottage Medium and Agro-based Pastoral-based Marine-based

Small Scale
Large Scale Micro Scale Mineral-based Forest-based Consumer/ Basic/
Light Heavy
Private Sector Public Sector Joint Sector Co-operative Sector Multi- National Ancillary
Fig. 5.7

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 174

Q. 1) Complete the chain : Q. 3) Give geographical reasons :

A B C   1) Distribution of industries is uneven.
1) Small- 1) Manual 1) Ceramics   2) Iron and steel industries are found in mineral
scale manufacturing rich area of Dhanbad.

3) Fruit-processing industries are found in
2) Cottage 2) Skilled crafts 2) Tata Iron and
industries person Steel company Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts of Konkan
3) Consumer 3) Individual 3) Potters region.
goods ownership 4) Industrial growth in southern America is
4) Private 4)Ready for 4) Pharmaceutical limited.
sector direct
consumption Q. 4) Short notes :
1) Footloose industries.
Q. 2) Identify the correct correlation :
2) Public sector industries.
A : Assertion; R : Reasoning
3) Economies of scale.
  1) A : The humid climate of Mumbai offered great
4) Role of transportation in industries.
scope for the development of cotton textile
industries. Q. 5) Differentiate between :
1) Weight-losing and Weight-gaining industries.
R : Industries require ample amount of water.
2) Primary and Secondary activities.
1) Only A is correct
3) Basic industries and Consumer industries.
2) Only R is correct
Q. 6) Answer the following :
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
1) Explain the physical factors affecting location
explanation of A
of industries.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the
2) Explain the factors affecting location of sugar
correct explanation of A
  2) A : In India, industries are found concentrated
3) Describe the factors that are responsible for
in few areas are available.
less developement of industries in central
R : India is predominantly agrarian country. Australia.
1) Only A is correct
Q. 7) Show the following on a map of the world
2) Only R is correct with suitable index :
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct 1) Ruhr industrial region
explanation of A 2) An industrial region in Japan
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the 3) An industrial region in South Africa
correct explanation of A 4) An industrial region in Australia
5) Industrial region near Great Lakes


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 175
6. Tertiary Economic Activities

formula which will be good for dental health. She also

Think about it.
took help from a cousin brother from the Pharmaceutical
Read the following comprehension and answer the  She came to know that she needed the following
questions that follow : things to set up the industrial unit :
 There are three friends from different back- • Machinery and labour force to work in the plant.
grounds. They decided to become entrepreneurs after • Land for setting up the plant.
graduating from the same college.
• NOC from competent authorities before taking the
 Rohit is a farmer’s son. He pursued his bachelor
product to the market.
degree in the Arts faculty. He was thinking of continuing
• Other licenses like NOC from fire service
his father’s profession but at a different level. He
wanted to grow export-quality agricultural products in
his two acres of farmland. • Industries that will give tubes to fill ready toothpaste
Sejal is the daughter of a businessman. They produce and cartons to wrap the product.
and sell bakery products on wholesale basis. She has • Appoint an advertising agency to promote the
passed her degree in Science. She wants to become an product.
entrepreneur in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)   She was reluctant for this start-up since it required
products. land and a large capital investment. But she felt relieved
  Asif is a son of a small hotel owner. He has passed that due to the Government's Start-up schemes, she can
his graduation in Event Management. He wants to start get subsidised loan. Her father helped her solve her land
his own company of Event Management. problem. He had a small piece of land near her town
  After graduating with good grades, they decided to which was sufficient for this purpose. He arranged for
help each other and begin their careers. Rohit, Sejal other basic amenities like water, electricity, etc. which
and Asif tried to find out information about how to are required for an industry. He leased out that plot to
start their businesses. They tried to get maximum Sejal.
information regarding their businesses. They wanted to  Asif realised that he mainly needed services and
plan, organise and then establish their start-ups. During labour for his start-up, which he can arrange by hiring
this period, they found information regarding their them from various agencies like caterers, florists,
businesses. hall owners, band players, sound systems etc. He
  Rohit found out that he will have to do major changes also understood how to take permission from various
in his farmland to grow export-quality products like competent authorities to arrange various events. He
lily, orchid flowers and fruits like kiwis, dragon fruits, realised that it will be good if he opens up an office to
etc. He will have to maintain moisture and temperature start his business in the market. To advertise his start
in the air. He will also need to use special fertilizers to up, he got a brochure designed and printed visiting
maintain the soil’s Ph value. He also came to know that cards for marketing his services.
he has to take help of the Agricultural officer from the  After planning for a year, all the friends started
same Taluka. More importantly, he has to take out a their entrepreneurship in their respective businesses.
licence to establish a business. He also got to know that As their businesses have been established as per their
he will need an account which can be used for foreign likings, they are enjoying their work. Their businesses
transactions. He also got information from where he are now their passions.
would get saplings for the export-quality products. He
came to know that, these flowers are in great demand in 1) What do you understand by the term ‘competent
Gulf countries and they give high returns too. As these authorities’?
countries are within the reach of an hour or two by air, 2) In which types of economic activities are the
the flowers can remain fresh and retain their quality. He children in the story engaged?
also decided to visit few vendors from these countries
3) While being occupied in their type of economic
to directly setup his business.
  Sejal realised that toothpaste is a product which is activity, which other activities they interact with?
required daily by the people. Since her background 4) Classify all the economic activities you come
was from Science, she decided to derive an advanced across in the passage.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 176
means of transportation and communication,
Geographical explanation
loading and unloading of goods, credit facilities,
While reading the passage, you would marketing, import and export, etc. Providing
have come across many human occupations. public services are also a part of it. Other services
These are the economic activities carried out like knife grinders, vegetable sellers, shopkeepers,
by humans. Out of them, some of the activities passenger’s carriers, postal services, etc. are also
are completely dependent on nature. We obtain included in tertiary activities. All these services
natural resources out of such activities. These are called tertiary economic activities. (Fig.6.1)
activities are primary activities.
Man cannot use some of the products
Use your brain power !
received from these activities directly. These
products can be used again by increasing their • Do tertiary activities involve only services?
values or making them more durable. In that • Can there be products in tertiary activities?
case, these products are processed. This creates Discuss in class and make a list of such
new and different products. These are usable, products.
more durable and can be sold at higher prices.
Through processing, these activities become a Can you tell ?
part of secondary activities. Secondary activities
are mainly dependent on products obtained from In figure 6.1, many economic activities
primary activities. included in tertiary occupations are enlisted.
There are activities which act as the link Classify the following economic activities
between the primary and secondary activities in the following two categories :
and are complementary to both of them. These   • Activities dependent on geographical
are mostly in the form of services. If you want factors
a particular service you will have to pay for   • Activities not dependent on geographical
it. These include buying and selling of goods, factors

Classification of Tertiary Economic Activities

Trade and Commerce Transportation Communication Other Services

Wholesale trade Retail trade Postal services Tele- Audio and Visual Internet Satellite
communication system

Urban Rural Films Radio T.V. Print

wholesale wholesale Mobile Landline
markets Mandies

Rail Road Water Air Pipeline

network network Ways Ways
Rural Urban

Tourism Insurance Personal and

Periodic markets, Professional
Stores, Street Peddling, Public Services
Chain stores Shops Banking Real estate
Public Distribution Distribution
System (PDS) Malls
System (PDS) Fig. 6.1

