Safety Officer: Joel K. Mulbah

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Thinker village community

Paynesville city
Monrovia Liberia

October 25, 2021,

Human resource Department

ArcelorMittal Liberia
Buchanan/ Yekepa,

Dear Sir/Madam:

I write to apply for the position Safety Officer, which was advertised on the Executive
mansion website.

I am a graduate of the Booker Washington Institute, Automotive Department; I earned

Certificates in safety training from California Occupational Safety Health Administration
(Cal/OSHA) USA online.

I hereby enclosed my resume that best relate me to the position.

Truly yours,

Joel K. Mulbah
Name : Joel K. Mulbah
Place of birth : Bong County
Date of birth : June 17, 1992
Phone #s : 0778080482/0880984764
Dependent : Three persons
Email :


I earned a Diploma in General Auto Mechanic at Booker Washington Institute (BWI)
Automotive Department. Certificate from the California Occupational Safety Health
Administration (Cal/OSHA) in the following safety Courses
 Process safety management
 Fire Extinguishers
 Electrical Hi/Lo Voltage Safety
 Construction fall protection
 Heat Stress & Illness prevention
 Blood Borne Pathogens
 Benzene Awareness

Sept 2011- June 2016 : Diploma
General Auto Mechanic
Booker Washington Institute (BWI)
Kakata, Margibi County

Sept 2020- August 2021 : California Occupational Safety

Health Administration (Cal/OSHA/ USA)
Certificate in the following courses

 Heat Stress and Illness prevention

 Fire Extinguishers
 Electrical Hi/Lo Voltage safety
 Process safety Management
 Construction fall protection
 Blood borne Pathogens
 Benzene Awareness

Safety officer
2017 - 2021 : Lutech Engineering Limited
18th Street Sinker Amir Building
First Floor, Monrovia Liberia.


 Conducting Safety Meetings for site workers daily.

 Preparing and Implementing tools and Equipments checklist
 Preparing work permits or work order.
 Preparing Health and safety budget annually.
 Preparing and implementation of personal protective Equipment (PPE) checklist / Audit
 Conducting safety Induction for Newly contractor or Employee
 Excellent in making weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually.
 Excellent in monitoring worker while on job or site.
 Excellent in conducting investigation on Accident Incident, reporting determining the causes
and preventive measures.
 Administering first Aid and preparing checklist for all Drugs.
 Carrying on risk Assessment for all job,

2016 – 2017 : Mechanic /Safety officer

Lofa Mineral Water Factory
Kakata city Margibi County

 Monitoring and maintaining all generators
 Monitoring the safety aspect of the facility
 Advice Employee of their safety at work ( safety meeting ).

1. James k. Clement.
Engine instructor, Booker Washington Institute BWI
Cell # 0770381908
Kakata City, Margibi County
2. Rumi Peter Okonji
Safety Manager
Lutech Engineering Limited
Cell # 0770186660
3. Joe Cyrous Moore Dennis
Truck Mechanic , ArceloMittal Liberia
Cell # 0776504084/0886784403
Sanniquellie Nimba County

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