8.31 Taylor, Spatial and Temporal Analogies
8.31 Taylor, Spatial and Temporal Analogies
8.31 Taylor, Spatial and Temporal Analogies
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or less rapidly than usual, and the latter the thought of all things
in space becoming larger or smaller, or at greater or lesser dis-
tances from each other.
I conclude, then, that if time moves, all time moves together,
just as, if space expands or contracts, it all does so together; but
that in fact neither supposition is intelligible, and space and time
are in this respect, again, alike.'3
Fifth objection.-While time may not then in any clear sense
be moving, yet everything in time moves from the future through
the present and on into the past.'4
It is for this reason that, though things need not always be
moving in space, nothing can pause or rest in time, but becomes
past immediately upon having been present, and then becomes in-
creasingly remote in the past. It is with this in mind that we
speak of history unfolding, and of facing the future and leaving
the past ever farther behind us. Such ways of speaking are too
common and useful to be thought to express no truth at all.
Reply.-It makes little difference whether one says that time
moves, or that things move in time, and we have already considered
the former suggestion. The following additional comments can,
however, be made.
All that is meant in saying that anything or everything "moves
in time Y'in this sense is that it has temporal extension 15; that it
"moves" from the future through the present and into the past
means simply that some of its temporal parts are earlier than others
-which of course must be true in any case, if we are to avoid the
idea that two times might coincide. Nor is everything moving,
even in this sense, in the direction of the future; we cannot say of
things past, for instance, that they are so moving, any more than
we can say of something south of us-say, some southern state-
that it here stretches towards the north. Of course of things past
we can say that they were first future, then present, then became
past; but this again says only that they have temporal extension,
and that they do not extend to the temporal present, i.e., do not
reach to "here" in time. The analogy to this is not something
13 Much more thoroughgoing arguments than mine on this point are to be
found in Goodman, op. cit., concluding chapter, and Williams, op. cit., pp.
461 if.
14John Wild, in addition to holding (I believe) that time "flows every-
where at a constant rate," holds also that everything in time flows at a constant
rate, for he says that "time . . . determines every being in time to flow with
it in a single direction at a constant rate" (ibid., italics supplied).
15 Cf. Williams, op. cit., p. 463: "Each of us proceeds through time only
as a fence proceeds across a farm: that is, parts of our being, and the fence's,
occupy successive instants and points, respectively."
to destroy utterly the thought that it is one and the same thing
throughout. It is not uncommon, for instance, to speak of the same
sound, like the blast of a whistle, being heard several times over,
but we are never tempted to say that the same object, like a billiard
ball, is lying about in various parts of a room; we prefer to say that
they are different, similar objects, for no other reason than that
they are spatially discrete.
Seventh objection.-A thing can move back and forth in space,
though it cannot do so in time.'7
That things move back and forth in space, reoccupying the
places where they were, is, again, a common fact of experience;
but it is difficult to see how anything could move back and forth
in time, reoccupying a time now past, without moving backwards
in time, and thus being in two times at once.
Reply.-To speak of a thing "moving backwards'" in time is but
a misleading way of expressing the idea that, at times future to
now, the thing occupies times past, which is plainly impossible but
not very profound.18 For in this sense it is equally impossible for
a thing to move backwards in space-e.g., at a place north of here,
to occupy a place south.
The real difficulty raised by this objection, however, is that of
seeing how, if at all, it is possible for anything to move back and
forth in time in a sense which is analogous to that in which things
do most obviously move back and forth in space. But if the an-
alogy is really carried out at every point, it can be seen that it
does still hold for temporal as well as spatial relations.
An object that moves back and forth in space is one which is
at one place at one time, at another place at another time, and in
the first place at a third time, without occupying any two such
places at once, i.e., without being so large that it fills both. As-
sume, then, a small ball which is in one town at noon, in another
town at 1:00 o'clock, and back in the first town at 2:00 o'clock.
Now it is obvious that one condition of its thus moving back and
forth is that it has a considerable temporal length, long enough to
reach from the first through the last of the times mentioned; if it
did not extend to 2:00 o'clock, it might get to the neighboring town
but it would not get back. (We might say that "there would not
be time enough," but this is not right. It is not that time would
run out, but that the object would run out in time.)
Having temporal extension, such an object also has temporal
parts. It will be useful, then, to distinguish three such parts, oc-
cupying the times when the object is in either of the two towns;
17 Cf. Goodman, ibid.
18 Cf. Williams, ibid.
The first is, that it would not be strange for people in all three
towns to say they heard the same blast. A philosopher might want
to argue that they heard three different sounds, in view of their
differences in pitch and the difference in their spatial and temporal
locations; but there would then be the same reason for saying, as
one ordinarily would not, that it was three different balls which
were involved in our first example. Differences of color and pitch,
moreover, were introduced only to make it easier to distinguish be-
tween parts, and are otherwise quite unessential.
Secondly, the latter example might seem to involve no real tem-
poral movement, though there is no doubt that the ball in the first
example moves in space. But the fact that the ball is spatially in
linear motion is expressed by this statement: that it is spatially
quite small but temporally large-i.e., is a small ball that lasts
quite awhile-and that over an interval of time it occupies a space
greater than its own spatial dimension. But we find, analogously,
that the following statement is true of the object in our second ex-
ample: that it is temporally quite small and spatially large-i.e., is
a brief blast which covers a large area-but that over an interval
of space it occupies a time greater than its own temporal dimen-
sion. And this statement can, accordingly, be taken as expressing
the fact that this object moves-indeed, in this case, moves back
and forth-in time.