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Department Of School Education

Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

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Government of Tamil Nadu

First Edition - 2019

(Published under New Syllabus in

Trimester Pattern)


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© SCERT 2019

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Mathematics is a unique symbolic language in which the whole world

works and acts accordingly. This text book is an attempt to make
learning of Mathematics easy for the students community.

Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations

or algorithms; it is about understanding
— William Paul Thurston

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and to face higher challenges
in Mathematics and to face

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The main goal of Mathematics in School Education is to mathematise

the child’s thought process. It will be useful to know how to
mathematise than to know a lot of Mathematics.


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1 NUMBERS 1-30 January

2 LIFE MATHEMATICS 31-47 February

3 GEOMETRY 48-73 February & March

4 STATISTICS 74-99 March


ANSWERS 120-122


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11 NUMBERSNumbers

Learning Objectives

To compute squares of numbers.

To find the square root of a number by
(i) factor method and (ii) division method.
To find cubes of numbers.
To find the cube root of a number by factor method.
To make a rough estimate of square roots and cube roots.
To express numbers in exponential form with integral powers.
To understand the laws of exponents with integral powers.
To identify and express in scientific notation.

1.1 Introduction to square numbers

1 2 3
1 2 4 5 6
1 3 4 7 8 9
This is a square of side 1 unit. This is a square with side This is a square with side
It is 1 squared. 2 units. It is 2 squared. 3 units. It is 3 squared.
We write this as 1 2
We write this as 22 We write this as 32
12 = 1 22 = 2 × 2 = 4 32 = 3 × 3 = 9
More often we write like this:
42 = 16
This says “4 squared is 16”
The 2 at the top stands for squared and it indicates the number of times the number 4
appears in the product (4 × 4 = 42 = 16).
The numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, ... are all square numbers (also called perfect square numbers).
Each of them is made up of the product of same two factors.

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A natural number n is called a square number, if we can find another natural number m
such that n = m2.
Is 49 a square number? Yes, because it can be written as 72. Is 50 a square number?
The following table gives the squares of numbers up to 20.
Its Its Its Its
Number Number Number Number
square square square square
1 1 6 36 11 121 16 256
2 4 7 49 12 144 17 289
3 9 8 64 13 169 18 324
4 16 9 81 14 196 19 361
5 25 10 100 15 225 20 400

Try to extend the table up to the square number of 50.

We can now easily verify the following properties of square numbers from the table given
 The square numbers end in 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 or 9 only.
 If a number ends with 1 or 9, its square ends with 1.
 If a number ends with 2 or 8, its square ends with 4.
 If a number ends with 3 or 7, its square ends with 9.
 If a number ends with 4 or 6, its square ends with 6.
 If a number ends with 5 or 0 its square also ends with 5 or 0 respectively.
 Square of an odd number is always odd and the square of an even number is always even.
 Numbers that end with 2,3,7 and 8 are not perfect squares.


Finding the square root of numbers in Patterns connecting the squares and
the form spiral using the Pythagoras the cubes of numbers and illustrating
Theorem from Geometry (1 + 2 + 3 + .... + n ) ² = 1³ + 2³ + 3³ + .... + n ³

8th Standard Mathematics 2

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1.1.1 Summing up odd numbers from one results in a square:

Study the following pattern of odd numbers:
First odd number = 1 which is the same as 12
Sum of first two odd numbers =1+3 = 4 = 22
Sum of first three odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 = 32
Sum of first four odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16 = 42
Sum of first five numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25 = 52
Continuing this,what will be the sum of n consecutive odd numbers starting with 1?

The sum of the first n consecutive odd natural numbers is n2 .

1.1.2 Summing up two consecutive natural numbers results in a square:

Consider any odd natural number, say, 7. Its square is 7 2 = 49.
We can write
72 − 1 72 + 1
7 2 = 24 + 25 (which is the same as + )
2 2
Take a few more odd natural numbers and we can see that each of their squares can be
written as the sum of two consecutive natural numbers. Thus, the square of an odd number can
be written as the sum of two consecutive natural numbers.

Try these
Consider the following square numbers:
1. Is the square of a prime number, prime?
(i) 441 (ii) 225 (iii) 289 (iv) 1089
2. Will the sum of two perfect squares,
always a perfect square? What about Express each of them as the sum of two
their difference and their product? consecutive positive integers.

Example 1.1
Find the sum of the odd natural numbers 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ... ... ... + 99.
Here, there are 50 odd numbers from 1 to 99.
The sum of the first n consecutive odd natural numbers = n2
The sum of the first 50 consecutive odd natural numbers = 502
= 50 × 50 = 2500

A perfect number (recall) cannot be a square number. Perfect numbers such as

6, 28, 496, 8128 etc., are not square numbers.

3 Chapter 1 Numbers

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1. Take an even natural number, say, 46 (or any other even number of your choice). Try
to express it as a sum of consecutive odd numbers starting with 1. Do you succeed?
2. The square of an odd number can always be written as the sum of two consecutive
natural numbers. Can the reverse statement be true? Is the sum of any two consecutive
natural numbers a perfect square of a number?

1.1.3 Finding the square of a number using diagonal method:

Using the diagonal method, we can find the square of a number easily as given in the
following example.
Example 1.2
Find the square of 345 using diagonal method.
Create a 3 × 3 square below and to the left of 345 (red). Make
3 4 5 ×
1 2
a diagonal in each of the 9 squares created. Place the product
1 ←0 9
5 3 value, say, 5 × 3 = 15, 1 in the upper part and 5 in the lower
1 ←1 2 1 6 2 0 4 part of the square. After filling all the squares, add the numbers
9 ←1 5 2 0 2 5 5 through coloured diagonals. The arrow indicated numbers from

0 2 5 the left 119025 square of 345.

∴ 3452 = 119025.

Try these
(i) Which among 256, 576, 960, 1025, 4096 are perfect square numbers?
(Hint: Try to extend the table of squares already seen).
(ii) One can judge just by look, that the each of the following numbers: 82, 113, 2057,
24353, 8888, 1972 is not a perfect square. Explain why?
(iii) Find the squares by diagonal method and also the ones digit in the squares of the
following numbers: 11, 27, 42, 79, 146, 324, 520.


If a perfect square number ends in zero, it must end with even number of zeros always –We
can verify this for a few numbers in the table given below.
Number 10 20 30 40 ... 90 100 110 ... 200 ...
Its Square 100 400 900 1600 ... 8100 10000 12100 ... 40000 ...

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Consider the claim: “Between the squares of the consecutive numbers n and (n+1),
there are 2n non-square numbers”. Can it be true? How many non-square numbers are there
between 2500 and 2601 and verify the claim.

Verify the following statements:
(i) The square of a natural number, other than 1, is either a multiple of 3 or exceeds a
multiple of 3 by 1.
(ii) The square of a natural number, other than 1, is either a multiple of 4 or exceeds a
multiple of 4 by 1.
(iii) The remainder of a perfect square when divided by 3, is either 0 or 1 but never 2.
(iv) The remainder of a perfect square, when divided by 4, is either 0 or 1 but never 
2 and 3.
(v) When a perfect square number is divided by 8, the remainder is either 0 or 1 or 4,
but never be equal to 2, 3, 5, 6 or 7.

1.1.4 Pythagorean Triplets:

The concept of squares is used to describe what is known as Pythagorean Triplet.
Triplet means a set of three numbers. Any three numbers that can constitute the numerical
measure of the sides of a right angled triangle are said to make a Pythagorean triplet.
Mathematically, three numbers a, b, c make a Pythagorean triplet, if the sum of the
squares of any two equals the square of the third. This means,
a2 + b2 = c2  (or)  b2 + c2 = a2 (or)  c2 + a2 = b2
For example, the following are Pythagorean Triplets
Triplet Reason
(3, 4, 5) 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25 which is 52.
(5, 12, 13) 52 + 122 = 25 + 144 = 169 which is 132
(20, 21, 29) 202+212 = 400 + 441 = 841 which is 292

Example 1.3
Examine if (8, 15, 17) is a Pythagorean triplet.
We have, 82 = 8 × 8 = 64, 152 = 15 × 15 = 225 and 172 = 17 × 17 = 289
We find, 82 + 152 = 64 + 225 = 289 = 172
Thus, 82 + 152 = 172
∴ (8, 15, 17) is a Pythagorean triplet.
5 Chapter 1 Numbers

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Consider any natural number m > 1.We find that (2m, m2 – 1, m2 + 1) will form a
Pythagorean triplet. (A little algebra can help you to verify this!).
With this formula, generate a few Pythagorean triplets. One is done for you!
Now, we take 2m = 14. Here, 2m has to be an even integer (why?).
2m = 14 ⇒ (2m)2 = 14 = 196
2 2 2 2 2
This shows that m − 1 = 7 − 1 = 48 ⇒ (m − 1) = 48 = 2304
m2 + 1 = 72 + 1 = 50 ⇒ (m2 + 1)2 = 502 = 2500
196 + 2304 = 2500
(or ) (2m)2 + (m2 − 1)2 = (m2 + 1)2

Thus (14, 48, 50) is a Pythagorean triplet.

1.2 Square Root

Squaring a number is a mathematical operation like addition, subtraction,
multiplication etc., Most mathematical operations have ‘inverse’ (meaning ‘opposite’)
operations. For example, subtraction is the inverse of addition, division is the inverse of
multiplication etc., Squaring also has an inverse operation namely finding the Square root.

The square root of a number n, written n (or) n , is the number that gives n when

multiplied by itself.
Square root Reason
For example, 81 is 9, because 9 × 9 = 81.
1=1 12 = 1
In the adjacent table, we have square roots of all the
perfect squares starting from 1 up to 100. 4 =2 22 = 4

If we know that 324 = 182, we can immediately tell that 9 =3 32 = 9

324 is 18.
16 = 4 42 = 16
If 112 = 121, what is 121 ?
25 = 5 52 = 25
If 529 = 232, what is the square root of 529?
We have, 12 = 1 and so 1 is a square root of 1. (–1)2 is 36 = 6 6 = 36
also =1. So (–1) is also a square root of 1. 49 = 7 72 = 49
2 = 4 and so 2 is a square root of 4. (–2) is also = 4.
2 2

So (–2) is also a square root of 4. 64 = 8 82 = 64

Similarly, 81 = 9 92 = 81
32 = 9 and so 3 is a square root of 9. (–3)2 is also = 9.
So (–3) is also a square root of 9. 100 = 10 102 = 100
The above examples suggest that there are two integral
square roots for a perfect square number. However, in working out the problems, we will take
up only positive square root of a natural number.

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The positive square root of a number is always denoted by the symbol .

Thus, 4 is 2 (and not –2); 9 is 3 (and not –3). We have to remember that this is a universally
accepted notation.

1.2.1 Square root by repeated subtraction of successive odd numbers :

We know that a square number can be written as the sum of successive odd numbers
starting from 1.Therefore, we can hit upon the square root of a number by repeatedly subtracting
successive odd numbers (starting from 1) from the given square number, till we reach zero.
Example 1.4
Find the square root of 64 by repeated subtraction method.
Try these
We proceed as follows:
Step 1: 64 – 1 = 63 Use the method of successive
Step 2: 63 – 3 = 60 subtraction of odd numbers
Step 3: 60 – 5 = 55 (starting from 1) to examine the
Step 4: 55 – 7 = 48 following numbers and find if
Step 5: 48 – 9 = 39 they are perfect squares or not.
Step 6: 39 – 11 = 28 For perfect square numbers that
Step 7: 28 – 13 = 15 you find, identify the square root.
Step 8: 15 – 15 = 0 (i) 144 (ii) 256 (iii) 360
We have subtracted successive odd numbers
(starting from 1) repeatedly from the given number 64. We get zero in the 8th step.
Therefore 64 = 8. If we don't get zero, then the given number is not a perfect square.
Given that 685584 is a perfect square number. Is it possible for us to find out its square
root by the method of successive subtraction of odd numbers?
Yes, we can, but it will be time consuming and tedious. So we need to consider other
methods of finding the root of square numbers.
1.2.2 Square root through Prime Factorisation:
Study the following table giving the prime factors of numbers and those of their squares.
Prime factorisation The square of Prime factorisation
of the numbers given numbers of their squares
6 6=2×3 62 = 36 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = (2 × 3)2
8 8=2×2×2 82 = 64 64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = (2 × 2 × 2)2
12 12 = 2 × 2 × 3 122 = 144 44 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = (2 × 2 × 3)2
15 15 = 3 × 5 152 = 225 225 = 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 = (3 × 5)2
Look at 6 and its prime factors. How many times do 2 occur in the list?
Now, look at its square 36 and its prime factors. How many times do 2 occur here?
7 Chapter 1 Numbers

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Repeat the above task in the cases of other numbers 8, 12, and 15. (You may also choose your
own number and its square). What do you find?
The number of times a prime twice the number of times it occurs in
factor occurs in the square the prime factorisation of the number.
We use this idea to find the square root of a square number. First, resolve the given number
into prime factors. Group the identical factors in pairs and then take one from them to find
the square root.
Example 1.5
Find the square root of 324 by prime factorisation.
First, resolve the given number into prime factors. Group the identical factors in pairs
and then take one from them to find the square root.
Now, 324 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 2 324
= 2 ×3 ×3
2 2 2
2 162
= (2 × 3× 3)2 3 81
3 27
∴ 324 = (2 × 3× 3)2 3 9
= 2 × 3× 3 3 3
= 18 1
Example 1.6
Is 108 a perfect square number?
2 108
2 54
Here, 108 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 In this case, if we want to find the
3 27
smallest factor with which we can
= 2 ×3 ×3
2 2
3 9 multiply or divide 108 to get a square
Here, the second prime factor 3 does 3 3 number, what should we do?
not have a pair. Hence, 108 is not a perfect 1
square number.
Example 1.7
Find the least number by which 250 is to be multiplied (or) divided so that the resulting
number is a perfect square. Also, find the square root in that case.
5 250
We find 250 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 2 5 50
= 52 × 5 × 2 5 10
Here, the prime factors 5 and 2 do not have pairs. 2
Therefore, we can either divide 250 by 10 (5 × 2) or multiply 250 by 10.

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(i) If we multiply 250 by 10, we get 2500 = 52 × 5 × 2 × 5 × 2 and therefore the square
root for 2500 would be 5 × 5 × 2 = 50.
(ii) If we divide 250 by 10 we get 25 and in that case we get 25 = 52 = 5 .

Exercise 1.1
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The ones digit in the square of 77 is___________.
(ii) The number of non-square numbers between 242 and 252 is ______.
(iii) If a number ends with 5, its square ends with ______.
(iv) A square number will not end with numbers ______.
(v) The number of perfect square numbers between 300 and 500 is ______.
2. Say True or False:
(i) When a square number ends in 6, its square root will have 6 in the unit’s place.
(ii) A square number will not have odd number of zeros at the end.
(iii) The number of zeros in the square of 961000 is 9.
(iv) (7, 24, 25) is a Pythagorean triplet.
(v) The square root of 221 is 21.
3. What will be the ones’ digit in the squares of the following numbers?
(i) 36   (ii) 252   (iii) 543
4. Study the given numbers and justify why each of them obviously cannot be a perfect square.
(i) 1000  (ii) 34567  (iii) 408
5. Find the sum without actually adding the following odd numbers:
(i) 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ... ... ... + 35
(ii) The first 99 odd natural numbers.
6. Express (i) 152 and (ii) 192 as the sum of two consecutive positive integers.
7. Write (i) 102 and (ii) 112 as the sum of consecutive odd natural numbers.
8. Find a Pythagorean triplet whose
(i) largest member is 65   (ii) smallest member is 10
9. Find the square root of the following by repeated subtraction method.
(i) 144 (ii) 256 (iii) 784
10. Find the square root by prime factorisation method.
(i) 1156 (ii) 4761 (iii) 9025
11. Examine if each of the following is a perfect square:
(i) 725 (ii) 190 (iii) 841 (iv) 1089
9 Chapter 1  Numbers

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12. Find the least number by which 1800 should be multiplied so that it becomes a perfect
square. Also, find the square root of the perfect square thus obtained.
13. Find the smallest number by which 10985 should be divided so that the quotient is a
perfect square.
14. Is 2352 a perfect square? If not, find the smallest number by which 2352 must be multiplied
so that the product is a perfect square. Find the square root of the new number.
15. Find the least square number which is divisible by each of the numbers 8,12 and 15.

1.2.3  Finding the square root of a number by long division method:

When we come across numbers with large number of digits, finding their square roots
by factorisation becomes lengthy and difficult. Use of long division helps us in such cases. Let
us look into the method with a few Illustration.
Illustration 1
Find the square root of 576 by long division method.
Step 1:
Group the digits in pairs, starting with the digit in the unit's place. Each pair and the
remaining digit (if any) is called a period. Put a bar over every pair of digits starting from the
right of the given number. If there are odd number of digits, the extreme left digit will be
without a bar sign above it.
So, here we have 5  76
Step 2: 2
Think of the largest number whose square is equal to or just less than the 2 5  76
first period. Take this number as the divisor and also as the quotient. The 4
left extreme number here is 5. The largest number whose square is less than 1
or equal to 5 is 2. This is our divisor and the quotient.
Step 3: 2 5  76
Bring 76 down and write it down to the right of the remainder 1. 4
Now, the new dividend is 176. 1 76

Step 4: 2
To find the new divisor, multiply the earlier quotient (2) by 2 (always) and 2 5  76
write it leaving a blank space next to it. 4
4 1 76
Step 5:
The new divisor is 4 followed by a digit. We should choose this ×2
digit next to 4 such that the new quotient multiplied by the new 2 5  76
divisor will be less than or equal to 176. 4
4 ? 1 76 ≤ Product

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Step 6: 2 4
Clearly, the required digit here has to be 4 or 6. (why?) 2 5 76
When we calculate,
4 4 1 76
46 × 6 = 276 whereas 44 × 4 = 176. 1 76
Therefore, we put 4 in the blank space and write 176 below 176 and subtract 0
to get the remainder 0.
∴ 576 = 24 .

Illustration 2
In the following example, the gradual computation, stage by stage, of computing the square
root of 288369. Follow the figures one after another and try to understand what each figure

1 2 3
5 5
28 83 69 5 28 83 69
5 28 83 69
25 25
10 3 83
4 5 6
5 3 5 3 5 3 7
5 23 83 69 5 28 83 69 5 28 83 69
25 25 25
103 3 83 103 3 83 103 3 83
3 09 3 09 3 09
74 106 69 1067 74 69
74 69

You find that 288369 =537 .

Try these
Find the square root by long division method.
(i) 400 (ii) 1764 (iii) 4356

1.2.4 Number of digits in the square root of a perfect square number:

We made use of bars to find the square root in the division method. This marking bars
help us to find the number of digits in the square root of a perfect square number. Observe
the following examples (with bars shown as if we compute square root by division procedure).

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Square root of No. of No. of digits in Square root of No. of No. of digits in
numbers bars the square root numbers bars the square root
169 = 13 2 2 4356 = 66 2 2
441 = 21 2 2 6084 = 78 2 2

12544 = 112 3 3 27225 = 165 3 3

Hence, we conclude that the number of bars indicates the number of digits in the square root.

Try these
If n is the number of digits of a number
then, the number of digits in the square root of Without calculating the square
 n + 1 root, guess the number of digits in the
 if n is odd
 2 square root of the following numbers:
that number is = 
 n (i) 14400 (ii) 100000000 (iii) 390625
 if n is even.
 2
1.2.5 Square root of decimal numbers:
To compute the square root of numbers in the decimal form, we simply follow the following
Step 1:
Put up the number of decimal places even by affixing a zero on the
To find 42.25
extreme right of the digit in the decimal part (only if required).
Step 2:
The number has an integral part and a decimal part. In the
integral part, mark the bars as done in the case of division We put the bars as 42.25
method to find the square root of a perfect square number.
Step 3: Try these
In the decimal part, mark the bars on every pair of digits
beginning with the first decimal place. Find the square root of
Step 4: (i) 19.36 (ii) 1.2321 (iii) 116.64
Now, calculate the square root by long division method. 6 5

Step 5: 6 42 25
Put the decimal point in the square root as soon as the integral part is exhausted. 125 6 25
6 25
∴ 42.25 = 6.5
1.2.6 Square root of product and quotient of numbers:
For any two positive numbers p and q. we have
p p
(i) pq = p × q and (ii) q = q

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Example 1.8
Find the value of 256
256 = 16 ×16 = 16 × 16 = 4×4 = 16. or 256 = 64 ×4 = 64 × 4 = 8×2 = 16.
Try to fill up the following table of similar problems using a ×b = a × b .

Fill in the table:

36 = 6 9 × 4 = 3×2 = 6 Is 36 = 9 × 4 ? 81= ? 9 × 9 = __× __ = __ Is 81 = 9 × 9 ?

144 = ? 9 × 16 = __× __ = __ Is 144 = 9 × 16 ? 144 = ? 36 × 4 = __× __ = __ Is 144 = 36 × 4 ?

100 = ? 25 × 4 = __× __ = __ Is 100 = 25 × 4 ? 1225 = ? 25 × 49 = __× __ = __ Is 1225 = 25 × 49 ?

Attempt to prepare a table of square root problems as in the above case to show that
a a
if a and b are two perfect square numbers, then = (b ≠ 0)
b b
We can use this idea to compute easily certain square-root problems.
Example 1.9
Find the value of 42.25 .
4225 4225
We can write this as 42.25 = =
100 100
Now, it is easy to compute the square root of the whole number 4225, without any botheration
of decimal symbol.
4225 4225 65
4225 = 65 and so, we now get 42.25 = = = = 6. 5
100 100 10
This is another way of tackling problems of square root of decimal numbers instead of long
division method.