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 177
Loading and unloading of goods takes
Can you tell ? place at ports and dockyards. Try searching the
  • Make a list of things you use in your names of these places with the help of internet.
daily life. (For example, Ghodbunder, Kochi Port trust,
  • Divide the activities through which Mumbai Port Trust, Delhi International Cargo
they have been obtained into primary, Terminal). You will find that these places are
secondary and tertiary. For example, salt either located near a water transport or airways.
is obtained from primary activity. It is clear from the examples above
  • Does your list contain any products which that tertiary activities are also controlled by
have not been derived by using either of geographical factors. Transportation is also an
the activities? example of this. Now, it is being operated by
advanced technology.
Geographical explanation Transportation :
In tertiary occupations, there is no derivation Transportation is a service or facility
from the nature as it is in primary activities. through which passengers, freight and industrial
There may be some products manufactured like products are carried from one place to another.
secondary activities but they are in the form of Transportation plays a very important role in
services offered. As these activities are mainly development of any country. It is one of the basic
of the service category, these occupations are tertiary activities. Development of all economic
also known as the ‘service sector’. activities is dependent on transportation system.
The distribution of many of these services
is dependent on many geographical factors. You Make friends with maps!
will realize from the activity above that there are
  Look at the map in Fig. 6.2 and
very few such services which are not dependent
answer the following questions :
on natural factors completely. Climate,
1) Which means of transportation are shown
topography, nearness to the sea or continental
in the map?
location are some of the geographical factors,
2) Between which continents do you see an
which may affect tertiary activities.
overall higher flow of transportation ?
The secondary activities are not only
3) Which canals can you see in the waterways?
dependent on how long the perishable raw
What could be their purpose ?
material will last but also the mode of transport
4) Which two major cities in India are
through which the raw material is to be delivered.
connected internationally through airways?
For example, for international export of a
product like grape obtained through agriculture, 5) Which two continents show a lesser use of
using airways will be a better option, while air routes?
sending cotton through water transport will be 6) Which two continents show a lesser use of
more profitable. rail routes ? Why?
The human settlements all over the 7) Which rail route connects two continents?
world have developed as an effect of various 8) Why do you see a concentration of
favourable geographical factors. Markets, be transportation routes in the southern part
it retail or wholesale, always occur near these of Australia as opposed to northern parts in
settlements. A secondary activity can occur all the continents?
away from the settlements but markets will not. 9) Which continent does not have contineous
They are always found near the settlements. internal rail routes? Why?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 178
Make friends with maps!

Fig. 6.2

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 179

Trade :
Geographical explanation

Means of transportation are essential Try this.

components of transport systems. They are   Consider the following conditions a, b
the means to carry passengers or freight or a and c and answer the questions that follow :
combination of both, from one place to another. a) There are two countries ‘A’ and ‘B’. ‘A’
Means of transportation can be grouped produces 500 tonnes of wheat by employing
into three broad categories based on the medium 200 labourers. ‘B’ produces 1,000 tonnes
they use : land, water and air. Each mode has its of wheat by employing 300 labourers.
own requirements and features and is adapted b) Country ‘C’ produces 300 kg of tea and
to serve the specific demands of freight and ‘D’ produces 500 kg of coffee. ‘C’ does not
passenger traffic. This gives rise to marked produce coffee and ‘D’ does not produce tea.
differences in the ways the these means are c) Country ‘E’ has expertise in water
deployed and utilized in different parts of the engineering and agriculture. Country ‘F’
world. has expertise in metro-making.
Various geographical factors govern the 1) Will trade take place between A and B in
development of transport. Relief, location and condition (a)?
climate are the three major physical factors. 2) Will trade take place between C and D in
Generally, it is easier to build rails, roads and condition (b)?
pipelines where relief is not rugged. Dense 3) If trade occurs between A and B in
forests, hilly and mountainous regions affect condition (a), what does it tell you about
construction of long route rails and roads. For the conditions of the countries in terms of
example, in dense forest and arid regions of their economy?
Africa and South America, construction of long 4) If trade occurs between C and D in (b),
distance roads and rails is difficult. what does it tell you about the climate of
Coastal area locations are favourable for the countries?
development of ports and harbours, especially 5) Considering that trade occurs between
broken coastlines. Therefore, not all coastal two countries in condition (c), what does it
areas can be good ports. tell you about the human resources of the
With development of technology, air countries?
transport is now used more. But still, major 6) Make a list of factors which affect the
trade happens through ocean routes. Two canals trade between any two countries.
which changed the course of transport, Suez
Canal and Panama Canal, were constructed to Geographical explanation
avoid long ocean routes. They changed the use
Trade means the voluntary exchange of
of ocean routes radically. Suez canal connected
goods and services, where two or more parties
Asia with Europe and Africa. Panama Canal
are involved. Barter system was an initial form
joined Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
of trade practised by the primitive societies.
For airways to develop, one needs There was only an exchange of goods. Today,
favourable climate, advanced technology and trade occurs in goods and services. Bilateral or
plain regions for airports. Constant fog or smogs, multilateral trades are major types of international
area with high peaks, become an obstacle for trade. Trades can be carried out within a country
air transportation. too. Trades can be affected by many factors.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 180
International trade is a result of specialisation in favourable climate, undulating land, soil
production and human resources. which can drain water, etc. are geographical
International trade occurs when it is factors, which make tea plantations on a
mutually beneficial to trading partners and when large scale possible here. The production
it is a comparative advantage for both, rather of tea is more than what their population
than producing in their own countries. It may requires. The United Kingdom does not have
occur to you that this is an economic concept, tea plantations. But the demand for tea is
then why are we discussing this in geography? high in this country. So countries like India,
But, actually, the foundation of this activity lies Sri Lanka export tea to UK.
in geography. You will relate to it when you read   • Population factors : The size, distribution
the explanation further. and diversity of people is found in various
The various geographical factors which countries. This leads to different products
affect the trade are as follows : and hence trade occur. Also, size of trade
  • Difference in natural resources : We have is affected. Densely populated countries
studied many concepts in geography till now. have to worry about feeding their own
Out of them, the concept of natural region populations. Standard of living can also
specifies that each region is different from determine the demand for various goods and
another. The natural resources available in services. The country with less population
one country will be different from the ones will depend more on trade because less
available in a different region. They may human resource is engaged in production of
not be the same. Also, it may happen, that goods. The population of the Asian continent
in one region they may be in abundance, along with India is known for their expertise
while in another in much less quantity. in Information Technology. The education
Soil, minerals, forests, land, water and system in these countries, mathematical
human resources are unevenly distributed. knowledge, skills of using technology has
A country rich in soil will be good in made this possible. Though it appears that
agriculture. Thus, it may be a good exporter geographical factors have no direct influence,
of grains and other crops. On the other it is important to note that, this labour force
hand, a country which does not practise belongs to the same geographical region.
agriculture on a large scale will have to   • Culture : Some parts of the world are known
import grains. Example can be given from for their products and specific art and craft.
the Gulf countries. These countries are rich They are valued all over the world. For
in mineral oil. Hence, they export oil but example, there is great demand for Chinese
they import grains. porcelain, Iranian carpets and Batik print
  • Climate : Climate affects the plants and of Indonesia and Kashmiri shawl, silk from
animals in a region. It also ensures how various parts of India around the world.
different types of products can be grown or This promotes the trade.
produced in a country. For example, countries   • Economic cost : Cost is a major factor in
which are snow covered for a major part of production. If it is cheaper to import than
the year, export meat and woollen products. to produce certain goods in a country, then
On the other hand, tropical countries trade will occur. For example, a country may
produce and export bananas, rice, cocoa, not have the climatic and physical conditions
tea and coffee. For example, Sri Lanka is a to grow tea, hence they will find it easier to
major tea exporter country. Cheap labour, import it from tea producing countries.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 181
  • Specialisation : Some countries have
specialised goods and services. e.g. Israel Find out !
has specialised itself in dry farming or
Find out, what are these places famous
agricultural engineering. In such a case,
for : Coorg, Yusmarg, Saputara, Ladghar,
it exports its services to countries who Marina beach, Istanbul, Milan. What is
wish to carry out agriculture in desert-like the main economic activity carried here? Is
conditions. Similarly, specialised goods and there any relationship between their location
services have an international demand and (geographical) and their economic activities?
therefore trade may occur between countries. Find out!
Can you tell ? Tourism :

