Sweden-China Bridge - Battery-Swapping 1.0
Sweden-China Bridge - Battery-Swapping 1.0
Sweden-China Bridge - Battery-Swapping 1.0
March 2021
Authors: Mike Danilovic1 and Jasmine Lihua Liu2 .
Halmstad University, Sweden & Shanghai Dianji University, China.
Lund University Sweden & Shanghai Dianji University, China.
In cooperation with Tomas Müllern3 , Arne Nåbo & Phillip Almestrand Linné 4
Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden.
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Sweden.
Research team
Mike Danilovic Philip Almestrand Linné
Ph.D., Project leader, Professor, Halmstad University, Ph.D., Researcher, Swedish National Road and
Sweden & Distinguished Overseas Professor at Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden.
Shanghai Dianji University Shanghai, China.
Wang Junhua
Tomas Müllern Ph.D., Professor, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
Ph.D., Professor, Jönköping University, Jönköping
Liu Shuo
International Business School, Sweden.
Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tongji University,
Jasmine Lihua Liu Shanghai, China.
(刘莉华), Ph.D., Senior researcher, Lund University &
Qiu Xiaoping
Affiliated researcher at MMTC, Jönköping University,
Ph.D., Professor, Southwest Jiatong University,
International Business School, Sweden & Shanghai
Chengdu, China.
Dianji University, China.
Susan Lijiang Sun
Arne Nåbo
Ph.D., Professor, Shanghai Dianji University,
Tech. lic., Research director, Swedish National Road
Shanghai, China.
and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden.
Ma Hongwei
Jeanette Andersson
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Shanghai Dianji
Ph.D., Researcher, Swedish National Road and
University, China.
Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden.
Mike Danilovic, Ph.D. Phone:
Professor of Industrial Management Innovation and +46708157588 (Sweden) | +8613761129945 (China)
Technology Management.
Halmstad University mike.danilovic@hh.se
P O Box 823
Visiting professor:
Distinguished Overseas Professor at Shanghai Dianji
University Shanghai, China.
First of all, we would like to express our appreciation We will be always grateful for the support of the
to the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikver- Scania Innovation Team in Beijing for their support
ket, TRV) for their financial support of this project. and their opening of doors for us, sharing of con-
Without funds the research underlying this paper nections to industry in this area, and joint efforts in
would not be possible. Without the TRV support we Shenzhen study.
would know less of the global development of the
electrification of transport. Finally, we are grateful to all people in academia,
institutes and industry that spend their time in read-
We are also very happy of the support from our ing this paper about electrification of transport in the
Chinese academic colleagues that supported es- Chinese context, and particularly the development
tablishing this project and supported the work of the of battery-swapping in China. As researchers we are
research team in the Chinese context, for sharing interested in knowledge development and the pros-
their experiences of the Chinese achievements of perity of humankind and our environment, the good
electrification and opening up their hearts for laowai life for all people of the world, and the future for our
from Sweden (in English “foreigners”) and our kids.
understanding of what and how this very complex
and important societal transformation in electrifica- As researchers we want to share our knowledge the
tion is being conducted in China. Together we can best we can, for mutual learning and mutual benefits.
learn from each other, with each other and together As researchers we leave politics outside our mission.
we can change the world to a better place to live and Outside our work and hope that this knowledge we
for our kids to grow-up. develop can be seen as assets that we share with
all of the others that want to contribute to the devel-
As project leader of this project, I am very happy with opment of our world, our life’s and our joint human
the work of the Swedish research team, our Chinese prosperity.
partners and our steering group. Some of us went to
China to grasp the context and explore the deve- We hope that other stake holders such as decision
lopment in the real life of electrification in China. makers, industry and other researchers find this
This project was conducted during the most difficult paper of interest and continue where we end. Our
conditions possible, during the global lock-down due results is only the beginning of the work of others.
to covid-19, with all the restrictions it created. Hopefully we contribute to the better understanding
of the conditions for the development of our
environment and the world.
About the Sweden-China Bridge Project..................................................................... 3
Exploratory approach .................................................................................................................................. 3
The purposes of the Sweden-China Bridge Project ..................................................................................... 3
Expected value creation .............................................................................................................................. 3
Research team.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Academic partners in China.......................................................................................................................... 4
Industrial partners in China........................................................................................................................... 4
Contact.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgment............................................................................................................ 5
List of figures................................................................................................................... 8
Outline of the paper...................................................................................................... 10
Research methodology................................................................................................ 11
Battery-swapping for electric vehicles in China........................................................ 12
Analysis and reflections of battery-swapping development in China..................... 35
From cable charging to battery-swapping................................................................................................... 36
From exploration to exploitation, from technology to business................................................................... 37
The main players in battery-swapping in China.......................................................................................... 37
Six main development phases.................................................................................................................... 38
The current strategic position of the battery-swapping solution in China................................................... 42
From idea to innovation............................................................................................................................... 47
Battery-swapping in China........................................................................................... 78
Nothing is new under heaven...................................................................................................................... 78
Battery-swapping is an old idea.................................................................................................................. 79
Commercialization started in Israel …........................................................................................................ 80
… and moved to the USA to become an invention..................................................................................... 81
From Tesla to Siemens in Germany............................................................................................................ 84
… to innovation in China............................................................................................................................. 85
BAIC takes the lead in battery-swapping.................................................................................................... 86
NIO launches “Battery-as-a-Service” to make EV ownership even easier................................................. 88
NIO has already completed more than 700,000 battery swaps in 58 cities by 2020.................................. 90
Illustration of the impact of battery-swapping.............................................................................................. 91
NIO is expanding the ecosystem for growth............................................................................................... 93
References................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 1: Key figures for global electric vehicle use..............................................................................................16
Figure 2: Global sales of electric vehicles 2010-2019...........................................................................................19
Figure 3: Anticipated growth of electric vehicles from 2019 to 2030 ....................................................................19
Figure 4: Growth of electric vehicles between 2013-2019, in the main countries adopting electric vehicles...... 20
Figure 5: Key numbers in the development of NEVs.............................................................................................21
Figure 6: Export of passenger cars and commercial vehicles from China 2010-2020......................................... 22
Figure 7: Top ranked suppliers of electric cars in China in 2020...........................................................................24
Figure 8: Basic charging solutions: battery-swapping, conductive and inductive charging..................................24
Figure 9: Distribution of slow charging technology suitable for over-night charging............................................ 26
Figure 10: Global distribution of slow charging piles in private charging places. ................................................ 26
Figure 11: Global distribution of fast publicly available charging piles................................................................. 27
Figure 12: Battery-swapping process in a 4th generation station........................................................................ 30
Figure 13: NIO battery-swapping. .........................................................................................................................31
Figure 14: Geely battery-swap station. ................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 15: Aulton battery-swapping...................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 16: Main players in the transformation to transportation electrification in China...................................... 38
Figure 17: Key phases in the development of battery swapping technology and systems in China.................... 38
Figure 18: Main reasons for hesitation in adopting a battery-swapping system at an early stage...................... 40
Figure 19: Illustration of the main eight aspects of the Chinese process of adopting
battery-swapping technology and systems. ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 20: Symbiotic relationships between the main players in the new battery-swapping ecosystem.
Dynamics of establishing battery-swapping in China. ....................................................................... 53
Figure 21: Some basic statistics of NEVs development in EU. ............................................................................ 60
Figure 22: Multi-aspect analysis of battery-swapping system...............................................................................61
Figure 23: Multi-aspect analysis of battery-swapping system...............................................................................61
Figure 24: Multi-aspect analysis of battery-swapping system.............................................................................. 69
Figure 25: Mercedes-Benz battery-swapping solution in the 1970s ................................................................... 79
Figure 26: Better Place battery-swap station ...................................................................................................... 80
Figure 27: Tesla battery-swapping solution. .........................................................................................................81
Figure 28: Tesla battery-swapping solution. Second ................................................................................................... 81
Figure 29: Operation of Tesla battery-swapping. . .............................................................................................. 82
Figure 30: Distribution of Tesla charging stations in US. ..................................................................................... 82
Figure 31: Elon Musk tweet................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 32: Bus undergoing conductive charging.................................................................................................. 84
Figure 33: Two-wheeler with battery-swapping. .................................................................................................. 85
Figure 34: Taxi in BAIC battery-swapping station................................................................................................ 86
Figure 35: NIO scooter.......................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 36: NIO board............................................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 37: New NIO ES8 EV car suitable for battery-swapping .......................................................................... 89
Figure 38: NIO ES6 at a battery-swap station...................................................................................................... 89
Figure 39: The principal model of the NIO battery-swapping system ................................................................. 90
Figure 40: A standardized and fully automated NIO battery-swap station, in Beijing, China................................. 90
Figure 41: Distribution of NIO’s battery-swap stations in eastern China............................................................... 90
Figure 42: Distribution of NIO swapping-stations along two highways.................................................................91
Figure 43: Geely new battery-swapping station................................................................................................... 94
Figure 44: BAIC new Blue Park Smart Energy swapping station......................................................................... 95
Figure 45: Trips under 15 kilometers in the USA and suitable mobility trip distances......................................... 96
Figure 46: Illustration of battery-swapping in India on popular two- and three-wheelers.....................................97
Figure 47: Fiat Centoventi with battery-swapping ................................................................................................ 99
Figure 48: Logo Flymove with battery-swapping.................................................................................................100
Figure 49: Adaptive City Mobility battery-swapping............................................................................................100
Figure 50: Tank-Two alternative energy...............................................................................................................100
Figure 51: Powerswap battery-swapping ............................................................................................................101
Figure 52: Powerswap battery-swapping in detail ..............................................................................................101
Figure 53: Ample’s modular electric vehicle batteries.........................................................................................102
Figure 54: Fomm new car for battery-swapping..................................................................................................103
This paper consists of three main parts and
This research is conducted based on primary data corporate organizations and academic institutes in
and through the collection of secondary data in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, and carried out
English and in Chinese. One senior research team personal interviews with people on the research area
member, Dr. Jasmine Lihua Liu, is of Chinese of the electrification of transportation systems in
origin and thus we were able to cover this area from China. Also discussed was the status of battery-
Chinese perspectives, both in respect of a literature swapping as a means of providing a reliable
search and from the point of view of a deeper electricity supply to battery based vehicles.
understanding of the societal, cultural and contextual
environment in the process of electrification of trans- During December 2020, in one intensive week, we
portation and the development of battery-swapping in conducted company visits, discussions and formal
China. We followed discussions in different webinars, interviews with key players in the electrification of
conferences and discussions among experts to Shenzhen city in southern China. This working week
deepen our understanding. was a joint collaborative venture with the Scania
China Innovation Team in Beijing.
Dr. Liu is an experienced researcher both in the
Swedish and Chinese context of transformation The information collected during this intensive period
towards renewable energy. She received her PhD in China is due to be elaborated in forthcoming
in Innovation Sciences from Halmstad University in papers on electrification technology development and
2019 and thus is well oriented in the Swedish context. research into the electrification of Shenzhen as the
In October – December 2020 part of the research only city in the world that has succeeded in achieving
team travelled to China where they visited both 100% electric taxis, buses and the majority of intra-
city based logistics and working vehicles, as well as
also being covered in this paper on battery-swapping
in China.
Thus far, the global electrification of transportation From 2012 to 2016, battery-swapping charging
has been conducted mainly by the use of battery- stations underwent large-scale development as the
powered vehicles. Over the years, the number of major complementary energy solution in China. BAIC,
electric vehicles (EV) has grown substantially in Lifan, NIO and some other Chinese OEM brands
number, the batteries have become larger in size together with third-party battery-swap station opera-
providing vehicles with longer ranges, the efficiency tors, such as Aulton, insisted on exploring the battery-
of batteries has improved, and the prices have swapping option and made substantial progress.
decreased substantially, etc. However, all batteries Market scale reached a certain volume and the
need to be charged with electricity. Several solutions technology became more mature. When cable-based
to battery charging have been introduced, static and charging solutions became insufficient, forming the
dynamic conductive and inductive technologies as bottleneck of the rapidly growing EV market, Lifan
well as cable charging. The most common, almost again proposed battery-swapping as a complementary
the dominant global solution, is stationary charging solution to the national congress in 2016. This time,
using cables, whether normal or fast charging. the attitude of the various players was more positive.
In 2020, after a discussion meeting with delegations
There is, however, another battery charging tech- from major stakeholders related to EV development,
nology, that of battery-swapping, i.e. replacement of Chinese central government included battery-
the discharged battery in the vehicle with a charged swapping technology in the National New Energy
battery from outside the vehicle. This modern Vehicle Development Strategy 2021 to 2035 and
battery-swapping technology was used by the included battery-swapping in the list of the New
German company Mercedes-Benz in the 1970s, the Infrastructure Construction campaign.
