A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
By Brian Clowes, Ph.D.
Foreword by
Rev. Frank Papa, S.O.L.T., J.C.D.
Introduction by
Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula, J.D., S.T.D.
ISBN: 978-1-55922-058-3
1. Married couples, HIV and condoms.............................. 1
2. The birth control pill for acne......................................... 4
3. Contraception to alleviate overpopulation...................... 5
4. Why doesn’t the Church change its teachings
on contraception?......................................................... 9
5. Promoting contraception to reduce abortion................ 11
6. Depo-Provera — Abortifacient or contraceptive?.......... 16
7. Sterilization to protect the mother’s health................... 18
8. Sterilization in the later years........................................ 22
9. Conscience and contraception...................................... 25
10. Contraception for teens “doing it anyway”................. 30
11. Natural Family Planning and a drunken husband....... 32
12. The “morning-after pill” and rape............................... 34
13. “Imposing my values” regarding contraception........... 35
14. Natural Family Planning as “Catholic birth control”.. 36
15. Contraception and the very poor family..................... 39
16. Fatal birth defects and abortion.................................. 42
17. Rape, incest and abortion........................................... 44
18. Young girls and secret abortions................................. 47
19. Unrepentant abortion and Holy Communion............ 50
20. Should only women speak about abortion?................. 53
21. “Thousands of women” dying of illegal abortions....... 55
22. Ectopic pregnancy, abortion, and the “double effect”.. 58
iv Pro-Life Handbook
1. Married couples, HIV and condoms
A married couple in my parish came to me for coun‑
seling. He is HIV positive; she is not. In this very
special case, may I counsel them to use condoms?
From a purely scientific viewpoint, condoms are a
dismal failure — not only at preventing pregnancy, but
also at stopping the transmission of HIV. In fact, HIV/
AIDS rates are highest precisely in nations where con-
doms are used the most.1
One study followed a number of couples where the
husband was HIV positive, the wife did not have HIV,
and they used condoms faithfully every time they had
sexual relations. After only eighteen months, thirty
percent of the wives were HIV positive!2
A summary of studies by the “family planner’s
bible,” Contraceptive Technology, showed that, of
more than 25,000 condoms, one in twelve suffered
a catastrophic failure: tearing, breaking, or slipping
off.3 This means that condoms actually help pro-
mote — not prevent — the widespread transmission
2 A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
Table 1
First‑Year Pregnancy Rates for Women Using
Various Methods of Birth RegulationA
Method User
Method Used Failure Failure
Rate Rate
True Contraceptives
No Method Used 85% 85%
Spermicides Only B
18% 29%
Withdrawal 4% 27%
Cervical Cap with Spermicide
Women with Previous Children 26% 32%
Women with No Previous Children 9% 16%
Contraceptive Sponge
Women with Previous Children 20% 32%
Women with No Previous Children 9% 16%
Diaphragm with Spermicide 6% 16%
Contraception 15
5. Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Humanae Vitae (¶14), July 25, 1968;
and Pope Pius XII, “Allocution to Midwives,” (¶27), October
29, 1951.
See Chapter 3 in The Facts of Life on Human Life Internation-
al’s Pro-Life CD Library, “Health Exceptions for Abortion,”
for a more detailed theological and scientific explanation of
the “double effect” and of rape, incest, eugenics and mother’s
health exceptions for abortion.
this study, her conscience tells her that she can use
birth control in good faith. I know that the Catho‑
lic Church teaches that contraception is mortally
sinful, but why is it wrong?
The Catholic Church teaches that certain actions
are “intrinsically evil.” This means that no man-made
(or even Church-made) law can make them moral, and
no government, organization or person can proclaim
such actions to be “good,” no matter how many com-
plicated rationalizations they might offer. Indulging
in evil, even allegedly in the service of the good, always
leads to more evil, and is illicit.
Those who claim that their “conscience” allows
them to do something sinful completely misunder-
stand the role of the human conscience, which is to
witness to the moral law, not to be the source of mo-
rality. In other words, the conscience is a pupil, not
a teacher. People who use “conscience” to justify an
intrinsically evil act are saying in essence non serviam,
or “I will not serve.”
Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Archdiocese of
Denver clearly outlined the role of conscience in his
1998 pastoral letter Of Human Life:
from sex and avoid all of the terrible worries and prob-
lems that accompany premarital sexual activity.
If we expect little of our young people, then that is
what they will give us. If we expect much of them, they
will give us much.
Parents have more influence on their children than
religion, their friends, or school. Unfortunately, in to-
day’s world, parents often give their children bad exam-
ple. As a rule, contracepting parents beget fornicating
The Catholic Church is suffering from the impacts
of an uncatechized generation, and we must win our
children back from a world whose paramount message
is, “If it feels good, do it.” This huge task may very well
take a generation or more, but are not the souls of mil-
lions worth the trouble? We must never despair.