Try these

Using the above method, find the square root of 1.2321 and 11.9025.
Example 1.10
Simplify: 12 ´ 3
Remembering the rule, a × b = a ×b ,

12 × 3 = 12 × 3 = 36 = 62 = 6
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Example 1.11
a a
Remembering the rule, = (b ≠ 0)
b b
98 2 × 49 49 72 7
= = = =
162 2 × 81 81 9 2
Example 1.12
7 9
Simplify: (i) 2 (ii) 1
9 16
7 25 52 5 2 9 25 52 5 1
(i) 2 = = 2 = = 1 (ii) 1 = = 2
= =1
9 9 3 3 3 16 16 4 4 4
Remark: In the case of the second problem one may be tempted to give immediately the
answer as 1 , but this is not correct since, you have to convert the mixed fraction into an
a a
improper fraction and then use the rule = (b ≠ 0)
b b
1.2.7 Approximating square roots:
Can you write the given numbers 40 , 6 and 7 in ascending order? Here 40 is not
a square number and so we cannot determine its root easily. However, we can estimate an
approximation to 40 and use it here.
Try these
We know that the two closest squares surrounding 40
are 36 and 49.
Thus, 36 < 40 < 49 which can be written as 62 < 40 < 72. Put the numbers (i) 4, 14 , 5 and
(ii) 7, 65 , 8 in ascending order.
Considering the square root, we have 6 < 40 < 7.

Exercise 1.2
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) If a number has 5 or 6 digits in it then, its square root will have ___________ digits.
(ii) The value of 180 lies between integers ______ and ______.
(iii) 10 × 6 × 15 = ______.

(iv) 300 ______.

(v) 65.61 = ______.

2. Estimate the value of the following square roots to the nearest whole number:
(i) 440 (ii) 800 (iii) 1020
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3. Find the least number that must be added to 1300 so as to get a perfect square. Also, find
the square root of the perfect square.
4. Find the least number that must be subtracted to 6412 so as to get a perfect square. Also
find the square root of the perfect square.
5. Find the square root by long division method.
(i)17956 (ii) 11025 (iii) 6889 (iv) 1764 (v) 418609
6. Find the square root of the following decimal numbers:
i) 2.89 ii) 1.96 iii) 67.24 iv ) 31.36 v ) 2.0164 vi) 13.9876
7. Find the square root of each of the following fractions:
144 18 1 25
i) ii ) 7 iii ) 6 iv) 4
221 49 4 36

8. Say True or False:

32 625 25
(i) = 2 (ii) = (iii) 28 × 7 = 2 7
8 1024 32
(iv ) 225 + 64 = 289 (v ) 1 = 1 20
441 21

Objective Type Questions

9. 48 is approximately equal to

(a)  5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

10. 128 − 98 + 18 =

(a)  2 (b)
8 482 8 (c)
32 482 2 (d)
832 48 832 48 32

11. 22 + 7 + 4 =

(a)  25 (b) (c)

33 2531 332925 31 33 292531 (d)
3329 31 29

12. The number of digits in the square root of 123454321 is

4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

1.3 Cubes and Cube Numbers

If you multiply a  number  by itself, and then by itself again, the result is a  cube number.
This means that a cube number is a number that is the product of three identical numbers.
If n is a number, its cube is represented by n3.
Cube numbers  can be represented visually as 3D cubes comprising of single unit cubes.
Cube numbers are also called as perfect cubes. The perfect cubes of natural numbers are 1, 8,
27, 64, 125, 216, ... and so on.

15 Chapter 1  Numbers

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Ramanujan Number - 1729 = 123+13 = 103+93

Once Professor Hardy went to see Ramanujan when he was ill at Putney, riding in taxi cab number 1729
and said that the number seemed a dull one, and hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. “No,” replied
Ramanujan, “It is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes
in two different ways.” 4104, 13832, 20683 are few more examples of Ramanujan-Hardy numbers.
Geometrical Product Notation Perfect cube
Representation Representation

1×1×1 13 1

23 8

33 27

4×4×4 43 64

1.3.1 Properties of cubes of numbers:

Properties Examples
1 The cube of a positive number is positive. 63 = 6 × 6 × 6 = 216.
2 The cube of a negative number is negative. (−7)
= (−7)×(−7)×(−7) = −343
3 The cube of every even number is even. 23 , 43 , 63 , 83... are all even

4 The cube of every odd number is odd. 13 , 33 , 53 , 73 , 93... are all odd

5 If a natural number ends with 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 or 9, 103 = 1000, 113 = 1331, 143 = 2744
its cube also ends with the same 0,1, 4, 5, 6 or 9 153 = 3375, 163 = 4096, 193 = 6859
6 If a natural number ends with 2 or 8, its cube ends 12 = 1728, 18 = 5832
3 3

with 8 or 2 respectively.
7 If a natural number ends with 3 or 7, its cube ends 13 = 2197, 17 = 4913
3 3

with 7 or 3 respectively.
8 The sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers is 13 + 23 + 33 + ..... + n3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + n)2
equal to the square of their sum.  Check that,
13 + 23 + 33 + 43 = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)2

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Try these

• A perfect cube does not end with two zeroes. Find the ones digit in the cubes of
• The cube a two digit number may have each of the following numbers.
4 or 5 or 6 digits in it. (i) 17 (ii) 12 (iii) 38
(iv) 53 (v) 71 (vi) 84
1.3.2 Cube root:
The cube root of a number is the value that, when cubed, gives the original number.
For example, the cube root of 27 is 3, because when 3 is cubed we get 27.
Notation: Cube Cube
Cubes Cubes
The cube root of a number x is denoted as Roots Roots
1 1 729 9
x (or ) x 3 .
8 2 1000 10
Here are some more cubes and cube roots: 27 3 1331 11
1 = 1 since 13 = 1, 3 8 = 2 since 23 = 8, 64 4 1728 12
125 5 2197 13
27 = 3 since 33 = 27, 3 64 = 4 since 43 = 64,
216 6 2744 14
125 = 5 since 53 = 125 and so on 343 7 3375 15
512 8 4096 16
Example 1.13
Is 400 a perfect cube?

By prime factorisation, we have 400 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5.
There is only one triplet. To make further triplets, we will need two more 2’s and one more 5.
Therefore, 400 is not a perfect cube.
Example 1.14
Find the smallest number by which 675 must be multiplied to obtain a perfect cube.
Solution: 3 675
We find that, 675 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 …………….(i)    3 225
3 75
Grouping the prime factors of 675 as triplets, we are left over with 5 × 5.
5 25
We need one more 5 to make it a perfect cube. 5 1
To make 675 a perfect cube, multiply both sides of (i) by 5. 1
675 × 5 = (3 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5) × 5
3375 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 5 Think
Now, 3375 is a perfect cube. Thus, the smallest If in the above question, the
required number to multiply 675 such that the word ‘multiplied’ is replaced by the word
new number perfect cube is 5. ‘divided’, how will the solution vary?

17 Chapter 1 Numbers

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1.3.3  Cube root of a given number by Prime Factorisation:

Step 1: Resolve the given number as the product of prime factors.
Step 2: Make triplet groups of same primes.
Step 3: Choosing one from each triplet, find the product of primes.
Example 1.15
Find the cube root of 27000.
By prime factorisation, we have 27000 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3× 3× 3× 5× 5× 5
∴ 3 27000 = 2 × 3× 5 = 30.
Example 1.16

Evaluate: i) 3
9261 ii) 3
8000 729

i) 3 9261 = 9261 = (21× 21× 21) = ( ) = 21 = 1 1

1 3
3 3 21 3
1 1
8000 3
8000 (20×20×20) 3 (203 ) 3 20 20
(123 )
1 3
1728 1728 (12 ×12 ×12)
3 3
12 4 1
ii) 3 = 3 = 1
= 1
= = =1
729 729 9 3 3
(9×9×9) 3 (9 )
3 3

Exercise 1.3
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The ones digits in the cube of 73 is____________.
(ii) The maximum number of digits in the cube of a two digit number is _______.
(iii) The cube root of 540×50 is ___________.
(iv) The cube root of 0.000004913 is ___________.
(v) The smallest number to be added to 3333 to make it a perfect cube is ___________.
2. Say True or False:
(i) The cube of 0.0012 is 0.000001728.
(ii) The cube root of 250047 is 63.
(iii) 79570 is not a perfect cube.
3. Show that 1944 is not a perfect cube.
4. Find the cube root of 24 × 36 × 80 × 25.
5. Find the smallest number by which 10985 should be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube.
6. Find two smallest perfect square numbers which when multiplied together gives a perfect
cube number.
7. If the cube of a squared number is 729, find the square root of that number.

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8. What is the square root of cube root of 46656?

9. Find the cube root of 729 and 6859 by prime factorisation.
10. Find the smallest number by which 200 should be multiplied to make it a perfect cube.

Miscellaneous Examples:
Example 1.17
The area of a square field is 3136 m2. Find its perimeter. 3136 m² ?
Given that the area of the square field = 3136 m2. ? 5 6
∴The side of square field = 3136 m = 56 m (find it!)
5 31 36
∴The perimeter of the square field = 4 × side
= 4 × 56 106 6 36
= 224 m 6 36

Example 1.18 0

A real estate owner had two plots, a square plot of side 39 m and a rectangular plot of
dimensions 100 m length and 64 m breadth. He sells both these and acquires a new square plot
of the same area. What is the length of side of his new plot?
The transactions can be summarized as follows:

Plots sold New plot bought




Area of the square Area of the Area of the

= +
plot bought square plot sold rectangular plot sold 8 9
= 39 × 39 + 100 × 64
8 79 21
= 1521 + 6400 64
= 7921 m2 169 15 21
Length of a side of the new square plot = 7921 15 21
= 89 m 0

19 Chapter 1  Numbers

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1.4 Exponents and Powers 

We know how to express some numbers as squares and cubes. For

example, we write 52 for 25 and 53 for 125.
In general terms, an expression that represents repeated multiplication of 

the same factor is called a power. 

The number 5 is called the base and the number 2 is called the exponent or power.
The exponent corresponds to the number of times the base is used as a factor.

1.4.1  Powers with positive exponents:

Value of powers given by whole number exponents often quite rapidly increase. Observe
the following example.
21 = 2
22 = 2 × 2 = 4
23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
25 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 32
26 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 64
27 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 128
28 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 256
29 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 512
210 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 1024

At this rate, what do you think 2100 will be?

In fact, 2100=1,267, 650, 600, 228, 229, 401, 496, 703, 205, 376
Thus, we understand that the positive exponential notation with positive power could be
useful when we deal with large numbers.

1.4.2   Powers with zero and negative exponents:

25 = 32
Observe this pattern: Starting from the beginning, what happens in the
successive steps? We find that the result is half of that of the previous step. So, what 24 = 16
can we say about 20 ? 23 = 8
If we prepare a table like this for 35, 34, 33, and so on what will it tell us 22 = 4
about 30 ? 21 = 2
We can use the same process as in this pattern, to show that any non-zero 20 = ?
number raised to the zero exponent must result in 1.

a0 = 1, where a ≠ 0

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Let us see what happens if we extend the above pattern further downward.
23 = 8
As before, starting from the beginning, in the successive steps, we find that the 22 = 4
result is half of that of the previous step.
21 = 2

Since 20 = 1, the next step is 2–1, whose value is the previous step’s value 1, divided by 20 = 1
1 1 2–1 =
2; that is. 1 Next is 2–2, which is same as divided by 2, that is etc., 2
2 2 4 1
2–2 = 4
In general, a -m = , where m is an integer 1
am 2–3 =

1.4.3 Expanded form of numbers using exponents:

In the lower classes, we have learnt how to write a whole number in expanded form.
For example,
5832 = (5´1000) + (8´100) + (3´10) + (2´1)
= 5´103 + 8 ´ 102 + 3 ´ 101 + 2, (when we use exponential notation).

What will we do if we get decimal places? Our powers of 10 with negative exponents
come to our rescue! 5 8 3 2
3 2 2×1 =2
Thus, 58.32 = 50 + 8 + + 3 × 10 = 30
10 100
 1   1  8 × 100 = 800
= (5´10) + (8´1) +  3 ×  +2 × 
 10   100  5 × 1000 = 5000

= (5´101) + (8´100) + (3´ 10 −1 ) + (2´ 10 −2 )

Try these
Expand the following numbers using exponents:
(i) 8120 (ii) 20,305 (iii) 3652.01 (iv) 9426.521

1.4.4 Laws of exponents:

Laws of exponents arise out of certain basic ideas. The exponent indicate how many
times we use the number in a multiplication. A negative exponent suggests us to divide, since
the opposite of multiplying is dividing.
Product law
According to this law, when multiplying two powers that have the same base, we can add
the exponents. That is,
am × an = am + n

where a (a≠0), m, n are integers. Note that the base should be the same in both the quantities.

21 Chapter 1 Numbers

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a) 23 × 22 = 25 (meaning 8´4 = 32; note that it is not 2 )

1 1 1 1 1
(−2)−4 ×(−2)−3 = 4
× 3
= 4 3
= 4 +3
= 7
= (−2)−7
(−2) (−2) (−2) ×(−2) (−2) (−2)
b) or
(−2)−4 ×(−2)−3 = (−2)(−4 )+(−3) = (−2)−7

c) (−5)3 ×(−5)−3 = (−5)3−3 = (−5)o =1

Quotient law
This rule tells that we can divide two powers with the same base by subtracting the
= a m−n

where a, (a ¹ 0), m, n are integers. Note that the base should be the same in both the
How does it work? Study the examples that follows:

(-3)5 (-3)´(-3)´(-3)´(-3)´(-3)
= = (-3)´(-3)´(-3) = (-3)3
(-3) (-3)´(-3)
(or )
a) 2
= (-3)5 ´(-3)-2 = (-3)5-2 = (-3)3
(or )
= (-3)5-2 by rule and = (-3)3 [The simplified answer is - 27].
(-7)100 (-7)´(-7)´(-7)´...100 times
= = (-7)´(-7) = 49
(-7)98 (-7)´(-7)´(-7)´... 98 times
b) (or )
= (-7)100-98 by rule and = (-7)2 = 49.
Power law
The power rule declares that to raise a power to a power, just multiply the exponents.

(am)n = amn

where a, (a ¹ 0), m, n are integers.

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[(-2)3 ]2 = [(-2) × (-2) × (-2)]2 = [-8]2 = 64
[(-2)3 ]2 = [-8]2 = (-8) × (-8)= 64
[(-2)3 ]2 = (-2)3×2 =(-2)6 = 64 (using power rule)

Try these
Verify the following rules (as we did above). Here, a,b are non-zero integers and
m, n are any integers.
1. Zero exponent rule: a0 = 1.
2. Product of same powers to power of product rule: am × bm = (ab)m
a m  a 
3. Quotient of same powers to power of quotient rule: m =  
b b 

Example 1.19
Find the value of (i) 4 −3 (ii)
1 1 1 1
(i) 4-3 = 3
= = (ii) = 23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
4 4 ´ 4 ´ 4 64 2 −3

Example 1.20
Simplify: (i) (−2)5 × (−2)−3 (ii)
(i) (-2)5 ´(-2)-3 = (-2)5-3 = (-2)2 = -2´-2 = 4 .

(ii) = 32 ×32 = 9 × 9 = 81
Example 1.21
Express 4−5 as a power with the base 2.

Since 4 = 22, we write 4−5 = (22 )−5 = 22×(−5) = 2−10 [Here, we use (a m )n = a mn ]

Example 1.22
Simplify and write the answer in exponential form:
(i) (35 ÷ 38)5 × 3–5 (ii) (-3)4 ´çç ÷÷÷
çè 3 ø
23 Chapter 1 Numbers

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 35  1
(i)  8  × 3−5 = (35−8 )5 × 3−5 = (3−3 )5 × 3−5 = 3−3×5 × 3−5 = 3−15 × 3−5 = 3−15−5 = 3−20 = 20
3  3
æ5ö 54
(ii) (-3) ´çç ÷÷÷ = 34 ´ 4 = 54 = 625

èç 3 ø 3

Example 1.23
x+2 5 10
Find x so that (-7) ´(-7) = (-7)

x+2 5 10
(-7) ´(-7) = (-7)
x +2 +5 10
(−7) = (−7)

Since the bases are equal, we equate the exponents and get
x + 7 = 10
x = 10 − 7 = 3

1.4.5   Standard notation and Scientific notation:

Standard notation for a number is just the number as we normally write it. We use
expanded notation to show the value of each digit that is, it is exhibited as a sum of each digit
duly multiplied by its matching place value (like ones, tens, hundreds, etc.)

195 = 1 × 100 + 9 × 10 + 5
195 is in standard notation. Standard
Expanded notation

Astronomers, biologists, engineers, physicists and many others come across quantities
whose measures require very small or very large numbers.  If they write the numbers in standard
form, it may not help others to understand or make computations. Scientific notation is a way
to make these numbers easier to work with.
A number in scientific notation is given as the product of a number (integer or decimal)
and a power of 10. We move the decimal place forward or backward until we have a number
between 1 and 10.  Then we  add a power of ten that tells how many places you moved the
decimal forward or backward.

1. The positive exponent in 1.3 ×1012 indicates that it is a large number.
2. The negative exponent in 7.89 × 10–21 indicates that it is a small number.

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Standard Form Scientific Notation Standard Form Scientific Notation

0.00123 1.23 ×10−3 123 1.23 ×102

0.0123 1.23 × 10−2 1,230 1.23 × 103

0.123 1.23 ×10−1 12,300 1.23 ×104

1.23 1.23 × 100 1,23,000 1.23 × 105

12.3 1.23 ×101 12,30,000 1.23 ×106

To write in scientific notation, follow the form N × 10a

where N is a number between 1 and 10, but not 10 itself, and  a  is an integer (positive or
negative number).
Some more examples:
(a) The diameter of the earth is 12756000 miles. The scientific form to express this number
is 1.2756 ´107 miles.
(b) The volume of Jupiter is about 143,300,000,000,000 km3. This can be easily written in
scientific form as 1.433´1014 km3 .
(c) The size of a bacterium is 0.00000085 mm. This size can be easily written in scientific
form as 8.5 × 10 −7 mm.
Example 1.24
Write in scienticfic form: (i) 1642.398 (ii) (7 ×102 )(5.2 ×107 ) (iii) (3.7 ×10−5 )(2 ×10−3 )
(i) 1642.398 = 1.642398 ×103

(ii) (7 ×102 )(5.2 ×107 ) = 36.4 × 109 = 3.64 × 1010

(iii) (3.7 ×10−5 )(2 ×10−3 )= 7.4 × 10-8

Example 1.25
Write in standard form: (i) 2.27 ×10−4 (ii) Light travels at 1.86 ´105 miles per second.

(i) 2.27 ×10−4 = 0.000227.

(ii) Light travels at 1.86 ´105 miles per second= 186000 miles per second

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Try these
1. Write in standard form: Mass of planet Uranus is 8.68 ´ 1025 kg.
2. Write in scientific form: (i) 0.000012005 (ii) 4312.345 (iii) 0.10524
(iv)The distance between the Sun and the planet Saturn 1.4335´1012 miles.

Exercise 1.4
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) (−1)even integer is _____________.
(ii) For a ¹ 0, a0 is ______________.

(iii) 4−3 × 5−3 = __________.

(iv) (−2) = ____________.
 1
(v)  −  = ____________.
 3
2. Say True or False:
(i) If 8 x = , the value of x is –2.
1 −1
(ii) The simplified form of (256) 4 is .
(iii) The standard form of 2 × 10–4 is 0.0002.
(iv) The scientific form of 123.456 is 1.23456 ×10−2 .

(v) The multiplicative inverse of 3-7 is 37 .

-5 -3
 
æ1ö æ -5 ö
3. Evaluate: (i)  1  (v) ççç ÷÷÷
(ii) çç ÷÷÷ (iii) (-3) (iv) (-3) 4

 2  çè 2 ø è 6 ø
æ 1ö
(vi) (2 ¸ 2 )´2
-5 7 -2
(vii) (2 ´3
-1 -1
)¸ 6 -2
(viii) ççç- ÷÷÷
è 3ø

4 2 -2 -3 -3 7
æ2ö æ2ö æ ö æ ö æ1ö æ1ö
4. Evaluate: (i) çç ÷÷÷ ´çç ÷÷÷ (ii) çç 4 ÷÷ ´çç 4 ÷÷ (iii) çç ÷÷÷ ´çç ÷÷÷
ç è5øç è5ø èç 5 ø÷ èç 5 ø÷ ç
è2ø ç è2ø

5. Evaluate: (i) (50 + 6-1 )´ 33 (ii) (2 ´ 3 ) ¸ 6

-1 -1 -1 0
(iii) (3-1 + 4-2 + 5-3 )

2 3 5 -8 2 5
6. Simplify: (i) (32)3 × (2×35)–2 × (18)2 (ii) 9 ´7 3´2 (iii) 2 ´4 ´3
84 37 ´25

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x 2 x -1
7. Solve for x : (i) 10 =109  (ii) 2 =4  (iii) 55 ´5-4 ´ 5x
= 5-5
10-3 2 x +2 512

8. Expand using exponents:   (i) 6054.321  (ii) 897.14

9. Find the number is standard form:

(i) 8 ´104 + 7 ´103 + 6 ´102 + 5´101 + 2 ´1 + 4 ´10-2 + 7 ´10-4
(ii) 53103 1 53101 1 5310–1 1 5310–3
10. The radius of a hydrogen atom is 2.5 × 10–11 m. Express this number in standard notation.
11. Write the following numbers in scientific notation:
(i) 467800000000 (ii) 0.000001972

12. Write in scientific notation:

(i) Earth’s volume is about 1,083,000,000,000 cubic kilometres.
(ii) If you fill a bucket with dirt, the portion of the whole Earth that is in the bucket will be
0.0000000000000000000000016 kg.