Israeli company Better Place in 2007 and also by
US company Tesla in 2013. Tesla originally designed Since 2020, there has been fast growth in battery-
their car in a modular way that embraced battery- swapping infrastructure in Chinese cities and along
swapping but then opted for their own proprietary the main highways. Modularly designed cars with fully
cable-based charging system and a business model integrated automated fast battery-swapping system
that integrates cars and charging. solutions are available. There are also other emerging
application areas for battery-swapping such as buses,
During the 2010s, when the country started the trucks, heavy-duty vehicles etc.
substantial development of new energy vehicles,
Chinese grid operators and entrepreneurial OEMs The new emerging business model for commercial-
tried to put the swapping technology into practice in ization of battery-swapping is based on the idea of
collaboration with Better Place. However, the early separating the price of the electric car from its cost
exploitation of battery-swapping failed due to the liest part, the battery. Batteries can be chosen flexibly
high cost of battery-swapping systems and batter- based on their size and can either be purchased
ies, lack of standards, lack of openness and diver- or rented on a monthly basis to reduce anxiety and
gent technical and economic interests among key uncertainty among customers. Also, the charging of
stakeholders and objections from car manufacturers batteries can be cable-based or based on a monthly
to opening up their vehicle structure. Additionally, subscription according to the required amount of
one fire accident on a pilot project car raised safety energy, resulting in great flexibility for the customer.
questions that needed to be solved. Lastly, political
support was lacking because the Chinese govern- Thus, the investment cost for customers is based on
ment did not promote battery-swapping technology their purchasing power, risk taking attitude, level of
in the countries’ first strategic development plan for uncertainty and driving habits. The swapping time is
a new energy vehicle 2012 to 2020. reduced down to 1 minute. This system enables great
flexibility because the customer can choose and, if
necessary, subsequently change the battery size
depending on their needs as well as choosing the
charging system and payment methods.
At the end of January 2021, there were 562 We call this the Chinese approach, the Symbiotic
battery-swap stations operative in China, providing Business Model, the collective exploration and
a service to taxis, online car-hailing vehicles, private experimenting of industrial, institutional and political
passenger vehicles and business operation vehicles. players, leading all the way from technology devel-
More than 100,000 cars have been sold with batery- opment through to the establishment of local market
swapping systems. Battery-swapping’s status as solutions for the development and commercialization
an important complementary solution to EV energy of battery-swapping systems, and the simultaneous
supply has been recognized by various parties. The construction and reshaping of a new ecosystem.
feasibility of developing battery-swapping for taxis,
online car-hailing vehicles, logistic vehicles and other The placement of battery-swapping on the national
business operation vehicles has been preliminarily strategic list demonstrates the systematic approach
verified. to the electrification of transportation that needs to
be seen and understood starting from energy pro-
The major challenges faced by players include the duction, distribution, charging, and the creation of a
large investment required for battery-swapping balancing component in overall energy sourcing and
station construction, operation and maintenance energy storage. Thus, the new ecosystem comprises
requests, the high financial cost of batteries in the the major part of the main players in the energy and
swapping stations, and battery depreciation, difficulty electrification system. Battery-swapping must not
in achieving unified standards, overlap of the division be seen as just one technology that is only a busi-
of responsibilities, limited space for station construc- ness target for some players, but rather as strategic
tion and safety issues. Accordingly, solutions are solution to the entire energy system transformation
being intensely worked on by various players. and part of the ongoing energy and transportation
A multi-player, new ecosystem is investing jointly in
battery-swap stations and battery asset companies The battery-swapping system when operated on
are also starting up. Third-party operator Aulton is a large-scale has significant strategic importance
initiating the exploration of battery standardization by as decentralized, distributed and localized energy
unifying the interfaces of the battery outer package storage helping to balance energy production and
and the vehicles, leaving the content of the battery distribution in the national grid system. Substantial
to OEMs. Government agencies are also driving a rapid developmental growth in battery-swapping is
discussion on the standardization issue. Innovative expected in China from 2021. It is still not possible to
collaborations on space sharing is providing space predict the long-term development of this technology
for battery-swap stations. Active and passive safety approach, but it is only in trying it, that it will be possi-
technologies are being developed that address the ble to discover the outcome.
safety issue.
Implementation of the battery-swapping system can
A combination of local provincial governments, the only be successful when all the main players in the
automotive industry, IT-developers, entrepreneurs, energy-transportation system and along the value
state grid system operators, swapping system chain collaborate in the development and commer-
operators, electricity suppliers, institutes and univer- cialization, implementation and large-scale diffusion.
sities are developing a new ecosystem and placing
large-scale systems in operation.
We are at the early stage in electrification of transportation and a new energy revolution
The traditional transportation system has been sub- • It was the Toyota Prius, released in Japan in 1997,
ject to change for several centuries, since the intro- and worldwide in 2000, that became the world’s
duction of the first steam-powered car by Verbiest, a first mass-produced hybrid electric vehicle, com-
member of a Jesuit mission in China, in around 1672. bining a combustion engine with a battery-powered
electric drive. Toyota started the new energy
The starting point for electric vehicles is difficult to vehicle (NEV) revolution, although few really saw it
establish clearly because there were many different in that way at the time. Toyota foresaw societal chal-
construction attempts in several parts of the world, lenges, they invented solutions, they developed the
nevertheless, there was a series of breakthroughs markets and they created the innovation of hybrids.
from the battery to the electric motor in the 1800s At that time, it was a revolutionary approach.
that led to the first electric vehicle. In 1828, Ányos
Jedlik invented a type of small electric car. Recharge- • Chinese also recognized the environmental
able batteries that provided a viable means for challenges and wanted solutions. The electrifica-
storing electricity on board a vehicle did not come tion of China started at the end of 1990s. In 2001
into being until 1859. The first electric vehicle with China launched its ”863 EV Project”. The National
its own power source was demonstrated in Paris in Development and Reform Commission followed
1881. New York City had a fleet of more than 60 that initiative with the Auto Industry Development
electric taxis at the end of 1890s. Policy in 2004. China started to move down the
path of the electrification of transportation.
In 1870 a new liquid-fueled internal combustion engine
was developed that used gasoline, the technology • Tesla Motors was established in 2003 and
still in use today. However, it was probably Ford’s announced in 2006 that they were to develop an
Model T mass-produced in the USA that killed off electric car before launching production of a luxury
the electric car. Introduced in 1908, the Model T car in 2010.
made gasoline-powered cars widely available
and affordable. Two young entrepreneurs saw the future that they
wanted to create, Elon Musk lent his support and
By 1912, a gasoline car in the USA cost only $650, Tesla took off. It was another revolutionary
while an electric car cost $1,750, almost three times approach that subsequently pushed the world
more. This was the turning point when vehicle towards the electrification of vehicles.
technology switched from electrical to oil-derived
energy. At that point in time, nobody could foresee Both the Toyota Prius hybrid energy car and the
the consequences of gasoline-powered cars on Tesla electric car are now legendary in their creation
health and the environment, and global warming was of what is now the new revolution in the energy and
a still undiscovered concept. transportation system. At that time, few could see
where the vision of those early pioneers would lead.
Oil became all conquering. During several oil crises Now there are many more followers.
in the 1970s and 1980s, many car manufacturers
tested electric cars as prototypes, but none ever went Today in 2021, a majority of vehicle manufacturers
into mass production. Aside from the awareness of offer hybrid solutions - following the course set by
environmental issues and, more recently, the issue Toyota in 1997. Today, whilst many NEV manufactur-
of global warming, three modern industrial initiatives ers are launching their first hybrids, Toyota is deliver-
in Japan, China and the US are worthy of note in that ing the 5th generation of their own technology, which
they contributed to a change in the prevailing situa- demonstrates the importance of a visionary approach
tion and later helped to initiate the transformation of to problem recognition, invention and creation on
the transportation system. innovation, technology and market development
and exploitation.
For years Toyota has been identified as the most Considering large scale manufacturing of NEVs, the
innovative automaker in the world followed closely transformation is complex, and many different areas
by Tesla. need to be changed: renewable energy production
and distribution, energy storage in vehicles, large
The rest is history. Now we are living through scale and widespread charging of batteries, devel-
dynamic change, witnessing transformations from opment of new logistics systems, reeducation of
fossil fuels to renewable energy, from ICE vehicles people to handle emerging technologies, etc. Viewed
to electric vehicles. Hybrids are merely a mitigating globally, the transformation is huge and dramatic, as
solution on the way to new technologies. all revolutions are.
Thus far, the achievements in electrification and the introduction of electric vehicles can be
summarized as follows:
The total number of vehicles in the world in 2019 was 1.4 billion vehicles in total.
The total global stock of electric vehicles was 7.2 million in 2019, of which 47% were in China.
About 1.5 million electric vehicles were added to the worldwide fleet in 2019.
Global electric vehicle sales passed 2.1 million vehicles in 2020, up from the 1 million level in
2017 and surpassing the record year 2018.
Electric cars accounted for 2.6% of global car sales compared to 1.5% in 2017, which is about
1% of the global car stock in 2019, and represents a 40% year-on-year increase.
Figure 1: Key numbers of electric vehicle exploitation on the global basis (Global EV Outlook, 2019).
The total transformation to NEVs based on electrifi- “Batteries and battery cells are the new vital part
cation and the use of hydrogen as energy storage is of the car value chain - and a country’s employ-
just ahead of us. It will still take many years before ment. But despite the fact that Sweden has one
the major part of the transportation system is based of the very few European battery manufacturers,
on 100% renewable energy. It might not happen until the Northvolt, Volvo buys batteries from Asian
the second half of this century. battery manufacturers.”
Håkan Samuelsson, CEO of the Swedish Volvo in
“In 2025 our target is to have 50% sales of new Dagens Nyheter, 25th February 2021
cars based on pure electric cars. I am ready to
discuss the time for when all of our cars shall be What Håkan Samuelsson is stressing is that the
pure electrical. Around 2030 might be possible transformation to electric cars takes time and that
that we only produce pure electric cars.” the battery system is one of the most vital systems
in the car.
Batteries need to be charged, the entire value chain conducted varies from country to country. The con-
is global, and China has taken a strong position in text and conditions differ between countries. A major
the electrification of transportation and battery manu- question is whether the jobs lost or gained will occur
facturing. This is not a minor development issue. at the same place in the world or whether jobs will be
transferred from one place to another in the world.
What we are facing is an enormous transformation of Who will lose and who will win in this energy revolu-
transportation systems from fossil to renewable. This tion is the “million-dollar question”?
is an energy revolution that we are right at the
beginning off. It is not only the vehicles that need to In the early days of this transformation, it was almost
be developed; also the entire supply chain of renew- impossible to imagine and estimate what the situation
able energy is facing giant transformation. Gasoline would look like in 10 or 20 years. The speed of
and diesel are being replaced and new infrastructure development is fast. The speed of technological
has to be introduced. However, that is not enough. evolvements is high. We see different solutions being
Where will the amount of renewable energy that will developed by different countries and industry, and
be needed to power the global fleet of renewable utilized by different customers and operators. We are
energy vehicles come from? How will we connect living through the early stages of the divergence in
the grid system to the millions of EVs that are going the development of new solutions, before we will be
to be produced? How do we ensure the power used able to see the convergence to some mainstream
by EVs is renewable and green? Vehicles, energy solutions. Some estimates indicate that 2025 might
production and supply system have to exist hand be the year when electric cars achieve a similar price
in hand. This is challenging and in combination will level to ICE cars. 2025 may well be the turning point
create an energy revolution, from production to distri- in the establishment of EVs.
bution and consumption based on renewable energy
systems. Thus far, battery-based technology has become
a key solution although it is still impossible to say
The impact on society will be huge as a result of the whether it will become the dominant solution in the
transformation of technology towards electrification. future.
Electric vehicles are simpler and contain fewer
components while the electric systems themselves Hydrogen is progressing through the laboratory
are much cheaper than the old mechanical systems phase and entering the market penetration phase.
such as engine, gearbox, powertrain etc. Many Nevertheless, the hydrogen fuel cell technology path
people within the contemporary automotive industry chosen by Toyota has been criticized by Tesla CEO
will lose their jobs, while other industrial segments Elon Musk who stated:
will grow such as IT, electrical engineering and elec-
“mind-bogglingly stupid” … “fool cells” … “load
tronics, charging systems and energy production and
of rubbish” … “success is simply not possible”.
distribution. The old sales, service and maintenance
industries will have to transform to electrical mainte- Makichuk in Asia Times, 1st March 2021
nance that will be quite different.
However, Toyota might repeat their success of 1997
One German government report predicts that about by launching the first mass-produced hydrogen car
80,000 jobs might be lost by 2030 in the Swedish and hydrogen trucks in 2021. While a major part of
automotive industry as a consequence of the electrifi- the automotive industry is stuck in the hybrid stage,
cation of vehicles. However, new jobs will be created Toyota is moving on to the next generation of vehicle
in the new segments. Across the world, politicians, technology, hydrogen-based energy. Toyota is
decision makers, energy producers, industry leaders setting-up a new hydrogen energy based experimen-
and ordinary people are thinking of how this trans- tal city outside Tokyo, The Woven City, in order to
formation will take place and how it will impact them. develop large-scale hydrogen technology in a city-
Globally, countries are targeting 100% renewable type infrastructure and create a true-to-life transpor-
solutions, although the chosen technologies, solu- tation experimental area for hydrogen technology
tions, technological and business paths to achieving development alongside autonomous vehicle and
targets, and the way the transformation is being interconnectivity development.
Alongside Toyota, Hyundai of South Korea is also Currently, the dominant battery charging solutions are
launching a hydrogen-based vehicle in 2021. We see stationary cable-based charging or battery-swapping.
hydrogen-based solutions being introduced in Japan, Other conductive or inductive technologies will provide
South Korea, USA and also in China. competing solutions in the future.
Other technological progress includes development However, we currently have to use the technology
of high-density battery and charging technologies. that is developed, known, practical and usable, and is
economically affordable. In the short term, there are
few options.
