Cod Wars
Cod Wars
Cod Wars
The year is 1976, the height of the Third Cod War. You are a crew of fishermen from the northern fishing town of
Grimsby. Despite Iceland’s expansion of its territorial waters, Britain still needs it’s fish and chips, and won’t take no for
an answer. You must take your trawler out into disputed waters and bring back as many fish as you can. But beware,
the Icelandic Coast Guard are on patrol and will use all methods at their disposal to stop you.
Ship and Crew
The players should decide on their names and a name for their trawler. They also need to decide on a role from the
table below, or roll a D6 to be assigned one. Each role has specific skills.
1 - A coast guard vessel attempts to cut your fishing net 2 - A storm hits.
3 - A coast guard vessel attempts to jam your propeller 4 - Two coast guard vessels attempt to box you in and
by feeding rope into it. escort you away.
5 - A coast guard vessel attempts to board your ship and 6 - A coast guard vessel attempts to ram you.
arrest the crew.
9 - A Icelandic gunboat is firing at you. Some shots are 10 - A big catch is threatening to break your nets.
blanks, some aren’t.
You may also call upon the aid of Royal Navy Frigates. Once per encounter, you can roll a D6 and attempt to radio for
assistance. On a 6 they are nearby and able to assist you. If a crew member is a Radio Operator, you also succeed on a 5.
Every time you make an action where the FM believes the results are not certain, you must roll a D6. On a 4+, the
action succeeds, otherwise it fails. If you have a skill related to the action you are trying to perform, you instead
succeed on a 3+.