• Can intelligence or physical efforts be Try this.

imported and exported?
• If possible, discuss some examples in See the following two tables and answer
the questions that follow :
TABLE 1 : Direct Contribution of Travel and
  • Government policies : Government policies Tourism to GDP of some regions (%) (2018)
Maldives 38.92
may cause or stop international trade. A free
British Virgin Islands 32.96
trade government policy will not restrict the
Macao 28.01
citizens from buying or selling to another
Aruba 27.64
country. To maintain good relations with
Seychelles 25.73
another country, a country may carry out
TABLE 2 : People engaged in tourism
trade with it. in some regions (%) (2018)
Importance of Transport in Trade : Aruba 29.91
Transportation is a very important tertiary St. Lucia 27.29
activity for trading. The importance of ports, sea The Bahamas 26.49
transport and air transport has been very obvious Macao 26.48
in the trade. Seychelles 25.35
Source: World Bank data

Try this. 1) What do the tables show ?

2) Are the countries shown in the tables same?
  The graph in fig 6.3 shows trade carried 3) Locate them on a map of the world.
from 1980 to 2010 through sea transport. 4) Can you tell, why contribution of tourism is
Interpret the graph in your own words. high in these countries in terms of GDP and
5) Write a concluding paragraph on factors
affecting tourism as an occupation in a
Geographical explanation
Tourism is an important tertiary economic
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
activity. The tourism sector has grown
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Mediterranean Sea
tremendously in the last few decades. At present,
Fig. 6.3 this growth is seen due to the availability of
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 182
advanced means of transport and the basic
1) What are the list of items mentioned in
infrastructure facilities for tourism. Looking at
timeline related to?
the countries given in the table, you will notice
2) Which of these means are you aware of ?
that most of these regions are island countries.
3) Which of these means do you actually use?
Therefore, the climate, natural beauty of the
region, availability of land and sea adventure 4) Which of these are now outdated?
sports, tourism is a major contributor to the 5) What could be the reasons for them getting
country's GDP. Also, the population employed outdated?
in tourism is higher. 6) Can you add more to the list?
The following geographical factors play
an important role in the growth of tourism in a Geographical explanation
region : the site and situation of a place, climate, Man uses different means of communication
relief, altitude, biodiversity, accessibility, to express what he wants to say and makes it
availability of water are important physical reach other humans. For example, depiction
factors, while transportation facilities, lodging through pictures, symbols, verbal communication
and boarding facilities, cultural diversity, using signs, body language, postures, etc. In
government policies and political conditions in earlier times, the tribal people used coloured
a country are important human factors affecting smoke to communicate. Now, in recent times,
the development of tourism. we use telephones, mobiles, internet, etc. to
This is the era of information. One who has
Use your brain power !
information is considered to be the pioneer in
Given below are the countries which are many things. Each country is trying to stay up-
least dependent on tourism. Locate these to-date with such information. Use of technology
countries on a map. Explain the geographical in communication has increased manifold. For
factors which are responsible for non- example, use of satellites.
development of tourism in these countries. The satellites in space work for
Country Contribution of Tourism communications day and night. They give us a
to GDP (%) (2018) lot of information regarding various physical and
Democratic 0.66 human factors on the earth. For example, daily
Republic of Congo atmospheric conditions, cyclones, movements of
Papua New Guinea 0.66 the earth, looking for mineral reserves, obtaining
Uzbekistan 0.93 the latitudes and longitudes of a place, etc.
Moldova 0.96 All these means of communication are used
Gabon 1.02 for regional development on a large scale. The
extent and scope of this tertiary activity and these
Communication :
means of communication is increasing day by day.
Can you tell ?

Man started living in groups Present day

Coloured Horseman/ Telegram Telephone Radio Pager Mobile

smoke Camelman
Messenger Postman Fax Radio ham T.V. Email Satellite Phones
Fig. 6.4 : Timeline - Means of communication

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 183
activities refer to those activities where
Use your brain power ! task is to think, research and develop
ideas. Thus, this sector involves activities
   • Are maps a means of communication? related to education, information, research
and development. For example, financial
Can you tell ? planners, tax consultants, software
developers, statisticians, persons working in
  • Which practicals of Geography for Class offices, hospitals, theatres, schools teachers
11 and Class 12 have you carried out with and university professors, accountants etc.
the help of satellites? belong to this category of services.
Quinary economic activities involve work
related to administrative character. Senior
Give it a try.
business executives, government officials,
Draw a suitable graph for the following scientists, judges, etc. belong to quinary
information given in table 6.1 and write a activities. The main difference between
paragraph interpreting the data. the two types is that the people involved in
Table 6.4 : Contribution of various sectors in quinary activities are involved in highest
the national income. (%) level decision-making or policy-making.
Countries Primary Secondary Tertiary Quinary
Decision taking and
2018 2018 2018 Policy Making

Denmark 1.0 34.0 65.0 Quaternary

Research, Training,
India 14.0 30.0 56.0 Teaching, etc.

Kenya 34.0 23.3 42.7 Tertiary

Provision of services to
New Zealand 7.0 27.4 65.6 consumers and businesses

3.0 43.0 54.0 Secondary
Federation Transformation of the raw
materials into goods
Tajikistan 21.0 37.2 41.8
Tanzania 29.0 33.1 37.9
Production of raw materials
Uganda 24.0 28.4 47.6
1.0 28.5 70.5 Fig. 6.5
U.S.A 1.0 21.6 77.4
Try this.

Always remember In fig. 6.6, five hypothetical countries and

some information about their conditions is
Quaternary and Quinary Activities given. Study them carefully and answer the
Considering tertiary economic activities, following questions :
the services included in this sector are varied   • Considering the natural resources
in nature and have a very vast coverage. available in these countries, which
Therefore, some specialised services are activities will flourish here?
now categorised into quaternary (fourth   • Between which countries will export-
and quinary (fifth) activities. Quaternary import of goods occur?

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 184
  • Which tertiary activities will take place countries?
here?   • Write in your own words, the effect of
  • Considering the location of country 'E', geographical factors on human economic
how will it carry out the trade with other activities in these countries.


