BALDONADO, LESLEY JOY - Activity On Aldehydes and Ketones

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Name: Baldonado,Lesley Joy T.

Date Submitted: January 21, 2022


 To identify the presence of aldehydes or ketones functional group in the
given organic compound.

Results and Discussions for the following tests:

1. 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine test

Positive result:
Aldehydes and ketones react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine give a
yellow to orange precipitate.

formation of orange-yellow crystals indicates the presence of carbonyl group

The chemical equation for the reaction:

2. Sodium bisulfite test

Positive result:
Aldehydes and ketones combine with sodium bisulfite to form well-
crystallized water-soluble products known as “aldehyde bisulfite” and “ketone

Indication: formation of crystalline precipitate confirms carbonyl group

The chemical equation for the reaction:

3. Schiff’s test

Positive result:
Schiff’s reagent gives characteristic pink or magenta color with aldehyde.

appearance of pink or magenta colour indicates the presence of aldehyde group

The chemical equation for the reaction: None

4. Fehling’s test

Positive result:
When aldehyde compound is treated with Fehling’s solution Cu2+ is
reduced to Cu+ and the aldehyde is reduced to acids. During the reaction, a red
precipitate is formed.

Indication: appearance of red precipitate confirms the presence of aldehyde group

The chemical equation for the reaction:

5. Tollen’s test

Positive result:
Silver nitrate reacts with sodium hydroxide to form brown precipitate of
silver oxide which is dissolved in ammonium hydroxide. In the presence of
aldehydes, the silver ions in the test reagent are reduced to elemental silver and
accumulate are reduced to elemental silver and accumulate on the inner surface of
the reaction vessel, producing a silver mirror effect on the inner surface of the
Indication: appearance of shiny silver mirror confirms the presence of aldehydes

The chemical equation for the reaction:

 RCHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]OH → R-COONH4 + 3NH3 + H2O + 2Ag↓

6. Test with chromic acid

Positive result:

Aldehydes react with chromic acid gives a green to blue precipitate.

Ketones do not react with chromic acid.

appearance of green or blue colour precipitate confirms the presence of aldehydes

The chemical equation for the reaction:

R-CHO + 2CrO3 + 3H2SO4 → 3R-C(O)-OH + 3H2O + Cr2(SO4)3(green colour)

7. Sodium nitroprusside test

Positive result:

Ketone responds to this test. Ketone reacts with alkali forms an anion further
it reacts with sodium nitroprusside forms a coloured complex ion. Aldehydes do
not respond to this test.

Indication: appearance of red colouration shows the presence of ketone

The chemical equation for the reaction:


[Fe(CN)5NO]2- + CH3COCH2– → [Fe(CN)5NO.CH3COCH2]3-

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