Objective Type Questions

13. By what number should (−4) be multiplied so that the product becomes 10-1 ?
2 −2 5 −5
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 5 2 2
14. 0.0000000002020 in scientific form is
2.02 ´109 (b) 2.02 ×10−9 (c) 2.02 ×10−8 (d) 2.02 ×10−10

15. ( −2) × ( −2) is

−3 −2

−1 1
(a) (b) (c) 32 (d) –32
32 32

16. Which is not correct?

2 2 4 2 2
 −1  −1   1   −1   1 
  = 4 (b)
− 2
  =   (c)   = 16 (d) −   = 16
− −1
(a)  4 

4 2 4 4
1−3 x
 p  q 2
17. If   =   , then x is
 q   p 

4 −1
(a) (b) 3−1 (c) 2 −1 (d) 1-1

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Exercise 1.5

Miscellaneous and Practice Problems

1. A square carpet covers an area of 1024 m2 of a big hall. It is placed in the middle of the
hall. What is the length of a side of the carpet?

2. There is a large square portrait of a leader that covers an area of 4489 cm2. If each side has
a 2 cm liner, what would be its area?

3. 2401 plants are planted in a garden such that each contains as many plants as the number
of rows. Find the number of rows and the number of plants in each row.

4. If 3 1906624 ´ x = 3100, find x.

5. If (625) = 15625, find x 2 and x 3 .

6. If 2m-1 + 2m+1 = 640, then find m.

16 ´102 ´ 64
7. Simplify:
42 ´24
8. Give the answer in scientific notation:
A human heart beats at an average of 80 beats per minute. How many times does it beat in
i) an hour? ii)a day? iii)a year? iv) 100 years?

Challenging Problems

9. A greeting card has an area 90 cm2. Between what two whole numbers is the length of its
10. 225 square shaped mosaic tiles, each of area 1 square decimetre exactly cover a square
shaped verandah. How long is each side of the square shaped verandah?
11. A group of 1536 cadets wanted to have a parade forming a square design. Is it possible?
If it is not possible how many more cadets would be required?
12. Find the decimal fraction which when multiplied by itself gives 176.252176.
13. Evaluate: 286225 and use it to compute 2862.25 + 28.6225
dis tan ce
14. The speed of light in glass is about 2 ´108 m / sec. Use the formula, time = to find
the time (in hours) for a pulse of light to travel 7200 km in glass.
15. Simplify: (3.769 × 105) + (4.21 × 105)
16. Order the following from the least to the greatest: 1625 , 8100 , 3500 , 4 400 , 2600

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Activity Think
Observe that 13 = 1 = 1
23 − 13 = 1 + 2 × 1 × 3 23 = 8 = 3 + 5
33 − 23 = 1 + 3 × 2 × 3 33 = 27 = 7 + 9 + 11
43 − 33 = 1 + 4 × 3 × 3 Observe and continue this pattern
Find the value of 153 −143 in the above to find the value of 73 as the sum of
pattern. consecutive odd numbers.

• A natural number n is called a square number, if we can find another natural number m
such that n = m2.
• The sum of the first n consecutive odd natural numbers is n2 .
• The square of an odd number can be written as the sum of two consecutive natural
• Mathematically, three numbers a, b, c make a Pythagorean triplet, if the sum of the
squares of any two equals the square of the third.

• The square root of a number n, written as n (or) n , is the number that gives n when

multiplied by itself.
• The number of times a prime factor occurs in the square is equal to twice the number of
times it occurs in the prime factorization of the number.
• If n is the number of digits of a number then the number, of digits of in the square root
 n + 1
 if n is odd
=   2
of that number is  n
 if n is even.
 2 p p
• For any two positive numbers p and q. we have (i) pq = p × q and (ii) q =
• If you multiply a number by itself, and then by itself again, the result is a cube number.
• The cube root of a number is the value, that when cubed, gives the original number.
• An expression that represents repeated multiplication of the same factor is called a power.
• The exponent corresponds to the number of times the base is used as a factor.
• Laws of exponents: (i) am × an = am + n (ii) n = a m−n (iii) (am)n = amn
a m
−m 1 m m m a m  a 
• Other results: (i) a = 1 (ii) a = m
(iii) a × b = (ab) (iv) m =  
a b  b 
• To write in scientific notation, we follow the form N × 10a where N is a number between
1 and 10, but not 10 itself, and a is an integer (positive or negative number).

29 Chapter 1 Numbers

Unit 1 - Numbers.indd 29 07-11-2019 16:21:10



Expected Outcome

Step – 1

Open the Browser type the URL Link given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
GeoGebra work sheet named “8th Standard III term” will open. Select the work
sheet named “Square root_prime factors”

Step - 2

Click on “ NEW PROBLEM” and check the calculation. 

Step – 1 Step – 2

Browse in the link

https://www.geogebra.org/m/xmm5kj9r or
Scan the QR Code.

8th Standard Mathematics 30

Unit 1 - Numbers.indd 30 07-11-2019 16:21:11


Learning Objectives

To recall direct and inverse proportions.

To know compound variation and do problems on it.
To solve time and work problems.

2.1 Introduction
The following conversation takes place in the Math class of Std VIII.
Teacher: Students, before we could learn about what Compound Variation is, let me ask
you a few questions on direct and inverse (indirect) proportions which you have
already learnt in Std VII. Can anyone of you tell me what direct proportion is?
Bharathi: Yes, teacher. If one quantity increases or decreases depending on the increase or
decrease of another quantity simultaneously, then it is direct proportion.
Teacher: Good Bharathi, give me an example too.
Bharathi: Well teacher, if I plan to give 2 pens to each of my friends in the birthday party,
the number of pens to be bought will be in direct proportion with the number
of friends who will attend the party. The following table will help us understand
clearly, teacher.
Number of friends 1 2 5 12 15
Number of pens 2 4 10 24 30
Teacher: Very good example Bharathi. Students give her a big hand. (The class applauds).
Mukesh, can you tell about inverse proportion?
Mukesh: Yes teacher, if our class of 30 students goes on streets in our village for health
awareness campaign in an orderly manner then, we can see an inverse proportion
in the number of rows and columns, Teacher, this is easily understood from the
following table.
Number of students in columns 1 2 3 5 6
Number of students in rows 30 15 10 6 5


Unit -2 Life Mathematics.indd 31 07-11-2019 16:21:40


Teacher: Fine Mukesh, you have explained it nicely with a good example.
Mukesh: We can map a few of these arrangements as and also see the opposite
variations in rows and columns, teacher.
Teacher: Well done Mukesh. Students, I hope you have now understood clearly by these
two examples about direct and inverse proportions which you have already
learnt in Std VII. Let me now explain what a Compound Variation is? Some
problems may involve a chain of two or more variations in them what we call as
Compound Variation.
Ragini: Teacher, Can you explain the Compound Variation with an example?
Teacher: Yes, Ragini, I will. Before I could explain that, let me ask you all another question.
If Kani can finish a given work in 2 hours and Viji in 3 hours, then in what time
can they finish it working together?
Bharathi: I think, they will finish it in 2 hours. Am I correct teacher?
Teacher: Not really Bharathi. I will tell you the correct answer. These types of questions
which come under the heading Time and Work need some explanation and we
will learn all these topics in this term.
Now, let us recall the concepts about the direct and inverse proportions.

2.2 Direct Proportion

If two quantities are such that an increase or decrease in one quantity makes a
corresponding increase or decrease (same effect) in the other quantity, then they are said
to be in direct proportion or said to vary directly. In other words, x and y are said to vary
directly if = k always, where k is a positive constant.
Examples of Direct Proportion:
1. Distance –Time (under constant speed): If distance increases, the time taken to reach
that distance will also increase and vice- versa.
2. Purchase – Spending: If the purchase on utilities for a family during the festival time
increases,the spending limit also increases and vice versa.
3. Work Time – Earnings: If the number of hours worked is less, the pay earned will be
less and vice-versa.
2.3 Inverse Proportion
If two quantities are such that an increase or decrease in one quantity makes a
corresponding decrease or increase (opposite effect) in the other quantity, then they are said
to be in inverse (indirect) proportion or said to vary inversely. In other words, x and y are said
to vary inversely, if xy = k always, where k is a positive constant.
Examples of Inverse Proportion:
1. Price – Consumption: If the price of an article increases, then its consumption will
naturally decrease and vice-versa.
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2. Workers – Time: If more workers are employed to complete a work, then the time
taken to complete will be less and vice-versa.
3. Speed – Time (Fixed Distance): If we travel with less speed,the time taken to cover a
given distance will be more and vice-versa.


The growth of a giraffe over time is an If 3 persons A, B and C can do a work in x, y

example for direct proportion and see-saw is and z days respectively, then the ratio in which their
1 1 1
an example for inverse proportion wages will be distributed to them is : : .
x y z

Try these
Classify the given examples as direct or inverse proportion:
(i) Weight of pulses to their cost.
(ii) Distance travelled by bus to the price of ticket.
(iii) Speed of the athelete to cover a certain distance.
(iv) Number of workers employed to complete a construction in a specified time.
(v) Volume of water flown through a pipe to its pressure.
(vi) Area of a circle to its radius.

Use the concept of direct and inverse proportions and try to answer the following questions:
1. A student can type 21 pages in 15 minutes. At the same rate, how long will it take the
student to type 84 pages?
2. The weight of an iron pipe varies directly with its length. If 8 feet of an iron pipe weighs 3.2 kg,
find the proportionality constant k and determine the weight of a 36 feet iron pipe.
3. A car covers a distance of 765 km in 51 litres of petrol. How much distance would it cover
in 30 litres of petrol?
4. If x and y vary inversely and x = 24 when y = 8, find x when y = 12.
5. If 35 women can do a piece of work in 16 days, in how many days will 28 women do the
same work?

33 Chapter 2 Life Mathematics

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6. A farmer has food for 14 cows which can last for 39 days. How long would the food last,
if 7 more cows join his cattle?
7. Identify the type of proportion and fill in the blank boxes:

x 1 2 4 6 8 12 15 24
y 20 60 120 180 300 360
8. Identify the type of proportion and fill in the blank boxes:
x 1 2 4 6 8 12 18 24
y 144 48 24 16 9 8

2.4 Compound Variation

There will be problems which may involve a chain of two or more variations in them.
This is called as compound variation. The different possibilities of two variations are:
Direct-Direct, Direct-Inverse, Inverse- Direct, Inverse- Inverse.


There are situations where neither direct proportion nor indirect proportion can
be applied. For example, if one can see a parrot at a distance through one eye, it does not
mean that he can see two parrots at the same distance through both the eyes. Also, if it takes
5 minutes to fry a vadai, it does not mean that 20 vadais will take 100 minutes to fry!

Let us now solve a few problems on compound variation. Here, we compare the known
quantity with the unknown (x). There are a few methods in practice by which problems on
compound variation are solved. They are:
2.4.1 Proportion Method:
In this method, we shall compare the given data and find whether they are in direct or
indirect proportion. By finding the proportion, we can use the fact that
the product of the extremes = the product of the means
and get the value of the unknown (x).
2.4.2 Multiplicative Factor Method:
Men Hours Days
a c e
x d f

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Here, the unknown (x) in men is compared to the known, namely hours and days.
If men and hours are in direct proportion (D) then, take the multiplying factor as is .
(take the reciprocal). Also, if men and days are in inverse proportion (I), then take the multiplying
e d e
factor as .(no change). Thus, we can find the unknown (x) in men as x = a × × .
f c f


�  hen the number of days is constant, work and persons are directly proportional to
each other and vice-versa.
i.e., increase ( ) in work means increase ( ) in persons with same number of days.
�  hen the number of persons is constant, work and days are directly proportional to
each other and vice-versa.
i.e., increase ( ) in work means increase ( ) in days with same number of persons.
�  hen the work is constant, the number of persons and days are inversely proportional
to each other and vice-versa.
i.e., increase ( ) persons means decrease ( ) in days with constant work.

2.4.3 Formula Method:

Identify the data from the given statement as Persons (P), Days (D), Hours (H) and
Work (W) and use the formula,
P1 × D1 × H1 P × D2 × H 2
= 2
W1 W2
where the suffix 1 contains the complete data from the first statement of the given problem
and the suffix 2 contains the unknown data in the second statement to be found out in the
problem. That is, this formula says, P1 men doing W1 units of work in D1 days working H1
hours per day is the same as P2 men doing W2 units of work in D2 days working H 2 hours
per day. Identifying the work W1 and W2 correctly is more important in these problems. This
method will be easy for finding the unknown (x) quickly.
Example 2.1 (Direct – Direct Variation)
If a company pays `6 lakh for 15 workers for 20 days, what would it pay for 5 workers for 12
Proportion Method:
Workers Payment (Work) Days
15 6 20
5 x 12
Here, the unknown is the payment (x). It is to be compared with the workers and the days.

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Step 1:
Here, less days means less payment. So, it is a direct proportion.
∴ The proportion is 20 : 12 :: 6 : x 1
Step 2:
Also, less workers means less payment. So, it is a direct proportion again.
∴ The proportion is 15 : 5 :: 6 : x 2
Step 3:
Combining  1 and 2
20 : 12
:: 6 : x
15 : 5
We know that the product of the extremes = the product of the means
Extremes Means Extremes
20 : 12 : 6 : x
15 : 5 
So, 20×15× x = 12×6×5 ⇒ x = = ` 1.2 lakh.
Multiplicative Factor Method:
Workers Payment (Work) Days
15 6 20
D D x D D
5 12
Here, the unknown is the payment (x). It is to be compared with the workers and the days.
Step 1:
Here, less days means less payment. So, it is a direct proportion.
∴ The multiplying factor is (take the reciprocal).
Step 2:
Also, less workers means less payment. So, it is a direct proportion again.
∴ The multiplying factor is (take the reciprocal).
Step 3:
12 5
∴ x = 6× ×
20 15
x ==1`.21.2 lakh
Formula Method
Here, P1 = 15, D1 = 20 and W1 = 6
P2 = 5, D2 = 12 and W2 = x
P1 × D1 P × D2
Using the formula, = 2
W1 W2
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We have, 15×20 = 5×12

6 x
⇒x = =` 1.2 lakh .
Example 2.2 (Direct – Inverse Variation)
A mat of length 180 m is made by 15 women in 12 days. How
long will it take for 32 women to make a mat of length 512 m?
Proportion Method:
Length (Work) Women Days
180 15 12
512 32 x
Here, the unknown is the days (x). It is to be compared with the length and the women.
Step 1:
Here, more length means more days. So, it is a direct proportion.
∴ The proportion is 180 : 512 :: 12 : x 1
Step 2:
Also, more women means less days. So, it is an inverse proportion.
∴ The proportion is 32 : 15 :: 12 : x 2
Step 3:
Combining  1 and 2
180 : 512
:: 12 : x
 32 : 15
We know that the product of the extremes = the product of the means
Extremes Means Extremes
180 : 512 : 12 : x
32 : 15 
So, 180×32× x = 512×12×15 ⇒ x = = 16 days.
Multiplicative Factor Method:
Length (Work) Women Days
180 15 12
512 32 x
Here, the unknown is the days (x). It is to be compared with the length and the women.

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Step 1:
Here, more length means more days. So, it is a direct proportion.
∴ The multiplying factor is (take the reciprocal).
Step 2:
Also, more women means less days. So, it is an inverse proportion.
∴ The multiplying factor is (no change).
Step 3:
512 15
∴ x = 12 × × = 16 days.
180 32
Formula Method:
Here, P1P=1 15,D
= 15, 1D=1 12 and
= 12
&&W1W=1 180
= 180
P 2P=2 32
= 32 and
, D, 2D=2 x= &
x&W2W=2 512
= 512
P1 × D1 P × D2
Using the formula, = 2
W1 W2
15×12 32×x
We have, =
180 512
32 × x 512
⇒ 1= ⇒ x= = 16 days.
512 32
Remark: Students may answer in any of the three given methods dealt here.

Try these

1. When x = 5 and y = 5 find k, if x and y vary directly.

2. When x and y vary inversely, find the constant of variation when x = 64 and y = 0.75
3. You draw a circle of a given radius. Then, draw its radii in such a way that the angles
between any pair of radii are equal. You start with drawing 3 radii and end with
drawing 12 radii in the circle. Prepare a table for the number of radii to the angle
between a pair of consecutive radii and check whether they are in inverse proportion.
What is the proportionality constant?

(i) When x and y are in direct proportion and
if y is doubled, then what happens to x?
x 6 x
(ii) If = what is ?
y−x 7 y
Example 2.3 (Inverse – Direct Variation)
If 81 students can do a painting on a wall of length 448 m
in 56 days. How many students can do the painting on a similar
type of wall of length 160 m in 27 days?
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Multiplicative Factor Method:
Students Days Length of the wall (Work)
81 56 448
x 27 160

Step 1:
Here, less days means more students. So, it is an inverse variation.
∴ The multiplying factor is .
Step 2:
Also, less length means less students. So, it is a direct variation.
∴ The multiplying factor is .
Step 3:
56 160
∴ x = 81 × ×
27 448
x = 60 students.

Formula Method:
Here, P1 = 81, D1 = 56 and W1 = 448
P2 = x , D2 = 27 and W2 = 160
P1 × D1 P × D2
Using the formula, = 2
W1 W2
81×56 x ×27
We have, =
448 160
81×56 160
⇒ x= ×
448 27
x = 60 students.
Example 2.4 (Inverse – Inverse Variation)
If 48 men working 7 hours a day can do a work in 24 days, then in how many days will
28 men working 8 hours a day can complete the same work?

Multiplicative Factor Method:

Men Hours Days

I 48 7 I I 24 I
28 8 x

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Step 1:
Here, less men means more days. So, it is an inverse variation.
∴ The multiplying factor is .
Step 2:
Also, more hours means less days. So, it is an inverse variation.
∴ The multiplying factor is .
Step 3:
48 7
∴ x = 24 × × = 36 days.
28 8
Formula Method:
Here, P1 = 48, D1 = 24, H1 = 7 and W1 = 1 (Why?)
P2 = 28, D2 = x , H 2 = 8 and W2 = 1 (Why?)
P1 × D1 × H1 P × D2 × H 2
Using the formula, = 2
W1 W2

We have, 48×24 ×7 = 28× x ×8

1 1
48×24 ×7
⇒x = = 36 days.

Try these
Identify the different variations present in the following questions:
1. 24 men can make 48 articles in 12 days. Then, 6 men can make _____ articles in 6 days.
2. 15 workers can lay a road of length 4 km in 4 hours. Then, _____ workers can lay a road
of length 8 km in 8 hours.
3. 25 women working 12 hours a day can complete a work in 36 days. Then, 20 women must
work _____ hours a day to complete the same work in 30 days.
4. In a camp, there are 420 kg of rice sufficient for 98 persons for 45 days. The number of
days that 60 kg of rice will last for 42 persons is _____.

Example 2.5
If 15 men take 40 days to complete a work, how long will it take if 15 more men join them
to complete the same work?
If 15 men can complete the work in 40 days, then the work measured in terms of person
days = 15 × 40 = 600.person days.
If the same work is to be done by 30 (15 + 15) men, then the number of days they will take is
= 20 days.
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�  The concept of person days is important here. The number of persons multiplied by
the number of days required to complete the work gives the person days. Here, work is
measured in terms of person days.
�  If x women or y men can complete a piece of work in p days, then a women and b men
xyp p
can complete the same work in (or )
a b
xb + ya +
x y

Example 2.6
6 women or 8 men can construct a room in 86 days. How long will it take for 7 women
and 5 men to do the same type of room?
Person days Method:
Here, let M and W denote a men and a women respectively.
8 4
Given that, 6W = 8M ⇒ 1 W = M = M.
6 3
4 43M
Now, 7 W + 5M = 7 × M + 5M =
3 3
If 8M can construct the room in 86 days, then can construct the same type of room
43M 3 3
in 8M×86 ÷ = 8M ×86× = 48 days.
3 43M
Formula Method:
Required time to construct the room =
xb + ya
6 × 8 × 86 6 × 8 × 86 6 × 8 × 86
= = = = 48 days.
6×5+8×7 30 + 56 86
Required time to construct the room =
a b
x y
86 86 × 48
= = = 48 days.
7 5 86
2.5 Time and Work 6 8

Work to be done is usually considered as one unit. Work can be in any form like building a
wall, making a road, filling or emptying a tank, or even eating a certain amount of food.
Time is measured in hours, days etc., Certain assumptions are made that the work so done
is uniform and each person shares the same work time in case of group work in completing
the work.
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Unitary Method:
If two persons X and Y can do some work individually in a and b days, then their one day’s
1 1
work is and respectively.
a b
1 1 a+b
Also, their one day’s work together = + =
a b ab
Thus, X and Y together can complete the work in a + b days.
Example 2.7
A and B together can do a piece of work in 16 days and A alone can do it in 48 days. How
long will B done take to complete the work?
Solution: Note
( A + B ) ’s 1 day’s work = The time taken to complete a work
or task depends on various factors such as
A’s 1 day’s work = number of persons, their capacity to do
the work, the amount of work and the time
1 1
∴ B’s 1 day’s work = − spent per day for the completion of work.
16 48
3 −1 2 1
= = =
48 48 24
∴ B alone can complete the work in 24 days.

a b
If A is times as good a worker as B, then A will take of the time taken by B
b a
to complete the work.