Our research is not intended Our focus is initially on new energy vehicles (NEV),
more specific the segment of small electric cars. We
• To argue which is the best transportation electrifi- are aware that there are also buses, trucks, heavy
cation solution from any particular perspective or duty vehicles, small sized two- and three wheelers
any point of view. etc. that use battery-swapping technology, however,
they are not focused upon in this paper.
• To argue which battery charging solution is pre-
ferable whether cable based or battery-swapping, Our intention is to subsequently expand this explora-
conductive or inductive, from any particular tion to other related areas such as battery-swapping
perspective or any point of view. for buses and heavy-duty trucks, the status of battery
technology, inductive charging and hydrogen tech-
In this report we explore the situation in China vis- nology in China, and then also to explore large-scale
à-vis battery-swapping technology, its history, the electrification such as that taking place in Shenzhen
city and others.
Figure 2 illustrates the fast diffusion of electric cars Global electric vehicle stock in the Sustainable
from very low levels in 2010 to the 7+ million level in Development Scenario, 2019-2030
2019, and rapidly increase in the pace of sales.
Otherwise it might end in a zero sum game. What is If this estimate is reasonable it will have severe
gained on vehicles is lost on the energy production implications for the charging infrastructure. For this
side. reason, our research will explore if, how and under
what conditions battery-swapping will help to support
this development.
Figure 4: Growth of electric vehicles between 2013-2019, in the main countries adopting electric vehicles.
We can see that in Europe, Germany is the biggest We are now facing a situation in which electric
market followed by Norway, Netherlands, France, UK vehicles are achieving rapid market penetration in
and Sweden. (Source: IEA, 2020). many countries. It is clear that the supply of electricity
to vehicles, the renewable energy supply and dis-
tribution and charging capacity for electric vehicles,
may soon become key bottlenecks.
The rapidly developing Chinese NEV market has Figure 5 shows that sales of NEVs are surging in
become a source of innovation as conditions, mar- many countries, and that Europe is catching up with
kets, customers and rapidly growing numbers and China. As the total number of NEVs is growing rapid-
transformation to NEVs create a dynamic for change. ly across the globe, the charging infrastructure must
It is no wonder that manufacturers are now starting also grow rapidly. The more NEVs, the more new
to innovate new solutions and in this way create new energy supplies, in particular electricity, and the more
business opportunities. charging points are needed.
USA has 1.5 million electric vehicles, representing 20% of the global market of NEVs.
The total number of electric cars in Europe at 1.7 million accounts for 25% of the global market.
The total number of electric cars in China in 2019 was about 3.4 million NEVs,
accounting for 25% of the global market.
Almost half (47%) of the global new energy/electric NEVs were sold in China. This is a 45%
increase compared to 2018.
Sales of electric vehicles in China are surging, up 43% in 2020 from 2019
In December 2020 in China alone NEV sales surged 49.5% on an annual basis to 248,000 NEVs.
Sales of electric vehicles in Europe are surging even more, up by 137% in 2020.
Figure 6: Export of passenger cars and commercial vehicles from China 2010-2020. (Source: Statista, 2020).
In 2010 the total number of exported vehicles was sold in Europe and other western markets, including
566,700 increasing to 995,000 in 2020. To a large Tesla, BMW and Renault (Automotive Logistics, 2020).
extend this relates to exports of traditional fossil-
fueled cars. The export of electric vehicles is just According to Automotive Logistics:
about to start.
• Tesla will start exporting the Shanghai-
A growing number of carmakers are looking to China manufactured Tesla Model 3 in November 2020.
for the production of electric vehicles that are to be The plan is to export 250,000 cars annually.
• BMW is planning to export its first fully electric The total number of electric buses in the world is
SUV, the iX3, from China to Europe. expected to undergo a 300% increase from 386,000
in 2017 to about 1.2 million in 2025, with China
• The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance is also accounting for a major share of the global electric
planning to export the Dacia Spring electric SUV bus market. In 2020 China had 410,000 electric
from China to Europe. buses in operations.
• Daimler is also planning to export its Smart city car Batteries are one of the most critical components of
from Hangzhou as part of the joint venture it sig- NEVs. Sales of batteries in China to power new energy
ned with Geely last year. Polestar, the performan- vehicles (NEVs) rose by 56.9% in 2020 compared to
ce EV joint venture between Volvo and its parent 2019 and battery prices are falling.
Geely, is already exporting its Polestar 1 and 2 to
Europe from China Those numbers indicate that China is moving towards
being a major manufacturer of electric vehicles as well
• Chinese start-up carmaker Xiaopeng Motors as beginning to emerge as a new exporter of electric
(XPeng) has started exports of its G3i electric SUV vehicles to many parts of the world on behalf of
to Europe, with the first models expected to be on multiple players.
the road in November of this year.
Source: Statista, 2020
What we see in China is that the growing number This is a new way of creating economies of scale
of brands of electric cars is achieved by separation while simultaneously managing a large variety.
of car design, development and manufacturing. Not A wide variety on the customer side and economies
all new Chinese EV brands manufacture their own of scale on the production side means all brands
cars. This issue is elaborated upon at the end of this have an opportunity to be flexible in adopting new
paper. technologies, adjusting to match customer demands
and to rapidly change deliveries to customers.
Figure 8 illustrates the three basic principles used the batteries against overheating, catching fire and
in charging electric vehicles: battery-swapping, destruction. Charging technology is critical, and it is
static charging via cable charging or other conduc- important that the charging system, vehicle and bat-
tive charging (via cable or rails in the ground), and tery management system communicate intelligently
dynamic charging via wireless inductive charging with each other.
(by magnetic energy transfer, or cable in the air or
rails while driving). Conductive charging is available Charging of vehicles can be done via cable at normal
with different charging speeds and uses different speed in the convention manner, or via fast charging
standards of cables. Inductive charging too is associ- which enables a shorter charging time but is associ-
ated with a variation in energy transfer and speed of ated with a higher risk of battery wear and higher risk
charging. At this stage, however, inductive charging in general. To charge a modern car by fast charging
is yet to progress beyond the experimental phase. can take about one hour compared to slow charging
that can take 6-8 hours. Electric vehicle owners can
The most widely accepted and globally distributed choose to charge their vehicles at home, at the office
charging systems are based on a plug-in cable from or other private places or in public places, at public
a charging station to the vehicle. Inductive wireless charging stations etc. Thus, vehicle charging vehicles
charging can occur either with the car stationary or depends on the available technology and charging
via dynamic charging while the car is moving. The location.
third energy supply method is the swapping over of
discharged batteries from the vehicle for charged For home charging, slow charging is the dominant
batteries from a supply point. solution while for public charging fast charging at
different speeds is the dominant solution. Battery-
Vehicle electrification started more than 20 years ago swapping is primarily available via public charging
in China. Until now, the dominant solution has been or special private charging for businesses such as
a wide variety of plug-in charging units, with different taxi services. All other alternatives such as static or
cabling standards and charging speeds. Lack of dynamic inductive charging, or solar charging remain
standardization is an obvious barrier to the rollout of possible future solutions.
a single harmonized solution. The wireless charging
system is still in the development phase with some The China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
of the issues preventing its release into the market Promotion Alliance recorded that by the end of June
including the fact that generic standards do not exist, 2020 there were more than 1.68 million charging
the speed of electricity transfer is still too low for both piles in operation, with 807,000 public charging piles
practical static use and also for dynamic use, and and 874,000 private ones operating across the country.
that the radiation from inductive magnetic technology According to the alliance, China added 462,000 new
is perceived to be too high or is associated with public charging piles in 2020, with an average annual
uncertainties. Inductive technology is being devel- growth rate of 37.9%.
oped at several sites with the USA, Europe, China,
Israel, Japan and South Korea among the dominant As a comparison to the growth in charging stations
players. The third solution, battery-swapping, is an in China, 144,000 charging points were available
old solution but a growing interest in this system- across the European Union in 2019, over 26% being
oriented approach and applied solutions is now located in the Netherlands (37,037 in 2019 increas-
apparent. ing to 60,000 stations in 2020), with another 19% in
Germany (27,459), 17% in France (24,850) and 13%
Charging electric vehicles “filling the batteries” with in the United Kingdom (19,076). These four countries
electricity is crucial operating EVs. A charging system combined account for 76% of all ECV charging points
is a system for distribution of electricity to a pile that in the EU while covering only 27% of the EU’s total
has one or more charging outlets that provide elec- surface area. At the other end of the scale is Roma-
tricity to the electric vehicle via a cable. The charging nia, roughly six times larger than the Netherlands
piles need to have a certain level of intelligence so with 125 charging points in 2019 and 70 new
that they can charge at the right level, intensity and charging stations installed in 2020 to give a total of
dynamics in order to adapt to the different capabil- 195 installed charging stations in 2020, or 0.1%
ities of batteries to receive charge thus protecting of the EU total.
Considering the absolute number of NEVs and the b. With semi-fast charging at 11-22 kW the charging
total population in China, both are very large, so that time is usually 1-3 hours.
if the charging pile density per NEV or per capita is
considered, China is actually lagging behind Europe. c. With fast charging at 40-50kW the charging time is
Also of note is that the installation of charging usually 20-40 minutes.
stations occurs mainly in the large cities and eastern
provinces with the majority of the Chinese population. There are also some proprietary superfast charging
As mentioned, there are different charging solutions technologies developed solely for certain car brands.
for cable-based charging in respect of charging In the Global EV Outlook 2020 these three standards
speed. The technology is developing rapidly and new are presented as two main groups, one representing
solutions are being introduced by different technology slow/normal charging while semi-fast and fast are
providers. Also, different terminology is used in differ- integrated into the group of fast chargers.
ent countries to label different charging speeds.
To make an international comparison we use the
Here we refer to three common charging speeds: presented summary derived from The Global EV
Outlook 2020.
a. The traditional slow/normal charging that can be
conducted in private homes using 220 V standard
supplies. Normal charging energy is 2-4 kW and
the charging time is usually 5-8 hours.
Figures 9-11: Global distribution of charging piles (Source: The Global EV Outlook 2020).
Figure 9: 598 thousand publicly accesible-slow charges Figure 10: 6.5 million private chargers
Figure 9: The figure shows the distribution of the slow/ Figure 10: Global distribution of slow charging piles in
normal charging technology suitable for over-night private charging places.
charging, home charging or when there is time available
for several hours of charging. Here China’s domination is lower, 37% of the world’s slow/
normal charging piles are located in China. The low num-
Figure 9 shows the available charging piles for public ber can be understood in the light of the density of Chinese
charging. From Figure 9 we can see that about 52% of the cities and the lack of opportunities for people to setup their
slow/normal charging piles were installed in China in 2019. private charging piles with the distribution of electric vehi-
cles being largely concentrated in large city areas.
Below is a summary of the results in establishing Details of the entry of SKI into the market and its joint
battery-swapping in China up until the end of 2020. venture with BAIC remain unknown, so what this will
As battery-swapping was only placed on the Chinese mean for the swapping industry, battery technology
strategic technology list in 2020, we believe that the development or the increased diffusion of complete
establishment of battery-swapping as a practice will systems also remains unknown.
grow, new players will enter the market and diffusion
• BAIC started R&D on battery-swapping in Now it only takes 30 seconds for a single power
collaboration with Better Place as early as 2009. change, and the whole process has been further
shortened from 3 minutes to 90 seconds. The
• As long ago as 2010 BAIC and Better Place station occupies 75 square meters and can hold
established a pilot swapping station in Shenzhen. 60 batteries; the designed service capacity is up to
400-500 swaps per day.
• The strategic business focus for BAIC battery-
swapping started based on the b2b market targe- • In 2020 all BAIC vehicle models introduced the
ting taxis in Shenzhen. same battery design and same battery-swapping
• By November 2020, BAIC had developed and
established 225 battery-swap stations in 19 cities • BAIC has had a strategic collaboration with the
in China and launched 22,000 battery-swapping State Grid since 2011. In July 2020, the two parties
vehicles on the market. 6.8 million battery- further strengthened their collaboration.
swapping services have been realized. The total
mileage of battery-swapping vehicles has now For the first time in China, the two parties are to
reached 950 million kilometers. launch a large-scale business model of naked
(battery-less) vehicle sales and battery leasing for
• BAIC plans to build 100 new battery-swap stations business vehicles.
in 2021 to provide a service for 10,000 vehicles.
The separation of vehicle and battery, is an at-
• Beijing authorities decided to add 6,000 battery- tempt to reduce the purchase cost of new energy
swapping electric vehicles to its taxi fleet in 2019 vehicles to the same level as internal-combustion-
and another 20,000 in 2020. engine (ICE) vehicles, and to provide users with a
fast service similar to refueling.
• BAIC will replace 50,000 existing taxis with EVs
equipped with swapping batteries for the 2022 Due to the battery storage/reservation ratio of
Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. 1:1.12, charging, battery-swapping and energy
storage can be integrated in one station.
• The 4th generation of battery-swapping vehicles
and swapping stations entered the market in 2020.
Figure 12: Demonstration video of the battery-swapping process in a 4th generation station.
Source: New infrastructure, new power – the sustainable development of new energy vehicle Salon 2020 hosted by BAIC.
BAIC official website.
Link: https://www.bjev.com.cn/html/charge-transfer.html
At the same time, the battery load can be flexibly The new car will be officially launched in November
mobilized to participate in power grid operation by 2021 at the Shanghai auto show.
optimizing peak load reduction and valley filling of the
power grid, as well as clean energy consumption. • On January 21, 2021, BAIC received more than
$47 million of financing jointly invested by SKI new
• BAIC/BJEV plan to invest more than 10 billion yuan energy, CATL and the Langfang Anpeng fund.