Country ‘A’ Country ‘B’ Forest


Country ‘D’

Country ‘E’ Horticulture

Country ‘C’


Fig. 6.6


Q. 1) Complete the chain : d) Nagpur Cargo Hub (MIHAAN)

A B C 3) Trans-Australian Railway connects
1) Matheran Tea Communication a) Perth - Sydney
2) GPS Atlantic Ocean Tertiary Activity b) Perth - Vladivostok
3) Sri Lanka Satellite Export c) Sydney - Vancouver
4) Panama Tourism Pacific Ocean d) Vancouver - Vladivostok
Q. 3) Give geographical reasons :
Q. 2) Choose the correct option : 1) Tertiary activities include both services and
1) Tertiary activities include : exchange.
a) Use of natural resources
2) The proportion of airways as means of
b) Finished product transportation is increasing.
c) Raw material
3) Geographical diversity is responsible for trade
d) Transportation
to occur.
2) Natural Ports :
a) Kochi Q. 4) Short notes :
1) Importance of satellites as means of
c) Dehi International Cargo Terminal communication.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 185
2) Role of transportation in trade. is of great importance. It involves many industries
3) Tourism and GDP. working together in a complex way and needs
special attention. Planning basically tries to allot
Q. 5) Differentiate between :
limited resources between various competitors with
1) Secondary economic activities and Tertiary
a view to maximize output, income and employment
economic activities.
and to make sure different sectors have fair growth.
2) Quaternary and Quinary activities
Tourism planning is a process through which the
3) Waterways and Airways set goals can be achieved and the various choices
Q. 6) Answer in detail : linked to tourism development can be addressed. It
1) Explain the factors affecting trade between two is a long term and constant process of preparing,
countries. upgrading and improving a destination for tourist.
2) Development of transportation is dependent on Communities are the basic elements of tourism. It
geographical factors. Explain. mainly depends upon the level of acceptance shown
by local communities. In the process of planning
3) Why is transportation system important in the
their involvement is essential .The development
development of any nation?
of tourism creates impact on mainly environment,
4) Tertiary activities are expanding day-by-day.
socio-culture and economy of the host community
Explain the statement.
at any destination. These impacts produce both
Q. 7) On an outline map of the world, show the negative as well as positive impacts. Planning is
following with the help of suitable index : necessary to reduce the negative impact and boost
1) A canal bringing radical change in sea transport. the positive impact for sustainable development of a
2) Railway connecting two continents. destination.

3) An international airport in India. 1) Why does the tourism sector need planning?

4) An important port in India. 2) What is the importance of communities in

Q. 8) Read the given passage and answer the
3) Explain any two benefits of planning.
following questions :
Careful planning and implementation is 4) What factors affect the economy of the host
necessary for economic development of any country. community?
In the tourism sector the need for planned development 5) Why is planning a long term task?


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 186
7. Region and Regional Development

Try this. Hindi-speaking

belt, Bengali-
Given below are some geographical areas speaking belt,
given to you. Complete the table in your
belt, Kannada-
notebook thinking about similarities between speaking belt,
them and their types. One has been done for Urdu-speaking belt
you as an example. Answer the questions that Delhi University
follow : campus,
Table 7.1
Punjab University
campus, Mumbai
Geographical Common Type University campus,
areas factors / (political/ Vanasthali
characteristics physical) University campus
Ganga river basin, River Physical  1) While completing the above table, how
Amazon river did you decide the common factor between
basin, Mississippi
these areas?
river basin, Nile
river basin   2) How did you differentiate one area from
The Himalayan another?
region, The Alps,  3) Is the common factor the only basis of
The Western Ghats, differentiation?
The Rockies, The   4) Make a list of characteristics which can
be the basis of different areas separately.
Vidarbha, Geographical explanation
Konkan, Western You must have realized that small or large
Maharahstra areas of land having common features help us to
The Thar desert, identify them separately. These features can be
The Arabian natural (physical) or man-made (administrative
desert, The Gobi
boundaries, political or linguistic). Generally,
desert, The Sahara
desert there is a boundary which demarcates one
Rajasthan, area from another. A geographical area that
Madhya Pradesh, distinguishes itself from another area is called a
West Bengal, region.
Kerala, Manipur These regions can be very small or very
Pune, Bhopal, New large. Natural features which form the basis of
York, Manchester, a region are physiography, climate, vegetation,
Munich, Shanghai
soil or wildlife. For example, we differentiate
Parbhani, Nagpur,
Palghar, Kolhapur,
between the Himalayan ranges and the Northern
Solapur Plains of India on the basis of their altitude and
topography. Thus, they are considered as two

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 187
different regions. Socio-cultural factors like,
to languages after independence. Thus,
language, ethnicity, etc., political factors like
Maharashtra became the State of Marathi-
administrative boundaries and economic factors
speaking people, Tamilnadu became the land
like GDP, are some man-made factors which
of Tamil-speaking people, etc.
define a region. For example, Madhya Pradesh
and Maharashtra are two different regions
because they have their own boundaries and
governments. Similarly, Pune and Ahmednagar Use your brain power !
are two different districts. So they are two Can you tell what is the identifying
different regions. In a region, there can be two
characteristic in the following regions?
or more sub-regions. For example, within the
1)  Pune Metropolitan Region
Northern Plains of India, there are various sub-
regions of different plains : the Indus and its 2)  Nagpur hub
tributaries, the Ganga-Yamuna plains and the 3)  Dal Lake in Srinagar
Brahmaputra-Hooghly plains. Similarly, within 4)   Alleppey tourism centre
a district, there can be talukas. Each of the
Types of regions :
taluka is a region in itself. Each city and village
in the Taluka is also considered a region. Geographical explanation
The classification of regions is thus based
On the basis of characteristics, a region
on common characteristics. The area which has can be divided into physical or political regions.
common characteristics and is homogeneous For example, river basins are physical regions
in nature, constitutes a region. In geographical while districts are political regions. Both of
studies, a region is the basic unit. This helps us these are formal regions. A formal region is an
to differentiate one area from another. Every area inhabited by people who have one or more
region has various attributes : characteristics in common. Shared characteristics
i) Location : A region must have a may be a common language, economic activities,
geographical location. It can be expressed such as a particular crop production, or physical
in latitudes and longitudes. characteristics, such as the climate of an area.
ii) Spatial extent : Based on homogeneity, the Some formal regions have distinct boundaries
extent of a region can be decided. which make them easy to identify, such as
iii) Boundary : A region must have a boundary. countries or states. Examples of formal regions
Beyond a boundary, there is another region. are Europe, Africa, United States and Canada or
iv) Hierarchical arrangement : A region Assam and West Bengal, etc.
can be arranged into various orders or On the other hand, functional regions are
sub-regions on the basis of the common not bound by any formal characteristic but
characteristics. For example, Northern by a function. A functional region may not be
plains and its subregions. heterogeneous in nature. It may involve more
than one type of physical or political regions
Do you know ? but still it can be one functional region because
that function binds these regions together. For
The States Reorganization Act of 1956 example, Pune Metropolitan Region has various
made the state boundaries according physical regions, many political regions, various
villages, talukas and cities in its area. But, the
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 188
Boundaries of functional regions