Example 2.8
A works 3 times as fast as B and is able to complete a task in 24 days less than the days
taken by B. Find the time in which they can complete the work together.
If B does the work in 3 days, then A will do it in 1 day. That is, the difference is 2 days.
Here, given that the difference between A and B in completing the work is 24 days. Therefore,
A will take = 12 days and B will take 3 × 12 = 36 days to complete the work separately.
Hence, the time taken by A and B together to complete the work = days.
12×36 12×36
= = = 9 days.
12 + 36 48
Example 2.9
P and Q can do a piece of work in 20 days and 30 days respectively. They started the work
together and Q left after some days of work and P finished the remaining work in 5 days. After
how many days from the start did Q leave?
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1 1
P’s 1 day’s work =
and Q’s 1 day’s work =
20 30
1 5 1
P’s work for 5 days = × 5 = =
20 20 4
1 3
Therefore, the remaining work = 1 − = (Total work is always 1)
4 4
This remaining work was done by both P and Q.
1 1 5 1
Work done by P and Q in a day = + = =
20 30 60 12
Therefore, the number of days they worked together = 4 = 3 × 12 = 9 days
1 4 1
So, Q left after 9 day from the days the work started.
Example 2.10
A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days and 9 days respectively. They work on alternate
days starting with A on the first day. In how many days will the work be completed?
Since they work on alternate days, let us consider a period of two days.
1 1 7
In the period of 2 days, work done by A and B = + =
12 9 36
If we consider 5 such time periods for the fraction , (we consider 5 periods because
7 goes 5 times completely in 36),
7 35
work done by A and B in 55××22=( =1010 ) days = 5 × =
36 36
35 1
Therefore, the remaining work = 1 − = .
36 36
1 1
This is done by A (why?) in × 12 = days
36 3
1 1
So, the total time taken = 10 days + days = 10 days.
3 3
2.6 Sharing of the money for work
When a group of people do some work together, based on their individual work, they
get a share of money themselves. In general, money earned is shared by people, who worked
together, in the ratio of the total work done by each of them.

If the ratio of the time taken by A and B in doing a work is x : y, then the ratio of

1 1
work done by A and B is : = y : x . This is the ratio for their separate wages too.
x y
• If three persons A, B and C can do a work in x, y and z days respectively, then the ratio in
1 1 1
which their wages will be distributed to them is : : .
x y z

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Example 2.11
X, Y and Z can do a piece of job in 4, 6 and 10 days respectively.
If X,Y and Z work together to complete, then find their separate
shares if they will be paid ` 3100 for completing the job.
Since they all work for the same number of days, the ratio
in which they share the money is equal to the ratio of their work
done per day.
1 1 1 15 10 6
That is, : : = : : = 15 : 10 : 6
4 6 10 60 60 60
Here, the total parts = 15 + 10 + 6 = 31

15 10
Hence, A’ s share = ×3100 = `1500 , B’ s share = ×3100 = `1000 and
31 31
C’ s share is ` 3100 − (` 1500 + ` 1000)= ` 600.

Try these

1. Vikram can do one-third of work in p days. He can do th of work in _______ days.
2. If m persons can complete a work in n days ,then 4m persons can complete the same
work in _______days and persons can complete the same work in _______ days.

Exercise 2.1
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) A can finish a job in 3 days where as B finishes it in 6 days. The time taken to complete
the job together is __________days.
(ii) If 5 persons can do 5 jobs in 5 days, then 50 persons can do 50 jobs in ________ days.
(iii) A can do a work in 24 days. A and B together can finish the work in 6 days. Then B
alone can finish the work in ________ days.
(iv) A alone can do a piece of work in 35 days. If B is 40% more efficient than A, then B will
finish the work in ___________days.
(v) A alone can do a work in 10 days and B alone in 15 days. They undertook the work for
`200000. The amount that A will get is ________.

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2. 210 men working 12 hours a day can finish a job in 18 days. How many men are required
to finish the job in 20 days working 14 hours a day?
3. A cement factory makes 7000 cement bags in 12 days with the help of 36 machines. How
many bags can be made in 18 days using 24 machines?
4. A soap factory produces 9600 soaps in 6 days working 15 hours a day. In how many days
will it produce 14400 soaps working 3 hours more a day?
5. If 6 container lorries can transport 135 tonnes of goods in 5 days, how many more lorries
are required to transport 180 tonnes of goods in 4 days?
6. A can do a piece of work in 12 hours, B and C can do it 3 hours whereas A and C can do
it in 6 hours. How long will B alone take to do the same work?
7. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, while B and C can do it in 15 days whereas
A and C can do it in 20 days. How long would each take to do the same work?
8. Carpenter A takes 15 minutes to fit the parts of a chair while Carpenter B takes 3 minutes
more than A to do the same work. Working together, how long will it take for them to fit
the parts for 22 chairs?
9. A man takes 10 days to finish a job where as a woman takes 6 days
to finish the same job. Together they worked for 3 days and then the
woman left. In how many days will the man complete the remaining
10. A is thrice as fast as B. If B can do a piece of work in 24 days, then
find the number of days they will take to complete the work together.

Exercise 2.2

Miscellaneous and Practice Problems

1. 5 boys or 3 girls can do a science project in 40 days. How long will it take for 15 boys and
6 girls to do the same project?
2. If 32 men working 12 hours a day can do a work in 15 days, how many men working
10 hours a day can do double that work in 24 days?
3. Amutha can weave a saree in 18 days. Anjali is twice as good a weaver as Amutha.
If both of them weave together, in how many days can they complete weaving the saree?
4. A, B and C can complete a work in 5 days. If A and C can complete the same work in 7
days and A alone in 15 days, then in how many days can B and C finish the work?
5. P and Q can do a piece of work in 12 days and 15 days respectively. P started the work
alone and then, after 3 days Q joined him till the work was completed. How long did the
work last?

45 Chapter 2 Life Mathematics

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Challenging Problems
6. A camp had provisions for 490 soldiers for 65 days. After 15 days, more soldiers arrived
and the remaining provisions lasted for 35 days. How many soldiers joined the camp?
7. A small–scale company undertakes an agreement to make 540 motor pumps in 150 days
and employs 40 men for the work. After 75 days, the company could make only 180
motor pumps. How many more men should the company employ so that the work is
completed on time as per the agreement?
8. A can do a work in 45 days. He works at it for 15 days and then, B alone finishes the
remaining work in 24 days. Find the time taken to complete 80% of the work, if they
work together.
9. P alone can do 1 of a work in 6 days and Q alone can do of the same work in 4 days.
2 3
In how many days working together, will they finish of the work?
10. X alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and Y alone in 8 days. X and Y undertook the work
for `4800. With the help of Z, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is Z’s share?

• If two quantities are such that an increase or decrease in one quantity makes a
corresponding increase or decrease (same effect) in the other quantity, then they are said
to be in direct proportion or said to vary directly.
• x and y are said to vary directly if = k always, where k is a positive constant.
• If two quantities are such that an increase or decrease in one quantity makes a
corresponding decrease or increase (opposite effect) in the other quantity, then they are
said to be in inverse (indirect) proportion or said to vary inversely.
• x and y are said to vary inversely, if xy = k always, where k is a positive constant.
• There will be problems which involve a chain of two or more variations in them.
This is called as compound variation.
• By finding the proportion, we can use the fact that the product of the extremes is equal
to the product of the means to find the unknown (x) in the problem.
P1 × D1 × H1 P × D2 × H 2
• By using the formula = 2 , we can find the unknown (x).
W1 W2
• We can find the unknown (x) by Multiplicative Factor Method also.
• If two persons X and Y can do some work individually in a and b days, their one day’s
1 1
work is and respectively.
a b
• X and Y together can complete the work in days.

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Expected Outcome

Step – 1

Open the Browser type the URL Link given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
GeoGebra work sheet named “8th Standard III term” will open. Select the work
sheet named “Work Day Problem”

Step - 2

Click on “ NEW PROBLEM”. Check the calculation and work out yourself.

Step – 1 Step – 2

Browse in the link

https://www.geogebra.org/m/xmm5kj9r or
Scan the QR Code.

47 Chapter 2  Life Mathematics

Unit -2 Life Mathematics.indd 47 07-11-2019 16:22:35




Learning Objectives

To know and understand the concurrency of medians, altitudes,
angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors in a triangle.
To construct rhombus, rectangle and square.

3.1 Introduction
When two lines in a plane cross each other, they l2
are called intersecting lines. Here, lines l1 and l2 intersect MathBits

at point O and hence it is called the point of intersection
of l1 and l2 . Intersecting Roads
Three or more lines in a plane are said to be concurrent,
if all of them pass through the same point. A D


In this figure, AB , CD and PQ are concurrent lines B

and O is the point of concurrency. C Q

Concurring wooden pieces.

Here you find two roads intersecting in a special way; they

cross each other at 90o. They resemble lines at right angle. Such
lines are called perpendicular lines.

In the figure, two perpendicular lines l1

l2 and l2 are seen. We write this as l1 ⊥ l2 .

You can see perpendicular lines in plenty around you.


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Are all intersecting lines

perpendicular lines? What if two
lines in a plane do not intersect? Is
it possible? Yes, we have plenty of
examples around us.

Lines in a plane that never meet are called parallel lines. They
are at the same distance apart. In the figure lines l1 and l2 are parallel. dis
tan Line 1
We write this as l1  l2. ce
Activity Line 2

Take a piece of paper of any shape and fold
(i) a pair of perpendicular lines. (ii) a pair of parallel lines.


Triangle is balanced at centroid Rhombus shape seen in a lift ladder

3.2 Median of a triangled

A median of a triangle is a line segment from a vertex to the A
midpoint of the side opposite that vertex.
In the figure AM is a median of ∆ ABC.
Are there any more medians for ∆ ABC ?
Since there are three vertices in a triangle, one can identify three B M C
medians in a triangle.
Example 3.1
In the figure, ABC is a triangle and AM is one of its medians.
If BM = 3.5 cm, find the length of the side BC.
Solution: B M C
AM is median ⇒ M is the midpoint of BC.
Given that, BM = 3.5 cm, hence BC = twice the length BM = 2 × 3.5 cm = 7 cm.
49 Chapter 3 Geometry

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Example 3.2 C
In the figure, ABC is a triangle and CD is one of its medians. E

If AD = 9x − 13 and BD = 4x + 2, find the length of the side AB. B

AD = DB, since D is the midpoint of AB. (Why?) A

Therefore, 9x − 13 = 4x + 2. Solving this (try!) simple equation, we get x = 3.

Hence, AB = 2(9x − 13) = 2(9(3) − 13)=28 units.


1. Consider a paper cut-out of a triangle. 2. Fold the paper along the line that passes
(Let us have an acute-angled triangle, to through the point A and meets the line
start with). Name it, say ABC. BC such that point B falls on C. Make a
crease and unfold the sheet.

4. You can now draw the median AM, if

3. Mark the mid point M of BC. you want to see it clearly. (Or you can
leave it as a fold).

5. In the same way, fold and draw the 6. Do the medians pass through the same
other two medians. point?

Now you can repeat this activity for an obtuse-angled triangle and a right triangle.
What is the conclusion?
The three medians of any triangle are concurrent.

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3.2.1 Centroid: Centroid

The point of concurrence of the three medians in a triangle is called

its Centroid, denoted by the letter G. Interestingly, it happens to be the
centre of mass of the triangle. One can easily verify this fact. Take a stiff
cut out of triangle of paper. It can be balanced horizontally at this point
on a finger tip or a pencil tip.
Should you fold all the three medians to find the centroid? Now you can explore among
yourself the following questions:
(i) How can you find the centroid of a triangle?
(ii) Is the centroid equidistant from the vertices?
(iii) Is the centroid of a triangle always in its interior?
(iv) Is there anything special about the medians of an
(a) Isosceles triangle? (b) Equilateral triangle?
3.2.2 Properties of the Centroid of a triangle:
The location of the Centroid of a triangle exhibits some nice properties.
It is always located inside the triangle.
We have already seen that it serves as the Centre of gravity
for any triangular lamina. Centroid

Observe the figure given. The lines drawn from each vertex to G G

form the three triangles △ABG, △BCG, and △CAG.

Surprisingly, the areas of these triangles are equal. B C

The medians of a triangle divide it into three smaller triangles of equal area!

P PG : GD = 2:1
The centroid of a triangle splits each of the medians in two QG : GE = 2:1
RG : GF = 2:1
segments, the one closer to the vertex being twice as long as the other one. F E
This means the centroid divides each median in a ratio of 2:1.
(For example, GD is ⅓ of PD). (Try to verify this by paper folding). Q D R

Example 3.3 X

In the figure G is the centroid of the triangle XYZ.

(i) If GL = 2.5 cm, find the length XL. G

(ii) If YM = 9.3 cm, find the length GM.

(i) Since G is the centroid, XG : GL = 2 : 1 which gives XG : 2.5 = 2 : 1.
Therefore, we get 1 × (XG) = 2 × (2.5) ⇒ XG = 5 cm. simpler
Hence, length XL = XG + GL = 5 + 2.5 = 7.5 cm.
(ii) If YG is of 2 parts then GM will be 1 part. (Why?)
This means YM has 3 parts.
3 parts is 9.3 cm long. So GM (made of 1 part) must be 9.3 ÷ 3 = 3.1 cm.
51 Chapter 3 Geometry

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Example 3.4
ABC is a triangle and G is its centroid. If AD=12 cm, BC=8 cm and BE=9 cm,
find the perimeter of DBDG . A

ABC is a triangle and G is its centroid. F E
1 1
If, AD = 12 cm Þ GD = of AD = (12) = 4 cm and G
3 3
2 2 B D C
BE = 9 cm ÞBG = of BE = (9) = 6cm .
3 3
1 1
Also D is a midpoint of BC Þ BD = of BC = (8) = 4cm
2 2
\ The perimeter of DBDG = BD+GD+BG = 4+4+6 = 14 cm
Example 3.5 X
XYZ is a triangle and G is its centroid. If GP=2.5 cm, GY=6 cm and G Q
ZR=12 cm, find XP, QY and GR. P
Solution: Z
Centroid G divides each median in the ratio 2:1
\ XG = 2GP ⇒ XG = 2(2.5) = 5 cm and XP = XG + GP = 5 + 2.5 = 7.5 cm.
Similarly, GY = 2GQ ⇒ 6 = 2GQ ⇒ GQ = 3 cm and QY = 3 + 6 = 9 cm.
Now, ZR = 12 cm ⇒ GR + GZ = 12 cm ⇒ GR+2GR = 12 cm ⇒ GR = 4 cm.
3.3 Altitude of a triangle
Altitude of a triangle also known as the height of the triangle, is the
perpendicular drawn from the vertex of the triangle to the opposite side.
The altitude makes a right angle with the base of a triangle. Here, in △ABC,
AD ⊥ BC is one of the altitudes.


1. Consider a paper cut-out 2. Fold the triangle so that 3. You can now draw the
of an acute angled triangle. a side overlaps itself and altitude AM, if you want
Name it, say ABC. the fold contains the vertex to see it clearly.
opposite to that side.
In the same way, you find altitudes of other two sides. Also, with the help of your
teacher, you find altitudes of right angled triangle and obtuse angled triangle. Do the
altitudes of triangle pass through the same point? What is your conclusion?
The three altitudes of any triangle are concurrent.
The point of concurrence is known as its Orthocentre, denoted by the letter H.

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1. In any acute angled triangle, all three altitudes

are inside the triangle. Where will be the orthocentre? Altitude of an acute triangle
In the interior of the triangle or in its exterior?
2. In any right angled triangle, the altitude perpendicular
to the hypotenuse is inside the triangle; the other two
altitudes are the legs of the triangle. Can you identify the Altitude of a right triangle
orthocentre in this case?
3. In any obtuse angled triangle, the altitude connected
to the obtuse vertex is inside the triangle, and the two
altitudes connected to the acute vertices are Altitude of an obtuse triangle
outside the triangle. Can you identify the orthocentre in this case?

3.4 Perpendicular bisector

Let us first recall the following ideas.
Perpendicular Bisector Perpendicular bisector
l l2
90° 90°

AB is a line segment. PQ is a line segment. � XY is a line segment.

l is perpendicular to AB . l1 is a bisector to PQ . l2 is a bisector to � XY .
P is the foot of the ⊥r. M is the midpoint of PQ . l2 is also ⊥r to � XY .
Note that AP ≠ PB here. l1 need not be ⊥r to PQ M is the midpoint of � XY .

Consider a triangle ABC. It has three sides. For each side you can have a perpendicular
bisector as follows:

Perpendicular bisector of side BC Perpendicular bisector of side AC Perpendicular bisector of side AB

M is the midpoint of BC N is the midpoint of AC P is the midpoint of AB
We have a perpendicular at M. We have a perpendicular at N. We have a perpendicular at P.
Surprisingly, all the three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent
at a point!
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One can visualize the point of concurrence of the perpendicular A

bisectors, through simple paper folding. Try it!

The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of any triangle are concurrent. P N

As done in the earlier activity on Centroid, you can repeat the experiment S

for various types of triangle, acute, obtuse, right, isosceles and equilateral. B M

Do you find anything special with the equilateral triangle in this case?

3.4.1 Circumcentre:
The point of concurrence of the three perpendicular bisectors of a
triangle is called as its Circumcentre, denoted by the letter S.
Why should it be called so? Because one can draw a circle exactly
passing through the three vertices of the triangle, with centre at the
point of concurrence of the perpendicular bisectors of sides. Thus, the B M

circumcentre is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle.

Check if the following are true by paper-folding:
1. The circumcentre of an acute angled triangle lies in the interior of the triangle.
2. The circumcentre of an obtuse angled triangle lies in the exterior of the triangle.
3. The circumcentre of a right triangle lies at the midpoint of its hypotenuse.

Example 3.6 A
In ∆ABC, S is the circumcentre, BC = 72 cm and DS = 15 cm.
Find the radius of its circumcircle.
Solution: S
15 cm

As S is the circumcentre of ∆ABC, it is equidistant from A,B

and C. So AS=BS=CS=radius of its circumcircle. As AD is the B D C
1 1 72 cm
perpendicular bisector of BC, BD = × BC = × 72 = 36cm
2 2
In right angled triangle BDS, by Pythagoras theorem,
BS2 = BD2 +SD2 = 362 + 152 = 1521 = 392 ÞBS = 39cm.
∴The radius of the circumcircle of D ABC is 39 cm.

3.5 Angle bisector

We have learnt about angle bisectors in the previous class. An angle
bisector is a line or ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles.
In the figure, ∠ABC is bisected by the line BD such that ∠ABD = ∠CBD. 40º

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Some examples are shown where one can see angle bisectors in daily life.

Consider a triangle ABC. How many angles does a triangle have ? 3 angles. For each
angle you can have an angle bisector as follows:




AD bisects ∠A into two BE bisects ∠B into two CF bisects ∠C into two

congruent angles. Hence it is congruent angles. Hence it is congruent angles. Hence it is
an angle bisector of ∠A. an angle bisector of ∠B. an angle bisector of ∠C.



1. Consider a paper cut-out 2. Fold the triangle so that 3. Trace all of the folds.
of a triangle. the opposite sides meet and
Do the angle bisectors
Name it, say ABC. contain the vertex. Repeat the
pass through the same
same to find angle bisectors of
other two angles also.
Now you can repeat this activity for an obtuse-angled triangle and a right angled
triangle. What is the conclusion?

Do the angle bisectors pass through the same point in all the cases?

The three angle bisectors of any triangle are concurrent.

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3.5.1 Incentre:
The point of concurrence of the three angle bisectors of a
triangle is called as its incentre, denoted by the letter I.

Why should it be called so? Because one can draw a circle I

inside of the triangle so that it touches all three sides internally,
with centre at the point of concurrence of the angle bisectors. B C
The lengths of a perpendicular line drawn from incentre to each
side is found to be same. Thus, the incentre is equidistant from the sides of the triangle.
Example 3.7 P

Identify the incentre of the triangle PQR.

Solution: N

Incentre is the point of intersection of angle bisectors. O


Here, PM and QN are angle bisectors of ∠P and ∠Q respectively,

intersecting at B.

So, the incentre of the triangle PQR is B.

(Can A and C be the incentre of D ABC ? Why?)


INCENTRE differs depending on the type of triangles given. The following points will help
us in locating and remembering these.
(i) For all types of triangles, CENTROID (G) and INCENTRE (I) will be inside the
(ii) The ORTHOCENTRE (H) will be inside in an acute angled triangle, outside in an
obtuse angled triangle and on the vertex containing 90° in a right angled triangle.
(iii) The CIRCUMCENTRE (S) will be inside in an acute angled triangle, outside in an
obtuse angled triangle and on the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle.