($1.4 billion) to build 3,000 battery-swap stations
capable of serving 500,000 electric vehicles by the • BAIC holds a 30% stake in Aulton, the largest
end of 2022. third-party battery-swapping service provider
in China.
• BAIC has had a strategic collaboration with Huawei
extending over many years. BAIC and Huawei are • The 4th generation of a BAIC battery-swap station
cooperating in developing the first mass-producible is demonstrated in following picture and video:
autonomously driving passenger vehicle with lidar
as a perception tool.
• NIO delivered 20,565 vehicles in 2019 and 43,728 • By the end of 2020, NIO had installed 53,000 NIO
vehicles in 2020. slow charging piles and 100 supercharge stations.
• NIO is targeting the 100,000 vehicle level in 2021. • NIO is the process of setting up its “NIO’s Power
Mobile team” which offers an impressive 40-60
• NIO’s battery-swapping technology has been kW mobile charging service wherever an electric
available since 2014. vehicle might be.
• NIO built its first battery-swap station in May 2018. • On August 20, 2020, NIO officially launched its
Battery as a Service (BaaS). BaaS is a break-
• NIO has applied for more than 1,200 patents for its through innovation both in terms of technology
battery exchange station. and business model, which allows consumers to
buy a car without a battery, and provides battery
• From the start, the strategic business focus for rental together with recharge, replace and upgrade
NIO has been the business to consumer (b2c) services and options.
market targeting private car owners.
• Users who choose BaaS when buying an NIO car
• By 2020, NIO had established 178 battery-swap do not need to buy a battery pack when they buy
stations across the country in 64 different cities in the car. BaaS users can choose to rent battery
the eastern part of China. The stations cover two packs with different capacities according to their
major highways between Beijing-Guangzhou and actual needs and pay a monthly service fee.
• As with battery buyers, BaaS users enjoy NIO’s
• Their plan is to reach 500 battery-swap stations by battery-swapping service and flexible battery
the end of 2021. upgrade service and can benefit from the national
new energy vehicle purchase subsidy and purchase
• By June 2020, NIO had completed more than tax exemption policy.
700,000 battery swaps.
• When consumers use BaaS to buy any NIO • In 2021 a new 150 kWh battery pack will be intro-
model, the vehicle price will be reduced by duced enabling NIO cars to run for 1000 km on
$10,852 (relative to a vehicle with a 70 kWh battery one charge.
pack) and by about $20,000 (relative to a vehicle
with a 100 kWh battery pack). The idea behind • NIO’s second-generation battery-swapping station
BaaS is that consumers feel that their electric car can accommodate 13 batteries, allowing for up to
is a little cheaper than an ICE car irrespective of 312 swap services per day.
when they buy or use the car.
• NIO had about 9,000 employees in 2020.
• For a 70 kWh battery pack, the monthly rental fee
is $152. For a 100 kWh battery pack, the monthly • Together with CATL and two other investors, NIO
rental fee is $229. With the above renting package, Battery Asset Co., Ltd., was registered on August
consumers receive six free swaps per month. 18 2020 with $124 million registered capital. The
Beyond six swaps, users have to pay for the swap. battery asset company will purchase battery packs
The battery-swapping fee equals the quantify of while NIO will provide consumers with battery rental
electricity in kWh * (electricity unit price + and operation services.
service fee).
• NIO’s new NEV is the ES6, all-wheel-drive,
• Taking a 45kWh battery exchange as an example, available with either a 70 or 100 kWh battery
the battery swap fee in 2020 was 45 kWh* delivering 536 PS (529 HP) and acceleration of
(electricity price of $0.21/kWh + service fee of 0–100 km/h in 4.6 seconds.
$0.06/kWh) = $12,14.
• NIO signed a strategic collaboration agreement
• Powered by a 100-kWh battery, the range of NIO with the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association
models can reach up to 615 km (382 miles). in October 2018. NIO’s ”Marco Polo Project” is
aimed at entry into the European market, and the
• The new battery pack boosts energy density to first overseas NIO dealership may well launch in
360 Wh/kg due to a hybrid electrolyte, an Copenhagen.
inorganic Si/C composite anode, and a nano-
coated high-nickel cathode. This battery increase
the range of the new ES8 to 850 km, the ES6 to
900 km, the EC6 to 910 km, and the ET7 to 1,000
plus km.
• Geely (owner of the Swedish Volvo Cars group) • The new battery-swapping station occupies 126
was founded in January 1986. square meters and has 39 battery charging posi-
tions. The station can support nearly 1000 battery
• In 2020 Geely announced its entry into the battery- swaps per day. It takes 60 seconds to complete a
swapping business by establishing operations in battery swap.
• Geely is planning to build 35 battery-swap stations
• On February 2 2021, Geely completed and put in Chongqing alone, rapidly expanding by an addi-
into service its first 10 smart battery-swap stations tional 100 in 2021 and 200 in 2023.
in the Chongqing Expressway Service area. Each
new energy vehicle requires just 60 seconds to • Geely is developing a new business model based
complete battery-swapping. Announcement of on a membership model including insurance and
rental battery prices for these stations is expected maintenance, differentiating Geely from the more
around the Chinese New Year. The battery-swap common purchasing or leasing models.
stations will not only provide battery rental for
Geely new energy vehicles, but also provide • Geely owns the new electric vehicle brand
battery-swapping interfaces for other makes Polestar as well as Volvo.
of new energy vehicle.
• Aulton began to explore the battery-swapping • In 2021, Aulton will build 500 battery-swap stations
technology in 2000. In 2005, the world’s first ex- covering more than 50 cities, increasing the
perimental charging and swapping station was set battery-swapping capacity to 320,000 commercial
up in Lanzhou. In 2008, the world’s first electric bus vehicles or 3.2 million passenger vehicles.
with a battery-swapping mode was used success-
fully during the Olympic Games. The world’s • By 2025, the company plans to build 5,000 battery-
largest battery-swap station was established at the swap stations in 100 cities across China, serving
2010 Shanghai World Expo. In the same year, a 2 million battery-swapping enabled NEVs.
battery-swap station was operated commercially
for the first time at the Guangzhou Asian Games. • One third will target private consumers and two
thirds will target commercial customers and
• The 2020 fourth generation Aulton battery- operators.
swapping service can change a battery in 20
seconds, the whole process takes only 1 minute. • To promote standardization, Aulton plans to provide
It is currently the world’s fastest swapping speed. standard exterior packaging for batteries.
The service capacity of a single battery-swap
station is 500-1000 vehicles. “It’s like Aulton provides bottles for bottled water.
As for the content inside the bottles, it’s the
• The battery-swap station has a modular design OEM’s business. ”
and can be built within a day. The station holds 28 President of Aulton
batteries (third generation station) and each battery
costs about CNY 50,000 (about $7,728). Adding • BAIC holds a 30% share in Aulton.
the overheads, such as land rental etc., each station
costs about CNY 5 million (about $770,000). • NIO is also a shareholder in Aulton.
Government and politics Institutions and experts Regulatory & Industry associations
policy makers
- Commercial operators
- Private consumers
Figure 16: Main players in the transformation to transportation electrification in China (Own construct).
All these players interacted in different ways during divided into six main phases, with each of the main
the period from the beginning of the 2010s to 2020. players acting in different ways. Here we intend to
briefly summarize the process to understand why
The Chinese transformation to electrification of trans- the process looked the way it did until it reached its
portation using battery-swapping technology can be tipping point in 2020.
However, the vehicle manufacturers were afraid that new energy vehicle development of almost two years.
once the model was fully rolled out, the State Grid Further to that, an incident in which one taxi caught
would monopolize battery procurement, and they, fire in Hangzhou in 2011 shed doubts on battery-
the manufacturers, would lose business. The vehi- swapping as a future route for charging NEVs. Also
cle manufacturerxs’ position at that time was very the main players involved had different visions of
clear, they would never give up their rights to control the future: transmission system operators saw the
vehicle design and control their business including development from the perspective of electrical power,
battery procurement. The TSOs continued to pro- the political decision makers hesitated about which
mote their choice of a battery-swapping solution and route to take believing the technology was not mature
announced their strategic development plan in that enough for large-scale operations, the OEMs of
direction. NEVs were unwilling to open up their vehicle archi-
tecture and separate the car from the battery and
This dispute, based on a lack of trust and mutual thus rejected proposals for battery-swapping that
understanding, was not only between the business would be outside their full control, and the battery
players but also between different ministries with manufacturers wanted to achieve more influence in
different perceptions of where the development was the development of NEVs.
taking China. It led to a delay in the national strategy for 39
The main reasons for not including battery-swapping in the national plan were:
High cost
Lack of standardization
Better Place went bankrupt in 2013 and Tesla also Some Chinese players continued developing the
gave up on the battery-swapping approach in the swapping system on their own, while some third party
same year. Gradually, Chinese transmission system players initiated minor experiments and some busi-
operators refocused on cable-based system solu- ness OEM pioneers such as DongFeng, Zhongtai,
tions to support the needed transformation and Kangdi and Nanjing Automobile continued to launch
aimed at providing electricity to the growing a series of battery-swapping commercial vehicles for
cable-based systems. They almost gave up the business markets. However, they failed at that time
struggle for swapping systems. because both the technology and market were still
not mature enough. 40
Every year a National Congress is held in China that • In 2016 Linfang focused on buses as a business
is a very important arena for discussions and decision market segment.
making in respect of the county’s annual working • In 2017 BAIC focused on taxis as a business
plan. In 2016, Lifan as an OEM delegation put market segment.
forward the proposal of ”Inclusion of the new
• In 2018 NIO focused on the consumer market.
energy vehicle battery-swapping mode in the national
top-level planning”, and proposed to solve the
On July 31, 2019, the Equipment Industry Depart-
”bottleneck” in new energy vehicle battery charging
ment of the Ministry of Industry and Information
by use of the battery-swapping mode of charging.
Technology visited the Zhejiang SKIO Motors company
The Government listened to the suggestion. Lifan
premises to investigate the situation in new energy
was an OEM that explored a battery-swapping solu-
vehicle battery-swapping technology. Thy organized
tion for buses at an early stage in the development
a symposium to listen to the opinions of industrial
process; they were recently taken over by Geely.
Second generation station can keep up to 13 • Limited available space for station
batteries. Aulton third generation stations keep 28 construction. Location selection for battery-swap
batteries. This means a high level of tied-up capital stations is very demanding. Easy physical accessibil-
and thus a high total cost of investments. When ity, high voltage electricity resource availability, and
a new generation of batteries is launched on the high environmental safety requirements all have
market, it will depreciate the value of the old batter- to be considered simultaneously. To be conven-
ies belonging to operators quite substantially. ient enough for consumers, the density of stations
needs to reach a certain level. However, in busy
• For new energy car owners, the battery-swapping mega cities, spaces that can satisfy the above
model is more expensive to run. The lowest requirements are limited.
cost mode is slow charging, with an average cost
of about 50 cents/km ($ 7.8 cents/km), while the • Safety problem and difficulty in determining
average price of fast charging is 1 yuan/km ($ responsibility when a safety incident occurs.
15.5 cents/km) without including parking fees. At Under the battery-swapping model, batteries will
present, the price of battery-swapping mileage be swapped many times during their life cycle. If
works out at about 1-2 yuan ($ 15.5-31 cents/km) the battery is not fixed firmly, it may be shaken
in China. loose. If the power line is plugged in and out multi-
ple times and sand or foreign matter gets into the
• Non-unified standards. Compared to electric connection, it may conduct electricity and result
commercial vehicles, electric passenger vehicles in a fire. If a safety incident occurs, who is liable/
have many more varieties in respect of brand responsible? The car manufacturer, the battery
image and vehicle design. All OEMs are very manufacturer, or the battery-swapping service
reluctant to share their core standards, standards provider? It is not an easy question to answer.
relating to batteries and battery management
systems. Source: China EV100 forum 2021, keynote speeches;
TELD president interview on topic of battery-swapping and
charging solutions for EV, EV Observer
To conclude, some experts are not currently suggest- Business vehicles do not require such a density of
ing fast development of the battery-swapping model stations, do not have such a wide range of battery
in the consumer vehicle market. The alternative standards, and the driving behavior of drivers is more
suggestion is that battery-swapping should “expand easily catered for with simpler swapping solutions in
from city to city, not expand everywhere simultane- the early days. If a certain scale of battery-swapping
ously”. Economies of scale, rate of diffusion, localized business vehicles can support the survival of a given
positioning and gradual changes in consumer behav- number of battery-swap stations, the total number of
ior are some of the underling arguments. battery-swap stations will gradually increase to reach
a scale that is sufficient to also support consumer
What Chinese players did in developing the battery- passenger vehicles. We are not there yet.
swapping model was a fast rollout in the b2b segment
first such as taxi in cities. In this way they gained
experience, developed know-how, further developed
technology, reduced prices and increased volumes to
make the model more attractive to users and
For instance, when all the cars in Beijing have been during the peak time, it could easily bring about the
replaced by electric cars, their daily storage capacity failure of the whole transmission system.
will be equivalent to the daily power requirement of
the city. This means that if EVs charge during the Through the use of battery-swapping the charging
valley time, they will make a significant contribution can be anticipated, predicted and adopted to the
to peak shaving and valley filling, but if EVs charge supply and demand side in a generally better way.