A practical, rather than a religious, appeal usually
works best with teenagers because many of them really
think that they can enjoy life now and worry about
religion and the disposition of their souls decades later
in their lives.
The best way to reach young people is to train oth-
er young people in chastity, and then have them teach
their friends at seminars and other events.
One effective way of turning young people away
from premarital sex, abortion and contraception is to
show them how engaging in such activities clutters up
their minds with burdensome and oppressive worries.
32 A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
16. Fatal birth defects and abortion
A couple in my parish disclosed to me that they had
prenatal testing and found that their unborn child
is a boy with Trisomy 18. This means that he will
die shortly after birth. Would it be allowable for the
wife to have an abortion in this most extreme case,
rather than bring a baby to birth who is only go‑
ing to die hours later anyway, and cause his family
much pain and suffering?
Without question this is a tragic and extreme case.
However, we must not let our emotions run away
with us. As Catholics, we believe that the unborn child
is a human being regardless of his or her physical or
mental condition. And we also believe that having a
handicap — even a serious handicap — does not make
a human being any less human regardless of his or her
physical or mental condition. This means that abor-
tion for birth defects, or eugenics, can never be justi-
fied. When a couple finds out that their child will be
handicapped, this naturally produces a sense of loss or
Abortion 43
for abortion rights. After all, it was seven old men who
imposed abortion on demand on the United States,
and we did not hear feminists reject the ruling!
Feminists often use the tired phrase, “If men could
get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” In oth-
er words, since men can’t get pregnant, they should not
be allowed to speak about matters involving pregnancy.
So let us take this grossly flawed “logic” a bit fur-
• Only South African blacks should have been able
to speak out about apartheid, because only they
were adversely affected by it.
• Only Jews should be allowed to speak out about
the Holocaust, Nazis, and anti‑Semitism, because
only they are directly affected by it.
• Only men should be allowed to talk about major
league baseball, football, and basketball, because
only they are directly involved in playing the games.
• Only people on death row, and their immediate
relatives, should speak about capital punishment,
because only they are directly affected by the death
• Since only men fight in wars, only men should be
allowed to hold an opinion on it (if the pro-abor-
tionist asserts that women die in wars as well, tell
them that half of those who die in abortions are
little unborn women).
Abortion 55
For those priests who would like to speak out on different as-
pects of sexual morality, here are two good resources: (1) The
Priests for Life Web site at www.priestsforlife.org and (2) The
pamphlet by Father Daniel McCaffrey and Father Matthew
Habiger entitled “Getting Beyond ‘I Can’t,’” available from
One More Soul at www.OMSoul.com.
End of Life Issues 71
to accept life gratefully and preserve it for His honor and the
salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life
God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.” Also see:
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Declaration on
Euthanasia, May 5, 1980. The complete texts of the Catechism
and the Declaration on Euthanasia are on Human Life Interna-
tional’s Pro-Life CD Library.
Chapter 4
31. Blessing their union?
Since long before I arrived at this parish, two male
parishioners have been living together as a married
couple. To tell the truth, they are a better model
for matrimony than many of the man‑woman mar‑
riages in my parish, since they are totally committed
to each other and very generously support the par‑
ish. May I privately bless their union and encourage
them in their faithfulness?
God ordained the sacrament of Matrimony — and,
by implication, sexual relationships — to be between
a man and a woman only. The Church teaches that
homosexual and polygamous relationships are intrin-
sically disordered, and for good reason. Marriage is
meant to be unitive, procreative and exclusive.
Some may point to the sorry state of marriage in
the world today. In many Western nations, about one
in two marriages occurring today will end in divorce.
People say that homosexual “marriage” will not further
degrade an institution that is in such poor condition.
82 A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
32. Sinfulness
Since God made us the way we are, why does the
Church consider a homosexual orientation to be
To begin with, the Catholic Church has never
taught that a homosexual orientation is sinful. The
Church teaches that a homosexual orientation is “dis-
ordered.” The Church treats a homosexual inclination
as a tendency towards a particular type of sin, just as a
kleptomaniac might be tempted to steal.
If a kleptomaniac felt a strong inclination to steal
from a department store but resisted his temptations,
he would not be guilty of sin, but would be worthy of
praise for his resistance to sin. In the same manner, a
person with same-sex attraction who does not give in
to his or her urges is worthy of respect and admiration.
We often hear from homosexual activists that they
were “born that way.” They quote several studies in
support of this view, although all of the studies are
fatally flawed. Civil rights legislation favoring homo-
sexuals is based upon the idea that they were “born that
way” and cannot change. Homophiles often compare
sexual orientation to left-handedness, and give it about
as much moral weight.
However, if we think about it for a minute, the
question of whether or not people are born homosexu-
al is actually completely irrelevant.
Homosexuality 85
* See also: Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. The Social
Agenda: A Collection of Magisterial Texts. Article Three, “The
Family,” ¶84-92. The full text of this document is on Human
Life International’s Pro-Life CD Library.
Chapter 6