Try these
Identify the type of segment required in each triangle:
(median, altitude, perpendicular bisector, angle B D C
bisector) A 3.5
(i) AD =__________ (ii) l1 =__________ 3.5
cm 25º
(iii) BD =__________ (iv) CD =__________

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1. By paper folding, find the centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre and incentre of an equilateral
triangle. Do they coinside?

2. By paper folding, find the centroid (G), orthocentre(H), circumcentre (S) and incentre(I) of a
triangle. Join G,H,S and I. Are they collinear?

Exercise 3.1
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The altitudes of a triangle intersect at ___________.
(ii) The medians of a triangle cross each other at ___________.
(iii) The meeting point of the angle bisectors of a triangle is ___________.
(iv) The perpendicular bisectors of the sides a triangle meet at _______.
(v) The centroid of a triangle divides each medians in the ratio ___________
2. Say True or False:
(i) In any triangle the Centroid and the Incentre are located inside the triangle.
(ii) The centroid, orthocentre, and incentre of a triangle are collinear.
(iii) The incentre is equidistant from all the vertices of a triangle.
3. a) Where does the circumcentre lie in the case of
(i) An acute-angled triangle.
(ii) An obtuse-angled triangle.
(iii) A right angled triangle.
b) Where does the orthocentre lie in the case of
(i) An acute-angled triangle.
(ii) An obtuse-angled triangle.
(iii) A right angled triangle. A
4. Fill in the blanks:
In the triangle ABC, F
(i) The angle bisector is _______ E
(ii) The altitude is _______
(iii) The median is ______ B D C

5. In right triangle ABC, what is the length of altitude drawn from the
vertex A to BC? B 12 C

57 Chapter 3 Geometry

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6. In triangle XYZ, YM is the angle bisector of ∠Y and ∠Y is 100°. X

Find ∠XYM and ∠ZYM.
100º Z
7. In triangle PQR, PS is a median and QS=3.5 cm, then find QR?

Q 3.5 cm S R
8. In triangle ABC, line l1 is a perpendicular bisector of S
BC. If BC=12 cm, SM=8 cm, find CS.

Exercise 3.2

Miscellaneous and Practice Problems

1. Identify the centroid of ∆PQR.



2. Name the orthocentre of ∆PQR.




3. In the given figure, A is the midpoint of YZ and G is the centroid of the triangle XYZ. If
the length of GA is 3 cm, find XA.



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Challengeing Problems
4. Find the length of an altitude on the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle of legs of
length 15 feet and 20 feet.
5. If I is the incentre of ∆XYZ, ∠IYZ = 30° and ∠IZY = 40° , find ∠YXZ .

30º 40º

6. In ∆DEF, DN, EO, FM are medians and point

P is the centroid. Find the following. E

(i) IF DE = 44, then DM = ?

(ii) IF PD = 12, then PN = ? M N

(iii) If DO = 8, then FD = ?
(iv) IF OE = 36 then EP = ? D O F

3.6 Construction of certain quadrilaterals

Before we begin to learn constructing certain quadrilaterals, it is essential to recall their
basic properties that would help us during the process. We will try to do this by performing
some activities and then sum them up.

1. Place a pair of unequal sticks 2. Now place another such pair

(say pieces of broomstick) such that meeting the free ends of the first
they have their end points joined at pair.
one end.
What is the figure enclosed? It is a quadrilateral. Name it as ABCD. How many sides are
there? What are its diagonals? Are the diagonals equal? Are the angles equal?
In the above activity can you get a quadrilateral in which

(i) All the four angles are acute. (iv) One of the angles is a right angle.
(ii) One of the angles is obtuse. (v) Two of the angles are right angles.
(iii) Two of the angles are obtuse. (vi) The diagonals are mutually ^r.

59 Chapter 3 Geometry

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1. A pair of identical 30o–60o–90o set-squares are needed

for this activity. Place them as shown in the figure.

(i) What is the shape we get? It is a parallelogram.

(ii) Are the opposite sides parallel?
(iii) Are the opposite sides equal?
(iv) Are the diagonals equal?
(v) Can you get this shape by using any
other pair of identical set-squares?

2. We need a pair of 30o–60o–90o set- squares for this activity.

Place them as shown in the figure.
(i) What is the shape we get?

(ii) Is it a parallelogram?

It is a quadrilateral; infact it is
a rectangle. (How?)

(iii) What can we say about its

lengths of sides, angles and
Discuss and list them out.

3. Repeat the above activity, this time with a pair of

45o–45o–90o set-squares.

(i) How does the figure change now? Is it a

parallelogram? It becomes a square! (How
did it happen?)
(ii) What can we say about its lengths of sides,
angles and diagonals?
Discuss and list them out.
(iii) How does it differ from the list we prepared
for the rectangle?

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4. We again use four identical 30o–60o–90o set- squares for this activity.
Note carefully how they are placed
touching one another.
(i) Do we get a parallelogram
(ii) What can we say about its
lengths of sides, angles and
(iii) What is special about their

Based on the outcome of the above activities, we can list out the various properties of the above
quadrilaterals, all of which happen to be parallelograms!

All All Opposite

All sides Opposite Sides Diagonals
angles angles angles

Supple- Cut at
Equal Equal Equal Parallel 90o
mentary rt.angles

(i) Parallelogram Some times Some times Always Always Some times Some times Always Some times

(ii) Rhombus Always Some times Always Always Always Some-times Always Always

(iii) Rectangle Some times Always Always Always Always Always Always Some times

(iv) Square Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always

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Try these

1. Say True or False:

(a) A square is a special rectangle.

(b) A square is a parallelogram.

(c) A square is a special rhombus.

(d) A rectangle is a parallelogram

2. Name the quadrilaterals
(a) which have diagonals bisecting each other.

(b) In which the diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other.

(c) Which have diagonals of different lengths.

(d) Which have equal diagonals.

(e) Which have parallel opposite sides.

(f) In which opposite angles are equal.

3. Two sticks are placed on a ruled sheet as shown. What figure is formed if the four
corners of the sticks are joined?

(a) (b)

Two equal sticks. Placed such that their

Two unequal sticks. Placed
midpoints coincide.
such that their midpoints

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Try these

(c) (d)

Two unequal sticks. Placed Two equal sticks. Placed

intersecting at mid points intersecting at mid points
perpendicularly. perpendicularly.

(e) (f)

Two unequal sticks. Tops on the

Two unequal sticks. Tops are not same ruling. Bottoms on the same
on the same ruling. Bottoms on the ruling. Not necessarily cutting at
same ruling. Not cutting at the mid the mid point of either.
point of either.

3.7 Construction of a rhombus

Let us now construct a rhombus with the given measurements

(i) One side and one diagonal

(ii) One side and one angle
(iii) Two diagonals
(iv) One diagonal and one angle
63 Chapter 3 Geometry

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3.7.1  Construction of a rhombus when one side and one diagonal are given:
Example 3.8
   Construct a rhombus ROSE with RO = 5 cm and RS = 8 cm.
Also find its area.
Given: RO = 5 cm and RS = 8 cm
R 5 cm O
Rough diagram

6 cm

8 cm

R 5 cm O

(i) Draw a line segment RO = 5 cm.
(ii) With R and O as centres, draw arcs of radii 8 cm and 5 cm respectively and let them
cut at S.
(iii) Join RS and OS.
(iv) With R and S as centres, draw arcs of radius 5 cm each and let them cut at E.
(v) Join RE and SE.
(vi) ROSE is the required rhombus.

Calculation of area:
Area of rhombus ROSE = × d × d sq.units
2 1 2
= × 8 × 6 = 24sq.cm

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3.7.2  Construction of a rhombus when one side and one angle are given:
Example 3.9
Construct a rhombus LEAF with LE = 6 cm and ∠ L = 65° . F A
Also find its area.
Given: LE = 6 cm and ∠ L = 65° 65º

L 6 cm E
Rough diagram



K .2


L 6 cm E
(i) Draw a line segment LE = 6 cm.
(ii) At L on LE, make ∠ ELX = 65° .
(iii) With L as centre draw an arc of radius 6 cm. Let it cut LX at F.
(iv) With E and F as centres, draw arcs of radius 6 cm each and let them cut at A.
(v) Join EA and AF.
(vi) LEAF is the required rhombus.

Calculation of area:

Area of rhombus LEAF = × d × d sq.units
2 1 2
= × 6.4 × 10.2 = 32.64 sq.cm

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3.7.3  Construction of a rhombus when two diagonals are given:

Example 3.10 
Construct a rhombus NEST with NS = 9 cm and ET = 8 cm.
Also find its area.
8 cm
Given: NS = 9 cm and ET = 8 cm
N 9 cm S

Rough diagram

4 cm

9 cm O

4 cm

(i) Draw a line segment NS = 9 cm.
(ii) Draw the perpendicular bisector XY to NS. Let it cut NS at O.
(iii) With O as centre, draw arcs of radius 4 cm on either side of
O which cut OX at T and OY at E.
(iv) Join NE, ES, ST and TN.
(v) NEST is the required rhombus.

Calculation of area:
Area of rhombus NEST = × d × d sq.units
2 1 2
= × 9 × 8 = 36 sq.cm

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3.7.4  Construction of a rhombus when one diagonal and one angle are given:
Example 3.11
Construct a rhombus FARM with FR = 7 cm and ∠ F = 80° .
Also find its area.
Solution: F 7 cm R
Given: FR = 7 cm and ∠ F = 80°

Rough diagram

5.9 cm

40º 40º

F 40º 7 cm O 40º


(i) Draw a line segment FR = 7 cm.

(ii) At F, make ∠ RFX = ∠ RFY = 40° on either side of FR.

(iii) At R, make ∠ FRP = ∠ FRQ = 40° on either side of FR.

(iv) Let FX and RP cut at M and FY and RQ cut at A.

(v) FARM is the required rhombus.

Calculation of area:

Area of rhombus FARM = × d × d sq.units
2 1 2
= × 7 × 5.9 = 20.65 sq.cm

67 Chapter 3  Geometry

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3.8 Construction of a rectangle

Let us now construct a rectangle with the given measurements
(i) length and breadth
(ii) a side and a diagonal

3.8.1 Construction of a rectangle when its length and breadth are given:
Example 3.12
Construct a rectangle BEAN with BE = 5 cm and BN = 3 cm. Also find its area.
Solution: N A

Given: BE = 5 cm and BN = 3 cm

3 cm
B 5 cm
Rough diagram

3 cm

B 5 cm E

(i) Draw a line segment BE = 5 cm.

(ii) At B, construct BX ⊥ BE .

(iii) With B as centre, draw an arc of radius 3 cm and let it cut BX at N.

(iv) With E and N as centres, draw arcs of radii 3 cm and 5 cm respectively and let them
cut at A.

(v) Join EA and NA.

(vi) BEAN is the required rectangle.

Calculation of area:

Area of rectangle BEAN = l × b sq.units

= 5 × 3 = 15 sq.cm

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3.8.2 Construction of a rectangle when length and breadth are given:

Example 3.13
Construct a rectangle LIME with LI = 6 cm and IE = 7 cm. Also find its area.
Given: LI = 6 cm and IE = 7 cm

7 cm

L 6 cm I
Rough diagram

3.6 cm


L 6 cm I

(i) Draw a line segment LI = 6 cm.

(ii) At L, construct LX ⊥ LI .

(iii) With I as centre, draw an arc of radius 7 cm and let it cut LX at E.

(iv) With I as centre and LE as radius draw an arc. Also, with E as centre and LI as radius
draw an another arc. Let them cut at M.

(v) Join IM and EM.

(vi) LIME is the required rectangle.

Calculation of area:

Area of rectangle LIME = l × b sq.units

= 6×3.6 = 21.6 sq.cm

69 Chapter 3  Geometry

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3.9 Construction of a square

Let us now construct a square when (i) its side is given and (ii) its diagonal is given

3.9.1  Construction of a square when its side is given:

Example 3.14
Construct a square LAMP of side 4 cm. Also find its area.
Given: side = 4 cm

L 4 cm A
Rough diagram

L 4 cm A

(i) Draw a line segment LA = 4 cm.
(ii) At L, construct LX ⊥ LA .
(iii) With L as centre, draw an arc of radius 4 cm and let it cut LX at P.
(iv) With A and P as centres, draw arcs of radius 4 cm each and let them cut at M.
(v) Join AM and PM. LAMP is the required square.

Calculation of area:

Area of square LAMP = a 2 sq.units

= 4 × 4 = 16 sq.cm

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3.9.2  Construction of a square when its diagonal is given:

Example 3.15
Construct a square RAMP of a diagonal 8 cm. Also find its area.
Solution: P M
Given: diagonal = 8 cm

X 8 cm

Rough diagram

4 cm

R 8 cm O M

4 cm

(i) Draw a line segment RM = 8 cm.
(ii) Draw the perpendicular bisector XY to RM. Let it bisect RM at O.
(iii) With O as centre, draw arcs of radius 4 cm on either side of O which cut OX at P and
OY at A.
(iv) Join RA, AM, MP and PR.
(v) RAMP is the required square.

Calculation of area:

Area of square RAMP = a 2 sq.units

= 5.7 × 5.7 = 32.49 sq.cm

71 Chapter 3  Geometry

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Exercise 3.3
I. Construct the following rhombuses with the given measurements and also find their area.
(i) FACE, FA= 6 cm and FC = 8 cm (v) LUCK, LC = 7.8 cm and UK = 6 cm
(ii) RACE, RA= 5.5 cm and AE = 7 cm (vi) DUCK, DC = 8 cm and UK = 6 cm
(iii) CAKE, CA=5 cm and ∠A = 65° (vii) PARK, PR = 9 cm and ∠P =70°
(iv) MAKE, MA= 6.4 cm and ∠M = 80° (viii) MARK, AK =7.5 cm and ∠A = 80°
II. Construct the following rectangles with the given measurements and also find their area.
(i) HAND, HA = 7 cm and AN = 4 cm
(ii) SAND, SA =5.6 cm and SN = 4.4 cm
(iii) LAND, LA = 8 cm and AD = 10 cm
(iv) BAND, BA = 7.2 cm and BN = 9.7 cm
III. Construct the following squares with the given measurements and also find their area.
(i) EAST, EA = 6.5 cm
(ii) WEST, ST = 6 cm
(iii) BEST, BS = 7.5 cm
(iv) REST, ET = 8 cm

• Three or more lines in a plane are said to be concurrent, if all of them pass through the
same point.
• The three medians of any triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence of the three
medians in a triangle is called its Centroid, denoted by the letter G.
• The three altitudes of any triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence of the three
altitudes of a triangle is called as its Orthocentre, denoted by the letter H.
• The three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of any triangle are concurrent. The
point of concurrence of the three perpendicular bisectors of a triangle is called as its
Circumcentre, denoted by the letter S.
• The three angle bisectors of any triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence of the
three angle bisectors of a triangle is called as its Incentre, denoted by the letter I.
• Rhombus is a parallelogram in which all its sides are congruent.
• Rectangle is a parallelogram whose all its angles are right angles.
• Square is a parallelogram in which all its sides and angles are equal.

8th Standard Mathematics 72

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Expected Outcome

Step – 1

Open the Browser type the URL Link given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
GeoGebra work sheet named “8th Standard III term” will open. Select the work
sheet named “Rectangle Construction”

Step - 2

Move the sliders on left side to change the length and breadth of the rectangle.
Drag the slider step by step on right side to see the steps for construction.

Step – 1 Step – 2

Browse in the link

https://www.geogebra.org/m/xmm5kj9r or
Scan the QR Code.

73 Chapter 3  Geometry

Unit 3 - Geometry.indd 73 13-11-2019 11:39:08


Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 10 marks
Y axis 1 cm = 2 students

26 25



% Pink
20 d

16 Re

Number of students
50 Stude

6 25%
3 15%
2 Green
X' −10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X
−2 Marks


Learning Objectives

To recall the formation of frequency tables.

To construct simple Pie-charts for the given data.
To know how to draw Histogram and Frequency Polygon for grouped data.

4.1 Introduction
Before we learn on Pie charts, Histograms and Frequency Polygons, let us recall what we
have studied in the previous classes like data (primary and secondary) and frequency tables
for ungrouped data.
Kamaraj! Go and collect II-term Math marks of all the students from our class.
Geetha! You go and note down the heights of all the students from the cumulative record.
Students, here the marks collected by Kamaraj and heights noted by Geetha are called ‘Data’.
4.1.1 Data:
Data is the basic unit in Statistics. Data is a collection of facts such as numbers, words,
measurements and observations. It must be organised, for it to be useful and to get information.
Data can be collected in many ways. Among all the ways, direct observation is one of the
simplest way to collect the data.
For example, if you want to find the number of types of houses in a village, what do you
do? You can count the types of houses in the village, in person similarly,
(i) Collection of brand wise motorcycles in your place.
Brand A – 25, Brand B – 40, Brand, C –14 and Brand D – 37
(ii) Collection of term marks in Mathematics of your class mates.
39, 20, 19, 47, 50, 26, 35, 40, 17, 25, 41.
(iii) Number of students playing different sports from your class.
Volley ball –12 Kabaddi – 10 Hockey – 9 Cricket – 7 Badminton – 7
(iv) Staff ’s age in a company
27, 51, 19, 21, 46, 35, 52, 25, 57, 29.
The above facts are some more examples for data,
Students, let us now see the kinds of data. There are two kinds of data namely primary data
and secondary data.
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Primary data:
These are the data that are collected in person for the first time for a specific purpose.
Here, Kamaraj has collected the data of math marks from the students in person. It is called
primary data.
Also, (i) Census in a village
(ii) Collection of colours which the students like in a class are some examples of
primary data.
Secondary data:
These are the data that are sourced from some places that has originally collected it. This
kind of data has already been collected by some other persons. The statistical operation may
have been performed on them already. Here, Geetha also collected the data but she took it
from a record which had already collected them. This is called secondary data.
Also, (i) The details of 'PATTA' for a land can be had from the registration office.
(ii) Birth–Death details data can be got from concern office are some examples of
secondary data.
From these primary and secondary data , we can’t get any specific or required information
directly like, how many students have got more than 50 marks? how many students got marks
between 30 and 40? how many of them are with height 125 cm? If we need answer for these
questions, we have to tabulate the data.


Leisure time on an average day 140
Stock Market Return Distribution
Relaxing and Other leisure activities 120
thinking (10 minutes)
(20 minutes) 100
Playing chess

Watching TV 80
(25 minutes) (2 hours)
Listening music 60
(20 minutes)
Interacting with
frineds 20
(20 minutes)
–1 %, – 9%
–1 , – %
–1 %, – 6%
–1 %, –15%
–1 %, –1 %
–1 , –1 %
0% 0%
–8 –8%
%, %
–5 –5%
–3 , –3%
–2 –2%
0% 0%
1% 1%
3%, 3%
5% 5%
6% 6%
8% 8%
9% , 9%
%, %
13 131%
% %
16 , 16%
–2 , –21

8% 18

1% 1

–7 , –7

11 , 11

14 , 14


Reading books
–1 %, –1

6 1
5 1







(40 minutes)


Stock Market Return

Pie charts are used in our daily life activities Histograms are used in stock market to
represent the returns of stock buyer.

4.2 Data in Tabular form

To make the given data easily understandable, we tabulate the data in the form of tables
or charts. A table has three columns that contains
(i) Variable /Class (ii) Tally Marks (iii) Frequency
Variable / Class:
Arrange the given data from the lowest to the highest in the first column under the
heading variable or class.
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Tally Marks:
A vertical line(|) which is marked against each item falling in the variable /class is called
tally marks.
The number of times an observation occurs in the given data is called the frequency of
the observation. This is easily counted from the tally marks column.
For example:
Variable Tally Frequency (f)
(Marks) marks (no.of students) Note
10 ||| 3
14 |||| 5 Range: The difference between the largest
17 |||| ||| 8 and the smallest values of the data given.
If 5, 15, 10, 7, 20, 18 are the data then,
20 |||| 4
Range = 20–5=15
Total 20
From the table, we understand that three students got 10 marks, five students got 14 marks
and so on.
Ungrouped data or Discrete Data:
An ungrouped data can assume only whole numbers and exact measurement. These are
the data that cannot have a range of values. A usual way to represent this is by using Bar graphs
Examples: 1. The number of teachers in a school.
2. The number of players in a game.