To industry in general:
1. Battery-swapping is a platform for battery fully adjust the battery demand through the distrib-
resource sharing. Separation and unified uted battery-swapping network, so that the battery
management of vehicle and battery can realize assets are systematically used to maximally exploit
the maximum value of the whole life cycle of the their cycle life.
battery. Private cars and commercial vehicles
share the calendar life, improving the efficiency of 3. Key nodes of energy flow network. The battery-
battery use, allowing the batteries to be recharged, swap station provides a platform for battery transfer
replaced, upgraded, and harshly used over a and scheduling among OEMs, users, maintenance
longer calendar life, effectively reducing the cost of sites and recycling. New models of batteries can
the battery sharing operation. be quickly distributed to the battery circulation
system, which enables convenient upgrading for
2. Life cycle perspective. Calendar life has an users; faulty batteries can be quickly transferred to
important impact on the attenuation of the battery’s the maintenance site without affecting the car
performance. As the battery ages, not only does owners; users can choose battery models accord-
the performance of the battery decline, but also ing to their needs; retired batteries can be smoothly
the failure rate of the wiring harness, structural removed from the circulation system.
parts and controller in the battery pack increase
significantly. As most batteries have to be retired
on reaching the battery calendar life of 10 years,
Source: New infrastructure, new power – the sustainable
when the battery has only used less than 50% of
development of new energy vehicle Salon 2020 hosted by
its useful cycle life, this represents a huge waste BAIC; NIO president speech at China EV100 forum 2021;
of social resources. Commercial organizations can EV infrastructure salon at China EV100 forum 202
• To tackle the challenge of standardization, • To tackle the safety issue, technical solutions
various players are making efforts to provide are being worked on to ensure safety.
unified solutions. For instance, active prevention, flexible connection
of the battery pack to the vehicle, and data-driven
- OEM brands have unified their own internal lifetime safety management of the battery are being
standards across different vehicle models. implemented.
Unfortunately, unifying each brands’ internal
standards is not enough, however, it is at least
a first step.
In 2020, NIO sold 43,728 vehicles and their total financial report for February 2021, consumers choos-
revenue was 16,258 billion yuan, double that of 2019. ing the battery renting model account for 55% of all
their buyers.
The net loss in 2020 was 5,117 billion yuan, which is
53,3% lower than that in 2019 when the loss This shows that the acceptance level of the NIO busi-
exceeded 10 billion yuan. According to NIO’s ness model is increasing among private users.
Chinese traditional
Insights showing
New business model that existing cable
design based on new charging needs
business logic complementary
New business
players seeing
Ecosystem opportunities &
development new solutions
Timing of
politics, policy, &
joint insights for
1. Chinese traditional experimental approach Fuel cell and inductive charging solutions are also
For a long time, China has behaved in an experi- being explored. Two illustrations of the experimental
mental manner. The time period after the civil war approach to the electrification of transport:
and establishment of the People’s Republic of China
(PRC) in 1949 can be characterized as a period of - A new large-scale hydrogen operation is currently
“trial & error”, an experiment in finding the best path being set up in the city of Foshan in the south of
to the revitalization of China and overcoming the China.
most important problem, the poverty of hundreds of
millions of people. - In Jinan in the eastern part of China, solar roads
have been set-up, to explore the possibility of solar
After the economic reforms initiated in 1978, China cells on the roads for the production of electricity
was trying to merge western and Chinese ideas in and developing static and dynamic inductive
order to achieve what was perceived as most suitable charging.
in a Chinese historical, social and societal context.
The main goal was to fight poverty, and industriali- As mentioned earlier, the entire transformation of the
zation and technological development were the best transportation system is still in its early stages, tech-
means of doing so. However, the resultant rapid nology is developing rapidly, and new solutions are
industrialization needed a huge amount of energy still to be released. Thus, China has chosen to set-up
and created pollution problems and an energy short- large-scale trials with several promising solutions, to
age. This energy shortage was met by exploiting coal see the outcome, to learn from it and then explore
as an energy source, although the price included new opportunities “learning by doing”.
severe environmental problems. The rapid economic
development and the establishment of a fossil- However, those experimental solutions require that
fuel-based transportation system only made the the main stakeholders along each path combine
pollution problems even worse. Electrification was together and cooperate in working out solutions from
seen as one possible way of improving conditions idea to implementation.
for the population and combatting pollution and the
CO2 emissions that from the end of the 1990s had This takes time and effort. Not all ideas are worth the
started to be viewed as an issue. “Try and learn” was effort involved.
the approach used in the economic transformation
after 1978, and the southern province of Guangdong 2. Insights showing that existing cable charging
played the leading role. needs complementary solutions.
Different stakeholders see different aspects, benefits
At the focal point was electrification of the modern and challenges where the electrification of transpor-
upstart city of Shenzhen, now the Silicon Velley of tation is concerned. Early solutions focused on
China with 14 million citizens. Here 100% of taxis cable-based charging and it took some time for stake-
and 100% of buses and almost all local transport are holders to see that this solution would not be enough
electrical. The process was initiated in the start of on its own, that there were different segments of
the 2010s and completed by the end of the decade. society, customers, operators and users that needed
Battery-powered vehicles were already available then different solutions because of the technological
and the technology available for charging was ca- limitations of the cable-based solutions.
ble-based, which, at that time, was the most mature
available solution. Different stakeholders have different but intertwined
interests, different targets and ambitions. Gradually
When battery-swapping become possible, a large- they have come to a joint understanding of the
scale demonstration was implemented in Beijing and limitations of cables and the possibilities of swapping
along the long-distance main highways connecting solutions. However, it took some time.
Beijing with Shanghai and Shenzhen. This was
another example of trial-and-error experiments.
There was no direct competition with solutions
established in Shenzhen; rather new complementary
solutions were developed.
The separation of the car from the battery which It is interesting to note that to achieve the exploitation
then can either be bought or rented and charging of this new technology-based battery-swapping oppor-
based on a single use or subscription model, led to a tunity and create a new business logic based on
reduction of the cost of cars and in this way reduced the design, the integration of technology, products,
the threshold for entering the electric car market for services and businesses, via very new solutions, it
many people and opened the door to brand commer- required new entrants to enter the market, new
cialization of NEVs. entrants who thought outside the box.
A major question remains, will the new players survive? Tesla struggled for years before achieving profita-
Players such as NIO, a technology development bility. A big challenge for Tesla was moving away
company without its own manufacturing capability, from being a technology developer and being able
or is that in fact NIO’s competitive advantage? to scale-up its manufacturing and improve efficiency.
Will NIO make it? The first to market is not always the
company that is left standing at the end.
& politics
Gasoline station & experts
operators Battery-Swapping
Energy &
commercial &
private consumers
OEM automotive investors
& suppliers
Figure 20: Symbiotic relationships between the main players in the new battery-swapping
ecosystem. Dynamics of establishing battery-swapping in China. (Own construct).
Our analysis shows a “swarm approach” of different The industrial cluster initiative made key-stakeholders
independent players that come together in the devel- aware of directions and opportunities but they lacked
opment and exploitation of the new ecosystem and successful results showing how swapping could be
its opportunities. It is crucial that all the industries implemented on a large-scale. However, elements in
along the value chain have a collaborative attitude, the industrial cluster initiative gradually continued the
willingness and capabilities in the process from initial process in different combinations and gradually the
exploration to final exploitation. initiative demonstrated results showing that the entire
new ecosystem was obviously in place.
This process represents a business and industry
cluster initiative initiated by the key stakeholders Finally, in 2020, the political decision makers realized
during the 2010s when the government first decided that the timing was right for the industrial cluster initi-
to promote battery-swapping. However, the initiative ative to receive full political support to implement the
had to mature to enable the “swarm” to collaborate, swapping system in practice. The swarm approach
develop and exploit the at-the-time immature swapping made this situation possible, through the industrial
technology and early period of the new business cluster initiative, collaboration and joint efforts as
models for swapping systems. well as new entrants broadening the boundaries and
paving the way for new solutions. BAIC and NIO as In our research on the Chinese wind power industry
OEMs, and third party swapping system developers between 2012 and 2019, we noticed a similar ap-
such as Aulton demonstrated that it was possible to proach. China started from nothing and, by cooper-
move to a large-scale implementation. ation between the main domestic stakeholders and
international partners developed the first-generation
Aulton’s solutions show that standard solutions for of wind power in China. They went from learning
swapping are possible, and that in this way it is from western solutions, to learning with collaborative
possible to adapt to the variation between brands partners in developing the technology to indigenous
and range of customer requirements. Whether the development of new technology and systems. Today
OEMs will follow this route, remains to be seen. China is one of the largest and foremost countries in
Figure 20 show the main stakeholders in the new both wind and solar power.
ecosystem for developing and exploiting battery-
swapping systems. This symbiotic relationship The example of the wind power industry helps us see
among the main stakeholders in the Chinese and understand how Chinese players have combined
context is very probably one of the main factors to develop and exploit battery-swapping solutions.
behind the development and exploitation of Similarities include the determination, experimental
battery-swapping system solutions and thus the approaches taken, swarm-oriented ecosystem design
growth of a new industry. and symbiotic business model development.
The transformation from dominant ICE vehicles to The new option for car owners was to buy the car,
NEVs creates many new challenges for customers. buy or rent the battery according to their needs, and
do their own charging via cable charging, or sub-
This disintegrated, unbundling business model, scribe to a charging plan/swapping batteries.
separating the car from the battery and charging,
decoupling ownership of the car from ownership of This is the core of the disintegrated NIO business
the battery system and the charging function became model. The focus of NIO was towards private cus-
a game changer. Also, the technology for the oper- tomers in medium and high level customer groups.
ating the swapping system was fully developed and They established automated swapping stations in the
automated. Now the time was right to implement the populous eastern Chinese cities and along two main
technology and business solutions, for large-scale highways.
battery-swapping systems.
In 2021 NIO is going international.
”If complete automation can be achieved, the Those figures indicate that battery-swapping is
revenue of each battery-swap station can be becoming a significant economic issue in respect
increased by at least 12 percentage points” of investments in infrastructure alone. This is based
Zhang as above on estimates that the market will grow and that the
demand for swapping solutions will increase.
The complexity of the NEVs, with their variation in
vehicle design and shape, battery sizes and formats, The business model of separating the cost of the
different connections, different materials and energy vehicle from the cost of the battery, and a subscrip-
density is one of the main challenges to diffusion of tion-model based payment system for charging and
battery-swapping systems rather than the investment swapping might be the factors that make customers
and operating costs. choose vehicles enabling battery-swapping and
NEV developers redesign their NEVs to embrace
Developing and establishing a large-scale infrastruc- swapping solutions.
ture for nationwide battery-swapping system
is very big business.
Aulton is striving to be the system integrator and • Battery-swapping is also a platform for battery
provider of generic battery-swapping technology resource sharing. The separation and unified
solutions to all OEMs that wish to follow this path. management of vehicle and battery can realize the
They intend to be the global provider and developer maximum value of the whole life cycle of the battery.
of new swapping technology for small NEVs as well
as for trucks and buses. • Battery-swapping is becoming a commodity, a
sharing platform for vehicle services, shared with
Their newest swapping station can change a battery 9 vehicle models of 7 mainstream OEMs in China.
in 20 seconds, which is currently the fastest in the This creates an opportunity for unification of the
world (2021). physical interface and electromechanical connec-
tion mode, which could go on to be the standard
The arguments for battery-swapping from Aulton’s solution for battery-swapping in the future.
perspective are as follows:
• Battery-swapping enables continuous quality
• Efficient use of land. The fourth generation checking and ensures that no faulty battery is
battery-swap station can change the battery of returned to a NEV that might cause a malfunction
3,000 cars within an area of 150 square meters, and in the worst-case scenario, a fire. Statistics
which means that each car covers just 0.5-0.05 show that about 75% of fire accidents involving
square meters. By contrast, a private charging pile models from brands such as Tesla occur when the
uses 12 square meters. As the area-equivalent vehicles are being charged.
of the car occupied at a battery-swap station is
0.5-0.05 square meters, the occupation of land
resources is reduced by at least 20 times.
”Volvo Car Corporation urges the EU to coordi- for NEVs as a percentage of the total vehicle
nate incentives whilst supporting research and market (hybrids and electric vehicles) in 2020 grow-
development. The European automotive industry ing to 30% by 2030.
risks losing the present technological leadership
if this doesn’t happen. In the long-term, this ”Both predictions are unrealistic. Considering
jeopardizes our industry’s competitiveness and the lack of coordinated governmental incentives
European jobs. and the high battery system costs, the market
share for electrified vehicles will struggle to pass
Stefan Jacoby, CEO Volvo, Volvo Press 2012.
the one percent mark by 2020.
The European Commission study of 2010 “A European Stefan Jacoby, CEO Volvo, Volvo Press 2012.
strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles”, esti-
mated that the market share in the EU would be 3-4%
Looking at the EU market situation in 2020/2021 some key figures indicate the following:
In 2019, there were 15.5 million new car registrations in the EU.
The share of diesel cars sold in the EU dropped from 55% in 2011-2012
to 44% in 2017 and to 31% in 2019.
The official level of average CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the
EU increased to 122 gr/km in 2019, which is 1 g/km higher than in 2018.