Boundaries of formal regions

T.V. Tower


Milk collection centre

Pizza outlet
Fig. 7.1 : Difference between formal and functional region
area which comes under Pune Metropolitan
District Kolhapur, Taluka Haveli, rice –
Region is bound by the economic activities. The
producing region of Konkan, Black cotton
regions in the periphery serve the core region
soil region of India, areas served by Local
with vegetables, flowers and other perishable
trains of Mumbai, area served by a Primary
items. The core area pays the surrounding region
Health Centre.
value for their products. A functional region
Formal Regions Functional Regions
is an area organized to function socially and
economically as a single unit. Functional regions
are centred on a focal point that connects other
areas by various systems, such as transportation,
communication or economic activities. Cities
can be considered functional regions because
highways, railroads, subways and buses move
people from the suburbs to the central areas of
the city. Other examples of functional regions are
television signal areas of a TV tower, Wireless,
Wi-Fi hotspots or pizza delivery areas served by Use your brain power !
a pizza outlet or milk served by a milk centre.
(See fig. 7.1) • Identify your formal region.
• Can you identify and demarcate your own
Try this. functional region?
• Which one is larger?
Here is a list of regions. Classify them
into Formal or Functional regions :
Regional Development :
Ujani Dam catchment area, area served
We have seen that not all regions are the
by Pune Municipal Transport (PMT), area
same in size and population and also in resources.
served by Citi Cable Service, Uttar Pradesh,
Some regions like the desert regions might have

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 189
fewer resources while forested regions have same time, net irrigated area to total sown area
huge resources. is also higher. This indicates that the region has
good irrigation facilities. Also, consumption of
Can you tell ? electricity is higher than in the other two regions.
These indicators point to the fact that life in this
Read the table 7.2 and answer the
region may be better than in the other two.
questions that follow : Table 7.2 At the same time, these indicators are not

Urbanization (%)
enough to give a complete picture of the region.

sown area (%)

consumption of
Below Poverty

Net irrigated

year (in units)

electricity per
area to Total
Per Capita
Income (`)

Per capita
Line (%)
Indicators like literacy rate, enrolment ratio/

dropout ratio, sex ratio, crime rate against

women/children, etc. will give a better picture.
There are a number of indicators based on
A 15466 14 45 64 557 various social, economic, political, cultural and
environmental conditions of a region.
B 10432 32 31 42 332
Thus, development of a region is a function
C 5000 48 16 28 145
of its resources and its population. There are
 1) In which region do you think there are many factors which affect the development of a
more resources available? region. For the holistic development of a region,
  2) In which region do you think people are skilled human resources and optimum utilisation
richer? of natural resources is necessary. Thus, regional
  3) In which region do you think people may development is the development of all the
be more happier? Why? regions simultaneously, raising their per capita
 4) Do you think the given indicators or income and living standards by exploiting their
factors are enough to decide the standard natural and human resources fully.
of living of people in the region?
  5) In which region would you like to stay Think about it.
and why ?
• Does development mean maximum
Geographical explanation utilisation of resources?
• Does development consider environment
In the above table, three regions with their as an indicator?
performance in few indicators are shown. On • Can a region be called developed if it has
the basis of the given data, we can say that sparse population or no population?
region A performs better in the given indicators • Discuss this in your class.
than region B or C. Per capita income suggests
that region A's income is high and production is
high. It also indicates that population is lower Try this.
than the other regions. Lower per capita income
could mean that either the population is high In the following table, regions are given.
or the total income is also less. In general, this At the same time, some geographical factors
indicates the presence of fewer resources and and effects are also given. Complete the
lesser utilisation of these resources. In region A, table 7.3 accordingly, with the help of solved
urbanisation is more than regions B and C. At the examples.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 190
Physical factors and regional development :
Table 7.3
Region Geographical Effects on the The physical factors like climate and relief
Factors region of a region affects its development. Areas where
Nile River Agricultural land is less fertile, water is scarce, diseases
basin Development, flourish will be less developed. For example, the
Development regions located in the tropical rainforests. On
of Industries, the other hand, fertile land, favourable climate
Hydro- and good rainfall promote the development. For
example, Mediterranean region.
Irrigation etc. The physical setting of a region is also very
Coniferous important. If regions are landlocked or located
forest area in high mountain ranges or if there is a lack of
Japan Island navigable rivers, long coastlines or good natural
location, harbors, then even in presence of other natural
low mineral resources, the region may not develop well.
resources, Sometimes, there is presence of large resources
narrow but climate may not be favourable or population
may not be present to exploit the same. For
example, Antarctica
Indonesia, Agriculture
Malaysia Development, Population and regional development :
Can you tell ?
Factors affecting regional development :
  • Looking at the five stages of Demographic
In geographical studies, we consider many
Transition Theory, countries in which
factors when we talk about the development of
stage do you think, will be called
a region. Development itself is a very relative
term. There are many indicators of development.
  • Having looked at the various shapes of
Income of the region through various activities,
pyramids, which pyramid will represent a
quality and quantity of population, education,
developed country? (fig. 2.1)
life expectancy, poverty, etc. are some indicators
of development, but no one indicator can be   • After having answered both the questions
the only factor to decide the development of a above, what can you comment upon
region. Considering only one or few factors the role of population in regional
will never give a holistic view of the region. development?
Generally, development is considered when
it takes into account the physical, economic, Geographical explanation
social, environmental, etc. aspects of a region.
Population and development are closely
Till now, we have studied various aspects
interrelated. In fact, all the parameters of
of geographical studies like population, land
development are measured, keeping in mind the
use, various economic activities, etc. Let us now
population of a region. Population influences
see how each of these will affect the regional
development and in turn, is also influenced
development of a region.
by development. Quality and quantity of the
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 191
population are important for development of a
region. Give it a try.
Population density, age, sex, fertility, Table 7.4
mortality, occupational structure, literacy rate, Percentage of Government
life expectancy, etc. determine the pressure on malnourished expenditure on
resources in the region. At the same time, they Region children about education
can also determine how efficiently the resources to enter school (% of total budget)
in a region will be used by the population. Year 2016 Year 2016
A 29.3 4.70
In the five stages of Demographic
B 19.2 4.17
Transition, the later stages have low birth
C 3.4 7.10
rates and death rates. This will imply that the
D 12.8 5.40
regions with such low growth will have greater
E 31.7 4.09
development because there will less population
F 27 4.45
to spend on. At the same time, the quality of the
population will be equally important. G 3.1 3.82
H 5.9 5.95
Population pyramids help to explain
Draw a conclusion on the basis of the data
employment and consumption patterns,
given in table 7.4. Use Spearman's Rank
social needs and perhaps the psychological
Correlation, find the correlation between the
characteristics of population. The high
two variables. What can you comment about
dependency ratio may force huge amount of
the development in this region?
capital resources to be consumed in supporting
the dependents. The existence of a relatively large Land use and regional development :
population of working age is associated with When we analyse the existing patterns of land-
higher economic development and high living use in regions which are developed and regions
standards. If migration is high in a region, the which are not developed, we find a difference in
region will face problems of using the population the percentages of land use. The demand for land
for various activities. Regions, where people are changes due to the changing needs of the society.
migrating in large numbers, shows that it has a As socio-economic conditions change, land use
good employment opportunities or better living keeps on changing. Rural as well as urban areas
conditions, which is a pull factor. Similarly, have land under different uses. In rural areas,
the migrated population can bring pressure on much of the land is used for agricultural purposes
resources and facilities in the recipient region. and other uses have less land. On the other hand,
You know that higher the population, lower in urban areas much of the land remains under
will be the per capita income. Per capita income residential, commercial, industrial and other uses.
is an important indicator of development. On The way the people of a region use their land will
the other hand, if the population is very low in help the region develop faster.
a region, it may hamper further development, as As population and human aspirations
there will be lack of human capital to exploit the increase, land becomes an increasingly scarce
resources. resource. Deciding how to use land is important
to reduce the negative effects of land use and
to increase the efficient use of resources in a
region with minimal effect on future generations.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 192
With faster economic development and changes Table 7.6
in land use, the transition of rural area to urban

Tertiary Sector to

Development Index
Primary Sector to

Secondary Sector
Contribution of

Contribution of

Contribution of
area also increases at a faster rate.

to GDP (%)
GDP (%)

GDP (%)


Try this.