Grouped data or Continuous Data:

A grouped data is any value within a certain interval. The data can take values
between certain range with the highest and the lowest value. Continuous data can be
tabulated in what is called as frequency distribution. They can be graphically represented
using Histograms.
Example: 1. The age of persons in a village.
2. The height and the weight of the students of your class.
4.3 Frequency distribution table
Frequency distribution:
A frequency distribution is the arrangement of the given data in the form of the table
showing frequency with which each variable occurs.
If we have more number of students in the class , it would be very difficult to understand
and to get information unless it is organised. For this reason, we organise larger data into a
table called the frequency distribution table. Therefore, the tabular arrangement which shows
the observations and their frequency of occurrences is called the frequency distribution table.
There are two types of distribution table namely
(i) frequency distribution table for ungrouped data and
(ii) frequency distribution table for grouped data.
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Try these
1. Arrange the given data in ascending and descending order:
2. Find the range of the given data : 53, 42, 61, 9, 39, 63, 14, 20, 06, 26, 31, 4, 57
4.3.1 Construction of frequency distribution table for ungrouped data.
Example 4.1
Form an ungrouped frequency distribution table for the weight of 25 students in STD IV
given below and answer the following questions.
25, 24, 20, 25, 16, 15, 18, 20, 25, 16, 20, 16, 15, 18, 25, 16, 24, 18, 25, 15, 27, 20, 20, 27, 25.
(i) Find the range of the weights.
(ii) How many of the students has the highest weight in the class?
(iii) What is the weight to which more number of students belong to?
(iv) How many of them belong to the least weight?
To form a distribution table, arrange the given data in ascending order under Weight
column then, put a vertical mark against each variable under Tally marks column and count
the number of tally marks against the variable and enter it in Frequency column as given
below. Hence, the distribution table is
Weight Tally Marks Frequency
15 ||| 3
16 |||| 4
18 ||| 3
20 |||| 5
24 || 2
25 |||| | 6
27 || 2
Total 25
Thus, we can tabulate the above table as follows.
Weight (kg) 15 16 18 20 24 25 27
Frequency 3 4 3 5 2 6 2
(i) The range of the given data is the difference between the largest and the smallest
value. Here, the range = 27–15 =12.
(ii) From this table, two of the students have the highest weight of 27 kg.
(iii) 6 students belong to 25 kg weight.
(iv) 3 students belong to the least weight of 15 kg.
So, when we tabulate the given data, it is easy to get the information at a glance, Isn’t it?
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Try these
Collect the blood group of your classmates. Complete the table and analyse.
Blood group Tally marks No. of students

4.3.2 Construction of frequency distribution table for grouped data:

Now, we will consider a situation, if we collect data of marks for 50 students, it becomes
very difficult to put tally for each and every marks of all the 50 students. Because if we arrange
the marks in a table, it will be very large in length and not understandable at once. In this case,
we use class intervals. In this table, consider the groups of data in the form of class intervals to
tally the frequency for the given data.
Class Interval:
The range of the variable is grouped into number of classes, and each group is known as
class interval (C.I). The difference between the upper limit (U) and the lower limit (L) of the
class is known as class size.
i.e. C.I = Upper limit – Lower limit
For example,
Marks for the C.I 10 to 20 can be written as 10-20, whose class size is 20–10=10
Class interval

(a) Continuous (b) Discontinuous

Series Series

10 20 30 40 11 20 21 30 31 40
(e.g.) (e.g.)
10 - 20 11 - 20 gap
20 - 30 21 - 30
30 - 40 31 - 40
40 - 50 41 - 50

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(a) While distributing the frequency, we follow the counting as given below. Suppose the classes
are 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 ..... This represent a continuous series. Here, 20 is included in
the class 20-30 and 30 is included in 30-40, likewise for the other classes also.
(b) In case the given series has a gap between the limits of any two adjacent classes, this
gap may be filled up by extending the two limits of each class by taking half of the value
of the gap. Half of the gap is called the adjustment factor.
Conversion of a discontinuous series into continuous series:
In case the given series is a discontinuous, we can make it as continuous as follows,
Illustration: 1
11 - 20 gap difference in the gap = 21 – 20
21 - 30
How will you change the
31 - 40 given series as continuous series
41 - 50 15-25
Lower boundary = lower limit –half of the gap
= 11 − (1) 54-64
= 11 – 0.5 = 10.5
Upper boundary = upper limit + half of the gap
= 20 + (1)
= 20 + 0.5
= 20.5 and so on for other classes too.
Therefore, the class interval can be changed into a continuous one as given in the following table,
Discontinuous series Continuous series
-0.5 +0.5
11-20 10.5-20.5
21-30 20.5-30.5
31-40 30.5-40.5
41-50 40.5-50.5
Illustration: 2
How can you make it continuous, if the classes are
0-10 difference in the gap = 24–22
12-22 gap =2
24-34 Take half of the gap.
36-46 So, 1 is the adjustment factor.
Hence, subtract 1 from the lower limit and add 1 to the upper limit to make it as a continuous
series as given below
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Discontinuous series Continuous series

-1 +1
0-10 -1-11
12-22 11-23
24-34 23-35
36-46 35-47
48-58 47-59
(i) Construction of grouped frequency distribution table – Continuous series .
Example 4.2
The EB bill(in `) of each of the 26 houses in a village are given below. Construct the
frequency table.
215 200 120 350 800 600 350 400 180 210 170 305 204
220 425 540 315 640 700 790 340 586 660 785 290 300
Maximum bill amount = ` 800
Minimum bill amount = ` 120
Range = maximum value – minimum value
Range = 800 – 120 = ` 680
Suppose if we want to take class size as 100, then
Range 680
the number of possible class intervals = = = 6. 8  7
Class size 100
Range 680
= = 6. 8  7
Class size 100
Class Intervals Tally Marks Frequency
100-200 ||| 3
200-300 |||| | 6
300-400 |||| | 6
400-500 || 2
500-600 || 2
600-700 3
700-800 4
Total 26

Note Think

Generally we may take class size in If we want to represent the given data by
multiples of 10 or multiples of 5. 5 classes, then how shall we find the interval?
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Observe the last alphabet in the names of your classmates, tabulate them and answer the
following questions.
Alphabet Tally No. of
marks students (f)
1. In which letter do the names end the most?
2. In which letter do the names end the least?
3. What are the letters in which the names do
not end with?
4. Girl names mostly end with -----------letter(s).
5. Boy names mostly end with ---------letter(s).


Inclusive series:
In the class-intervals, if the upper limit and lower limit are included in that class interval then
it is called inclusive series. For example, 11-20, 21-30 , 31-40, 41-50 etc is an inclusive series.
Here, the data 11 and 20 are included in the class (11-20) and so on. Clearly, it is a discontinuous
Exclusive series:
In the class intervals, if the upper limit of one class interval is the lower limit of the next class
interval then it is called exclusive series. For example, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, 25-30 etc., is an
exclusive series.
Here, 15 is included in the class 15-20 and 20 is included in 20-30. Clearly, it is a continuous series.

(ii) Construction of grouped frequency distribution table - Discontinuous series.

Example 4.3
Construct a continuous series frequency distribution table.

Class 0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23 24-29

Frequency(f) 7 10 9 5 12

As told above, first we should fill the gap by extending the two limits of each class by half
of the value of the gap. Here the gap is 1, so subtracting and adding half of the gap i.e 0.5 to
the lower and the upper limit of each class makes it as a continuous series.

Class -0.5-5.5 5.5-11.5 11.5-17.5 17.5-23.5 23.5-29.5

Frequency(f) 7 10 9 5 12

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Try these

1. Prepare a frequency table for the data :

3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4
2. Prepare a grouped frequency table for the data :
10, 9, 3, 29, 17, 34, 23, 20, 39, 42, 5, 12, 19, 47, 18, 19, 27, 7, 13, 40, 38, 24, 34, 15, 40

4.4 Graphical representation of the frequency distribution for ungrouped data

A graphical representation is the geometrical image of a set of data. It is a mathematical
picture. It enables us to think about a statistical problem in visual terms. A picture is said to
be more effective than words for describing a particular thing. The graphical representation
of data is more effective for understanding. In the previous classes, we have studied some
graphical representations of ungrouped data such as Line graph, Bar graph, and Pictograph.
Now, we are going to represent the given ungrouped data in the circular form namely the pie
diagram or the pie chart.
4.5 Pie chart (or) Pie diagram
A pie chart is a circular graph which shows the total value with its components. The area
of a circle represents the total value and the different sectors of the circle represent the different
components. The circle is divided into sectors and the area of the sectors is proportional to
the information given. In the ‘pie chart’ the data are mostly expressed in percentage. Each
component is expressed as percentage of the total value.
The Pie diagram is so called because the entire graph looks like an American food ‘pie’
and the components resemble slices cut from ‘pie’.

20% Pink
10% Green

American food ‘pie’

4.5.1 Method of constructing a pie chart:
In a pie chart, we know that the various components are represented by the sectors of a
circle and the whole circle represents the sum of the value of all the components. Therefore,
the total angle of 360° at the centre of the circle is divided into different sectors according to
the value of the components.

valueof the component

The central angle of a component = ×360°
total value

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Sometimes, the value of the components are expressed in percentage. In such cases,

percentage valueof thecomponent

The central angle of a component = ×360°

Steps for construction of the pie chart:

1) Calculate the central angle for each component using the above formula and tabulate it.
2) Draw a circle of convenient radius and mark one horizontal radius in it.
3) Draw radius making central angle of first component with horizontal radius. This sector
represents the first component. From this radius, draw next radius with central angle of
the second component and so on, until the completion of all components.
4) For identification of each sector, shade with different colours.
5) Label each sector.
Here are given some examples, let us draw the pie chart for the given data.
Example 4.4
The number of hours spent by a school student on various activities on a working day is
given below. Construct a pie chart.

Activity Sleep School Play Home work Other

No of hours 8 6 2 3 5
1. Find the percentage of sleeping hours.
2. By what angle is home work more than play?
3. By what angle are other activities less than sleep?
Number of hours spent in different activities in a day of 24 hours are converted into
components parts of 360°.
Activity Duration in hours Central angle
Sleep 8 × 360° = 120°
School 6 × 360° = 90°
Play 2 × 360° = 30°
Home work 3 × 360° = 45°
Others 5 × 360° = 75°
Total 24 360°

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The time spent by a school student during a day (24 hours)

Sleep 8
1. The percentage of sleeping hours = × 100 = 33.33%
0° School 24
75° Play 2. Home work is 45°–30°=15° more than play

Home work

3. Other activities are 120°–75°=45° less than sleep.

Example 4.5
Draw a pie diagram to represent the following data, which shows the expenditure of
paddy cultivation in 2 acres of land.

Particulars Seeds Ploughing Wages Fertilizer Harvest Others

Expenses (`) 2000 6000 10000 7000 8000 3000

Also, 1. Find the percentage of the head in which he had spent more?
2. What percentage of money was spent for seeds?

Particulars Expenses Central angle

Seeds 2000 × 360° = 20°
Plough 6000 × 360° = 60°

Coolie 10000 10000

× 360° = 100°

Fertilizer 7000 7000

× 360° = 70°

Harvesting 8000 × 360° = 80°

Others 3000 3000

× 360° = 30°
Total 36000 360°

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Expenditure of paddy cultivation in 2 acres.

1. He spent more for wages `10,000. Converting into
percentage, We have
10 10000
0° 60°
Coolie Wages = × 100% = 27.7%
30° Fertilizer

2. He spent `2000 for seeds. Converting into percentage,



Others We have,
Seeds = × 100% = 5.55%
Example 4.6
Draw a suitable pie chart for the following data relating to the cost of construction of a
Particulars Bricks Steel Cement Timber Labour Others
Expenses: 10% 16% 22% 10% 26% 16%
Also, find how much was spent on labour if `55000 was spent for cement.
Particulars Expenses Central angle
Bricks 10 % × 360° = 36°
Steel 16 % × 360° = 57.6°
Cement 22 % × 360°= 79.2°
Timber 10 % × 360° = 36°
Labour 26 % × 360° = 93.6°
Others 16 % × 360° = 57.6°
Total 360°
Cost of construction of a house.
If the expenses on cement is ` 55000 then, it represents
22 % and he spent 26 % on labour
Bricks 26
Steel Therefore, the expense on Labour = × 55000



36° Cement
% Expenses

36° 93
.6° Timber
= ` 65,000
22 55000

Others 26 ?
Direct proportion
85 Chapter 4  Statistics

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Uses of pie chart:

1. Pie charts are widely used by the business and the media people.
2. With the help of Pie charts, one can show how the expenditure of the Government
or Industry is distributed over different heads.
3. Research people use these type of charts to show their results.
Merits and Demerits:
1. Simple to create.
2. Pie charts are visually simple than other types of graphs.
3. Pie charts are easy to understand information quickly.
1. Pie charts are inconvenient for comparing more than one sample.
2. Separate Pie charts have to be used for different samples.
3. It becomes less effective if there are more components in the data.

Exercise 4.1
1. Fill in the blanks
(i) Data has already been collected by some other person is _____________ data.
(ii) The upper limit of the class interval (25-35) is _____________.
(iii) The range of the data 200, 15, 20, 103, 3, 197, is _____________.
(iv) If a class size is 10 and range is 80 then the number of classes are _________.
(v) Pie chart is a __________ graph.
2. Say True or False
(i) Inclusive series is a continuous series.
(ii) Pie charts are easy to understand.
(iii) Same pie chart can be used for different samples.
(iv) Media and business people use pie charts.
(v) A pie diagram is a circle broken down into component sectors.

3. The continuous series of

10 -20
8th Standard Mathematics 86

Unit 4 Statistics.indd 86 07-11-2019 16:25:13


4. Represent the following data in ungrouped frequency table which gives the number of
children in 25 families.
1, 3, 0, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 1, 3, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 1, 4
5. Form a continuous frequency distribution table for the marks obtained by 30 students in
a X std public examination.
328, 470, 405, 375, 298, 326, 276, 362, 410, 255, 391, 370, 455, 229, 300, 183, 283, 366, 400,
495, 215, 157, 374, 306, 280, 409, 321, 269, 398, 200.
6. A paint company asked a group of students about their
favourite colours and made a pie chart of their findings.
Use the information to answer the following questions. 20% Pink
(i) What percentage of the students like red colour? s
tu dent
(ii) How many students liked green colour? 50 S Green
(iii) What fraction of the students liked blue? 15%

(iv) How many students did not like red colour?

(v) How many students liked pink or blue?
(vi) How many students were asked about their
favourite colours?

7. Write any five points from the given pie chart 20
% 5%
Off shore oil
5% Industrial waste water
information regarding pollutants entering in the Martime transportation
oceans. Air pollutants

Farm run off

8. A survey gives the following information of food Sewage

items preferred by people. Draw a Pie chart.

Items Vegetables Meat Salad Fruits Sprouts Bread
No.of people 160 90 80 50 30 40
9. Draw a pie chart for the following information.
Ocean Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic Antarctic
Water 46 % 24 % 20 % 4% 6%

10. Income from various sources for Government of India from a rupee is given below.
Draw a pie chart.
Source Corporation Income Customs Excise Service Others
tax tax duties Tax
Income (in paise) 19 16 9 14 10 32

11. Monthly expenditure of Kumaran’s family is given below. Draw a suitable Pie chart.
Particulars Food Education Rent Transport Miscellaneous
Expenses (in %) 50 % 20 % 15 % 5% 10 %

87 Chapter 4  Statistics

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1. Find the amount spent for education if Kumaran spends `6000 for Rent.
2. What is the total salary of Kumaran?
3. How much did he spend more for food than education?

4.6 Graphical representation of the frequency distribution for grouped data

The Line graph, Bar graph, Pictograph and the Pie chart are the graphical representations
of the frequency distribution for ungrouped data. Histogram, Frequency polygon, Frequency
curve, Cumulative frequency curves (Ogives) are some of the graphical representations of the
frequency distribution for grouped data.
In this class, we are going to represent the grouped data frequency by Histogram and
Frequency polygon only. You will learn the other type of representations in the higher classes.

Graphical representation

Ungrouped data Grouped data

line bar pictograph Pie Histogram frequency frequency Cummulative

graph graph chart polygon curve frequency

4.7 Histogram
Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 10 units
A histogram is a graph of a continuous 1000
Y axis 1 cm = 100 units

frequency distribution. Histogram

contains a set of rectangles, the base of
which is the length of the class interval
and the frequency in each class interval Height of the rectangle
is the frequency
is its height. i.e the class intervals are
represented on the horizontal axis (x- axis)
and the frequencies are represented on the
vertical axis (y-axis).
The area of each rectangle is proportional
to the frequency in the respective class
interval and the total area of the histogram is X' −10 O 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 X
proportional to the total frequency. Because Indicates No gap between
Y' not status form the rectangles
of the continuous frequency distribution, the ‘0’

rectangles are placed continuously side by

side with no gap between adjacent rectangles.

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Steps to construct a Histogram:

1. Represent the data in the continuous form (exclusive form) if it is in discontinuous
form (inclusive form) by converting it using the adjustment factor.
2. Select the appropriate units along the x-axis and y-axis.
3. Plot the lower limits of all class interval on the x –axis.
4. Plot the frequencies of the distribution on the y – axis.
5. Construct the rectangles with class intervals as bases and corresponding frequencies
as heights. Each class has lower and upper values. This gives us two equal vertical lines
representing the frequencies. The upper ends of the lines are joined together and this
process will give us rectangles.


1. If class intervals do not start from ‘0’ then, it is indicated by drawing a kink (Zig-Zag) mark
( ) on the x-axis near the origin. If necessary, the kink mark ( ) may be made on
y-axis or on both the axes. i.e it indicates that we do not have data starting from the origin
Differences between a Bar graph and a Histogram
Bar graph Histogram
1 Used for Ungrouped data Used for Grouped data
2 Gap between the bars No gap between rectangles
3 Height of each bar is important and Height and width of each rectangle are
not its width equally important

4.7.1 Construction of a histogram for continuous frequency distribution:

Example 4.7
Draw a histogram for the following table which represents the age groups from 100
people in a village.

Ages 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

Number of people 11 9 8 20 25 10 8 6 3

The given data is a continuous frequency distribution. The class intervals are drawn on
x-axis and their respective frequencies on y-axis. Classes (ages) and its frequencies (number
of people) are taken together to form a rectangle.

89 Chapter 4  Statistics

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The histogram is constructed as given below.

Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 10 years
Y axis 1 cm = 2 people




No. of people
8 8


X' −10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X

−2 Ages

4.7.2 Construction of histogram for discontinuous frequency distribution:

Example 4.8
The following table gives the number of literate females in the age group 10 to 45 years
in a town.
Age group 10-15 16-21 22-27 28-33 34-39 40-45
No. of females 350 920 850 480 230 200
Draw a histogram to represent the above data
The given distribution is discontinuous. If we represent the given data as it is by a graph
we shall get a bar graph, as there will be gaps in between the classes. So, convert this into a
continuous distribution using the adjustment factor .
That is, lower boundary = 15 .5 limit - (difference in gap)
1 2
 = 10 − (1)
 = 10 − 0.5 = 9.5
Upper boundary = 15
.5 limit + (difference in gap)
1 2
 = 15 + (1)
 = 15 + 0.5
 = 15.5

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The first class interval can be written as 9.5-15.5 and the remaining class intervals are
changed in the same way. There are no changes in frequencies.
The new continuous frequency table is
Age group 9.5-15.5 15.5-21.5 21.5-27.5 27.5-33.5 33.5-39.5 39.5-45.5
No of females 350 920 830 480 230 200

The histogram is constructed as below

Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 6 years
Y axis 1 cm = 100 Females


No. of Females

500 450



X' −9.5 O X












Age group

Example 4.9
Observe the given histogram and answer the following questions
1. What information does the histogram represent?
The histogram represents the collection of weights from std VIII.
2. Which group has maximum number of students?
There are maximum 9 students in 30-35 kg Y
Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 5 kg
Y axis 1 cm = 2 Students
weight. 14

3. How many of them are under weight? 12

There are 7 (= 2 + 5) students who are under 10


No. of students

4. How many students are obese? 5
There are 3 students who are obese. 2
5. How many students are in the weight group of
30-40 kg? X' −5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 X
There are 16(= 9 + 7) students in the 30-40 kg Y'
Under weight weight (kg) Obese

weight group.

91 Chapter 4  Statistics

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6. What is your suggestion?

Underweight students should eat healthy food and take more protein. Obese students
should do regular exercise to reduce their weight and the rest of the students are asked
to continue their healthy food habits and regular exercise activities.

4.8 Frequency Polygon

A frequency polygon is a line graph for the graphical representation of the frequency
distribution. If we mark the midpoints on the top of the rectangles in a histogram and join
them by straight lines, the figure so formed is called a frequency polygon. It is called a polygon
as it consists of a number of lines as the sides of a polygon.
A frequency polygon is useful in comparing two or more frequency distributions.
A frequency polygon for a grouped frequency distribution can be constructed in two ways.
i) Using a histogram
ii) Without using a histogram

4.8.1 To construct a frequency polygon using a histogram:

1. Draw a histogram from the given data.
2. Join the consecutive midpoints of the upper sides of the adjacent rectangles of the
histogram by the line segments.
3. It is assumed that the class interval preceding the first rectangle and the class
interval succeeding the last rectangle exists in the histogram and the frequency of
each extreme class interval is zero. These class intervals are known as imagined class
4. To get frequency polygon, join the midpoints of these imagined classes with the
corresponding midpoints of the upper sides of the first and last rectangles of the
Example 4.10
The following is the distribution of pocket money of 200 students in a school.
Pocket money 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Number of Students 25 40 33 28 30 20 16 8

Draw a frequency polygon using histogram.

Represent the pocket money along x- axis and number of students along the y–axis.
Draw a histogram for the given data. Now, mark the midpoints of the upper sides of the
consecutive rectangles. Also mark the midpoints of two imagined class intervals 0-10 and
90-100 whose frequency is 0 on x- axis. Now, join all the midpoints with the help of ruler. We
get a frequency polygon imposed on the histogram.

