Comparative and General Antioxidant Information
Comparative and General Antioxidant Information
Comparative and General Antioxidant Information
Summer 2001 Takes you into the Heart of a Giant Resource Volume 19 Number 2
by Aruna Prakash, PhD
Prior et al. (3) have used the Oxygen Radical An easier way to present antioxidant activity of
Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) procedure to foods would be to reference a common reference
determine antioxidant capacities of fruits and standard. One common reference standard,
vegetables. In the ORAC method, a sample is (S)-(-)-6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-
added to the peroxyl radical generator, 2,2’- carboxylic acid, also known as Trolox, serves as
azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride such a common reference standard.
(AAPH) and inhibition of the free radical action is
measured (4) using the fluorescent compound, B-
phycoerythrin or R-phycoerythrin. THE DPPH METHOD
Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds constitute A simple method that has been developed to
the main class of natural antioxidants present in determine the antioxidant activity of foods utilizes
plants, foods, and beverages and are usually the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
quantified employing Folin’s reagent. Vinson et radical. The structure of DPPH and its reduction by
al. (5) have measured phenolics in fruits and an antioxidant are shown above. The odd electron
vegetables colorimetrically using the Folin- in the DPPH free radical gives a strong absorption
Ciocalteu reagent and determined the fruit and maximum at 517 nm and is purple in color. The
vegetable’s antioxidant capacity by inhibition of color turns from purple to yellow as the molar
absorptivity of the DPPH radical at 517 nm reduces (TE) per 100 gm of sample or Trolox units per 100
from 9660 to 1640 when the odd electron of DPPH gm.
radical becomes paired with a hydrogen from a free
radical scavenging antioxidant to form the reduced A difference between this method and other
DPPH-H. The resulting decolorization is published methods is carrying out the reaction of
stoichiometric with respect to number of electrons the sample itself with DPPH in methanol/water.
captured. Reacting an aqueous-methanolic DPPH solution
with the sample for 4 hours at 35 °C facilitates the
Antioxidant compounds may be water-soluble extraction of antioxidant compounds from the
lipid-soluble, insoluble, or bound to cell walls. sample thereby increasing the measured
Hence, extraction efficiency is an important factor antioxidant activity of the sample. Determination
in quantification of antioxidant activity of foods. of antioxidant activity of various types of foods
Trolox (as the reference standard) and the sample using DPPH is comparable to other methods. It is
are reacted with DPPH solution in methanol/water probable each of these methods measure a
for four hours at 35°C in a vessel mounted on a somewhat different profile of antioxidant
rotary shaker and the absorbance changes are compounds. Antioxidant analysis by other
measured at 517 nm. The quantity of sample published methods is limited to those compounds
necessary to react with one half of the DPPH is soluble in the selected solvent. Antioxidant
expressed in terms of the relative amount of activity of insoluble compounds was not
Trolox reacted. Antioxidant activity of a sample is accounted in a single extraction method.
expressed in terms of micromole equivalents of Extraction techniques using different solvents and
Trolox (TE) per 100 grams of sample, or simply concentrating the solvent is time consuming. In
this method, DPPH is allowed to react with the
whole sample. Sufficient time allows DPPH to
react slowly with weak antioxidants.
FOOD (TE/100 Grams)
Spinach 500
Raisins 5900
____ “Food Safety from a Chemistry Perspective-Is There a Role for HACCP?”
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