According to Statista, customers in Europe purchased - 3.0% of all new cars being sold in 2019 were
between 1.4 and 1.5 million plug-in electric vehicles electrically chargeable (+2.4 percentage points
in 2020 – more than double the number sold in 2019, since 2014).
an increase of about 240 percent year-on-year.
- 5.9% of all new cars being sold in the EU were
Statistics from ACEA indicate the following outcome hybrid electric last year (+4.5% percentage points
in the EU in 2019: over six years).
Innovation is when the chasm is crossed and the With a total penetration of only 3% of new sales of the
novelty reaches the vast majority of the market. Not vehicle market in Europe, we are still in the invention
until the market penetration rate is about 20-30% of phase, searching for solutions for scaling up the tech-
the total market can the innovation be sustainable. nology, products and finding suitable business models
for crossing the chasm. We are not there yet. The
innovation is not yet visible.
The success of Tesla is only the beginning of the - About 49% of users make short distance trips but
race. It was not until 2020 that Tesla made its first do not have parking spots and need to find external
profits and its bottom line was finally in the black. charging piles.
The Chasm concept was coined by Moore (Moore, - About 21% of users have a strong need to make
2014). This approach identifies phases of develop- long-distance journeys but do not have parking
ment and penetration of markets from early visionary spots and thus don not have a charging opportunity.
customers to gradually maturing markets and grow-
ing numbers of customers in mass markets. The idea - Only about 9% have a strong need for regular
uses a traditional biological approach to describing charging because they drive long distances and
the process as overlapping S-curves. Technology have private parking spots and might have access
matures and gradually dies, then it is taken over by to private charging piles.
new technologies etc. Not until the mass market is
Source: Lei Ye, engineer and author of NIO analysis
reached will there be positive cash-flow for entrepre-
neurs and companies exploring and exploiting solu-
These customer analysis conditions need to be
tions. Until then, somebody has to cover the losses
understood in the light of the very large population
size and density of Chinese cities, which makes it
even more difficult for users of NEVs to have access
In this respect China is a bit different. By the end of
to charging opportunities.
2020, China had about 5.5 million NEVs, equaling
a penetration rate of about 1.75%. More than 1.36
The highway network in China is developing quickly.
million new EVs were added in the whole of 2020,
In 2020 China had about 150,000 km of highway.
accounting for about 5.4% of total vehicle sales for
Considering the density of battery-swapping stations
the year. This means that conventional automotive
based on a distance between swapping stations of
technology is still dominant and will remain so for
200 km, it would need about 750 battery-swap
many years to come.
stations to cover the entire highway system. However,
this is just an indicative number because in reality
The specific customer conditions in China are that:
the proprietary adoption of systems implies a much
larger number, one system for each brand.
- 70% of NEV users drive less than 80km per day.
We also see based on China, the country with the
- only 68% of electric vehicles have their own
densest concentration of NEVs, that it is important to
charging pile.
understand the context and yet, even in China, the
penetration level of NEVs is very low.
- 21% of users drive short distances and have access
to a parking place but mostly without a possibility for
setting up a private charging pile.
Technology perspectives
Battery-swapping technology is basically a simple b. Standardization of the technological solutions
technology that has existed for decades. The idea and processes used in swapping.
is not new, but the way it is executed has developed Every NEV OEM views the battery system as their
and it is now used in commercial and practical vehicle propriety technology, even if they buy batteries
battery-swapping systems. However, it is the fine from independent global suppliers. OEMs also
details that make the difference between failure and design vehicles based on a fully integrated vehicle
success. and battery system. This has become the domi-
Three fundamental issues are critical: nant business model; OEMs sell the complete
a. Volumes. system. The fast development of batteries also
creates difficulties in integrating with the electronics,
b. Standardization of the technological solutions and
hence the system integration is crucial. Ultimately,
processes used for swapping.
OEMs have to ensure the overall system quality of
c. Safety of the swapping and charging operations. all systems irrespective of who is their supplier.
c. Safety in swapping and charging operations multiple times during the life of the EV, the
Batteries have developed greatlay in respect of connection between the battery and the EV must
their technology content, energy density, charging be reliable.
capacity, connections between internal cells and to
the vehicle and swapping system etc. In the work of BAIC the entire swapping system is
Nevertheless, the battery remains one of the most designed to handle 8,000 swaps and development
challenging sub-systems of NEVs. there is a risk requirements are targeting 10,000 swaps.
of them catching fire, particularly during charging.
The safety issue has emerged as one of the most Also, the swapping station itself has to be safe.
critical aspects of batteries. Each swapping station contains multiple battery
packs which are charged at different currents
With the battery-swapping model, each swapping depending on the status of each battery. Stations
operation must be performed correctly and accu- cannot be located too close to residential areas
rately because any mistake could cause a battery because, like gasoline stations, battery stations
incident. When the battery needs to be swapped require safety arrangements and special fire-
fighting capabilities.
Business perspectives
In the main, it is relatively easy to resolve technology individual company level where each company acts
issues. It is more complicated to master the business- independently from the other companies.
related aspects of battery-swapping.
The separation between vehicle OEM manufacturer
As mentioned, volumes and standardization are and battery supplier changes the business logic in
crucial aspects influencing the economic outcome the favor of battery suppliers. Based on the old busi-
of swapping solutions. The total cost for charging ness logic, OEM automotive manufacturers will lose
vehicles by battery-swapping will probably always be business if they divide their business into vehicles
more expensive than charging by cable. and batteries.
To achieve large-scale battery-swapping solutions, Success of the swapping system solution requires
new ecosystems need to be developed that can stakeholders to develop a new collaborative business
complement each other. model sharing information, responsibilities, risks,
costs, investments and profits in a new approach.
Every player has their own interests, motives and, There is a risk that the old OEMs will simply continue
in the main, wants to make a profit. There must be as before and that it will be newcomers who develop
sufficient business for all the participating business both system solutions and new business models.
players. To achieve this and to develop suitable solu-
tions for all stakeholders, new business models need The future standards for batteries, safety regulations,
to be developed, not just business models at the interoperability etc. are among the major concerns of
the stakeholders in the swapping technology sector.
Economic perspectives
Economic scale is crucial for making battery-swapping On the other hand, if there are too many battery-
successful. swap stations and too few cars using the system, the
stations will not survive. Conversely, if there are not
Experience from China indicates that a few years enough stations, buyers will not buy the car because
ago the cost of battery-swapping solutions was of the lack of convenience after they have bought it.
125% higher than for cable-charging. The cost for This is a tricky balancing act, and one of the biggest
establishing battery-swap stations is higher than for headaches for BAIC setting up swapping stations.
equivalent cable-charging systems. Both of these
price indicators are reducing with improved econo- There are important differences between b2b and
mies of scale, as the learning curve is followed, and b2c markets. Each needs different solutions. Techni-
as new technology creates new opportunities. In the cally, swapping stations could use the same solution
future, it is likely that swapping stations will be oper- but different brands have different strategies.
ated by a single person for security reasons. However,
the competence needed and the level of training are This shows that in China initial actions are targeted
high and thus the cost of the technician represents a at the large public transportation sector, buses and
considerable cost. taxis. Experience shows that the public transporta-
tion sector is demanding, has a high traffic density,
In the fully integrated car-battery concept, the car has carries a large amount of people, places high
one battery pack, when using the battery-swapping demands on access to vehicles, and is also sensitive
system the same car needs 1.3 batteries on average to business and economic outcomes. The decision to
to allow for swapping - based on the experience of focus on public transportation is also a relatively easy
TELD, China’s largest charging service provider. one for the decision makers and policy makers. After
Somebody in the value chain will have to pay for the these systems have been developed and experience
0.3 extra batteries. Ultimately, it will be the customer, gained, it might be possible and the timing correct
the question is when and how. This is why the to exploit other sectors and the private consumer
business model used is important. sector.
In Beijing, by the end of 2020, operators had built Although NIO has achieved success in exploiting b2c
battery-swap stations at a radius of 2.53 kilometers swapping stations, BAIC believes that consumer market
to each other in the most dense urban area. In a few demand could become large scale in 2023-2025.
less dense suburbs, the value increases to about 5.6
km in radius. This was to demonstrate to customers
that swapping solutions were permanent and easily
Political readiness level (PRL) The availability of swapping stations also supports
As the Chinese government has put the batery- the willingness to shift for swapping system solutions.
swapping technology on the national strategic list of
technologies of high importance, the estimation is The safety of electrification, battery and swapping
that this technology has got highest recognition pos- systems seems to be acceptable, and customers
sible. The next step is to put in a number of imple- appear to learn from experience in the taxi area and
mentation situations. This indicates that investments apply it to the private sphere.
will be directed to the development of technology and
that industry working in this chosen direction. Economic readiness level (ERL)
Here the economic refers to two perspectives, one
The separate vehicle and battery model influences relates to the operators of swapping stations and the
property ownership, taxation, insurance, etc. for other relates to customers/consumers of services.
consumers and other stakeholders. Different Chinese This is the area in which the battery-swapping model
government agencies have taken action to update faces the most challenges.
regulations and procedures according to the require-
ments of the new battery-swapping model. In 2021 Our information indicates that NIO is losing money
national congress and entrepreneur delegations have from its business selling NEVs and battery-swapping
submitted further proposals in this direction to the solutions. However, it is difficult to identify differenc-
Chinese government. es between the losing areas, whether it is the NEVs
themselves or the swapping systems. Nevertheless,
Technological readiness level (TRL) companies need to find the right balance between
Battery-swapping is no longer an immature technol-
ogy. All the established systems show that technol-
ogy works in fully automated systems and has been
charging for swapping solutions and charging fees. customers. Each brand establishing its own station
For customers the business model enables them to serve their own brand vehicles is not economical
to find the most economical solution that fits their for the company and involves waste for society as
needs; the flexibility and freedom from problems well. Sharing battery-swap stations among different
means that customers will be willing to pay more brands is the best solution for reducing costs for each
for the higher value. brand and customers as well. Shared stations require
standardization of batteries and open battery man-
To make the battery-swapping model attractive to agement systems. To achieve those goals requires
customers, price and convenience are the key. To difficult negotiations and compromise, otherwise,
make the solution convenient to customers, the it will be difficult to secure the long term economic
stations need to reach a certain density level. feasibility of the battery-swapping route.
However, stations themselves are expensive to build
and operate. The battery-swapping price is currently Based on this multi-aspects model, there are some
more expensive than the charging solution for obvious improvements, however, we do not think that
there will ever be one solution that is a solution for all
aspects all of the time.
This is breaking the traditional value chain and the • Foxconn is one of the largest manufacturers of
perception that developers and manufacturers need electronic products in the world. They have
to be one and the same company, which has been the become a major assembler of Apple products and
dominant business logic in the automotive industry. are well-known for flexibility and fast adaptation to
This highlights the emerging new business logic of dynamics.
separating development and manufacturing, aside
from decoupling vehicle from battery, in the new • Foxconn and Fisker, a start-up company esta-
fast-developing electric vehicles market. blished in 2005 in the electric vehicle sector and
taken over in 2014 by Chinese company Wanxiang,
This raises new questions about the identity and has reached an agreement to jointly produce more
understanding of who is the electric vehicle brand than 250,000 electric vehicles per year. That makes
owner, developer and manufacturer, besides who are Fisker a clear developer while Foxconn is entering
the technology providers? The main historical solu- the electric vehicle manufacturing sector. The man-
tion has been integration of those roles. The tradition- ufacture of high-tech smartphones and computers
al approach and expectations are being questioned seems to be more similar to the manufacture of
and revised as part of the electrification process. electric vehicles that you might at first think.
We are used to seeing China as the factory of the
world, meaning that development is located in the • Foxconn has invested 750 million US $ in esta-
west and manufacturing located in China to achieve blishing manufacturing capacity in Wisconsin, US.
economies of scale and take advantage of lower
salary levels. The thinking behind economies of scale • Foxconn is also collaborating with Fiat Chrysler
is based on assumptions that there is a relation and Geely in the manufacture of electric vehicles.
between large volumes and manufacturing econo-
mies of scale. • Foxconn has also launched new projects that can
be used to develop electric and autonomous
A different business logic applied to traditional ICE vehicles - providing customizable basic technology
vehicles than the logic we see in the emerging elec- kits. This indicates that in the future electric
tric vehicles that have a lot fewer mechanical parts vehicles may well become commodities, custom-
but a lot more electrical and electronic parts, soft- ized products based on standardized subsystems
ware and batteries. Modern electric cars are more and components and that variation will come more
like hundreds of interconnected computers placed in through software engineering and control than
a body on four wheels. through mechanical engineering.
”The last thing an electric car startup should do However, the rapid electrification of vehicles is
is to build its own factory. Frankly speaking, speeding up this transformation and separation
I think this is a very stupid idea.” between vehicle developers and manufacturers.
CEO of Fisker
“The new collaboration between Foxconn and
Fisker´s luxury sport utility vehicle ”Ocean” is expected Fisker will revolutionize the automotive industry
to be launched in 2022 and will be manufactured by model by introducing ICT capabilities – which
Foxconn. Magna Steyer in Austria has for some time help automakers accelerate their transition to
being manufacturing the BW X3 as sub-contractor. new, innovative, and efficient manufacturing
Magna is expected to start building the Fisker Ocean processes and business models. The collabo-
electric SUV by the end of 2022. ration between our firms means that it will only
take 24 months to produce the next Fisker vehi-
“The Fisker and Foxconn partnership brings cle -- from research and development to produc-
together two global leaders in innovation that will tion, reducing half of the traditional time required
join forces to unlock the potential of the electric to bring a new vehicle to market,”
vehicle industry.” Foxconn Technology Group Chairman Young-way
Fisker and Foxconn joint press release Liu in Fisker and Foxconn joint press release.