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Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = `10

Y axis 1 cm = 5 Students
45 Note

35 Sometimes imagined class

30 28 30 intervals do not exist. For example, in
No. of students

25 case of marks obtained by the students
20 in a test, we cannot go below zero and
beyond maximum marks on the two
sides. In such cases, the extreme line
10 8
segments meet at the mid points of
the vertical left and right sides of first
X' −10
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X
and last rectangles respectively.
−5 Packet money


Example 4.11
Draw a frequency polygon for the following data using histogram.
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
Number of
5 8 10 18 25 22 20 13 6 3
Solution: Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 10 marks
Y axis 1 cm = 2 students
Mark the class intervals along the x-axis 28

and the number of students along the y-axis . 26 25

Draw a histogram for the given data and mark 24

the midpoints of the rectangles and join them 22


by lines. We get frequency polygon. Note 20


that the first and last edges of the frequency 18


polygon meet at the mid points of the left and 16

right vertical edges of first and last rectangles.
No. of students

Because imagined class intervals do not exist 12

in the marks (refer the above note). 10


To draw a frequency polygon 8

without using a histogram: 6


(1) Find the midpoints of the class 4


intervals and tabulate it. 2

Mark the midpoints of the X' −10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X

class intervals on x-axis and −2 Marks

frequencies on y-axis.
(3) Plot the points corresponding to the frequencies at each midpoints.
(4) Join the points using a ruler, to get the frequency polygon.
93 Chapter 4  Statistics

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Example 4.12
Draw a frequency polygon for the following data without using histogram.
Class interval (Marks) 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency 4 6 8 12 10 14 5 7

Find the midpoint of the class intervals and tabulate it.
Class interval ( C.I) Mid point (x) Frequency (f)
10 – 20 15 4
20 – 30 25 6
30 – 40 35 8
40 – 50 45 12
50 – 60 55 10
60 – 70 65 14
70 – 80 75 5
80 – 90 85 7

The points are (15,4) (25,6) (35,8) (45,12) Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 10 marks
Y axis 1 cm = 2 students
(55,10) (65,14) (75,5) (85,7). 16
In the graph sheet, mark the midpoints 14
along the x- axis and the frequency along 12

the y- axis. 10

We take the imagined class as 0 – 10 at 8

the beginning and 90 – 100 at the end , each 6
with frequency ‘zero’. 4

From the table, plot the points. We 2

draw the line segments AB, BC, CD, DE, X' −10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X
EF, FG, GH, HI, IJ to obtain the required −2 Marks

frequency polygon ABCDEFGHIJ. Y'

Advantage of frequency polygon
In comparing two or more distributions by plotting When joining two adjacent
two or more graphs on the same axis, the frequency midpoints without using a ruler,
polygon is more useful than the histogram. can you get a polygon?

8th Standard Mathematics 94

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Exercise 4.2
1. Which of the following data can be represented in a histogram?
(i) The number of mountain climbers in the age group 20 to 60.
(ii) Production of cycles in different years.
(iii) The number of students in each class of a school.
(iv) The number votes polled from 7 am to 6 pm in an election.
(v) The wickets fallen from 1 over to 50th over in a one day cricket match.

2. Fill in the blanks

(i) The area of the retangles are proportional to the ________ given.
(ii) The total area of the histogram is ________ to the total frequency of the given data.
(iii) ____________ is a graphical representation of continuous frequency distribution with
(iv) Histogram is a graphical representation of ___________ data.

3. In a village, there are 570 people who have cell Y Scale : In X axis 1 cm = 1hour
Y axis 1 cm = 100 people
phones. An NGO survey their cell phone usage. 600

Based on this survey a histogram is drawn. Answer 400

No. of people

the following questions. 300

(i) How many people use the cell phone for less 200 180
than 3 hours? 100
(ii) How many of them use the cell phone for more
X' −1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X
than 5 hours? −100 Hours

Are people using cell phone for less than Y'

1 hour?
(iv) Give your suggestions on the data.
4. Draw a histogram for the following data.
Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
No. of students 5 15 23 20 10 7
5. Construct a histogram from the following distribution of total marks of 40 students in a
Marks 90-110 110-130 130-150 150-170 170-190 190-210
No. of Students 9 5 10 7 4 6

6. The distribution of heights ( in cm ) of 100 people is given below. Construct a histogram and
the frequency polygon imposed on it.
Height (in cm) 125-135 136-146 147-157 158-168 169-179 180-190 191-201
Frequency 12 22 18 24 15 7 2

95 Chapter 4  Statistics

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7. In a study of dental problem, the following data were obtained.

Ages 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

No. of patients 5 13 25 14 30 35 43 50
Represent the above data by a frequency polygon.
8. The marks obtained by 50 students in Mathematics are given below (i) Make a frequency
distribution table taking a class size of 10 marks (ii) Draw a histogram and a frequency
52 33 56 52 44 59 47 61 49 61
47 52 67 39 89 57 64 58 63 65
32 64 50 54 42 48 22 37 59 63
36 35 48 48 55 62 74 43 41 51
08 71 30 18 43 28 20 40 58 49
Objective Type Questions
9. Data is a collection of ________
(a) numbers (b) words (c) measurements (d) all the three
10. The number of times an observation occurs in the given data is called ________
(a) tally marks (b) data (c) frequency (d) none of these
11. The difference between the largest value and the smallest value of the given data is ________
(a) range (b) frequency (c) variable (d) none of these
12. The data that can take values between a certain range is called________
(a) ungrouped (b) grouped (c) frequency (d) none of these
13. Inclusive series is a ________series.
(a) continuous (b) discontinuous (c) both (d) none of these
14. In a class interval the upper limit of one class is the lower limit of the other class. This is
(a) Inclusive (b) exclusive (c) ungrouped (d) none of these
15. The graphical representation of ungrouped data is ________
(a) histogram (b) frequency polygon (c)pie chart (d) all the three
16. Histogram is a graph of a ________ frequency distribution.
(a) continuous (b) discontinuous (c) discrete (d) none of these
17. A ________ is a line graph for the graphical representation of the continuous frequency
(a) frequency polygon (b) histogram (c) pie chart (d) bar graph
18. The graphical representation of grouped data is -----
(a) bar graph (b) pictograph (c) pie chart (d) histogram
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Exercise 4.3

Miscellaneous and Practice Problems

1. Draw a pie chart for the given table.
Continent Asia Africa North America South America Europe Australia Antarctica
Area 30 % 20 % 16 % 12 % 7% 6% 9%

2. The data on modes of transport used by the students to come to school are given below.
Draw a pie chart for the data.
Mode of transport Bus Cycle Walking Scooter Car
Percentage of 40 % 30 % 15 % 10 % 5%
3. Draw a histogram for the given frequency distribution.
Age 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
Frequency 4 9 17 25 15 8 2

4. Draw a histogram and the frequency polygon in the same diagram to represent the
following data.
Weight (in kg) 50-55 56-61 62-67 68-73 74-79 80-85 86-91
No.of persons 15 8 12 17 9 10 6
5. The daily income of men and women is given below, draw a separate histogram for men and
Income(in Rs.) 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800 800-900
No.of Men 20 45 50 40 35 25 15
persons Women 16 30 55 35 40 20 10

Challenging problems
6. Form a continuous frequency distribution table and draw histogram from the following data.
Age (in years) No. of persons
Under 5 1
Under 10 12
Under 15 19
Under 20 26
Under 25 27
Under 30 35
Under 35 38
Under 40 45
Under 45 48
Under 50 53
97 Chapter 4 Statistics

Unit 4 Statistics.indd 97 07-11-2019 16:25:18


7. A rupee spent in a cloth manufacturing company is distributed as follows. Represent this in

a pie chart.

Particulars Paise
Farmer 20
Spinner 34
Dyer 12
Weaver 14
Printer 09
Salary 11

8. Draw a histogram for the following data.

Mid Value (x) 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Frequency (f) 12 24 30 18 26 10 8

• Data is the basic unit in Statistics. Data is a collection of facts such as numbers, words,
measurements and observations.
• These are the data that are collected in person for the first time for a specific purpose is
called primary data.
• The data that are sourced from some place that has originally collected it. This kind of
data has already been collected by some other persons is called secondary data.
• The number of times an observation occurs in the given data is called the frequency of
the observation.
• A frequency distribution is the arrangement of the given data in the form of the table
showing frequency with which each variable occurs.
• The range of the variable is grouped into number of classes, and each group is known as
class interval (C.I). The difference between the upper limit (U) and the lower limit (L) of
the class is known as class size.
• In the class-intervals, if the upper limit and lower limit are included in that class interval
then it is called inclusive series.
• In the class intervals, if the upper limit of one class interval is the lower limit of the next
class interval then it is called exclusive series.
• A pie chart is a circular graph which shows the total value with its components.
• A histogram is a graph of a continuous frequency distribution.
• A frequency polygon is a line graph for the graphical representation of the frequency
• A frequency polygon is useful in comparing two or more frequency distributions.

8th Standard Mathematics 98

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Expected Outcome

Step – 1

Open the Browser type the URL Link given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
GeoGebra work sheet named “8th Standard III term” will open. Select the work
sheet named “PIE CHART”

Step - 2

Type your values in the check box on right side. You can observe the change in
the pie chart. Click on the check boxes to see respective calculations.

Step – 1 Step – 2

Browse in the link

https://www.geogebra.org/m/xmm5kj9r or
Scan the QR Code.

99 Chapter 4  Statistics

Unit 4 Statistics.indd 99 07-11-2019 16:25:18


Learning Objectives

Shopping – To consider alternatives before making a purchase,

calculate the unit price for each items and make purchase in limited budget.
Packing – To understand how to fit things efficiently in a given space and find the
optimal solution.

5.1 Introduction
Students, I hope you all having an experience on shopping. Could you share your
experience with? I would like to rise some questions on your shopping experience. Will you
shop the things you need, by (i) attractive colour or (ii) best price or (iii) big in size or (iv) on
seeing. What ever it may be, among all this things, one more important point should be noted.
What is that? Yes, that is expiry date. Have you ever noticed the expiry date on all the packed
goods? It is very important to see that and one more the best way of shopping is comparing
goods means its price, quality, quantity, offers, discount and other considerable things.
Before spending your money to shop any items from a market or a departmental store,
consider the best prices, the best quality and other reliable things. This is wise shopping.
Here we learn, how to be a wise consumer before shopping a product from the following


Calculating the unit price Mason packing bricks for constructing

while shopping a wall between two pillars
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Shopping comparison: A B C
Situation 1:
Priya wants to buy a helmet to wear
while riding her scooty. In a shop, 3 brands
of helmet are displayed and features of those
helmets also tabulated as below. Priya wants
to buy at a affordable cost with good quality. Which will be her wise selection of helmet?

Desired features
Price Chin Strap and Proper Reliable
Brands buckle ventilation protection

Reasonable High Okay Excellent Okay Excellent Okay Excellent

A  - -   - - 
B -  -  -   -
C  -  - -   -

Yes Brand A, because according ­­­­­­­­to Priya’s requirements, Brand A is the best one,since it
provides all the features she needs, at a reasonable price. Brand B is a good helmet, but too
expensive. Brand C is also a good helmet, but the chin strap and buckle is only okay to the level
and not so good as Brand A. So, buying Brand A helmet is the wise decision.
Situation 2:
Imagine that the teacher appoints you and your friend
Shopping list
to be an incharge of the fruit section of your school canteen for
1. 20 kg apples
a week. she also instructs the following steps, and she can help
2. 20 kg of guavas
you when needed.
3. 30 boxes of strawberries
Now you have to buy fruits for 2 days as per your shopping
�  4. 20 dozens of bananas
One of you should go to the market and the other should
go to the departmental store to know the cost of the fruits
before shopping.
Estimate yourselves which place will give you the best deal.
After that,
Check your shopping list to see how much fruits you
� Compare the weight and price for each item from both
� Select the best deal for all items in only one place .

101 Chapter 5  Information Processing

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 Discuss and compare the price list so that you decide where to buy the required list of
For example, the collected model price list from both shops is given in the table below:
Departmental store Market price
S. No Fruit name
Quantity Price (`) Quantity Price (`)
1 Apple 1 kg 120 1 kg 110
2 Guava 1 kg 50 1 kg 40
3 Strawberry 1 box 80 1 box 85
4 Banana 1 dozen 60 1 kg 50
Now, we will calculate the total price of the required and quantity of fruits from both the
departmental store and market.
Calculating the Departmental store Price:

Fruit Name Cost of the required fruits Total Price (`)


Cost of 1 kg of apples = `120

Cost of 20 kg of apples = 20 × 120 = `2400

Cost of 1 kg guavas = `50
Cost of 20 kg guavas = 20 × 50 = `1000

Cost of 1 box of strawberries = `80
Cost of 30 boxes of strawberries = 30 × 80= `2400

Cost of 1dozen of bananas = `60
Cost of 20 kg of bananas = 20 × 60 = `1200

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Calculating the Market Price:

Fruit Name Cost of the required fruits Total Price (`)
Cost of 1 kg apples = `110
Cost of 20 kg of apples = 20 × 110 = `2200

Cost of 1 kg guavas = `40
Cost of 20 kg guavas = 20 × 40 = `800

Cost of 1 box of strawberries = `85
Cost of 30 boxes of strawberries = 30 × 85 = `2550

Cost of 1 kg of bananas = `50
Cost of 20 kg of bananas = 20 × 50 = `1000

Now, let us compare the shopping price of the Departmental store to that of the Market
shop price.

Cost of items as per your requirement (`)

Departmental Store Market

20 kg Apples 2400 2200

20 kg Guavas 1000 800

30 boxes of Strawberries 2400 2550

20 dozens Bananas 1200 1000

Total cost of shopping price 7000 6550

From the above comparison, we find that shopping made at the Market shop is the
best deal quantity wise as well as in price and hence it is a wise decision to shop in the

103 Chapter 5 Information Processing

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Consider that you are going to a store with your total budget of `220 to buy things
without changing the quantity of the items given in the list below with the following conditions.
Lo ose Rice 1 kg Loose
Lo ose To
or Dal 1 kg Loose
Lo ose Sugar 1 kg Loose
Lo ose Wheat
Wheat 1 kg
MRP `42 MRP `65 MRP `34
34 MRP `28

Rice Toor
To or Dal Suga


`62 kg `32
kg `26
.50 .50
kg kg

(i) First you have to complete the price list given. Now, answer the following questions:
(ii) You have to buy three items as per the given 1. In how many ways can you buy your
price list but within your budget `220. items? Complete the price lists given
(iii) You won’t carry exceeding 5kg because you below. One is done for you.
have to walk home carrying them, so they 2. Which one is the best purchase price
cannot be bulky. list and why?
Price List Price List
Price / Quantity Amount Price / Quantity Amount
S.No. Description S.No. Description
1 kg (`) kg (`) 1 kg (`) kg (`)
1 Rice 37.50 2.50 1 Rice 37.50 2.50 93.75
2 Toor Dal 62.00 1.00 2 Toor Dal 62.00 1.00 62.00
3 Sugar 32.50 1.50 3 Wheat 26.50 1.00 26.50
4 Wheat 26.50 1.00
Total Bill Amount Total Bill Amount 182.25

Price List Price List Price List

Price / Price / Price /
S. Quantity Amount S. Quantity Amount S. Quantity Amount
Description 1 kg Description 1 kg Description 1 kg
No. kg (`) No. kg (`) No. kg (`)
(`) (`) (`)

Total Bill Amount Total Bill Amount Total Bill Amount

Comparing containers of different size:

Many times, items are packed in different size of containers.
� Sometimes shoppers save money by selecting a larger container of the same item. For
example, 5 units of 200ml pack of milk often costs more than 1 litre of milk.
� Sometimes a store has two prices for the same item. One price is for buying a single item,
while the other price is for buying more than one of that item. For example, groundnut oil
may cost `135 for 1 litre bottle and `240 for 2 litre bottles. In this case, if you buy two 1
litre bottles, you will pay more. Sometimes, buying in quantity saves money.

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Some times the consumer may not be able to use up the larger size of an item before it
becomes stale or outdated. To find out which size container is the best to buy, you will need to
know the price of single pack of the contents.

Consider that you want to buy 12 litres of same quality of edible oil at your budget
price of `250 per litre. In a supermarket, there are a lot of offers on various oil brands.
Some of the offers are given below. Complete the table and find which one is the best offer
for you and how much you will save for your total purchase.

Which one is the best deal?

Product Regular Special Saving Cost
Size of 1
(Edible Price Offer Price Price of 12
(in litres) litre
oil) (`) (`) (`) litres(`)

1 293 ` 50 off 243 243

1 l +1 l 351
2 850 499 249.50
combo (850-499)

Buy 5 l get
5+1 = 6 2000 1500 3000
1 l free

Buy 1 get
2+2 = 4 1486 743 185.75
1 free

Spl. offer
1+1= 2 850 1 l pack of 2 390 195
` 390

12 (1) = 1 l pack of
5100 1650 3450
12 12

Best offer price for you _________________

Amount that you saved for your total purchase _______________

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Try these

The teacher divides the class into four groups and setup a mock market in the
class room and ask the students to involve in role play as two groups of businessmen
and two groups of consumers. Consumers have to buy products at different shops and
prepare a price list.

The two supermarkets in which the two groups buy are Star Food Mart and Super
Provisions. This week they each have got a special deal on some products. At Star
Food Mart, you can buy items at discount prices. At Super Provisions, there are some
“BUY ONE GET ONE” deals. Have a look at their deal:

Star Food Mart

Chocolate Biscuits Peanut candies Protein milk Badam nuts worth

worth `114 per worth `90 now worth `60 `450 now
packet at `30 off at `20 off now at `20 off at `150 off

Super Provisions

Chocolate Biscuits worth Peanut candies worth Protein milk Badam nuts
`180 per packet `150 Buy one get one worth `80 Buy worth `580 Buy
Buy one get one free free one get one free one get one free

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Now, answer the following questions.

I. Here is your shopping list:
4 bottles of Protein Milk (200 ml size), 2 packets of Peanut candies(200 gm),
1 packet of Chocolate biscuits and 1 packet of Badam nuts (500 gm)
(i) If you buy all the items in one shop, where will you get the best price?
(ii) If you buy the items from different shops, how will you do it to spend the least amount
of money?
II. You have `1000/- to spend to buy the following shopping list:
6 bottles of Protein Milk (200 ml size), 3 packets of Peanut candies(200 gm),
3 packets of Chocolate biscuits and 1 packet of Badam nuts (250 gm).
(i) How can you do this so that you don’t go over your budget amount `1000?
(ii) Which shop offers you the best value for money on each item?
(iii) Is the “BUY ONE GET ONE” deal at Super Provisions the same as “50% off” deal?

Exercise 5.1
1. Choose the correct answer:
(i) Online or television advertisements influence on spending decisions by
(a) using special music (c) using attractive pictures
(b) making me think I need the item (d) all the above
(ii) When I go shopping, I will buy
(a) something that looks attractive (c) something that I need to purchase
(b) something my friend has (d) the first thing I see in the store
(iii) The best shopping choice is
(a) always shop at brand name stores (c) the same thing my friends bought
(b) compare the choices before buying (d) always buy at a regular shop
2. Say true or false:
(i) Wise consumers take time to compare two or three shops before spending money.
(ii) Taking time to analyse advertisements cannot save money when shopping.
(iii) One cannot shop on double and triple coupon discounts in available days.
(iv) Every time one must make a shopping list and stick on within his/her budget.

3. Find the best buy of the following purchases:

(i) A pack of 5 chocolate bars for `175 or 3 chocolate bars for `114?
(ii) Basker buy 1 1/2 dozen of eggs for `81 and Aruna buy 15 eggs for `64.5?

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4. Using the given picture find the total special offer price of fresh sweets and bakery
products to buy 1/2 kg laddu, 1 kg cake, 6 pockets of bread.
Fresh sweets and Bakery Products 20%
Laddu Chocolate Healthy
(1 kg) Cake (1 kg) Sliced Bread
`245 `550 (All Brands)

5. Using given picture prepare a price list.

Suppose you plan to buy 1½ kg of apple, 2 kg of pomegranate, 2 kg of banana, 3 kg of mango,

½ kg of papaya, 3 kg of onion, 1½ kg of tomato, and 1 kg of carrot in shop 1, how much will
you save compared to shop 2.
Shop 1 Shop 2
Flat 15% offer on all items Farm fresh Apple
Freshly Picked Apple Fruits and Simla (1 kg)
Fruits and Simla (1 kg) `168
Vegetables `148
Vegetables `168
Carrot `19 Tomato `45 Onion
38 `21
(1 kg) `19
(1 kg) ` 46 Onion
(1 kg) `22 (1 kg) `17 (1 kg) ` (1 kg)

Mango `39 Pomegranate Banana `45

39 Pomegranate Banana
(1 kg) ` 45 Langda (1 kg) ` 35 (1 kg) `82 (1 kg)
Langda (1 kg) ` (1 kg) `82 `75

Papaya Papaya `36
Broccoli Broccoli `45
(1 kg) Potato
`21 (250 g) ` 45 (1 kg) ` 30 Potato `21
(250 g) ` 37
(1 kg) (1 kg) `18

6. When you plan to buy a shirt, one shop offers a discount of `200 on MRP `1000 and another
shop offers 15% discount on the same MRP. Where would you buy?
7. Amazing park is offers a package deal of 5 entrance passes for `130. If one entrance pass
normally costs `30, how much will you save by taking advantage of this special deal?

