Equipping Leaders
Equipping Leaders
Equipping Leaders
Practically Speaking
Dr. John Jackson for Rev. Magazine
© 2006
Effective leaders do four things: they cast vision, they create environments, they
develop systems, and they equip leaders. Of all these things, equipping leaders has got to
be the most difficult! But, over time and with lots of blood and sweat, I’ve learned a few
things I think might be worth your consideration. In my ministry as a pastor, writer,
and speaker, I’m most often asked about developing other leaders (see
www.pastorpreneur.com for additional resources). How do you grow people to spiritual
maturity and maximum Kingdom impact? How can we develop our leadership team to
our greatest potential? In my experience, there are 5 specific practices that produce
positive benefits:
Life on Life. I know of no other way to sow into a life other than doing life together.
Sharing your life with those you lead will involve formal and informal times together.
The journey is a combination of parenting, dating, marriage, and team sports! By the
way…EVERY time I’ve had a leadership failure on my teams, it is due (at least in part)
to the fact that we didn’t stay connected “life on life”
Training. One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for training is “to make narrow”.
Specific skill training helps to provide skills and strategic understandings. Since vision is
always more “caught” than “taught”, the process of training often provides great vision
refining moments.
Leadership Development. Both Jim Collins and John Maxwell talk about “levels” of
leadership. My experience suggests that we must teach people that leadership is a
process, NOT an event. Helping people to see their leadership potential unfold over time
is part of the process of effective equipping. We are working hard in our own church to
provide “first serve” opportunities in every ministry and to cultivate “high capacity”
leaders who can effectively lead other leaders.
Effective leaders equip leaders. The fruit of that ministry produces a ripple effect that
reaches the shores of heaven. The Apostle Paul was clear about that in 1 Thessalonians
2:19-20 when he wrote, “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will
glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our
glory and joy”. At our church, we say “Changed Lives are Our Business”. We’ve
learned over time that equipping leaders is a core technology that is at the heart of our