CZA PPT Tirana Final 8 CD 5039
CZA PPT Tirana Final 8 CD 5039
CZA PPT Tirana Final 8 CD 5039
Tirana, March 8th, 2012
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Aerial picture, March 1936, and the first project of the axis by Brasini
The city as social engineering:
The Hoxha years
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project The Pyramid, Social Housing, Parades
The desire for development:
looking for a democracy
Urban form is the catalyst of this process; but urban form is also
what will remain in the years and will be transmitted to future
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Driving elements: the axis
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project The context
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project
Informal settlements, derelict industrial sites and undeveloped leftovers also define the
competition area. The Concept Plan deals with this second layer identifying the catalysts to
boost the development and to govern the land use, as well as suggesting a reform strategy
for the built up areas.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Driving elements, the land
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Driving elements: streets and squares
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project
The two banks of the river will be driven by different urban characters, defining the borders
of the new park.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project The river corridor, the Ring road
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project The river corridor, the Ring road
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project The river corridor, the Ring road
Most of the given site is informally built with low-quality housing and derelict industrial sites.
The general urban frame takes account of the present state and suggests a reform
strategy built on two main elements.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Built up areas, the catalysts
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Built up areas, the catalysts and the Superblocks
“Superblocks” are the envisaged strategy for the reform of built up areas and the
accommodation of an appropriate road network to support the development.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Built up areas, the Superblocks
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Built up areas, the superblocks
Such a large masterplan will be implemented over time. The
general framework, as well as the local economy and property
market, may change or evolve along this process.
This suggests the need for a flexible planning approach with land
use and density, while other factors may be oriented to address
the general quality of the urban space and determine the
infrastructure supporting the development.
Mix used (residential, offices, retail)
District centers (Offices, retail, services)
Special destinations
Existing buildings
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Available tools, land use
Density is one instrument to allow the general strategy to succeed and is part of the wider
sustainability-driven approach applied to the masterplan at large.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Available tools, public transport
A supply strategy was chosen for other means of transport. The road network incorporates
dedicated bus lanes to support speed and service reliability.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Available tools, public transport
The superblock strategy clearly identifies road hierarchy. The interiors of the blocks are
naturally protected form through traffic.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Available tools, road network
Bicycle lanes and sidewalks are taken across the development. Minor roads across the
superblocks are the perfect environment for cyclists and pedestrians as well.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Available tools, other means of transport
Parking is provided at tram ends for interchange. All catalysts, Fair Centre, special
destinations and the City Centre carry their own parking provision.
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project City Wide Landscape Strategy
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Topography and Water Catchment
Water Chain
Extensive Green Roof - London Green Street Project - Portland Oregon Green Street Project - Portland Oregon Swale - Germany Tanner Spring Park – Portland Oregon
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategy
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Urban Space Strategy and Pedestrian Travel Distances
Paskuqan Park
River Park
North road Agriculture plots Wetland River Wetland Dry woodland Play space Cycle route South Road
Typical Section
Meadow Terraces Lake / Wetland Water Cascade River Wetland Gabion Terraces Cafe Balcony
Fishing Wild Water Canoeing Westergasfabriek - Amsterdam Wetland - Albania Dry Oak Forest Guadaloupe River Park - US Terrasson - France
Acipenser sturio Pelecanus crispus Pelecanus crispus Rana dalmatina Allium roseum Paramoltkia doerfleri Bromus Sterilis
Cycling Route
Flower Terraces
Boulevard Extension
Spectator Steps
Concert Hall
Fountain Plaza
Shade Pergola
Tram stop
Pine forest
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Boulevard Park Centre – Implementation Area
Millennium Park - Chicago
Cafes set within
Land Form
Urban Balcony
Event Space
With Stage
Cafes Set
within Gardens
Play Space
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project North Extension to the Boulevard Park and the Paskuqan Lake Park
An Integrated Approach to Sustainability
Tirana Northern Boulevard & River project Assessment of Economic Development Impact
Urban Management Method
The design of the urban framework has been driven complementary by control of solar gains and enhancing
natural ventilation.
The strategic approach to the three key environmental criteria follows the same hierarchical principle. Biggest gains
will be made through efficient design and integration of environmental strategies from the outset
➢Reduce Demand
➢Use efficiently
➢Final improvement through technology or additional benefits
Adam Crozier