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8. Consider that you are going to buy the toys that are given below in the price list. Prepare a
comparison price chart table and find where will you get the best offer price and also find
how much you save?
Golden Toys - Price List Toys and Trades Mart - Price List

Special Special
Original Product Original
Product name Product Offer Product Offer
price name price

Teddy Bear 1699 45% Traddy Bear 1798 53%

Tetromino Tetromino
1150 30%
1003 25%

Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle
Rocket Launch
Station Centre
Station Centre
Educational 3650 45%
3499 47%
Construction Block
Toy Construction

Throw Ball 710 18% Throw Ball 720 20%

[The amount to the nearest rupee as `789.84 is rounded off to `790]

Comparison Chart Table

Golden Toys Toys & Trades Mart

Round the
Round the
Amount Amount amount you
Original amount you Sale Original Sale
S.No. Product Name Offer % that you Offer % that you saved to the
Price saved to the Price Price Price
saved saved nearest
nearest rupees

Total Amount

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5.2 Packing
When we are packing something in a box or suitcase or cupboard, first we have to decide
how we are going to pack. How many items can be fitted into that fixed space? A good example
of this is, before you go to school, you try to pack everything you need
(like your books, notebooks, geometry box, sports equipment, food
and water bottle) into your school bag. At that time, you are very clear
that your books should not be damaged and you are able to carry
everything yourself. Think! The same rules apply to posting a package
to a friend or family member or others.
Apart from these, the packaging method is used in many cases. Such as cutting of sheets,
glass, paper, wood, cloth or other materials and room allotment, seating arrangement in the
particular space provided, parking vehicles with proper lanes and saving data in hard disk,
CD, pen drive and so on.
Using some packing methods, from the following situations and examples, let us try to
understand how best to fit the items into the space in the containers or in rooms or in boxes etc.,

5.3 Packaging Methods

Fractional Method:
Here, when we fill items in bags or in containers, we determine the
weight, value and number of each item with the condition that the total
weight of the container is less than or equal to a given limit and the total
value is as large as possible. Fractional method uses the technique of buying
things fractionally and admits buying of more items within a given budget.
Let us learn more about this method from the following situation.
Situation 1
Suppose that you want to buy some
` 60 / 1 kg ` 30 / 1kg ` 35 / 1kg
vegetables and fruits that are given in
the picture with their weights and price
and you have a bag that capacity of
carrying 15 kg. The objective is to buy the
more items within your budget `550 and
also weight should not exceeding 15 kg.
You cannot buy all the items, because if
you calculate the total weight of all the ` 80 / 1 kg ` 30 / 1 kg ` 17.50 / 1kg ` 20 / 1 kg
items, then it would be greater than 15 kg
(extreme capacity of your bag is 15 kg). So, let us try some approaches, to find how you can
select more items so that you will buy them with maximum price within your budget of `550.
For that let us tabulate the items with their weights and price you want to buy.

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Weight (kg) 1 3 5 4 1 3 2

Price (`) 60 105 150 70 80 90 40

I Approach - Selecting items with maximum price

In this approach, we select the items according to the maximum price. Here the maximum
price in the table is `150/-. Now, let us tabulate to find the total price and how much can we
buy vegetables and fruits within our budget and not exceeding 15kg.

Remaining weight to
Items Price (`) Weight (kg)

150.00 5 15−5=10

105.00 3 10−3=7

90.00 3 7−3=4

80.00 1 4−1=3

70 × 3 = 52.50 3 3−3=0

Total price 472.50 15 kg  

Here, 3kg of papaya is enough as the total weight reaches 15kg. So, 3kg of papaya costs
`52.50. Hence, in this approach, we will spend maximum `472.50 to buy 15kg of vegetables
and fruits.

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II Approach - Selecting items with minimum weight

In this approach, we select the items according to the minimum weight. Here, we can
select more and more items. Now, let us tabulate to find the total price and how much can we
buy vegetables and fruits within our budget and not exceeding 15kg.

Items Price (`) Weight(kg) Remaining weight to buy

60.00 1 15−1=14

80.00 1 14−1=13

40.00 2 13−2=11

105.00 3 11−3=8

90.00 3 8−3=5

70.00 4 5−4=1

150 × 1 =30.00 1 1−1=0


Total price 475.00 15 kg

Here, 1 kg of Sapotta is enough to complete 15 kg with minimum price of `30 per kg.
Hence in this approach, we will spend maximum `475 to buy 15 kg of vegetables and fruits.

III. Approach - Finding the maximum price to weight ratio.

In this approach, we select the items according to the maximum price to weight ratio
(find the rate of 1kg). Now, let us tabulate to find the total price and how much can we buy
vegetables and fruits within our budget and not exceeding 15 kg.

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Items Price of 1kg Price (`) Weight (kg) Remaining weight to buy

80.00 80.00 1 15−1=14

60.00 60.00 1 14−1=13

35.00 105.00 3 13−3=10

30.00 150.00 5 10−5=5

30.00 90.00 3 5−3=2

20.00 40.00 2 3−2=0

Total price 520.00 15 kg  

In this approach, we can buy all vegetables and fruits except papaya as we need with maximum
price within our budget and not exceeding 15 kg. Comparatively, in the II approach we can buy
more items but spend minimum amount only. So, we can say third approach is best one. Isn’t it?
Sorting Method:
Situation 2:
Consider that you are going on a field trip in your school and you have six groups of students
of group sizes as given below.
3 1 6 4 5 2
No. of Students

You need to fit the group of students in a cab that has a capacity
of seven members. How many cabs would you need to arrange so that
each group stays together?
To solve this problem, we have to remember two things, one
is minimum number of cabs to be used and another thing is each group of students stays
together. For these purposes, the packing methods will help us.
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There are two packing methods in common use. They are:

(i) First-fit method (ii) First-fit decreasing method
Before we try to solve this problem using one of these packing methods, one thing we need to
know is finding the minimum required.
What is the minimum required in this problem is the number of cabs. So, to calculate the
minimum number required, we have to add up the total number students and divide by the
seeking capacity of a cab.
Here, the total number of students = 3+1+6+4+5+2 = 21
Capacity of seater of a cab = 7
Therefore, the cab minimum required = 21÷ 7 = 3 cabs.
Now, we don’t know whether 3 cabs can be an answer to this problem. 3 cabs may or may not
be enough to accommodate when the group of students stays together.
Let us go on to apply the methods now one by one.
First-fit method:
Step 1. Take the group of students in the order given.
3 1 6 4 5 2
No. of Students

Step 2. Place each group of students in the first cab and continue trying to a fit them in the cabs
where there is still space for each group and till, all are placed as shown in the picture below.
1st Cab
2nd Cab
3rd Cab
4th Cab

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From the above picture, observe the following:

Group 1 – 3 students - accommodate them into 1st cab, so that the remaining seats are 4.
Group 2 – 1 student - also accommodate him into 1st cab,so that the remaining seats are 3.
Group 3 – 6 students - As there are no enough seats in the 1st cabs and so accommodate them
into 2nd cab, so that remaining seat is 1.
Group 4 – 4 students - Since there are no enough seats in the first 2 cabs and so accommodate
them into 3rd cab, so that remaining seats are 3.
Group 5 – 2 students – As there are enough seats in the 1st cab, accommodate them into 1st
cab, so that remaining seat is 1.
Group 6 – 5 students -Since there are no enough seats in all the 3 cabs and so accommodate
them into 4th cab, so that remaining seat is 1.
Using this First- fit method, we need 4 cabs and there are 1+1+3+2=7 seats still remaining to
be filled and we can say that the seats are not utilized to the optimum level.
Let us now see the other method.
First-fit decreasing method:
Step 1. Re-order the group of students so that they are in descending order.
6 5 4 3 2 1
No. of Students

Step 2. Do the same process of the first fit method to the re-ordered group. Place each group
of students in the first cab and continue trying to fit them in the cabs where there is still space
and all are placed as shown in the picture below.
1st Cab
2nd Cab
3rd Cab

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From the above picture, we observe that:

Group 3 – 6 students - accommodate them into 1st cab so that the remaining seat is 1.
Group 6 – 5 students - As there are no enough seats in the 1st cab and so accommodate them
into 2nd cab and the remaining seats are 2.
Group 4 – 4 students - As there are no enough seats in the first 2 cabs and so accommodate
them into 3rd cab and the remaining seats are 3.
Group 1 – 3 students - Since there enough seats in the 3rd cab, accommodate them into 3rd
cab and the remaining seat is 0.
Group 5 – 2 students - Since there are enough seats in the 2nd cab, accommodate them into
2nd cab and the remaining seat is 0.
Group 2 – 1 student - Since there is a seat left in the 1st cab, accommodate him into 1st cab
and the remaining seat is 0.
Using this First- fit decreasing method, we need 3 cabs and there are no remaining seats and
hence seats are used to the optimum level .

Advantage Disadvantages
First-fit method Quick and easy to do Less likely to give a good solution
First-fit decreasing Easy to do Usually better solution than first
method fit method

Example 1:
Kumaran is a trainee carpenter. He has to cut the following length of wood in the table given
below. The available length of wood in the market is 8 ft. Help him to cut without wasting any
of the woods.
Length of
wood (in 2 3 4 6

2 feet 4 feet
6 feet
Length of 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet
wooden 4 feet
pieces 2 feet 3 feet

2 feet

For that, first we have to calculate minimum required.
Here, the total length of wooden pieces required
= (2ft × 4 ) + (3ft × 2) + (4ft × 3) + (6ft × 1) = 8 + 6 + 12 + 6 = 32 feet
Available length of wood = 8 feet
Therefore, minimum required wood = 32 ÷ 8 = 4
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Avaiable Length of
wood (in feet) 8 feet

2 feet
4 feet
2 feet 3 feet
Length of required 4 feet 6 feet
wooden pieces 3 feet
2 feet 4 feet
2 feet
Length required 2 3 4 6
(in feet)
Number of wooden 4 2 3 1
Total wooden pieces 8 6 12 6
(in feet)
Total feet of wooden pieces required = 8 + 6 + 12 + 6 = 32 feet

So, kumaran needs 4 pieces of woods to fullfil his requirement.

Let us check, how can Kumaran cut exactly four-piece of woods with no wastage using the
first-fit decreasing method of packing.
The following picture shows how Kumaran could cut the length of wood without any wastage.

Avaiable Length
of wood (in feet) 8 feet
Try this

6 feet 2 feet
If Kumaran cut the woods
Length of
wooden pieces 4 feet 4 feet using first fit method then find
cut by him from the wastage pieces.
3 feet 3 feet 2 feet
the 4 log
4 feet 2 feet 2 feet

Seva Sangam has decided to deliver some aids to flood victims via lorries with a
maximum capacity of 5000kg. All of these items that are given below are to be packed and
sent in the lorry.

No. of Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Weight of the
1969 1211 1996 1999 1508 2007 1520 1485 1005 300
Items (kg)

Use the first-fit method and first-fit decreasing method to deliver the aids to flood victims.
Find the number of lorries used and the amount of wasted space.

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First-fit method

Number of lorries used = and the amount of wasted space =

First-fit decreasing method

Number of lorries used = and the amount of wasted space =

Therefore, the total number of the lorries needed =

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Exercise 5.2
I. Answer the following questions:
1. The sizes in MB, for nine computer files are given below.
53 82 61 38 23 41 16 34 42
The files are to be grouped into folders. Each folder may contain a maximum
limit of 100 MB.
(a) Determine the minimum number of folders required.
(b) Use the first-fit method to group the files into folders.
(c) Use the first-fit decreasing method to group the files into folders.
2. A parcel delivery company has 4 motorcycles. Each motorcycle can carry a maximum load
of 30kg. The weights of the parcels, (in kg), in the order they are waiting to be delivered are
given below.
Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Weight of the Items (kg) 16 20 8 14 7 6 2 5 12

(a) Determine the minimum number of motorcycles required .

(b) Use the first-fit method to show how the parcels could be allocated to the motorcycles.
(c) Use the first-fit decreasing method to show how the parcels could be allocated to the
3 A plumber wishes to cut the following sections from standard size of pipe each of
length 6m.
No. of pipes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Size of length 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3.5 3.5

Find the
(a) To cut according to the first-fit method calculate the wastage of the pipe length.
(b) To cut according to the first-fit decreasing method calculate the wastage of the pipe length.

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S 30%

M 25%
50 Students


Exercise 1.1
1. (i) 9 (ii) 48 (iii) 5 iv) 2, 3, 7, 8 v) 5
2. (i) True (ii) True (iii) False (iv) True (v) False
3. (i) 6 (ii) 4 (iii) 9
4. (i) odd number of zeroes (ii) cannot end with 7 (iii) cannot end with 8
5. (i) 324 (ii) 9801 6. (i) 152 = 112 + 113 (ii) 180 +181
7. (i) 1+ 3 +....+ 19 (ii) 1 + 3+... + 41 8. (i) 16, 63, 65 (ii) 10,24,26
9. (i) 12 (ii) 16 (iii) 28 10. (i) 34 (ii) 69 (iii) 95 11. (i) No (ii) No (iii) Yes (iv) Yes
12. 2, 60 13. 65 14. 3, 84 15. 3600
Exercise 1.2
1. (i) 3 (ii) 13, 14 (iii) 30 (iv) (v) 8.1

2. (i) 21 (ii) 28 (iii) 32 3. 69, 37 4. 171, 79

5. (i) 134 (ii) 105 (iii) 83 (iv) 42 (v) 647
6. (i) 1.7 (ii) 1.4 (iii) 8.2 (iv) 5.6 (v) 1.42 (vi) 3.74
12 5 5 1
7. (i) (ii) 2 (iii) (iv) 2
15 7 2 6
8. (i) True (ii) True (iii) False (iv) False (v) False
Objective Type Questions
9. (c) 7 10. (d) 32 11. (a) 25 12. (b) 5
Exercise 1.3
1. (i) 7 (ii) 6 (iii) 90 (iv) 0.017 (v) 42
2. (i) False (ii) True (iii) True 4. 120 5. 5 6. 4, 16
7. 3 = 1.732 8. 36 = 6 9. 9,19 10. 5
Exercise 1.4
1. (i) 1 (ii) 1 (iii) 20 −3 (iv) (v) -243
2. (i) True (ii) True (iii) True (iv) False (v) True

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3. 4
(a) 1
- 216
(ii) 32 (iii) (iv) 81 (v) (vi) 21-14 (vii) 6 (viii) -9
8 9 125
−5 4
6 63
4. (i)  25  (ii)  45  (iii)  12  5. (i) (ii) 1 (iii) 1

(i) 1 3 2-9
6. (ii) 2 (iii) 7. (i) x = 6 (ii) x = 5 (iii) x = 6

8. ( i) 6 × 103 + 5 × 101 + 4 × 100 + 3 × 10‒1 + 2 × 10‒2 +1 × 10-3 9. (i) 87652.0407

(ii) 8 × 102 + 9 × 101 + 7 × 100 + 1 × 10‒1 + 4 × 10‒2 (ii) 5050.505
10. 0.000000000025 11. 4.678 × 1011 (ii) 1.975 × 10‒6
12. (i) 1.083 ×1012 cubic. km (ii) 1.6 ×10‒24
Exercise 1.5
9 27
1. 32 m 2. 552 cm2 3. 49 4. 625 5. , 6. 8
4 8

7. 400 8. (i) 4.8 × 103 (ii) 1.152 × 105 (iii) 4.2048 × 107 (iii) 4.2048 × 109
Challenging Problems
9. 9 cm and 10 cm 10. 15 decimetre 11. No, 64 12. 13.276 (or)
13. 58.85 14. 10‒5 hours 15. 7.978 × 105 16. 8100, 2600, 3500, 4400, 1625

Exercise 2.1
1. (i) 25 (ii) 2 (iii) 8 (iv) 5 (v) ₹1,20,000
2. 162 3. 7000 4. 15 5. 4 more lorries 6. 4 hours
7. A- 30 days B -20 days C-60 days 8. 180 min / 3 hours 9. 2 days 10. 6 days
Exercise 2.2
1. 8 days 2. 48 men 3. 6 days 4. 7 days 5. 8 days
Challenging Problems
6. 210 soldiers 7. 20 more men 8. 16 days 9. 3 days 10. ₹ 600

Exercise 3.1
1. (i) Orthocentre (ii) Centroid (iii) Incentre (iv) Circumcentre (v) 2:1
2. (i) True (ii) True (iii) false
3. (a) (i) Interior (ii) Exterior (iii) On the hypotenuse
(b) (i) Interior (ii) Exterior (iii) On the vertices containing 90°
4. (i) BE (ii) AD (iii) CF
5. AB=5cm 6. XYM = ZYM = 50° 7. 7 cm 8. 10 cm
121 Answers

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Exercise 3.2
1. W 2. P 3. 9cm 4. 12 feet 5. 40°
6. (i) 22 (ii) 6 (iii) 16 (iv) 24
Exercise 4.1
1. (i) Secondary (ii)35 (iii)197 (iv) 8 (v) circular
2. (i) False (ii) True (iii) False (iv) True (v) True
3. 8-22 22-36 36-50 50-64
6. (i) 20% (ii) 75 (iii) 1/4 (iv) 400 (v) 275 (vi) 500
11. (i) ₹8000 (ii) ₹40000 (iii) ₹12000
Exercise 4.2
1. (i) yes (ii) No (iii) No (iv) yes (v) yes
2. (i) Frequency (ii) Proportional (iii) Histogram (iv) grouped
3. (i) 330 (ii) 150 (iii) No
9. (d) all the three 10. (c) Frequency 11. (a) range 12. (b) grouped
13. (b) discontinuous 14. (b) Exclusive 15. (c) pie chart 16. (a) continuous
17. (a) frequency polygon 18. (d) histogram
Exercise 5.1
1. (i) (d) all the (ii) (c) Something that (iii) (b) Compare the choices
above I need to purchase before buying
2. (i) True (ii) False (iii) False (iv) True
3. (i) 5 chocolate bars for ₹175 (ii) 15 eggs for ₹64.5
4. ₹634 5. ₹ 39.25 6. buying in first shop is better 7. ₹20 8. ₹301
Exercise 5.2
1. (a) 4 folders
(b) (c)
Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4
(MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB)
53 82 61 41 82 61 53 41
38 16 23 34 16 38 42 34
91 98 84 75 42 23
2. (a) 3 motor cycles 98 99 95 98
(b) (c)
Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 Motor 4 Motor 1(kg) Motor 2(kg) Motor 3(kg) 3.
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) 20 16 12 (a) 12 m
16 20 14 12 8 14 7 (b) 6 m
8 7 5 - 2 - 6
6 2 - - - - 5
30 29 19 12 30 30 30
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Mathematical Terms
advertisement விளம்பரம் intersecting lines வெட்டும் க�ோடுகள்
alternate அடுத்தடுத்த inverse தலை கீழி
altitudes செங்குத்து inverse proportion எதிர் விகிதம்
angle biscetor க�ோண இருசமவெட்டி laws of exponent அடுக்கு விதிகள்
approximate த�ோராயமான long division நீள் வகுத்தல்
centroid நடுக்கோட்டு மையம் lower limit கீழ் வரம்பு
circumcentre சுற்று வட்டமையம் means சராசரிகள்
class interval பிரிவு இடைவெளி median நடுக்கோடு
class size பிரிவு அளவு multiple மடங்கு
coastant மாறிலி multiplication factor பெருக்கல் காரணி
coinside ஒருங்கமைவு natural number இயல் எண்
column நிரல் online இணைய வழி
caculation கணக்கிடுதல் operation செயல்பாடு
compound variation கூட்டு மாறல் orthocentre செங்கோட்டு மையம்
congruent சர்வசமம் packing அடைத்தல்
consecutive அடுத்தடுத்த parallel lines இணைக்கோடுகள்
consumption நுகர்வு pattern அமைப்பு
cube கனம் perfect square முழு வர்க்கம்
cube root கன மூலம் perpendicular மையக்குத்துக்கோடு
ஒரு புள்ளி வழிச் செல்லும் bisector
cuncurrent lines க�ோடுகள் செங்கோட்டு க�ோடுகள்
perpendicular lines
data தரவு pie chart வட்ட விளக்கப்படம்
decimal தசம point of concurrency ஒருங்கமைப் புள்ளி
deposit முதலீடு power படி
digits இலக்கங்கள் primary data முதல்நிலைத் தரவு
direct proportion நேர் விகிதம் prime factonisation பகா காரணிப்படுத்துதல்
estimate மதிப்பீடு product பெருக்கற்பலன்
expanded form விரிவான வடிவம் purchase க�ொள்முதல்
exponent அடுக்கு விதிகள் பிதாகரஸின் மூன்றன்
pythagoream triplet த�ொகுதி
extremes முனை உறுப்புகள்
factor காரணி range வீச்சு
வரிசைப்படி முன்னுரிமை remaining work மீதமுள்ள வேலை
first-fit method முறை
repeated மீண்டும் மீண்டும்
first-fit decreasing சரிவிகித முன்னுரிமை
முறை row நிரை
frequency நிகழ்வெண் scientific notation அறிவியல் குறியீடு
frequency distribution நிகழ்வெண் பரவல் secondary data இரண்டாம் நிலைத் தரவு
frequency polygon நிகழ்வு பலக�ோணம் Shopping ப�ொருள்களை வாங்குதல்
grouped data த�ொகுக்கப்பட்ட தரவு spending வாங்குதல்
histogram நிகழ்வு செவ்வகம் square வர்க்கம்
incentre உள்வட்டமையம் square root வர்க்கம் மூலம்
inclusive series உள்ளடங்கிய த�ொடர் successive த�ொடர்ச்சியாக
increase ஏறு/ உயர்வு/அதிகம் suffix பின்னொட்டு
individually தனித்தனியே tally marks குறிகள்
interest வட்டி upper limit மேல் வரம்பு

123 Mathamatical Terms

Answers.indd 123 07-11-2019 16:27:07


Upper Primary Mathematics - Class 8  Term III

Text Book Development Team
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