“Foxconn’s participation in the electric vehicle Although global collaboration is an old phenomenon,
industry delivers a refreshing thrust into the the rapidly increased electrification of the automotive
Information and Communication Technology industry and transportation will have a major impact
(ICT) industry that is already focused on this on the global business set-up and we will see new
exciting sector. The key success elements of combinations and recombination of players.
electric vehicle development include the electric
motor, electric control module and battery. Manufacturing is the new core competence in
We have two major advantages in this regard, those times of transformation to transportation
with an exceptional vertically integrated global electrification
supply chain and the best supply chain
management team in our industry. Coupled
with our accumulated engineering capabilities,
Foxconn has been critical to the success of
many ICT companies over the past 40 years and
we look forward to extending this success with
Fisker and Foxconn joint press release
the mechanical engineering-based vehicle industry technology will be supported by central government
into renewable energy industries, and electronically with new industry entrants developing new solutions.
and digitally interconnected new energy vehicles. Addition to the national strategic list is a very
Some industries will become obsolete and new important indicator of what is important and where
industries will arrive. Old technology will be discarded the support will be directed. From 2020-2021 we will
and new technology will take over. The new inno- see many more players entering the battery-
vation stands in front of us and we are right in the swapping system.
middle of a new big wave. We are in the middle of the
transformation and we can influence it. To achieve this introduction of battery-swapping we
will see the establishment of a new ecosystem of
It makes no sense investing in the electrification of players in the new energy sector. Key players are
transportation and the introduction of electric vehi- complementary and cover the entire energy system
cles if the energy sourcing and distribution still relies and value chain, from energy producers and energy
on fossil-fuel energies such as coal and oil. We need providers, transmission system operators, battery
to have a system perspective and ensure that the producers, OEM vehicle manufacturers, third party
whole of industry has the same target of zero CO2 swapping station operators through to investors. That
emissions from operation of the entire transportation is complemented by a new business model in which
system. We see that up-scaling of vehicles will to a the vehicle is separated from the battery, and charg-
large extent require more energy. A main question is ing is offered on a buy-rent-subscription model, as
where the new energy will come from. The second well as charging being offered via alternative sub-
is how we can create a balance between energy scription models. In this way, the entrance price level
production and energy consumption across the entire for consumers is significantly decreased, sometimes
energy system. The third key question is how to by more than 50% of the car price, and customers
design the charging system to manage the challenge can chose an operational cost level based on their
of the growing number of electric vehicles. Global needs. Flexibility and adaptability to customer require-
charging of almost 300 million EVs by 2030 will be a ments are increased in comparison with a customer
great challenge. buying an integrated system solution. The influence
from digital business models is substantial.
For this reason, China has made strategic decisions
to establish another technology route to ensure EV The traditional vehicle business logic is mixed with
charging, the battery-swapping system. Battery- new business logics from the digital, software and
swapping is seen as complementary to stationary IT-business sectors to form a new flexible model
cable-based systems. Battery-swapping was placed focusing on servitization rather than hardware and
on the national strategy list in 2020, and thus the functionality, based on decomposition and customer
As mentioned, China has become the world’s largest and one global. It is possible that the major growth
market for electric vehicles. To really understand the of NEVs will be in the central parts of China, in those
differences with the past and to compare its situation cities referred to third or fourth tier cities, which are
with the rest of the world, we need to consider the still multi-million-citizen cities with a growing middle-
size of the population, the general income of class population, as a main development engine
population etc. and in the eastern part of China as a transformation
instrument for replacing ICE vehicles. This might also
Taking into the consideration that diffusion of NEVs in reflect the Chinese success of smaller and cheaper
China is to a large extent located in the eastern parts NEVs suitable for lower income regions.
of China, the future development of the rural part of
China will probably increase demand for NEVs in the The Chinese NEV market is larger than the European
central and western parts. This is likely to be sup- and US markets combined. Taking into consideration
ported by the new strategy for development of China the size of India and the growth of the Indian economy
introduced by the 14th five-year plan focusing on dual and increase in demand for electrified solutions, it is
circulation development processes, one domestic not difficult to see where the future main markets for
NEVs might be. The answer is very probably in Asia.
Nothing is new under heaven
The idea of battery-swapping was introduced in Large-scale electrification creates challenges that the
China as early as 2002 by Chinese national trans- operators of the transmission system and electricity
mission system operators. This was the beginning producers have to overcome. The NEV manufactur-
of the electrification of vehicles. Some pioneering ers focus was on the vehicles and quick scaling-up of
transmission system operators saw the opportunity of the manufacturing of NEVs, the management of stiff
battery-swapping from the electricity production and competition, survival in the new landscape, and not
the transmission system operators’ perspectives and at all on the overall system extending from production
tried to develop and put it into practice solutions with to the consumption of electricity.
the vehicle manufacturers. The electricity producers
and transmission system operators quickly realized The old ICE energy system was a centralized solu-
that large scale electrification of vehicles and trans- tion, from gasoline/diesel production/import to
port would have a huge impact on the consumption distribution via gasoline stations to ICE vehicles. It
of electricity and the transmission system. They also was separate from the electricity production, distribu-
quickly realized that the large-scale electrification tion and consumption system. The emerging electrifi-
of transportation required the redevelopment and cation of transportation, and the transformation from
restructuring of the transmission system in order to gasoline/diesel to electrical energy, demanded other
support large numbers of electric vehicles charged solutions that were also complicated. There was a
using the emerging static, individual and decen- need for a decentralized system solution that was
tralized charging stations in huge volumes all over independent of the old centralized system of electric-
China. Energy is difficult to store after it has been ity production, distribution and consumption. It was
produced. The balancing issue is crucial, and the this situation that built awareness of battery-swapping
stability of the transmission system is important. solutions.
However, neither the battery-swapping technology, solutions to the overall electrification of transporta-
nor the timing for commercialization was in place and tion. Nevertheless, although vehicle electrification
political ambition for the exploitation of battery- technology developed very quickly, there were no
swapping was missing in that early phase. reliable and economically feasible swapping solu-
tions in place in 2002.
The automotive industry at the beginning of electri-
fication was struggling to develop basic solutions to Gradually the technology was developed and
capture the market and introduce new electric vehi- matured to a level at which vehicle manufacturers
cles to the market. They were focusing on proprietary could see the opportunities ten years later. Also, the
solutions and their own brands that could give each political awareness and acceptance did not exist in
manufacturer easy and profitable solutions and which 2002, which was not the case ten years later when
meant they could differentiate themselves from other the large-scale development and exploitation of
manufacturers. There were no coordinating powers battery-swapping began.
or forces at that time. The dominant technological
and economic interest among electricity producers, Some early initiators of the battery-swapping
transmission system operators, swapping system system never gave up. One such player is Aulton
operators and vehicle manufacturers was not aligned, New Energy Automotive Technology that today is
and thus they could not find a common understand- one of the largest nationwide battery-swap station
ing of the long-term development nor develop joint operators in China.
contemporary batteries were important issues. What we also need to reflect upon is that Tesla
Tesla also decided to establish Gigafactory’s to created a business model for their new cars. They
design and manufacture high-capacity and high- sold the car at a very expensive price and offered a
quality batteries for their own use. Tesla was also life-long free-of-charge electricity charging system.
well aware of the cost of the batteries and wanted the For many people, particularly those that could make
profits to go to Tesla rather than the battery suppliers. a company pay for a company car, they got a car that
Put together, Tesla wanted to control as much of the was convenient, did not need gasoline, traditional
value chain as possible. Their main headache servicing and was free of charge to use. Just plug-
became manufacturing quality and manufacturing in, have a coffee and charge the car. Why would this
capacity, which took many years to solve but does kind of customer choose battery-swapping that was
not form part of the scope of this paper. as expensive as filling the car with gasoline?
There are no plans to standardize batteries soon, The car design, the business model Tesla developed
because each drivetrain requires a different energy and the dominant class of customers, helped Tesla to
and power ratio. Therefore, battery-swap stations outline a dominant business model. Nowadays, Tesla
need to be tightly controlled by the automaker to no longer offers free charging. Now the Tesla solution
manage inventory and swapping technology to has become a dominant business model. Sell the car
operate fast and smoothly. with a huge battery, the bigger the better the car, the
longer distance you can drive the better car, price
We also need to consider that during those early does not matter because the premium already pays for
days of new electric vehicles, Tesla was an outsider the status, access to cities via government licenses,
coming up with radically new ideas. Tesla did what free parking in the city for NEVs etc. The time has not
Toyota did some years earlier when it invented the yet arrived in the western world for swapping systems
hybrid Prius. It was the world’s first hybrid-car, and and a new business model. Maybe not yet. Maybe
everybody in the automotive industry was laughing. is it just around the corner. Maybe it will be Chinese
Today nobody is laughing at Toyota’s visionary manufacturers that demonstrate the alternative way
approach and determination to make the hybrid of launching NEVs in the future.
successful. Toyota created the market, developed the
hybrid car and seized the market share before any- We will see later that most of the ideas created by
body else woke up, and when they did it was too late. Better Place and Tesla were further developed and
Tesla is also similar to Apple when they launched the put into large-scale practice in China. The major
iPhone. Everybody laughed at Apple and their difference was that Chinese suppliers integrated the
iPhone, a smart phone without a keyboard. Today technology into a new ecosystem design integrated
nobody is laughing any more, including Ericsson, with a new business model for a new segment of
Nokia and Motorola. Today, most of the automotive customers, the urban middle class living in large
companies are developing hybrids and almost all Asian cities that cannot afford expensive premium
are developing pure electric cars, buses and trucks. model western NEVs. Tesla had ideas but no busi-
Thanks are due to Tesla (the inventor) and Tesla the ness model capabilities at the time and the Chinese
company. market developed later in a different way. The market
and the business logic in China were not aligned with
a western approach.
… to innovation in China
China is the largest EV market in the world, with 3.1 The diffusion of modern e-scooters was also support-
million electric vehicles in active use in 2020. As part ed by the growth in e-commerce, where they were
of its ”Made in China 2025” plan, the world’s second- used for large scale distribution of purchased goods
largest economy vows to become a global leader in etc., as local distributors for a fast-growing online
new energy vehicles (NEVs), which also includes plug- market. Several manufacturers developed battery-
in hybrids and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. China has swapping as small-sized systems for scooters that
set a target for NEVs to account for a fifth of its total were user friendly, had a modular scooter design and
auto sales by 2025. Those targets are also reflected in allowed battery recharging by connection to an average
the fourteenth five year plan introduced at the family’s electrical system.
beginning of 2021.
In the main, charging of small two-wheelers is largely
performed using normal home chargers.
They developed the original battery-swapping solu- necessary to have a proper developed ecosystem with
tions, developed practical solutions, and developed car manufacturers, technology development partners
their own cars that could utilize the solution. Then they and state transmission system providers to ensure
set up their own entity to commercialize the product adequate electrical capacity for charging stations and
and also developed a new business model ensuring charging piles.
both business success and customer satisfaction. The
initial focus was large taxi customers who were operat- ”We plan to invest more than 10 billion yuan
ing taxis in tough conditions and for whom a one-hour ($1.4 billion) to build 3,000 battery swap stations
battery charge was a problem. Understanding of the capable of serving 500,000 electric vehicles by
market and customer combined with appropriate sys- the end of 2022.”
tem solutions ensured market success. It was a very Ma Fanglie, president of BJEV,
at an industry forum in early September.
different solution to the earlier pioneering solutions.
Under the agreement, BAIC and State Grid EV will
“This will make cars much more affordable,” create an in-depth collaboration in businesses such as
Ma Fanglie, president of BJEV, the sale of complete vehicles and packages of charg-
at an industry forum in 2020, China Daily.
ing services, battery power packs, battery-swapping,
green power, the smart energy service, and capital
Recently BJEV revealed a new version of its budget investment. BAIC BJEV and BAIC Mobility will promote
EV300 small car, priced at the equivalent of about the charging service packages offered by State Grid
$11,700, with unlimited battery swaps allowed for a EV and cooperate on the connectivity and operation
monthly battery subscription of about $64. Scaling up of charging piles, the EV community charging busi-
of the system is now taking place with a new business ness, and new technologies such as plug-and-play,
model based on energy subscriptions, very similar to high-power charging and the automatic charging, in
the new approaches in the smartphone area of appli- order to jointly form an ecosystem and a marketing
cation subscriptions. model integrating complete vehicles, charging piles
and charging service.
In 2018 BJEV sold the EV300 compact car for about
$12,000. It included an all-you-can-swap deal for about BAIC become the third largest stakeholder in Daimler
$60 a month. in 2019. BAIC Group acquired a 5 percent stake in
Daimler AG, providing reassuring group profitability in
BAIC’s electric cars are not well known outside China. a dynamic market. With the German automotive giant
They are small and affordable, with prices targeted at having a new leader at the helm, it is seeking further
middle class Chinese consumers. Making battery- success in China, and Europe. The partnership with
swapping available in those models could represent a Daimler has been profitable. BAIC 2018 profits grew
real opportunity for greater EV adoption in China. 4.2 percent year-on-year to 37 billion yuan and were
primarily the result of increased sales from the joint
The goal of BAIC is to supply half a million electric venture with Mercedes-Benz.
vehicles with battery-swapping by the end of 2022.