Look at the land use of the following

regions and answer the questions that follow :
Table 7.5 2018 2018 2018 2018
A 1 34 65 0.93
Land under perma-
nent meadows and
manent crops (%)
Land under per-

B 2 32 66 0.85

GDP in billion
dollars (2017)
pastures (%)
Land under

C 2 37 61 0.71
Forests (%)
Other land
land (%)

D 6 33.2 60.8 0.81



E 14 30 56 0.65

A 11.8 0.3 46.0 2.1 39.9 76.48 1) In which region is contribution of primary
B 4.0 0.04 44.0 20.1 32.1 1364.83 activities the least?
C 52.0 16.0 4.1 9.7 17.9 837.58 2) In which region is contribution of primary
D 27.4 0.8 15.3 22.4 32.6 567.48 activities the most?
E 6.5 1.0 16.7 57.0 19.2 3456.35 3) In which region is contribution of tertiary
F 57.8 0.6 5.5 14.3 21.8 312.84 activities the most?
G 2.8 1.0 0.0 0.1 95.6 1391.25 4) Which region has the highest HDI?
H 33.6 1.8 16.8 31.0 16.4 3061.14 5) Can you draw a conclusion on the basis of
I 50.1 4.1 3.1 21.8 20.8 11325.66 the answers from Q1 to Q4?
J 13.7 13.0 5.7 48.5 19.0 3737.48
K 11.0 0.8 2.6 66.0 19.7 5747.49 Geographical explanation
L 2.5 0.5 37.5 37.7 21.8 206.22
These three types of activities that are carried
1) What does the table show? out in any region, give an idea about the regional
2) Which region has the highest land use development in that region. It is generally seen
under agriculture ? that the regions are developed if they contribute
3) Which region has the highest GDP? more in tertiary sector and depend less on
4) Which country has more land use under primary activities. There are various indices like
forests? the Human Development Index (HDI) which are
5) Which region has highest land use under the used to assess various aspects of development in
category ‘other land’? What is its GDP? a region. Generally, tertiary activities contribute
6) Write your conclusion in few sentences. more to the income of the region and hence more
development is seen.
Primary, secondary and tertiary economic
activities and regional development : Regional imbalance :
Look at the following data and answer the Balanced regional development as a policy
questions that follow : is considered both on economic, social and
political grounds. The policy is considered in
order to redress inequalities between different

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 193
regions of a country and also for raising Moreover, human factors like skilled labour,
the standard of living to a higher level at a technology, transportation, access to markets,
uniform rate. communication facilities, power, technology,
Causes of Regional Imbalances in India : banking and insurance etc. have played a
You have already studied how various dominant role in disparity in development.
factors affect the development of a region. Due to adequacy of such factors, some regions
Considering India as a region, we know that there fare better than others. For example, North-
is regional imbalance as levels of development Eastern Region, Himachal Pradesh, etc. are less
developed as compared to other regions.
are not similar in all sub-regions. Physical
Moreover, investments made by the private
factors like location, relief, altitude, availability
sector are generally concentrated in those regions
of resources, accessibility have been responsible
having basic infrastructural facilities. This has
for imbalanced regional development.
an impact on the government’s decision of
While some regions have a better position in locating industries and projects which contribute
terms of geographical location, mineral and other by increasing employment and other advantages
natural resources, the others are lagging behind in for the residents there.
these. For example, the states located in difficult
Strategies to reduce Regional Imbalance :
terrains surrounded by hills and dense forests like
the states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, In India, many policies have been considered
several north-eastern states are behind the other and implemented to reduce this regional
imbalance. Regions which were not developed
regions having more mineral and other resources.
were initially identified. The reasons behind non-
Regions which have ports and airports have an
development are also identified. These can be
advantage over others. For example, you know
physical, social or economic reasons. Different
that while determining the location of iron and
types of criteria are considered for identifying
steel industries, nearness to raw material is a
such areas. Funds are allocated to those regions
which need them in particular sectors or fields.
Thus, regional imbalances arise due to such Sectorwise investments are then done to improve
locational advantages attached to regions which the conditions in these areas. Such funds are
are rich in resources and locational disadvantages given in the form of subsidies, and investments in
attached to regions which don’t have. Adverse roads, schools, agriculture, irrigation, industries,
climate and vulnerability to disasters like floods housing, medical and health facilities, etc.
and cyclones are also responsible factors for Special care is taken for regions which have
poor rate of development. This is turn may been identified as drought-prone, deserts, hilly
result in low agricultural productivity and lack and tribal-dominated areas. Decentralisation of
of industrialisation. industries is also a strategy to reduce regional
Give it a try.
Go through the fig. 7.2 and write two sentences on each factor. Tell how they will help in
reducing regional imbalance. Also add some more to the list, if necessary.
Regional Imbalance Reduction Strategy

Electricity Support to
Policy Review
Provision of Provision of Provision Infrastructural
to all and Reforms
Drinking Water Public Goods/ of Infrastructure Projects
Services All weather and Stimulus
Education Special
roads Governance
Justice and Medical and Skill
Law and Order Health Facilities Fig. 7.2 Development

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 194
Find out ! Happiness Index’. Relate its correlation
with regional development and discuss in
Find out information about ‘Human the class.


Q. 1) Identify the correct group : Q. 3) Write short notes on :

1.A) 1) Satpuda   B) 1) Yavatmal 1) Factors affecting regional development.
Deccan 2) Amravati 2) Measures to reduce regional imbalance.
Alps 3) Solapur
Q. 4) Give geographical reasons :
4) Rockies 4) Greater Mumbai
1) Regional development is dependent on
  C) 1) Thar    D) 1) Marathwada
physical setting.
Sahara 2) Khandesh
2) Factors like illiteracy, poverty affect the
3) Himalaya 3) Vidarbha
regional development.
Gobi 4) Konkan
3) Development is not seen in the Himalayan
2.A) 1) Plain   B) 1) Pressure region.
Lakes 2) Rivers
Q. 5) Answer in details :
3) Mountain 3) Temperatures
1) What is a region?
4) Plateaus 4) Humidity
On what factors are the regions
  C) 1) Tropical forest    D) 1) Fishing
differentiated? Give examples.
2) Thorny forest 2) Lumbering
3) Per capita income is not the real indicator of
3) Mangrove forest 3) Agriculture
regional development. Explain.
4) Deciduous forest 4) Bakery
Q. 6) Find the correlation between land under
Q. 2) Differentiate between : permanent crops and GDP given in Table 7.5
1) Functional region and formal region. using Spearman's Rank Correlation. Write the
2) Physical region and political region. conclusion in your own words :


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 195
8. Geography : Nature and Scope

