Unit Plan-May2021
Unit Plan-May2021
Unit Plan-May2021
Subject group and discipline: Design (design, digital design, product design) Unit duration: about 20 hours
Unit title: Designing to create a sense of belonging
Summative assessment
The student produces an ePortfolio, which follows the design cycle to develop a solution (or range of solutions), that ensures all members of a
community feel included.
Suggested solutions may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas:
A design product for someone joining a new sport or taking part in a new club activity
A welcome to someone joining a community, neighbourhood, or new job
An activity or game for someone joining a virtual community
A promotional video for summer break activities
A welcome package for students starting a new summer volunteer role
MYP Design May 2021
Photographic (including screenshots)
Video (including screencasts)
Criterion D Within Criterion D the student will:
i. Design detailed and relevant testing methods that generate data in design authentic tests for the solution
order to measure the success of the solution. use the design specification to critically evaluate the success of the
ii. Critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design solution
specification. explain how they could improve the product
iii. Explain how the solution could be improved. explain the impact the product has made on the selected
iv. Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience. client/target audience.
The following resources based on the global context are suggestions or starting points that may be used during the teaching of the unit. The list is
optional and for information. It is neither prescribed nor exhaustive. Schools should always satisfy themselves that the content of any suggested resource
is suitable for their own context.
Blog, How to make inviting and attractive public spaces? A top 10.
Blog, Public Spaces: 10 principles for connecting people and the streets
Neighbourhood events
Article, How a new design process helps communities create their own health programs