Data Types Refer To An Extensive System Used For Declaring Variables or Functions of Different Types
Data Types Refer To An Extensive System Used For Declaring Variables or Functions of Different Types
Data Types Refer To An Extensive System Used For Declaring Variables or Functions of Different Types
It was
designed and written by a man named Dennis Ritchie
*a computer program is just a collection of the instructions necessary to solve a specific problem
*main() It is the user-defined function and every function has one main() function from where the
actual program is started and it is enclosed within the pair of curly braces. The main( ) function can
be anywhere in the program but in general practice, it is placed in the first position.
*Character set A character denotes any alphabet, digit, or special symbol used to represent
information. Valid alphabets, numbers, and special symbols allowed in C are
The alphabets, numbers, and special symbols when properly combined form constants, variables,
and keywords.
* Identifiers are user-defined words used to name entities like variables, arrays, functions,
structures, etc.
*Keyword-There are certain words reserved for doing a specific task, these words are known as
reserved words or keywords. These words are predefined and always written in lower case or small
*Data types refer to an extensive system used for declaring variables or functions of different types
before its use.Ex- of {basic built-in data types}: int, float, double, char
*Constant is any value that cannot be changed during program execution. In C, any number, single
character, or character string is known as a constant. A constant is an entity that doesn’t change
whereas a variable is an entity that may change.
*Variable is a data name that is used to store some data value or symbolic names for storing
program computations and results. The value of the variable can be changed during the execution.
2. Assignment Operator-A value can be stored in a variable with the use of an assignment operator.
The assignment operator(=) is used in an assignment statement and assignment expression.
Operand on the left-hand side should be variable and the operand on the right-hand side should be
variable or constant or any expression. When variable on the left-hand side occurs on the right-hand
side then we can avoid it by writing the compound statement.
For example,
int x= y;
int Sum=x+y+z;
3. Increment and Decrement++, --, is used as increment and decrement which acts upon a single
operand. The increment operator increases the value of the variable by one. Similarly, the
decrement operator decreases the value of the variable by one.
4.Relational Operator -It is use to compared value of two expressions depending on their relation.
Expression that contain relational operator is called relational expression. Here the value is assign
according to true or false value. a.(a>=b) || (b>20) b.(b>a) && (e>b)
5. Conditional Operatorexp1- SYNTAX- exp1? exp2 :exp3 Here exp1 is first evaluated. It is true then
value return will be exp2 . If false then exp3. EXAMPLE
void main()
6. Bitwise Operator -Bitwise operators permit programmers to access and manipulate data at the bit
one's complement (~); bitwise AND (&) ;bitwise OR (|); bitwise XOR (^) ;left shift (<<);right shift(>>)
7. Logical or Boolean Operator Operator used with one or more operand and return either value
zero (for false) or one (for true).
*Loops in C-it is a block of statements that performs a set of instructions. In loops Repeating a
particular portion of the program either a specified number of times or until a particular no of the
conditions is being satisfied. There are three types of loops in C.
1. While loop(when we want to do something a fixed no of times but not known about the number
of iteration, in a program then while loop is used. Here the first condition is checked if, it is the true
body of the loop is executed else If the condition is false control will become out of the loop)
Output: Welcome to C
Welcome to C
Welcome to C
Welcome to C
Welcome to C
So as long as the condition remains true statements within the body of the while loop will get
executed repeatedly.
2)do-while loop
This (do-while loop) statement is also used for looping. The body of this loop may contain a single
statement or block of statement. The syntax for writing this statement is:
void main()
int X=4;
Printf(“ ”);
Output: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
**There is a minor difference between the “while” and ”do while” loop, while loop test the
condition before executing any of the statements of the loop. Whereas doing while loop test
condition after having executed the statement at least once within the loop.
advance. The body of the loop can be a single statement or multiple statements. Its
Here exp1 is an initialization expression, exp2 is test expression or condition and exp3 is an update
expression. Expression 1 is executed only once when the loop started and is used to initialize the
loop variables.
void main()
int i;
for(i=1;i<10;i++) {
Printf(“ %d ”, i);
Output:-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
*Nesting of loop-When a loop is written inside the body of another loop then, it is known as nesting
loop. Any type of loop can be nested in any type such as while, do-while, for. For
void main()
int i,j;
for(j=0;j<5; j++)
Output: i=0
j=0 1 2 3 4
j=0 1 2 3 4
*Break statement(break)- Sometimes it becomes necessary to come out of the loop even before the
loop condition becomes false then a break statement is used. It causes an immediate exit from that
loop in which it appears and it is generally written with the condition. It is written with the keyword
as break
When the break is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the
first statement after the loop. This break statement is usually associated with if
Example :
void main()
int j=0;
*Continue statement (keyword continue)- is used for continuing next iteration of loop after skipping
some statement of the loop. When it is encountered control automatically passes through the
beginning of the loop. It is usually associated with the if statement. It is useful when we want to
continue the program without executing any part of the program.
**The difference between break and continue is when the break encountered loop is terminated
and its transfers to the next statement and when to continue is encounter control come back to the
beginning position
void main()
int n;
printf(“%d”, n);
*if statement-Statement execute set of command like when the condition is true and its syntax is
If (condition)
The statement is executed only when the condition is true. If the if statement body is
consists of several statements then better to use pair of curly braces. Here in case
the condition is false then the compiler skips the line within the if block.
void main()
int n;
If (n>10)
Enter a number:12
Number is greater
it is a bidirectional conditional control statement that contains one condition & two
possible action. The condition may be true or false, where non-zero value is regarded as
true & zero value regarded as false. If conditions are satisfied true, then a single or
if (condition)
Else statement cannot be used without if or no multiple else statement is allowed within one if
*Nesting of if …else-
Syntax is :-
if (condition)
If (condition)
*If….else LADDER
In this type of nesting, there is an if-else statement in every else part except the last
part. If a condition is false control pass to block where the condition is again checked
Syntax is :-
if (condition)
else if (condition)
else if (condition)
This process continues until there is no if statement in the last block. if one of the
condition is satisfied the condition other nested “else if” would not execute.
The array is the collection of similar data types or the collection of similar entities stored in
contiguous memory locations. An array of characters is a string. Each data item of an
array is called an element. And each element is unique and located in a separated
memory location. Each element of an array share a variable but each element
subscripts determine its dimension. And a number of the subscripts is always started with
zero. One dimensional array is known as vector and two-dimensional arrays are
known as matrix.
ADVANTAGES: array variable can store more than one value at a time where
int arr[100];
After declaration element of the local array has a garbage value. If it is a global or static
initialized that
in ar[5]={20,60,90, 100,120}