”It has been a long-term wish to deepen the
“BJEV wants to decouple the costs for the partnership with Daimler through investment.
batteries from the purchase price of the electric We have joined hands for more than a decade
cars through the battery exchange principle and the partnership has yielded remarkable
against the background of falling subsidies in results.”
China – by leasing the batteries.”
BAIC’s ambition is to expand in both NEV and
BAIC Group and the State Grid Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure and particularly in battery-
Service Co., Ltd. (called “State Grid EV” for short) swapping. BAIC/BJEV is working on decoupling the
signed a framework agreement on July 27, 2020, to costs of batteries from the purchase price of electric
cement their strategic cooperation to promote the cars based on the battery-swapping system, by
development of the NEV industry. To achieve fast leasing out the batteries.
development of a battery-swapping system, it is
”We will separate the batteries from vehicles and In 2020 BAIC battery-swapping systems, vehicles and
lease them to car owners, making the cars much swapping stations, reached their fourth generation.
more affordable”. The 4.0 generation requires only 75 square meters
Ma Fanglie, president of BJEV, at an industry forum, compared to 150 in earlier systems. By the end of
September 2020. 2020, BAIC had set-up 187 battery-swap stations and
sold 18,000 battery-swapping vehicles,
In preparation for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games covering 19 cities.
in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, BAIC BJEV is to replace
50,000 existing taxis with EVs equipped with swappable A total of 4.8 million battery-swapping operations have
batteries. been performed, equivalent to a total 690 million kilo-
meters. The BAIC solution is the largest battery-
In the new vehicle models, EU220 to EU260, EU300 swapping system in the world.
and EU5, all models will use the same battery-
swapping system in respect of sizes and formats thus
enabling all vehicles to use the same swapping system
solutions. All vehicles now have a standardized modu-
lar design based on the same ideas.
Figure 36:
Figure 35: NIO scooter (www.nio.com) NIO board (www.nio.com)
NIO has introduced a new series of EVs and provides The system solution is standardized and fully auto-
lifetime free battery-swapping services for those who mated. From driving in to driving out takes less than
buy brand new cars. Batteries are the most expensive three minutes during which the battery is automati-
portion of an electric vehicle. By removing what is cally exchanged. People in the car can remain inside
essentially a large mass of chemicals sitting in the during the battery-swapping process; it is similar to an
vehicle from the sticker price, NIO is addressing the automatic car wash. Of course, the payment system
higher-price pain point of EVs. is automatic as well. Each station has five places for
swappable batteries.
Figure 37: New NIO ES8 EV car suitable for According to NIO, 50.1% of its customers used its
battery-swapping (www.nio.com).
battery-swapping services in 2020.
This approach is a reminder of the early days of Tesla
offering life-time free charging for the Tesla EV. NIO
customers can either buy a new car with a battery as
one purchase and then pay for their own charging or
the customer can buy the car separately from the bat-
tery which is then rented from NIO. In this way the pur-
chasing price is reduced and the cost is distributed over
the lifetime of the car. NIO has introduced a battery-
swapping plan that makes the price of an electric car
$10,000 cheaper.
NIO has already completed more than 700,000 battery swaps in 58 cities by 2020
The NIO business model lowers the initial car- Figure 40: A standardized and fully automated NIO battery-
purchasing investment by $10,000 while customers swap station, in Beijing, China, August 3, 2020
(Tianyu, 2020).
take out a battery subscription package to match their
needs. The more battery swaps, the higher the price.
Renting a 70-kWh battery with six swaps a month
costs about $23-$26.
• That means an average NEV owner need to make One possible conclusion is that, at first glance, the
50 battery swaps annually, which is one battery battery-swapping solution might be cheaper for
swap per week. customers at first glance. Of course, other aspects
relate to the variation in gasoline prices, government
taxes, local salary costs, real-estate and operating
labor costs for swapping stations etc.
In 2020, a 70.0-kWh pack with six swaps per month ”Sorry, but the reason Tesla abandoned battery-
was priced at about 180 RMB/$28. For those who swapping is because it doesn’t work financially.
don’t want to swap batteries but still need the pack,
the rental cost for the battery pack was about 150 Think about the number of Tesla supercharging
RMB/$23 a month. stations in the world today: about 11,000. Now if
Nio has similar sales success that means there
There has been speculation in China that NIO is will be at least 11,000 additional batteries out
working on plans to set up a battery asset manage- there tying up Nio’s capital for One Swap Per
ment company in August 2021 to drive separation of Station Per Charge Time. That is, the depleted
the car from the battery - more specifically in collabo- battery is not able to be used again until it is
rative agreements with some of China’s largest auto- fully charged, so the longer it takes to charge
motive lithium-ion battery makers as investors. the more batteries Nio must own. So it’s in Nio’s
interest to charge those batteries as quickly as
“With the support of our partners, we’ve dedi- possible, like supercharging them, right?
cated ourselves to deploying our battery swap Well if you can supercharge a battery outside of
network in order to offer users a worry-free the car, then you can supercharge it inside the
driving experience on China’s highways. The car, too. So, why do you want to swap a battery
deployment of our battery swap network on the out in the first place??? This doesn’t make
G4 expressway is the beginning of providing a economic sense, and I haven’t even made the
charging experience beyond refueling,” argument about battery packs stacking up in the
NIO co-founder and president, Lihong Qin. wrong swap stations while other stations run out
of fully charged batteries. Sigh. And people think
In 2020 NIO announced that: these Nio guys are smart.
Elon Musk,
“All ES8 Founders Edition owners, as well as https://electrek.co/2018/11/01/nio-battery-swap-
owners who have put down a deposit on the station-next-tesla-supercharger/
ES8 Standard Edition, will be able to enjoy 12
free battery swaps every year at any service That may be so, but times are changing. The ideas
station across China.” are persistent. The solutions when Tesla tried them
and the solutions now at the time of NIO and BAIC are
During 2020, NIO delivered more than 4,000 ES8 technically similar but business-wise very different.
model fully electric SUVs to the Chinese market. What we saw in the Tesla battery-swapping solution
was technical invention but what we see in the NIO
To support the diffusion of the NIO battery-swapping and BAIC solution is a new business model enabling
solutions, there will be an additional 1,100 battery- commercialization and what it looks like is market
swap stations by 2021. success and rapid growth in China.
Battery-swapping in India …
We are used to talking about standard four-wheel journeys under 8 kilometers. In the west people use
cars when we talk about NEVs. Both in China and their cars even for short trips. In the USA many cities
in the rest of Asia two- and three-wheelers are both are built around the car as the main transportation
popular and sold in large volumes. They are also solution. E-scooters and e-bikes are a fast-growing
being electrified and one solution is battery-swapping system solution, and shared e-scooter trips are
for two- and three-wheelers. This micromobility has expected to grow from 230 million in 2019 to 850
developed very quickly and meets very important million in 2028.
demands for short distance transportation, particularly
in densely populated and very large Asian cities. The figure below shows the proportion of trips under
15 kilometers in the USA and suitable mobility trip
The two- and three-wheeler segments are large. distances.
By 2019 the entire segment had a level of about 300
million units. And it is expected to grow to 400 million We need to bear in mind that this is based on the
by 2030, which is about 33% growth in ten years. USA context, history and transportation traditions. In
This segment comprises 40% of the entire global Asia the context is different and as we have seen the
NEV market. likelihood of micromobility being used is higher. This
is due to the sizes of cities in China and Asia, the
In China and in the rest of Asia, as well as in Europe population density of cities, and traffic density.
and USA about 50% of passenger kilometers are
Figure 45: Trips under 15 kilometers in the USA and suitable mobility trip distances (IEA, 2020).
Figure 46: Illustration of battery-swapping in India on popular two- and three-wheelers (EVReporter, 2021).
Thus, to develop India’s electric car industry, the One driver in this direction is that oil companies are
government will, bearing in mind the local conditions, working on new plans for establishing 20 battery-
also have to recognize ‘battery-swapping’ alongside swap stations in Chandigarth and more stations in
the other charging models if it wants to kick-start a Amritsar and Bengaluru. Gradually this development
fast deployment of EVs in India’s domestic market. will take off.
Thus, battery-swapping technology may well undergo Although India is lagging behind, when India starts
faster adoption in the electric two-wheeler and three- this process of electrification based on local condi-
wheeler mobility segment. In this segment (small tions, the growth is expected to be high and fast.
vehicle), battery-swapping technology represents A recent report suggests that India’s EV battery-
a leapfrogging opportunity for India’s EV dreams swapping market is projected to reach $6.1 million by
because it offers cost-effectiveness for consumers 2030, registering 31.3% growth during 2020-2030.
and several comparative advantages over dedicated The Indian battery-swapping market is predicted to
charging infrastructure and fossil-fuel approaches in generate a revenue of $6.1 million by 2030, during
terms of ease of use. the forecast period (2020–2030). Considering service
type, the market is divided into a subscription model
In all instances, the conversation revolves around the and pay-per-use model, with the subscription model
deployment of EV charging points because a lack of division predicted to grow at a faster pace in the
charging infrastructure is hindering the expansion of years to come, because the growing utilization of
EVs. If India envisages a break-out on the electric battery-swapping technology in commercial vehicles
mobility front in the coming years, then it will be would result in the growing adoption of the subscrip-
crucial to create an EV charging ecosystem along- tion model.
side this expansion.
On the basis of vehicle type, the Indian electric
In 2020 there were several companies working on vehicle battery-swapping market is sub-divided into
battery-swapping solutions, primarily focusing on commercial vehicle, two-wheeler, and three-wheeler,
two- and three wheelers. One example of this fast as per a report by P&S Intelligence. The three-
development is that in 2021 100 electric vehicle wheeler category is expected to dominate the market
battery-swap stations are to be installed in Bengaluru and is predicted to capture more than 90.0% of the
in India. market in 2020. This can primarily be ascribed to the
fact that the daily operating hours of these vehicles
The lack of clear government policies, lack of stand- are rising, and that their batteries need to be
ardized systems and technology solutions are some recharged/exchanged quickly for further use.
key barriers to further development of battery-
swapping solutions in India.
Battery-swapping in Europe …
Technology development is a dynamic process. Sometimes ideas from one industry influence
As it spreads from one part of the world to another, it another industry. The fast development of smart-
is transformed and adopted to local conditions, and phones and the business models in high-tech
later when it comes back it might be very different, business are diffusing to other areas, especially
and hopefully will have been developed further. It is when the traditional automotive industry is based
a mutual learning process. Where this process starts on intensive collaboration between new players
and ends depends on the observer. and software, electronics, electrical systems and
machinery are all integrated together. The future
The experience from China on battery-swapping automotive industry will be more like the smart-
solutions and experience of successful implemen- phone industry than we might currently envisage.
tation and commercialization is influencing develop- The flow of ideas across industries will probably be
ment in Japan, the US and also in Europe. Who and even more important in the future.
where ideas originate from is not easily pinpointed.
Battery-swapping in Italy
Maybe the most advanced car solution coming to What we also see is the influence from the smart-
the market is the Italian Fiat Centoventi. This new phone market and the business model becoming
Fiat model has a modular design giving the customer dominant in this rapidly changing market, the use of
many options to suit its wishes (Beedham, 2020). separation between hardware, software and function-
ally, the emerging subscription model, giving the con-
As the battery in an electric car is one of the most sumer a high level of freedom to choose and adopt to
expensive items, and the item causing most cus- new demands. The downside is locking in customers
tomer worries about quality and durability as well as in a supplier trap with business model lock-in.
the item that drives secondhand prices down, the
new Centoventi will give customers an opportunity to
flexibly select a battery capacity from short range to
500 km driving range after purchasing the car, and
probably battery-swapping solutions that make this
possible. Fiat’s dream sees the Centoventi with a
modular battery pack which has a starting range of
about 100 km (about 62 miles) with the potential to
increase this up to 500 km (about 310 miles).
Logo Flymove
Logo Flymove is another Italian automaker focusing
on super-sport car design, with its sights on the
development and manufacture of electric cars based
on fully integrated battery-swapping systems.
Battery-swapping in Germany
In Germany one approach to developing and putting
battery-swapping into practice is shown by Adaptive
City Mobility. Here the focus is on small city-
oriented vehicles, based on manual swapping of
modular battery designed solutions placed in a quite
simple vehicle design as demonstrators.
Battery-swapping in Finland
In Finland too, there are examples of prototyping and
the demonstration of vehicle and battery-swapping
system solutions - the Tank-Two company with
operations in Finland, USA and Germany.
Battery-swapping in Sweden
In Sweden too there is one company working on
prototype battery-swapping solutions, Powerswap.
Powerswap has developed and demonstrated a fully
automatic battery swap system solution for electric
vehicles. With Powerswap you can swap the battery
pack in 3 minutes. Powerswap’s business model
is based on sales of battery swap equipment and
licensing agreements with OEMs and battery makers.
Participating drivers in the Ample program, with sup- “Battery swapping has massive challenges in
ported electric vehicles with Ample modular battery terms of capital requirements,” he said. “Just like
bike-sharing, it’s not evenly distributed. It might
make sense to have stations along a particular
route, but demand can spike around travel, like
at Thanksgiving time. They will have to move
heavy batteries from place to place to make this
Figure 53: Ample’s modular electric vehicle batteries. Scott Case, CEO of Ample in Kolodny, 2021.
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