Let’s recall.
Dear students, you have been studying geography either as a part of Environmental Studies
since Standard III or as Social Studies since Standard VI and as an independent subject since
Standard XI. Your journey to understand our homeland earth began with the study of the cardinal
directions in Standard III. In the consecutive academic years, you learnt various geographical
concepts. Now just recall the various concepts that you have learnt till now and make a list of
them. Also classify them under different categories given below in the table. One in each category
has been done for you as an example.
Table 8.1
Related to Related to Related to Related to Related to man and Other
Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere Biosphere his activities Concepts
Mountain Oceans Climate Vegetation Agriculture Maps

of settlements, transportation networks, ports,

Geographical explanation
markets and many other elements created by
While studying geography, you have learnt man, across the entire period of their cultural
about the physical environment of the earth as development. Thus, the subject matter of
well as the human activities and their interactive Geography can be divided into two major themes
relationship with each other. The nature of : physical factors and human factors. This has
the earth’s surface is full of variations. There given rise to two branches in Geography- Physical
are various features with variations such as and Human Geography.
mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, oceans, rivers, Thus, Physical Geography includes the study
lakes, deserts and many more. Climatic patterns of landforms, drainage, relief, slope (lithosphere),
on the global and local level, its impact on composition, structure, weather and climate,
vegetation and wildlife, wind patterns, soils and winds, precipitation, climate types (atmosphere),
its types, etc. are also studied in Geography. Types oceans, seas, lakes, rivers (hydrosphere) and
of landforms, submarine relief, ocean currents, life forms including human being and macro-
salinity, etc. are also studied by a geographer. All organism, ecosystem, food chain, ecological
these physical aspects affect human populations. balance (biosphere). Human Geography studies
These factors bring about variations in social relationship between man and his environment
and cultural features too, which changes from and distribution of various attributes related to
place to place and time to time. humans social and environmental phenomena
This variation is observed in the forms around the world.

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 196
Nature of Geography as a discipline :
Can you tell ?
Geography is a study of the earth and
phenomena related to it. The earth is dynamic. Make a list of skills that you have obtained
We find there are variations in its physical and through your study of Geography. (Hint
cultural environments. Geographers study these : You can revisit the learning objectives
distributions, their patterns and these variations. given in this textbook or earlier textbooks).
In addition, geographers also study the causes Some are given here as a hint. See Fig 8.1.
behind these phenomena. Thus, a geographer
is interested in knowing the cause and effect
Geographical explanation
relationship between these distributions and
patterns. For example, a geographer studies The skills required to study Geography and
various crops in different regions. He understands the methods and techniques used in Geography
that this is a result of different climates, soils, make it empirical and practical in nature. See
demand in the market and application of fig. 8.1. The study is very scientific and is always
technologies, etc. By studying a region, he can supplemented with experiments, data, observation
tell what type of economic activities are most patterns, data analysis and research findings.
suitable for a region. It is not just based on theory but supported by
Also, a geographer studies ‘space’ or ‘area’ evidence based on data collection and analysis
or a ‘geographical location’. Moreover, these through various tools and techniques.
geographical phenomena, whether physical Initially, Geography has developed through
or human, are not static but highly dynamic. observations. When we look back at the history
They change over time. For example, we study of the subject, we find that earlier scholars of the
weather over a period of time (roughly 30 years) subject have written a lot about the description of
and decide the climate of a place. the earth. Notable among them is the work of a
The population of India or world over a Greek scholar called Hecataeus. His book Ges-
period of time, development of a landform or the Periodus (description of the earth), which was
age of the earth are various phenomena which are published most probably before the end of the
of interest to a geographer as they are concerned 6th century BC. It is the first systemic description
with ‘time’. Thus, Geography is a study of of the world. It also gives a detailed account
‘space’ and ‘time’. This makes Geography of the Mediterranean Sea, islands, straits and
dynamic in nature. In short, a geographer tries describes the general outline of all the countries
to answer the questions : Where, ‘When, What of the world. (Fig. 8.2) Ptolemy’s ‘Geography’
and Why.’ was another book on general description and also

Data collection using surveys, Data organisation

photographs, satellite images
Observation Data representation with the help
Skills of a of graphs and maps
Make maps geographer
Analysis with the help of
Data interpretation statistical techniques
Land Surveying with the help of Write reports and present
instruments and advanced technology the findings

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 197
included an atlas. Another book by a Roman
scholar called Strabo was ‘Geographica’, which Can you tell ?
is an encyclopaedia of geographical knowledge,
Discuss the following points in class with
consisting of 17 ‘volumes’. (fig. 8.3)
reference to its importance in the subject
Thus, the skills acquired by a geographer
enables him to make observations and describe matter of Geography.
the various elements he sees on the earth. These   1) Environment Vs. Man
skills of the geographer have enriched the subject  2) Complete study of India Vs. Study of
as newer branches of geography keep developing only agriculture in India
with time.

Fig. 8.2 Map of the world by Hecataeus

Fig. 8.3 Map drawn by Strabo, a Roman geographer

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 198
Geographical explanation Rocks and minerals
Behaviour of humans in
When you discuss these points you realise different climates and
that they are two contrasting approaches to topography
study Geography. For example, does nature rule Electoral divisions,
us or does man rule the nature? When we study voting patterns, types of
Geography, shall we study various regions in
Biomes, food chain,
which a sector is distributed or study various forests, etc.
sectors in a region? These are some of the Chemical weathering,
questions, a geographer faces while studying. erosion, acid rain, etc.
This contrast is known as Dualism in Geography. Mean, variance,
correlation, regression,
It refers to existence of two contrasting or
separate approaches in Geography. For Past of different places,
example, some geographers are of the view their development before
that nature is more dominant than man. This attaining the present day
is called environmental determinism. While status, etc.
others think that man dominates the nature, they Note :You can add some more if you want!
believe in possibilism. There are many other
such dualistic approaches in Geography. This Geographical explanation
makes Geography dualistic in nature.
We find that almost every discipline, under
Scope :
natural and social sciences, is linked with
Try this. Geography. (See Fig. 8.4) Geology, Meteorology,
Hydrology and Pedology are linked with the fields
Given here are some of the concepts or of Physical Geography such as Geomorphology,
subject matter we study in Geography. Write Climatology, Oceanography and Geography
the name of subjects or disciplines you think of Soils, respectively. Similarly, knowledge
they are also studied in. One has been done of Mathematics is essential for cartographic
for you as an example. Complete the table techniques. Drawing of maps and diagrams
after discussing in the class in pairs. requires understanding of Mathematics. To
Table 8.2 do data analysis, geographers use various
Subject in which the statistical techniques and hypotheses testing.
concept is also studied
In case of Human Geography, every
Calculations involved
social science studied separately has interface
in projections, shapes of
projections with branch of Human Geography because of
Means of livelihood : Economics their spatial attributes. Social sciences such as
agriculture, industry, Sociology, Political science, Economics, History
trade, etc. and Demography are closely linked with the
Cost of production, GDP, branches of Human Geography like Social,
incomes, resources,
Political, Economic, Population and Historical
scarcity, etc.
Social relations and Geography, respectively.
inequalities It can be concluded that Geography has
Racial structure of humans, strong interface with natural as well as social
evolution of humans, etc. sciences. At the same time, every sub-discipline

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 199
ering Geolo
Engine gy
Geo ete
cs Remote morp - or
i n Sensin
g holog
y Cl ol
at tio im
St fica in at y
ti s ol
an hod phy og
Qu Met gra y



niq phic


Ph grap





ysi hy

ra p

Te ogra






of Soils



gra n
Geo ulatio
His aph








P l
Ge olit cia hy
og ica
ra l So grap
Po ph o
Sc litic Ge gy
y Economic
l lo
ien al
ce Geograph Beha phy So
y ra
Economic ology
s Psych

Fig. 8.4 : Relationship of Geography with other subjects

in Geography has its own scope. This is because has become a mandatory aspect of geographical
their subject matter varies over space and time. studies. Mapping is now mostly done using GIS
Geography has adopted and developed a lot from softwares. Thus, knowledge of computers is now
different disciplines within its own boundaries. an added skill that a geographer requires. Use of
Many branches of Geography have developed Apps has also further enhanced its applications
from mainstream disciplines. This makes in daily life. Mathematical modelling and
geography an integrating and interdisciplinary computer models are now increasingly being
discipline. used in Applied Geography. The future growth
Latest Trends in Geography : and density of population, use of land, intensity
A geographer explains the phenomena in a of cropping and migration, pattern of population,
frame of cause and effect relationship. It helps in industrialization, urbanization and growth of
analysis but also predicts the future through data cities and slums are being predicted with the help
collection and modelling. This opens up intra and of such models. These are increasingly being used
inter-disciplinary avenues and widens the scope in the forecast of weather, change of climate,
of Geography. The dynamic nature of Geography change in sea level, environmental pollution,
keeps adding new things in the subject. The soil erosion, forests depletion and evolution of
audio-visual media and Information Technology landforms. Advanced statistical techniques and
have enriched the database. Technology, use computer programmes are being used in studying
of computers and softwares, has offered better and explaining geographical phenomena
opportunities in data collection, interpretation, depending on the collection of reliable data about
analysis and presentation. Use of GPS and GIS earth surface phenomena. The use of computer

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 200
helps in measurement of numerous elements in Disaster management Geomorphology /
the geographic environment. specialist Disaster Management
With such a vast scope and dynamic Tour operator / tourist Human Geography,
developments occurring in the subject, it guide Tourism Management,
has become a lucrative option as a career. Historical Geography
Data Scientist and Statistical Geography,
Besides being a popular and lucrative subject
Analyst / Census / Computer knowledge,
and providing a good base of knowledge in Defence Artificial Intelligence ,
competitive examinations, Geography offers Machine learning, G.I.S.
great careers with a combination of various Consultant Various fields like
hard and soft skills. Here is a list of major career mapping, report-writing
possibilities in Geography. (Table 8.3) In some Many careers in Geography may also be
cases, knowledge of disciplines in combination such that they encourage entrepreneurship and
with Geography also becomes imperative. freelancing. Journalism, tourism, teaching,
Table 8.3 book writing, blog writing, content writing,
Career Opportunities Specialisation in Branch map-making services, etc. are the fields which
of Geography
need people from background in Geography.
Cartographer Cartography, G.I.S.
Geographers are also increasingly working in
Climate Change Climatology
the field of environmental conservation, water
Analyst, Climatologist
pollution and monitoring, water conservation,
Demographer/Census Population Geography
officer environmental education, sustainability, health,
Geospatial analyst G.I.S. urban governance, transport planning, etc.
Journalism Any field of Geography
Try this.
Surveyor Cartography /Human
Urban Planner Urban geography In Fig 8.5, a newspaper item is given.
Researcher Any branch of Geography A list of job opportunities is given. Go
Freelancer /blogger / Any branch of Geography through all the entries and see which ones
report writer / are suitable for a geographer as a career.
travel blogger

• Union Public Service Post – Urban planner • UN internship - Required Total Posts : 495
Commission (UPSC) – Class Class-1 (open) consultant to support UNCT Apply Online through website.
-1 Officer 2020 (Notice for Work of place- Mumbai Gender Equality Marker See website for details.
Interviews) National Atlas of Qualification- MA Geography implementation.Location: New • Bank PO exam :
Thematic Mapping organisition /M.Arch./M.Planning York Eligibility : Any graduate
of India, Deputy Director Experience: 5 years experience Language : English and French, Total Posts : 50
General (Map) in urban planning or similar Starting data : 16th Mar 2021. Apply Online through website
Vacant Seats- 2 (1 for UR, 1 work. Initial Contract Period : 10
• UPSC Combined Defence
Reserved) • Post- Assistant professor months.
Services (CDS)
Educational Qualifications Subjects: Geology, Geography, Educational Qualifications
Eligibility : Any graduate
– M.A./ M.Sc. Geography, History, Rural Development Masters Degree in
Total Posts : 123
Cartographer, Masters in Urban Posts : 4 (2 UR, 2 Reserved) Development Studies/Gender
Apply Online
Planning Educational Qualifications - Studies/ Social Sciences.
Experience – Minimum 5 years Graduation and Post Graduation • UPSC Engineering services website.
• Mumbai Mahanagar Palika, in the subjects mentioned above Examination (Exam notice
Department of Urban Planning, NET/SET compulsory 2021) (IES) Eligibility : Any
Mumbai Desirable: M.Phil. / PhD Engineering graduate

Fig. 8.5 : Sample Advertisement

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 201
Geographical explanation these resources and ensure their economic
and cultural development. Accelerated
Use of technology has also made it possible pace of resource utilisation with the help of
for more and more start-ups coming in this field. modern technology has created ecological
The study of Geography is emerging as a imbalance in the world. The Sustainable
discipline of evaluating and managing natural Development Goals (SDGs) given by United
resources. In order to achieve this objective, Nations are related to various aspects of
it is essential to understand the intricate Geography. Hence, a better understanding
relationship between physical environment of Geography is absolutely essential for
and human beings. Physical environment sustainable development and avoiding clashes
provides resources, and human beings utilise between man and nature.


Q. 1) Identify the correct group : Q. 3) Write short notes on :

 A) 1) Geomorphology  B) 1) Cartography 1) Physical Geography is related to various
branches of Science.
2) Climatology 2) Survey
2) Branches of Geography
3) Biogeography 3) Data collection
3) Latest trends in Geography
4) Historical geography 4) GIS/GPS
4) Skills required for studying geography.
  C) 1) Tourism   D) 1) Political
Q. 4) Answer in detail :
1) Explain how the knowledge of Geography
2) Forest conservation 2) Physical is important in our day-to-day life. Give
  Geography examples.
3) Wildlife conservation 3) Population 2) Discuss the relationship between Geography
  Geography and other subjects.

4) Culture conservation 4) Economic 3) Explain the nature of Geography in detail.

  Geography Q. 5) Differentiate between :
1) Physical Geography and Human Geography.
Q. 2) Give geographical reasons :
2) Possibilism and Determinism.
1) Human Geography is multidisciplinary in
Q. 6) Draw a neat and well-labeled diagram :
1) Relationship between Geography and other
2) Geography is dynamic in nature.
3) Geography is dualistic in nature. 2) Skills required to study Geography.


Edited by Sanjay Pahade 202
Edited by Sanjay Pahade 203
n Mt
avia Siberian
din Siberian Plateau
c n ins
k Sca Pla Plains

ur ope

th E


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Alps Mt.


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Mt. -E
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Pl Sahara Desert
at Plateau
ea Deccan
0 Congo Mountain
Amazon Basin




African Australian
s Plateau Plateau
ividing R

at D


Darling plain

Scale at Equator
0 5000 km. World - Physiography

Edited by Sanjay Pahade 204

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